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The BG News May 10, 1972

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 10, 1972" (1972). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2724. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2724

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Independent ••wing OtMfl, OhK> Wodneedoy, May 10, 1973 Student Velum. 56 Numb.. 111 Voice me BG news U.S. renews strikes in Vietnam

SAIGON (AP)-US aircraft and warships tory lost in the enemv offensive thai began Informants said U.S. planes were launching mined the entrance to Haiphong and at least five ABOUT THREE-fourths of North Vietnam's struck in North and South Vietnam with the March 30 700 to 800 strikes a day over wide areas of Indo- other ports and that the initial phases of the war materials are said to be provided by the heaviest force in years yesterday after mining HUNDRED6 OF U.S. warplanes and a naval china, including North and South Vietnam, Laos operation had been successfully accomplished Soviet Union, including tanks and artillery which ports in North Vietnam task force struck anew at North Vietnam after and Cambodia, with the bulk of the strikes in without any American planes being lost. arc being heavily employed against the South A Hanoi broadcast said two IS destroyers the mining aimed at strangling its supply life- South Vietnam The Navy in Washington issued a formal warn- Vietnamese Most of the equipmenl arrives by were set afire by coastal artillery while they lines Despite the awesomeness of the massed ing to all shipping that the mine fields at the sea shelled the port of Haiphong There was no A similar campaign was under way in South American firepower, there was no immediate entrances of seven North Vietnamese ports In a related development, Communist China confirmation of this from the U.S. Command in Vietnam U.S warplanes. destroyers and South indication that either the mining ol North Viet- would be activated at 7 p.m local time tomor- claimed that two ol ill merchant ships at anchor Saigon Vietnamese artillery guns unleashed thousands namese ports and continued bombardment of row It said vessels sailing those waters after in North Vietnamese waters were "brazenly and President Nguyen Van Thieu went on national ol bombs and shells across a wide swath of highways, rail lines and bridges would succeed that "must do so at their own risk " repeatedly attacked ' by U.S. planes and war- radio and television to voice appreciation for North Vietnamese-held territory on both sides of in stopping the 24-day enemy offensive in the At last report, there were 36 ships in Haiphong ships last weekend President Nixon's decision to try to cut off North Highway 1 above the threatened city of Hue in an South or in reversing the gains Hanoi has made harbor, about triple the number before the North Vietnam's war supplies He predicted South 18-hour saturation bombardment from the land, THE U.S. Command said Navy planes from Vietnamese offensive was launched Nearly half Vietnamese forces soon would win back terri- air and sea three 7th Fleet carriers in the Gulf of Tonkin of the ships are Russian. See related stories, p>(r> 1 and S. ■gaHggagai Protestors propose University blockade

By Terry Cochran and vassing dormitories and informing world situation in or out of their Patty Bailey local radio stations classes." He added that the University would After a sit-in at the Administration EARLIER in the afternoon, a group also hold daily noon convocations on Bldg yesterday afternoon, a group of of about 40 students occupying the 10th campus, in which "the administration about 30 students vowed to organize a floor of the Administration Bldg were will aid physically and materially in blockade this morning of all vehicular read a telegram sent by University acquiring speakers opposed to war " entrances to the University President Hollis A. Moore Jr to Presi- Taliaferro made the announcements A speaker in the group said the block- dent Nixon after meeting in a conference room on ade would be analagous to the current The body of the telegram, printed on the 10th floor with Richard Edwards, blockade of North Vietnam by Ameri- this page, urged the President to con- executive assistant to the President, can mines and ships, as outlined by sider "the impact" of the Vietnamese and Dr. George Herman, vice provost President Nixon Monday night conflict on most of America's con- The spokesman said, in effect, we cerned university communities A PUBLIC meeting held earlier will be turning this University into a C'raig Taliaferro. student body vice yesterdav afternoon to discuss Presi- North Vietnam, we will be forcing peo- president, announced also that the dent Nixon's escalation of the war. its ple to think administration had proclaimed a "two- international effect and the possibility Student organizers were to drum up week moratorium on campus-in which ol a voluntary two-day suspension ol support for the cause last night by can- professors may discuss" the current classes centered on alternative methods of campus protest against the war Boris Matthews, associate professor of German and Russian, said that sym- bolic action has not gotten through to the people it is supposed to allect. " What can we stop by stopping the University'''' he asked it's a sym- Public A public meeting was held yesterday in the Grand Ballroom, Union, to discuss bolic act that will be interpreted by President Nixon's escalation of th. war, international effects it might have and people outside the University as a meeting a possible voluntary two-day suspension of classes. bunch ol hoodlums who don't know how- lucky they are to be getting an extra break ' CRAIG TALIAFERRO urged the crowd of approximately 1.000 students to "make Bowling Green the first place Nixon's mining decision to close for a rational reason and that is to end the war in Vietnam right here and right now." A student wearing a football jersey asked. "If you can raise the con- evokes student criticism sciousness of Bowling Green one iota, what are two days of classes? "I AND THE rest of the By Jim Carey "NIXON IS only bringing a stay away from Vietnam when we administrators have a hunch that Stall Reporter possibility of World War III." said John ourselves are not welcomed there I President Nixon doesn't much care Punessen. freshman I Ed.). can't see why we have to play God all whether we have classes next week or "Nixon's blockade is alienating a lot Punessen said people will realize that the time." not." Dr. George Herman, vice pro- of people, especially young people. Nixon's plan for peace is non-existent, "Nixon's action is atrocious." said vost, said. He explained that he was Even the silent majority is going to and that war is taking precedence. Carol Sloman, graduate student The representing the University, since both become not so silent." According to Shelia Mackay. senior American people have been betrayed in President Moore and Dr. Coffman were Judy Krietemeyer. junior (A&S l. like lA&S), the possibility that Nixon a manner that misleads and dupes unable to attend the meeting. many University students, yesterday ordered the blockade as a reflection of them of what is really going on." The administration is not in support questioned President Nixon's recent his self-esteem is a valid argument She said it was ludicrous to think of and not in favor of suspending classes, decision to mine major port entrances Ms. Mackay said it is very plausible the blockade as "honor," as President according to Dr. Herman. and rail passages in North Vietnam to that President Nixon acted out of fear Nixon relerred to it in his speech" "My feeling is that if students want cut off supply routes. of being called the first president to Monday night In addition she said that to strike classes, then let's hold classes lead the U.S. into a military defeat his action was a threat to the major so they can strike." he said "MY FIRST reaction was I was She added, i don't think there will world power struggle. Richard Edwards, executive assistant to Presid.nt An ad hoc committee on faculty scared," said Don Copeland. junior be an all-out win or defeat in Vietnam, Tensions could be increased so action against the war has called for an (A&Si "We're not only playing with a Moore, roads the telegram Dr. Moore drafted to even if the people are for it and the plan someone does push that button." she open faculty meeting today to draft a country we shouldn't be playing with said President Nixon yesterday A group of about 40 works." telegram to President Nixon protesting (North Vietnami but also with China NANCY EDLER. sophomore (Ed.), Ms. Sloman said she saw the move as students stoged a sit-in in the Administration Bldg. escalation of the Indochina war. The and Russia " was not in lavor ol the President's "intensifying the orientation of a earlier in the afternoon. meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in the Copeland said the situation reminded actions and questioned the role the U.S culture that stresses winning and Capital Room. Union. him of the Bay of Pigs incident in 1961 plays in Vietnam. losing " It's almost like we're the aggressor. "We're overstepping our bounds I She concluded. II this is leadership, We had missies pointing at us. Now don't see how we can tell someone to the world is in sad shape we're on the offense." Dave Pommert. senior, (B.A.). saw Humphrey reaps W. Va. win the blockade as a necessary move.

"1 see his iNixon's) action as a Moore drafts telegram By Walter R. Mews night, and look a narrow lead over Sen. for trie Democratic nomination. necessary thing to do to stop the AP Pel Ittcal Writer GeorgeS. McGovern in Nebraska. current offensive.' he said. He The following is the text ol the telegram sent by University President Humphrey termed his West Virginia HE SAID he had gained his West admitted that the blockade might Hollis A. Moore Jr. yesterday to President Nixon, in regard to the war in Sen Hubert H Humphrey trounced Virginia win by standing up to Wallace triumph magnificent, and sought in endanger what Henry Kissinger, Southeast Asia: Gov George C. Wallace in West Nebraska to make it two in one night while "the rest of the candidates ran presidential advisor, was planning to "Our campus today is peaceful but deeply disturbed over Southeast Virginia's presidential primary last and install himself as the front runner out." accomplish in his recent trip to Russia Asia military policy announced last night. I feel it is my duty to urge you With 18 per cent of the precincts According to Paul Bohmbach. junior to consider the impact on each university community ol alt actions which Bulletin counted, the situation there was: (B.A.), the blockade is a logical appear to delay lull and complete disengagement from Vietnam. Humphrey 34,416 votes or 68 per cent progression of events, catering to the "Most ol today's college students remain deeply committed to an Wallace 16,032 votes or 32 per cent. domino theory that Nixon has been buckshot wounds in the chest and immediate establishment ol peace and removal ol all U.S. involvement United Press International (UPI) The Nebraska race was a tight one practicing " in Southeast Asia. The tranquility and uninterrupted operations ol our reported that two University ol New stomach. With 27 per cent of the precincts He said the action represents "a universities are potentially in danger by any national policy which pro- Mexico students were shot Paul Smith, shot in the back counted, it stood this way: greater infringement on the Russians " longs the conflict, increases the violence and delays the withdrawal of all yesterday during an antiwar during the same volley, was treated Humphrey 22,156 or 38 per cent. He envisioned a bitter debate between blockade on an interstate freeway and released from an Albuquerque American troops. McGovern 20,412 or 35 per cent. Premier Kosygin and General "I realize there are many considerations which go into the making ol near the Albuquerque campus hospital. Wallace 8,876 or 15 per cent. Secretary Breshnev in the Kremlin on national policy, but I earnestly urge you to consider the impact on univer- Carolyn Babs Cobum. a re- The rest ol an 11-candidate field the future actions of the Soviets in sities and the millions ol young adults in our society who are motivated porter lor the University of New Riot-dressed police fired tear gas trailed iar behind. reply to President Nixon's order, and by deep moral and humanitarian concerns over this nation and its foreign Mexico student newspaper, is in on the crowd, but the source of the predicted Kosygin s "hawk policies" serious condition suffering from firing has not yet been determined. policy." ", t • t.pog.3 would take precedence *^»«/Tti»tON»wt,Wt

