1AUGUST 2003 BIASUTTI ET AL. 2491 The Annual Cycle over the Tropical Atlantic, South America, and Africa* M. BIASUTTI,D.S.BATTISTI, AND E. S. SARACHIK Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (Manuscript received 29 April 2002, in ®nal form 16 January 2003) ABSTRACT The annual cycle over land can be thought of as being forced locally by the direct action of the sun and remotely by circulations forced by regions of persistent precipitation organized primarily by SST and, secondarily, by land. This study separates these two sources of annual variability in order to indicate where and when the remote effects are important. Two main sets of AGCM experiments were performed: one with ®xed SST boundary conditions and seasonally varying insolation, another with ®xed insolation and seasonally varying SST. For each experiment, the evolution of the annual cycle is presented as the differences from the reference month of March. The comparison of other months to March in the ®xed-SST runs separates out the direct response of the land±atmosphere system to the annual insolation changes overhead. Similarly, the same comparison in the annual cycle of the ®xed-insolation runs reveals the response of the land±atmosphere system to changes in SST. Over most of the domain, insolation is the dominant forcing on land temperature during June and December, but SST dominates during September. Insolation determines the north±south displacement of continental con- vection at the solstices and greatly modulates the intensity of precipitation over the tropical Atlantic Ocean. The SST determines the location of the ITCZ over the oceans and in¯uences continental precipitation in coastal regions and in the Sahel/Sudan region. In September, when SST deviations from the March reference values are largest, the SST in¯uence on both precipitation and surface air temperature extends to most of the tropical land. SST is an important forcing for the surface air temperature in the Guinea highlands and northeast Brazil throughout the year. 1. Introduction The annual cycle over land can be thought of as being forced locally by the direct action of the sun and re- A number of short-term climate forecast techniques motely by circulations forced by regions of persistent have recently been developed for speci®c land regions precipitation organized primarily by SST and, second- of the Tropics, in particular northeast Brazil (e.g., Fol- arily, by land. This distinction can be applied to mon- land et al. 2001) and the Sahel (e.g., Ward 1998). These soon regions as well, because the reversal of land±sea techniques are based on proven interannual (or longer) temperature gradients that drives the monsoon is deter- correlations of global sea surface temperature (SST) mined primarily by land temperature changes, and there- with air temperature and precipitation in the given re- fore primarily by insolation. If local and remote sources gions. These correlations are hard won [e.g., Folland et of annual variability could be separated, then where and al. (1986) for the Sahel and Uvo et al. (1998) for north- when the remote effects of SST are important could be east Brazil], since long time series are needed to gather quanti®ed simply by decomposing and analyzing the the statistics of SST anomalies from the annual cycle annual cycle. and of local temperature and precipitation anomalies. This separation clearly cannot be done observation- Yet there is no process in the atmosphere on these longer ally, but can be done in atmospheric models of the an- timescales that does not also act on the shorter annual nual cycle. Thus, Shukla and Fennessy (1994) investi- timescale. The dif®culty, of course, is that everything varies annually so that perfect correlations tell us noth- gated the Asian summer monsoon in a set of 6-month- ing about what SST does and does not in¯uence. long AGCM simulations with seasonally varying SST and insolation, ®xed SST and seasonally varying in- solation, and seasonally varying SST and ®xed inso- * Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans Con- lation; they concluded that the annual cycle of SST is tribution Number 917. just as important as the annual cycle of solar forcing in the establishment of the summer Asian monsoon. Li and Corresponding author address: Michela Biasutti, JISAO, Univer- Philander (1997), using an atmospheric GCM forced by sity of Washington, Box 354235, Seattle, WA 98195-4235. speci®ed SST, suppressed the annual cycle of SST by E-mail: [email protected] replacing it with an unchanging annual mean while leav- q 2003 American Meteorological Society 2492 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE VOLUME 16 ing the annual solar variation untouched. They found that even over the unchanging ocean in the Gulf of Guinea, an annual cycle of the model meridional winds could be