

Notice. I Card of Thank- The Counties’ Council of United Impressions of a Trip King George Wel- Official Visit To Disinfect Soil- •Counties of Stormont, Dundas and To the Editor of the News, dengarry, will meet at Court House. Dear Sir:—Through the columns of Cornwall, on Monday the 13th day of your paper 1 wish to warmly thank October, A.l). 1913, at 8 o’clock p.m., my friends and neighbor# for the val- To Tile Old Coontry comes Canadians To Canada ed BookNotes LL. pursuant to adjournment from June uable assistance rendered on Sunday Mr. Donald McKay, M.A., Principal i The Alexandrians here broke off from London, Sept. 27.—The Canadian Mr. H. A. Conroy, inspector of In- Ottawa, Oct. 1.—The Finance Ds- Session. last at the titne of the desliruction of the rest of the party and followed the officers returning to London from the dian Agencies, returned to Ottawa partment, under the direction of Hon. Cornwall, Sept. 20th, 1913. my bam by fire. of the Alexandria High School, who, with Mrs. McKay, recently returned bent of their own inclinations during army manoeuvres keenly appreciate ^ last week from his visit of inspection IW. T. White, is making an interest- ADKIAN I. MACDOXELL, With grateful appreciation of their from the Old Country, has favored us a portion of the time, though they the gracious attention of theKing who I to a place known as Treaty Eight, 8(TO J ing teat of a new method for tlis :36-3 Ceunty Clerk services I am. with a very interesting summary of of course joined the other members in made the following special reference miles north of Edmonton. In this dis- 1 sterilization of bank notes. The new Yours truly, their experiences and reminincences of visiting such places as the Zoological to them in his closing speech at Wee- ! trict there are 8,000 treaty Indians Bank Act provides that the Treasury Hattie M; McRae. Gardens, Windsor» Eton (where ^we don Barracks : j and 3,500 non-treaty Indians. Mr- the four. Mr. and Mrs. McKay ac- •r® Board may make regulations provîd* MaxvilV, Oct. 2nd, 1913. companied the party of Canadian were entertained to tea by the he; Î Conroy visits the 18 agencies in this ing for the disinfection and stylisa- *‘I am delighted to welcome officers I district once each year and distributes teachers organized by Mr. Ney, and we master, the Rev. the Hon. E. Lytt' of the forces of my overseas Domin- tion by the several banks of bank feel sure our readers will appreciate Ion), the Tower of London, the Militdit^ [ about 835,000 in money and several notes and Dominion notes which hav« AUCTION SALE ion whom I trust have derived both thousands of dollars worth of provis- the following diverting and interesting ary Camp at Alderèhot (where* the pleasure and ptofit from association come into the Wanks possession be- OF Auction Sales ions, ammunition, fishing nets, etc. narrative with as much pleasure as kindness and courtesy of the officers with the troops of the Mother Coun- fore a re-issue of such notes to th« On Thursday, October 9th, 1913, at The News has in publiAing it : i could not be excelled), and other try. Mr. Conroy left Edmonton in May public. After the close of the session Lot 15 in the 8th Lancaster, farm points of interest in and about Lon- and proceeded to Fort McMurray, the Minister of Finance, with a view IlUABLE FinM PRDPEIITV Stock and implements. J. R. McDonald, ‘*The GlengarryNews has done us the don. We gave more attention than “The demands of modern war are to ascertaining whether bacteria Hk^ honor of requesting us to give a brief thence to Fort Chippewnyan, to Fort Prop., D. D. McCuaig, auctioneer. 57-1 our fellow-members to such places aa such that the necessary degree of , ef- ly to injuriously affect the publie IP the Township of Kenyon outline of the recent itinerary through -Smith and then took a jump of 1,400 the National Gallery and British Mu- ficiency can only be attained by con- miles to Fort MarePherson. He then health were to be found <3b the notes, Scotland, England and the Channel stant study on the part of officers and There will be offered for sale by At Lot 37-9th Lancaster on Friday seum, the Dore Gallery and to the proceeded to Fort Simpson. j instructed the officers of the labewn* October 10th, 1913, farm stock, and Islands. We have made up our mind Victoria and Albert Museum. strenuous service and loyalty to each tory of the Department of Agricnl- ipubltc auction on Wednesday, October to comply with the request, but we other and devotion to duty on the MPI. Conroy told of wheat, oats, rye 29th, 1913, at one o’clock in the af- jmpl^Dents, Noe. Faubert, Prop., Jo«. and barley grown by the gpvernmen't ^ ture to make an examination of notes Berard, auctioneer. 