Report &r\ Planning, Design and FlOWer City Development Committee Committee of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brampton


File: C05W01.007 DATE: Afrit C?C?, dO/3

Subject: RECOMMENDATION REPORT Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law Gagnon & Law Urban Planners Limited on behalf of Ornstock Developments Limited (To permit an office development consisting of three 5-storey office buildings and ancillary commercial uses.) located at the north-west corner of Steeles Avenue West and Road (2042 Steeles Ave West) Ward: 6 Contact: Allan Parsons, Manager, Planning Design and Development Department 905-874-2063


This report recommends approval of an application to amend the Zoning By-law to develop the subject property with three 5-storey office buildings and ancillary commercial uses.

The subject property is designated "Office" in the Official Plan and "Specialty Office and Service Commercial", "Office Centre", "Special Policy Area 7", and "Primary Gateway" in the Bram West Secondary Plan (Area 40). The uses proposed through this application are consistent with the uses envisioned for this site in the Official Plan and Secondary Plan.

The proposed development will be built in three phases, and will ultimately create approximately 1,600 jobs.


1. THAT the report from Allan Parsons, Manager, Planning Design and Development Department, entitled "RECOMMENDATION REPORT" dated April 4, 2013 to the Planning, Design and Development Committee Meeting of April 22, 2013, RE: Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law, Gagnon & Law Urban Planners Limited on behalf of Ornstock Developments Limited, Ward: 6, File: C05W01.007 be received;

1 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report £2-2.

2. THAT the application be approved in principle and staff be directed to prepare the appropriate amendment to the Zoning By-law; 3. THAT the Zoning By-law be amended from "Agricultural (A)" to a site-specific office commercial zone, to be generally in accordance with the following:

3.1 Permitted uses include:

a) an office, including the office of a health care practitioner; b) a hotel; c) a conference centre.

3.2 A range of retail and commercial uses are also to be permitted, subject to the following:

a) They are permitted only in conjunction with principal uses and are limited to a maximum of 25 percent of the gross commercial floor area of the buildings. b) They are permitted as a principle use provided a minimum gross floor area of 16,000 square metres of office uses have received building permits; or a conference centre has received a building permit, and shall be subject to the following gross floor area restrictions:

i) dining room restaurants: maximum of 750 square metres; ii) fitness centre: minimum of 2,000 square metres and maximum of 3,000 square metres; iii) other retail and commercial uses: maximum of 1,500 square metres.

3.3 The following uses are also to be permitted ancillary to office uses, provided they collectively comprise less than 40% of the total office area:

i.) a retail outlet; ii.) a repair facility; iii.) a training facility; iv.) amenities for the use of employees of the establishment such as a fitness centre or a cafeteria; v.) a day nursery; vi.) a showroom; vii.) a testing or development lab.

3.4 Requirements and restrictions:

a) Minimum Lot Area: 1.0 hectare; b) Minimum Front Yard Depth: 15 metres; c) Minimum Exterior Side Yard Width: 15 metres; d) Minimum Landscaped Open Space:

2 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report a. 10 metres along Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue; b. 5% of the area of any parking lot must be landscaping, which may be provided in the form of landscaped islands, landscaped medians, and pedestrian pathways. d) Maximum Building Height: 25 metres. e) Minimum Building Height: 9.5 metres, except for lands within 250 metres of the intersection of Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West, the minimum building height is 14.0 metres. f) Minimum Building Size: 14,000 square metres.

4. THAT prior to the enactment of the Zoning By-law, the Owner shall provide the City with a written acknowledgement from the Trustee appointed pursuant to the Bram West 40-3 Cost Sharing Agreement that the requirements of this agreement have been met;

5. THAT prior to the enactment of the Zoning By-law, the applicant shall execute a rezoning agreement with the City which will include the following:

a) Prior to the issuance of a building permit, site plan approval shall be obtained, which shall include the submission of a site development plan, landscaping, grading and storm drainage plan, elevation and cross section drawings, a fire protection plan, and engineering and servicing plans;

b) The Owner/Developer shall pay all applicable Regional, City and educational development charges in accordance with respective development charges by laws;

c) Prior to site plan approval, an Urban Design Brief shall be prepared and approved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning, Design and Development. The Urban Design Brief shall outline development principles, considering the prominent location of the subject property located along two major arterial roads, including but not limited to: • significant building articulation; • high quality building materials; • superior landscaping and hardscaping features, to include decorative fencing.

d) The Owner acknowledges and agrees that a community entry feature is required to be installed at the intersection of Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West and the design of the entry feature shall be compatible with the architecture of the proposed office building;

e) Prior to site plan approval, the Functional Servicing Report prepared R.J. Burnside and Associates Ltd., dated March 18, 2013, shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning, Design and Development and

