The Annual Cycle over the Tropical Atlantic, , and *

M. BIASUTTI,D.S.BATTISTI, AND E. S. SARACHIK Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

(Manuscript received 29 April 2002, in ®nal form 16 January 2003)

ABSTRACT The annual cycle over land can be thought of as being forced locally by the direct action of the sun and remotely by circulations forced by of persistent precipitation organized primarily by SST and, secondarily, by land. This study separates these two sources of annual variability in order to indicate where and when the remote effects are important. Two main sets of AGCM experiments were performed: one with ®xed SST boundary conditions and seasonally varying insolation, another with ®xed insolation and seasonally varying SST. For each experiment, the evolution of the annual cycle is presented as the differences from the reference month of March. The comparison of other months to March in the ®xed-SST runs separates out the direct response of the land±atmosphere system to the annual insolation changes overhead. Similarly, the same comparison in the annual cycle of the ®xed-insolation runs reveals the response of the land±atmosphere system to changes in SST. Over most of the domain, insolation is the dominant forcing on land temperature during June and December, but SST dominates during September. Insolation determines the north±south displacement of continental con- vection at the solstices and greatly modulates the intensity of precipitation over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. The SST determines the location of the ITCZ over the oceans and in¯uences continental precipitation in coastal regions and in the Sahel/ . In September, when SST deviations from the March reference values are largest, the SST in¯uence on both precipitation and surface air temperature extends to most of the tropical land. SST is an important forcing for the surface air temperature in the highlands and northeast Brazil throughout the year.

1. Introduction The annual cycle over land can be thought of as being forced locally by the direct action of the sun and re- A number of short-term climate forecast techniques motely by circulations forced by regions of persistent have recently been developed for speci®c land regions precipitation organized primarily by SST and, second- of the Tropics, in particular northeast Brazil (e.g., Fol- arily, by land. This distinction can be applied to mon- land et al. 2001) and the Sahel (e.g., Ward 1998). These soon regions as well, because the reversal of land±sea techniques are based on proven interannual (or longer) temperature gradients that drives the monsoon is deter- correlations of global sea surface temperature (SST) mined primarily by land temperature changes, and there- with air temperature and precipitation in the given re- fore primarily by insolation. If local and remote sources gions. These correlations are hard won [e.g., Folland et of annual variability could be separated, then where and al. (1986) for the Sahel and Uvo et al. (1998) for north- when the remote effects of SST are important could be east Brazil], since long time series are needed to gather quanti®ed simply by decomposing and analyzing the the statistics of SST anomalies from the annual cycle annual cycle. and of local temperature and precipitation anomalies. This separation clearly cannot be done observation- Yet there is no process in the atmosphere on these longer ally, but can be done in atmospheric models of the an- timescales that does not also act on the shorter annual nual cycle. Thus, Shukla and Fennessy (1994) investi- timescale. The dif®culty, of course, is that everything varies annually so that perfect correlations tell us noth- gated the Asian summer monsoon in a set of 6-month- ing about what SST does and does not in¯uence. long AGCM simulations with seasonally varying SST and insolation, ®xed SST and seasonally varying in- solation, and seasonally varying SST and ®xed inso- * Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans Con- lation; they concluded that the annual cycle of SST is tribution Number 917. just as important as the annual cycle of solar forcing in the establishment of the summer Asian monsoon. Li and Corresponding author address: Michela Biasutti, JISAO, Univer- Philander (1997), using an atmospheric GCM forced by sity of Washington, Box 354235, Seattle, WA 98195-4235. speci®ed SST, suppressed the annual cycle of SST by E-mail: [email protected] replacing it with an unchanging annual mean while leav-