37-1. hasten at the outset to promise that On entering the British Museum, we part of all. chosen at random from a number iernopn, at the Commercial Hotel, proceeded almost immediately to the agent, Mr. Card, SOO miles north of we will avoid prolixity as much as . . which had been returned by one of Alexandria, by virtue of a power of possible, and pause on^y at very long | Elgin Room," ^d' there,' as we gazed “I feel satisfied this will be forth- Edmonton. Wheat was taken to Ed- «ale containea in a certain Mortgage At Lot 26 in the 9th on Saturday, coming and Confident that under the the banks as bflii^ unfit Cor further October 4th, 1913, farm stock, imple- intervals in our journey. * for over two hours at the mutilated monton from there and graded as num -which will be produced at the sale, masterpieces of Phidias and his pupils able guidance of the Chief of the Im- ber one hard. The oats were also good circulatien. ments, etc., S. Faubert, Prop^ D. D. We shall not ask you to sail down perial Staff you will take to heart •the following ^ppoperty : McCuaig, auctioneer. 37-1. (which were executed over four hun- and Mr. Conroy took a sample bag the St. Ijawrence with us, or accomp- dred years before Christ), wo recon- the lessons you have learned during away with him. ’Phe rye and barley BACTERIA ON THEM ALL. The North half of Lot Fourteen in any us across the Atlantic; but please structed in imagination the wonderful the past few days, and continue to were also good. Good gardening has The report from the laboratory hat the Stli Concession of the Township stand on deck with us and gaze at the Parthenon and lived over again a por- make that constent progress to which also been done aliout Fort Simpson now been received. It reveals tho of Kenyon, containing one hundrôi view which meef^ our eyes after we tion of the busy life of ArtisticAthens. each succeeding year bears witness.” and Fort Wrigley, where thare are fact that a large number of living 4^res more or less. AUCTION SALE and dead bacteria were present oa have, been some ten days upon the We should have loved to linger much London, September 29.—Most of the Hudson Bay posts and Roman Cath- The. following improvements are said There will be sold by Public Auction water. We are approaching the estu- longer over the scene, but there were olic Missions. The best gardens seen each note. Detailed examinations Canadian military officers who have were made to determine the presenos to be on the property : on the premises of the late Gsh.>rgell. ary of theClvde and ’s coast is many other rooms demanding our at- been in attendance at the by Mr. Conroy were at Fort Good Maher places along Col. Clafk, Brandon, had to be left in IfewfactallifliitCiiiaila’ii the great heat weakened the paper, AtAvandria, Oct. 2, 1913. D. Mulhern, teacher of piano l^het- memories. Glasgow’s magnificent City our route. There is Portsmouth,whers dried the ink, changed the appear- 37-1 izkv method. Pupils p^pared for Mc- C’hambers were ablaze with splendour, wo visited Lord Nelson’s fiagahip, the the country after manoeuvres suffering from congestion of the lungs. ance of the bill and rendered it brit- Oni CohServatorium diplomas. 35-tf and Glasgow’s representative citizens Victory, and »aw ths spot vhere he New Morning Daily i tle, thus materially riiortening its life. were there in generous numbers, bid- fell and the bed where he lay dying The offioers’ opinions are well *um- Now that October 8th, the date of Department of Finance noïü ding us welcome, with their' richDoric when Trafalgar was fought. Here is marized by Col, McLeod, who ; proposée to have some expérimenta Real Estate Notice accent, in that fine gsnial homelike Guernsey in the ôhannel Islands, where the first issue of the “Montreal Daily “Most of us came expecting evidence Mail” is so near, people are looking made with formaldehyde gas. Hiii The undersigned has for sale a few way of theirs. at a conversazione the two Alexan- that the British Army compared un- method has been adopted, apparently drians fei into an interesting conver- for information about the new Morn- g^od