Iris Tall Bearded Iris Japanese Iris Louisiana Iris Siberian Iris pgs 142-143 page 144 page 144 page 144-145 Tall Bearded Iris Northern Regions Southern Regions When to Plant Plant 15ct plugs in LWi-MSp Plant 15ct plugs in LWi-ESp New! New! Photo courtesy of The California Flowerbulb Company, Inc. Photo courtesy of The California Flowerbulb Company, Inc. Photo courtesy of The California Flowerbulb Company, Inc. Iris ‘Bernice's Legacy’ Iris ‘Blatant’ Iris ‘Concertina’ NEW! Iris ‘Bernice’s Legacy’ Iris ‘Concertina’ IRGBLG1, IRGBL15 (Richards) A great (Intermediate Bearded Iris) choice for those looking for a red Iris that Back By Popular Demand performs well. The flowers are a beautiful IRGCNG1, IRGCN15 (Sutton) Lovely, ruffled blend of garnet and cinnamon. This is a light rose self with an orange beard and vigorous and a reblooming variety. dark violet blue horns. Blooms earlier than Traits: 32in–EM–RE–G1,15ct D typicl tall bearded iris. Reblooms to zone 4. Traits: 27in–EM–RE–G1, 15ct D NEW! Iris ‘Blatant’ IRGBNG1, IRGBN15 (Byers) A beautiful Iris ‘Earl of Essex’ bicolor Iris that will rebloom later in the IRGEEG1, IRGEE15 (Zurbrigg) A plicata season for zones 5 and higher. Canary type Iris: white flowers have orchid violet yellow standards contrast nicely with its veining and stippling on the edges. Pale deep magenta falls. orange beards are infused with pale Photo courtesy of The California Flowerbulb Company, Inc. Traits: 36in–EM–RE–FR–G1, 15ct D violet. Strong rebloomer to zone 4. D Iris ‘Earl of Essex’ Traits: 35in–E–RE–G1, 15ct 142 Phone: 888-925-8377 • Fax: 800-752-1879 • E-mail:
[email protected] • Website: Tall Bearded Iris cont.