3 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report £2-4

the Region of Peel and the Owner/Developer agrees to implement the requirements of the report; f) Prior to site plan approval, the Traffic Impact Study prepared by MMM Group, dated March 8, 2013, shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning, Design and Development and the Region of Peel and the Owner/Developer agrees to implement the requirements of the report;

g) Prior to site plan approval, the Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Terraprobe, dated November 28, 2012 shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning, Design and Development and the Region of Peel and the Owner/Developer agrees to implement the requirements of the report;

h) The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the intersection of Mississauga Road and Olivia Marie Road is anticipated to be warranted for traffic control signals in the year 2016 and 25% of the cost for installing the future traffic control signals shall be borne by the property Owner. In this regard, at the Site Plan Approval stage, a letter of credit in the amount of $37,500 will be required for installation of the future traffic control signals. The future traffic control signals will only be installed when warranted or otherwise directed by Regional Council. In addition, the property Owner shall be responsible for 25% of the annual maintenance cost of the future traffic control signals which amounts to $1,575.00 per annum to be paid in ten years, or a consolidated amount of $15,750.00 can also be paid;

i) The Owner acknowledges and agrees that on-site waste collection will be required through a private waste hauler;

j) The Owner shall grant easements to the appropriate authorities as may be required for the installation of utilities and municipal services to service the lands;

k) The Owner/Developer shall pay cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication in accordance with the Planning Act and City Policy or make other arrangements to the satisfaction of the City for this payment;

I) The Owner acknowledges and agrees that large transformers above underground structures will require Structural Engineering Certification;

m) The Owner/Developer shall make satisfactory arrangements with Canada Post to supply and install and maintain a central mail facility for each of the three office buildings.

6. THAT the decision of approval for the subject application be considered null and void and a new development application be required, unless a Zoning By-law is passed within 18 months of the Council approval of this decision.

4 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report Kr&


This application was submitted by Gagnon and Law Urban Planners Limited on behalf of Ornstock Developments Limited on December 12, 2012. The lands subject to this application are to be severed from a larger land holding located to the west (see Figure 1). In this regard, consent application file B13-002 was approved with conditions by the Committee of Adjustment on February 12, 2013. Before the consent receives certification (final approval) all conditions of the approval are to be satisfied. This severance will allow for the sale of the severed lands. A separate Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision (City file: C05W01.006/21T-10016B) is being processed for the retained lands for residential and open space uses.

Figure 1: Subject lands (severed lands) are subject to Consent application B13-002 PI/NW.D RtSOLMHAt EX. FIRE MAJi I


C05W01.007 Recommendation Report E2.-U

Date of Public Meeting

The public meeting for this application was held on January 14, 2013. No members of the public were in attendance for this application.

Figure 2: Location Map


The proposal is to permit an office development and a conference centre use in accordance with the land use designations of the Bram West Secondary Plan (Area 40). This proposal consists of three 5-storey office buildings, with a combined gross floor area of approximately 51, 283 m2 (552,000 ft2). A total of 1,346 parking spaces are proposed (977 underground spaces and 369 surface level spaces). The Zoning By-law amendment also requests permissions for ancillary retail and commercial uses, including but not limited to the following:

• Financial institutions; • Retail and convenience stores; • Banquet halls and dining room restaurants; • Commercial, technical or recreational schools; • Community clubs and fitness centres.

C05W01.007 Recommendation Report Theapplicant has submitted the following supporting studiesfor the proposed development:

• Planning Justification Report • Traffic Impact Study • Limited Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment • Functional Servicing Report

The applicant proposes to develop the subject property in three phases. The applicant has provided a Master Concept Plan (Figure 3) to illustrate the ultimate development of the subject lands, and a Phase 1 Concept Plan (Figure 4) which shows the first office building to be built at the south end of the property.

Numeric references are included on the two concept plans shown below to provide details regarding the proposal. Details are as follows:

Regarding the Master Concept Plan (Figure 3): Item 1: phase 1 office building (5 storeys, 500 occupants, 17,000 sq.m.AI 84,000 sq.ft.) Item 2: phase 2 office building (5 storeys, 500 occupants, 17,000 sq.m./184,000 sq.ft.) Item 3: phase 3 office building (5 storeys, 500 occupants, 17,000 sq.m./184,000 sq.ft.) Item 4: parking ramp Items 5 to 9: above ground parking Items 10,11,12: underground parking

Regarding the Phase 1 Concept Plan (Figure 4): Item 1: Lands subject to future development phases Item 2, 5,6,10,11,16: landscaping Item 3,14,15: parking area Item 4: signalized intersection Item 7: parking garage entrance Item 8: phase 1 office building (5 storeys, 500 occupants, 17,000 sq.m./184,000 sq.ft.) Item 9: terrace Item 12: screened mechanical equipment Item 13: loading area Item 17 and 18: stormwater management pond, and associated access and trail

7 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report eM

Figure 3: Master Concept Plan Figure 4: Phase 1 Concept Plan



v~- Steeles Avenue

Steeles Avenue s

8 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report £2^

Figure 5: Architectural Rendering of Phase 1 Development


Property Description and Surrounding Land Use

The subject property is currently vacant and has the following characteristics:

♦ is located at the north-west corner of Steeles Avenue West and Mississauga Road and is municipally known as 2042 Steeles Ave West;

♦ has a site area of 7.44 hectares (18.39 acres);

♦ has a frontage of approximately 33 metres (108.3 feet) along Steeles Avenue West and 585 metres (1,919.3 feet) along Mississauga Road;

♦ is currently vacant and used for agricultural purposes.

The surrounding land uses are described as follows:

North: City of Brampton Fire Station #212, beyond which is vacant land zoned "Agricultural" and planned for "Specialty Office and Service Commercial" as part of the approved Riverview Heights Block Plan (Area 40-3);

South: Steeles Avenue West, beyond which is a property that is zoned "Agricultural" and "Flood Plain" and which contains a single detached dwelling;

East: Mississauga Road, beyond which is a gas bar and vacant land zoned "Office Commercial";

C05W01.007 Recommendation Report £H°

West: vacant lands and valley lands associated with draft approved plan of subdivision (Files: 21T-10016B and C05W01.006) which will be developed for single-detached dwellings, medium/high density residential, the preservation of woodlots and valley land; and a storm water management pond that will abut and service the subject lands.


