
JOURNAL O F RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- A. Physics and Chemistry Vol. 64A. No. 6, November- December 1960

Heat of Formation of Walter H . Johnson, Marthada V. Kilday, and Edward J. Prosen

(August 8, 1960)

The heat of formation of crystall in e decaborane has been deter mined by calorimetric measlIrement of the heat of decompoF ition:

B lOTI j4(c) ...... lOB (am) + 7H2 (g),

MT(25 °C) = S2.8 ± 5.9 kj/ , (l9.8 ± 1.4 kcal/mole).

With t he heat of t ransition of crystalline to flmol'phollS taken as 0.40 kcal/mole we obtain for t he heat of formation of decaborane : '

M-Tf; ••. I0= - 66.1 kj/ mole, (- J5.8 keal/mole).

1. Introduction bustion of deeaborane. The heat of formation of decaborane [2] was tal<:en as 8 kcal/mole, calculated Combustio n meLhods afford a con venien t and from his results. precise meLhod fo1' determination of the heats of The decomposition of crystalline decaborane into formation of a large number of compounds. In the amorphous boron and gaseous proved t o case of decaborane, however, preliminary measure­ be the best m ethod for calorimetric determination of ments of t he heat of combustion of dccaborane llave the heat of formation. The results of this investi­ been found Lo be vcry unreliable. CombusLion ex­ gation are presented here. perimen Ls in an oxyge ll bomb failed to yield resulLs of t he required precision ; the sample detonated in 2. Source and Purity of Materials practically all cases and the combusLion products in chlded varying amounLs of elemenLal bo[,on and The cl ecaborane was obtained from the General higlw r bo],on h:vdricies. There was also some 1111 (,e'1'­ E lectric R esear ch Laboratory through th e courtesy tainty in the amount of dissolved and the of A. E. Newkirk and A.L. Marshal1. Jt was prepared possibility of t he presence of boron oxides. In ge ll ­ by th e pYl'olysi of and purified by several eral, the eXpel'inlents we're performed with the deca­ v:w uum sublimations, the last two of' which produced bo1'an e sample' in tbe form of a pcllet. I n some materials wi tIt no . measUl'able differ ence in m elting cases, in which the sample was burned in Lh e form point. Prio], to this investigation it was further of loose crystals or of crysLals intcrmixed wi tl) quartz purifi.ed b.v Lwo successive vacuum sublimations and fib ers, t he combustion residue also illcluded deca­ stored in a desiccator over magnesium perchlorate. . In other experimen ts a solu tion of deca­ A m ass spectrometric analysis of the helium2 used borane in toluene was burned ; the resulting quan tity showed it to contain less than 0.01 volume percent of carbon dioxide, however, indicated the formation or ail' ; the helium was further treated as described eitber of elemental carbon or of boron carb ide. m t he n ext section of this paper. The quantity of boric acid found in the watel'­ sohlble portion of the combustion products varied from 75 to 95 percent of the theoretical amount cal­ 3. Apparatus culated from the mass of sample. The resulting heat of combustion of decaborane (to crystalline boric The isothermal jacket calorimeter has been de­ oxide and liquid water) was - 2004 kcalfmole. A scribed previously [3]. The calorimetric system reason able estimate of the probable errol' in the beat consisted or the niclcel-plated copper calorimeter can of combustion of decaborane, as determined by the and covel' into which was placed a weighed quantity bomb process, is about 1 percent. In view of water , the calorimetric reaction vessel, and the of this information, it is obvious that the heat of platinum r esistance thermometer. The apparatus for formation calculated from the heat of combustion is measuring calorimeter temperatures and electrical subject to a relatively large un certainty. energy have been described previously [3, 4, 5]. Liebhafsky [1]1 also determined the heat of com-

2 Tbis analysis was perform ed by V. H . Dibelcr of the 1 Figures in brackcts indicate the literature references at the end of tbis paper. Scction of the Atomic and Radiation P hysics DivisiolJ. 521 A diagr am of th e calorimetric decomposition vessel is given in figure 1. The vessel consisted of a quar tz tube, wound with a 183-ohm nichrome heating coil , surr ounded with a silver r adiation shield, :wd a vacuum jacket. The decaborane sample was placed t u in the Vycor crucible at the lower end o( the quar tz tube. H elium entered at th e top t hrough a coarse capillary immediately above the vessel, fl owed around the crucible and out through t he glass h eli x. A nichrome wire attached to the crucible was led out of th e vessel through the inlet tube and fastened to a circularly ground stopcock in the helium line. By turning the stopcock, the crucible could be raised without interrupting the £l ow of helium or permitting air to enter the vessel. An aluminum cover (no t shown in the diagram) which fi tted over the top of the vessel served to preven t loss of energy by radi­ ation through the opening in the calorimeter can cover. A di agram of t he gas train is shown in figure 2. The helium was purified by passing it successively ovel· titanium, copper , and copper oxide in a Vycor tube which was heated to 600 DC and through absorbers con taining Ascarite, anhydrous magnesium perchlorate, and phosphorus pen toxid e. The exi t gases wer e passed successivel y through a capillary flowmeter, a trap cool ed with liquid nitrogen, a Vycor tube con Laining copper oxide at 600 DC, two water-absorption tubes, E'ac h con taining magnesiu m FIG URE 1. Decomposition ve.ssel.



