Reports of Wfn-Supported Conferences
WORLD NEUROLOGY THE NEWSLETTER OF THE WORLD FEDERATION OF NEUROLOGY VOLUME 15, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2000 REPORTS OF WFN-SUPPORTED CONFERENCES Xth PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS OF NEUROLOGY A great success! The Xth Pan-American Congress of Neurology was held from Oc- tober 9–14, 1999, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. It was organized by the Colom- bian Neurological Association in associa- tion with WFN. The Organizing Committee was constitut- ed by a select group of Colombian neurol- ogists, in the country and abroad, togeth- er with foreign colleagues and with the great and wise support of the legendary Frank Clifford Rose, former Secre- tary-Treasurer of the WFN. 1051 delegates participated in one of the most beautiful cities of the world and a Historical Herit- age site. The success of the Congress was confirmed during the 6 days by 8 WFN Educational Courses, 19 Symposia, At the 20th Salzburg Conference in Taipei, Taiwan, November 3–6, 1999. 8 Plenary Lectures and 5 Satellite Sympo- sia for a total of 187 presentations by 142 experts from 22 different countries of America, Europe and Asia in the modern tween the speakers and the audience. dent, represented the WFN during the International Convention Center. The Moreover, there were several poster pres- opening and the closing ceremonies of themes included Stroke, Headache, Epi- entations. the Congress. He expressed his gratitude lepsy, Tropical Neurology, Dementia, and congratulations to the members of The Assembly of Pan-American Delegates Movement Disorders and others, that was integrated by 20 countries: Argentina, cont. on page 3 were completed with clinical cases and Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, videos at the end of each session, allow- Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, ing an active academic interaction be- ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: USA, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Pan- ama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Repub- New Telephone / Fax lic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
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