VOLUME 16, NUMBER 4, DECEMBER 2001 WCN 2005 SYDNEY – AN ALLURING DESTINATION London WCN 2001 was an outstanding Congress not only in terms of venue and attendance, but importantly in terms of the excellence of the scientific compo- nent. The Australian Association of Neu- rologists acknowledges the challenge and importance of ensuring a successful, well- attended meeting. A World Congress pro- vides delegates with the opportunity to establish and build international contacts and keep abreast of international research and we have undertaken to provide a Congress that will be accessible to neu- rologists from all over the World.

Having been awarded the honour of host- ing a World Congress, the Australian As- Rocks precinct with heritage buildings post Congress tours, to enable delegates sociation of Neurologists has been given amidst a maze of cobblestone streets, and their partners/families to maximize a unique opportunity to provide a forum unique shops and stunning range of har- their enjoyment of Sydney and Australia. to showcase Australia’s neurological ex- bour-side restaurants, to Darling Harbour pertise and we will ensure delegates ex- with its extensive range of visitor experi- Dr. William Carroll perience a rewarding Congress in terms ences. Realizing that this is a rare oppor- Chairman WCN 2005 of educational and scientific component. tunity for many people to visit Australia, Sydney itself is an exciting, cosmopolitan the Sydney WCN 2005 will offer an en- Prof. Geoffrey Donnan destination with a range of distinct and ticing social and accompanying persons President, Australian Association of diverse characteristics. From the historic programme together with exciting pre and Neurologists PRESIDENT’S ipants. The subsequent meeting of the have had and so I conclude my service Polish Neurological Society and the EFNS with some observations about the pur- COLUMN in Lublin, with hosts President Professor pose of the WFN and my hopes for its Doctor Stelmasiak and his colleagues, future. This is my final column as your President. which I attended as President of the WFN, was a remarkable event following the I acknowledge the tremendous dedication In August, I attended the Central and East spectacular success of the meeting of the (cont. on page 4) European Society meeting, as the World Congress of Neurology in London. representative of both the International Both organizations, with their scientific Stroke Society and the World Federation and educational programs, are moving ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: of Neurology, in Warsaw, as part of the rapidly in similar directions for the better- •Editorial 33rd International Danube Symposium of ment of both. •Tributes to James F. Toole the Polish National Program for Stroke • WFN Board of Trustees Prevention and Treatment, and the Cere- I have been an officer of the World Federa- •Zinc and Brain Ischemia brovascular Section of the Polish Neuro- tion of Neurology, beginning first in 1982 • WFN Regional News logical Society. A report of this meeting as Secretary-Treasurer General, then 1990 •WFN Research Group is published in this issue on page 11, as Editor of the Journal of the Neurologi- Reports to which I add my congratulations to the cal Sciences, and, finally, President. This •Book Reviews & Calendar organizers, the speakers, and the partic- 20-year span gives me insights that few

Visit the WFN website at 2 World Neurology

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Jagjit S. Chopra, # 532 Sector 33-B, Chan- WORLD digarh - 160 047, India. Fax: +91-172-665532 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] NEUROLOGY EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Richard Godwin-Austen, World Federation The Newsletter of the World Federation of Neurology of Neurology, 12 Chandos Street, London W1G VOLUME 16, NUMBER 4, December 2001 9DR, UK Dr. Robert B. Daroff, Case Western Reserve University / University Hospitals of Cleveland, Department of Neurology, 11100 Euclid Ave- CONTENTS nue, Cleveland, OH 44106-5015, USA Dr. Jun Kimura, Park City Uji Byodoin 1203, 169 Uji Myoraku, Uji Shi, Kyoto 611-0021, Japan WCN 2005 Sydney – an alluring destination ...... 1 Dr. Theodore Munsat, Department of Neurol- ogy, New England Medical Center, Box 314, President’s Column ...... 1 750 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111, USA Editorial ...... 3 Dr. James F. Toole, Wake Forest University, Baptist Medical Center, Medical Center Boule- WFN Elections: Nominating Committee recommendations . . 5 vard, Winston-Salem, NC 27157, USA Tributes to James F. Toole, President WFN ...... 6 REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS (by virtue of Presidency of Regional Congress) WFN Board of Trustees from January 2002 ...... 8 Dr. S.M. Al Deeb, Riyadh Armed Forces Hospi- tal, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, P.O. Zinc and brain ischemia ...... 9 Box 7897, Riyadh 11159, Saudi Arabia Dr. Amado M San Luis, Rm. 1006, St. Luke’s WFN Regional News ...... 11 Medical Center, E. Rodriguez Ave., Quezon City, Philippines WFN Research Group Reports ...... 12 Dr. Ndiaye, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Fann, Clinique Neurologique, BP 5035, Dakar, WFN Junior Travelling Fellowships 2001 – Reports ...... 13 Senegal Dr. Jes Olesen, Professor and Chairman, De- Book Reviews ...... 13 partment of Neurology, Glostrup Hospital, Nor- dre Ringvej, DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark Meetings Calendar ...... 16 Dr. Gustavo Pradilla, Carrera 29 # 32-65, Edi- ficio San Diego Of. 201, Apartado Aereo 678, Bucaramanga, Colombia ASSISTANT EDITOR Dr. I.M.S. Sawhney, Consultant Neurologist, Morriston Hospital, Swansea SA6 6NL, UK

WFN ADMINISTRATOR Keith Newton, World Federation of Neurology, COPYRIGHT © 2001 World Federation of Neurology. All rights reserved 12 Chandos Street, London W1G 9DR, UK Published by Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Manuscripts accepted for publication become the copyright of the World Federation of PUBLISHING STAFF Neurology (WFN). Before publication a copyright form will be supplied by the Publisher, Publisher: which must be completed by all authors. Peter F. Bakker Marketing Manager: Joyce Hobbelink be submitted in English, typed on white paper World Neurology, ISSN 0899-9465, is published Design and Layout: using double spacing with margins of at least 3 by Elsevier Science BV, Molenwerf 1, 1014 AG Helmut Hummelbrunner cm. Authors should submit material on compu- Amsterdam, the Netherlands; phone: +31 (20) Operational Support: ter disk (Microsoft® Word or plain ASCII for- 485 3358, fax: +31 (20) 485 3237; e-mail: Maureen Twaig, Annemieke van Es mat) whenever possible. Tables and figures [email protected] should be separated from the text and should ADVERTISING clearly indicate the author’s name. Colour pho- REPRINTS Please send inquiries about advertising in World tographs and illustrations are encouraged. Reprint requests and all correspondence re- Neurology to the Advertising Department, Else- garding the journal should be addressed to the EDITORIAL STATEMENT vier Science Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Editor. However, back issues of World Neurol- Although great care is taken to ensure accu- Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK. Phone: ogy can be obtained from the publisher. +44-1865-843258; Fax: +44-1865-843976; racy, the WFN and Elsevier Science BV cannot email: [email protected] be held liable for any errors or inaccuracies in CHANGE OF ADDRESS this publication. Opinions expressed are those Notice of change of address should be sent to: Publishing Information of the authors. Elsevier Science BV, the Editor, World Neurology, Editorial Secretariat, 12 Chan- the WFN or the Grantor cannot be held respon- dos Street, London W1G 9DR, UK. Fax: +44 MANUSCRIPTS sible for the validity of clinical treatments, dos- 20 7323 4012; e-mail: [email protected] The Editor is happy to receive unsolicited man- age regimens or other medical statements uscripts or photographs for consideration, but made. Any dosage referred to should be Printed by Kay Dee Associates at Chandika cannot accept responsibility for any loss or checked against the relevant data sheet for the Press Ltd, 126 Industrial Area Phase 1, Chandi- damage to such material. Manuscripts should product. garh - 160002, India. EDITORIAL 3