The proposed zoning amendment from "Agricultural" to "Office Commercial" uses is supported by staff. The land use and built form that is proposed, being offices as a primary use with ancillary commercial uses, within a prominent built form is in keeping with the policies of the Official Plan and Secondary Plan. In particular, it conforms to the "Office" designation of the Official Plan, and the "Office Centre" and "Specialty Office and Service Commercial" designations of the Secondary Plan. Requirements are recommended within this report to ensure that the site is developed in a manner that is consistent with the Master Concept Plan (Figure 3) and with the City's Development Design Guidelines.

The proposal is also consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and the City's Strategic Plan by attracting growth in terms of employment lands and by supporting a competitive business structure. The proposal is consistent with the Growth Plan as it will assist in achieving the employment forecasts of the Growth Plan by providing/retaining approximately 1,600 jobs within the Region of Peel.

The public meeting was held on January 14, 2013. No members of the public were in attendance for this application.

The proposed development represents good planning.

Respectfully submitted:

'aul Shape, MCIP, RPP Dan Kraszewski, MCIP, RPP 'Acting'Director, Land Development Acting Commissioner, Planning, Services Design and Development

Authored by: Lindsay Sulatycki, MCIP, RPP, Development Planner

10 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report E2-II


Appendix 1- Official Plan (Schedule "A" General Land Use Designations) Extract

Appendix 2- Secondary Plan Land Use Map

Appendix 2A - Block Plan 40-3 (Riverview Heights)

Appendix 3 - Existing Zoning Plan Extract

Appendix 4 - Existing Land Use Map

Appendix 5 - Detailed Planning Analysis

Appendix 6 - Public Meeting Attendance Record

Appendix 7 - Results of Application Circulation





Medium/High Density Woodlot EMPLOYMENT: ^ SWM Facilities Specialty Office &Service ROAD NETWORK: Commercial <)Cx Office Centre Primary Gateway INSTITUTIONAL: Fire Station Special Policy Area 7


Date: 2012 12 14 Drawn By: CJK CITY FILE: C05W01.007 E2dij

il 3.0"ha. (i

LEGEND 1SERVICE COMMERCIAL ] VISTAS MNR Mapped Wetlands (approx. —| EXECUTIVE SC | (8.9 ho) J (1.5 ha) from air photography) _J RESIDENTIAL (36.3 ha) SPECIALTY OFFICE AND \ INSTITUTIONAL & •."•->:-,?, NON PARTICIPATING LANDS­ —i VILLAGE soscl SERVICECOMML (7.7ha) JSCHOOLS (30.0 ha) _l RESIDENTIAL (4.1 ha) iiy-i'd FURTHER STUDY REQUIRED -fr~l CONVENIENCE 1 OPEN SPACE/ —, LOW/MEDIUM DENSITY i±-l COMMERCIAL (8.2 ha) JWOODLOTS (126 8ha) f DESIGNATED HERITAGE PROPERTY _J RESIDENTIAL (81.0 ha) —-i NEIGHBOURHOOD ]SWM POND (21.6 ha) —I MEDIUM DENSITY ii£j COMMERCIAL (7.8 ha) Q LISTEO HERITAGE PROPERTY IRESIDENTIAL (14.7 ha) )ROADS/ WIDENINGS (76.7 ha) ^fr PRIMARY GATEWAY —| MEDIUM/HIGH PC | OFFICE CENTRE (4.2 ha) —I DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (3.3 ha) I PRESTIGE TOTALAREA <65 ha MISSISSAUGA RO. STREETSCAPE IINDUSTRIAL (10.7 ha) ENHANCEMENT I MIXED USE (4.0 ha) PARKS & J{ Access to ponds L2 and L5 to be deteimined atthe subdivision stago of dovelopment PARKETTES(17.5ha) -4 Limilad turnmovomonts DEVELOPMENT LIMITS Limit ofDevelopment Approximate Limit of Development Stated Dripline of MatureForest StakedEdge of Wetland (MNR July2008) Staked Top of Bank Stable Top of Slope




§1 BRAMPTON > ZONING DESIGNATIONS bcomptonto Flower City GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LTD. PLANNING, DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT Ornstock Developments Ltd. 50 100 EE Drawn By: CJK Metres Date: 2012 12 14 CITY FILE: C05W01.007 •.^ARDSVluVj.OR­

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APPENDIX 4 M BRAMPTON X AERIAL & EXISTING LAND USE irompionta Flower City GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LTD. PLANNING. DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Ornstock Developments Ltd. 50 100 EE Drawn By: CJK Metres Date: 2012 12 14 CITY FILE: C05W01.007 bl'ft


Provincial Policy Statement

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety and the quality of the natural environment. The proposal is consistent with the PPS policies.

Specifically, the proposal is consistent with Section 1.0 - Building Strong Communities as it promotes efficient development and land use patterns which will help to sustain the financial well-being of the City. This proposal will provide a form of development that uses existing infrastructure and will provide a significant amount of employment to the City. The proposed employment uses will also support the development of an appropriate range and mix of land uses in the Bram West Secondary Plan area.

The proposal is also consistent with Section 1.3 Employment Areas as it provides for an appropriate mix and range of employment uses to meet long-term needs, and provides opportunities for a diversified economic base.

