LAW SOCIETY GazetteGazette€3.75 Aug/Sept 2010 WHISTLE- BLOWERS PROTECTIONS AND PROBLEMS INSIDE: RISK MANAGEMENT • ALTERNATIVE CAREERS • DISMISSAL AND PENSIONS • YOUR LETTERS PTSB_LAW_soc_GAZ 12/03/2010 10:09 Page 1 Great deposit rates are really only half the story The other half of the story is all about you. We created Principal Banking, your personal team dedicated to providing for your specific deposit needs as a professional. We wanted to deliver more options, better service and of course a great financial return. We understand the demands on your time and your money and the need for responsive, intuitive and intelligent banking. We don’t do things in halves. See for yourself, call our Principal Banking team today at 1890 818 741 or drop us an email at
[email protected] (but please do not send any personal or confidential information by email). principalbanking the savings team dedicated to professionals Terms and conditions apply. The rate advertised above is for illustration purposes. To help improve our service to you calls may be recorded. Irish Life & Permanent plc (trading as permanent tsb) is regulated by the Financial Regulator. president’s message Law Society Gazette aug/sept 2010 Commercial undertakings ou have received many eBulletins from me, beginning in December 2009, in relation to the risks created by solicitors giving undertakings in commercial property transactions. The Society has Yconsulted very widely with the profession and with interested parties outside the profession in relation to this matter. I refer, in particular, to my eBulletins to you of 1 April and 27 May 2010.