EDITORIAL man, Research and Education Commit- dent James F. Toole and to Franz Gersten- tee), Bob Daroff (Chairman, Finance and brand, former President of the EFNS. The Dr James F. Toole, fondly known as ‘Jim’ Publication Committee) have paid rich special features of this Symposium were to his many colleagues, will be complet- tributes to Jim Toole and rightly so. All the meeting of the European Association ing a most successful four year term of of us have admired the services he has of Young Neurologists and Trainees and office as President of the World Federa- given to WFN and all of us also hope the 3rd Educational Course of the Central tion of Neurology on 31st December 2001. and pray that he will continue to be in- and European Stroke Society which also While a fellow at Queen’s Square Hospi- volved with the organisation and to enjoy took place in association with it. Neurol- tal, London in 1956, he saw the creation of the companionship of his wife, Pat, who ogy is becoming strong in the countries the WFN and the installation of its found- has been his constant supporter and, I of Eastern Europe and its progressive role er President the following year. It is not believe, admirer also. I personally thank there, together with an awareness of the by luck that he himself subsequently rose Jim for his constant help and encourage- importance of training young neurologists, to the position of President, having first ment. has become a unique feature. served WFN in a number of capacities. The mini elections of WFN are once again The recent disclosure in the Journal of Re- He has enhanced the prestige of the WFN highlighted in this issue of World Neurolo- generative Medicine that human embryo and under his leadership it has become a gy. These are to be completed in the year stem cells have been created, may hold more transparent and widely recognized 2002. The Council of Delegates as usual out some hope for patients and neurolo- force. He has guided the organization are given the responsibility of choosing gists that a permanent remedy for some through a period of radical change and these WFN officials / Trustees. The photo- of the degenerative neuro-disorders, such steered it from one millennium to another. graphs of those WFN Officials and Trus- as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, Under his presidency the concept of a tees already elected are published else- may be around the corner. Embryonic permanent WFN office in London, initiat- where in this issue. It is a matter of great stem cells are precursor cells which can ed and developed during the Presidency satisfaction that the Trustees, who will grow into any kind of cell and human of John Walton with Frank Rose as Sec- be guiding the Federation from January embryo tissue was cloned to provide a retary-Treasurer General, has been firmly 2002, are all seasoned neurologists and source of cellular life, not for the purpose established. we expect to see further progress under of creating a human being. A human egg their leadership. It is also likely that more cell was scraped of its DNA and replaced Jim is a down to earth man who has distin- and more countries will come under the with the DNA from the nucleus of an adult guished himself in research and academ- WFN umbrella. cell with the result that the egg started ic pursuits and who has a wide range of growing as if it had been fertilized by a social contacts and friends. The last article in the series on Stroke sperm but became only a ball of cells during 2001 is the manuscript on ‘Zinc rather than becoming a baby. The re- Former President, Richard L. Masland, and Brain Ischemia’ submitted by Dennis sulting stem cells are differentiated into considered his support as Secretary- W. Choi who has clarified the relationship the type of tissue needed for the patient. Treasurer General a great assistance. of ‘Stroke’ with zinc. Zinc is present in all This is indeed a great achievement by Former President Lord Walton of Detchant cells of the body, is tightly bound to pro- Advanced Cell Technology Incorporation writes that it was on the initiative of Dick teins and serves as both a catalytic and based at Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. Masland and Jim Toole that World Neu- structural agent. The exact role of zinc in The company took full care that a cloned rology was established. This has today relation to the brain has been clearly elu- human could not result from this technol- become an organ of mass circulation cidated in this manuscript. ogy and every country too should enact and communication of the ideology of laws for the total prohibition of human WFN amongst neurologists throughout This issue also contains a report from cloning, which should be considered un- the world. Other officials of WFN and the 33rd International Danube Symposi- ethical, immoral and be condemned by friends of Jim, such as Jun Kimura (Presi- um for Neurological Sciences in August all. Safeguards are very necessary to pre- dent Elect), Frank Rose (Past Secretary- 2001. Apart from the academic activities, vent the occurrence of such an event. Treasurer General), Ted Munsat (Chair- presentations were made to WFN Presi- God’s creation should be left to God. There have been protests voiced by politi- cal and religious leaders against cloning of the first human embryo. But the cloning of a human baby would be more disas- trous than the proliferation of nuclear tech- nology. However, while the breakthrough reported by ACT is truly exciting, its utility for degenerative diseases of the nervous system and many other diseases, like ju- venile diabetes, must be considered im- partially by the scientific community. They should look at the benefits for humanity rather than the commercial gains to be had. Let WFN take a lead in assessing the usefulness of this discovery before it is thrown into the dustbin. Jagjit S. Chopra Editor-in-Chief Jim & Pat Toole with Amar & Jagjit Chopra – XIV WCN 1989 New Delhi.

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at 4 PRESIDENT’S COLUMN

(Cont. from p. 1) Richard Godwin-Austen, have been care- material, particularly to less advanced that I have had from a huge number of col- ful custodians of our finances and provid- communities. leagues who have volunteered their time, ed needed stability in our executive delib- 2. A focal point for assisting the expedi- energy, money, and talents to making our erations. tious development of neurological exper- organization prosper, while carrying out President-Elect Jun Kimura was most tise and services. its mission. Serving longest have been: careful in working with lawyers to revise Past Presidents Richard Masland, John 3. A neutral forum for the discussion and update our Constitution and By-laws Walton; Vladimir Hachinski, Chair of the of global, regional and national approach- and is most efficient and gracious in coor- Steering Committee; Robert Daroff, Chair es to neurological illnesses. Developed dinating a smooth transition between our of the Publications and Finance Commit- countries and regions where government administrations. I have full confidence that tees; and Franz Gerstenbrand, founder and pharmaceutical resources are con- he will lead the WFN to many more suc- of the European Federation of Neurologi- centrated are largely directed to neurolog- cesses during the next four years of his cal Societies. In many different ways, they ical problems posed by their own popula- office. have complemented each other in creat- tions; problems which may be incongru- ing a more cohesive World Federation of I observe that the World Federation of ent with those faced by less well devel- Neurology, by handling the delicate inter- Neurology (WFN) has become a truly oped areas of the world. The WFN can actions among national societies at the global organization with potential to have a provide a voice for these when speaking Steering Committee level, WFN finances, worldwide intellectual and scientific impact to governments and international organi- including interactions with publishers and through its network of national societies, zations. Congress Organizers. Dr. Jagjit S. Chopra international and regional associations, 4. A presence in the world to represent organized the World Congress of Neurol- allied disciplines, and patients’ associa- neurological ethics, including such con- ogy in New Delhi, India, 1989, with great tions. It is charged to improve neurologi- cepts as brain death, stem cell research, commitment. Thereafter, he served on the cal health worldwide by promoting educa- and to represent neurologists who have Public Relations and Finance Committees tional programs, regional and world con- to deal with health ministries. Collectively, and is now Editor of World Neurology. He gresses, traveling fellowships, publication the WFN can become the global clearing- arranged the very advantageous move of of scientific seminars, etc. The WFN exists house by promoting interchange among our newsletter from the UK to India and is primarily to give benefits to all member national societies, where there are dif- much admired for his wise counsel. countries, emphasizing the establishment ferent government policies and religious of neurology in developing and under- My wife of 49 years has been a trouper, views. For example, the majority of the developed countries, by raising the rec- accompanying me on many trips, during world does not consider brain death to be ognition of neurology within the World which we made many friends who will last the end of human life, so that organ trans- Health Organization and other internation- our lifetime. Pat is always a comfort and a plantation cannot be performed in many al bodies and, most important of all, sup- confidante, both at home and abroad. countries. A global platform is necessary porting educational activities such as fel- and an attempt at resolution of differenc- Throughout my 20-year association with lowships, tutorials, and national and re- es is vital. When consensus is reached, the WFN, I have counted on the expertise gional educational activities, and increas- the WFN can present “the collective view” of Dee Dee Vernon and Kelley Reavis, as ing the visibility of the WFN. Drs. Matthew of international societies. There is the op- well as Sandy McMorris, and Ralph Hicks Menken and Johan Aarli have been partic- portunity to have a voice in global policy- for the Journal of the Neurological Scienc- ularly dedicated in these endeavors. For making and to become extremely visible es. They have kept the financial balances these purposes, we rely on the annual worldwide through the WFN. and the paper traffic efficient, accurate, dues of developed countries for the finan- and rapid in its responses, and, more re- cial underwriting necessary to carry out 5. Starter grants for encouraging develop- cently, Mr. Keith Newton and Ms. Susan our mission. ing countries and groups to establish sys- Bilger have administered the organization tems and people to disseminate knowl- With globalization, it behooves all neurolo- from the London office very efficiently. edge of the nervous system, functions, gists, both individually and as corporate and its maintenance. Robert Lisak is constantly improving the groups, to have a major role in world ac- quality of the Journal of the Neurological tivities. For example, a national society As a major aspect of this development, Sciences. cannot become a member of the World the Young Neurologists and Trainees from Health Organization but is represented by Central Europe organization has been cre- Todd Troost, as WFN webmaster, has the WFN. In order to expand its ambi- ated and will begin to interact and relate set up a most impressive website, which tious medical and educational efforts to closely with the World Federation of Neu- many people worldwide visit on a continu- advance basic and clinical neurological rology in its various locations around the ing basis (see if you sciences, the WFN must accelerate its world. have not yet visited it). growth and worldwide influence. The WFN is the sole fully international neurological In closing, at the recent WCN in London, I congratulate Dr. Theodore Munsat, Chair organization, which provides membership attendees from the United States, United of the Research and Education Commit- for 89 national groups representing 24,000 Kingdom, and many other locations in tee, for the superlative work that he has neurologists, as well as linking important the world, inquired of me regarding the done in promoting neurology training pro- regional neurological organizations under mechanism by which they could become grams, continuing education, and out- its umbrella. The WFN also performs many a member of the World Federation of Neu- reach programs in second and third world important functions for its national mem- rology. It came as a great surprise to them countries. The Continuing Education Pro- bers, such as: to be told that they were already members gram has been reshaped and expanded because the WFN is comprised of nation- with 25 national societies registered in 1. It is a source for the dissemination al societies and the membership of those the program. Frank Clifford Rose, then of neurological educational expertise and national societies are automatically mem-


