Robert Louis Stevenson the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1797

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Robert Louis Stevenson the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1797 JTl) :.. 1771-i Ho be rt Louis Ste,·e n"m J{ulx:rt Loui, ~Ieven"' " t.l\'CT the nature uf rhe novel, Steven,:o,o n argued for Jitference fhHn lift'. up the White Ma n 's burden­ fi c ti u n '~ TD JanH.: ~'s .1:-, ~ Ye "'>i re n o r stoop w less- >e rtiun that a ncwd shuuld pruJuce the illusion of rea lit y, Stevenson responJeJ that the au­ N o r call l lo ud o n Freedo m thor should tel l >tories that express li fe'> dee per meanings. lnl1uenceJ by Hawth<>rne, Steven­ T o c lnak )Ur weariness; son fdt that the writer mu !) t c reate '' ro mance" rather than realism, not merel y tn cnten,un 45 By a ll ye cry n r ·h ispe r, readers but also to capture the umlerl ying truths of the human conJiti,,n, induJmg the strug- between go0cl and · - ~ e~ l. By all ye leave do , g l The sile nt, sullen pet les In what became the pauern for h is adul t life, Steven>on left Edinburgh in the L1ter I 1i70s to travel abroad and recuperate his failing health while lo,)king new litermy m<~ tena l. In S h a ll we igh your Gn t;>r France he met his future wife, Fanny, an Am e ri c<:~ n. She wc1s ten yl!a r:, older than he, marncJ , T ake up the White anJ a mother. Bu r making a haza rdo us journey across the A tlannc anJ llverl anJ tt., S~n Fran · M a n '.~c n - ''' H ave do n e wtth ch ddtsh da ciscn, he marri ed her there when her Jivorce came thruugh in 1880. T hey haJ a ru >UC honey­ The lightly proffered laure l, moon in a cabin in Napa Valley, recounted in Ste,·e nsnn's The Sil verado s,fiUiltcn ( l8o>) The easy, ungrudged pra ise. With Fanny's son Lloyd, the couple then returned to Britain, where Stevenson', father rec,>n­ Com es no w, to search yo ur manhood c iled with his errant son, giv ing him a modest all,)wance so he could tra,·el and \\T He. In rlw Thro ugh a ll th e thankless years, 1880s Stevenson concentrated nn short fictiun, including tn <l ny tales based on Sc,>lli>h l" re. iS C o ld , edged with dea r-bought wisdo m, Together with Kipling he helped make the short story, until then ve ry much a French and Ame ri ca n genre, a viral part o f English li teratu re. His fir ::, t success, hn weYer, J The judgm ent of your peers 1 pt)pu lar re:> u lr ~.: from tht! map an imag inary isle he was making with Lloyd. Written at tnp on a farn dy 1899 l)f spee~.. l ~ vacation in Scotland, Treasure Island ( 1883 ) mingles a hny's adventure >tory wi th a voyage uf ENLl O F PE RSPKI IVES: TRAVEL AND EMPIRE sdf-discon::ry and growth; mesmeri zed by Long John Sil vl!r and ta le:-, of buri ed piratl' rreasun.. : , the yt>ung Ji m Hawki ns n1usr abo reali ze what gn.:cJ anJ g'1 IJ Jn tll pe,>ple. The htK> k ':-, ~..l l \ · h..i~..'l..l narrative, Jim's ambiguous rdle am11J pimtes anJ privateers, and the at m ~.b ph e ri c Jc:,cnprtdll­ I X:::<Ji:z:r I all anticipate Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde ( 1886). Stevenson confi rmeJ his J"»iti'"' ~, th e le;•,lmg "boy's writer" with Kidnapped ( 1886). He returned with hi> fam il y t'' the Unired State> in Robe rt Louis Stev enson 1887, and then set out fro m San Francisc'' for the South Pacific, \\'here they >a il eel frum bl,m,l ro island, Ste\Ttbon writing a ll the time, fina ll y s<:r tling in Sdmoa. A lthough the ,JutJ" " hfc· 1850- 1894 had apparently restored Steven>o n's health, he died sudJenly in 1894. at the age of forty -four, while working on The Weir of Henniswn ( 1896). ·· 1 ha,·e drawed a man's body , shall I du his so ul now?" the three-year-oiJ Robert Luuis Steven­ The inspiration fur Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde came t<> the duthor in a fr ightenmg dred lll. ··1 s, >n ask eel his mother. Be lief in the duality oi humJn nature, or what Stevenson later called­ had long heen try ing to writeo a story n rhi ::, subject," ::,a id Steven;:,on , "ttl find ,.,, a ,·chi ­ ll Cl Hnl' ll\Tr­ referring to Dr. jekyll's transformatio ns-''the war in the membe rs," pe rmeared e\'ery corner of