J. Walter Thompson Company News Volume Xxiii, No
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J. WALTER THOMPSON COMPANY NEWS VOLUME XXIII, NO. 39 FOR STAFF MEMBERS ONLY NOVEMBER 22, 196B New Montreal office has gala opening at Place Bonaventure MONTREAL—JWT-Montreal most effec "We want this to be a real, alive thing," punches. He knows where the ad business tively celebrated the opening of its Place Raimond D. Senior, president of JWT- is at." Bonaventure offices with two receptions Canada, had told staffers. And a real Highlight of the opening ceremonies which saw more than 800 clients, media alive thing the two receptions were. (Pic was presentation of a $1,500 scholarship people, suppliers and local dignitaries tures in next issue of JWT NEWS.) to Jean R. Gagnon of Quebec City who swarm through the new quarters on Floor Guests of honor from New York were is taking his master's degree in Laval D of Montreal's new business and trade- Dan Seymour, Jack Devine and Henry University's School of Business Adminis show center, Nov. 14-15. tration. This scholarship is the first of The receptions were held in the actual Schedule interruption two to be awarded a student in French JWT offices to give a flavor of the crea language. tive atmosphere of the agency. For many Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, Purpose of this JWT award is to en guests it was a revelation. More than the next issue of JWT NEWS will ap courage French language marketers at the 60 pieces of Canadian contemporary art, pear on December 6, 1968. highest possible level. many of them the work of JWT staffers, The Montreal opening marks the third decorated the walls. Slide presentations of Schachte. time in less than two years that JWT various JWT-Montreal campaigns were in Mr. Seymour was interviewed by Boris offices in Canada have outgrown their continuous review. Rehearsals were in Miskew, business editor of Canadian Press. former quarters and moved into larger, progress in the new broadcast recording Commented Miskew after the interview more central locations. Says Rai Senior, studio. —"There's a guy who doesn't pull his "JWT-Canada is really on the move." Three JWTers appointed to Nixon's White House staff NEW YORK — Associated Press, Time tants" that two other former JWTers, also sibility on the Scott Paper account. magazine, Editor & Publisher were among from California, were appointed by Mr. While at USC, Chapin worked as a field some of the publications which telephoned Nixon, starting the phone calls from the representative for Nixon's gubernatorial 1WT this week to ask for more informa press. campaign and later participated in the fall tion on former JWTers who have been Ron Ziegler, 29 years old, will serve campaigning in 1966. He left JWT in selected by President-elect Richard Nixon as special assistant to the President in January, 1967, to "go into politics." for his White House staff. charge of press relations. Ron, who had Returning to NYO after working on H. R. (Bob) Haldeman, 42, who was been with the LA office of JWT since Nixon's Presidential campaign are Martin former manager of the JWT office in LA, 1962, was Mr. Nixon's travelling press was named by Mr. Nixon to be his special aide in the political campaign. While at assistant in what the NY Times said was, JWT-LA, he served as account representa "roughly defined as 'the general adminis tive on KNBC-TV, Walt Disney Produc trative area.' His major responsibility, it tions, 7-Up Bottling Company of LA and appeared, will be to monitor and manage Blue Chip Stamps. the activities of the entire White House He got his start in politics by serving staff." as Nixon's traveling press aide in the 1962 Later, in an interview, Mr. Haldeman California gubernatorial race. He also said that he and several other men would was press and PR director of the Repub be members of a "small group of assis lican Central Committee from October, R. Ziegler D. Chapin tants to the President." They will be as- 1961 to May, 1962. He left JWT-LA in Werner, JWT copywriter since 1959, who March, 1968 to join the Nixon team. is now back at his desk, and Jack Frost, Also named as special assistant to the JWT art director, who will return on Dec. new President was Dwight Chapin, who 2 after a vacation. Harry Treleavan, who will be in charge of schedules and travel. resigned from JWT earlier this year and He joined JWT-LA's media department in H. R. then joined the Nixon campaign staff as 1963 after receiving a BA from the Uni Haldeman director of all advertising, has not an versity of Southern California in June of