᭧ 2003 American Meteorological Society 2492 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16 ing the annual solar variation untouched. They found that even over the unchanging ocean in the , an annual cycle of the model meridional winds could be induced by the annual variation of temperature over land forced locally by the annual cycle of solar heating. Similarly Fu et al. (2001) selectively suppressed the annual cycle of SST in different regions to examine effects of SST on precipitation in the . We concentrate on the Atlantic because there the an- nual cycle is relatively pure: internal variability is small compared to annual variability (Carton and Zhou 1997) and occurs mostly on decadal timescales. In the Paci®c, by contrast, a good deal of the annual cycle is due to averaging of mostly longer-term ENSO variability that FIG. 1. The region of interest and its orography at T42 resolution. is tied to the annual cycle. Moreover, the effect of SST The contour interval is 400 m, starting at the Ϫ200-m value. (Neg- ative altitudes of Ϫ200 mÐdue to Gibbs fringesÐare contoured in variations over Africa and South America has generated black, barely visible west of the .) At T42 resolution the highest a lot of interest in recent years. Besides in the seasonal peak in the Andes is 3000 m high. predictability studies mentioned above, land±sea inter- actions in the Atlantic regions have been deemed im- portant in studies of decadal variability (e.g., Nobre and system have been consciously overlooked. Therefore, Shukla 1996; Rowell et al. 1995; Eltahir and Gong 1996; our analysis is not complete. While the effect of SST Werner 1999), and paleomonsoons (e.g., Braconnot et on land is totally taken into account, the effect of land al. 2000). on SST is necessarily neglected by the arti®ce of spec- We use a standard atmospheric general circulation ifying the SST. This might be particularly problematic model, version 3 of the National Center for Atmospheric for the annual cycle in the equatorial waveguide region, Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM3) where air±sea interaction determines the behavior of the [this is essentially the same model used by Fu et al. ITCZ±cold tongue complex (see, e.g., Mitchell and Wal- (2001) except that, in that work, the land model was lace) 1992; Xie and Philander 1994; Philander et al. replaced by a different model]. We use the model in its 1996). original form (Kiehl et al. 1998) whose annual cycle This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we was extensively evaluated by comparing a 15-yr sim- introduce the model and validate the control climatology ulation forced by observed SST to observations (Hurrell against observations and the National Centers for En- et al. 1998; Bonan 1998). vironmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. In section 3 Because Bonan (1998) evaluated the global aspects we describe the experiments performed, and in section of the model without much attention to the Atlantic, and 4 we comment on the simulated annual cycles. In sec- because Fu et al. (2001) evaluated the model only in tions 5 and 6 we present our main results, namely, the the Amazon region, we will reexamine the capabilities response of the AGCM to SST and to insolation chang- of the model to simulate the annual cycle in the Atlantic es, respectively. In section 7 we discuss the statistical region (Fig. 1), comprising the tropical Atlantic, South signi®cance of the responses and also indicate where America, and Africa. SST and insolation interact in a nonlinear fashion to We then use the model in a manner similar to Li and produce the simulated seasonal cycle. In section 8 we Philander (1997) but, instead of specifying an unchang- summarize our main results, present the implications for ing mean SST, we specify constant values of SST at variability studies, and offer some caveats in the inter- various phases of the annual cycle and allow the sun to pretation of our results. vary through its annual cycle. To complete the sepa- ration, we specify constant values of the sun at two 2. The model (extreme) phases of its annual cycle and allow the SST to vary annually. This separation of local and remote The model used in this study is the CCM3 developed effects allows us to estimate not only where SST is at NCAR, run at the standard resolution T42L19 (tri- important, but also when. angular spectral truncation at wavenumber 42, corre- In summary, the objective of this paper is to study sponding to a grid about 2.8Њϫ2.8Њ; and 19 mixed the atmospheric response to the speci®ed annual cycle sigma and pressure vertical levels). The NCAR Land of both ocean boundary conditions and radiative forc- Surface Model (LSM; Bonan 1996) is coupled to the ing. This decomposition will provide a ®rst-order in- atmospheric component to simulate the effect of veg- dication of how the annual cycle is set, but it obviously etation and soil hydrology on land±atmosphere ex- neglects some important physics of the coupled system: changes (Bonan 1998). A detailed description of the the effects of thermodynamic and dynamic ocean±at- model, its dynamical core, its physical parameteriza- mosphere coupling and of nonlinearities in the coupled tions, and its overall performance, can be found in Kiehl 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2493 et al. (1998), Hack et al. (1998), Bonan (1998), and the other biases (position of the ITCZ, orographic effect other papers in the same special issue of Journal of over the Andes during the summer months, and the wet Climate (1998, Vol. 11, no. 6). Fu et al. (2001) have ) are shared with the NCEP reanalysis (not used the same atmospheric model, but coupled to a dif- shown). The fact that a model simulation (i.e., the re- ferent land surface model [the Biosphere±Atmosphere analysis) constrained to be close to the observed cir- Transfer Scheme (BATS); Dickinson et al. 1993], to culation produces errors in the rainfall ®eld similar to determine how SST in¯uences precipitation in the equa- those seen in the CCM suggests that such common bi- torial Amazon, and found that the model qualitatively ases are due to the inadequate representation of con- agrees with observations, and is therefore suitable for vection in current GCMs, and that the CCM is otherwise this kind of experiment. capable of producing a realistic large-scale circulation. We compare precipitation, surface air temperature, Figure 3 shows that the low-level circulation is in fact and surface winds simulated by the control run (CTL) satisfactory, aside from the exaggerated strength of the with those observed [the Global Precipitation Clima- wind over the Sahara and in : the local tology Project (GPCP) precipitation product; Huffman orography (Fig. 1) is not properly represented at the et al. (1997)] or produced by the NCEP±NCAR re- T42 resolution, and does not constitute an ef®cient bar- analysis project [for surface air temperature and wind; rier to the moist wind blowing into Africa from the Kalnay et al. (1996)]. Note that the observed and re- . Most likely, the excessive moisture thus analyzed climatologies refer to different time periods, spuriously imported into Africa causes the excessive and that the CTL climatology is obtained from a run precipitation. with climatological SST boundary conditions (Shea et In summary, the CCM reproduces fairly well the main al. 1992), themselves different from the ones used by patterns of the seasonal evolution of temperature and the reanalysis (Reynolds and Smith 1994; Parker et al. precipitation in the tropical Atlantic, South America, 1996). Therefore, in-detail agreement should not be ex- and Africa, but presents substantial biases in the amount pected. of continental precipitation. Thus, our model results can Figure 2 compares the reanalyzed and simulated be applied to the annual cycle in the real world only as March, June, September, and December surface air tem- long as no pretense is made of explaining the subtleties perature. The differences over the ocean are consistent of the observed climatology. In particular, we caution with the discrepancies in the SST products noted above. the reader about the risk that the effect of continental Over the the temperature pattern is quite sim- precipitation might be exaggerated in our study, due to ilar to that observed, and the progression of the annual the conspicuous wet bias of the model over equatorial cycle is well simulated. This consistency goes beyond South America and Africa. the obvious cooling in the winter and warming in the summer, and can be found in some of the spatial details. 3. Experimental design For example, over northern Africa the isotherms are quite zonal in March, but a localized maximum con®ned The main purpose of this study is to separate the to western Africa develops in June; in the Amazon basin response of the climate of the Atlantic Ocean and of a temperature maximum develops in September. Nev- Africa and South America to local and remote forcings ertheless, the model has a substantial cold bias through- on the annual timescale. For the tropical landmasses, out the year in the Sahara Desert [because the soil albedo the local annual forcing comes, to zeroth order, from is too high, as reported by Bonan (1998)], Chile and the insolation overhead; and the remote annual forcing Argentina, andÐto a lesser degreeÐSouth Africa. A comes, via the atmospheric circulation, from the annual warm bias is present in the Amazon basin during austral cycle of SST that organizes the oceanic convective cen- winter and spring. ters. An analogous decomposition applies to the case of Figure 3 compares observed rainfall and reanalyzed the ocean. A way to separate the local and remote re- surface winds with the CTL simulation. The CCM re- sponse is, therefore, to run a set of experiments in which produces fairly well the seasonal movement of the ITCZ only one of the two annual forcings is present (either and the succession of dry and wet seasons over the the annual cycle of SST or the annual cycle of insola- continents. The agreement is less satisfactory when we tion), and to investigate the response to such forcing compare the mean precipitation, instead of the seasonal over both the oceanic and the continental regions. changes. The CCM exhibits a substantial bias over cen- Table 1 gives a brief reference for the experiments tral equatorial Africa, where it produces twice the - presented in this paper. We ran a control simulation served precipitation all year-round, and in the moun- (CTL), four main experiments (PMS, PSS, PVE, and tainous regions of southern Africa and South America PWSol) and two additional experiment (PMAS, PM). (wet bias during March and December). In general the In the ®rst two experiments, insolation cycles through ITCZ is displaced somewhat too far to the south, and the annual climatology, while the SST is kept ®xed ei- the Caribbean region is too wet during boreal summer ther to the March value [perpetual March SST (PMS)] and fall. While the wet bias in the equatorial and south- or to the September value [perpetual September SST western Africa is a shortcoming speci®c to the CCM, (PSS)]. In the second two experiments, conditions are 2494 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

