Copyrighted Material
Index Adams, Jonathan 9 139–41, 148, 164, 166, 170, 172, 174, Afghanistan 67, 190, 248, 260 177, 182–3, 193, 196, 201, 202, 204, Africa 160, 218, 242; PRC trade and 228–9, 234, 260–267; Beiping 183–4; investment 251 Forbidden City xii, 87, 136, 139, 141, agriculture 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 45–6, 49, 164–5, 183, 195, 205, 227; Great Hall of 55–6, 59, 63, 66, 100, 110, 116, 117, the People 262, 263; Imperial City 59; 118, 121, 123, 126, 138, 149, 161, 173, Legation Quarter 87; Lugouqiao/Marco 175, 210, 214–16, 223, 225, 227, 237, Polo Bridge 198; Olympics at, 7, 11, 15; 252, 268–9; corn and new crops 49, 50 Qianmen 205; stock market 258; Temple Ai Weiwei 12 of Heaven 139; Tiananmen 87; Yihe dian Alcock, Rutherford 83, 89 (Haidian) Summer Palace 123, 138; Amherst, William Pitt 70–1, 78 Zhongnanhai 227 anarchism 161–2, 186, 223 Beiyang Intendancy 118, 122–4, 133–54, Anhui province 50, 100, 105, 112, 116, 158, 163–5, 166, 172, 181–3, 186, 117, 121, 122, 164, 199, 225–226; Anhui 190, 194 clique 182; Anqing 100, 122; Anhui Belgium 86, 211; legation in Beijing 87 army (Huaijun) 112, 122 Bethune, Norman 203, 217 Arrow War (Second Opium War) xv, Bianco, Lucien 15, 17 83, 113 Biographies from Our Nation’s Female Australia 80, 102, 211, 267; Sydney 158 World 99 Austro-Hungary 86, 139 Bo Gu 187, 188 COPYRIGHTEDBorodin, MATERIAL Mikhail 168, 170, 171, 172 Babojab 164 Boxers or Boxer Rebellion xv, 10, 138–40, Bai Omar Chongxi 184 147, 164 Banchen Lama 35, 38, 48, 151, 224 Braun, Otto 188 Bangladesh 45, 251 Britain xiii, xv, xvii, 39–40, 59, 61, 62, Bao
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