wanton disregard

President Nixon lumped together what he believes to be the voice of the American public and told us on television Monday night that we "want honor, not defeat" in the Vietnam war. In what is perhaps the most decisive action ever made in the history of American involvement in Indochina. President Nixon has ordered all sea and rail supply lines to North Vietnam to be cut off. This entails mining and bombing North Vietnamese harbors and rail passages. As the President spoke to the American public, these measures were being carried out without consultation with Congress. These measures are continuing today. After conveniently sloughing off the alternative to withdraw all American troops from Vietnam. Nixon assured us there is only one way to stop the North Vietnamese's "wanton disregard for human lives." Pis alternative is escalating and killing more people What Nixon failed to convey in his "honorable" speech, is how his plan is going to jeopardize and endanger our relationships with the very nations he is calling "international outlaws." By mining North Vietnamese ports, we are giving the Soviet Union an ultimatum to keep its ships away from North 3^£^T£ Vietnam, especially the Ciulf of Tonkin l.'ow are the Soviets 'SAY, BUDDY, YOU GOT ANY ADVISOR POSITIONS VACANT ?' going to accept this in regards to the scheduled SALT talks? Will further discussion on the disarmament pact be delayed? By bombing rail and road passages in North Vietnam, we are opinion directly cutting off Chinese supplies, thus, endangering the relationship the President boasted of improving when he returned from China earlier this year. The President did not explain these grave consequences in his speech. We were not told that the outcome of these actions could erupt into another war--a larger war- World War III. We were told this was the only action that could be taken. We news as a wafchdog were told by our President that we will win this war with honor, that our dead and bloody soldiers will come home-in honor. By Terry Cochran 104 students of 223 contacted said they May 4 This is quite a contrast to two act as a watchdog over activities which Nixon's speech proved to the American public that the war has Staff Reporter were going to vote in the primaries. This years ago when well over 6.000 marched are at the least, useless and never been winding down. We were deceived time and time again should be somewhat of a blow to those And for those students who cry out that unnecessary, and at the most, harmful. by the man who had the nerve to say we want honor and peace in The new BG News staff takes over who "worked through the system" in marching in the streets will never end Some voice must act as a challenge to the same breath. next week and the old will be pushed obtaining the student voting right the war. what of the alternatives'1 The programs and behind-the-scenes We were deceived by a man who praised his troop withdrawal aside, like yesterday's newspaper 11 appears the majority of students Bangladeshfund drive initiated last week maneuvers which otherwise might slide Inevitably during the past year, there plan and concealed his automated war in Southeast Asia. The man simply don't care enough to expend the by President l!ollis Moore and SBO by students unnoticed Some group must has been a large amount of criticism of energy to make it to the polls who has dropped 3.2 million tons of bombs on Indochina since he President Jeff Sherman has yet to even urge that the state of affairs move the newspaper. It has been accused of all get off the ground, despite Sherman's forward, and not stagnate took office has lied to us on American television too many times sorts of hideous journalistic crimes, SECOND. the University's newly contention that a major campaign will be before. including stacking the news, leaning too proposed charter, which would create a mounted "soon". This has traditionally been the role of The American public was deceived again Monday night when far to the left, and just last week, of University Assembly governing body, The Bangladesh drive may in itself be the press, and I feel The BG News during the President told the people this was our only choice. We were conducting its own rigged presidential will probably not be put into effect this an admirable attempt at helping others, the past years has fulfilled that function. lied to when the President minimized the consequences involved primary survey (which, incidentally, year as the charter commission's but I fail to see what relation it has to the I will not deny that the paper has let if his plan does not work. was not rigged) chairman originally suggested Why not? escalated destruction of the Vietnamese some bias slip into its regular news Some University members may not The charter has been in the offing for two And if his plan does work, if our bombing succeeds in cutting off countryside and President Nixon's columns, and that some changes are realize that, believe it or not, the paper years now but no one can seem to get Southeast body bingo the supplies routes, then we will not have won the war with honor. necessary has a large responsibility to the students around to making it a reality But I would suggest the paper's We will have won it at the expense of "the wanton disregard for of this campus The Barker Readership Third, only an estimated BOO students THE POINT IS that some body or existence acts as a progressive, prodding' human lives." Survey conducted by the marketing marched peacefully in the moratorium some organ within the University must force within the community. department last spring showed that the vast majority of Bowling Green students rely primarily on The BG News for their discuss the war source of local and world news THE NEWSPAPER staff must therefore keep in constant contact with If students and faculty are really attending and working at this the news of the day. and follow-up on it Lerrers University to expand their awareness and intellectual for its readers. capabilities, then they will lake heed of a request made yesterday I feel this paper has done so fairly well, by Richard Muller, assistant professor of political science though in the process of reporting I Muller promised to devote his classtime to discussions of the personally have noticed several discrepancies between word and action Indochina war. particularly as it is affected by President Nixon's in Bowling Green I think these announcement Monday night to mine North Vietnamese harbors. exploited by society descrepancies may be especially clear to I!e also asked that other faculty members spend their classtime myself and others who are close to news in similar discussions. sources, and may be reasons why the Protests against the war are meaningless unless the protestors editorial page may sound overly critical thoroughly understand what they are seeking to overturn And to some. Stefania E Gross's letter in Friday's clarification. 1, myself am a homosexual Today I am not ashamed of myself or what better place is there to reach this understanding than in a For example, in a random telephone paper was a fine example of the need for and can speak from experience my sexuality, and will not strive to hide more open exposure of homosexuality to it. But obviously there still remains a University classroom'' survey conducted on this campus, only In this society there has been the' straight" world. enormous pressure on me to fit a mold 1 staggering need to expose the world to We cannot spend the last four weeks of this quarter as we have She ends her letter with a mocking "or do not fit the mold, nor want to the truths of homosexuality, to destroy spent the previous 26 weeks of classes, plodding dutifully to class else they were naive enough to assume all the false conceptions that people while ignoring the Indochina conflict. th ey say that their private lives has nothing to do UP UNTIL A couple of years ago I was have. Whether or not some students or faculty members like it. Nixon with their work." unhappy because I had been taught I was I salute our Lesbian poet and all other has shoved the Vietnam issue right under our noses again, and It appears to me that Ms. Gross indeed sick. After struggling to get my head gay people who have the courage to President Richard Nixon in his address there is no way we can ignore it now as we have in the past. is herself naive to be laboring under two together. I realized that the sickness lay speak out against their oppression; and to the American public Monday night: mis-suppositions 1 A poet can separate not within myself, but within society in maybe, just maybe. Ms. Gross after the As students, we attend this University to further our education, his work from his life 2. Being a its efforts to impose "norms" upon those "straight" world decides to quit but we don't further that education through books, lectures and "1 thiak yea taw (run all that I have homosexual would carry no impact upon who did not "qualify." exploiting "faggots" my sexuality will tests alone MM aaa am these pait three aad a half one's life cease to be an issue of public concern. year*, how Back I too, want to ead the We must also exchange and discuss ideas of importance to us I will let (he first speak for itself. The Anyone who has suffered oppression, war aaabrlaf oar atea home." and to the community at large The Vietnam war is one of those second, however, requires some been ostracized, or has kept inside of him Ray Clinton issues. It deserves to be discussed in the classroom. deep, dark secrets because he was afraid Co-chairman. Gay Activist Alliance Many people complain because antiwar demonstrators waste of being "found out" and ridiculed, can Box 182 Scott their time with marches and confrontations that do nothing but tell you that such experiences do indeed Ohio University affect one's life Athens. Ohio alienate other members of the community. THe.BG news Let's take some constructive action now. by raising the consciousness of our classmates and our instructors concerning the latest turn of events in Vietnam. An Independent Student Voice Kollow Muller s suggestion. Turn your classtime into a full- wallet returned scale discussion of the war Editorial Staff I read about Madelyn Potylicki's found in the Security Office that my editor kathloon m. fraie "horrendous" situation created by her wallet had been found. managing editor damon v. back stolen coupons. I feel very sympathetic When I came to pick it up two day care center assistant managing editor, harold a. brown since I was in almost exactly the same surprises awaited me: 1. Absolutely editorial editor cynthia a. suopis situation two weeks ago. nothing was missing from the wallet's Only my lost wallet was worth more makeup editor. katherino I. hatton content. 2 The wallet had been returned The office of the provost has requested formation of a than the coupon book. It contained more anonymously. sports editor jack n. carlo committee to study the possibility of establishing a day care than $40 plus all the usual credit cards It is just too bad. that a feeling of total chief photographer keith h. meisor center for the University. and identification stuff. surprise surpassed my feeling of sincere copy editor lisam. boulanger gratitude The committee, headed by Dr Richard Kakin. assistant dean of entertainment editor gale o. bogle THE COMMENTS 1 got were very the graduate school, will be considering questions of funds, interesting: "With that amount of money Irmgard Hartman staffing requirements and space requirements for a day care you will never see your wallet again!" A 1603WUdwood center. week later I was informed by lost and Toledo. Ohio Business Staff The f illed-to-capacity status of the area nursery schools and the

I.'eadstari program indicate a need for such a center. business manager p»,i(ip a lfK\,n,y Establishment of a day care center would provide a much- advertising manoger vaughn e. rockhold needed service for members of the University community who let's hear from you are unable to pay $2 a day for one half-day in a nursery school. Editorial and Business Offices 106 University Hall The BG News welcomes all letters to the editor and opinion columns. The committee should be aware of the opportunity to use such a Letters may comment on any other letter, column or editorial. Phono 372-2003 center as a learning device for education majors by incorporating Letters should be a maximum of 300 words, typewritten We ask that raHOnaMliW>«*|lilnhkn«niilaivkin«lr« .^ —. . ...i »_. student input in the program. see* !»«• •***•*, * I%J Ma—— u**««« «i ■■ waa o.~- SM* UM- columns be no more than four typed pages triple-spaced We commend the appointment of the committee and encourage The News maintains the right to edit all submissions that exceed these •*■•"•* MrtMNi « uta irfimi M rta M«-i 4* M* »>S—aj '•*•<• MM limits or with respect to the laws of libel and proper taste. the committee to immediately begin investigations of day care ml UM**mV*m«»TM.i>iUMi.l».l»»»,...m, HUSH*.TOM. Opl li »il>,.* IM»II*«I»»M|I*IIII. .1 M,>0 Hw» WMkliitiHIkxAillkaB Letters and columns must include the author's name, address and centers at other universities and the particulars of a viable center —rf*. •„•,*.i.t,i<«.wii.-i>ii mini) phone number, and may be mailed to the Editor, co The BG News. 106 for Bowling Green. University Hall. T IK. M Nowi,

WASHINGTON (APi-With ference Nixon realizes his powers are on the verge of acts" in violation of inter- decided "it did not involve Moscow silent on the sub- attempt to block arms- forging a new era in Kast- national law Tass said an unacceptable risk." ject. He White Mouse said carrying Russian ships from West relations" that could nothing about the status of As for Nixon's order to cut yesterday President Nixor I'aiphong and other North- be spurred by Nixon s the summit rail lines linking North Viet- hopes his tough sea quarart ern ports confronts Soviet planned May 22-29 visits to Kissinger acknowledged nam and mainland China- tine of North Vietnam wi) leaders with "short-term Moscow, Leningrad and that Nixon's decision to mine another major route for war not derail his planned Sovi* difficulties." Kun approaches to North Viet- supplies-Kissinger dis- anvnit talks The first Soviet response namese ports often used by counted the possibility that Dr Hmry A. Kiuinge HOWEVER. Kissinger came from the official news Soviet shipping "of course the Peking government presidential advisor, told a said the chief executive still agency Tass which accused involves some risk " But he might get edgy White I'ouse news c*v believes the two super Nixon of naked aggressive said the administration •WE WILL take great care," he said, "that the People's Hepublic of China will not misunderstand our intentions " Pe spoke before a Peking broadcast reported that Mo Chinese ships were attacked by U.S. warplanes while anchored in Vietnamese waters In another development yesterday. Secretary of State William P Rogers indefinitely postponed resumption of a tour of Wes- tern Kuropean countries interrupted when he was called home for a Monday meeting of the National I Ann #« °n* woo'<' *,ow* ,0 ••,ink Iwati boforo Making shelter in this Security Council that pre- ** ■* '^ thanlyduringawindstorm.Slandingaloneonborrenland.it ceded Nixon's latest Viet- looks at though the thelter will be the next to go. nam blockbuster Five fires, bomb threat reported Tuesday night

Campus Safety The first fire was reported shortly after 9 p.m. but between II 15 and 11:25 investigated a number of at about 7 p.m when debus police said no device was Powever, they were quickly mysterious incidents on in a trash can was found discovered and the building extinguished. campus last night and early burning in a first floor rest was not evacuated this morning room of Moseley Hall The third and most serious At approximately 11:40. a Damage was contained to incident occurred at 9:27 report of an exhibitionist in Ja

The city fire department responded with one piece of Talk to focus equipment and four men who Chicano students to attend workshop quickly extinguished the on equal job blaze. No damage estimate Six Mexican-American dealing with Chicano orientation programs into vocations right after for minority affairs, is the an organization lor the was available opportunities students. with the high school graduation.'' first Latin official at the University's Mexican- education. A trial project, a tarn Mle Vivian Lawyer, director of apoojorship of Continuing FEATURED speaker will said Virginia Lopez, University in 10 years. She American students, dealing SHORTLY before 10 p.m. at Kappa Phi service the Office of Economic be a spokesman from the also said it is uncertain with the problems and issues heavy smoke was reported Kducation. will be attending sorority last Monday night, sophomore




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THRIFTY DISCOUNT PRICE GOOD THRU JULY 2. 1972 (AT LEAST0 BONUS HTS GOOD THRU MIT IB, 1172 is. M N.w.. maimttff, Mtoy 10,1473'rn. s America reacts Indochina bombings cited Kissinger popers read to war message WASHINGTON I API Sen What have I done" What that the President knew this By The AiMcialH Praaa MORE THAN 100. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska i gives the President a before he acted protestors gathered beneath read parts of the secret greater love of life than I?" Critics called for rainy skies and blocked "Kissinger papers'' into the In summary, (travel GENERALLY, the study President Nixon's doorways at the Senate record yesterday to quoted the Central shows that in 1969 the military was more impeachment yesterday, Binghamton. NY federal show, he said, the Intelligence Agency and the denouncing his decision to building Forty-eight were President's decision to mine Pentagon's office of the optimistic about the mine North Vietnamese arrested, most of them North Vietnamese waters secretary of defense as Indochina war future, urging harbors as "reckless.. . students at the Stale has been found ineffective saying bombing of supply more bombing and such international lawlessness . . University of Binghamton. Sen Robert Griffin of routes between China and additions as port mining But high crime. . . utter Michigan, the assistant Hanoi and the mining of the Gravel did not address this madness. flirtation with At Syracuse University, Republican leader, listened ports is ineffective, adding in his floor statements World War HI." about ISO antiwar students and said he thought that But others of high station erected barricades at after six hours of closed in American life saw his campus entrances They Senate sessions on this Democrats nix action as evidence of "a made no effort to prevent subject last week there was measured response a bold security forces from an understanding for Gravel move, a courageous move. removing them, however to hold off attempting to indefatigable courage " Jerry Gordon, coordinator make public in total the mining decision for the National Peace contents of the National TURBULENCE swirled Action Coalition, called for Security Council papers WASHINGTON lAPl Senate Democrats, meeting in anew on streets and week-long demonstrations, prepared in 1969 caucus Tuesdjy \nted disapproval of President Nixon s campuses across the nation climaxed on Saturday by "It is up to the Senate, mining North Vietnamese waters as antiwar demonstrators massive rallies across the particularly the majority, to As announced by Senate Democratic leader Mike rallied, marched and sat in country. decide whether the senator Mansfield of Montana, the caucus, by a 29-14 vote, went on protest against Nixon's from Alaska is acting within record as disapproving Ihe escalation ol the war in Vietnam the rules of the Senate and escalation of the Vietnam TALK OF impeachment is announced by Ihe President May 8 the rules of good taste war came from New York's A South Vietnam*** mm in* and an American odviior holp a The proposal was offered by Sen J W Kulbnght 11)-Ark ) w Demonstrators were militantly antiwar WO Uncled *«n