with it. This will be done under the vig- orous leadership of First Vice President- Elect Johan Aarli and his Committee on Public Relations. As part of this effort, I advocate that the WFN restructure its membership to include individuals, as well as national groups, and to establish levels of mem- bership commensurate with contributions to the WFN and to neurology in general. It is a disappointment to me that substan- tial numbers of copies of World Neurology do not reach the persons to whom they are addressed but are returned or dis- carded by the postal systems of various nations. For this reason, I suggest that we have a continuing interaction with national societies to establish more reliable distri- bution systems and enlarge our website for continuing education.

In a final act of this administration, I have charged an Ad Hoc Committee on Struc- Jim and Pat Toole. ture and Function, chaired by Dr. Julien bers, so long as they pay dues of $5.00 the responsibility of the national organi- Bogousslavsky, to consider successes per year per member. zations to allocate dues, so those mem- and failures of this administration and bers do not pay twice, i.e., pay for each to make recommendations for improve- There has been some discussion of what organization that they belong to. These ments in subsequent ones, for making the groups constitute members of various minor problems are easily solved. The WFN even better in the future because, national organizations. Do these include more overwhelming one, however, is the at long last, there is evidence that our paramedical individuals and those physi- fact that the WFN has little name recog- collective neurological voice is being cians from other disciplines who also have nition and its members, i.e., the national heard worldwide! I suggest that you com- membership in the neurological organi- organizations, do not seem to publicize municate your ideas for the WFN to zation of the nation under discussion? their membership to the members of their his Committee at julien.bogousslavsky@ This is particularly true of Eastern Europe organizations. We need a very vigorous and Asia, where combinations of neurol- public relations campaign not only to the Ave atque vale! ogy, psychiatry, and neurosurgery are the laity but also to neurologists worldwide, mode. In some locations, more than one so they can have “ownership” as dues James F. Toole, M.D. organization has joined and it has been paying members of the WFN and identify President WFN WFN ELECTIONS: NOMINATING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA- TIONS The Nominating Committee of the World part of the management team responsi- stand, if he or she wishes, for re-election. Federation of Neurology, having invited ble for running the organization on behalf Because the June 2001 elections were the nominations from a wide range of individ- of the Council of Delegates. The single first of their kind, all three Elected Trustees uals and organizations, recommends to Elected Trustee vacancy in 2002 arises were chosen simultaneously and there- the membership through their representa- because the Articles provide for the most fore, in the absence of any seniority, lots tives on the Council of Delegates those senior of the three to retire each year and were drawn among the three successful listed below as candidates for election as WFN trustees in accordance with the Fed- GLAXOSMITHKLINE JUNIOR TRAVEL- eration's Memorandum and Articles of As- sociation. The trustee post of Secretary- LING FELLOWSHIPS – 2002 Treasurer General is being contested in 2002, having been deliberately omitted GlaxoSmithKline are again generously providing funding for a number of Junior from the elections held in June 2001 in Travelling Fellowships – each worth up to £1,000 – for young neurologists from de- order to allow overlap between the out- veloping countries to attend WFN approved congresses in 2002. Applicants should going and incoming administrations. The hold a post not above that of Associate Professor and should not be over the age current holder, Dr Richard Godwin-Austen, of 42 years. Applications (one clear copy of CV, a letter of recommendation from is eligible to stand for re-election and will Head of Department, a covering letter giving name and date of congress for which be doing so. The WFN's Articles of As- travel funds are sought and whether the applicant is presenting a paper or poster, sociation (its new 'constitution') created plus an estimate of expenses) must be sent to the WFN London Office to arrive by three new posts of 'Elected Trustee' as 15 February 2002.

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at 6 TRIBUTES TO J.F. TOOLE candidates at the 2001 elections with the nominations for either Secretary-Treasurer Recommended candidates for election: following result: General or Elected Trustee by Secretary-Treasurer General: • Securing the supporting signatures of Dr Julien Bogousslavsky – 3 years five or more authorised delegates Dr Robert Daroff (USA) (serves until 2004) • Submitting the name(s) of the Dr Richard Godwin-Austen (UK) Dr William Carroll – 2 years (serves individual(s) in question to the until 2003) Secretary-Treasurer General, c/o the Elected Trustee: Dr Roberto Sica – 1 year (serves until London Secretariat office, at least 2002) Dr Marianne de Visser (Netherlands) thirty days prior to the AGM (the date Dr Asma Fischer (USA) of which is likely to be 7 July 2002), Dr Sica therefore retires first and will be Dr Amos Korczyn (Israel) specifying the post for which they are standing for re-election. Dr Roberto Sica (Argentina) a candidate. Dr Donald Silberberg (USA) It is open to anyone to make additional Dr Noshir Wadia (India) TRIBUTES TO JAMES F. TOOLE, PRESIDENT WFN I am grateful for this opportunity given to WFN, I was delighted when Dick Masland, pleased when Jim was elected to suc- me to honour James Toole. During my as President of the organization, chose ceed me at the end of 1997 when my eight presidency 1981–1989 he was a constant Jim as his Secretary-Treasurer General, as fruitful and enjoyable years as President supporter. I can honestly say that the ad- I knew full well that Jim would prove to be of the WFN came to a close. vances in strength and programmes of an outstanding Secretary-Treasurer Gen- the WFN during that period are directly re- In his four memorable years of Presiden- eral and indeed this was soon very clearly lated to his efforts and contribution. What- cy, Jim introduced many new initiatives the case. He brought an exceptional ad- ever was accomplished during my term into the WFN’s affairs and has led the or- ministrative flair to the affairs of the Fed- as President was possible because of his ganization with grace and distinction, cul- eration, and it was he and Dick who ini- support, assistance and initiative. minating in a magnificent World Congress tiated the idea of publishing a newsletter in London in June 2001. The Federation Jim Toole’s services to the World Fed- entitled ‘World Neurology’, to bring the owes him and his wife, Pat, a very great eration of Neurology have been beyond affairs of the Federation to the attention debt of gratitude. His contributions will be praise. Many years ago, I came to know of neurologists across the world. It was long remembered and I am sure that, like well and to admire Jim as a neurologist, Jim, too, with his dedicated staff who first me, he will take an avuncular, if slightly not least because of his outstanding lead- established a major database of WFN distant, interest in the activities of the WFN ership of the department at Bowman-Gray members the world over. When I myself in the years to come. Medical School in Winston-Salem, which became President of the WFN in 1989, I he led with distinction, but also because was delighted that Jim agreed to edit the John Walton of his outstanding contributions to clinical Federation’s official journal, the Journal of (Lord Walton of Detchant) neuroscience, principally in the field of the Neurological Sciences, a task to which Oxford, UK stroke. I had the privilege on more than he devoted, as I had expected, his con- siderable energies and editorial skills. one occasion of visiting his department as Graduation time is upon Dr. James F. Toole a visiting professor and was greatly im- after two decades of illustrious service My wife, Betty, and I shared many fascinat- pressed with his contributions to teaching with unparalleled dedication and multifari- ing experiences with Jim and his wife, Pat, and research in our field of medicine. ous accomplishments not only as Presi- in countries across the world when attend- dent but also as Secretary-Treasurer and At a time when I myself was serving as ed- ing WFN meetings. In particular, a splen- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Neu- itor-in-chief of the Journal of the Neurologi- did evening in Bali at the Asian and Oce- rological Sciences. During his term in the cal Sciences and subsequently as Chair- anian Congress stands out in the mind. current office, he established a Secretari- man of the Research Committee of the And I could not possibly have been more at in London, incorporated the Federation under UK Charity Commission, set up the WFN Foundation in the United States, and initiated a number of priority programs of global importance such as education and closer dialogue with the WHO. He was also instrumental in assisting our English colleagues in organizing a most success- ful WCN 2001 in London. When we took office together four years ago more or less as a stranger to each other, I asked one of our common associates what kind of guy Jim is. He replied, with tongue in cheek, “Jim is not like you”, which can have many different interpretations! But now I think I know what is meant because, under his strong leadership, the Federation has un- dergone unprecedented changes in its Former WFN President Lord Walton of Detchant (standing, right) with Jim Toole (standing, left). structure and orientation with newly iden-