Growth Plan

The Growth Plan is the framework for implementing the Government of 's vision for building strong, prosperous communities. The goal of the Growth Plan is to efficiently manage population, employment and development growth within the Greater Golden Horseshoe to the year 2031.

The proposal is consistent with the Growth Plan as it will accommodate forecasted employment growth. The proposed development will assist in achieving the employment forecasts of the Growth Plan by providing/retaining approximately 1,600 jobs within the Region of Peel.

The subject site is identified as a 'Transit-Supportive Node" on Schedule 1 - City Concept of the Official Plan. This 'Transit-Supportive Node" located in Bram West is to be developed as the City's major office centre outside of the Central Area where the highest densities of office development are planned. Policy in the City's Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment states that development within this area shall generally be designed to achieve a floor space index (FSI) of 1.5 within buildings 3-10 storeys in height.

Policy in the City's Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment states that development along Primary Intensification Corridors shall be designed to achieve a FSI of 1.5 within buildings that are 2-10 storeys in height. This application proposes the delivery of 3 significant buildings which will have a minimum prescribed height and size. The buildings will be approximately 5 storeys and will each be approximately

12 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report 14,000sq.m. (150.500 sq.ft.) in size. These buildings will result in a FSI of 0.69 on the site, and will create a development of a suitable scale and density for the intensification areas in which it is located. The proposal conforms to the intended City Structure.

Strategic Plan

The proposed development is consistent with the City's Strategic Plan, in particular with respect to providing a "Dynamic and Prosperous Economy". The proposal will attract growth in terms of employment and support a competitive business structure. The development is also consistent with respect to providing "Managed Growth" as it will use existing City and Regional services and infrastructure and promote economic prosperity, and will help ensure that an appropriate amount of land is designated for commercial/employment uses.

Official Plan

The subject lands are designated "Office" in the Official Plan. Lands designated "Office" are to be developed at densities and concentrations suited to the particular area as determined in the appropriate secondary plans. The permitted uses within the "Office" designations include: business, professional or administrative offices, hotels, motels, convention centres, accessory and personal service retailing, food and beverage establishments, compatible recreation, public and institutional and convenience retail uses and business support activities. This proposal to develop office uses and associated retail uses is consistent with the objectives of the Official Plan.

Secondary Plan

The subject lands are designated "Office Centre", "Specialty Office and Service Commercial" and "Special Policy Area 7" in the Bram West Secondary Plan (Area 40d). Permitted uses in the "Office Centre" designation include: office uses, research and development facilities, ancillary light manufacturing uses, conference/convention centres, and within which may permit limited accessory retail, and business support services.

Permitted uses in the "Specialty Office & Service Commercial" designation include: offices, restaurants, retail and service commercial uses which provide support to the Bram West employment lands to the south and the surrounding residential area to the east and west.

The policies associated with the "Special Policy Area 7" designation that applies to this site, and the surrounding area, require that employment opportunities on these lands are created for approximately 1,600 jobs, subject to any physical and functional constraints including, but not limited to the ultimate capacity of the surrounding road network, projected future traffic volumes and the functional layout of the property. Development of these lands is also subject to a superior standard of urban design and

13 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report KrW

is to be compatible and complementary to the built form and character proposed for the east side of Mississauga Road within Sub-Area 40-1.

Uses proposed through this application appropriately reflect the policies of the "Office Centre" and "Specialty Office and Service Commercial" designations that apply to the subject property. "Office Centre" uses are proposed through Phase 1 of the development, which will be located close to the intersection of Steeles Avenue West and Mississauga Road. Permissions for limited commercial uses will apply to subsequent development phases which will be located on the northerly portions of the site, subject to the "Specialty Office and Service Commercial" designation.

Block Plan

The subject lands are located within the Sub Area 40-3 Block Plan. The Block Plan was approved in October 2011. The proposed development conforms to the "Service Commercial" and "Specialty Office and Service Commercial" designations of the Block Plan.


The subject lands are zoned "Agricultural" (A) according to Zoning By-law 270-2004, as amended. The "Agricultural" zone does not permit the proposed uses. This application proposes an amendment to the Zoning By-law to change the zoning designation for the subject lands to an appropriate office commercial zone.

This report recommends zoning permissions and regulations for the proposed office/ commercial development consistent with the requirements of the Official Plan, land use and urban design requirements.

Land Use

The proposed office and ancillary commercial land uses conform to the designations of both the Official Plan and Secondary Plan. The office centre uses are ideal for this intersection of two primary intensification corridors at a gateway into the City. The proposal will bring an estimated 1,600 jobs, consisting of a mix of office, research and development, service and ancillary commercial jobs to Brampton. The proposed land uses are appropriate for the subject lands and will be compatible with the existing and planned land uses on adjacent lands.

Urban Design

The proposed development will be made of high quality materials (aluminum panels, black granite, glazing, etc.) and has a superior landscaping design (10 metres along Steeles Avenue and Missisauga Road). The proposed development will provide appropriate massing at this important intersection and will contribute to the image of Brampton. The proposed development is attractive and appropriate.

14 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report Vl-io

This report recommends that an Urban Design Brief be approved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Planning, Design and Development prior to the issuance of site plan approval. The Urban Design Brief will ensure that elements such as site planning and built form, streetscapes, edges and open space are consistent with the vision and civic design objectives of the City.

