2655 North Sheridan Way, Suite 300 , ON L5K 2P8 t: 905.823.8500 f: 905.823.8503 [email protected] www.mrc.ca MEMO TO FILE FROM: Andrew Shea DATE: March 18 th , 2013 COPIES: David Veights, Metrolinx Scott Bowers, MMM OUR FILE: 3212006 SUBJECT: Traffic Investigation for LRT – West Section

On May 17, 2010, the Minister of the Environment for the Province of issued a Notice to Proceed to the City of and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) for the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (ECLRT) Project, a 33-kilometre electrically powered Light Rail Transit (LRT) line extending from the Lester B. Pearson International Airport in the City of Mississauga to in the City of Toronto. The Notice signified the completion of a process carried out under the Transit Project Assessment Process (Ontario Regulation 231/08). Subsequent to the issuance of that Notice by the Minister, changes to the Project have been identified that are inconsistent with the project presented in the 2010 Environmental Project Report (EPR) that served as the basis for the Minister’s Notice of May 17, 2010. As described in Section 15 of Ontario Regulation 231/08, any significant change that is inconsistent with a previously approved EPR requires a reassessment of the impacts associated with the project where changes are proposed, the identification of potentially new mitigation measures, and potentially new monitoring systems in an addendum to the previously approved EPR. The 2010 ECLRT TPAP recommended a surface median LRT facility on with an at-grade connection to the proposed MSF (requiring LRT vehicles to cross the westbound general traffic lanes in order to access the facility, see Figure 1). The concept proposed in the 2010 EPR converted two of the six general purpose traffic lanes between (approximately) and to a median LRT facility. The 2010 EPR assessed the traffic impacts associated with the reduction in capacity. Metrolinx has subsequently identified a need to implement an Automated Train Operation (ATO) system for trains leaving the Black Creek MSF site in order to achieve the desired service frequency and reliability along the line, therefore introducing a need to grade-separate the LRT from general traffic at the Black Creek MSF site access and precluding the ability to implement the Black Creek Drive LRT stop proposed in the 2010 EPR. Further, in light of a future GO Rail station at Mount Dennis, as envisioned in the Georgetown South Corridor EA (2009), relocation and redesign of the Weston LRT Stop to a full station under the rail corridor would allow for a future, fully-integrated LRT/GO Rail station. The current plan is illustrated in Figure 2 .

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Under the approved 2010 EPR, the proposed western terminus of the Eglinton LRT facility was to be at Toronto Pearson International Airport. While this remains the ultimate terminus in the west, the current phased implementation approach will result in an interim western terminus at the Mount Dennis LRT Station. As such, Eglinton Avenue west of Mount Dennis will continue to be served by buses in the interim, until such a time when funding allows for the westerly extension of the LRT. These bus services will serve or terminate at a new proposed bus terminal at the in order to connect passengers from the west with the Eglinton Crosstown LRT in the first phase of implementation. Under the current plan, it is proposed to introduce a new signalized intersection at the existing No Frills site to provide bus-only left-turns into and out of the access. See Figure 3 .

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Figure 1: 2010 ECLRT EPR Plan – Weston Road to Black Creek Drive

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Figure 2: Current Proposed ECLRT Plan

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Figure 3: Proposed Signalized Intersection at No Frills Access Methodology As part of the 2010 EPR for the ECLRT, traffic impacts associated with the reduction of traffic capacity in the study area were assessed, and the plan was approved by the Ministry of the Environment. This approved plan was considered the “base case” for the purposes of the analysis discussed herein. Recognizing the potential for impacts associated with the proposed changes to the approved ECLRT plan are expected to be localized within the study area, existing traffic conditions were assessed on the basis of weekday AM and PM peak hour turning movement volumes recorded at the signalized Eglinton Avenue intersections with Weston Road and Black Creek Drive, and at the signalized Black Creek Drive intersection with Photography Drive. Representative intersection capacity and level-of-service analyses were carried out using Synchro 7 to compare relative traffic impacts associated with the proposed changes. Analysis Parameters An intersection’s overall operating conditions are typically characterized by two standard measures: the volume to capacity ratio (V/C) and the level of service (LOS). Taken together, they provide an indication of delay and the number of vehicles that can be accommodated through an intersection. The V/C ratio is an indication of the volume of traffic attempting to make a specific movement through an intersection (i.e., northbound left, westbound straight through), versus the theoretical capacity of that movement given the lane configurations, operating conditions and signal timings provided at the intersection. A V/C ratio of 1.0 represents a condition where all available capacity for a particular movement is being used.