induced by the annual variation of temperature over land forced locally by the annual cycle of solar heating. Similarly Fu et al. (2001) selectively suppressed the annual cycle of SST in different regions to examine effects of SST on precipitation in the Amazon basin. We concentrate on the Atlantic because there the an- nual cycle is relatively pure: internal variability is small compared to annual variability (Carton and Zhou 1997) and occurs mostly on decadal timescales. In the Paci®c, by contrast, a good deal of the annual cycle is due to averaging of mostly longer-term ENSO variability that FIG. 1. The region of interest and its orography at T42 resolution. is tied to the annual cycle. Moreover, the effect of SST The contour interval is 400 m, starting at the 2200-m value. (Neg- ative altitudes of 2200 mÐdue to Gibbs fringesÐare contoured in variations over Africa and South America has generated black, barely visible west of the Andes.) At T42 resolution the highest a lot of interest in recent years. Besides in the seasonal peak in the Andes is 3000 m high. predictability studies mentioned above, land±sea inter- actions in the Atlantic regions have been deemed im- portant in studies of decadal variability (e.g., Nobre and system have been consciously overlooked. Therefore, Shukla 1996; Rowell et al. 1995; Eltahir and Gong 1996; our analysis is not complete. While the effect of SST Werner 1999), and paleomonsoons (e.g., Braconnot et on land is totally taken into account, the effect of land al. 2000). on SST is necessarily neglected by the arti®ce of spec- We use a standard atmospheric general circulation ifying the SST. This might be particularly problematic model, version 3 of the National Center for Atmospheric for the annual cycle in the equatorial waveguide region, Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM3) where air±sea interaction determines the behavior of the [this is essentially the same model used by Fu et al. ITCZ±cold tongue complex (see, e.g., Mitchell and Wal- (2001) except that, in that work, the land model was lace) 1992; Xie and Philander 1994; Philander et al. replaced by a different model]. We use the model in its 1996). original form (Kiehl et al. 1998) whose annual cycle This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we was extensively evaluated by comparing a 15-yr sim- introduce the model and validate the control climatology ulation forced by observed SST to observations (Hurrell against observations and the National Centers for En- et al. 1998; Bonan 1998). vironmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. In section 3 Because Bonan (1998) evaluated the global aspects we describe the experiments performed, and in section of the model without much attention to the Atlantic, and 4 we comment on the simulated annual cycles. In sec- because Fu et al. (2001) evaluated the model only in tions 5 and 6 we present our main results, namely, the the Amazon region, we will reexamine the capabilities response of the AGCM to SST and to insolation chang- of the model to simulate the annual cycle in the Atlantic es, respectively. In section 7 we discuss the statistical region (Fig. 1), comprising the tropical Atlantic, South signi®cance of the responses and also indicate where America, and Africa. SST and insolation interact in a nonlinear fashion to We then use the model in a manner similar to Li and produce the simulated seasonal cycle. In section 8 we Philander (1997) but, instead of specifying an unchang- summarize our main results, present the implications for ing mean SST, we specify constant values of SST at variability studies, and offer some caveats in the inter- various phases of the annual cycle and allow the sun to pretation of our results. vary through its annual cycle. To complete the sepa- ration, we specify constant values of the sun at two 2. The model (extreme) phases of its annual cycle and allow the SST to vary annually. This separation of local and remote The model used in this study is the CCM3 developed effects allows us to estimate not only where SST is at NCAR, run at the standard resolution T42L19 (tri- important, but also when. angular spectral truncation at wavenumber 42, corre- In summary, the objective of this paper is to study sponding to a grid about 2.8832.88; and 19 mixed the atmospheric response to the speci®ed annual cycle sigma and pressure vertical levels). The NCAR Land of both ocean boundary conditions and radiative forc- Surface Model (LSM; Bonan 1996) is coupled to the ing. This decomposition will provide a ®rst-order in- atmospheric component to simulate the effect of veg- dication of how the annual cycle is set, but it obviously etation and soil hydrology on land±atmosphere ex- neglects some important physics of the coupled system: changes (Bonan 1998).
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