Robin Williams SUPPOSES NATURE GAVE A WAR 8:00- 11:00 AND EVERYBODY CAME - SNAKES. ALBERT R BROCCOLI and HARRY SALTZMAN present Do something 5pecbl Uednesdau night, take your fai/oritc girl ou.ttoainne.rat MCATDATGRE SPIDERS. LEECHES. BIRDS. LIZARDS. AND THE FROGS Sean Conneiy PAGURIV5. LSAT ATGSB Eve at 7:25 Sun.-Sun. at 3:45, 7:25 James Bond 007 NATI. BDS. SPECIAL LATE SHOW FOR fron5M-l:00 • Pr«pof ation for t#tt r»qv»r«*i THOSE WHO ARE SQEEMISH Spaghetti only for odmntion to graduate and proton tonal whooU Fii -Sal so "The Frogs at 11 30 > Six and rwolvo taicion (turm • SmoM group* ■ Voluminous malof kit for homo study pfoporod by exports in •ochfWtd Also ■ LfMon xhodulo con bo taiiorod Wed. to moot individual ntodo. Night Stimntr Sessions Special Coaaact Courses 2 FREE 12oz. WHk.ndl IllKNIKNl Pepsis with STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER- Mccs are not for dell wcru: each large DETROIT BRANCH 2 item Pizza 21711 W TMMOIM Sam 113 SOUTHUE LD MICHIGAN 4M7S PrWfil'S /MS.mt\ (31313&4-MIS Success Through Education Smce 1938 Branch** in princial ottos SALE in US. Th» Tutoring School with M FLEMINGS th« Nationwide Reputation Diamonds, MAUER- Are Forever INFLATABLE GREETING CARDS GREEN —•FROGS" JILTSTJOHN Forever APARTMENTS MYMILLAND ■MUCH 55c -* 2/$l00 SAM ELLIOTT CHARLES GRAY uMWOO.PUinoTcu 2 Bedroom Furnished JOAN VAN ARK jamKN> Bunuior —..iiKumiocoxi-Hiwismmu i—.wwanton Reg. $1.00 each •._«*:*»iu*K»i..ic«im/w»c' .—»^.»WNIDUI —.JOOSIOTI All Conditioned ADAMROARKE »**—*—•*•—•—**» wwmwww«»w«ww«wwwwnwww. UnrradVtani |3B*W«»5M95J 4 man - riJOY PACT irNN 80R0CN MK NEJXXFI MVID^llAMJICHOtAS C0RIIAND at 11:45 INCENSE $220/month Eve at 9:20 Sat -Sun at 2, 5:30, 9:20 3 man - Yorga. ihe Woody Allen's DEATHMASTER 55c each 2/$ 1.00 $195/month "bananas" Reg. $1.00 each Summer rates 28 FLAVORS $130/month TUESDAY NIGHT IS STUDENT NIGHT Call today at lh« Portog* Drive-In STUDENT BOOK EXCHANGE 352-6717 or All arts Students tote" by wy>»«*ob .— $1.00 530 E. WOOSTER 352-7660 'ffl«o»ed by Q**t-«y* inl«

Editor'! note: The following Grand Polemarch. said, requirement the first time The difference between purpose is to promote and Building the new chapter l> the second la ■ three-part "There was only one around. After we got some the pledge programs among foster unity among the black is still the big priority in the series on the three Mack established black fraternity new brothers last year, our the black fraternities are greeks on campus. Kappas' plans. They will Iratrrnlties on campai. Part on this campus when I grade average went well their longevity and the many Since the Kappas are sponsor the Cream ft three wUI be published decided to pledge." That over our present 2.4, and assignments that each members of one of the newer Crimson weekend with the Thursday. fraternity was Alpha Phi then we got the chapter." pledge has to complete fraternities on campus, they sisters of Delta Sigma Alpha Baskerville said are trying to build up their Theta. May 18-20 By Kenny White JESSE GREATHOUSE, WITH THE end of the new chapter for prospective MANY TIMES when a dean of pledges, said the pledge period a strong pledges. "It is very Kappas will be assisting A vision, motivation and black function was held on members' main objective is; devotion and loyalty towards important for the brothers to the Parent's Day program hard work were the campus, brothers from other •to exhibit qualities of the fraternity is the noble convey themselves to the on May 13. and a fund- ingredients that enabled fraternities in surrounding leadership "We want our way that a black greek independents and let them raising drive for sickle cell Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity areas would attend the gig. pledges to excel in their expresses himself. see what greek life is all anemia, which will include Inc. to establish a new This created a sense of academics first, because The Kappas took an active about." Greathouse said. testing black students to see chapter here curiosity among many of the this is where leadership part in forming Odaka. a Right now the Kappas If they have the disease. The After a year of planning young black independents begins," Greathouse added black greek council. Charles have five pledges who are brothers are also planning a and taking the necessary here, who wanted to know "We are very fortunate that Hogan is the chairman of members of the "Scroller picnic for about SO orphans steps to have a chapter about these other fraternal none of our brothers have this committee, whose Club" from the Maumee area. established at this bodies. ever had to leave school University, the Kappa's Baskerville and seven because of academic were finally granted a other brothers finally Honor society elects 33 ihwiflmk,G« J ruji« difficulties." Baskerville charter on November 14. pledged Kappa under the emphasized. 1971 Beta Xi chapter of One of the greatest The new chapter is Zeta Toledo problems facing the Kappa's •rout Hall residents Curl Cain, Robert Burnt Nu. At present, there are 13 After they became is relationships within the and Vickie Moton have installed their own Senior women named active brothers who are members of the fraternal black greek sector. foster version of tho po»lal system. trying to make Zeta Nu the body, they wanted to take "Something must be done to biggest and the best chapter the necessary steps to be improve the black greek Thirty-three under- have demonstrated Linda Funk, I A&S): in Ohio recognized as a major relations now," Baskerville graduate women were outstanding leadership and Cynthia Rowlett, I Mus Ron Baskerville, the chapter on this campus. The said selected yesterday for service Members must have Ed.): Roxann Schaffhausen, steps were recognition from " 'My fral is the best' is the membership in Mortar at least a 3.00 accumulative K.l Anne Burket, (Ed); the University as a fraternal biggest cry that everyone Board. point average. Janice Csokmay. (Ed.): Government poll cites body, at least seven brothers says around here. But this Mortar Board is a national The new members, listed Mary Rolayne Smith, I Ed.); on this campus and an comes about because of the senior women's honor below, were informed of Judy Junk. (Ed); Mary accumulative grade point different levels that the society which recognizes their selection last night and Crossgrove. (B.A.); average of 2.5. pledge programs are on," college women who have will be initialed at Anne Girten. (Mus. Ed); "We missed the grade Greathouse explained excelled scholastically and ceremonies Sunday Dorothy Gould. Mus Ed): drug use in America Eileen Effrat. (Ed); Linda PATRICIA WYCHE, Baltes. (Ed ); and Mercedes most comprehensive look i K.I Barbara Spiga. Maquirrianin. (A&S). WASHINGTON IAI'I- through 17. and 05 per cent (Ed.). Germaine Piscura. Roughly 15 million Ameri- oi adults 18 and over ever taken at drug use in the cans of high-school age and The lindings. released United Stales (Ed); Kathleen Fisher. (A&S); Carol Shone. (Ed.); 700.000 adults say they've yesterday by Ihe National EARLIER THIS year the Regina Takesky, (Ed. I: tried heroin al leys! once, .1 Commission on Marijuana Commission released find- Correction Denise Drake. (AftS); broad new government sur- and Hi in' Abuse, also indi- ings from Ihe same survey Karen Strasser. (A&SI; vey indicates cate which showed that 24 million The 21st Annual This is six per cent of all -9 3 million Americans Americans have tried mari- Janice Mears. (A&S): Student Art Exhibition, young people aged 12 have tried hashish 10 per juana at least once, and 8 3 Marilyn Brown. (B.A.); sponsored by the cent of young people and five million continue to use it. Diane Detamore. (Mus Alumni Association, per cent of adults. This is 14 per cent of young Ed); Deborah Johnson. will open May 14 at 1 Sen. Taft -4.7 MILLION have tried people and 15 per cent of (AftS): Patricia Fleming. p.m. in the gallery of LSD, peyote or mescaline. adults (Ed.); Athena Sofios, | Ed.); the Fine Arts Bldg. eight per cent of young The findings were the first Laura Pandy. (Ed); Opening day is cancels people and two per cent of to deal with use of other Judith T.irjanyi. HA Sunday, and not adults, drugs Maryjane Demski. (A&S); Monday, as printed in -26 million have tried The commission said the Beverly Beaver. (Ed.); yesterday's BG News speech cocaine, five per cent of startling findings on heroin Barbara Parrish, (Ed.): young people and one per use by the young indicate a Jean Wagenknecht. I Ed.); A speech by Sen Hubert cent of adults; total of 1.467,840 young Taft Jr scheduled for Thurs- -3 7 million have tried Americans have tried the day in the Dogwood Suite has methamphctainines. or drug Author to speak been canceled "spend," for nonnwdlcal One-hall of one per cent of The senator. elected May 2 purposes This is eight per the adults 18 and over 10 the Republican Stale ten cent of young people and two reported trying heroin, indicating 687,040 have tried on 70s politics iral Committee, will be per cent of adults • byOaaoJ.I attending his first cum The findings are based on it nationwide From left, Bob Wilfinger, junior (Ed.), Gary Schrikel, mittee meeting Thursday. a survey of 3.IBti Americans The commission said it Canvas Political Coalitions in the written extensively about his Chris McCracken. conducted tor the coin has no information on how sophomore (Ed.), and Debbie Kaufman, junior (Ed.), members United States that ignore views of a coming revolution coordinator ol cultural mission last September and many persons who try heroin clean-up of the theater crew, scrub old sets. The canvas will be white ethnics do so at their in this country. ■(fain for the student body, October by Response An.ih or other drugs continue to repainted for future productions. own loss, according to Sponsored by Cultural said he will attempt to sisCorp ot Princeton. N J use them Michael Novak, author and Boost, the lecture is free and reschedule the speech in the The commission said it educator. open to the public. lull believes the survey to be the Novak, associate professor of philosophy and Congratulations Kappa Sigma religious studies at the State Day care Paratroopers recapture University of New York, Old on your 2nd place Beta 500 Westbury. will discuss committee "White Ethnics: Politics of finish. the Seventies" Wednesday. THE PLEDGES May 17. in 210 Math-Science seeks aid skyjacked Belgian jet Bldg An ad hoc committee to He is the author of two study the possibility of TEL AVIV (API - Israeli combat troops took over the Two soldiers and six demanded that Israel free novels and eight books, establishing a University- paratroops disguised as plane after 21 hours of passengers were wounded in 100 to 300 Arab guerrilla including A Theology for operated day care center is ALPHA CHI'S mechanics burst into a drama at Tel Aviv the assault prisoners and fly them to Radical Politics and seeking a female hijacked Belgian jetliner International Airport "If other countries acted Cairo in exchange for the "Flight of the Dove." undergraduate to serve on YOU REALLY KNOW with blazing guns yesterday, One of the women was the way we did, hijackings lives of those aboard. Novak has been active in the committee. killed two Arab guerrillas brought out of the plane would stop,'' said Israel's Held at gunpoint inside the the resistance to the. Interested women should HOW TO and rescued 97 hostages. covered in blood and taken to top military man. Chief of sweltering plane were 58 draft and the war in contact Jack Bamberger. Two women hijackers a hospital for transfusions Staff Lt Gen David Elazar men, 28 women, 10 crew Vietnam. He has visited Student Body Organization were captured when 18 and emergency surgerv members and a 6-year-old American deserters in Paris coordinator of involvement. RAVE! THE GUERRILLAS had eirl traveling alone and Stockholm and has at 372-2951 threatened to blow up the Conn's most plane and all aboard unless popular models Israel released Arab •prisoners. now in stock. Passengers said the hijackers took control of the Big N Cafeteria See them now! Sabena Boeing 707 jet Monday over Zagreb. tttKNE 1DDKSS All You Can Eat .. Yugoslavia, after a stop in JCtttle ®Ide Vienna. Austria on a flight Every Wednesday from Brussels to Tel Aviv. TTOSTUMG M Passengers said the men CHICKEN U8tc (Slioppe had pistols and detonators. The women had explosives HfKMCW CUD' DINNERS 138 N. MAIN strapped around their 352-0170 waists Golden Fried When the plane landed in Chicken Tel Aviv the hijackers Crisp Cole Slaw Surprise Collective French Fried Potatoes MOM bargaining Fresh Roll & Butter with a discussion Shirt Faculty members and $1.49 graduate students will meet Served from 4 00 pm to 8:00pm. Printed Just Thursday. May 11. at 8 p.m. in the Pink Dogwood Suite. For Her Union, to discuss the possibility of establishing collective bargaining at the University. John R Miller, president -NO WAITING- of the Kent State Federation of Teachers, and Joe Newlin. executive director of the Ohio Higher Education THE DEN Association, will speak Child A day Issjnj conference on "Undemanding the Hyperactive DEPARTMENT STQRF To date, the Bowling Chtd" wo* held Saturday in the Union. Seminar* were led ES Green faculty has been 1010 S Mtn - Ofcn 10 10 Oawy Smssay 111 LARGEST SELECTION A VAILABLE seminars stalled on the issue of by professionals from vartewt fields. collective bargaining. Th. K> Nm, WifeiUiy, May 10. 1971/tat* 7