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The level of service (LOS) of the overall intersection or a particular movement is a measure of the average vehicle delay experienced by the motorists attempting to travel through the intersection. LOS is measured from “A” to “F” with peak hour LOS in the “A” to “D” range being considered acceptable by most, and a LOS of F representing unacceptable delays. Critical movements were identified as those operating with a volume-to-capacity (V/C) ratio of 0.85 or higher and/or the poorest level of service (LOS). Background Traffic Background traffic data, in the form of 8-hour Turning Movement Counts (TMCs), were applied in the assessment to form a basis for understanding the overall magnitude of the impacts associated with the proposed ECLRT. The TMCs were obtained from the City of Toronto, and are included as Attachment 1. Per the approved 2010 EPR for the ECLRT, the Eglinton Avenue corridor is assumed to be at or near capacity 1, and therefore no growth to background traffic volumes was applied in the future scenarios. PPUDO Traffic Under the current plan, there is an area of the MSF site immediately west of Kodak Building #9 dedicated to a future Passenger Pick-Up/Drop-Off (PPUDO) area associated with the future Mount Dennis GO Rail Station. The PPUDO area is currently sized for approximately 30 vehicle stopping spaces, capable of accommodating the Kiss and Ride activity generated by the forecast order-of-magnitude ridership activity 2 at the GO Rail station of 400 boardings and 600 alightings in the AM peak hour. It was assumed that virtually all of the GO Rail alightings at the future Mount Dennis station would be destined to either local developments (existing or future), or transferring to another transit system (ECLRT or TTC Bus). As such, the volume of PPUDO activity was limited to a portion of AM peak hour boardings. For the purposes of the analysis, a 12.3% 3 mode-split was applied to the alighting passengers to determine the total PPUDO activity at the GO Rail Station, consistent with that observed at the adjacent Weston GO Station. The traffic associated with this volume was applied in both the AM and PM peak hour investigations. Bus Traffic The following TTC bus route changes are proposed for the new bus terminal at Mount Dennis: • 32 Eglinton West bus service would be shortened to operate from Renforth Station to the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal, with peak service every 5 minutes. • 34 bus service would be renamed “34 Eglinton”. Service would operate from the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal to Kennedy Station, via Eglinton/Yonge and Eglinton West stations. Peak service would operate every 15 minutes. • 89 Weston bus service would be revised to serve the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal in both directions via Weston Road / Black Creek Drive / Eglinton Avenue /

1 See 2010 ECLRT EPR, Appendix M, Section 2.2. 2 Per e-mail from I. Griffiths (Metrolinx), Friday, December 14 th , 2012 3 Per the 2011 GO Rail Passenger Survey, GO Transit

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Weston Road. Local peak service would operate every 5 minutes, with additional express service every 10 minutes. • 35 Jane (Jane Station-Steeles) local bus would be split into two routes: o 35 Jane (Mount Dennis Bus Terminal – Steeles West Station) would operate both ways via Jane Street and Eglinton Avenue to/from the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal. Peak service would operate every 3 minutes. o New 19 Jane South (Jane Station – Mount Dennis Bus Terminal) would operate both ways via Jane Street / Eglinton Avenue to/from the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal. Peak service would operate every 6 miuntes. • 35E Jane Express bus service would operate from the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal to Steeles West Station via Eglinton Avenue / Jane Street / Steeles Avenue both ways. Peak service would operate every 10 minutes. • New 170 Emmett bus service would operate to/from the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal via Eglinton Avenue / Emmett Avenue / Jane Street / Eglinton Avenue. Peak service would operate every 15 minutes. • 161 Rogers Road would be operated to the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal, both ways via Rogers Road, Weston Road, and Eglinton Avenue. Peak service would operate every 8 minutes. Service west of Jane Street would be replaced by the revised 171 Mount Dennis service. • 168 Symington would be extended from the Avon Loop to the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal, both ways via Weston Road and Eglinton Avenue. Peak service would operate every 4 minutes. • 71 Runnymede bus service would operate via the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal, both ways via Rockliffe Boulevard, Lambton Avenue, Ray Avenue, Industry Street, the Mount Dennis garage, Industry Street, Todd Baylis Boulevard, Trethewey Drive, Black Creek Drive, Eglinton Avenue, and return via the reverse routing. Peak service would operate every 15 minutes. • 171 Mount Dennis bus service would be changed to operate from the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal south on Black Creek Drive, west on Humber Boulevard, west on Alliance Avenue, north on Jane Street, east on Lambton Avenue, south on Rockliffe Boulevard, east on Alliance Avenue, north on Cliff Street, east on Cordella Avenue, east on Louvain Street, east on Humber Boulevard, and north on Black Creek Drive. Peak service would operate every 20 minutes. The resulting forecast bus movements were reflected in the assessment of the potential impacts associated with the proposed changes to the LRT plan presented 2010 ECLRT EPR. Results The results of the traffic investigation, for the AM and PM peak hours, are presented in the following tables: • Table 1: Existing Intersection Level of Service Summary;

