Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888 3-22-1888 Mount Vernon Democratic Banner March 22, 1888 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner March 22, 1888" (1888). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888. 19. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1888 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. HARP3R. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR A FAMILY NEWSPAPER—DEVOTED TO NEWS, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE. LITERATURE, THE ARTS AND SCIENCES, EDUCATION, THE MARKETS, &c. 82.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. VOLUME LT. MOUNT VERNON, OHIO: THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1888. NUMBER 45. BECK 0?: SHERMAN. INGALLS’ ATTACK ON GENERAL BELLVILLE’S HORROR. reported fromfjDeckertown that the Counterfeiting a Baking Powder. Diiinocratic Judicial Coaveotian HANCOCK ECHOES OF THE GREAT STORM. Catholic church was blown down Mon The public is too well informed as to An Old Man Fatally Wounds His Wife With day by a a terrific gale. It is a com An AuviJ Chorus of Blows, Hatchet and Then Cuts His Own Throat. TERRIBLE STORIES OF SUFFERING. the danger from alum baking powders The Unanimous Nomination of Jas. Brings out One of the Dead General's plete wreck. Reading, Pa., Mar. 15.—On the Wil to need any caution against using them. Bellville, O., March 16.—The village BISHOP GILMOUIt’S ADVENTURE.