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V J r-^ i/Th. M N.w, w«H^«*-y, May 10, l«7J 2 1 a 1 4 s > 10 11 12 1] Li 1 1 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ta :• 16 Copr "2 Gen ! Feerurei Corp l 'Bore Trees' in review " ll them is more than any variation between member of this group is ■ 1 H B By l.irry Kpkr competent on his tracks vocalist Christine McVie. 11 instrument, the overall ONE EXCEPTION to that who does the lead on two Flee-twinx! Mar started out ACROSS r. Total. 13 Fished lor I " " generalization is the songs which she wrote. n it as a blues band under the effect is enjoyable 1 Army', mole. 46 Campus fi«ure morayr. What does make this instrumental "Sunny Side of 7 Period that alert- 47 Extremely «mall 14 Diveraion. " fafned Peter Green With 24 ■ ed dree 1000 ma rein. 20 Very: Fr. H turn gone, the group has dull is the pausity of iv.iwn by Danny Kirw.ui SHE COMES across This track shows Kirwan's B.C.: 2 worde. 48 Pert ol en 23 Shade ol pink. I33 * " material which rises above a better on the love song 3? n K 37 moved away from the blues. 14 Senetor Irons orenff. 24 Fernoaa Yo|l BBSS abilities on the guitar best of aoi though the background mediocre level Neither the "Spare Me a Little Of Your Rhode Inland. 1'' German 26 Listens 10 is-Mill audible, it has been lyrics nor the instruments all the songs on this album. Love" than on the rushing 15 Spanieh compoaer. 27 Well alreel can carry most of these The clear, unhurried "Homeward Bound." and nrorince. 50 Overdrametiie: fimret. ' underplayi'd as the group 16 Confident. Colloq. 29 Content! ol en 42 4U playing is in clear contrast might do well to stick to the 1 45 ha? rolled into a middling tracks They are not poorly 17 Enlanile. 52 Silk labrir. elevator. \ style of rock performed. and by lo the fuzz tone with which he less frantic songs. 18 Rock. 53 Turnini devlre. 31 Treecheroui one. 46 l*leetwood Mac does not themselves these songs are lilts his other song. None of the tracks on this 19 Miaa Mermen. 55 Protect. 33 Hoa.tlul per " Danny's Chant " album are poorly done (with 21 Civil Wer S7 New Jersey aona: Slen«. 49 50 51 ■•>! somewhat enjoyable, but hare a superstar Each name. capital. 35 Insolent one. member of the group there is not enough This cut is probably the possibly one exception), but 22 Chlneae dnb. SB Moaeir plere. 36 Back kitchen. u •yt V, contributes to the total difference between them worst of the nine on this none of them are anything to 23 Remedy. 59 Mekea beloved. 37 Method ol album. The obnoxious guitar write home about. I only 24 Curve. 60 Blood veaael. peintine,. sound, and while none of and Ihe album is lei I without 57 r parts, reminiscent of dozens hope that in the future this 25 Highest nsoiin- DOWN 39 Dory. lain In Crete. 1 Exlinrl enimel. 41 Feellnf like • of abysmal groups, has lo band will find material 59 r 26 Crend slam ol 2 Having a pertial new men. compete with Ihe "chant" which will better show their • kind. rhyme. 42 Part ol 41 r I vocal of ' na-na-na" style talents, rather than be held 27 noire. 3 Smarted. Arrow. l 28 Dealer, as in fiah. 4 Nllrlen>. 44 Midday ritual in Neither is worth the trouble down for lack of a song 30 Break oil. S Pyritea. the tropics. it takes to listen This album is available at 32 Supplicate. 6 Ancient hymn: 46 "Viaal ," The most impressive the University Bookstore. 3t Samuel Pepya, 2 words. Puccini aria. lor eeamnle. 1 "ol mekine 48 Heenhrat. s 1 A ■ saasG A CrMG 0 A L 38 Ftclemnoriie: money: 3 words. 50 Girl's nickname. H 1 1) Y ■ 0 R C A PODIATRISTS 2 words. 8 Infrequent. 51 Heath. • ' 1 C|P 0 E M S 1 * I c Phi Mu Charity 40 Swagger. 9 Elliptic. 52 Qulr. M )U 1 A SIAHD 010 D L 1 A Career sf 41 Ball nark 10 Bnalneat or«. 54 Scotsman's ■ 0 M N inltiala. 11 Sleeve hand. "one." ilMUl r* N D ■'■ L 1 V I I Rewarding Opportunity Swim 43 SnllTa. 12 English novelist. 56 Pronoun. A Ci ) R "1 IF ■ N A H I A* Your Guidance Count* |0 iBs L c ISMP ANSWER 10 PREVIOUS PUZZLE 1 T EHT A I E lor About Careen in Podiatry. OPEN TO EVERYONE - R SlHsaal ^ T I OjP. ■ C A EjS 1 R Trill Specialized Field. Dealing » 1 ■ SI0I0 N GHH With The Medical And Surgical 7:30-9:00 ■ I J i 1 C >■ '' i l A R b Treatment Of f-oot Disorders. NATATORIUM 0 < T H 1 N 1 C 1 ■! 1 1 I Need* Many More Men And R U S I E .NBEH 1 » Women Be A Doctor 01 ■ T 0 < A ■ E ■ ISEI Podiatric Medicine! Bring own suit & towel only 50c Proceeds go lo Phi Mu - Panhel tr-Cc-Cz-titt-Ci-Cifiti . . ■ ilftil Hope Marathon Charily Drive Ohio And The Nation ~ot®t*~ CLaSSIFIED mm Need More Foot Doctors Alpha Phis Are Proud , -tr-b-ttft-&&-tt-k to . . & ft ft I private entrance call 3S3- Of Our 7 New Links! I 4MP1S CALENDAR IUU iiilor print nf Ian Beautiful Anderson S4 oo m V s nun apl 111 V. Men i Kor all utilities 352-0717 352 7660 PEGGY MILLER V B Auto BlCCl «ond IWtHi The ."hi Mu I'anhfl I'ope Marathon will have a CtUTM) fall $70 Ph 352 7365 or best offer 352 7714 Summer Apartments Swim at the Natatnnum (rum 7 30-» [tm W« dotHtlM KAY NESSELHAUF Single & double rooms sum Summer B educed Rales open U> Ihe public Dring own suit and towel Two motorcycle iMatncti & fall Near campus is: 353 9863 352 1972 with bubble shields I $20 I 7365 BOWLING GREEN — TEL. 352 0265 NANCY RIDER Performances of Noel Coward \ I'M.ale LtVM will be SIS I Sohgar mi mm 14 S 2 bdr apt to sublease for hrld at R pm liNlay throiuj(h Sunday Also n.alin*?es at 2 pm HELD OVER 8th RECORD WEEK! TlllphOlU lens with Nikon Student apartment Sum Ureenview June rent on Saturday, all in Joe K Brown Theatre in V Call WILL POSITIVELY END TUE , MAY 16 Muunl-tW t all between J 00 Besponsibli' management paid Air cond .352 7947 and 6 00 pm weekda\s t5;» l»r David M '.ales Director Douiilas Lake Biological 353 9863 352 1972 NOW' Monday thiu Thuisday 8 PM 7316 Apt tit sublei summer M jiinn Univfrsily of Michigan, will speak on Knergy and fndiy 7g 10 Sat 2 30. 7 & 10 Sun 2.5.8 PM 4 man Summer apl Best $45 mo 352-7333 TWO MINUTE CM Kxchange for Plants and Animals today at 4 pm in 112 69 Charger K T Pemi manv offer .152-4M» l.tfe Science STUDENT PRICES FOR THURSDAY cxlias;t52 4335Larrv I Two girls needed to sublet AND SUNDAY Witt NOT APPLY TO Bowling (ireen s only summer apt June Iree WALK TO Kor Sale66i.rand Prix :1S2 exclusive recreation room CHEAP Free an end & •THE GODFATHER 7387 Pealed Indtnir Pihd-(>as pool 352 0951 Eireplace Parly Room 68 Datsun 2000 5 iptcd w kitchen facilities and bar i or 2 M i" Mibiei .' man apt AD. BLDG. convert Etctlleni eoad W2 ttutside Ctmrtyard w patios Junel5Sepi IS $45 mo each 5771 and gas grills Dance Area 3S347I2 Linker Rooms all this BRAVO.BRANDOS GODFATHER LUST* FOUND I or 2 male rmli lor PERSONALS offered by Preferred CAMPUS Properties Ph W-U7I oi laHWtti Apt i Mock from Knvuonmenl 213 text last 66TH4Triumph Exc (ond campus $45 mo Call Tun Pot & lireit aller dlfllM 352 7324 "TNI YURI WIST RIAllTMTISFYIN6. BIS COMMERCIAL seen 105 Panna 5 5 72 (.ill 353*751 after noon 372 1608 AMERICAN FILM ORE OF THE HOST BRUTAL ANO MOVING 353 2625 Refresh \ourselt at the ITu Mu Charitv Swim tonight 1 bedrm apt. air. pool, ml CHRONICLES Of AMERICAN LIFE EVER DESIGNED WITHIN MANOR 1970 \W AM KM rtdlO i IMPUS MANOR special laist TobfjCCO pipe in I nion Where ' Natalorium When ' Iree June free 354 8641 THE UNITS OF POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT." warranlv remaining .(54 summer rates $150 per mo l^rge brown gold band on 7 30 9 M Donation Ml K42.1 4 7 pm behind Burger Chel lot the stem, great sentimental Bring your own suit and 2 bdrm turn . air cond "A SUPERIOR WORK OF POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTI available for summer finest in campus living APARTMENTS va1ue-|5 reward I) Wkeis lowel Everyone welcome Furnished complete FILL 70 Cuda 3 spd 6 c%l 24,060 RENINDS US OF THE VANISHED PLEASURES OF THE OLD Bin 8 Williams. 352-7947 $130 mo 3524717 352 7660 BrOBM blk ml 1711904 security system PARKING FASHIONED BANISTER MOVIES I WHAT NORE COULD WE Tomorrow' |.asalle's Einal JUST SOUTH OF BURGER CHEF Need 1 man for 2 man 2 bdrm SHOPS CLASSROOMS all SKR VICES OPPBRBD College Night ol the year' PSSSIBLT WANT FROM A MOVIE? HOW OFTEN. THESE OATS ■ VI bug exc cond Call at your front door l*h Ml See Thurs B(. News lor apt Fall 352 4335 Larry DO WE BET ANYTHING LIKE ALL THAT? 686 4941 alter « 9302 352 7365 352 4045 PUfURE (PAS learn how detail' • NEW • LARGE PARKING to prepare for the CI'A For lease or sub-lease, fun in THE GODFATHER IS A NOVIE THAT SEENS TO HAVE BCUBA lank h,ickpack two Preferred Properhes offers exam BECKER CPA A strange figure has been ihe sun. summer or fall call LOT regulators compass more exclusive 40s ( lub and Rec EVERYTHING! WARNTH. VIOLENCE. N0STA16IA. THE •MODERN seen emerging from the (.reenview Apt 352 1195 REVIEW COURSE call Center Now leasing for CHARISNA Of NARLON BRANDO IN ONE OF HIS FINEST Mamnee. is u Aldla or $l50comp Barb:t52^l8 Serious but swinging • FURNISHED • TWENTY BUSINESS collect Cincinnati I5I3> 651 Sept Paven Pouse Manor at PERFORNANCES. AND THE DYNASTIC SWEEP OF AN 4497 Cleveland t216i 696- Anderson"' Come see management Eor Sale 20 inc bike comer of Mercer \ E ITALIAN-AMERICAN GONE WITH THE WIHO'I" LOCATIONS 0969 DaMoni 513» 426 5087 Salurdav w training wheels Apt for summer across Wooster Model open 7 davs a AT YOUR DOOR convertible for bovs girls I wk 8 5 7 II Mon Fn I 5 7-11 WANTED Jane May Jo Peggv ami from Rodgers & rooms for >r old $20 354-5701 aller S pm Sat and Sun at 7th & Henee. you're still our summer & (all Ph 352 4045 pm high 4l)s Club. 31.2 9378 352 Wanted michrophones and number 1 team Alpha Chi s 7324 352 7444 siands Call 2 5852 l.arrv Need 2 M lo share 4 M apt Special Summer Rates Fi.il 124 Spoil CP 5 speed Debbie, can ants make summer or fall 353-4233 radials phone 352 6305 eve F rmte NEEDED mm KELP WANTED mountains ' I \ I I wo The ** llhe 4* etc Lynn 354 7431 Si50 per month mwl(teti Sad jjeg Furn house June or Sepi 1971 \espa IHOt. Exc cond The Hi. News needs PP 3520661 Ph 354-6185 2-2473 4 man apartment available experienced salesmen pick T K W I'appy 21st birthda\ tor summer June rent free' up vour application toda\ I0t> and happy I yr anniversary Kit apts tor grad students 1947 Ford Moor Good $96 00 per person lor Ihe U Hall loo I ■'»■ \ou in in tiK i 'fiiiit- who need privacy \ quiet PHONE entire summer CftUJU-Nil mmm® condition $400 ( all 2 3059 Near campus June '"'** HURRY! Witt END SOON! HELP NEEDED No I'uns Atdla has proclaimed occupancy For summer 352-7365 352-4045 1966 VW clean Call M frM I bedrm turn apl at - NEXT ATTRACTION experience Call Mr a celebration along Ihe OBly or I yr $95 ph 353 8065 233 W Merry tireenv lew Being 3529302 Connolly 352 9300 banks ol the Maumee 'THE FRENCH CONNECTION *% transferred Make offer 353 Saturday 13 May 1972 A D Student Apartments The 20" electric (an. toaster ice 0803 Summer Students skilled Puns BYO -Atlila Quiet Ones 353 9863 352 chest typewriter 10 gal carpenters to convert barn 1972 aquarium with filler & hood 2F Su I t is $50 mo (all to apartments 352 1192 Shop for the LOWEST Judv 2 5876 Record & Tape prices ai small stereo Call 353 3022 For Summer June 15th to Chris :ETJROT >E 3 Need a summer job" (.nil Finder s Records and Tapes Sept 15th 2 Bedroom Apt for sub-lease summer BOWLING GREEN UNIVERSITY and counter work Mary Jane furnished apartments tor Pro- Admin. Preferred Properties offers qi $100 mo S College call Thurston Manna, (.rand Tomorrow' Lasalle s Final $130 00 per month Call — charter — Carrier rala Chrg. exclusive 4Ds Club and Rec after5 Dave352-7675 Dates ROUTE Rapids D Appl\ in person. College Night ol ihe year' Newlove Realty 353 7381 Center Now leasing for 6 13-8 4 Col-AMIS Lon Col asklorJ R See Thurs BC. News for HV $196 $13 Sept Paven Pouse Manor at .'■man . 2-bedroom 6 17-9 3 Det-London-Del RIDES details' Rooms A apts for summer CAl $216 $13 corner of Mercer L E Rooms for fall-near campus apartment June rent paid 7 23-09 19 Cleve ton Cleve Call 352-9101 after 5 00 IWD $196 $13 Ride needed to DC Mav 12 Congratulations Terry Popa Wooster Model open 7 davs Ph 352 7365 8 4-9 5 Col-Ion Am* Col a wk 85 7 ll pmMon Fn I- IWD $196 $13 Karen 2 3*19 on your acceptance to Enure lower duplex turn MEAIS 8. OPEN BAR DEPOSIT HOLDS SEAT NON-STOP JETS 0 I) K The Brothers ol Phi [>, 7 II pm Sat and Sun at 7th Furn apt I block from and Pigh 4DsClub 352 9378 utilities pd 4 persons 354- n* S.4I PRICt IS PRO MU SM««l 01 IHI I0IU CHJRtm CUSI SUBJICI 10 INCM4SI OH OICW.SI OIPfNOMG UPON Ride nei-ded to Roch N V Kappa Tau campus June 3524661 352 7324.352 7444 8005 10!»t NUHBIH 01 PtRlltlPlNIS AS PIR CAB RlbUlAIIONS 0PIN ONI! 10 IACUUI S1UDIN1S A IMHIOIAII IAMIUES 01 .May II or 12 2 1577 THIS UNIVIRSIIY WATCH CLEANING Men-rooms-quiet for studv VICTOR APARTMENTS Ride needed lor 2 girls I rum REPAIRING. ADJUSTING I F male roommate lor the & rest P 353«4I after 7 ■student/youth fare $213- summer Close to campus 8l87ihSt Miami U to lu. May 1214 THE WORKING HAND No carpet cleaning lee ■ NEW TOM) Anyone who knows of CRAFT CENTER 515 Call 354-6042 Preferred Properties Rental It yen pielei Student Youth Iaiei lo chattels S I will baa* yov. in Ihe carirti dates and rotile Food Co-op someone coming up please Conneaut 353-9932 Office has moved lo The 4Ds ol »oei choice Wf will gujuntee you the lowresl possible lain We mil conlnm youi booting call Beekie 2 5329 $30 per month-Sublease Club at ihe corner of 7lh L Merchandise Co-op and give you liee d tuiopean liip Guide and Amtncan I spies* Money Suiyiyal Kit * subiect Kappa SigsPut on your Summer, no 28 Greenview High For rental info call $10 line of ere*]n to government eppioval Ride needed lo N V C or horns and punch in at the 352-0857 352-9378 or 352 7324 Indoor pool lORAllftlGHlS IHt 1011 OWING ILIGH1S ARE AVAIIABK *■ anywhere in N J May II 12 Pun Party Party room with bar london Pan S16 tsludent' BssssSlef S22 ladultl Will pay my share Call 353- I male roommate wanted to Maurer A Green Apts Now Car washing area london Amsteidam St6 _ — _ eeaa asssl $?* 9332 Gel in shape for summer at sublei new AC apartment 4 leasing 3 4 4 man apis 3 Central air loiwjon Rome $40 Trim Figure Salon Student blocks from campus Call man $195 4 man $220 2 9 month lease available KLtVl Desperately need ride to programs al reduced prices 3524446 after 6 pm bdrm. turn, air cond wall From $65 per month Rochester. N Y Will share Hurry out to 110 W Poe Rd to-wall carpel Fall Qlr Call John or Connie Wanted 12 or 3 males lo 352 5545 TRAVEL SERVICES AVAILABLE: expenses Sue 2-59VH and start your program leases 352-0717 352 7660 todav sublease apl for sum Air Only 3 apartments led Tievel library language Boohs and Maps loi List or Puichase Students Intel nation jl s 40 Page tuiopean Tie; Guide ilieel Ride needed to U U May 12 cond. rec center, special Rooms for men summer THANK YOU Passpoit Application* and Vaccination Ceiliticate Formt Summer leases from $45 Car and Mototcucle Rental Leasing and Puichaie for 1 Will share expenses KIR SALE OR RENT rates-June free CallC.arvat fall 3 blks from University Inn* tuiopean Chaitei Flights and Tiansponetion Schedules 3527300 Tievelers Insuiance AM Fail Medical Baggage Sieve M7M kitchen, recreation rm. tarail Bmiaii Passes Hostel Holtl Bookings CONTACT: University Activities WORLD WIDE CHARTER/ Off it* STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL 621 Church Street University Union M Ann A.bor Michigan 41104 (313)769-5790 Fact Line 372-2445 3722343 ffl •' The M N.WI. Weeiwdey, Moy 10.1971 /Peg* 4 The Concert for Bangladesh