farms in the County of Glen- Next morning, when we reachedEdin- favorably with the continental forces. ing Daily to be launched under the with success, in the United States. .gfarny, at reasonable prices. I burgh, the members of the Victoria sation with a great grand-neice of Sir The South Africa war left that pain- One of the leading banks In Boston Isaac Brock, who showed them some name of “Montreal Daily Mail.” Intending purchasers will do well to League were right on the spot ready ful impression in Canada, but nothing informs the department that it has interesting relics of the great general. The new^jlftper is capitalized 3500,- eee me before buying. to greet us, and, after giving us a could sbe le* true, Nowhere in 000. all th%* shareholders belbg Mont- been advised by experts that the pro- Now we are at Jersey, where we wers Europe hare we seen finer soldiers Parties who wish to dispose of their short breathing space in our lodging realers. Its organization is entirely cess kills all oathogenic germs and la farms, may be able to do so by call- houses, conveyed us to vai'ious points entertained one afternoon to the gor- than those who manoeuvred last week a thorough disinfectant. The mode geous ‘^Battle of the Flowers,” and in independent of6 pcilitical parties or ing at my office, as I have a number of interest in their beautiful city, even in the presence of the King and Queen, “established interests,” so that it can adopted is simple. A small receptacle of enquiries for farms. procuring us admission to Holyrood the evening of the same day, tp an while all the other Canadian officers containing the disinfectant, which is artistic representation of various na- consistently carry out its announced T. J. GORMLEY, Palace, from which, the public is ex- were welcomed spectators.” policy of serving the public first and very powerful, is placed every day at ' Alexandria. cluded owing to the militant suffra- 1 tional dances. Once more we are in the close of business, in the vault j , as if we cannot bring our- KING PLEASED WITH only. It will deal with political issues Office—Courville Block. 36-tf Fall and gettes. • , and political leaders strictly on their where the bills are kept. Ths I selves to part with that charming PRESENCE OF CANADIANS. Finance Department will subject soil- This venerable building made a^obei5^ land. This time we travel up north- merits. “Col. Hughes and myself, being offi- Preparations for bringing out the ed notes to this treatment and have impression on all of us, particularly ward through the western parts, and the bills immediately turned over for Winter Lines on the two Alexandrians. Thrilling in- all along the route our journey is like cial guests of the War Office, were ^‘Montreal Daily Mail” have been re- presented to the King at Althome markable in their thoroughness, ex- examination to the bacteriological deed it was to stand on the picture ^ a triumphal procession. laboratory. 1 Are rapidly filling our tables gallery, where Bonnie Prince Charlie j Weymouth has a welcome for us the Park. His Majesty expressed deep tending over fully six months. Its and shelves. Style, comfort and held his audiences ; to see the bed pleasure at the presence of the Cana- publishers aim to start out with a where Darnley sle})t, witli its cover- i moment we land ; Taunton s Mayor j dian party and was keen, to learn our finished newspaper — to begin at a NOTICE durability go hand in hand, and I and .citizens are the most genial of you’ll make no mistake in trad, lets and canopy just as they were in I impressions. The Queen was all point which othor leading dailies have in regard to the use of searchlights* , hosts, take us on a most delightful graciousness and charm. Both the attained only after years of growth. with us when you want his lifetime ; to proceed to the aud- The rule is as follows : ience chambers occupied once by j trip to Glastonbury Abbey Church, King and Queen recalled pleasant me- With this view, the mechanical equip j and to the Cathedral church at Wells, “Any master or pilot of any steam Underwsar, Hosiery,, Mit^s, Charles I and by Prince (^harlie ; to mories of their Canadian visits. ment provided for getting out the pa- vessel who shall flash or cause to be TO JURYMEN ‘ and entertain us to an evening function per is one of the most complete and Gleovs, Hats, Caps, Shirts, lincrer>r min yuoenQueen Àfary’s,«,ary s