FIG. 2. Climatological annual cycle of surface air temperature in the (a), (c), (e), (g) NCEP reanalysis (OBS) and (b), (d), (f), (h) the control run (CTL). All ®elds are regridded to the T42 grid. ``Surface'' is de®ned as the 0.995 sigma level in the NCEP model, and as the 0.992 sigma level in CCM. The contour interval is 2ЊC. The CTL run reproduces quite well the evolution of the annual cycle, although it consistently underestimates continental temperatures. 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2495

FIG. 3. Climatological annual cycle of precipitation and surface wind (a), (c), (e), (g) in the GPCP dataset and NCEP reanalysis, respectively (OBS), and (b), (d), (f), (h), in the control run (CTL). All ®elds are regridded to the T42 grid. Surface is de®ned as the 0.995 sigma level in the NCEP model, and as the 0.992 sigma level in CCM. The contour interval for precipitation is 3 mm dayϪ1, starting with the 2 mm dayϪ1 contour. The smallest arrow plotted corresponds toa2msϪ1 wind. The CTL run reproduces quite well the evolution of the annual cycle, although it consistently overestimates African rainfall, and displaces the ITCZ to the south. 2496 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

TABLE 1. List of experiments: name, insolation forcing, SST boundary conditions, and interpretation. Month to month changes are due to Name Insolation SST seasonal changes in the following: CTL Climatological Climatological SST Insolation and SST (Fig. 6) PMS Climatological Perpetual Mar SST Insolation only (Figs. 9±10) PSS Climatological Perpetual Sep SST PVE Perpetual vernal equinox Climatological SST SST only (Figs. 7±8) PWSol Perpetual winter solstice Climatological SST PMAS Climatological Perpetual Mar Atlantic SST (cli- Insolation and SST everywhere ex- matological SST elsewhere) cept in the Atlantic (not shown) PM Perpetual vernal equinox Perpetual Mar SST N/A (not shown) reversed: SST cycles through its annual climatology, each individual forcing. Yet, the reader should keep in while the insolation is kept ®xed either to the boreal mind that these ``portions'' do not add up linearly to spring equinox value [perpetual vernal equinox (PVE)] the full control annual cycle. Moreover, because the or to the boreal winter solstice value [perpetual winter climate system is nonlinear and has long-term memory, solstice (PWSol)1]. In the ®fth experiment [perpetual the response to the same prescribed forcing may be March Atlantic SST (PMAS)] both the insolation and different when the forcing is applied to a different basic the Paci®c and Indian SSTs are allowed to vary ac- state. Therefore, estimates of the response to insolation cording to their climatology, and only the SST in the changes or SST changes can be different for different Atlantic is held ®xed at the March value. We will not experiments. For example, the difference June(PMS) Ϫ show the PMAS simulation, but we will use results from March(PMS) estimates the effect of insolation in a world it as an aid for the interpretation of the main experi- with perpetual March SST, while June(PSS) Ϫ ments. In all these cases we ran the CCM for at least March(PSS) estimates the same quantity, but for a world 8 yr and disregarded the ®rst few years, in which the with perpetual September SST. The two estimates turn model had not yet fully reached equilibrium. The last out to be somewhat different (see section 6). Similar experiment is a perpetual March experiment (PM; with considerations apply for the case of the PVE run (from perpetual vernal equinox insolation and perpetual March which we can infer the effect of SST under perpetual SST boundary conditions). The PM will only be used boreal spring insolation) and the PWSol run (from in section 7 (in conjunction with PVE, PMS, and CTL) which we can infer the effect of SST under perpetual to measure the statistical signi®cance of our results. Ta- boreal winter insolation). In the next sections we will ble 1 provides a reference for the interpretation of each present the different estimates and comment on their run, and lists the relevant ®gures. differences and the effect of nonlinearities, but will fo- Instead of presenting the annual cycle as an anomaly cus mostly on those structures that are more robust. from the annual mean, we present it as changes from a single reference month, namely, March (note that we 4. On the simulated climatologies will refer to the ``differences from the reference month March'' as to ``anomalies''). The only reason for this a. Comments on the ®xed-boundary-condition runs choice is that it makes the discussion in the next sections more effective, but any other method to describe the Because the memory of the land±atmosphere system evolution of the annual cycle, such as differences from is longer than a month, the climate of any given month any other reference month or from the annual mean, is dependent upon the history of the system in the pre- would be equivalent. For example, the temperature dif- vious months. Therefore, March (PMS) and March ference June Ϫ March in the PMS run will give us an (PVE) can be expected to differ from March (CTL), and estimate of the amount of March to June seasonal similarly, September (PSS) and December (PWSol) change that can be ascribed solely to the corresponding should differ from September (CTL) and December changes in insolation. Similarly, the temperature dif- (CTL). Figures 4 and 5 show how important this effect ference June Ϫ March in the PVE run estimates the is on surface air temperature and precipitation, respec- change ascribable solely to changes in SST. tively. In sections 5 and 6 we will refer to such seasonal As expected, temperature effects are virtually limited changes as to the ``portion'' of the annual cycle due to to the land, where the soil maintains its memory from one month to the next via its moisture content. Over the ocean, air temperature is a ``slave'' to SST and the 1 In the PVE and PWSol runs, the phenology of the vegetation memory of the system is arti®cially suppressed in an describing the leaf and stem area is also held ®xed at the March and AGCM run. As a result, SAT anomalies over the ocean December values, respectively. Note that we have veri®ed that an experiment with ®xed vernal equinox insolation and annually varying are quite closely con®ned to coastal regions (although, phenology gave results virtually indistinguishable from those ob- in the PWSol run, wintertime advection from the cold tained from the PVE run. makes them reach as far as 45ЊW in the North 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2497