By Gale Bogle and the music are the real a dancing, playing ball of cinematic break-throughs. Eaiertaiamexi Editor stars of this movie, not the energy singing "That's the Instead it presents us with individual personalities Way God Planned it." Ringo an event as simply and On August 1. 1971 George Starr looks happiest when he ' realistically as possible, Harrison assembled a group The movie is filmed is allowed to just play giving us a chance to feel we of pop superstars who pooled simply without fancy drums, reflected in his were really there their talents in a benefit cinematic gimmicks, expressions while singing concert for the refugees of concentrating on the "It Don't Come Easy," WE SEE THE Bangladesh. performers with seemingly when, at times, he is performers, the crowd and The concert marked the thousands of close-ups of noticibly uncomfortable occasionally a shot "',£* first time Harrison and their faces as they sing. C0 S! had performed drawing the audience into IMH«*°*«"«* ot ** the concet's° " publicly together since 1966 the music purpose But the reminders Bob Dylan's last concert had are inserted infrequently. been in England two years HARRISON is predom- Review the movie is about music. before and he had not inant in the movie singing not morality lessons. George Harrison and Bob Dylan rehears* for the Concert for Bangladesh which performed regularly in his own songs like Its greatest strength is public in four years "Something" and "My the fact that is does not Rehearsal raised $250,000 for refugees plus a percentage of album sales and movie Madison Square Garden Sweet Lord" and also acting BOTH THE concert detour into personality receipts from the concert. was filled with more than as a sideman for the other crowd and the theater sketches or try to teach us 40.000 people for the two performers audience seemed to be anything about the world shows, with tickets selling Harrison s head fills the anticipating the appearance situation The movie out four hours after they screen and his sound fills the of Dylan and when we finally concentrates on presenting Private Lives' went on sale The concert room, due at least in part to saw and heard him nothing the music with a single- itself raised almost $250,000 the multi-track sound had changed except that his minded purpose that for the refugees system including rear voice was higher than it used elevates it above the run-of- speakers which can make to be on records the-mill pop documentary DIRECTOR Saul you think the person sitting Singing songs like The cast includes Eric Coward comedy opens Swimmer and six next to you is applauding, "Blowing in the Wind" and Clapton. Dylan. Harrison. cameramen were also there even if he is not. "Just Like a Woman" took Preston. Russell. Shankar. to put the event on film and us back to the idealistic Starr and Klaus Voorman as the result is "The Concert The intensity of the sixties and reinforced the well as the band Badfinger "Private Lives. Sn Noel In "Private Lives" "Private Lives" is only THE CAST includes for Bangladesh. which performers was caught in reason all those people were They did something good for Coward s comedy about the Coward takes us into the one of several dozen plays, Kobert M Arnold, graduate opens tonight at the Fox the close-ups of their faces there to work for free and the people of Bangladesh British drawing room and private lives of a man and operettas, revues, films and student in speech, as Elyot. Theater in Toledo as they sang The contribute the money to with the concert and they do lea-andcrumpet crowd woman who can't seem to novels that Coward has Michele Gallery, part-time The movie is about the concentration and joy on charity. something good for us with opens tonight in Joe E. live happily together or written. including such student, as Amanda. Jeanne concert, the music and the Ravi Shankar s face This movie makes no this (Urn Brown Theatre at 8. apart comedies as Pay Fever." Blum, sophomore lEd I. as faces of the men who molded overflowed on the screen as Hi- brings together two "Blithe Spirit." "Tonight at Sybl. E.J Steele, graduate popular tastes in rock music he opened the concert he had honeymooning couples in Eight-Thirty," "Present student in speech, as Victor, in the sixties originally suggested to adjoining rooms of a Laughter," and "Suite in and Susan Warren Chapman, It opens with Harrison's Harrison fashionable French hotel Three Keys." sophomore i Ed i. as Louise press conference to explain But he adds a twist to this the purpose of the concert, Leon Russell s eyes burn seemingly normaloccurrence HE HAS written the Dr Allen Kepke. associate cuts to a brief scene with in the vastness of 70mm until because K.lyot Chase and screen plays for such movies professor of speech Is: Harrison and Dylan he explodes into Jumpin Amanda Prynne have been as "Brief Encounter." "Our directing this production rehearsing in the empty and Jack Flash' and his sound as married before, not only Man in Havana." "Bunny Brianl I'amor Lee, assistant cavernous hall and goes well as his dominating married before, but to each Lake is Missing." and "The professor of speech designed immediately to the concert physical presence fill the other Italian Job " the sets and lighting ami All the backstage chatter theater He seemed to be lie is a song writer, has Virginia Jonason. graduate and informal dressing room kissing the microphone, THE PLOT revolves published short stories and student in speech, designed shots have been left out of singing from his guts around their reactions to written several novels In the costumes the movie The total concert Billy Preston explodes into each other and their new- addition, his acting career found mates'reactions to the spans 60 years. The play runs tonight IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimiMI entire situation. In 1970 Coward was through Sunday with a According to Coward knighted by Queen Elizabeth matinee at 2 Saturday himself, "Private Lives" for his contribution to the Admission is 25 cents for was described as tenuous, theater. students and $1 SO for adults footlights thin, brittle, gossamer, irridescenl and delightfully daring "All of which connoted to gale bogle the public mind cocktails, Opening evening dress, repartee and Michelle Gallery and Robert Arnold open tonight in "Private irreverent allusions to Summer Work entertainment editor night live*," a comedy by Noel Coward. Also featured are E.J. copulation, thereby causing Sleele, Jeanne Blum and Susan Warren Chapman. a gratifying number of N>M«MMmNIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIillll.1IIIIIIIIMI>lllllinM:illMIMIIIinilllllllllllll respectable people to queue up at the box office." Mother's Day Special! $500/pr. month Whatever happened to... Sunday, May 14