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at TRIBUTES TO J.F. TOOLE 7 tified missions. We were indeed fortunate gress of Neurology held in London in 2001 stantive contributions to countless as- to have him at the helm in this important attracted 6,700 participants and was the pects of academic and scientific neurol- juncture as his goal-oriented stance mo- largest ever (c. 5,000 in Buenos Aires in ogy. Jim was born in Atlanta, Georgia and bilized all of us to achieve difficult tasks. 1997, over 3,000 in Vancouver in 1993 and educated at Princeton, Cornell, Queen Jim, with his wife Pat, also traveled ex- over 2,000 in Delhi in 1989). The WFN Square and the University of Pennsylva- tensively on behalf of WFN, playing a share of the profits of the London Con- nia. He is most firmly identified with the gracious role of goodwill ambassadors. gress is substantial, so that the future po- Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Win- Watching him work as hard as he did, it is sition of the WFN is assured. ston-Salem, North Carolina where he has with trepidation that I undertake the task During Jim’s presidency the aim for the been since 1962. In addition to his exem- of Presidency, which to me is like a set WFN to become a corporate body was re- plary and unfailing service to world neurol- of twin babies: it is dandy if somebody alized. Before this time the Management ogy through the World Federation, he has else has it. We will miss his initiatives but Committee met every year and the Coun- made major and singular contributions to he has made our task a bit easier by set- cil of Delegates met only every two years the fields of , cerebrovas- ting up a new direction in repurposing our but, with its incorporation, the Council cular diseases and our understanding of organization, which we will follow with re- now meets every year with a quorum of the implications of neurologic disease in newed enthusiasm. My wife, Junko, joins 15. Under Jim’s presidency, the WFN has world leaders. He has worked tirelessly for me in wishing Jim and Pat good health, gone from strength to strength with the many years to have the World Health Or- great happiness and continued success Research Groups becoming more active. ganization recognize the field of neurolo- in their future endeavors. We hope our I have little doubt that he will hand over gy as a discipline worthy of standing on its paths will cross often during the year 2002 a flourishing organization to his succes- own feet; a task which has yet to be com- and beyond. sor, Professor Jun Kimura and the future pleted. He has been elected President of of the WFN is bright with the ever greater the American Neurologic Association and promise of consolidation, prestige and in- the American Society of Neuroimaging as fluence. well as serving on innumerable national and international scientific and adminis- trative committees.

His devotion of time and energy to the World Federation of Neurology deserves Jun Kimura special recognition by all neurologists. It President Elect-WFN has been my great privilege to work close- Kyoto, Japan ly with Jim over the past several years as F. Clifford-Rose he has led an effort which has resulted in I have known Jim Toole for several dec- Former Secretary-Treasurer General major changes and new directions for this ades, long before I was the UK delegate London, UK organization. Jim has tirelessly served the to the World Federation of Neurology WFN for over 20 years in many capacities (WFN) more than twenty years ago. He including Editor of the Journal of Neuro- had been joint Secretary-Treasurer Gen- At the end of the calendar year 2001 logical Sciences, Secretary General, Man- eral with Armand Lowenthal and I suc- James Toole will complete his term as agement Committee member and during ceeded him in 1989. During his tenure the President of the World Federation of Neu- the last four years as President. In this last newsletter was edited by the president, rology. Jim has been one of those all too capacity he has guided the organization Professor Richard Masland (whom I suc- few neurologists who has understood the in establishing the first permanent home ceeded as editor in 1989. Since 1997 the significance of the global nature of our in London and constructing a new consti- newsletter is excellently edited by Profes- specialty and the importance of person- tution as a U.K. based charity corporation. sor Jagjit Chopra). Jim invited me to visit ally contributing to its growth. This global Under his leadership the WFN has mod- him in Winston-Salem where the admin- perspective, all the more important since ernized with an active website, new com- istrative functions of the WFN had been the recent rise of international terrorism, munication procedures, a larger commit- housed. He continued to serve on the has been a motivating force for this acad- tee structure and a series of creative ed- Management Committee of the WFN as emician whose career has included sub- ucational programs directed primarily at Editor of the Journal of Neurological Sci- ences, the scientific journal of the WFN. We continued to work together closely MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF DELEGATES during this period. Armand Lowenthal re- tired in 1993 so that the job of Secretary- AND WFN COMMITTEES Treasurer General changed significantly and the administrative staff of the WFN in- For many years it has been the tradition to re-print the Minutes of meetings of the creased, firstly by a secretary in 1993 fol- Council of Delegates and of WFN Committees in the Journal of the Neurological Sci- lowed by an administrator (Keith Newton) ences. At their meeting in San Diego in April 2000, the WFN Management Commit- in 1997. The office was established in tee considered whether this should continue, given the fact that its prime purpose is London under Jim’s presidency in 1998. to serve as the Federation’s academic forum presenting high quality neuroscience. Initially funds were low but with the in- The Management Committee therefore decided to discontinue the practice and, creasing success of Congresses in which instead, add these Minutes to the WFN website. Members who are interested may the WFN shared the profits, sufficient access them there. Members without Internet access may still receive copies of the monies were accumulated to pay for the Minutes of the Council of Delegates or of any WFN Committee by writing to or faxing headquarters and its staff. The World Con- the Administrator at the London Secretariat Office.