FIG. 4. SAT anomalies from the CTL run: (a) Mar(PMS) Ϫ Mar(CTL); (b) Mar(PVE) Ϫ Mar(CTL); (c) Sep(PSS) Ϫ Sep(CTL); (d) Dec(PWSol) Ϫ Dec(CTL). The contour interval is 1ЊC in all panels; the zero contour is omitted. The memory inherent in land surface properties records the history of the forcing, so that having the same forcing of the CTL run during a speci®c month does not ensure the same climate for that month. SAT anomalies in the ®xed insolation runs re¯ect differences in annual mean insolation.

Atlantic). The surface air temperature anomalies due to in the control climatology (not shown). Still, each run ®xed insolation are a re¯ection of the change in annual equilibrates to a different annual mean soil moisture mean insolation: March insolation is up to 20 W mϪ2 content and surface temperature, and such differences larger than the annual average in the Tropics, and De- can account for some of the nonlinearities that will be cember insolation is 50±150 W mϪ2 less (more) than discussed in the next sections. the annual average in the northern (southern) Tropics. The surface air temperature anomalies due to ®xed SST conditions are much smaller than those due to ®xed b. The annual cycle of the control run insolation, because in the former case the effect is only indirect, via the changes in circulation and precipitation The CTL run shows the combined climate response associated with SST. to seasonal changes in both SST and insolation, thus In contrast, changes in precipitation (Fig. 5) are not providing a reference against which one can separately con®ned to the continents, but extend into the Caribbean compare the anomalies due to SST and those due to Sea and the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and their mag- insolation. Figure 6 shows the anomalies with respect nitude is comparable to that of continental anomalies. to March values of surface air temperature and precip- Over land, anomalies are a response to changes in low- itation in the CTL run, an alternate view of Figs. 2b,d,f,h level stability and soil moisture; over the ocean they are and 3b,d,f,h. In addition, the rightmost panel shows the a dynamical response. anomalies from the March value of the zonally averaged Finally, we wish to point out that the equilibrium boundary conditions: insolation at the top of the at- states in the four experiments do not inordinately di- mosphere and SST (which has been zonally averaged verge from a ``reasonable'' climate. If, for example, in the Atlantic basin only). The SST anomalies are stron- evaporation exceeded precipitation over a certain land gest in September and are always positive in most of region during March, a run with perpetual March forcing the northern part of the domain (north of about 5ЊN), would reach equilibrium by drying the soil out in that and negative in the southern part. The insolation anom- region. It turns out that these conditions are not met in alies are weak in September (with the Northern Hemi- any of the experiments, and the simulated annual mean sphere receiving a slightly higher insolation than in soil moisture falls in every case within the range seen March), and 4 times as largeÐand, of course, of dif- 2498 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

