Volume CXXIV, Number 10, January 12, 2007

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Volume CXXIV, Number 10, January 12, 2007 FRIDAY · JANUARY 12, 2007 The LawrenTian VOL. CXXIV, NO. 10 LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1884 WWW.LAWRENTIAN.COM Inside New capacities may affect house parties Beth McHenry that some have chosen to prohibit limited lighting and maze-like design limits capacity. Safety codes dictate Associate News Editor parties in small houses altogether, could hinder rescue efforts that are that capacity is limited to 25 people and emphasizes that Lawrence admin- more common during parties involv- per exit door. Last week, Safety Coordinator istrators are striving to improve safety ing alcohol.” Often, the area figures used in the Sports Mark Musser completed an ongoing without resorting to these actions. The most affected parties will old capacities were incorrect. Maps of project to improve capacity regula- Both Truesdell and Musser antici- likely be those held in fraternities the houses used by the university have tions in small houses, buildings on the pate only minor changes to party life and other Quad houses. Capacities of different scales from house to house. Quad, and Hiett Hall. and emphasize that the changes were these buildings have been reduced by Many did not specify exact measure- Capacity figures were calculated made as a much-needed safety pre- as many as 100 people. ments, only an imprecise measure of for each building and common room caution. Truesdell attests that more In contrast, most small houses the area. much more precisely than previous accurate measurements should have have the same or very similar capaci- Musser “inspected, measured and methods. The new capacities may been made years ago and that the ties. In a few cases, the capacities took pictures” of each room to better inconvenience students hosting par- capacity numbers used previously for small houses were increased sig- determine their true area. This pro- ties, but Musser and Dean of Students were probably unsafe. nificantly as some common areas cess took time, but Musser is now con- Nancy Truesdell both believe that the Some of the most significant were not included in the old measure- fident that the new numbers are much new codes will improve the safety of changes occurred in small houses ments. more accurate, although he offers to Hockey starts season with campus events. with basements. In basements with To determine the new safety redo any room that students deem The new regulations, discussed low ceilings and divided rooms a “0” capacities, Musser used information unfairly measured. back-to-back victories last Thursday in a meeting between capacity has been assigned for hold- from the Life Safety Code Handbook In addition, Musser accounted for >> see page 8 Truesdell and Physical Plant, do not ing parties. and Chapter 14 of the Wisconsin furniture within the rooms. Large fur- change any of the rules governing Although small gatherings of a Administrative Code. He measured niture can hinder people from exiting Large Group Housing or parties in few people are possible, the univer- capacity on a basis of 10 square feet and also takes up floor space. Old these areas. sity will not support official parties per person, the formula used to gov- capacities did not take these objects A&E Security’s involvement in regu- in these areas. Musser’s report states, ern banquet halls, dance halls and din- into consideration. lating these capacities will also not “These unfinished basements with ing rooms. The number of exits also Musser says that current capaci- change. The only changes made were ties used by the administration con- to the numbers themselves, which sider the furniture in the room, but now more accurately measure how that capacities could change if furni- many people can safely evacuate from ture was removed or changed. the common areas in case of an emer- Musser adds that although the gency. Appleton Fire Department regulates According to Musser, these num- parties of over 100 people, such as bers will now be used to “educate Phi Tau’s Le Brawl, they were largely party planners about appropriate uninvolved in revising the capacities. amounts of people in various loca- As the regulations themselves tions.” Previously, any registered have not changed, the new capacity party on campus was given an esti- expectations became effective imme- Lawrence Academy winter mate from the Office of Residence Life diately following Thursday’s meeting. chamber concert or Campus Activities of how many Musser and Truesdell both con- people should be present; now that clude by hoping that student par- >> see page 6 estimated number is more accurate in ties are not significantly affected regard to safety. by the new capacities. Says