Barony of Arn Hold • Kingdom of Artemisia Volume 37 • Issue 1 • March 2019

Who’s Who of History In This Issue: Neidhart von Reuental (: Nîthart von Riuwental; also  The Tale of Gregory Her Nîthart; possibly born c. 1190 – died after 1236 or 1237)[1] was one of the  Event Announcements most famous German minnesingers. He was probably active in the Duchy of  From the Archives and then is known to have been a singer at the court of Duke Frederick  Help Wanted II of in . As a minnesinger he was most active from 1210 to at  Guild Listings least 1236. Neidhart is very well known for being rather sarcastic and comical.  Baronial Officers More melodies survive by him than from any other minnesinger.  Legal Stuff

Neidhart's poetry was handed down by the Codex Buranus and other medieval song manuscripts (Liederhandschriften) such as the . His songs about the dreary rural life often stand in harsh contrast to the normal minne- singer topic, courtly or romantic love. His style has been referred to as Höfische Dorfpoesie (courtly village-poetry) by philologist Karl Lachmann (1793–1851) and was often imitated by composers called pseudo-Neidharts. Probably his best-known song is Meienzît (May Time) in which Neidhart starts by describing a peaceful spring scenario but quickly comes to insulting his foes (and several friends and allies who betrayed him). Perpetuated as Neithart Fuchs by later generations, he remained a popular character well into the early modern period; several farces based on his life and poetry are among the oldest profane dramas in Germany. [Source:]

Image: Neidhart portrayed in the Codex Manesse, about 1300 Source: File:Codex_Manesse_Neidhart.jpg The Tale of Gregory

By Sir Balenor Blackmere

A year ago I was asked to create a Gryphon scroll for Sir Gregory de Bec. It was requested that it be a triptych, and that he likes the Romance of Alexander. Leaving the artwork to His Grace Morgan, I wrote a story about Sir Gregory to be put in the side panels. It was inspired by Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales. In fact, Chaucer seems to have put many of his words in the same order that I put mine…

Part I : Part II :

Shall we speke a storie of a man, Thanne to bataille did Gregory ryde,

He who we fynden rodden over the land. With al his hoost in arms bisyde.

When a lady in a gardyn he did se, His baner he displayth azure and or,

A fresshe beatuee in ech degree. With enemy bisecken mercy and succor.

She sayde yonge knight, my name is Heloys, Taken juste cause throughout the countree,

Ye mayest reste heere, as ye plese. What with hys wisdom and chivalrie.

He sayde lady I am not ybound as a knyght, Hys enemys weren pitous and so maat,

Though I wolde trouthe to ye my very lif. That whilom weren of greet estaat.

I not wher ye be woman or goddesse, He foughte and slough many, and set cause to ryt,

But Venus ye are smoothly as I gesse. In blody bataille, and putte folk to flyght.

I biknowe I have ne name or renoun, Al tho thyngs the Crown did see,

I am noght so gentil of condicioun. So They set forth Hir decree.

But I now yeve to thee mine ooth, Therewithal Gregory on knees down he fil,

That I wol go and attayne my worth. And sayde Majesties I am at Thy wil.

Whan I retourn I wol take thee as wyfe, Thanne for hys deeds Kyng and Queene did saye,

And we shal lyve the termes of our lyfe. Yonge Gregory, be a knyght this daye.

The Tale of Gregory

By Sir Balenor Blackmere

Part III : Part IV :

The Crown sayde Sir Gregory, if yow may dwelle, Thanne rode Gregory to hys hoom countree,

Ye may stille serve this Kyngdom wel. With muchel honor, and muchel glorie.

Putte awey thy spear, swerde and targe, Heloyse he founde, at sonne upriste,

And lat abacus and quille be thy charge. Awalk in the gardyn, and as hir liste.