FIG. 5. Rainfall anomalies from the CTL run: (a) Mar(PMS) Ϫ Mar(CTL); (b) Mar(PVE) Ϫ Mar(CTL); (c) Sep(PSS) Ϫ Sep(CTL); (d) Dec(PWSol) Ϫ Dec(CTL). The contour interval is 2 mm dayϪ1 in all panels; the zero contour is omitted. The memory inherent in land surface properties records the history of the forcing, so that having the same forcing of the CTL run during a speci®c month does not ensure the same climate for that month. ferent signsÐin the two solstice months, June and De- with continental precipitation following the maximum cember. in insolation. Temperature anomalies over land have mostly the The modeling results presented in the next two sec- sign expected from the insolation anomalies, suggesting tions support the conclusions suggested above, and ev- that insolation is the dominant forcing. On the other idence a more complex relationship between continental hand, two features suggest that SST must play a non- and oceanic precipitation that is not readily visible from negligible role on land surface temperature: (i) the De- the analysis of the annual cycle in the control run. cember temperature anomalies are much smaller than those of June (cf. Figs. 6a and 6e), even though the 5. The effect of SST insolation forcing is of equal magnitude; and (ii) in Sep- tember, between 15ЊN and 15ЊS, the temperature anom- Figure 7 shows the portion of the annual cycle of alies over land in Africa and South America have signs surface air temperature that can be attributed solely to opposite to those of the solar forcing anomalies. [Note changes in SST. In Figs. 7a±f two different estimates that while (i) holds true in observations (not shown), are mappedÐobtained from the PVE and PWSol runÐ (ii) is true only in South America and not in Africa, of the surface air temperature (SAT) response to the where anomalies are slightly negative. Surface air tem- evolution of seasonal SST anomalies; the zonal average perature anomalies in the model are too strongly posi- of the ®nal SST anomaly is shown in the third column. tive; they are associated with excessive negative pre- For example, Fig. 7a shows the June±March SAT dif- cipitation anomalies and consequently excessive reduc- ference in the PVE run. In this case June and March tion in latent heat loss.] are distinguished only by the value of the SST boundary Figures 6b,d,f show the annual cycle of precipitation condition, because the insolation is kept ®xed at the and indicate that, as expected, the ITCZ moves follow- vernal equinox value; therefore, their difference indi- ing the warmest waters, and is at its southernmost po- cates the response to June±March SST. Figure 7b shows sition during March. Over land, precipitation anomalies the same quantity, but for a run with a different basic have a more complicated structure, but the general pic- state: a different model world, with perpetual winter ture is of positive anomalies to the north and negative insolation. The June±March SST (zonally averaged in anomalies to the south during June and September, and the Atlantic domain) responsible for both these anom- the opposite during December. This pattern is consistent alies is plotted in the last column. 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2499

FIG. 6. The annual cycle of the CTL run, presented as departures from the month of March. (a), (c), (e) Surface air temperature (contour interval of 2ЊC; the zero contour is omitted); (b), (d), (f) precipitation (contour interval of 6mmdayϪ1, starting at Ϯ3mmdayϪ1); (right) zonally averaged insolation at the top of the atmosphere (dash±dotted line; bottom x axis; units of W mϪ2) and zonally averaged Atlantic SST (solid line; top x axis; units of ЊC).

Over most of the ocean, the June±March SAT anom- PWSol run as in the PVE run; in the Sahara the PWSol alies due to SST are indistinguishable from the total run is 3ЊC warmer than the PVE run. anomalies (shown in Fig. 6), with the noticeable ex- The patterns of the September±March and December± ception of the eastern seaboard±northwest Atlantic re- March terrestrial surface air temperature anomalies due gion, where the temperature gradient is washed out in to SST are very similar to the June±March, and only the absence of insolation changes. The SST changes the magnitude of the anomalies changes noticeably. The induce SAT changes well inland, but their magnitude is September±March SST produces SAT anomalies with a overall quite small: 15%±30% (depending on the esti- pattern very similar to the CTL caseÐespecially in the mate) of the CTL changes in northwest Africa and 50% PVE run, less so in the PWSol run, in which the negative in extratropical South America. SST also induces pos- anomalies over do not extend far enough itive anomalies in northeast Brazil and in south-central northÐand 60% or more of the magnitude (cf. Figs. Africa that are not present in the CTL annual cycle. The 7c,d with Fig. 6c). The effect of SST on the December± two experiments provide somewhat different estimates March changes (Figs. 7e,f) is very small, and is more of the SST-induced June±March anomalies in the Gui- than counteracted by the effect of insolation nearly ev- ana highlands (northern South America), the Guinea erywhere (cf. Fig. 6e with Figs. 7e,f). Only along the region, and the eastern Sahara. In Guiana and Guinea northeastern coasts of South America (in Guiana and the negative anomalies do not reach as far north in the northeast Brazil) is the December±March change in SAT 2500 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

FIG. 7. The portion of the annual cycle of surface air temperature (presented as departures from the month of Mar) that can be attributed solely to seasonal changes in SST. (a), (c), (e) Estimate obtained from PVE (Mar insolation boundary conditions); (b), (d), (f) estimate obtained from PWSol (Dec insolation boundary conditions); (right) zonally averaged Atlantic SST (ЊC). The contour interval is 2ЊC in all maps; the zero contour is omitted. Land surface temperatures are affected by SST. The Sep±Mar anomalies due to SST are 60%±100% of the total seasonal changes shown in Fig. 6. SST plays a more modest role in the solstice months. determined by SST. (Note also that in this region SAT months (inspection of the annual cycle in the PMAS anomalies are larger in December than in June, and that, con®rms that only the Atlantic SST in¯uences the po- even if the basin-averaged forcing is smaller, the anom- sition of the Atlantic ITCZ). The fact that the anomalous alous SST meridional gradient in the western equatorial precipitation dipole is roughly symmetric about the zero Atlantic is actually larger in December.) Finally, we note line indicates that, in the PVE and PWSol runs, the that the terrestrial SAT response to SST is approximately intensity of precipitation in the ITCZ changes little from linear, in the sense that the general features of the re- one season to the next. The in¯uence of SST on the sponse of the system to a given SST change are similar rainfall of coastal regions is apparent. The positive rain- in the two runs, regardless of the different insolation fall anomalies in the north equatorial Atlantic extend conditions. into the Guiana highlands, the Caribbean, and Central Figure 8 presents the portion of the annual cycle of America. The negative anomalies to the south extend precipitation that is due to changing SST. It is structured into northeast Brazil (to 50ЊW in June and December, as Fig. 7. Over the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, the anom- somewhat farther inland in September, when the SST alous precipitation ®eld is a north±south dipole in all anomalies are strongest). Note the correspondence be- months, indicating that, as anticipated in section 3, the tween negative precipitation anomalies and positive oceanic ITCZ moves north with the warm SST in all temperature anomalies (and vice versa) in this region, 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2501