bedroom,oenroom wherewnere charming manner. Glouc- “Nothing could exceed the excellence flashed -the rays of the searchlight in- her work-box, her pohehed Jmt | ^ of the Wa| Office^- arrangements to up-to-date in the Dominion, and a to the pilot house of a passing vessel Collars, Ncckicear, Sweater mirror, and other interesting relics ; staff has been organized of men of the ^and WITNESSES f tion for us, and her gloriousCathedral enable us"^® «whateifer we wanted.” shall be deemed guilty of misconduct, Coats, Night Shirts, Pajamas, and finally to pause in the supper highest standing in the ni'wspaper pro and shall be liable to have his otftifi- room where Rizzio was murdered, I Church, with its marvellous east win- fession. etc. j dow of the I.ady Chapel, the pleasant COL. SAM HUUHES DINED. cate suspendiil <>r revoked." ? We are tempted to dwell upon the 1 trip by boat to Deerhurst and to Quebec, ^October 1.—The following A feature that will appeal to sub- See the new Velour Hats and visit to Castle (with its scribers is that, although a morning New., rules uniform with the Ameri- Visor Caps. Try a suit of our j I’ewkesbury, which her citizens gave despatch was received this aftjmoon can*'in regard to sounding bells and Crown Room, containing the Scottish i us, will always be greatfully remem- paper, the “Montreal Daily Mail” will Breach oî “ Stanfield’s ” or “ Dr. Shields *’ Resralia ; its Queen Mary’s room. \\*here from London :—“Hon. Sam. Hughes be sold at regular evening paper pri- ^ b^j|^ng foghorns are also drafted. •lames T of England was born; an^ts ! bered. Nor is Chester to be eclipsed minister of militia, was tenle:c-.l a Underwear, Have a look at 1 by those who had preceded her. With- ces—Ic. a copy, 83.00 a year, or 25c. AQJW rules in regard to sound vessel* St. Margaret’s jT’hapel, dating back to. complimentary dinner by the our Tri-collar Coat Sweaters, &c. 1 in the short space of time we have at a month. The publishers are making in sight of another are also proposed. the year 1100), upon the In on Monday. Among the guests were a feature of the one month trial sub- Promise You’ll be delighted with our I our disposal she extends to us an of- I^ord Brooke, Sir Frederick William An important portion of the pro- EdinTjurgh University, presidecTf Lvèr scription, feeling sure that this will posed new rules are regulation* for showing, we feel sure. ficial welcome, entertains us with her Taylor, Mr. Norton Griffiths, .'inrl Mr. by Sir William Turner ; uponAlie de- marvellous display of charters, her old prove all that is needed to secure re- motor boats. Motor boats are divided lightful drive to Dreghorn, where we Hichens, of Cammell and Laird. CcI. gular subscribers. city walls, and her quaint rows and Hughes was thanked by all *iqi; *^he into three classes, those less than 26 were entertained in the mo.st cliarming old-fashioned houses, and extends to feet, those 26 to 40 feet^ and those 40 Case manner by Miss Clark ; upon our trip excellent and elaborate a^;r^:^efiieç.l3 Our Candy Section us a ^*bon voyage” in the heartiest made for the contingent. j to 65. to Stirling, and then to Dumfermline, manner, as we leave the station for Motor boats of the first class mo*t Is again in full blast. We where wc visited the Abbey Church “Part of the contingerfiT^s sailing MUST BE PRESENT have just received the ex- Uverpod. display a whits light to show all and stood on the spot where Robert on Saturday. The Minister, Colonel Draft New Rules around the horizon and combined clusive agency for '“Wil- the Bruce was buried ; upon the visit Here we take ship once more, and, Biggar, and other officers, later.” lard’s renowned FORK- lantern in the forepart of the vessel subsecpiently to MelroseAbbey with its after an eight day’s sail, roachedMon- For lake Navigation and lower than the white light aft, DYPT Chocolates.,’ famous Oriel Window descril>ed by Sir . treal about noon, delighted with our WEDNESDAY These delicious Sweet- Ottawa, Sept. 29. — Hon. J. D. showing CTeen to starboard and red Walter Scott, beneath which is buried I visit to the Old Land, but glad to be to port also fixed as to throw the light meats are acknowledged by the heart of Robert the Bruce ; upon home again, and more in love than made a town the starting point Jor Hazen, Minister of Marine and Fish- EVENING NEXT connoisseurs to be "the short excursions to places in the vic- eries, is