cle, for that stro ng sense nf man's Jouhlc being whic h must e- t im e~ in ur~ l n .md whelm the mind of every thinking creature." The dream prod uced Mr. Hyde and his ' ucklcn the Stevensons' Cakinist household in Edinburgh. The ve ry furniture s~: rv e d as a reminder of the battle betwee n flc, h anJ spirit, fnr the Stevensons took pride in owning a cabinet that had transf(mnaticm, but Fanny fe lt that Stevenson's first Jraft JiJ not do justice t< ) the theme. s., bet'n made by a double rersonali ty, Deacon Brod ic-upstanJing citi:en by day, infamous crimi­ Stevenson bumed the ori ginal manuscript and in three days pwduced the tcxr as we no\\' have nal by night. The fam il y atmosphere stressed the precari ous position of the individual, poised it, ''the most famous fabl e in the English language nn the theme of the spli t personality," x ­ bet\\·een he; l\ -e n ancl hell, torn between the obliga tion to be gc>od and the seducti ve ness of cording to the criri c Susa n w ,,lfsnn. Like Mary Shel ley 's Frankensr.ein ( 18 18) the >tory i, evil. ·· 1 \\'mdd fear t<' trust mysdi tn slumber," Stevenson recalled, "lest I was not accepted [into (re)omstructeJ by several narrators, and like Victor Frankenste in, Dr. Henry Jekyll make., heaven[ ancl should , li p, ere l awoke, int<1 etern al ru in." a revolutionary scientific discovery that has fata l rep<'rCU>S i<H». Bu t unhke Dr. Frankemtem, A sickl y boy wh,, bter memori ali:ed his childho,>d joy> and anxieti es in A Child's Garden Dr. Jekyll has no nc1ble aspirations to se n -e humanity: he dehberately intend, to he hacl. Whde readers have fl )und in both work s a similar message a ho ur the Jangcr::> of tc11npcring with of \," ~n~s ( 1885 ). Stevenson grew up surrounded by sw ri es uf crime anJ punishment fo r an­ ~o m c nature. o thers h ave that 1 ;u" ....c.>.z.ib_iur_Sr.c .. }'ll ­ ~ I-A-Jt,; \LCl.l.~" n · other reason: the cit y uf Edinburgh itself possessed a dual peroonality. The Stevensons li ved in felt mo ra l jt~ anJ..prnprit~ r y t h wh·n the re>pectable New Town, a landmark district of gracefu l neoclass ical Georgian architecture, dJnge rs Dr. Jek yll is the restricti ve >OC ial code ill:~ The story', oppress ive L<l nJon >e t­ but the area cc1ex istecluneasily with the gothic O ldTown of narrow a ll eyways, bars, and broth­ ti"ilglscleai1y1iased0.1the EJinburgh of Stevenson's chiiJhn,xJ , where the fog and darkne,, els, where Deacon Bnxli e had pro,d ed by night. In his student Jays Stevenson and his cousin signal the presence of sin and Sawn, and the i>u lated livt:s of the narrators, all men with'"" Bob explored the dark side of town in defiance of his fami ly. He further strained the relation­ famili t:s, echo the londy repres;inn oi Dr. Jekyll. O nly Hyde's V<) iCto i> miss ing fru rn the narra­ ship in 1873 when he announced that he was an ag nostic and joined the Edi nburgh University ti\·e. But through him Stevensun hint> at the scandaluus tJea that the darker siJe uf 11LH na./n'-> Skepncs C lub, who,e motto was "DisregarJ "''·erything ,,ur pa rents have taught us." natun..· necJs m n r~ room for sdt-expre:-,s ion. But it was Stevenson·s attention to the pL>we r of a good swry, lea rneJ irom his father and Frnm the m<' l11 t!nt Dr Jcky•ll and Mr l-l yde was publt shcd the >tory ge nerated grc·at liHere>t, h is nurse, "Cummy," that led him, after stuJying medicine and law, to became a fi ctiun writer. rap idly achieving a classic sta tus continuall y re inforce\.! hy the numeJ\J U::o. thl' arrical a n ~.. l cine­ A nd it was his Calvinistic background, with its sense of sin lurking beneath apparent virtue, matic ver:-, iuns it has inspired. lr \ \ 'CIS <1 n instant hit o n the Lo nJl> n ..1nJ New Yurk :-, lag:L', and thar col, 1red his theory of literature. In 1885, in a wiJdy read literary debate with Henry James life appeared tu imitate ~rt wh en the nntoril>U> Jack- the-Ripper murde", stil l un,olve,l, t.-•k 1780 Hoben Louis Stevenson The Str;~nge Ca'e of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 17tH pbce in London the year afrer rhe nnvel appeared .
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