FIG. 8. The portion of the annual cycle of precipitation (presented as departures from the month of Mar) that can be attributed solely to seasonal changes in SST. (a), (c), (e) Estimate obtained from PVE (Mar insolation boundary conditions); (b), (d), (e) estimate obtained from PWSol (Dec insolation boundary conditions); (right) zonally averaged Atlantic SST (ЊC). The contour interval is 6 mm dayϪ1 in all maps, starting at Ϯ3mmdayϪ1. SST controls the position of the ITCZ. SST also affects the Guinea and Sudan regions in Africa and the Guiana highlands and northeast Brazil in South America. SST is the dominant forcing over the tropical continents in Sep. which indicates that SAT anomalies are due to changes theless, the rainfall anomalies in the PWSol run are in cloudiness and evaporation. In equatorial Africa, the con®ned south of 10ЊN, and do not reproduce the strong in¯uence of SST is substantial in June and September, effect of SST on the Sahel/Sudan rainfall captured by but limited in December. the PVE run. The PWSol run shows an in¯uence of SST In the PVE run, the June±March SST anomalies in- on African rainfall south of 15ЊS that is not reproduced duce positive rainfall anomalies in eastern Sudan and in the PVE run. negative anomalies in Guinea, the , and the highlands; in September, the rainfall anom- 6. The effect of insolation alies intensify and extend over the entire Sahel/Sudan region and central equatorial Africa. The general pattern In this section we present results from the PMS and of rainfall anomalies simulated by the PWSol run over PSS runs, in which the SST boundary conditions are tropical Africa is similar to that of the PVE run: it in- held ®xed, while insolation varies seasonally. We will dicates that a positive meridional SST gradient pushes refer to our results as to the insolation-induced anom- rainfall farther north into the Guinea region, intensi®es alies. In nature all seasonal changes are ultimately it in the central equatorial Africa, and reduces it in the caused by the seasonal changes in insolation. In our Congo basin and in the East Africa highlands. Never- simulations, instead, the state of the ocean is not mod- 2502 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

FIG. 9. The portion of the annual cycle of surface air temperature (presented as departures from the month of Mar) that can be attributed solely to seasonal changes in insolation. (a), (c), (e) Estimate obtained from PMS (Mar SST boundary conditions); (b), (d), (f) estimate obtained from PSS (Sep SST boundary conditions); (right) zonally averaged insolation at the top of the atmosphere (W mϪ2). The contour interval is 2ЊC in all maps; the zero contour is omitted. Insolation alone suf®ces to determine the bulk of land surface temperature changes in Jun and Dec. eled, but is prescribed as a boundary condition, thus, solation-induced June±March anomalies associated with insolation does not affect SSTs. Therefore when we say ®xed March and September SST boundary conditions, ``insolation-induced anomalies'' we mean it as a short- respectively. The general pattern is quite similar in the hand for ``changes that are a direct response of the land± two maps, but there are many small but interesting dif- atmosphere system to changes in insolation, and that ferences. For example, the SAT anomalies outside the are not mediated by changes in the ocean surface tem- deep Tropics have smaller magnitude in PMS than in perature.'' PSS and the negative anomalies in the Sahel region is Figure 9 presents the portion of the SAT annual cycle weaker and displaced farther south. This suggests that, due to insolation, along with the zonally averaged in- in this region, SAT anomalies are not generated as a solation forcing. Comparison with Fig. 6 con®rms that direct response to insolation; in fact, differences be- insolation is the dominant forcing during the solstice tween SAT anomalies in the Sahel in the PMS and PSS months for SAT over both the landmasses and the west- are reproduced in differences in the precipitation anom- ern North Atlantic, in the Gulf Stream region. Insola- alies (see Fig. 10). tion-induced SAT anomalies in Fig. 9 are typically The two estimates of the SAT response to September± 60%±100% of the total change shown in Fig. 6. March insolation changes shown in Figs. 9c,d reproduce Figures 9a and 9b represent two estimates of the in- the coarser features of the control September±March 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2503