By Gale Bogle Jeremy has been in into a business that brought And he said he got a Eatertalament Editor Bowling Green for almost a him money, fame, success .i Murn's Day Cake" tremendous satisfaction out Sunday Special — Men and Women month, because his manager and the lack of privacy that of performing when he heard Ham or Chick.-n Dmnrr ' Remember the days when is from Perrysburg He's eventually made him want the applause. "You feel anybody with long hair, a rehearsing, trying to get a out. you've done your job well mcl salad potato OO C fl British accent and a guitar gig and trying to get back bread beverage O '■ • »J U "You haven't got any time and really made a lot of dessert could make a girl's heart to yourself. Anywhere yon people happy." he said Make your reservations now1! throb along with the beat of go. people recognize you," The whole rock and roll Cleveland, 1 the music" he said. scene in the '60s was a kind 353 7675 The Beatles started it. It took two tours in of "game," according to Toledo, Columbus, followed by a flood of groups Vietnam with the army to Jeremy, and performers had like Gerry and the convince Jeremy that to be what the public wanted Pacemakers. The Dave getting hit on the head with because it could make or Akron Canton Clark 5. Herman's Hermits, full beer cans at concerts or break the groups. Peter and Gordon. Chad and trapped in phone booths by He said if he makes it this Jeremy-by the way. hysterical groupies might time around, he wants to get whatever happened to Chad not be such a bad life after away from the "movie star" This is and Jeremy'' all image and be known as a The group broke up in 1967. HE SAYS show business is human being. SoFr?etr?ii?g Different Stonegate Company One reason for the split was very rewarding. He enjoyed The teenage magazines the fact that "I got tired of getting to meet a lot of were instrumental in the 945 South Main Street never having any lime for people and enjoyed hearing success of many of the Bowling Green.Ohb Summer placement pro- myself." said Jeremy Clyde the crowd cheer. groups, although Jeremy According to Jeremy, he said he thinks some of them "I WENT IN the army. I was nervous every time he confused Chad and Jeremy gram will be inter- went and enlisted because I had to perform but once he with Peter and Gordon New York-Paris $200.00* got tired of being called heard the crowd, "I got (round trip) movie star." he said Chad is strung back out on the music AS BAROMETERS of •wmy tiyoa viewing on Thursday. now in the Royal Air Force again " public opinion they used to ask questions like. "What (via kind of girls do you like §f Air France) May 11 at the Holi- best?" Jeremy said, to be safe, he used to answer. Youth 12 thru 25 years "All." day Inn across from Jeremy was 21 and a Planning Europe this summer? student at . Oxford when success hit the first time. He •Buy youi ticket NOW beloie the expected increase campus. Interviews will can't explain it; he said they fuichasmg youi ticket WOW GUARANTEES you no ad were just "lucky." ditional an eipense REGARDLESS ol departure dale And now he is questioning be at 10, 12, 2 and 4. whether his name will make •Select youi date now 01 later it as easy to get back in the •Only scheduled AIR FRANCE (lights These interviews will business as it was the first • Remember you must buy NOW to avoid the increase time He admits that his music and records must be call today for details good to sell again whatever last 30 minutes. Car his name. So if you see a slender man Holiday Travel Center or access to one is walking through the Union or across campus carrying a 140 North Main battered guitar case and necessary. wearing a bush hat. it's 352-6567 probably Jeremy, and it just and Uririii MC^eirfny. •■ •• Ihm Great todio Comodkin." tomorrow o may conjure up memories of Comedians "A Summer Song." Or it * Basic Season rate noTFWwv»# !"••))>•' Y

s: DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 'Bore Trees' in review Copi '2 Gen I Fe»rure$ Corp

CE By Lurry Kpkr them is more than any variation between member of this group is competent on his tracks vocalist Christine McVie, instrument, the overall ONE EXCEPTION to that who does the lead on two Fteelwood Mac started out 45 Total. 13 Fiahed for songs which she wrote. ACROSS as a blues band under the effect is enjoyable generalization is the 1 Army's mule. 46 Campua figure. moraya. lamed Peter Green With What does make this instrumental Sunny Side of 7 Period that Marl- 47 Extremely amall 14 Diversion. 20 Very: Fr. hrnv gone, the group has album dull is the pausity of Peaven" by Danny Kirwan SHE COMES across ed rlree 1000 margin. B.C.: 2 wordi. 48 Part of an 23 Shade of pink. material which rises above a This track shows Kirwan's better on the love song moyed away from the blues, 14 Senator from orange. 24 Famoua Yogi. ami though the background mediocre level Neither the abilities on the guitar best of Spare Me a Little Of Your Rhode Mam.. 49 German 26 Listens. is Mill audible, it has been lyrics nor the instruments all the songs on this album Love" than on the rushing 15 Spaniih composer. 27 Wall atreet province. 50 Over dram at i xe: figures. underplayed as the group can carry most of these The clear, unhurried "Homeward Hound." and 16 Confident. Golloq. 29 Contenta of an tracks They are not poorly playing is in clear contrast might do well to stick to the has rolled into a middling 17 Entangle. 52 Silk fabric. elevator. style of rock performed. and by to the fuzz tone with which he less frantic songs 18 Rock. 53 Turning device. 31 Treacheroua one. Fleet wood Mac does not themselves these songs are Fillfl his other song. None of the tracks on this 19 Miaa Merman. 55 Protect. 33 Boastful per- 21 Civil War 57 New Jeraey sona: Slang. have a superstar Each somewhat enjoyable, but Danny st'hant" album are poorly done (with name, rapltal. 35 Inaolent one. member of the group there is nol enough This nil is probably the possibly one exception), but 22 Chinese rlnb, 58 Moaaic piece. 36 Bark kitchen. contributes to the total difference between them worst of the nine on this none of them are anything to 23 Remedy. 59 Makea beloved. 37 Method of sound, and while none of and the album is left without album The obnoxious guitar write home about. I only 24 Curve. 60 Blood veaael. painting. DOWN parts reminiscent of dozens hope that in the future this 25 HipheM moun- 39 Dory. tain in Crete. 1 Extinct animal. 41 Feeling like a nl abysmal groups, has to band will find material 26 Grand alam of 2 Having a partial new man. compete with the "chant'" which will better show their a kind. rhyme. 42 Pan of 41 vocal of na-na-na" style talents, rather than be held 27 . . noire. 3 Smarted. Across. 28 Dealer, aa in fi-h 4 Nucleni. 44 Midday ritual in Neither is worth the trouble down for lack of a song 30 Break off. 5 Pyrites. the tropics. il takes to listen This album is available at 32 Supplicate. 6 Ancient hymn: 46 -vissi r The most impressive the University Bookstore 31 Samuel Pepya, 2 worda. Puccini aria. for example. 7 Not making 48 Heartbeat. 38 Fvlemnoriie: money: 3 worda. 50 Girl's nickname. PODIATRISTS 2 word". 8 Tnfreorient. 51 Heath. Phi Mu Charity 40 Swagger, 9 Elliptic. 52 Ouir. A Career of 41 Ball nark 10 Bualneaa or*. 54 Scot*man*a initial*. 11 Sleeve hand. "one." Rewarding Opportunity Swim 43 Sniff.. 12 English novelist. 56 Pronoun. . A*k Your Guidance Counts AWWfR TO PREVIOUS WZZlt lor About Career* in Podiatry. OPEN TO EVERYONE - Thil Specialized Field. Dealing With Th. Medical And Surgical 7:30-9:00 Treatment Ot Foot Diuirders, Nodi Many More Men And NATATORIUM Women Be A Doctor Ot Podiatric Medicine' Bring own suit & towel only 50c Proceeds go fo Phi Mu ■ Panhel iVA a i> D ft ft ft i ft v'r ft ft v Hope Marathon Charity Drive Ohio And The Nation ~«®*~ CL3SSIFIED ii' Need More Foot Doctors Alpha Phis Are Proud ftftftftftftftftft V,- :,- ft ft ft •;'.- .'.• 1

