Orchid conservation in Xishuangbanna, : species diversity, assessing endangerment status and conservation prospects

Dr. JiangYun GAO 高江云 博士 研究员 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ex Situ Conservation & Reintroduction Group http://ecrg.groups.xtbg.cn/ Tel:0086 691 8716757 Email:[email protected]

The Next 50 Years (A Joint Meeting of ATBC and OTS) 24 June 2013, San Jose Location

Xishuangbanna is included in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots and contains over 5000 species of vascular , comprising 16 percent of China’s total diversity (Cao et al., 2006)

Xishuangbanna is one of the most orchid-rich areas in China The systematic field surveys on orchids was conducted by Prof. Tsi Zhanhuo. The project “on investigation of orchid resources in tropical southwestern China”, supported by the National Geographical Society of USA. Time period: 1988 to 1992

Field trips: 7 times

Orchidaceae: 335 species and 2 varities in 96 genera

Among them, 2 genera, 50 species are new to China, 190 species new to this region, and 21 species and one variety are endemic to Xishuangbanna. Tsi & Chen, 1995 Threats to orchids in Xishuangbanna Orchids are among the most threatened of all flowering plants: over-collection and habitat loss has taken many Land use change species towards extinction in the wild.


Nowadays, rubber monoculture plantations take up more than 20% of Xishuangbanna’s land area Over-collection

About 350 species (25%) of Chinese orchids are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 97 of which are Chinese endemics. More than 50% of the 78 (14 endemic) Chinese species of are used in TCM for varying health purposes. 22 species of the 44 Dendrobium are used in TCM in Xishuangbanna area. (Bao et al. 2001; Chen and Luo, 2003; Liu et al. 2013).

Large companies

Commercial cultivation of Dendrobium became a large industry and developed quickly in South China, especially in south including Xishuangbanna Small companies or farmers Dendrobium nobile Illegal trade in local market Field Surveys

Joint Project: XTBG, The Management Bureau of Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve (XNNR) & The Institute of (IBCAS) 2011-2013, 8 times Result: 380 species in 80 genera were recorded Among them, 59 species are new to Xishuangbanna. 2 genera and 22 of 59 species are new to China, and 3 species are new species.

2 new genera/species

Lesliea mirabilis

Thaia saprophytica Nervilia spicata Q. Liu & J.W. Li sp. nov. ined 3 new species

Oberonia megalopetala D.P. Ye sp. nov. ined Bulbophyllum mengyuanensis Q. Liu & J.W. Li sp. nov. ined Saprophytic Aphyllorchis caudate Assessing species endangerment status

1. Extinct in the Wild(EW) Not seen in last 20 years or only known locations destroyed. 2. Critically Endangered(CR)Taxa with < 50 mature individuals or only known location(s) threatened with destruction. 3. Endangered(EN)Taxa with <250 mature individuals. 4. Vulnerable(VU)Taxa with <5000 mature individuals and only a few (1-5) locations. 5. Least Concern(LC)Species with >5000 individuals and many locations 6. Data Deficient(DD)Species with insufficient recent information, and will need further investigation. : Results Total 430 species in 106 genus

1. Extinct in the Wild(EW) 1 species Dendrobium pseudotenellum Guill.

2. Critically Endangered(CR) 12 species Acampe joiceyana.(J.J.Sm.) Seidenf. Acampe ochracea (Lindl.) Hochr. Bulbophyllum gymnopus Hook. f. Bulbophyllum haniffii Carr Disperis siamensis Rolfe ex Downie parishii (Rchb.f.) Stein Papilionanthe biswasiana (Ghose et Mukerjee) Garay Pectelis sagarikii Seidenf. Phaius tankervilleae (Banks ex L'Herit. ) Bl. Phalaenopsis mannii Rchb.f.

3. Endangered(EN) 60 species

4. Vulnerable(VU) 100 species

5. Least Concern(LC) 175 species

6. Data Deficient(DD) 82 species Conclusions:

1. The Xishuangbanna National Natural Reserve (XNNR) have been playing a very important role in preserving orchid species in the face of rapid land-use changes, and more than 80% of all orchid species can be found in XNNR.

2. Compared with nearby natural forest, about 70% orchid species can be found in Holly hill forests and traditional tea gardens, but none orchid was found in rubber monoculture plantations.

3. Compared with the data of Tsi & Chen (1995), A. 48 species were not found this time, and the possible reasons: taxonomic problems, some rare species became locally extinct in the wild, and the field trips did not cover these species. B. Many used common species became rare, such as some species of Dendrobium, Anoectochilus roxburghii, Ascocentrum ampullaceum, Aerides rosea , Phalaenopsis mannii .

4. This study provides us with fundamental information for further integrative conservation on local orchid plants, and a useful case study on assessing species endangerment status and determining protection priorities of a special taxonomical plant group at the regional level. More field surveys are still need to cover those species which were classified as Data Deficient. Efforts to local orchid conservation in XTBG

Research on Reproductive Ecology

Zhou et al., 2012. Australian Journal of Botany 60(2): 154-159. Fan et al., 2012. Annals of Botany. 110: 953–958. Seeds collection & storage 121 Species in 48 Genus ,27 Dendrobium species

Join the OSSSU project Symbiotic seed germination Dendrobium aphyllum

Tulasenlla sp. (FDaI7) & Trichoderma sp. ( FDaI2) Cymbidium mannii Tulasenlla sp. (FCb4) 齿瓣石斛(紫草) Dendrobium devonianum Asymbiotic seed germination

Seeds of 78 species have been germinated successfully with 21 rare Dendrobium species, and seedlings were obtained for future reintroduction


Thanks !