FIG. 10. The portion of the annual cycle of precipitation (presented as departures from the month of Mar) that can be attributed to seasonal changes in insolation. (a), (c), (e) Estimate obtained from PMS (Mar SST boundary conditions); (b), (d), (f) estimate obtained from PSS (Sep SST boundary conditions); (right) zonally averaged insolation at the top of the atmosphere (W mϪ2). The contour interval is 6 mm day Ϫ1 in all maps, starting at Ϯ3 mm dayϪ1. Insolation controls the position of continental convection in Jun and Dec, and modulates the intensity of oceanic convection during all months. changes (Fig. 6c), but are generally smaller. Moreover, insolation-induced anomalies shown in Figs. 9e,f are the two estimates are quite different from each other, quite similar. and where one experiment produces sizable anomalies Figure 10 presents the portion of the rainfall seasonal (North Africa in the PMS, Brazil in the PSS), the other changes due to insolation, along with the zonally av- does not. This behavior is consistent with a minor role eraged insolation forcing. By comparing Fig. 10 to Fig. of insolation in determining land surface temperature in 6 (right), we can conclude that (i) the bulk of the June± September (cf. Fig. 6c with Figs. 9c,d) and the predom- March and December±March anomalies over the con- inance of SST established in section 5 (cf. Fig. 6c with tinents is captured by imposing changes in insolation; Figs. 7c,d). (ii) for the September±March anomalies, insolation has As expected, the December±March SAT differences a robust and dominant effect only in South Africa; and are produced by the changes in insolation almost ev- (iii) there is a sizable in¯uence of insolation on the erywhere over the continents. Notable exception are intensity of the oceanic precipitation. It is important to found only in the coastal regions of equatorial South note that precipitation anomalies over the tropical At- America and South Africa, where SST produces sizable lantic Ocean are produced only where there is signi®cant anomalies with the same sign of the CTL (cf. Fig. 6e precipitation in the basic state. When the basic state has with Figs. 7e,f and Figs. 9e,f). The two estimates of the March SST boundary conditions (PMS run; Figs. 2504 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

10a,c,e), the precipitation anomalies over the ocean are P ϭ P ϩ PISϩ P ϩ PIS ϩ␧, con®ned to the equator. When the basic state has Sep- tember SST boundary conditions, (PSS run; Figs. whereP is the baseline, that is, the grand mean of all 10b,d,f) the largest precipitation anomalies over the June months in the four experiments; PI represents the ocean are in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. departure from the baseline due to the effect of inso- During June and December there is an additional pre- lation; PS represents the departure due to the effect of SST; P represents the departure due to the effect of cipitation anomaly in the central Atlantic, at about 10ЊN. IS Precipitation anomalies, whether they are positive or interactions between insolation and SST treatments; negative, are colocated with the ITCZ of the basic state. and, ®nally, ␧ represents random interannual variability. Therefore this coincidence cannot be solely attributed If annual variations of neither SST nor insolation had to the fact that precipitation is a positive de®nite vari- any effect, June would look the same, aside from ran- able. While the position of the ITCZ is largely estab- dom variability, in all experiments (it would look a lot like March, in our setup), and P , P , and P would all lished by coupled atmosphere±ocean interactions (ulti- I S IS be statistically indistinguishable from zero. This is the mately also paced by insolation), the circulation induced null hypothesis that can be tested with the anova tech- over the continental landmasses by changing insolation nique. extends over the oceanic regions and greatly affects the Figures 11 and 12 show where the effects of SST, of intensity of oceanic convection. insolation, and of their nonadditive interaction are sig- ni®cant at the 95% level in producing the annual cycle 7. Statistical signi®cance and nonadditive effects of SAT and precipitation. In this setup, ``producing the annual cycle'' is tantamount to say ``making June, Sep- The previous two sections showed the SAT and pre- tember, and December different from March.'' There- cipitation responses to seasonal variation in SST and fore Figs. 11 and 12 indicate that the anomalies dis- solar forcing. The responses were inferred by looking cussed in sections 5 and 6 are signi®cant. Moreover, at the annual variations in experiments where the annual they con®rm what was inferred by comparing PMS to cycle of one of the two forcings had been suppressed. PSS and PVE to PWSol, that is, the existence of inter- This method has the advantage of presenting the actual actions between SST and insolation treatments in the pattern of the response: for example, it indicates that ITCZ region, the Sahel, and northern South America. the SST-induced northward shift of the ITCZ between March and September is associated with a 4ЊC warming of northeast Brazil and a 2ЊC cooling in the Guiana 8. Summary and discussion highlands. The disadvantage of the method is that it This paper describes a set of GCM experiments per- does not gauge the statistical signi®cance of the re- formed with CCM3 and intended to elucidate the rel- sponse, and can only provide a qualitative indication of ative role of changes in SST and insolation over land nonlinear interactions existing between insolation and in producing the annual cycle of surface air temperature SST when they act together in generating the control and precipitation over the tropical Atlantic, Africa, and annual cycle. The analysis of variance (anova; Von South America. The simulated CTL annual cycle rep- Storch and Zwiers 1999) is the appropriate statistical licates the general characteristics of the observed annual tool to investigate questions of signi®cance and non- cycle, but there are substantial biases; in particular, the additivity of the responses. amount of continental precipitation is grossly overes- The CTL, PMS, PVE, and PM runs form a complete timated by CCM3. set of experiments in which the two factors whose effect We have presented results from four modeling studies we are set out to proveÐthat is, the presence or absence (PVE, PWSol, PMS, and PSS; see Table 1) designed to of an annual cycle of insolation and the presence or distinguish what portion of the annual cycle of tem- absence of an annual cycle of SSTÐare combined in perature and precipitation is due to a direct response of all possible ways (or ``treatments''). In CTL, SST and the land±atmosphere system to seasonal changes in in- insolation are annually varying; in PMS, SST is constant solation, and what portion is a response to changes in at the March value and insolation is annually varying; SST. In the PVE and PWSol runs the insolation at the in PVE, SST is annually varying and insolation is con- top of the atmosphere is held ®xed at the boreal vernal stant at the March value; in PM, both SST and insolation equinox and winter solstice values, respectively, while are constant at the March value. Every year of a model the SST is allowed to vary according to the observed integration can be considered as a member of an en- climatology. Therefore, comparison of two months ex- semble of experiments subject to the same treatment. tracted from the climatology of either the PVE or the Thus we have four eight-member ensembles. PWSol run provides an estimate of the effect of SST Let us assume, for example, that we want to measure changes. In the PMS and PSS runs the SST boundary the effects of the SST treatment and insolation treatment conditions are held ®xed at March and September val- on the June precipitation. For every June of any of the ues, respectively, while insolation changes. Therefore, four experiments, we can write the climatologies of the PMS and PSS runs reveal the 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2505