Our Kyngdom coffers need putte to ryght, They embraced full ofte in many a gyse,

Ther is noon oother who can help but ye goode And it were all to longe for to devyse. knyght. The countree rejoiced at his hoom-comynge, So Gregory set out on hys newe aventure, And grete was the feste that was hir weddynge. Though this mester of reeve is faste to endure. This na end of the Gregory storie, He rood to al barony, shire, and canton, Ther are stille moore deeds, and moore glorie. And putte treasures in order, and right anon. Oft did Crown for hys council sente, This naturaly wolde holde na oother way, And did take heed of what he mente. Kyngdom and Gregory, in such array. In Hir roial gratitude, which is certeyn, This service doon, the Crown bade hym kneel Ther is perchance another award be yiven. agayn, For a lyfe of service Kyng and Queene did saye, For so worthy a servant has never been seyn. Gregory de Bec, be a Gryphon this daye. And for hys deeds, Kyng and Queen did saye,

Sir Gregory, be a Pelican this daye.

Photo by Sir Balenor Blackmere Arts, Arms, and Academia

From the folks that has brought you the Wurst, we now bring you the best! Come enjoy a day of artistic competition coupled with higher learning in the pulchritudinous Barony of Arn Hold. Their Excellencies will be hosting a competition for the new Arts & Sciences Champion of Arn Hold. The requirements for competing for Baronial Arts & Sciences champion are as follows: ▪ Must be a resident of the Barony of Arn Hold & current SCA member ▪ Three entries (up to four total) in two grand categories HE Agnes will have the online registration form available soon

The Baronial Polling to determine the 12th Baronage of Arn Hold will take place at the event. Posi- tive proof of active membership will be required to compare with the list of official residency.

In addition, Her Grace Clare is leading the charge to fill the hours with exceptional classes. Come experience why Arn Hold puts the ART in Artemisia and learn yet another cool thing you want to have time to do. Local chefs from the Barony will have a fundraiser Grab and Go lunch available so you may take your fill and keep on track.

Our fun activities will take place at Galileo STEM Academy, located at 4735 W. Saguaro Dr., Ea- gle, ID. Doors will open at 10 am, with everyone booted out for dinner by 7 pm. To get to Galileo from I-84, take Exit 46 and travel north on ID 55/Eagle Rd for 6.4 miles to ID 44/State St. Turn left (west) on State St. and travel 3.1 miles to Linder Rd. Turn right (north) on Linder Rd. and go 0.5 miles to Saguaro Dr. The school will be on your right. This public school is DRY and is a no to- bacco zone. It is ADA compliant, but no pets allowed (service animals excepted).

Make checks payable to “Barony of Arn Hold, SCA Inc.” $15 Adult Event Registration, $10 Adult Member Discount Registration. Minors are at no cost.

Event Steward: HE K. Braden von Sobernheim, OL, OP (Brad Wolf) [email protected] (208) 863-8206 (before 10 pm please) From the Archives

Revisiting Gems from Moose Calls of Days Past

Selected by Lady Cristina de Lagonissa

This month’s selection is a poem written by Avaris ibn-Hashasism al-Sorac, as published in

the March 1984 edition of the Moose Call.

Help Wanted

The following positions are open for bid. Please consider serving your Barony by filling one of them.

 Deputy Knight Marshal  Deputy Rapier Marshal  Deputy Listkeeper  Youth Activities Minister  Deputy Youth Activities Minister  Deputy Herald  Deputy Arts & Sciences Minister  Chatelaine  Deputy Chatelaine  Publicity & Demos Coordinator  Deputy Publicity & Demos Coordinator

For a printable/sync-able calendar of upcoming events please see the Baronial website and the Kingdom website

The baronial financial report may be accessed online at:

Guilds & Practices

Note: please subscribe to the Baronial email list for official communication about Guild meetings and activities. http://

Archery Practice: When: Friday evenings as scheduled Where: Nampa Bow Chiefs 222 W Railroad St, Nampa, ID 83687

Armored Combat Practice: When: Sundays 10:00 AM Wednesdays 6:00 PM Where: Kleiner Park, Meridian, ID

Brewers’ Guild: When: As scheduled Where: Please contact the guild head. Members must be at least 21 years of age. Please bring current ID to verify.

Clothier’s Guild: When: Currently on hiatus Where: In need of a location A group of individuals dedicated to the pursuit of historical fashion.