planning to make the Great ahead to two points abaft the beam 1.50 per box. Drop 2 p.m., to induct into Giai pastoral in and ge>t a to-day. Rath. • ■ ' iacenses they have carried away with way, was not consmercial or financial, Canal ^ats when in low in steam ves- them are associated with the pleasant but of an imperial nature), but we sels on the Great Lakes are required charge Rev. Dr. Campbdl, late of I*i- Ey Order of the Ceurt The next stopping place, then, must hours they passed in the homes of have already tresparaed too much to display lights. Steam vessels must can. Ont. Bev. D* .Stewart of Alexan- be T.ondon, where we spent about two- Lord, and Lady Bradshaw at Oxford, upon the patience of our readers (if carry lights which are risible at a dis- dria, will preside and induct ; Rev. J. j Will J. Simpson | weeks, but where, we shall ask you to Mr. and Mrs. Pittman at Bath, and there are any of them stffl), whom tance of two miles. There are new re- GossUn of Lunenbvrii^ will preach;^ Rev gulations in regard to lights on rafts J. McHraith will adebees the minister, GOD SAVE THE KING ALEXANDRIA J , remain only a very short time indeed, Mr. and Mrs. Grimes at Gloucester. we wish to thank their kind at- in spite of its vast size and înnumer- Another feature that commended it- tention and pq%don, for afflict- and opep boats. . and Rev, J. Hastie of Moose Creek» , aMe points of intereft; self to us, |,he fact that when we ing them much, humbly crave.” There is a drastic new rule proposed will address t^ people. . i t i . ■m:- The News, Alaxandria, Ont. Octobers. 19]3 GOVERNING BODY KILLED BY BOY’S WAGON LABOR MEN CONFER V." Michigan Man's Strange Fate—Veteran Paas Antl-Mintla Resolution But Not CHOSEN IN ULSTER ^County Doctor Gone Eager For Politics Prominent Men Breathing Defiance While., visièing relatives at Wood- But Government Hesitates to stock whom he had not seen for 23 As a result of a speech made by years, Charles Rush of Middleviile, Will Thorne, the English Labor or- Make Martyr of Carson ganizer before the Trades and Labor Simon’s, The Store of Quality Mich., was run down by a boy’s coast- I A great chapter In the history of ing wagon, sustaining injuries which Congress at Montreal, the delegates to the Province of Ulster was written in caused his death. that body discussed the possibility of Belfast last week, when more than five Mr. Marmaduke Matthews, ono of a full-fledged political campaign being hundred delegates, representing the Canada’s foremost landscape painters, run at the time of the next Dominion Protestants of the north of Ireland died at his home In Toronto, aged 74. election to place in the Federal House H GRAND FALL OPENING created the machinery for a provision Father Brophy, chaplain of St. a Labor party which would command al Government to take over the govern Mary’s-of-the-Lake Orphanage, Kings- the respect and attention of the other ment of Ulster In the event of the ton, died last Thursday of paralysis, two parties in the House. The pro- SATURDAY, OCT. 4th Home Rule Bill becoming law. aged 84. posal to appoint a lobbyist In the The members of the provisional Charles E. McManus, for- thirty- Provincial parliaments however, was government form an Imposing list. In two years a Great Northwestern Tele- turned down because thé power to which figure many Ulster notabilities graph official, died at A-aitland last take political action Is already given Of Ladies’ Costumes, Suits, Fall end Winter Coats, —The Dukh of Aberoom, Lord Charles ■week. by the constitution to the various Suitings and Costume Cloths, Corsets, Hosiery, Beresford and Lords Annesley, Arran, Edward Blackstock was killed and Propincial Executives. Bangor, Castlereagh, Clanwilllam, his brother Nell terribly injured by The use of militia In connection with Fancy Neckwear, Footwear, Etc., for Women and Crichton, Dartrey, Deramore, Dum- the explosion of a boiler on their farm strikes was vehemently denounced. leath. Erne, Pamham, Kilmory, Leit- near Colllngwood. After condemning Hon. Frank Coch- High Class Ready-tO:Wear or Made-to-Measure rim, Templetown, and Lord Claud The death occurred at Sturgeon rane, Minister of Railways and Canals, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings, Fall Hats and Caps, Hamilton, also the Ulster Unionist Falls last week of Joseph Michaud, for permitting contractors to nire M.P.’s, and Sir Edward Carson, who former