FIGURE 2. Ga s train used in decomposition of decaborane. 522 perchlorate and phosphoru pen toxid e, and a r e­ period. Calorimeter temper atures wer e observed iLt cording gas-volume meter. i-minute in tervals during the en tire 1-houl" "r eac­ The capillary flowmeter ser ved for the approxi­ Lion " peri od. The helium flow was then directed to miLte adjustment of the ra Le of How of helium and by-pa s the decomposition ve el ~tncl Lh e r ecording also to indica te the l"

E + qH e+ qH 2+ qB + qB lOH14- flRc(Es) B IOH I4 (C) + 1l:02(g)--.?5B 20 3 (c) +7H 20(liq), flH (25 °C) mole BIOH14 ~HcO(25 °C)=- 1989.1 ± 4.0 kcal/mole.

Table 2. R esults of the BJOHJ4 decomposition experiments The uncertainties assigned to the values given in this paper have been taken as twice the standard

Exper- flRc E Moles AlI (25 °0) deviation of the means of the calibration and decom­ imcnt B laH " position experiments, combined with reasonable ------. __. estimates of all other known sources of error. ohm kjJrnole 0. 1781 11 3fi330. 0 2.9 - 0.1 -0.4 -0.5 0.001 8321 91. 64 . 180650 36806.8 1. 8 .0 -.4 -.5 .0016701 76. 713 6. Discussion . 178745 3M22. 6 2.2 . 0 -.3 - .5 .0016462 79. 76 .176884 36023. 9 2.2 -. 1 -.3 -.4 .0016111 68. 52 .215651 43948.5 3.6 -. 2 -.4 -.4 .0017796 92.66 . 236109 48154.4 2.8 -. 3 -. 3 -. 4 .00161320 93.38 The heats of formation of diborane and penta­ .213561 43512. 3 1.6 -. 2 -. 4 -.5 . 0017852 84. 53 borane were determined in a similar manner by .238218 484913. 6 2.7 -. 3 -.4 -. 4 . 0017660 7:1.56 . 221232 • 45046.1 3.5 -. 2 -.3 -. 4 . 0016111 84.79 measurement of the heats of decomposition of the vapors [10]. In each of these cases the decomposi­ Mean. __ . ______. ______.. ______. ______. ______82. 84 tion process was accompanied by the evolution of Standard Deviation of the mean .______±2.96 energy; in the case of decaborane, however, the process involves the absorption of energy. In every • There is a correction of -33.0 j/ohm in the energy equivalent of the calorim· eter system used for this experiment. case the quantity of material decomposed was deter- 524 mined by measurement of t he amounL of hydrogen 7. References evolved. This method has the advan tage of limiting the elTor introduced by incomplete decomposition to [11 n . A. Li ebltafsky, 1I npllblished daia. the difference between t he mean energies of the [21 F . ] . Ro sin i, D . D . Wagman, W. H . Evans, S. Levine, a nd 1. Jaffe, Selected values of chemi cal thermody­ broken anel unbroken boron-h.vell'ogen bonds multi­ Jlamic properties, KBS Circ. 500 (U.S. Government plied b y the fl'acLion of unbroken bonels. Printing OIfi ce, Washingion 25, D .C., 1952). There is a possibility LhtLt some of the hydrogen [3] E . J . Prose n, W. lI. Johnson , and F. Y. Pergiel, J. Re­ searcll N BS 62, 43 ( 1959) RP2!)27. may r emain adsorbed on Lhe amorphous boron at the [4] E. J . Prosen, F . W. Maron, a nd F . D. Rossini, J. Re­ decomposition temperature, but this quantity is searc ll NBS 46, 106 (I951 ) RP2181. believed to be mall. Sfl.mples of amorphous boron [5] E. J . Prosen a nd F . D . Ros ini, J . Research NBS 33, 255 prodLLced by of diborane at 600 °C were (1944) RP1607. [6] G. T . Jl'uruka \I'a and R. P . Pa rk, J . Research KBS 55, heated to 850 °C in vacuum with no significant loss 255 (1955) RP2627. of weight. [7] H . L. Johnston, H. N. Hersh, a nd E. C . Kerr, J. Am. Simons, Balis, and Liebhafsky [ll] made an Cilem. Soc. 73, 1112 ( 1951 ) . [8] J . R . Eckman and F . D. Rossini, BS J . Research 3, 597 elemental analysis by heating decaborane in sealed (1929) RPlll. pallfl.dium tubes to 900 °C in vacuum and were [9] E. J. Prosen , Chapter 6 in Experimental thermo­ able to remove 99.99 percent of the available hydro­ chemistry, F . D . Rossini, cd. (Interscience Publishers, gen. In view of these data it appears that any Inc., New York, N .Y., 1956). [10] E. J. Prosen, W. H . Johnson, and F . Y . Pergiel, J. Re­ error introduced by incomplete decomposition Ot' search NBS 61, 247 (1958) RP 290l. by adsorption of hydrogen on the amorphous boron [111 E. L. Simons, E. W. Balis, and H . A. Liebhafsky, Anal. residue is stllfl.ll in comparison with the uncertainty Chern. 25, 635 (1953). assigned to the experimental values. (Paper 64A6- 75)