Case Studies of Three Salmon and Steelhead Stocks in Oregon and Washington, Including Population Status, Threats, and Monitoring Recommendations
HOW HEALTHY ARE HEALTHY STOCKS? Case Studies of Three Salmon and Steelhead Stocks in Oregon and Washington, including Population Status, Threats, and Monitoring Recommendations Prepared for the Native Fish Society April 2001 How Healthy Are Healthy Stocks? Case Studies of Three Salmon and Steelhead Stocks in Oregon and Washington, including Population Status, Threats, and Monitoring Recommendations Prepared for: Bill Bakke, Director Native Fish Society P.O. Box 19570 Portland, Oregon 97280 Prepared by: Peter Bahls, Senior Fish Biologist David Evans and Associates, Inc. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 Sponsored by the Native Fish Society and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. April 2001 Please cite this document as follows: Bahls, P. 2001. How healthy are healthy stocks? Case studies of three salmon and steelhead stocks in Oregon and Washington, including population status, threats, and monitoring recommendations. David Evans and Associates, Inc. Report. Portland, Oregon, USA. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Three salmon stocks were chosen for case studies in Oregon and Washington that were previously identified as “healthy” in a coast-wide assessment of stock status (Huntington et al. 1996): fall chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of the Wilson River, summer steelhead (O. mykiss) of the Middle Fork John Day (MFJD) River, and winter steelhead (O. mykiss) of the Sol Duc River. The purpose of the study was to examine with a finer focus the status of these three stocks and the array of human influences that affect them. The best available information was used, some of which has become available since the 1996 assessment of healthy stocks was conducted. Recommendations for monitoring were developed to address priority data gaps and most pressing threats to the species.
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