11x14 color print ot Ian private entrance call .LSI Of Our 7 New Unks! CAMPUS CALENDAR Beaulilul Anderson H im mounted apartment CHEAP1 Apt 1705 Call 352 7M6 wednesda\ MavlO.1972 26 tireenview Completelv OHIO PODIATRY ASSOCIATION BETH COLLINS panelled and includes bat leasing a Greenvievj Apt •> 60 Bunk runs gotnl Moil 352 56A0 par) ball ol the lun the other 2025 RIVERSIDE DR COLUMBUS, OHIO 43221 The InlerAarsilv Christian Kcllowship will have ■ < pravri sell. 352 79SI hall is living in one 352 1195 CAROLYN FULMER meeting tonight .it 7 pffl in Pratt Chanel Sununer apt upstairs bouse 1967 Sears MCC CM lc HM close to campus $100 mo M Hidge Manor |p|| Bowling DEBBIE HUHN There will be J I'tslory Dcpt reprcscntaii.e available miles Excel road !2:*o m (ireen s most consenient lonighl to answer questions .thoul Fall Wuarter 1972 people Call 354 4962 beat offer K2-77H apt 2 bedrm summer leases STA&IVM CINDY LINK 1'iston tfiiiMs '.ind M'ition>i in 351 Kducation Hldg Needed lorlM students t onl> 114*- per mo including ; .10 itipin l las;. Ford Galaxw :«« PS man apt HI I Meirv Foi all Utilities 352 0717 )U N|0 PEGGY MILLER P B Auto Excel cond woo The Chi Mu Panhel I?ope Marathon will have a Chants lalirO I'h 352 7365 or best oiler 352 7714 Summer Apartments Swim .it the Natatonum from 1 30-« pm 50e donation KAY NESSELHAUF Single & double room* sum Summer Reduced Kates open to the public- Bring own suit and towel Two molorcvile helmets & (all Near campus 352 353 9663 352 1972 with bubble shields I $20. I BOWLING GREEN — TEl. 352-0265 NANCY RIDER Performances ol Nm-I Coward I Prtvatt I tvtl Will be 7365 115 I Sohgai 400 mm 14 5 2 bdr apt to sublease fo| held at B pin today through Sunday Also inatinees at 2 pin HELD OVER 8th RECORD WEEK! Telepholo lens with Nikon Student apartment Sum Greenvicw June- rent on Saturday, all in JotE Brown Theatre in I' Call WILL POSITIVELY END TUE., MAY 16 Mount $90 Call bet ween 5 08 Responsible management paid Air cond Bl 7M1 and 6 oo pm weekdays XI 1 Dr David M dales. Ihrertor POOglM Lake Biolojiu al 3S3-9W3 Bl 197:' NOW Monday thru Thuisday 8PM 7316 Apt lo sublet summer Station. University ol Michigan will speak on Knergy and Friday 7 & 10 Sat 2 30. 7 & 10 Sun 2.5.8PM $45 mo 352 7333 TWO MINUTE Qat Kxchangr fur Plant!, and Animals today at 4 pm in 112 4 man Summer apt Best W Charger H T I'emi mam oiler 3524118 Life Sclent v STUDENT PRICES FOR THURSDAY txlr.i«:i52 4335 Larry ■ Two girl- needed to sublet AND SUNDAY Will NOT APPIY TO Bowling (ii ecu | only summer apt June liee WALK TO Koi sale t* Grand PrW 352 exclusive recreation room CHEAP Free air ,ond & "THE GODFATHER' 7367 I'eated Indoor Pool lias pool 352 0951 Fireplace I'arlv Boom 6B I>atsun JO00 5 tpajd w kitchen facilities and bar 1 or I M lo .ublet I man apt il AD. BLDG. convert Kxcellent cond 352 outside Courtvanl w patsM June 15 Sepl 15 $45 mo eai h 5771 and gas gulls DatKC Area 353 4712 Locker Rooms all this BRAVO.BRANDOS GODFATHER U1ST1KDIM) I or 2 male tints (QJ PERSONALS offered by Preferred CAMPUS Properties I'h W-M7I or summer \pt I blot» linn Knvironimnt 213 text, last 66 TR4 Triumph Kxc Cond caRtptU $45 mo tall Tim "THE YUM FIRST REALLY SATISFYING, lit COMMERCIAL I'ot it tired allei riaatwtl ;153*75I 3527324 seen 105 I'anna >:.;.■ call after noon 372 I60H AMERICAN FRM. ONE OF THE MOST IRUTU MO M0VINS :tM 2625 Relresh \outsell at the l*hi Mu Charily Swim tonight 1 htsdrm apt air pool, ml CHRONICLES Of AMERICAN LIFE EVER DESIBNED WITHIN MANOR 1970 \W AM KM ladio i \MPI > MANOR specud Lost Tobacco pipe in Cnton When Naiatoriuin when Iree June Iree 354 8641 THE LIMITS OF POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT." warrantv remaining .154 summer tales $150 per mo l.ainr hrown gold band on 7 30 9 0t) Donation 50c MIS 4 7 pm behind Burger Chef loi (he Bring vout Ml suit and 2 bdrm turn air cond stem, greal sentimental finest in campus li\ing "A SUPERIOR WORK Of POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTI towel Everyone ttekorne available tor summer APARTMENTS value $6 reward D Vnkers Furnished complete KILL 70 Cuda 3 spd •> ey| M.O00 REMINDS US Of THE VANISHED PLEASURES OF THE OLD Km IWIUtams.9tO-7M7 1130 im 352 0717 ;152 7660 Bronze blk int IB 19IM seeuniv lyatern PARKING FASHIONED BAN8STER M0VIESI WHAT MORE COULD WE Tomorrow' Lasalle s Kinal JUST SOUTH OF BURGER CHEF SHOPS CLASSROOMS all P0SSIIIT WANT FROM A MOVIE? HOW OFTEN. THESE OATS SERVICES OFFERKD CoUeft Night ol the vear' Need I man lor 2 man 2 bdrm 69 VW bug ex. cond (all Bl vour front door Ph l;.J S«> Thurs BG NCWI loi apt Kail 352 4335 l.airv DO WE BET ANYTHIN8 LIKE All THAT?" 666 4941 alter h 9302 352 7365 352 4045 *•<•*•• 0 St-'iu t'xMaqai>•» FUTURE CI'A S learn how djoUU! • NEW • LARGE PARKING to prepare tor the CI'A For lease or sub-lease lun in "'THE 80DFATHER' IS A MOVIE THAT SEEMS TO HAVE Si I BA lank, backpack tw.t Preferred Properties offers exam BECKER CPA A strange ligure has bivn the sun summer or (all. call LOT regulators compass more exclusive 4l)s t'lub and Riv EVERYTHING WARMTH. VIOLENCE. NOSTALGIA. THE • MODERN seen emerging Iron, the Green view Apt 352 1195 REVIEW COURSE call WMcutna Barb 3614411 Center Now leasing lor CHARISMA Of MARION IRAND0 IN ONE OF HIS FINEST collect Cincinnati 15131 651 Mautnee il \lilla Serious but swinging • FURNISHED • TWENTY BUSINESS Sept Paven Pouse Manor at PERFORMANCES. AND THE DYNASTIC SWEEP OF AN 4497 Cleveland (Ml «M Anderson " Come I management For Sale 20 inc bike turner ol Mercer & K ITALIAN-AMERICAN BONE WITH THE WIND I LOCATIONS OWiy l).ivtoniM;i>426lKl87 Saturday w training wheels Apt lor summer BCTOU Wooattr Model open 7 tiavs a convertible lor boys girls. I wk 85 7 II Mini Fri I :• 7 II AT YOUR DOOR WANTED Jane M.i* Jo Ptffy, and Iron. Kodgers & rooms lor >r old 120 3545701 alter > pm Sat and Sun at 7th & HwvWlrY.!MS«.> I ■ Henee vou re slill our summer & tall I'h 352 4045 pm high 4DaClub 153-6371 HI Wantinl nnchrophones and numher I team MphaChis 7324. 352 7444 slands Call2 58S2. I.arrv Need 2 M to shaie 4 M apt Special Summer Rates Ftal 124 Spori CP . B-specd IVbbie can anls make summer or (all 353 4233 i.iitials phone 352 6305 eve F rmie NEEDED Msm Hie M HIE *A PELP WANTED mountains ' l \ l etc Lynn 354 7431 $150 per month midgets Sad jeg Kurn bouse June or Sept 1971 Vespa IHOo Kxc cond The Hi. News needs PP 62-0661 I'h 354*185 2 2473 4-man apartment available exp*Tiencetl salesmen pick T K W I'appy 2lsl birlhdav lor summer June rent free' up your application loOax) M and happy I yr anniveis.uv F.ll jpts tor grad students 1947 Ford MOOT IMHHI $96 00 per person for the t Hall t»K< laive voumuchly-Chubs who need privacy & quiel Mam(SOUNOTMAI,. AifhiM A.ailAaiE ON fAAAMO**.? ■( (TOADS 1 PHONE condilion 1400 Call 2 3»ft9 entire summer Call 352 0»*i7 |R Near campus June •** HURRY! WILL END SOON! KELP NEEDED No I'uns Atilla has priK'lainuHl occupancy For summer 352-7365 352-4045 1966 VW clean Call 352 7149 I bedrm lurn apt at -NEXT ATTRACTION- experience Call Mi a celebration along the only or [yr $95 ph 353 8065 233 W Merrv Greet vie* Being THE FRENCH CONNECTION *% 352-9302 Connollv 352 9300 banks ol the Maumee transferred Makeofler 353 Saturday 13 May 1972 A D Student Apartments The 20 electric Ian loastei ice 0103 Summer Students skilled I'uns BYO Aitila Vjuiei One* 353 9863 352 chest typewriter 10 gal carpenters to convert barn 1972 aquarium with Idler & hood 2 F Su V Cts $50 mo Call |0apartments 352 1192 Shop lor ihe LOWEST small stereo Call 353 3022 Record \ Tape prices at For Summer June 15th to Judv 2-5876 Chris :HJ-CT:R,O:F>:E Need a summer job' Hull Kinder s Hetvrds and Tapes Sept 15th 2 Bedroom BOWLING GREEN UNIVERSITY Apl lor sublease summer and counter work Marv Jane turnished apartments lor Pro- Admin. Preferred Properties oilers qt $100 mo S College call Thurston Marina I.rand Tonnirrow' Lasalle s Kinal 1130 00 per month Call — charter — Carrier rota Chrg exclusive 4Ds Club and Rec alter 5 Dave 352 7675 Dolei ROUTE Rapids U Applv in person College Night ol the year' Newlove Really 353 7381 Center Now leasing lor 6 13 8 4 Col-Ami-lon-Col ask for J H See Thur> BG News for HV $196 $13 Sepl I'aven I'ouse Manor at -'man 2-bedroom 6 17 9 3 Del-London Dr-I RIDES details' Rooms & apis for summer CAl $216 $13 corner Of Mercer & K Rooms for fall near campus apartment June rent paid 7 23-09 19 CI«ve-ton-Cleve? I WO booster Model open 7 davs Call 352-9101 alter 5 00 $196 $13 Ride needed tod I Mav 1^ Congratulations Terry Pupa I'h 352-7365 8 4-9 S Col ton Arm Col a wk 657 II pmMon Kri l- IWD $196 $13 Karen 23619 on your acceptance to 5. 7-11 pm sal and Sun at 7th Entire lower duplex (urn MEAIS & OPEN BAR DEPOSIT HOIDS SEAT NON-STOP JETS 0 l> K The Brothers ol i*hi Kurn apt 1 block Irom and P igh 4Ds Club 352 9378 utilities pd 4 persons 354- PI« SUI POia IS PMIUM SHAH! 01 TMI I0UI CNtRIIR C0SI SUBJICI 10 INCRIASI OR DtCMASt OtPIDOMG UPON Ride needed to Roch N Y Kappa Tau campus June 352-066) 352 7324. 352 7444 8005 I0UI NUHBtR 0" PWIICIPMIS «S PIR CAB RIGUIA1I0NS 0PIN 0NII 10 I Mill It StOOtNIS 1 IKMIDIAII lAMILItS 01 Mav II or 12 2 1577 IMlsurllVIRSltr WATCH CLEANING, Men-rooms-quiet lor sludv I F male roommate for the VICTOR APARTMENTS •student/youth fare $213- Ride needed for 2 girls Irom REPAIRING. ADJUSTING It real P 353 8241 alter 7 Miami U lo in. May 12 14 THE WORKING PAND summer Close lo campus 818 7th St mNlW »0RK Anyone who knows ol CRAFT CENTER 515 Call 354*042 Preferred Properties Rental No carpet cleaning fee II tow pielei Student Youth tails to Chilian SI twill book vou in the renter dates and lotitf Food Co-op someone coming up please Conneaut 353-9932 Office has moved lo The 4Ds ot eoei choice We e/ill guaiantec vou the lovtril possible laies We mil conliim ,oui booking call Becxie 2 5329 $30 per month-Sublease Club at the comer ol 7th k Merchandise Co-op and givt ecu liee a toiopean Trip Guide and Amtntan ttpiess Money Suivivat Kit * subiecl Kappa Sigs Put on your Summer, no 26 Green view High For rental info call $10 line ol credit to government appioval Ride needed lo N Y C or horns and punch in at the 352-0867 352-9378 or 352-7324 Indoor pool I0R All fLIGHTS Int lOUUWING FLIGHTS AHf AVAIIABU ♦ anywhere in N J Mav II 12 Pun Party Party room with bar london Pans $16 tstudenl' Vairt? Will pay my share Call 353 I male roommate wanted to Maurer 4 Green Apts Now Car washing area london Amsteidam SI 6 _ — _ -_ - $25 9332 Get in shape lor summer al sublet new AC apartment 4 leasing 3 4 4 man apis 3 Central air london Rome $40 Trim Figure Salon Student blocks Irom campus Call man ft95 4 man $220 2 9 month lease available KLLVI Desperately need ride to programs al reduced prices 352-6446 alter 6 pm bdrm. lurn. air cond wall From $65 per monlh Rochester N Y Will share Purrv out to IM W Poe Rd to-wall carpet Fall Qtr Call John or Connie TRAVEL SERVICES AVAILABLE: expenses Sue 2 5994 and slart your program Warned. 1-2 or 3 males to leases 352-0717 352 7660 352 5545 today sublease apl for sum Air Only 3 apartments leli l Sl«l..t.lnt„n.l,on^,40P«,.lo,op..nI,»r,o<,,h„, '"" '*"" ""•••»•»•<*» .nd M», lot U» 0. P..CR.,, Ride needed to it (J May 12 cond. rec center, special Rooms lor men summer THANK YOl Pemport Applications and Vaccination Ctitrficait Forms Summer leases Irom $45 Car and Mototcucle Rental leasing and Puichase lor I Will share expense:, FURSALFaORRF.NT rates-June Iree CallGarvat (all 3 blks from University intu Imopean Chaittt Flights and TianspoMalien Schedu.ii 3527300 tiavelais Instance An fart Medical Baggage Steve 2 1701 kitchen, recreation rm (mail Bmiail Passts Hoittl HotfI Bookings CONTACT: University Activities WORLD WIDE CHARTER/ Off »ce STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL 621 Church StiMi University Union or Ann Arbor, Mxhrgon 41104 3722343 13131 769-5790 Fact Line 372-2445 a r\ Th. M N.w,. W«*M«iay. May 10. 1972 to*. 9 The Concert for Bangladesh

