COL. GEORGE W. Mccook. the Name
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20TH CENTURY HISTORY OF STEUBENVILLE AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, OHIO AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS Early in his professional life, Mr. Me- Cook identified himself with W. McCOOK. The D)emocratic COL. GEORGE politics and remained a consistent party name of McCook brings to mind the rec- man until the close of his life. He resumned ords of a distinguished family, one of mil- talent. practice with Mr. Stanton,. in 1852 was itary achievements and exceptional made a resi- Supreme Court reporter and in the The late George W. McCook, long fall of 1853 was Novem- elected attorney-general. dent of Steubenville, 0., was born He made a specialty and died of railroad law and ber 2, 1822, at Cannonsburg, Pa., was identified professionally with the 28, in the city of New York, December Steubenville & Indiana Railroad Company, 1877. and in 1859 was sent to Col. Europe on legal I Major Daniel McCook, father of Immediate- in business for this corporation. George W. McCook, was a paymaster ly following the outbreak of the Civil War, killed the United States Army when he was he proferred his services to Governor Den- at Buffington Island, during the Morgan nison, by whom he was appointed, with raid of 1863. He was the father of twelve three other officers, to take charge of the children, namely: Latimer, now deceased; Ohio troops, and from then on until the George W., our subject; Alexander Mc- of the war he was active and useful of Gen- close Dowell, who served on the staff in every emergency. He was identified eral Sherman; Robert, who was assassi- the 126th Ohio Infantry, and in 1863 who with nated in Alabama, in 1863; Daniel, became colonel of the 39th Ohio National 1864; fell at Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, Guard, which later became the 157th Ohio Edwin S., who like his three elder brothers, National Guard, which took part in guard- was a general in the Civil War; Charles, ing Confederate prisoners at Fort Dela- who fell at the first battle of Bull Run; ware. died while serving in the John J., who In 1856 Colonel McCook nominated Hon. navy; John J., 2nd, who is professionally at Cincinnati, for served as cap- John C. Breckenridge, prominent in New York, and of vice-president on the ticket on the staff of Gen. the position tain and aide-de-camp with Hon. James Buchanan, and twelve L. Crittenden; and Mrs. Mary Thomas years later he made the eloquent speec Baldwin, and Mrs. Dr. Curtis. nominating Hon. Horatio Seymour, at olt In his childhood, the parents of Colonel York, for the presidency. In state politics moved to Columbiana County, McCook he was a leading factor, but then, as noi0 when he was nine years old, to Ohio, and there were disturbing conditions and r- Carroll County. He was afforded good educational advantages and completed his reconcilable elements. In 1871 his party over collegiate course at New Athens, 0., after nominated him for governor of Ohio, which he entered the office of Hon. Edwin those well known statesmen, Thomas Ew- M. Stanton, afterward secretary of war, ing and Durbin Ward, but at the polls he under whose directions he prepared for the was defeated by the Republican candidate, followed the bar, in 1843 becoming 1r. Stanto's part, i Gen. E. F. Noyes. Ill health campaign and he prac- ner. Young and enthusiastic, he was 1)o1, excitements of this the political field. His ular with all Classes, and in 184(i, wli i tically retired from last years were passed in the quiet of his military company called the Greys, was or- he was surround- ganized at Steubenville, for service in the Steubenville home, where Mexican WWar, he became a member of the ed by all that ample means, family affection and loyal and admiring friends could give. organization and was immediately elected Colonel McCook was married to Miss captain. When the company reporteld at Marguerite Dick, who was an adopted Camp Washington, Cincinnati, it )beenni Beatty. She died (Captain daughter of Rev. ,C. C. Company I, 3rd Ohio Infantry, husband and four made lieutenant-colonel. in 1863, survived by her McCook being M., George W., Hetty B., was stationed at different children, Kate The regiment eldest son, George W. in Texas and Mexico, but and Robert. The points of danger Steubenville's leading called into action and was mnus- McCook, is one of never was and is president and treas- tered out July 3, 1847. business men urer of the Steubenville Coal and Mining Company. His home is at No. 631 North Seventh Street. 803.