Musser, With reports of fires at colleges “Hopefully, all is well in the party and in nightclubs over the past several world. My main concern is just to years, many colleges have been revis- Photo by Mike Korcek make sure that everyone has a safe ing their fire codes. Truesdell says Parties in small houses like this one will need to be smaller due to new campus fire regulations. exit.” French film festival kicks off 2007 IMA nomination Beth McHenry Americans a unique opportunity to Emily Alinder the four sections of competition for Associate News Editor view international films. News Editor album, song, design and music video. Lawrence University, among many Lee Tomboulian and Circo was The latest international films are other American universities, applied The music group Lee Tomboulian nominated in the “Best Song of World rarely shown in Appleton, where a for and received a grant by the council and Circo received a 2007 Independent Fusion” category. venue and the necessary resources to to show five films from a list in the Music Award nomination for their “It’s good to be heard by, among Laura Zuege: finance them are lacking. This January FACE archive. song “Weather Ornette.” others, Peter Gabriel and David Byrne, and February however, French profes- According to Hoft-March, the Lee Tomboulian is an instructor two major promoters of world music,” What do you do all day at sors Judith Sarnecki and Eilene Hoft- five films in this festival were chosen of music at said Lee. the London Centre? March have set a precedent by show- specifically for their ability to create the Lawrence O r i g i n a l l y “a better understanding of diversity Conservatory known as Circo, >> see page 2 casing the first French film festival at Lawrence, called Tournées. within the francophone world.” of Music and the group Students and especially Fox Valley The five films alternately address teaches jazz was based in residents are invited to attend, as the diverse socio-economic, religious, gen- i m p r o v i s a - Arkansas from weather Tournées festival specifically requires der-based and cross-cultural issues. tion, jazz 1985 to 1992 and that their films are made available to Yet all of the films are firmly grounded small group then in Dallas, the largest audience possible. in the present, in order that Lawrence performance Texas from 1995 The Tournées Festival, in French faculty and students will continue to practice, and to the present. literally a “tour” or “series,” is a benefit from this new collection. applied jazz E l i z a b e t h program that is sponsored by FACE The first film in this series, “No piano. He is T o m b o u l i a n , Council, a French/American cultural Rest for the Brave,” will be shown also a com- Photo by Christine Beaderstadt Lee’s wife and the exchange program that widely pro- Jan. 11, 12 and 13. It follows Basile, a poser and a Conservatory instructor Lee Tomboulian's music group group’s vocalist, nominated for 2007 IMA. motes French culture throughout the French teenager who is convinced that pianist. said, “Lee’s musi- United States. he will die if he falls asleep. IMA is an annual competition cal cauldron is full to the brim with Since Hollywood-produced films The film features elements of for artists and bands that have long diverse treats from classical, impres have a strong monopoly in movie French existentialism, along with recording histories as well as artists Cloudy on Saturday theatres throughout the country, and bands that are new to the music Few snow showers on Sunday programs such as Tournées offer industry. There are 27 categories in See French flims on page 4 See IMA nomination on page 4 Saturday High 27 LUCC candidates and voting Possible changes in Downer Low 21 * This Sunday at 5:15 p.m. in Downer A there will be a LUCC candi- Joyce Fasano of the Cornyn Fasano Group, a foodservice management Wind: N at 12 mph date forum. Ask questions and get to know candidates before voting. consulting firm, will be coming to campus next week to review Lawrence’s * Voting will be done electronically this year for the first time. An current meal plan. Sunday e-mail will be sent to all students containing either a link or directions Dining services is considering a shift from buffet-style service and will High 25 to the website for voting. explore other options with the help of Fasano. Students are encouraged * LUCC voting will run from Wednesday, Jan. 17 through Friday, Low 13 to attend a student focus group to provide feedback about the future of Jan. 19. the meal plan structure. Wind: NNW at 14 mph * Off-campus students, both local and abroad, are encouraged to The meeting will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 4 p.m. in dining vote via e-mail to Paul Shrode at [email protected].
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