nounced his future plans. that year. For the past several years, he Martin's job was part of a 6-man spe has worked in NYO with primary respon- cial unit which created most of the print, radio and TV advertising for the President signed general administrative responsibili New business for Peru elect. "We worked a good 12 hours a ties in the White House and will form a LIMA—JWT-Peru has been named to day for weeks on end," he said. "Tele personal cadre around the President. handle Ford Corporate advertising in ad phoning alone was pretty exhausting. I was In the administrative tier directly below dition to its present assigment on product always on the road—in California or Mr. Haldeman and his group will be a advertising. The office now is responsible Washington, D.C." "arger number of men carrying the title for all Ford advertising in Peru. Jack's responsibilities included establish f "special assistants to the President" Peru has been added to the roster of ing a general look or art format for the • ho will be assigned specific functions JWT offices which handled Dunlop Tyre print ads and promotional materials. He such as press relations, appointments, advertising in Argentina, Australia, Ger designed everything from bumper stickers travel, speech writing, etc. Mr. Haldeman many and Italy. The JWT-Peru assign to local newspaper ads, billboards, cam reported. ment also includes publicity and public paign buttons. Jack joined JWT in 1948, It is to these posts of "special assis relations. working in Detroit, Miami and New York. New vp's in New York office Are storyboards dead? NEW YORK — Account supervisors Roy Ford TV commercial starts out as 8mm home movie Glah and Clark Holt of NYO have been elected vice presidents of JWT. NEW YORK — You'll be seeing a Ford and his wife "remember" some last-minute Roy Glah is a veteran of two JWT of commercial on the November 24 NFL items and begin some frantic loadin, fices, New York and Amsterdam. After broadcast on CBS which didn't take the which is speeded up with a Keystone coi graduating from Cornell University with usual route to the client. Instead of being effect in the film. Each time they add • a B.F.A. degree (he also studied at the presented as a script or storyboard, it was the load in the seemingly bottomless wag Pennsylvania Academy of Art, the Art Stu shot as an 8mm experimental film by NYO on, there is another chance to demonstrate dents League and Pratt Institute), Roy associate creative supervisors Bert Metter the features of the "Magic Doorgate." joined JWT in 1957 in the copy area. He and Joe Feke. In the humorous ending, the family Bert, who heads the Ford Forward Plan drives off, certain they have everything. A ning Group, and Joe wanted to try using sudden wail causes them to back up for 8mm films as an inexpensive way to pre the one thing they forgot to pack—their view TV ideas for the client. baby. Their first attempt was a spot to sell Bert and Joe edited the film, added a Ford's new 3-way "Magic Doorgate" on station wagons. They conscripted art direc sound track and it was presented to client. tor Gene Blasen and his family and filmed The film was approved and reshot in the story of a typical family about to leave 35mm. Known in the Ford group as Pov R. Glah on vacation. erty Productions, Bert and Joe produced left to serve in the Army for two years As they pack their station wagon, Gene their 8mm version for about $100. and on his return decided to move into 8 MM clips account work. Roy became a buyer in the media de partment, then a media planner and, in 1962, an account representative on Scott. In 1964, he was transferred to Amsterdam where he was account supervisor on Uni lever, Ford, Pan Am, Chesterfield and Vicks and, for his last year and half there, served as assistant manager of the office. After his return to NYO this July, Roy became account supervisor on Chun King Frozen Foods, responsible for the adver tising on twenty products within three major categories. Clark Holt joined JWT in 1959 as a media buyer, following several years in the media department of Lennen & Newell and as a representative for Chain Store Age. In 1961, he became a representative on Pan Am and in 1967 became account supervisor for Pan Am's North American Division—responsible for all Pan Am ad vertising placed in the U.S. and Canada. In addition, Clark also worked on First National City Bank, McGraw Edison and Inter. Continental Hotels. Presently, he also supervises the American National Red Cross, a volunteer account. 1 A native of Colorado, Clark is a grad uate of Ohio State University.