The Secondary Plan and Block Plan designate the intersection of Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West as a "Primary Gateway". Gateways are prominent sites located at important entrances into the City. Due to the location of this site at a gateway, the proposed development will be required to have high quality architectural materials and substantial landscaping treatments. Further, minimum height requirements will ensure buildings are prominent along the streetscape. A community entry feature will also be required at the corner of this site to enhance the community image and identity.

The building will be setback a minimum distance of 15 metres from Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West. This setback distance is acceptable due to the multi-storey design of the buildings, and the requirement for extensive planting/landscaping. As seen in Figure 5 - 'Architectural Rendering of Phase 1 Development', the building(s) will be highly visible and prominent. Landscaping treatment will also be required within surface parking lots in the form of landscaped islands, landscaped medians and landscaped pedestrian pathways. A significant amount of vehicle parking spaces are also to be provided as underground parking, to help maximize the amount of building massing and landscaping that can be provided on the site.

Figure 6: Architectural Rendering of Phase 1 Development

15 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report £2^21


A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) prepared by MMM Group has been submitted in support of the application. The TIS is currently being reviewed by the City and Region of Peel. This report recommends that the TIS is to be approved to the satisfaction of the City and the Region of Peel prior to site plan approval.

The Region of Peel has advised that one full moves access to Mississauga Road opposite Olivia Marie Road is approved in principle. In addition to the full moves access, a right-in/right-out access approximately 200 metres (650 feet) north of Steeles Avenue West is proposed along Mississauga Road.


A Functional Servicing Report (FSR) prepared by R.J. Burnside and Associates Limited has been submitted in support of this application. The FSR is currently being reviewed by the City and Region of Peel. This report recommends that the FSR is to be approved to the satisfaction of the City and Region of Peel prior to site plan approval.

The Region of Peel has confirmed there is an existing 300mm diameter water main located on Mississauga Road and an existing 650mm diameter sanitary sewer located on Mississauga Road.

The storm water management (SWM) pond that is planned to be constructed on the westerly abutting lands, in association with the draft approved Ornstock Development Limited plan of subdivision (Files: C05W01.006 and 21T-10016B) will serve the proposed development. The pond requires approval from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) because of issues relating to fish habitat. In the event that the pond is not constructed prior to building permit issuance for the office building, interim storm water management measures may be required. Any interim storm water management measures will be approved by the City's Development Engineering Division of the Planning, Design and Development Department.

Emergency Services

The subject site is served by fire station 212 (8220 Mississauga Road). This fire station is located approximately 0.6 kilometres from the subject site. There are adequate emergency services for this site.


The subject site is currently serviced by , specifically by route 51/51A along Steeles West, which operates at 15 minute intervals during peak periods. Zum Bus Rapid Transit service along the Steeles Avenue West corridor is scheduled to start in 2015. Brampton Transit's 2013-2017 Service Strategy shows Mississauga Road south of West as a Future Planned Primary Corridor.

16 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report WrCL


January 14, 2013

Members Present: Regional Councillor P. Palleschi - Wards 2 and 6 (Chair) Regional Councillor E. Moore - Wards 1 and 5 Regional Councillor J. Sanderson - Wards 3 and 4 City Councillor G. Gibson - Wards 1 and 5 City Councillor J. Hutton - Wards 2 and 6 City Councillor B. Callahan - Wards 3 and 4

Members Absent: City Councillor V. Dhillon - Wards 9 and 10 (Vice-Chair) (other municipal business) Regional Councillor G. Miles - Wards 7 and 8 (other municipal business) Regional Councillor J. Sprovieri - Wards 9 and 10 (other municipal business) Regional Councillor S. Hames - Wards 7 and 8 (vacation)

Staff Present: Planning. Design and Development Department D. Kraszewski, Acting Commissioner P. Snape. Acting Director. Planning and Land Development Services M. Won, Director, Engineering and Development Services H. Zbogar, Acting Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management D. Waters, Manager of Land Use Policy G. Bailey, Development Planner M. Gervais, Development Planner

Corporate Services Department R. Zuech. Deputy City Solicitor E. Evans, Deputy City Clerk S. Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator

A special meeting of the Planning Design and Development Committee was held on January 14, 2013 in the Council Chambers, 4th Floor, 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Notices of this meeting were sent to property owners within 900 metres of the subject lands and by public notification in the Brampton Guardian in accordance with the Planning Act and City Council procedures.

No members of the public were in attendance for this application.

17 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report EMS


The following comments have been received from circulated internal departments:

Parks and Facilitv Planning. Planning Policy and Growth Management. Planning. Design and Development. City of Brampton

• The intersection of Steeles Avenue West and Mississauga Road is a major Citywide Gateway location. A community entry feature is required to be installed at the intersection of Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West. • A Vegetation Assessment may be required at the site plan stage. • A detailed Design Brief will be required for the subject application. • Parkland Dedication requirements for this application shall be satisfied as a condition of Building Permit Issuance. Final calculations will be undertaken prior to Building Permit release.

Building Division. Planning. Design and Development Department. City of Brampton

• The Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) dated November 28, 2012, prepared by Terraprobe has been reviewed. • A copy of the Phase I ESA conducted for the site and a copy of the acknowledgement of the filing of a record of site condition with the Ministry of the Environment will be required. • The Table 3 non-potable site condition standards have been proposed for use, among the requirements for use of this table is a notification to the municipality of the intent to use Table 3. Please provide the required notice.