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at 8 WFN BOARD OF TRUSTEES developing countries. Jim will be leaving ical student at the University of Pennsylva- of the Finance Committee in 1985, and the Presidency of the WFN at the end of nia committed to becoming a psychoana- Chair of the newly formed Publications his term, undoubtedly to continue his per- lyst, I came upon a young (34 year old) Committee in 1987. In 1999, we com- ipatetic activities in national and interna- Assistant Professor of Neurology who, bined the committees. Thus, I’ve worked tional neurology to the benefit of all of us along with a few other stellar clinicians, extremely closely with Jim throughout his and all of our patients. He can leave with redirected me out of the ethers into a tenure as Secretary-Treasurer General, the knowledge that he has indeed made career in Neurology. His lectures (usually Editor of JNS, and President of the WFN. a difference and for this we all thank him without slides in those years) were spark- His energy level, enthusiasm, and admin- and wish him well. ingly crisp, and his patient encounters istrative skills are unsurpassed. The WFN, displayed confidence and compassion. our specialty, and the public’s health are During my senior year, after being accept- all in his debt. ed into a Neurology residency at Yale, I took an elective preceptorship under Jim. Jim went to Winston-Salem in 1962, where his career blossomed, as will be noted elsewhere in this issue of World Neurolo- gy. We saw each other at the usual meet- ings, and maintained a close personal Theodore L. Munsat friendship, enhanced by a good friend of Chairman, Research & Education Jim and Pat in Winston-Salem, who was Committee, Boston, MA, USA my wife’s favorite aunt. Our relationship became intermeshed when, in his capac- Robert B. Daroff I have known Jim Toole longer than most ity as Secretary-Treasurer General of the Chair, Finance & Publication Committee, neurologists. In 1959, as a third year med- WFN, he had me appointed as a member Cleveland, OH, USA WFN BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM JANUARY 2002 Trustees President First Vice President Secretary-Treasurer General*

Dr. Jun Kimura, Japan Dr. Johan Aarli, Norway Dr. Richard Godwin-Austen, UK *

Dr. Julien Bogousslavsky ** Dr. Bill Carroll ** Dr. Roberto Sica ** Switzerland (until 2004) Australia (until 2003) Argentina (until 2002) * Election of new Secretary-Treasurer General in 2002 ** Became Trustees with immediate effect after elections in June 2001 Officers (Regional Vice Presidents) Asian-Oceanian European Pan-African

Dr. Jin Soo Kim, South Korea Dr Leontino Battistin, Italy Dr. Najoua Miladi, Tunisia

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at ZINC AND BRAIN ISCHEMIA 9

Pan-American Pan-Arab NEW WFN TIE One of the many success stories of the London World Congress was the launch of the new WFN silk tie, a reversal (blue ‘Circle of Willis’ on a red background) of the traditional tie worn by WFN mem- bers for a number of years now. For those who missed the opportunity to acquire this souvenir of a memorable Congress when Dr. Carlos Chouza, Uruguay, will serve Dr. S. Al Deeb, Saudi Arabia in London or who could not attend WCN 2 years and than be succeeded by Dr. 2001, ties are available from the London Pedro Chana, Chile Secretariat Office at the same price as the blue version £20.00 (U.S.$30.00) Ladies Officers (cont.) scarves (blue only, 31×31 inches) are also Administrator Secretary available for £30.00 (US$50). Orders with payment to: WFN Secretariat, 12 Chandos Street, London W1G 9DR, UK.

Mr. Keith Newton Ms. Susan Bilger ZINC AND BRAIN ISCHEMIA

Introduction brain injury is the amino acid glutamate, operation of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger. But which mediates fast excitatory synaptic more recently, evidence has been emerg- The brain’s regrettable vulnerability to transmission throughout the brain and ing that a “dark horse” culprit – another ischemic injury appears to reflect not only which can, upon ischemia-induced build- divalent cation, Zn2+ – may be responsi- a brisk metabolic rate and dependence up in the extracellular space, be neuro- ble for a portion of the damage previously on externally supplied glucose, but also toxic (excitotoxicity). Loss of tissue per- blamed on glutamate and Ca2+ (Lee et al a propensity for its own inter- and intrac- fusion is followed within minutes by ATP 1999a). ellular signaling mechanisms to become depletion and cell membrane depolariza- harmful under ischemic conditions. These tion; the latter triggers sustained glutama- Zinc neurotoxicity mechanisms are normally responsible for te release from neurons and glia, leading information processing, but in the ischem- to overactivation of postsynaptic glutama- Zinc, the second most abundant transi- ic brain they hasten energy failure and te receptors and consequential lethal dis- tion metal in the human body, is present enhance final pathways to cell death. turbances in ionic homeostasis. Much in all cells, for the most part tightly bound These pathways include free radical pro- attention over the last 15 years has to proteins such as metalloenzymes and duction, the activation of catabolic en- focused upon the toxic importance of transcription factors where it serves cata- zymes, plasma and internal membrane excess Ca2+ entering via glutamate-acti- lytic and structural roles. In the brain, there failure, programmed cell death, and in- vated, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) re- is an additional substantial pool of che- flammation. The neurotransmitter most ceptor-gated channels, as well as via volt- latable Zn2+, largely localized to synaptic strongly linked to promoting ischemic age-gated calcium channels and reverse vesicles in glutamatergic nerve terminals (Frederickson, 1989). This synaptic Zn2+ is released in a Ca2+-dependent fashion BRAIN AWARENESS WEEK with depolarization, and can alter the be- havior of several transmitter receptors and Brain Awareness Week is a major international effort organised each year by the voltage-gated channels, including in par- European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB) to communicate the progress, prom- ticular NMDA receptors. Zinc directly in- ise and benefits of brain research to a wider audience not only in Europe but in hibits NMDA receptor activation, but then countries as far afield as Asia, Australia and Africa. It has been organised by EDAB subsequently may trigger a lasting Src ki- since 1998 and it becomes more successful every year. EDAB help to stage hun- nase-mediated upregulation of the same dreds of events that inform the public and policy makers, in many different ways, receptors (Manzerra et al 2001). The of the importance of brain research and the advances in treatment and rehabilita- normal functional significance of such tion. Participants are individual members of the public, medical and science pro- Zn2+ signaling is presently unknown, but fessionals and organisations ranging from hospital and university departments to experience with accidental acute oral Zn2+ charities. Taking part in Brain Awareness Week helps organisations, no matter chelation in adults has suggested that how big or small, to gain greater recognition as part of a global campaign. the signaling Zn2+ pools may be espe- Next year’s Brain Awareness Week will take place from 11–17 March 2002. To cially labile, and that profound disturbanc- find out more, contact Lisa Cokayne-Naylor on +44 (0)20 7937 8771 oremail es in mentation result from their depletion [email protected]. (Henkin et al 1975).

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at 10 ZINC AND BRAIN ISCHEMIA

