ALEX R. KNODELL Associate Professor email:
[email protected] Department of Classics office telephone (US): 507-222-5136 Carleton College mobile telephone (Greece): +30 6983808584 One North College Street Northfield, Minnesota 55057 POSITIONS AND EMPLOYMENT Current 2020— Associate Professor of Classics, Carleton College 2020— Director, Archaeology Program, Carleton College 2019— Co-Director, Small Cycladic Islands Project (Cyclades, Greece) Previous 2015–2020 Co-Director, Archaeology Program, Carleton College 2014–2020 Assistant Professor of Classics, Carleton College 2017–2018 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2014–2017 Co-Director, Mazi Archaeological Project (Northwest Attica, Greece) 2013–2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, Getty Research Institute 2010–2013 Field Director, Brown University Petra Archaeological Project (Petra, Jordan) 2012–2013 Teaching Fellow, Brown University 2011–2012 Lecturer, Providence College 2008–2012 Teaching Assistant, Brown University EDUCATION 2007–2013 Ph.D., Brown University, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World Dissertation: Small-World Networks and Mediterranean Dynamics in the Euboean Gulf: An Archaeology of Complexity in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Greece. Committee: John F. Cherry (chair), Susan E. Alcock, Stephen D. Houston, John K. Papadopoulos 2010–2011 Regular Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens 2003–2007 B.A.,