Subject Index*
SUBJECT INDEX* 1–2 Chronicles 31 Apocalypse of Abraham 73 2 Kings 31 apocrypha 228–229, 241–242 2 Maccabees 141 fn 44 Apollobex 98 4 Q Instruction 186–192 Apophis see Apep Abaoth 92 Apostolic Constitutions 77–78 Abihu 213, 215 Appian 258 Abraham 41, 42, 43, 44–45,112, 138 Apuleius fn 30, 140, 144, 147, 150, 259 Apology 90 Abram 41, 42, 116 Arabia 138 f 30, 148 Abrasax 104–105, 106 Aram 114, 122, 123, 125 Accad 147 Aramaic Levi Document 79, 243–255, 246 Achior 231, 233 fn 13, 247 fn 17–18 Adam the Forefather 93 dating 250 Adonai 88, 93 prayer 250 fn 25 Adriatic 115 Aramaic texts 90, 111–112, 135 Aegean 115 Aristobulus 152 Aeolians 124 fn 52 Ark 204–205 Aferag 137, 137 fn 27 Arpachshad 114, 116, 123, 129, 140 Africa 137 fn 27 Artapanus 144, 144 fn 57, 145 fn 58, agriculture 41, 150, 150 fn 80 60; 150, 152 Aion Iao 102 Artaxerxes 236–239, 240 Alexander 258 Ashur 138, 147 Alexander Jannaeus 171, 173 Asia Minor 129, 130, 131 Alps 137 fn 25 Asmodeus 234, 235 altars ass 93–95 private 201 Asshur 114, 123, 125, 129; see aslo Amana/Amanus 117, 117 fn 28, 121, Ashur 122, 129, 131 assimilation 133, 133 fn 3 Ambrosian Library 31 Assyria 147, 147 fn 71 Ambrosius 78 astrology 143, 145 amidah 165–166 Atlas 143 Ammonite 231 Azov Sea 115, 123, 137 fn 23; also amulets 49–74 known as Sea of Azoz rituals 58 Anatolia 124 fn 52 Babel 147, 147 fn 69 angels 50, 52, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 74, Tower of 41, 119 fn 36, 120, 121, 151, 234–235, 271, 279 128, 146, 147 fn 69 cherubim 52; language 65–66, Babylonia 144, 147 70–71; Balaam 16 Metatron 52 fn 13; aqadhoziy and
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