Whatever the normal function of brain Zn2+, one can expect that the same path- WFN ZAMBIA PROJECT – WFN NEURO- ological conditions that promote excess LOGICAL INSTRUCTOR FOR AFRICA transmitter glutamate release will concur- rently promote excess transmitter Zn2+ re- As part of the WFN Zambia Project (Director: Dr. Gretchen Birbeck, Chair, WFN Edu- lease from the same excitatory nerve ter- cation Committee’s Sub-committee on Education of Non-neurologists), the WFN minals. Experiments with cultured neurons has agreed with Chainama College of Health Sciences in Lusaka, Zambia to supply have revealed that exposure to concen- a neurological training instructor for their Clinical Officer programme. There are no trations of extracellular Zn2+ plausibly at- neurological specialists in Zambia; what care there is available being delivered by tained in the ischemic brain – circa 50–100 Clinical Officers (paramedics) who attempt with insufficient resources to cover all µM – can kill central neurons, especially healthcare areas. The WFN seeks a neurologist volunteer willing to spend up to if the neurons are depolarized (Choi and a month in Lusaka in order to impart his or her knowledge and expertise. The vol- Koh 1998). The first step in2+ Zn -medi- unteer’s airfare will be covered by the WFN and Chainama College will be able ated neuronal death, like Ca2+-mediated to offer modest accommodation and subsistence. Any WFN member interested neuronal death, appears to be excess in this opportunity is asked to contact the Administrator at the WFN Secretariat, entry across the plasma membrane, likely 12 Chandos Street, London W1G 9DR, UK (Fax: +44 (0)20 7323 4012; e-mail: through depolarization-activated voltage- [email protected]), indicating relevant experience, by 28 February 2002. sensitive Ca2+ channels, transport ex- change for intracellular Na+, and glutamate receptor-gated channels (especially Ca2+- al 1996). Furthermore, intracerebroven- other acute insults, such as trauma, or permeable alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-me- tricular injection of the membrane-imper- prolonged seizures – raises the prospect thyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) re- meant chelator CaEDTA (ethylenediamine of new strategies for neuroprotective inter- ceptors. Utilizing the low affinity Zn2+ indi- tetraacetic acid saturated with equimolar vention. The approach utilized successful- cator, Newport Green, my laboratory has Ca2+, which does not bind extracellular ly in rat models of ischemia – immediate estimated that intracellular free Zn2+ con- Ca2+ but will avidly bind Zn2+) prior to delivery of an extracellular Zn2+ chelator to centrations in neurons subjected to toxic ischemia produced a marked reduction in the cerebrospinal fluid might itself prove Zn2+ exposure may reach 300 nM, a con- Zn2+ translocation into selectively vulner- feasible in patients resuscitated after in- centration far in excess of the binding af- able neurons, and also reduced the de- hospital cardiac arrest, if emergency neu- finity of many macromolecules for2+ Zn . layed death of these neurons. rosurgical services are available. How- Normal resting intracellular Zn2+ concen- ever, further study will be needed to de- trations may be essentially zero (Outten It is possible that toxic Zn2+ translocation termine whether adequate delivery to vul- and O’Halloran 2001), so such abnormal may also contribute somewhat to focal nerable neurons can be achieved by such Zn2+ availability may lead to perturbations ischemic brain injury, although in this set- means in human brains, which are of in many processes. Key among these ting it is probably much less important course much larger than rat brains. may be energy production, as Zn2+ inhib- than glutamate-induced Ca2+ overload. its glycolysis in large part due to blockade Rats subjected to mild transient middle A more tractable method for inhibiting at the level of glyceraldehyde-3-dehydro- cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) exhibit cellular Zn2+ overload may be to admin- genase. The nature of the neuronal death early Zn2+ translocation, followed by de- ister a membrane permeable Zn2+ chela- that ensues depends on the intensity of layed cerebral infarction reaching com- tor, capable of crossing into the brain after Zn2+ exposure – at lower concentrations, pletion 3 days after the insult (Lee et al systemic administration. Most likely, such apoptosis results, whereas at higher con- 1999b). Intracerebroventricular adminis- a membrane permeable chelator would centrations, neurons develop massive cell tration of CaEDTA prior to ischemia at- need to have only limited affinity for Zn2+, body swelling and undergo necrosis. tenuated Zn2+ translocation and delay in- capable of binding up dangerously high farction, but this protective effect was levels of Zn2+, but not disturbing intracel- This process of Zn2+-induced neuronal lost completely when infarct volume was lular Zn2+ homeostasis or depriving metal- death likely occurs in the ischemic brain. measured at a later time point, or if the du- loenzymes of their Zn2+ requirement. An- The idea that Zn2+ neurotoxicity might ration of ischemia was increased. These other attractive approach may be to in- contribute specifically to ischemic brain observations suggest that toxic zinc trans- terfere with the pathways by which Zn2+ damage was raised by Tonder et al (1990), location may accelerate the development enters neurons, in particular L-type volt- who demonstrated that transient global of cerebral infarction following mild tran- age gated Ca2+ channels. Indeed, reduc- ischemia in rats was associated with de- sient focal ischemia, and that perhaps in- tion of toxic Zn2+ influx may underlie some pletion of Zn2+ from hippocampal mossy hibition of zinc toxicity may increase the of the inconsistent beneficial effects of fibers, and the abnormal appearance of time available to administer a more defini- voltage-gated Ca2+-channel antagonists Zn2+ in the cell bodies of degenerating tive neuroprotective therapy. observed in animal models of transient target CA3 or hilar neurons. The connec- global ischemia. Further delineation of the tion between Zn2+ and ischemic neuronal Implications for precise routes responsible for toxic Zn2+ death was strengthened by the observa- neurology influx may permit greater reduction in this tion that Zn2+ translocation from presy- toxic Zn2+ overload. Other possible ap- naptic terminals into selectively vulnera- For starters, work needs to be done to un- proaches would be 1) to reduce Zn2+ stor- ble postsynaptic neuronal cell bodies oc- derstand how Zn2+ signaling contributes age in, or release from, nerve terminals; curred in a widespread fashion through- to normal brain function. Are there any or 2) to improve the ability of postsynap- out several other brain regions, including disorders of mentation due to abnormal- tic neurons to recover Zn2+ homeostasis cortex, striatum, amygdala, and thalamus, ities in this system? And the hypothesis after toxic overload, for example by mod- and that this Zn2+ translocation occurred that Zn2+ mediates neuronal death after ifying neuronal Zn2+ transporters to im- prior to neuronal degeneration (Koh et ischemic insults – as well as after certain prove the extrusion or sequestration of in-

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at WFN REGIONAL NEWS 11 tracellular Zn2+, or by upregulating intrac- ischemia. Science 1996; 272:1013-16 ellular Zn2+-binding proteins such as met- Lee JM, Zipfel GJ, Choi DW. The changing allothioneins. landscape of ischaemic brain injury mech- anisms. Nature 1999a; 399:A7-14. Lee JM, Zipfel GJ, Park KH, He YY, Hsu CY, References Choi DW. Zinc toxicity in mild focal ischem- ic brain injury. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 1999b; Choi DW, Koh JY. Zinc and brain injury. Annu 25: 1847. Rev Neurosci. 1998; 21:347-75. Outten CE and O’Halloran TV. Femtomolar sen- Dennis W. Choi, MD, PhD Koh JY, Suh SW, Gwag BJ, He YY, Hsu CY, sitivity of metalloregulatory proteins con- Washington University School of Choi DW. The role of zinc in selective neu- trolling zinc homeostasis. Science 2001; Medicine ronal death after transient global cerebral 292:2488-92 St. Louis, MO, USA WFN REGIONAL NEWS

Report from the 33rd During the Opening Ceremony, diplomas Therefore Austria has assumed the a role International Danube giving honorary membership of the Polish of a ‘bridge’ linking Eastern and Western Symposium Neurological Society were awarded to Europe. This year it was the privilege of Professor James F. Toole, President of Poland to organize the 33rd Danube Sym- The 33rd International Danube Symposi- the World Federation of Neurology and posium, even though the Danube does um for Neurological Sciences and Con- Professor Teofan Domzal (Poland). Also not pass through Poland. tinuing Education took place in Lublin, during the ceremony the University School Anna Szczepanska-Szerej, Joanna Poland, from 29 August to 01 September, of Medicine in Lublin honored Professor Wojczal, Kinga Buraczynska, 2001. The Symposium, held under the James Toole and Professor Franz Ger- Dept. of Neurology, University School of auspices of the Polish Minister of Health stenbrand, Past President of EFNS and Medicine, Lublin, Poland Care, Professor Grzegorz Opala, gath- Honorary President of the Danube Sym- ered together 320 participants from 21 posium, with 50th Anniversary medals of countries, mainly from Belarus, Slovakia, the University School in Lublin, in recog- Central and Eastern Ukraine, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, and nition of their active co-operation. Hon- Poland. During 10 scientific sessions, 43 orary Danube lectures were delivered by European Stroke invited speakers summarized the new Professor James Toole (USA), Professor Society achievements in management of stroke, Irena Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz, Honor- The Central and Eastern European Stroke multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, dementia, and ary President of the Polish Neurological Society (CEESS) was founded in 1995 Parkinson’s disease. Society (Poland), Professor Laszlo Vecsei, at the initiative of Professor Zoltan Nagy Secretary General of the Danube Sym- from Budapest. 16 states from this region, The Symposium was preceded by four posium (Hungary) and Professor Tomasz which up to the 1990’s had been politically teaching courses on: Botulinum Toxin Trojanowski, President of the Polish Neu- and economically isolated from the West- Treatment, Progress in Treatment of Status rological Society (Poland). ern World, formed the Society. According Epilepticus, Neurosonology, and Evoked to data published by the World Health Or- Potentials. Participants were especially in- Updating all general neurologists, espe- ganization mortality and incidence rates terested in the practical display of botu- cially the young European neurologists, of stroke were very high in these coun- linum toxin injections. After the teaching on new trends in neurology is the main tries. In contrast to Western Europe there courses the YNT (The European Associa- goal of the Danube Symposium. For many has been little improvement over the last tion of Young Neurologists and Trainees) years, the Danube Symposium has been 30 years. We are also conscious of how meeting was held under the leadership held either in Krems, a small city near much there is to be done in this area in of the President of the YNT, Dr. Konrad Vienna in Austria, or alternately in one of our countries. We need to improve stroke Rejdak (Poland). the other countries on the Danube river. management and also develop stroke re- search. The aim of forming the Central and Eastern European Stroke Society is to create a working group to discuss our problems and establish collaboration with our western colleagues. Among the activi- ties of the CEESS are educational courses where lecturers and researchers from all over Europe come together to share their knowledge and experience. The 3rd Educational Course of the Cen- tral and Eastern European Stroke Society took place in Warsaw, Poland, from the 25th to the 28th of August, 2001, and was organized in collaboration with the 33rd In- During the scientific session of the 33rd International Danube Symposium in Lublin, Poland. From the ternational Danube Symposium of Neu- left: Prof. Laszlo Vecsei (Hungary), Prof. Franz Gerstenbrand (Austria), Prof. James Toole (USA) and rological Sciences and Continuing Edu- Prof. Zbigniew Stelmasiak (Poland). cation, the Polish National Program for