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• Table 2: Future (Base Case) Intersection Level of Service Summary; and • Table 3: Future (w/ Bus Only Signals at No Frills Site Access) Intersection Level of Service Summary Note: In Tables 1 through 3, critical movements are highlighted. Conclusions The analysis shows that, with the changes proposed under the future scenarios, the study area intersections are anticipated to operate at acceptable levels. However, the Eglinton Avenue and Black Creek Drive intersection is approaching capacity, and experiencing critical movements - LOS of E with V/C ratios approaching 1.0 – in the PM peak hour. This intersection will be very sensitive to fluctuations in traffic volumes, and leaves little capacity to accommodate future growth in traffic volumes. The Eglinton Avenue intersection at Weston Road appears to be less affected, as the overall traffic demand at that intersection is lower than at the Black Creek Drive intersection, and demand is focused largely on east-west movements. The incremental impacts associated with the proposed changes (i.e. the signalized bus-only intersection and PPUDO) appear to be minor over those associated with the approved 2010 ECLRT EPR plan. The introduction of the signal at the No Frills access, provided it is adequately coordinated with the adjacent Eglinton Avenue/Black Creek Drive intersection, is not likely to result in any significant impacts on the operation of the Black Creek Drive intersection. The impact of traffic volumes associated with the proposed Mount Dennis Bus Terminal and PPUDO do not appear to result in a notable impact on the overall operation of traffic in the study area. Next Steps As indicated earlier, this analysis represents a comparison of the anticipated impacts associated with the plan presented in the 2010 ECLRT EPR and the current proposed plan. The assessment is based on high-level plans and does not constitute a formal traffic impact study. A formal traffic impact study will be required for the recommended plan upon refinement and confirmation of the MSF design, Mount Dennis Bus Terminal design, and updated ridership forecasts for the future GO Rail service in light of the introduction of the Mount Dennis GO Rail station. A formal traffic impact study will be required as part of the site plan application process for the MSF.

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Table 1: Existing Intersection Level of Service Summary (Optimized)

Balanced 2009/2010 Traffic Counts Intersection/Movement Existing (2009/2010) AM Peak Hour Existing (2009/2010) PM Peak Hour Traffic Existing Signal Timing Traffic Existing Signal Timing Volume V/C Delay(sec) LOS Volume V/C Delay(sec) LOS Eglinton Avenue at Weston Road EB Left 209 0.87 48.7 D 142 0.63 25.8 C EB Through 865 0.62 11.8 B 840 0.44 10.4 B EB Right 121 0.62 11.8 B 96 0.44 10.4 B WB Left 57 0.36 16.0 B 42 0.16 9.5 A WB Through 770 0.48 10.5 B 1036 0.48 11.1 B WB Right 121 0.17 8.5 A 125 0.13 8.0 A NB Left 119 0.44 20.6 C 103 0.56 49.8 D NB Through 513 0.48 16.5 B 371 0.41 37.2 D NB Right 91 0.17 5.5 A 91 0.20 7.4 A SB Left 194 0.84 52.1 D 86 0.46 44.8 D SB Through 348 0.39 14.0 B 286 0.42 34.1 C SB Right 67 0.39 14.0 B 90 0.42 34.1 C Intersection Summary 3,475 0.87 16.9 B 3,308 0.63 18.9 B Eglinton Avenue at Black Creek Drive EB Left 108 0.51 22.3 C 132 0.67 35.2 D EB Through 1028 0.89 34.2 C 945 0.88 37 D EB Right 12 0.03 11.8 B 26 0.07 11.2 B WB Left 67 0.32 16.9 B 136 0.69 37.1 D WB Through 801 0.70 25.8 C 1011 0.95 44.4 D WB Right 65 0.16 6.8 A 65 0.17 7.6 A NB Left 18 0.18 33.1 C 44 0.48 48.8 D NB Through 840 0.84 29.8 C 1090 0.9 32.2 C NB Right 104 0.20 5.0 A 115 0.19 6.0 A SB Left 132 0.75 54.6 D 124 0.89 84.6 F SB Through 1130 0.98 44.2 D 1079 0.83 25.3 C SB Right 129 0.22 4.0 A 148 0.22 3.5 A Intersection Summary 4,434 0.98 32.5 C 4,915 0.95 33.9 C Black Creek Drive at Photography Drive EB Left 41 0.09 14.8 B 31 0.07 17.1 B EB Right 34 0.08 6.3 A 34 0.08 7.2 A NB Left 40 0.32 15.2 B 44 0.35 15.6 B NB Through 919 0.54 9.9 A 1222 0.66 11.1 B SB Through 1210 0.71 12.4 B 1233 0.67 11.2 B SB Right 1 0.71 12.4 B 4 0.67 11.2 B Intersection Summary 2,245 0.45 11.4 B 2,568 0.67 11.2 B