Comments from circulated external agencies are attached.

18 C05W01.007 Recommendation Report &rV\


Development Proposal Comments

File No: C05W01.007 Date: March 04,2013 Plan of Subdivision/Condominium: Applicant: GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LIMITED - ORNSTOCK DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Development Planner: Sulatycki, Lindsay - 905-874-3485

Location: 2042 Steeles Ave West

SPA: 40 Bram West Application to Amend the Zoning By-Law To permit Proposal: development of an office complex in accordance with OP desiqnation. Status: Public meeting Key Infrastructure provided by the Proposal:

Notes: These comments are based on the best information available to Growth Management staff at the time they were prepared. Items shown in bold require action and/or follow up with Growth Management staff. Other City Departments and/or external agencies should be contacted as appropriate regarding potential issues related to the provision of infrastructure.

Roads The subject site has frontage on Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue West, both of which are major arterial roads under the jurisdiction of the Region of Peel. According to the Region's 2013-2031 Road Program Funding map, Steeles Avenue east of Mississauga Road (to Chinguacousy Road) is to be widened from 4 to 6 lanes in 2018. Steeles Avenue west of Mississauga Road (to Winston Churchill Boulevard) is to be widened from 4 to 6 lanes in 2021. Mississauga Road north of Financial Drive (to Queen Street West) is to be widened from 4 to 6 lanes in 2021.

Action Required: NO

Transit Steeles Avenue West is served by Brampton Transit route 51/51A (Steeles West), which operates at 15 minutes headways during peak periods. Route 51/51A terminates at the Shoppers World Terminal - which provides connections to Zum Bus Rapid Transit routes 502 (Zum Main) and 511 (Zum Steeles) and to Brampton Transit routes 3,4, 8,11, 52,53 and 54 ­ and at the Lisgar GO Station (on GO Transit's Milton rail line). Zum Bus Rapid Transit service on the Steeles Avenue West corridor is scheduled to start in 2015. Brampton Transit's 2013­ El-27

2017 Service Strategy shows Mississauga Road south of Queen Street West as a Future Planned Primary Corridor.

Action Required: NO

Schools School capacity will not be affected by this office/ancillary commercial application.

Action Required: NO

Emergency Services The subject site is served by fire station 212 (8220 Mississauga Road). This fire station is located approximately 0.6 kilometres from the subject site.

Action Required: NO

Development Allocation Status Development allocation does not apply to this office/ancillary commercial application.

Action Required: NO

Cost Sharing Agreements The subject site is located within the Bram West 40-3 Cost Sharing Agreement (CSA) area. Confirmation is required from the CSA's appointed trustee that the landowners have signed onto the CSA prior to approval ofthe proposed Official Plan Amendment.

Action Required: YES

Growth Plan Compliance In June 2010 Brampton City Council adopted an amendment to the 2006 Official Plan to conform to the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment, OPA 2006-43). In November 2012, Brampton City Council adopted OPA 2006-074 (Additional Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment), an amendment to supplement OPA 43 to achieve Growth Plan conformity. The amendments are currently under appeal at the Ontario Municipal Board.

The subject site is on land designated Office on Schedule 'A' of the City's Official Plan and is located within The Mississauga Road Corridor Office Centre in the Bram West Secondary Plan Area. The proposed uses for the subject site align well with the uses that The Mississauga Road Corridor Office Centre has been planned to attract (per Policy of the City's Official Plan), which include: Office and research and development uses; and Limited accessory retail and service commercial uses that provide support to the adjacent employment areas.

The proposed land uses also align well with the designation for the southern part of the subject site (Office Centre) in the Bram West Secondary Plan and with the requirements set out for Special Policy Area 7 in the Secondary Plan. (Please see the Zoning By-law Amendment section below for additional comments on the land use designations for the subject site.) Vl/H

The Land Use Planning Justification Report correctly identifies the Growth Plan's target of 50 persons and jobs combined per hectare (ppj/ha) in designated greenfield areas. This is, however, a Regional target. The City of Brampton has been assigned a target of 51 ppj/ha for its designated greenfield area. Within the City, each new Secondary Plan and Block Plan Area will have its own population, employment and resultant density targets. (The densities for some areas will need to exceed 51 ppj/ha to compensate for those areas that will have lower densities.) The target for the Block Plan Area in which the subject site is located, per the Bram West Secondary Plan Chapter 40(d), is 55 ppj/net hectare.

I note that the 55 ppj/net hectare figure for Block Plan Area 40-3 was refined through the approved Riverview Heights Growth Management Staging and Sequencing Strategy. This Block Plan Area is now expected to achieve a density of 52 ppj/net ha. I further note that the Strategy states that the subject site will accommodate 1,370 jobs; the proposed 1,600 jobs, which is consistent with the number of jobs envisioned for the area in the Bram West Secondary Plan, aligns reasonably well this revised figure. The additional jobs will also serve as a reserve against possible decreases in persons or jobs elsewhere in the Block Plan Area. This application will, in my opinion, positively contribute to the achievement of the target density for Block Plan Area 40-3 and to the City's achievement of the target density for its designated greenfield areas. Note: Growth Management staff does not calculate density on a site-by-site basis as was done in the Land Use Planning Justification Report.

The subject site is located within a Major Transit Station Area and along two Primary Intensification Corridors (Steeles Avenue West and Mississauga Road), as depicted on Schedule '1' in the City's Additional Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment (OPA 74). Brampton's City Structure is the fundamental basis for building a compact and transit supportive city where growth will be concentrated within intensification areas (Urban Growth Centre, Intensification Corridors, Mobility Hubs and Major Transit Station Areas).