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at 12 WFN RESEARCH GROUP REPORTS

on Stroke Prevention. Each afternoon there were six workshops in three smaller groups. Prof. J. Toole, President of the World Federation of Neurology, gave an opening lecture on ‘Neurology of the Future’ and led the workshop on ‘Vitamin Intervention for Stroke Prevention’. Prof. F. Gerstenbrand, the former President of the European Federation of Neurological So- cieties and Danube Symposium, gave a lecture on ‘Large Infarction of the Middle Cerebral Artery: Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects’. Among the other lecturers from abroad were the President and founder of the CEESS, Z. Nagy, the President Elect of the CEESS, M. Brainin (Austria), and several others from various Group photograph taken at the 3rd Educational Course of the CEESS, August 2001, Lublin, Poland. countries. 18 delegates from Poland also delivered lectures. During the course, Prof. Stroke Prevention and Treatment of the and Neurology in Warsaw, Poland, and Nagy completed his term of chairing the Cerebrovascular Section of the Polish by the efforts of her co-workers, espe- CEESS, and was succeeded by the Presi- Neurological Society. The course was or- cially Drs M. Niewada and A. Kobayashi. dent Elect, Prof. Michael Brainin, who took ganized under the chairmanship of Prof. 91 participants from 11 countries of this over chairmanship. A. Czlonkowska, from the 2nd Dept. of region took part in the conference. The Neurology of the Institute of Psychiatry Organizing Committee decided to focus WFN RESEARCH GROUP REPORTS Neurogenetics London Meeting. With respect to our fi- Survey of Functional Neuroimaging nances, the current balance is approxi- Training Sites Research Group mately US$1,000. This survey continues. In collaboration Dr. Eva Andermann with the Neuroimaging Section of the Our main educational activity in the year Director, Neurogenetics Unit American Academy of Neurology, the Re- 2000 was a full-day symposium held on Montreal Neurological Hospital & Institute search Group undertook a survey of pro- May 6 in conjunction with the annual meet- McGill University, Canada grams that train and particular- ing of the American Academy of Neurol- ly, neurologists, in the performance of func- ogy in San Diego, California. This sympo- tional brain imaging. The survey instrument sium was held at the Centre for Molecular Research Group on was posted at Genetics at the Medical School Campus Neuroimaging Year nirgwfn/functional_training.htm of the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla, California, and was sponsored 2000 Research using functional neuroimaging is providing important information not only by Glaxo-Wellcome Canada. The morn- Since our February 2000 report, the Re- on the normal function of the brain, but ing session consisted of a symposium on search Group on Neuroimaging has led on the distribution and nature of several clinical, genetic and molecular aspects the following activities: of disorders of cortical migration and or- neurological disorders, including Alzheim- ganization chaired by myself and by Dr. Mailing to the National Delegates of the er’s. For this reason, the Research Group Joseph Gleeson, the local organizer of the WFN encouraging new members wants to facilitate training of qualified in- meeting, and a speaker in the symposi- dividuals in the techniques of functional A note was sent to all the National Dele- um. This was followed by a luncheon busi- neuroimaging. gates of the WFN informing them of the ness meeting and an afternoon of free activities of the Group and encouraging Financial Statement communications. The other activities of them to nominate new members for the the Research Group included submission Dr. Kurt Jellinger continues to be the Treas- Research Group on Neuroimaging. of three symposia on Neurogenetics to urer of the Research Group. As indicated the Program Committee of the London Proposal of Neuroimaging Symposium in the previous report, there were no funds meeting, two of which were accepted, in- for the 2001 Congress in the treasury for 1999. No funds have accrued, neither expenses paid since his cluding one full day symposium on Neu- Instead of a symposium organized solely report. The costs of putting up the Web site rogenetics. In addition, a number of other by our Group, the Neuroimaging Group for the Group ( symposia related to neurogenetics were worked with the Neuroradiology Group to nirgwfn/) and of the different mailings have suggested, many of which were accept- offer a symposium on the neuroimaging been borne by my office. ed in modified form. However, in contrast of Alzheimer’s disease. The Group also to previous meetings, the Neurogenetics As the Group expands, we hope to have arranged for a presentation on brain im- Research Group was not involved in the some funds available. aging by magnetic resonance imaging at actual organization of these symposia. super-high field (8 Tesla), with a lecture by Dr. Joseph C. Masdeu As Chairperson of the Research Group, I Dr. Alayar Kangarlu, one of the pioneers Professor and Director of Neurological was also involved in reviewing abstracts in the development of this revolutionary Sciences on topics related to neurogenetics for the technique. University of Navarre, Spain

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at BOOK REVIEWS 13 WFN JUNIOR TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIPS 2001 – REPORTS

I am grateful to the WFN Committee for portunity to interact with researchers from ciated the closer contact with us, the au- awarding the 2001 WFN Junior Travelling different countries. It was a great pleasure dience, there than in the main sessions Fellowship that enabled me to attend the to watch the Neurological Tournament, es- with about 1,000 people in one hall. I XVII World Congress of Neurology held pecially the finals. It was an opportunity to learnt new information on stroke regard- in London. The scientific program of the present two of my papers ‘Iatrogenic Men- ing thrombolysis, pathogenesis and epi- conference contained a very wide range ingitis following Lumbar Puncture’ (poster) demiology of stroke. I met not only new of topics such as Stroke, Multiple Scle- and ‘Prevalence of Neurological Diseases friends among neurologists from abroad rosis, Neuromuscular Disorders, Epilepsy in Slums of Ludhiana city’. but also have kept closer contacts with and Dementia. The session on Stroke was Czech participants. I have also taken part Dr. Jeyaraj D. Pandian highly informative especially regarding the in the so called “Fun run” in Hyde Park Christian Medical College controversies in management. I was very (in the non-competitive 5 km run I was the Ludhiana, India much impressed by the emphasis laid by second to finish it) and other social events various experts on the role of Stroke Units organized during the Congress. in improving the outcome of stroke pa- Thanks to a Glaxo Junior Fellowship 2001 tients. A comprehensive update on newer I have taken part in XVII World Congress Zdenek Novotny modalities of treatment in Dementia, Mul- of Neurology in London, 17-22 June 2001. Neurological Department tiple Sclerosis and Headache disorders I found that most interesting were the District Hospital were highlighted in the symposiums. The smaller half day symposia on Critical Care Pardubice, Czech Republic poster sessions gave me an excellent op- in Neurology, Coma and Stroke. I appre-