Dancing Guild: When: As desired Where: Please contact guild head

Equestrian Practice: When: Currently on hiatus. Where: Contact the Marshal for location. Rapier Practice: In concert with Armored Combat Practice Fletching Guild: When: Every other Thursday (with Casting Guild) Scribes’ Guild: Where: Wolf Haus—10271 W. Shiloh Dr., Boise When: Every other Tuesday A chance to complete your arrows for practice and replenish Where: Casa de Gomez, 4121 N. Creswell Way, Boise or repair those broken. Thrown Weapons: Musicians’ Guild: When: First and Third Mondays 6:30 pm (fifth Mondays for When: Monday evenings, 7:30 pm weapon construction) When: Weekly Where: Contact guild head for location. Where: Please contact guild heads

Baronial Officers

Baron & Baroness: Master Gomez de Santander and Lady Chronicler: Lady Christina de Lagonissa Merin du Bourbon [email protected] [email protected] Deputy: Lord Ambrose Norwich

Knight Marshal: Sir Balenor Blackmere Arts & Sciences Minister: HE Agnes of Whitby [email protected] [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant Deputy: position vacant.

Rapier Marshal: Master Gomez de Santander Universitatis: Position vacant [email protected] [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant Deputy: position vacant

Quartermaster: Maestro Killian Flynn MacThoy Archery Marshal: Lord Pieter van Zwolle [email protected] [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant Deputy: vacant Chatelaine: Position Vacant [email protected] Equestrian Marshal: vacant Deputy: Position vacant [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant Publicity & Demos: Maestro Killian Flynn MacThoy [email protected] Thrown Weapons Marshal: vacant Deputy: position vacant [email protected] Thank you for your service to the Barony! Deputy: vacant

If you are interested in any of the open positions, please Keeper of the Lists: Lady Christina de Lagonissa contact [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant

Webminister: Sir Balenor Blackmere [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant

Youth Activities: position vacant [email protected] Deputy: Position vacant

Seneschal: Lady Ailis [email protected] Deputy: Mistress Syeira Caminante

Exchequer: Duchess Esabell Grant [email protected] Deputy: Kelwin Ratslayer

Herald: Master K. Braden von Sobernheim [email protected] Deputy: position vacant

The Legal Bits

The deadline for submission is the 25th of each month for publication by the end of the month. All items submitted to the Moose Call for publication must be accompanied by a Release for Publication, except submissions by regular (or semi-regular) columnists. Items submitted will remain the property of the submitter, and will be returned as appropriate. The Moose Call reserves the right to publish sub- missions as space and time allow, and to edit for grammar and content if necessary. Submissions that are original works will be credited appropriately. Submissions that are not original works must credit the source in some fashion. Submissions may be mailed, emailed, or given to Moose Call staff. Please see the Officers Listing for mailing and email addresses. Please use the following guidelines when sub- mitting: Written: Written submissions are transcribed. When submitting, please print on plain white paper us- ing a minimum 12 point plain font. Drawings and hard-copy photos are scanned; please make sure they are as clean and clear as possible. Handwritten submissions are accepted, and should be as legible as possible. Email: Email submissions can either be contained in the body of the email message, or sent as a file attachment. File attachments should be plain text (.txt), rich text (.rtf) or Word document (.doc or .docx) format for text. Graphics and Photos should be saved as JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) or PNG (.png) as appropriate. Photo Policy: It is the responsibility of the photographer submitting photos for publication to obtain releases from the subjects in the photo. By submitting a photo for publication, the submitter affirms that they have and are giving permission to publish the photo, and that they have obtained all necessary re- leases from the subject(s).

Advertising rates: Single issue half page $5, full page, $10. Please contact the chronicler to enquire.

This is the March 2019 issue (Volume 37, Number 1) of the Moose Call, a publication of the Barony of Arn Hold of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). The Moose Call is available from the Barony of Arn Hold website at, and is edited by Lady Cristina de Lagonissa (Kristi Turner). You may contact the Chronicler via any of the methods listed under Chronicler in the officer directory in this publication. The Moose Call is not a corporate publica- tion of the SCA, and does not delineate SCA policies. For information on reprinting photographs, arti- cles, or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.