Major Transit Station Areas are centres planned to accommodate a concentration of higher density residential and/or commercial, institutional or employment development around an existing or future higher order transit station. They will be planned to accommodate an appropriate mix of uses that support the roles of the area as a transit station area, and have a built form that is pedestrian friendly and easily accessible by all modes of travel. These centres have City-wide significance as part of the City's transit network. The Major Transit Station Area in Bram West will be developed and reinforced as the City's major office centre outside of the Central Area where the highest densities of office development are planned. Policy in the City's Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment states that development within a Major Transit Station Area shall generally be designed to achieve a floor space index of 1.5 within buildings 3­ 10 storeys in height.

Intensification Corridors are one of the City's key intensification areas, planned to accommodate significant growth through higher residential and employment densities supporting higher order transit service. Located mainly along major arterial roads, intensification corridors provide linkages across the City connecting mobility hubs, major transit station areas and the Central Area, including the Urban Growth Centre. Primary Intensification Corridors are those which are primarily identified as higher order transit corridors linking major destinations within and beyond the City. Policy in the City's Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment states that development within Primary Intensification Corridors shall be designed to achieve a floor space index of 1.5 within buildings 2-10 storeys in height. B2-23­

I note that the development's proposed building heights (5 storeys) conforms to Policies and of the City's Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment, but that the proposed floor space index (0.69) does not. Overall, it is my opinion that the proposed development is of a suitable scale and density for the intensification areas in which it is located and that it conforms to the City Structure.

I further note that Policy in the City's Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment states that Major Transit Stations Areas will be planned to have a built form that is pedestrian friendly and easily accessible by all modes of travel. Moving the proposed buildings closer to the streets would support improved accessibility, pedestrian friendliness, and connectivity with transit.

Action Required: YES

Zoning By-law Amendment As noted in the Land Use Planning Justification Report, a Zoning By-law Amendment is required to permit the development of the site as shown on the proposed Concept Site Plan Master Plan. The subject site, as depicted on Schedule SP 40(a) to Bram West Secondary Plan Chapter 40(d), is split into two land use designations: Office Centre (roughly the southern half of the site) and Specialty Office and Service Commercial (roughly the northern half of the site). Permitted uses in Office Centre include offices uses, research and development facilities, ancillary light manufacturing uses, conference/convention centres, and within which may permit limited accessory retail, and business support services. Permitted uses in Specialty Office and Service Commercial include offices, restaurants, retail and service commercial uses which provide support to the Bram West employment lands to the south and the surrounding residential area to the east and west.

The list of permitted uses in the draft Zoning By-law Amendment is more in line with the permissions for Specialty Office and Service Commercial than for Office Centre. I understand that the subject site will be developed as a Master Plan (i.e., one large site) and see the sense in having one set of land use permissions for the entire site. Given that the subject site is located within The Mississauga Road Corridor Office Centre, and given the uses that this Office Centre is planned to attract (per Policy in the City's Official Plan), I see merit in restricting the list of permitted uses in the draft Zoning By-law Amendment to those permitted in the Office Centre designation rather than those permitted in the Specialty Office and Service Commercial designation.

As noted above, moving the proposed buildings closer to the streets would support improved accessibility, pedestrian friendliness, and connectivity with transit. Any such change would need to be reflected in the draft Zoning By-law Amendment (e.g., Maximum Front Yard Depth, Maximum Landscaped Open Space).

The Minimum Building Heights should reflect Policies and of the City's adopted Growth Plan Official Plan Amendment (OPA 43).

Action Required: YES Hydro One Brampton Networks Inc. Scl-Vi 175 Sandalwood Pkwy Wosl Brampton, Onlario L7A 1E8 Tol: (905) 452 5502 hydrcN^ 7 one Brampton


City of Brampton 2 Wellington Street West Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4R2 Atfn: Bryan Cooper

Re: Application for Site Plan Approval Office Development Complex N/W Comer of Steeles and Hurontario St Your File: C05W01.007

Dear Bryan:

We are in receipt of your request for comments regarding the above project. We respond as follows.

A/ Please include as a condition of approval the following:

• Applicant shall grant all necessary easements, as may be required

B/ Iftheir application is approved, please advise the applicant to contact Hydro One Brampton regarding permanent electrical supply to the site.

C/ We note a large number of underground parking is proposed. Applicant should be advised that we will not place large transformers above underground structures without Structural Engineering Certification.

I can be reached at 905-452-5541 if there are any questions.

Yours Truly,


James McGill CTech. Technical Sen/ices Supervisor Hydro One Brampton Networks Inc. CC A. Mastrofrancesco - Hydro One Brampton R.Wiiliams - Hydro One Brampton EH3 Bell

Development & Municipal Services Control Centre Floor 5, 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416-296-6291 Toil-Free: 1-300-743-6234 Fax: 416-296-0520

February 11, 2013

City Of Brampton Planning Department 2 Wellington Street West Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4R2

Attention: Bryan Cooper

Dear Sir/Madam:

RE: Zoning Amendment 2043 Steeles Ave. W. File No: C05W01.007 Bell File Mo: 48628

Thank you for your letter of February 21, 2013 concerning the above application.

A detailed review of the Zoning Amendment has been completed.