BOOK REVIEWS the care of amnesic patients. Esclerosis Lateral Assistant Editor Amiotrofica y Memory Disorders in Enfermedades Thrombolytic Therapy Relacionadas Psychiatric Practice for Stroke Editors: German E. Berrios and John Editor: Patrick D. Lyden A true measure of the intellectual and eco- R. Hodges ISBN: 0-896-03746-0 nomical inroads being achieved in the ISBN: 0 521 57671 7 No. of Pages: 410 neurological and rehabilitation sciences in No. of Pages: 520 Price: US$125.00 South America is this volume on Amyo- Price: £39.95 (US$64.95) Publication Date: March 2001 trophic Lateral Sclerosis and other Motor Publication date: 2000 Publisher: The Humana Press Publisher: Cambridge University Press Neuron Diseases edited by Roberto EP This book is a classic and worth reading Sica and Alberto Dubrovsky. They have Memory complaints are a common pres- by anyone who is a practising general assembled a national roster of scientific, entation of psychiatric as well as neurolog- , a neurophysician or the one clinical and rehabilitation expertise to pro- ical ailments. This book illustrates psychi- working in a stroke unit and treating pa- vide the world with the first monograph atric and organic aspects of memory dis- tients of acute ischaemic stroke. The util- concerning amyotrophic lateral sclerosis orders with a multi-disciplinary approach. ity and limitations of Thrombolytic Thera- and other motor neuron diseases in the There are 23 chapters contributed by more py are discussed threadbare. This book Spanish language. Their task is a tribute than 30 experts of international repute. presents multiple viewpoints including the (cont. on page 16) The first part of the book deals with histori- critical analysis and views of Dr. Lou cal and neuro-biological accounts of the Caplan, an authority on treatment of stroke memory. It is followed by frequent memory patients in chapter 13. The book is divided BOOKS FOR disorders seen in clinical practice. These into four major parts and consists of 18 include neurological syndromes of de- DEVELOPING chapters. The first part of three chapters is mentias, transient global amnesia, am- devoted to background and basic investi- COUNTRIES nesic syndrome and psychiatric aspects gations. Part II discusses the scientific ra- of memory dysfunction seen in functional tionale and clinical trials in 8 chapters in- The London Office of the WFN Sec- psychosis and depressive pseudo-de- cluding the intravenous thrombolytic ther- retariat keeps a stock of neurolog- mentia. Among the specific topics re- apy for acute ischaemic stroke. Part III of ical text-books that have been re- viewed in the last part are paramnesias, 7 chapters is on using thrombolysis for ceived for review in World Neurology deja-vu, confabulations, flashbulb and acute stroke and Part IV contains illustra- and can be forwarded to institutional/ flashback memories, Ganser syndrome tive cases. Twenty three authors have con- departmental libraries in developing and the problems of recovered, false and tributed to this book, all of whom are countries. A list is available on appli- feigned memories. The chapter of legal well known personalities engaged in the cation to the Administrator. If you are aspects of memory disorders is relevant management of stroke patients. It is a interested in any of the books and to a wide variety of legal issues. It is a wel- useful book for the centers treating pa- can either collect them when visiting come addition to already existing excel- tients of stroke and also a very knowl- London or pay for the mailing costs lent books on memory. It highlights a psy- edgeable piece of information for general (postage can be expensive) please chiatric approach to memory complaints physicians. let us know. and will interest Psychiatrists, Clinical Psy- chologists and Neurologists involved in Editor-in-Chief

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WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at 16 BOOK REVIEWS & CALENDAR

(Cont. from page 13) adults. The differential diagnosis of vari- versity Medical School, P.O. Box 397, to the world-wide efforts that will be re- ous paroxysmal neurologic events, which H-6701 Szeged, Hungary quired to limit the personal, familial and may mimic an epileptic seizure, is well Tel.: +36 62 455 597 social devastation caused by these dis- discussed. It is followed by psychological Fax: +36 62 455 597 eases. There is careful framework for the and neuropsychological evaluation of the E-mail: [email protected] classification, nosology, diagnostic and patients with non-epileptic seizures. There 11th European Stroke Conference clinical features of motor neuron diseases is good comparison of patients with epi- 29 May – 1 June 2002 in chapters 1-4. Chapter 5 integrates the lepsy and non-epileptic seizures for neu- Centre International de Conférences, known epidemiology of motor neuron dis- ropsychological performance, cognition Geneva, Switzerland eases, especially ALS, worldwide with fea- and quality of life. The assessment and Contact: MCI Congress, Rue de Lyon tures unique to South America, particu- treatment of non-epileptic seizures in chil- 75, 1211 Geneva 13, Switzerland larly Argentina. A welcome addition, is dren is deliberated in the third part. It Tel.: (41-22) 33 99 624 the careful review in chapter 6 on post- includes uncommon conditions of Mun- Fax: (44-22) 33 99 621 polio motor neuron diseases which high- chausen syndrome by proxy and Svengali E-mail: [email protected] lights clinical insights regarding the effect syndrome. The last part highlights psychi- of aging in bringing out some of the symp- atric aspects of patients with non-epilep- 6th European Headache Congress tomatology. In chapter 7, provide a timely tic seizures. There is an alternate propos- 26–30 June 2002 and up-to-date review of this ever chang- al for nosology and differential diagnosis. Istanbul, Turkey ing field which serves to reinforce the well- It summarizes the treatment of an adult Contact: Flaptour, Cinnah Caddesi No. referenced neuropathological review by patient. This book represents a synthesis 42, 06690 Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey Sevlever. Tel.: 90- 312 442 07 00 of current knowledge of non-epileptic sei- Fax: 90 - 312 440 77 99 zures from multiple disciplines. It will be of This Spanish-language source book in the E-mail: [email protected] great interest to psychiatrists, neuropsy- diagnosis and treatment of ALS and other chologists and neurologists involved in Annual Meeting of the American Associa- motor neuron diseases summarizes the the care of epileptics. tion of Neuropathologists clinical expertise and experience of many 19–24 June 2002 contributors regarding the treatment and Assistant Editor Denver, CO, USA management of patients with these dis- Contact: Dr. Joseph Parisi orders. The chapter on respiratory man- Tel.: +1 507-284-3394 agement by De Vito and Suarez provides CALENDAR Fax: +1 507-284-1599 E-Mail: [email protected] state of the art information and is ref- erenced with classic and current litera- * = Meeting endorsed by the Continuing Xth International Congress of Neuromus- ture citations. The role of physical therapy, Education Committee of the WFN cular Diseases speech-swallowing therapy, assisted com- 7–12 July 2002 munication, psychological support and Vancouver, B.C., Canada 2002 Contact: Congress Secretariat, #645 - patient organizations and support groups 375 Water Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada are well-summarized and presented in an * Advanced Approaches in Parkinson’s Disease V6B 5C6 up-to-date and useful fashion. Pharmaco- 25–27 February 2002 (provisional) Tel.: +1 (604) 681-5226 logical treatment and potential neuropro- Havana, Cuba. Fax: +1 (604) 681-2503 tective treatment approaches as currently Contact: c/o Dr Melvin Yahr, Mount E-mail: [email protected] understood are summarized well. Sinai Medical Center, New York Fax: +1 (212) 534 -3163 Benjamin Rix Brooks Director, ALS Clinical Research Center 54th Annual Meeting of the American Policy Statement University of Wisconsin Academy of Neurology Although World Neurology is the only Madison, WI, USA 13–20 April 2002 medium to go to every neurologist in Denver, CO, USA the world (approximately 24,000 in Contact: c/o American Academy of 89 countries), it is not possible to pub- Non-Epileptic Neurology, Mrs. Judy Larson licise every neurological meeting that Seizures Tel +1 612 623 8115 Fax +1 612 623 3504 takes place. The prime aim of the Cal- Editors: John R. Gates, A. James endar is to notify those meetings that Rowan are sponsored by the WFN (World, ISBN: 0-7506-7026-6 * 1st Mediterranean Congress of Neurol- Continental and Regional Congress- ogy No. of pages: 323 es), its Research Groups and Corpo- Price: Not known 26–28 April 2002 rate Members of the Research Com- Publication date: 2000 Limassol, Cyprus Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Contact: Congresswise Ltd., PO Box mittee. Notifications of meetings of 57468, 3022 Limassol, Cyprus National Societies are included only if This book is the outcome of two major Tel: +357 5 749919 there is significant international con- conferences on non-epileptic seizures Fax: +357 5 749744 tribution. If space allows, others held in 1990 and 1996. These meetings E-mail: [email protected] may advertise in the Calendar, in brought together experts from neurology, 6th Congress of the European Society for which case a charge of £125 will psychiatry and neuropsychology to devel- Clinical Neuropharmacology be made. Contact Mr. Keith Newton op a consensus perspective on this group 14–18 May 2002 at the WFN Secretariat, 12 Chandos of complex disorders. The first part deals Budapest, Hungary Street, London W1G 9DR, UK, e-mail: with epidemiology and diagnosis of non- Contact: Prof. Dr. László Vécsei, Depart- [email protected], for further in- epileptic seizures both in children and ment of Neurology, Szent-Györgyi Uni- formation.

WORLD NEUROLOGY, Volume 16, Number 4, December 2001 Visit the WFN website at