By Gale Bogle and the music are the real a dancing, playing ball of cinematic break-throughs. EaterUiameai Editor stars of this movie, not the energy singing "That's the Instead it presents us with individual personalities Way God Planned it." Ringo an event as simply and On August 1. 1971 George Starr looks happiest when he realistically as possible, Harrison assembled a group The movie is filmed is allowed to just play giving us a chance to feel we of pop superstars who pooled simply without fancy drums, reflected in his were really there their talents in a benefit cinematic gimmicks, expressions while singing concert for the refugees of concentrating on the It Don't Come Easy." WE SEE THE Bangladesh performers with seemingly when, at times, he is performers, the crowd and The concert marked the thousands of close-ups of noticibly uncomfortable occasionally a shot -' ;:. first time Harrison and their faces as they sing, P^r-'ol *e m- " a Ringo Starr had performed drawing the audience into imn ot the concet's publicly together since 1966 the music purpose But the reminders Bob Dylan's last concert had are inserted infrequently. been in England two years HARRISON is predom- Review the movie is about music. before and he had not inant in the movie singing not morality lessons. George Harrison and Bob Dylan rehears* for th* Concert for Bangladesh which performed regularly in his own songs like Its greatest strength is public in four years "Something'' and "My the fact that is does not Rehearsal raited $350,000 for refugees plus a percentage of album tales and movie Madison Square Garden Sweet Lord'' and also acting BOTH THE concert detour into personality teceiptt from the concert. was filled with more than as a sideman for the other crowd and the theater sketches or try to teach us 40.000 people for the two performers audience seemed to be anything about the world shows, with tickets selling Harrison s head fills the anticipating the appearance situation. The movie out four hours after they screen and his sound fills the of Dylan and when we finally concentrates on presenting 'Private Lives' went on sale The concert room, due at least in part to saw and heard him nothing the music with a single- itself raised almost (250.000 the multi-track sound had changed except that his minded purpose that for the refugees system including rear voice was higher than it used elevates it above the run-of- speakers which can make to be on records. the-mill pop documentary DIRECTOR Saul you think the person sitting Singing songs like The cast includes Eric Coward comedy opens Swimmer and six next to you is applauding, "Blowing in the Wind" and Clapton. Dylan. Harrison. cameramen were also there even if he is not. Just Like a Woman" took Preston. Russell. Shankar. to put the event on film and us back to the idealistic Starr and Klaus Voorman as the result is The Concert The intensity of the sixties and reinforced the well as the band Badfinger Private Lives." Sir Noel In "Private Lives'' "Private Lives" is only THE CAST includes for Bangladesh. which performers was caught in reason all those people were They did something good for Coward'! comedy about the Coward takes us into the one ol several dozen plays, Robert M Arnold, graduate opens tonight at the Fox the close-ups of their faces there to work for free and the people of Bangladesh British drawing room and private lives of a man and operettas, revues, films and student in speech, as Elyot. Theater in Toledo as they sang The contribute the money to with the concert and they do lea-and-crumpet crowd, woman who can't seem to novels that Coward has Michele Gallery, part-time The movie is about the concentration and joy on charity. something good for us with opens tonight in Joe E. live happily together or written, including such student, as Amanda. Jeanne concert, the music and the Ravi Mi.ink.ii - face This movie make* no this (Urn. Brown Theatre at 8 apart comedies as "Pay Fever," Blum, sophomore I Ed. I, as faces of the men who molded overflowed on the screen as He brings together two "Blithe Spirit. Tonight al Sybl. EJ Steele. graduate popular tastes in rock music he opened the concert he had honeymooning couples in Eight-Thirty," "Present student in speech, as Victor, in the sixties originally suggested to adjoining rooms of a Laughter." and "Suite in and Susan Warren Chapman, It opens with Harrison's Harrison fashionable French hotel Three Keys." sophomore i Ed. i. as Louise press conference to explain But he adds a twist to this the purpose of the concert, Leon Russell s eyes burn seemingly norinaloccurrence HE HAS written the Dr Allen Kepke. associate cuts to a brief scene with in the vastness of 70mm until because F.lyot Chase and Kreefl plays (or such movies professor of speech ls'- Harrison and Dylan he explodes into "Jumpin' Amanda Prynne have been as "Brief Encounter." "Our directing this production rehearsing in the empty and Jack Flash" and his sound as married before, not only Man in Pavana." "Bunny Brian! Panior Lee, assistant cavernous hall and goes well as his dominating married before, but to each Lake is Missing." and "The prolessor ol speech designed immediately to the concert physical presence fill the other Italian Job " the sets .nul lighting and All the backstage chatter theater He seemed (o be Pe is a song writer, has Virginia Jonason. graduate and informal dressing room kissing the microphone, THE PLOT revolves published short stories and student in speech, designed shots have been left out of singing from his guts around their reactions to written several novels In the cistumes the movie The total concert Billy Freslon explodes into each other and their new- addition, his acting career found mates'reactions to the spans 60 years. The play runs tonight iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimj entire situation. In 1970 Coward was through Sunday with a According to Coward knighted by IJueen Elizabeth matinee at 2 Saturday himself. "Private Lives" lor his contribution to the Admission is 25 cents (or was described as tenuous, theater students and SI 50 for adults footlights thin, brittle, gossamer, irridescenl and delightfully daring "All of which connoted to gale bogle the public mind cocktails, Opening evening dress, repartee and Michelle Gallery and Robert Arnold open tonight in "Private irreverent allusions to Summer Work entertainment editor lives," a comedy by Noel Coward. Alto featured are E.J. copulation, thereby causing night a gratifying number of Steele, Jeanne Blum and Sutan Warren Chapman. i HUM mi iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii respectable people to queue up at the box office " Mother's Day Special! $500/pr. month Whatever happened to... Sunday, May 14 pppp with every iRsfiivatinn. By Gale Bogle Jeremy has been in into a business that brought And he said he got a a Minn's Day Cake11 Eatertaiamtnt Editor Bowling Green for almost a him money, fame, success tremendous satisfaction out Sunday Special — Men and Women month, because his manager and the lack of privacy that of performing when he heard Only Horn or Chicken Dinner ' Remember the days when is from Perrysburg. He's eventually made him want the applause. "You feel incl salad potato £0 Cfl anybody with long hair, a rehearsing, trying to get a out. you've done your job well bread beverage O *C . 0 U British accent and a guitar gig and trying to get back "You haven't got any time and really made a lot of dessert could make a girl's heart to yourself Anywhere you people happy." he said Make your reservations now// throb along with the beat of go. people recognize you." The whole rock and roll Cleveland, the music'' he said scene in the '60s was a kind 353-7675 The Beatles started it. It took two tours in of "game," according to Toledo, Columbus, followed by a flood of groups Vietnam with the army to Jeremy, and performers had like Gerry and the convince Jeremy that to be what the public wanted Pacemakers. The Dave getting hit on the head with because it could make or Akron, Canton Clark 5. Herman s Hermits. full beer cans at concerts or break the groups. Peter and Gordon. Chad and trapped in phone booths by Ke said if he makes it this Jeremy-by the way. hysterical groupies might time around, he wants to get whatever happened to Chad not be such a bad life after away from the "movie star" This is and Jeremy? all image and be known as a The group broke up in 1967 HE SAYS show business is human being. Soraettyr^g Different Stonegate Company One reason for the split was very rewarding. He enjoyed The teenage magazines the fact that "I got tired of getting to meet a lot of were instrumental in the 945 South Main Street never having any lime for people and enjoyed hearing success of many of the Bowling Green.Ohb Summer placement pro- myself." said Jeremy Clyde the crowd cheer groups, although Jeremy According to Jeremy, he said he thinks some of them "I WENT IN the army I was nervous every time he confused Chad and Jeremy gram will be inter- went and enlisted because I had to perform but once he with Peter and Gordon New York-Paris $200.00' got tired of being called heard the crowd. "I got (round trip) movie star." he said Chad is strung back out on the music AS BAROMETERS of •eeetwy cjyde viewing on Thursday, now in the Royal Air Force. again " public opinion they used to ask questions like. "What (via Jf M AirFrance) kind of girls do you like May 11 at the Holi- best?" Jeremy said, to be safe, he used to answer. Youth 12 thru 25 years "All." day Inn across from Jeremy was 21 and a Planning Europe this summer? student at . Oxford when success hit the first time. He •Buy your ticket WOW before the expected increase campus. Interviews will can't explain it; he said they •Purchasing youi ticket NOW 6UABAHTEIS you no ad were just"lucky." ditional air e

Miami remained in control of the this weekend vs. Western Michigan and Mid-American Conference baseball the windup trio vs. Ohio. Such a feat BG 101%, CAAU 52% race by surviving a hectic series with would make Kent's final MAC record 8- Western Michigan with a 2-1 edge in the 2. three-game struggle last weekend. But three other teams remain in contention as the pennant battle heads Diamondmen Newsphotos by Steve Hanson into the final two weeks of action. Starting Friday, defending champ face Detroit flfftlj Ohio (3-2-11 controls the outcome of the torrid fight for MAC supremacy The The Falcon baseballers will try to get Bobcats-champions for (he past four back on the winning track in a 3:30p.m. years-take on the Redskins (5-2 > at single game today against Detroit at Athens this weekend, needing a sweep Stellar Field to keep their hopes alive for a fifth straight crown. Bowling Green 13-2-11 Bowling Green 114-10-2 overall I. and Toledo (4-3-1) also remain in the which has dropped three of its last four title picture. outings-all non-league-will go against the team it beat. 9-4, last April 3 MIAMI, NOW 25-6 overall in its drive to nail down its first-ever MAC baseball The Titans, under former championship, can end the race by Philadelphia Phillies hurler Bob sweeping the Ohio series Miller, bring an 11-8 record to BG pending the outcome of yesterday's Taking three on the Bobcats' home game against Michigan State diamond is a man-sized task, but if the Redskins need extra incentive, all they FALCON COACH Don Purvis plans have to do is recall what happened a to send either Steve Price or Ric year ago at Oxford Miami was leading Richmond against the Titans In the the loop when they met Ohio at home win over Detroit. Price notched his «e* — but dropped the series. 2-1. ancfthe 1971 first victory of the season with four and title with it inv aViw iW" wt% T e*n Pee wwefii Mff If lp»e |Uffip m»*w»» two-thirds innings of scoreless relief One Ohio win would give Miami a "Since he I Price i pitched well final MAC mark of 7-3. This could be against Detroit, that might influence matched hy Toledo (forcing a playoff I my decision.'' said Purvis. "But if it swept a three-game engagement at Richmond has done a good job lately, Bowling Green. May 19-20 On the other saving a couple of games and doing a hand, should BG sweep the TU series, good job." the Falcons would finish 6-2 and win the championship outright. Purvis II.IMI i ruled out the possibility of giving three or four of his hurlers a TWO OHIO wins would leave Miami piece of the action in preparation for with a 6-4 record This could be Friday's single game at home against surpassed by either Toledo or Bowling Wayne State and Saturday's Green. The Bobcats also could better 6- doubleheader at Central Michigan 4 by going on to sweep Kent next Including today's game, the Falcons weekend for a final record of 7-4. have five non-league contests to "warm Even the Flashes have a dark horse up for what could determine the MAC chance to emerge on top All KM has championship the last weekend of the to do is win their final six games-three season. May 19-20 against Toledo 5 golf recruits signed

Five top high school golfers have Reifert made the all-city golf team as inked national letters of intent at a junior last year and advanced to the Bowling Green, coach John Piper has district junior semi-finals while announced Earman was medalist in his district high school tournament last season Heading the list of Falcon recruits is Romefelt finished sixth last spring in Ron Partoin of Cincinnati F.lder who the Michigan Junior Tournament ranked among the top 32 players in the U.S. Golf Association National Junior Tournament last year Partoin also took runner-up honors in the 1971 Ohio Match reset Insurance Youth state tournament. I!e was also a starter in basketball on t*b McOmtwc, Rich Schnittkar, 3rd-2nd in (M Ron W«W, (.1 - 7 nd in 440 hufdU. The golf match scheduled Elder's district runner-squad last yesterday at the University links, winter. has been reset for today. Ohio State, Michigan. Central ■ Also planning to attend Bowling Michigan and Bowling Green are Green is Steve Mossing of Napoleon the teams playing in the meet who was runner-up in the 1971 Toledo Tee times are set from 12 30 to District Junior competition. Mossing, I 30 p m. and 2:30 to 3:30 p.m whose father was a letterman in golf at The first tee will be closed to the BG in the late 40s. also started in public at these times. basketball for the Napoleon team which won the Northwest District Class AA title with a 19-5 record. Women netters THE OTHER BG recruits are Fritz Reifert of Toledo St Francis. Steve Earman of Eaton and Mark Romefelt chalk 3 wins from Dow High School in Midland. Mich It was a clean sweep for Bowling Green's women's tennis team last weekend The club won a dual match Sailors 2nd Friday against Ohio State then toppled Kent State University and Baldwin- Wallace in a tri-match Saturday in eliminations BG moved its overall record to 9-0 and handed the Buckeye women, the Big 10 champs, their first loss of the The Bowling Green sailing club season Tom Meiss of BG defeated survived heavy winds and equally OSU's Kay Kovaleski. the 1970 and 1971 rough competition to finish a strong state singles champion. 7-5 and 6-3 second in the Area "A" eliminations of Amy Longley took the other singles win Jim NntW, 3-m»# winno. Ed Wotkin. fail* afl.t 9 8 lOO-yo.d dash the Midwest Collegiate Sailing for Bowling Green. Association over the weekend PAM DEAN AND Janet Wonder I eigh BG minus Tom Lightvoet Twenty to 35-mile-per-hour winds at teamed up to cop one of the double the Port Clinton Yacht Club Saturday matches for Bowling Green caused numerous breakdowns and At Kent. Ms Meiss and Pat Stager capsizes to the 13-foot boats Only two got two victories over their opponents races were completed Saturday. in singles and the BG teams of Sue Robinson-Amy Smith and Pam Dean- WAAU aims for net revenge SUNDAY'S WINDS brought rain and Janet Wonderleigh each picked up a rough water to the Lake Erie sailing pair of doubles victories site so the eliminations were switched BG defeated Kent and B-W by to protected waters of the Portage By DAN CASSEDAY will be without Lightvoet. whose recent John Lamerato. who Gill figured identical 4-1 tallies while Kent nipped remain at second doubles, while River Sports Writer ill health will force him to the sidelines Lightvoet would battle it out with to Dredge and Powell will form the third B-W 3-2 The BG women had eight until next week points in the tri-match, to four for Kent win the MAC individual title. Falcon twosome. The BG club of Bob and Ray Brindley The Falcon tennis team may run into The Broncos, on the other hand, are and three for Baldwin-Wallace and their crews Malcolm Wilbur. Mark The BG women will meet Miami a revenge-minded Western Michigan probably stronger than last year. THE BRONCOS also return third Koch. Roger Reeves and Dennis Butts squad when it invades Kalamazoo for a Perry recovering Saturday. singles Pat Bimey. who won the third became the first Ohio school to break 3.JO p.m confrontation with the singles crown at the MAC last year, and through the Michigan schools' Broncos today Roger Thurman. league runnerup at Doyt L. Perry, former Bowling monopoly in the eliminations. Golfers 3rd fourth singles a season ago Green athletic director and football ; Western, which was Falcon coach Postponed coach, is recovering satisfactorily Michigan State won with 10 points. The Women's Intercollegiate Golf Bob Gill's pre-season choice to take the Gill will keep the Falcon lineup the after undergoing open heart surgery Mid-American Conference, was upset Yesterday's home match with Toledo BG scored IS. Michigan had 17 points team chalked up a third place finish at same as usual except for lightvoet s May 2. in Miami. Fla. the Ohio State Invitational in Columbus last year at Bowling Green. 5-4. was postponed due to overly-windy and Wayne State was last with 18. conditions The meet has been positions Ron Dredge will replace last weekend. : Decisive factors in last year's Falcon Lightvoet at first singles and Bill rescheduled for 2 30 p m Monday at the Perry, who is currently athletic Low point "A" skipper was awarded Carolyn Treece was Bowling Green's victory were a win by first singles Tom Oudsema will play second singles, Lightvoet over Western Michigan s Ice Arena Courts advisor at Florida International to Bruce Nelson of Michigan State medalist, followed by Sue Barkhurst. followed by Dan Ryan. Tim L'oover. Mary Ann Lingg. Chris Chudzinski and jtrry Smith, and the conquest of the AA/WWWWWWWWWI/WWMM University, was removed from the while Ray Brindley of BG and E Brad Malcolm and Tim Powell, Schlageter of Michigan State tied for Lynne Murnan. Bronco's No I doubles team by Jerry Smith, who Lightvoet beat both respectively. intensive care unit to a semi-private Lightvoet and Bill Oudsema times during the regular season and at room at Mercy Hospital on Sunday and low point "B" skipper. The trophy was The team travels to Springfield this weekend for the Springfield conference, has moved down to second L'oover will team with Oudsema at expects to be able to go home in about awarded to Schlageter since he had TODAY HOWEVER, the Falcons singles. Western's first singles is now first doubles, Malcolm and Ryan will Wdays. more first places than Brindley. Invitational.