FIG. 11. Regions where (left) SST, (center) insolation, and (right) their interaction contribute signi®cantly (at the 95% level) in making SAT values during Jun, Sep, and Dec different from SAT values in perpetual Mar conditions. direct response of the land±atmosphere system to in- of the variance due to the SST treatments, the insolation solation. The degree to which estimates obtained by the treatments, and their interactions. The ratios of the fac- PVE and PWSol (PMS and PSS) runs differ gives a tor- and interaction-induced variances to the annual sig- qualitative measure of the linearity of the response to nal are plotted in Fig. 13 by increments of 25% (the SST (insolation) changes contour line indicates the 50% value). Although the sig- Figure 13 gives an estimate of the relative role of ni®cance of these ratios is not established, we ®nd them SST annual variations, insolation annual variations, and to be a useful guide in summarizing our results. their interactions. The annual signal of a variable [sur- SST is the dominant forcing for the terrestrial SAT face air temperature (SAT) or precipitation] is repre- in northeast South America (the Guiana highlands and sented by its total variance minus the variance due to northeast Brazil), the Gulf of Guinea, the Congo basin, random ¯uctuation, and it can be expressed as the sum and South Africa. The direct response to insolation 2506 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

FIG. 12. Regions where (left) SST, (center) insolation, and (right) their interaction contribute signi®cantly (at the 95% level) in making precipitation values during Jun, Sep, and Dec different from precipitation values in perpetual Mar conditions. anomalies explains the greatest part of the annual cycle itation over Africa and South America. The effect of of SAT over land outside the deep Tropics (and except insolation variations on the equatorial Atlantic precip- the southern tip of Africa). itation is between 25% and 50%: the insolation-induced Maritime precipitation in the Tropics responds most anomalies over land drive circulation anomalies that ex- strongly to SST changes (the location of the ITCZ shifts tend over the ocean and signi®cantly affect the intensity, to follow closely the warmest waters). SST changes also but not the location, of maritime precipitation. account for the bulk of the annual cycle in precipitation The interaction between SST and insolation, although over the Guiana highlands, northeast Brazil, and the signi®cant in a larger portion of the domain, accounts Gulf of Guinea region. The SST impact on precipitation for more than 25% of the total annual signal only in a over the Sahel is on average between 25% and 50%. small portion of the domain, which includes the Sahel. The direct response of land to changes in insolation is Although the subject of this paper is the annual cycle, responsible for the bulk of seasonal changes in precip- we believe that two additional conclusions regarding the 1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2507

FIG. 13. Percentage of the annual variations in (top) SAT and (bottom) precipitation that can be ascribed to (left) SST, (center) insolation, and (right) their interaction. Darker gray shading indicates a larger percentage of explained annual variations (the increment equals 25%); the solid line is the 50% contour. interannual climate variability in the tropical Atlantic nonlinearity of the atmospheric response cannot be sep- region are warranted. (i) We have shown that SST is an arated in the current setup. important forcing of the annual cycle of precipitation We conclude this discussion by acknowledging the in the same regions where it is an important forcing of limits of our current approach. In choosing to analyze interannual precipitation variability, namely, northeast the annual cycle of air temperature and precipitation as Brazil, Gulf of Guinea, Sudan, and Sahel (e.g., Nobre a response to two independent forcings, insolation and and Shukla 1996; Rowell et al. 1995). This ®nding sug- SST, we have obviously chosen a workable decompo- gests that the same mechanisms might be at play in sition while neglecting some basic physics: both the shaping both the annual cycle and the interannual var- direct response of the ocean to insolation and the effect iability, and that we can indeed gain some understanding of ocean±atmosphere coupling have been consciously of the variability by examining the much larger signal overlooked. We plan to couple the atmospheric model in the annual cycle. (ii) The presence of a large but to a slab ocean model and perform experiments anal- nonlinear response of oceanic precipitation to insolation ogous to those presented in this paper. A terrestrial in- forcing over land suggests that a linear analysis of trop- ¯uence on SST will then be possible, although the cou- ical Atlantic variability, or an analysis not strati®ed by pling with ocean dynamics will still be neglected. season, might fail to fully capture a substantial effect A dynamical explanation of the mechanisms that link of land processes. temperature and precipitation over land to temperature Conclusions regarding the nonlinearity of the re- and precipitation over the ocean is also much needed, sponse in our experiments should take into account the and will be the subject of a future paper. following caveats. (i) Identical mean changes can be accomplished by different physical processes, thus our Acknowledgments. This publication is supported by limited analysis cannot prove true linearity. (ii) The PVE a grant to the Joint Institute for the Study of the At- and PWSol runs and the PMS and PSS runs differ not mosphere and Ocean (JISAO) under NOAA Coopera- only in insolation and SST, respectively, but also in soil tive Agreement NA17RJ1232 and by a grant by the moisture, which is calculated by the land surface model; NOAA Of®ce of Global Programs to the Center for because of the long memory of the soil, soil moisture Science in the Earth System. The GPCP combined pre- anomalies are both a response to and a forcing for the cipitation data were developed and computed by the atmospheric conditions, and their contribution to the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Laboratory for 2508 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16

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