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Table 2: Future (Base Case) Intersection Level of Service Summary

2 GPL / direction on Eglinton Avenue, 0% Growth (per ECLRT EPR 2010) Intersection/Movement Future (2031) AM Peak Hour Future (2031) PM Peak Hour Traffic Existing Signal Timing Traffic Existing Signal Timing Volume V/C Delay(sec) LOS Volume V/C Delay(sec) LOS Eglinton Avenue at Weston Road EB Left 209 0.76 28.6 C 142 0.59 17.1 B EB Through 865 0.57 11.2 B 840 0.53 10.6 B EB Right 121 0.16 2.4 A 96 0.13 2.2 A WB Left 57 0.36 20.1 C 42 0.21 14.6 B WB Through 770 0.78 21.5 C 1036 0.85 24.1 C WB Right 121 0.27 14.6 B 125 0.23 12.9 B NB Left 119 0.42 18.8 B 103 0.35 19.9 B NB Through 513 0.47 15.1 B 371 0.35 16.0 B NB Right 91 0.17 5.7 A 91 0.17 4.9 A SB Left 184 0.80 44.4 D 86 0.30 18.6 B SB Through 348 0.38 12.7 B 286 0.35 13.1 B SB Right 67 0.38 12.7 B 90 0.35 13.4 B Intersection Summary 3,465 0.80 17.1 B 3,308 0.85 16.2 B Eglinton Avenue at No Frills Site Access EB Through N/A N/A

EB Right N/A N/A

WB Left N/A N/A

WB Through N/A N/A

NB Left N/A N/A

NB Right N/A N/A

Intersection Summary N/A N/A Eglinton Avenue at Black Creek Drive EB Left 108 0.6 27.5 C 132 0.89 70.6 E EB Through 1028 0.94 41.7 D 945 0.9 41.4 D EB Right 12 0.02 9.2 A 26 0.05 9.3 A WB Left 67 0.38 18.0 B 136 0.92 77.1 E WB Through 801 0.74 26.6 C 1011 0.96 50.4 D WB Right 65 0.13 6.2 A 66 0.15 77.1 B NB Left 18 0.19 25.7 C 44 0.44 36.9 D NB Through 840 0.84 33.3 C 1090 0.91 39.3 D NB Right 104 0.21 7.3 A 115 0.20 9.6 A SB Left 132 0.67 34.2 C 124 0.84 58.3 E SB Through 1130 0.79 23.9 C 1079 0.71 22.1 C SB Right 129 0.19 3.4 A 148 0.20 4.1 A Intersection Summary 4,434 0.94 29.3 C 4,916 0.96 38.3 D Black Creek Drive at Photography Drive EB Left 41 0.2 23.1 C 31 0.16 22.9 C EB Right 34 0.16 10 B 41 0.5 10.1 B NB Left 40 0.15 4 A 44 0.17 4.1 A NB Through 919 0.34 2.7 A 1222 0.45 3.1 A SB Through 1210 0.45 3.3 A 1233 0.46 3.1 A SB Right 1 0.45 3.3 A 4 0.46 3.1 A Intersection Summary 2,245 0.45 3.5 A 2,575 0.46 3.5 A

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Table 3: Future (w/ Bus Only Signals at No Frills Site Access) Intersection Level of Service Summary