We have no conditions/objections to the above application as submitted.

If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re-arrangements or relocations.

Should you have any questions please contact Rosita Giles at 416-296­ 6599.

Yours truly

Lina Raffoul, Manager - Development & Municipal Services, OM City ofBrampton PLANNING, DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT DATE: FEB 2 1 2013 f^cd He No... Lq5'ia)0/.oo,1 ev-y>

March 1, 2013 ' 'e'ily of I'irampton PLANNING. DE3K3N i\ DPVgl,QPMSNT


Attention: Mr. Paul Snape, A/ Director of Planning & Land Development Services

Dear Sir,


In reference to the above-mentioned application, Canada Post has no objections to amend the Zoning By-Law to permit the development of this proposed commercial development.

In order to provide mail service to the three 5 storey office buildings within this proposed plan, Canada Post requires that the owner/developer make satisfactory arrangements to supply install and maintain a central mail facility (mailroom, lock box assembly) for each of the 5 office buildings.

Should there be any concerns pertaining to our mail delivery policy requirements, please contact the undersigned at (905) 206-1247 x 027.

Sincerely, '

/Kevin O'Brien Officer, Delivery Planning Metro Region

Copy: Mr. Brian Cooper, Development Planner, City of Brampton Mr. Richard Domes, Gagnon & Law Urban Planners

DELIVERY PLANNING Ml; I KG TORONIO REGION 200 - 5210 BRAUCO BLVD MISSISSAUGA ON UW 107 I EL (905) 206-1247 X 2027 I AX(905) 206-0627 EMAIL kcvinobrien@canadaposl ca M41 VieRegion ofPeel is the proud recipient of theNational Quality Institute Order of P Region. of# Peel Excellence, Quality: the National Quality Institute Canada Award ofExcellence Gold Award, \fOXkiWl ft)/l (/Oil Healthy Workplace; and a2008 IPAC/Deloitte Public Sector Leadership Gold Award.

March 14, 2013

Ms. Lindsay Sulatycki Planning, Design and Development Department City of Brampton 2 Wellington Street West Brampton, ON L6Y 4R2

RE: Omstock Developments Limited City of Brampton City File: C05W01.007 Region File: RZ-12-5W1.7B

Dear Ms. Sulatycki,

Regional staff has reviewed the above noted application and provide the following comments.

Regional Roads - Mississauga Road and Steeles Avenue • Please be advised that the Region will permit in principle one full moves access to Mississauga Road opposite Olivia Marie Road to facilitate the development.

• Please be advised that the intersection of Mississauga Road and Olivia Marie Road is anticipated to be warranted for traffic control signals in the year 2016 and 25% of the cost for installing the future traffic control signals shall be borne by the property owner.

• At the subsequent Site Plan Approval stage, a letter of credit in the amount of $37,500.00 will be required for installation of the future traffic control signals. The future traffic control signals will only be installed when warranted or otherwise directed by Regional Council. In addition, the property owner shall be responsible for 25% of the annual maintenance cost of the future traffic control signals which amounts to $1,575.00 per annum to be paid in ten years, or a consolidated amount of $15,750.00 can also be paid.

• Please be advised that the design of the west leg at the full moves access to Mississauga Road shall reflect proper lane alignment and balance.

• Please be advised that the southbound right turn lane for the full moves access to Mississauga Road opposite Olivia Marie Road will be added to the Region's capital project for construction and administration. The property owner is responsible for the actual cost of work along with the engineering and administration fee and relocation of hydro poles. The Region will undertake construction work when required in future.

• At the subsequent Site Plan Approval stage the property owner shall submit a Traffic Impact Study in support of the proposed right in / right out accesses to Mississauga Road. The proposed accesses must meet the spacing requirements as identified in the Region of Peel's Controlled Access By-law 59-77, as amended. A terms of reference must be submitted for the Region's review prior to study commencement The access approval and any other requirements will bedetermined at the time ofsite plan application stage.

Public Works 10 Peel CentreDr., Suite A. Brampton. ON L6T 4B9 Tel: 905-791 -7800 ea-£2­

• Please be advised that all costs associated with the design and construction of road and access works including the relocation of hydro poles will be 100% paid by the property owner.

• The property owner agrees that landscaping, signs, fences, gateway features or any other encroachments are not be permitted within the Region's easements and/or right- of-way limits unless appropriate landscaping drawings have been submitted to the Region for review and approval. Upon consideration, if approved, an encroachment agreement and Regional Council approval will be required and Regional Council approval will also be required for encroachments within the right-of-way limits. All costs and fees associated therewith shall be the responsibility of the property owner.

Municipal Water and Sanitary Sewer Services: • An existing 300mm diameter water main is located Mississauga Road. • An existing 650mm diameter sanitary sewer is located Mississauga Road • At a subsequent site plan approval stage, 4 sets of site servicing drawings are required for review by Development Services (all connections must conform to Regional standards and specifications and design criteria). Please include the 1st Submission Application fee of $150 as per fee by-law 7-2011. (Certified Cheque, bank draft or money order accepted)

Waste Management: • The subject land is not within the vicinity of a landfill. On-site waste collection will be required through a private waste hauler.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at your earliest convenience at 905-791-7800 ext. 4710, or by email at:

Yours truly, CtiUAjO

Christina Marzo, Planner Development Services, Public Works

Public Works 10Peel Centre Dr., Suite A.Brampton, ON L6T 4B9 Tel: 905-791 -7800