2 GPL / direction on Eglinton Avenue, 0% Growth (per ECLRT EPR 2010) Intersection/Movement Future (2031) AM Peak Hour Future (2031) PM Peak Hour Traffic Existing Signal Timing Traffic Existing Signal Timing Volume V/C Delay(sec) LOS Volume V/C Delay(sec) LOS Eglinton Avenue at Weston Road EB Left 209 0.91 57.7 E 142 0.64 21.1 C EB Through 909 0.7 18.2 B 884 0.54 10.9 B EB Right 121 0.19 3.4 A 96 0.12 2.1 A WB Left 70 0.58 41.7 D 55 0.27 15.5 B WB Through 811 0.93 41.0 D 1082 0.83 22.4 C WB Right 147 0.38 21.2 C 149 0.26 12.9 B NB Left 119 0.49 25.5 C 103 0.36 21.8 C NB Through 498 0.54 20.6 C 363 0.34 17.5 B NB Right 109 0.23 8.2 A 109 0.20 5.8 A SB Left 200 0.62 19.9 B 104 0.37 21.8 C SB Through 336 0.29 10.3 B 278 0.34 14.5 B SB Right 67 0.29 10.3 B 90 0.34 14.5 B Intersection Summary 3,596 0.74 25.2 C 3,455 0.83 16.4 B Eglinton Avenue at No Frills Site Access EB Through 1089 0.83 25.1 C 935 0.72 23.1 C EB Right 113 0.83 25.1 C 142 0.72 23.1 C WB Left 11 0.09 41.3 D 11 0.11 46.2 D WB Through 922 0.59 9.3 A 1180 0.73 22.9 C NB Left 89 0.18 19.6 B 89 0.18 22.1 C NB Right 50 0.08 7.1 A 160 0.24 5.0 A Intersection Summary ,2274 0.83 18.2 B 2,517 0.73 21.9 C Eglinton Avenue at Black Creek Drive EB Left 108 0.58 21.8 C 132 0.89 63.3 E EB Through 1012 0.94 30.2 C 927 0.95 46.3 D EB Right 28 0.06 6.2 A 42 0.09 3.1 A WB Left 80 0.46 20.4 C 152 0.91 71.4 E WB Through 781 0.72 26.2 C 964 0.98 54.9 D WB Right 65 0.13 5.9 A 66 0.14 11.8 B NB Left 35 0.37 33.4 C 61 0.58 47.1 D NB Through 849 0.84 33.4 C 1102 0.90 36.8 D NB Right 116 0.23 7.3 A 125 0.21 9.2 A SB Left 132 0.67 34.3 C 124 0.83 56.7 E SB Through 1144 0.80 24.1 C 1092 0.70 21.3 C SB Right 130 0.19 3.6 A 149 0.20 3.5 A Intersection Summary 4,480 0.94 26.5 C 4,936 0.98 38.8 D Black Creek Drive at Photography Drive EB Left 79 0.35 26.7 C 70 0.32 26.5 C EB Right 69 0.28 12.2 B 84 0.35 15.5 B NB Left 72 0.31 7.8 A 79 0.35 8.7 A NB Through 919 0.36 3.6 A 1222 0.48 4.1 A SB Through 1210 0.50 4.4 A 1233 0.51 4.3 A SB Right 40 0.50 4.4 A 44 0.51 4.3 A Intersection Summary 2,389 0.50 5.1 A 2,732 0.51 5.3 A

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NOTE: 2009 Traffic Count NOTE: 2007 Traffic Count

83 (134) 65 (66) (138) (1290) (124) (90) (286) (81) 527 (1109) 801 (940) 67 129 132 348 174 39 (45) Eglinton Ave 1105 66 (163) (1288) 649 (1119) 948 (142) 209 (959) 1077 (1076) 1203 (129) 113 (792) 817 (922) 1077 86 18 975 121 (96) 121 119 513 (25) 13 (41) (98) (86) (930) (103) (371) 1184 1114 (1478) (1069)

No Frills 805 (1437) 805 1237 (995) (1437) (3) (992) NOTE: 2010 Traffic Count 1

Photography Dr 1236

(35) 34 (50) 34 40 771 (44) (1402) Black Creek Dr Creek Black Weston Rd EXISTING TRAFFIC (BALANCED) AM (PM) Peak Hour

NOTE: 2009 Traffic Count NOTE: 2007 Traffic Count (86)

121 (125) 65 (66) (148) (1079) (90) (286) (124) 770 (1036) 801 (1011) 67 348 184 129 132 57 (42) Eglinton Ave 1130 67 (136) (1204) 948 (1204) 948 (1204) 948 (142) 209 (1018) 1140 (1018) 1140 (1103) 1148 (132) 108 (840) 865 (954) 1109 (945) 1028 0 39 18 91 119 513

(96) 121 (64) 31 (26) 12 839.8 104.2 (0) (91) (149) (115) (103) (371) (1090) 1211 959.5 (1237) (1253) (44) (162) (1237) 59

No Frills 1211

(75) 21 959.5 (1253) 1211 959.5 (1237) (1253) (4) (1233) NOTE: 2010 Traffic Count 1

Photography Dr 1210

(31) 41 (50) 34 40 919 (44) (1222) Black CreekBlack Dr

Weston Rd FUTURE (2031) TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS (BALANCED) 1391 1013 AM (PM) Peak Hour Annual Growth (assumed) = 0% 1351 1288 Growth Period (years) = 20 NOTE: Eglinton LRT EPR indicated "turning movement, pedestrian, and bicycle volumes were assumed to remain the same in the future LRT condition"

121 125 65 (66) 90 286 86 148 1079 124 770 1036 801 (1011) 67 129 132 348 184 57 42 Eglinton Ave 948 (1203) 1130 67 (136) 1203 948 1148 (1102) 142 209 1017 1140 132 108

840 865 953 1109 945 1028 91 39 18 119 513 96 121 64 31 26 12 840 104 91 103 371 149 115 1090 44 962 1209 1242 1249 162 1242 59

No Frills 1209

75 21 960 1253 960 1211 1237 1253 4 1233 1

Photography Dr 1210

31 41 50 34 40 919 44 1222 Black CreekBlack Dr

Weston Rd FUTURE (2031) PPUDO TRAFFIC 14 10

AM (PM) Peak Hour 13 11 Estimated GO Rail Ridership Boardings in AM Pk Hr 400 Alightings in AM Pk Hr 600 Assumed 12.5% arrival by PPUDO per Weston GO, alightings are destined to LRT Total PPUDO Traffic = 50 in/out Distributed per existing traffic distribution

8 6 6 13 9 11 4 Eglinton Ave 14 9 (11) 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16

10 12 17 10 12 16 16 11 11 17 39 38 40 39

No Frills 38 39 39 38 40 39 40

Photography Dr 39

39 38 11 12 9 12 BlackCreek Dr

Weston Rd EXISTING BUS MOVEMENTS AM (PM) Peak Hour 6 0 (6) (0)

3 (3) 0 (0) (0) (8) (0) (6) (0) (0) 20 (17) 20 (17) 6 0 0 0 0 12 3 (3) Eglinton Ave 26 (23) 0 (0) (23) 26 (23) 26 (0) 0 (18) 20 (18) 20 (0) 0 (18) 20 (18) 20 (18) 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0) 0 15 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) (0) (0) (8) (0) (0) (0) 0 0 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)

No Frills 0 0 0 0 (0) (0) 0 0 (0) (0) (0) (0)

Photography Dr 0 0

(0) 0 (0) 0 0 0 (0) (0) BlackCreek Dr


Weston Rd (0)


21 (21) 0 (0) (0) (0) (12) (7) (0) (0) 52 (52) 0 (0) 7 0 0 0 0 12 16 (16) Eglinton Ave 0 (0) 4 (4) (89) 89 11 (11) (0) 0 (82) 82 (0) 0 (52) 52 (0) 0 (0) 4 0 0 0 0 0 18 (0) 0 (82) 82 89 11 (0) 0 (0) (0) (0) (0) (18) (89) (11) 4 0 (4) (0) (0) (11) (0) 0 No Frills 11 0 (0) 0 0 (0) (0) (0) (0)

Photography Dr 0 0

(0) 0 (23) 23 0 23 (0) (23) Black CreekBlack Dr 1412 1022 1371 1300 Weston Rd


147 149 65 66 90 278 104 149 1092 124 811 1082 781 994 67 130 132 336 200 70 55 Eglinton Ave 922 1180 1144 80 152 1286 1028 11 11 142 209 1097 1218 132 108 884 909 935 1089 927 1012 89 50 35 116 119 498 109 96 121 146 113 42 28 849 89 61 160 125 103 363 109 1102 1252 1000 1285 1288 173 1242 70

No Frills 1209 998 1292 998 1250 1277 1292 44 1233 40

Photography Dr 1210

70 79 84 69 72 919 79 1222