M.P.P. for West Mplsslng. carpenters on the Welland Canal at Footwear, Etc, for Men, Boys and Children. wUl be “Premier." At the age of 82 Dr. Robert L. San- less than tlie fair wage scale, Congress The “new authwtty for taking over derson, one of tbe best known phy- decided to press the Dominion Govern- the administration of the province on sicians in Elgin County, died at Sparta. ment for the introduction of this scale the day when home rule comes Into Eight children were burned to death on all its work. Ladies’ Suits and Coats force, or before If necessary,” ap- in a fire which destroyed the home pointed a Military Council, In addition of Ulric Trudel at Quebec. Tbe TO SETTLE NAVY QUESTION to the Ulster Volunteers’ Committee. father, mother, and the eldest son In Ladles’ Suits and Coats we are showing the newest crea- Other committees Include—Finance were taken from the burning building New Organization Proposed to Take I and Business, Law, Education, Cus- but Mrs. Trudel died later. it Out of PollWca tions of the master designers. Correct in every détail, a style toms and a Publication and Literary Four trainmen were killed when two suitable for every figure, a cloth for every occasion, tailor Committee. freight trains on the Intercolonial The Canadian League which Is It Is said that $1,600,000 has been Railway crashed head-on near Sack- fathered by Mr. Arthur Hawkes and made and perfect satisfaction guaranteed in style, fit and’ subscribed to a fund for supporting vllle, N.B. Those killed were: E. Mr. John A. Cooper, both publishers workmanship. Our showing of 1914 models is the largest we the dependent relatives of volunteers Rushton and Byron Cc^pitts of Monc- of weekly journals, was launched at t who may be killed or wounded in the ton; Prank Lyons, Truro, and George a meeting at Newmarket la&t week. have ever shown. Prices range in Coats from $7.50 to $25.00, fighting. The Under-Secretary of the Hingley, Stewicke. The object of the organization, it was Board of Trade, J. M. Robertson, Peter ^.McGregor Grant, a pioneer of stated, is to create a sentiment Suits $12.50 to $^5 00. We want you to inspect our beautiful speaking at Newcastle said that Car- Haldimand County died at his home, throughout Canada for immediate set- stock of Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Suits and Coa's and you will son's Provisional Government was an aged 92. tlement of the Naval Aid question aside economic blunder and a practical Im- from partisanship. Mr. Hawkes Is agree with us that we are certainly showing the prettiest and possibility, which could be ended by frankly in favor of. a Canadian navy. the British Postofflce cutting It off ASSASSINS FRUSTRATED He Is not opposed to an emergency newest Stvles in town. from the rest of the world. Syndicalists in Portugal Plotted an Era contribution, but believes that the gov- The Under-Secretary that Carson ernment should at once declare that was not prosecuted for the reason that of Anarchy Its permanent policy Is the building “the Government did not wish to make and manning of a navy by Canada ' Style in Action King Carson a Saint Carson.” A confession that they Intended to so as to do away with the suspicion ! In spite of all the warlike prepar- assassinate the Portuguese Premier that the proposed grant of $36,000,000 J ations in Ireland, there Is In Engltnd and institute a revolt was made Friday is merely the forerunner of a per- See' these two men coming down the street ? not the slightest sign of excitement by five men who were arrested while manent policy of cash contributions. over the situation. It Is reported placing bombs around the Premier’s Pretty nice Overcoats they have on ! Made by however, that the prospects of a con- villa. The men are said to have been ference between members of the delegated by a Syndicalist group to WRIT WAS IRREGULAR whom ? By the 20th Century Brand tailors — Liberal and Unionist parties on the explode the bombs In Dr. Alfonso Irish suestlon have considerably Im- Costo's garden. His attention was to Minister’s Action In Thaw Case Upheld the finest experts in the land. Pictures drawn proved. be attracted In this way and they in- by Judges Fourteen battalions of Ulster volun- tended ,to shoot him down when he from actual life. We can guarantee you just teers, comprising 11,000 men of the appeared at the window to And out The Court of Appeals at Montreal "Jlo-home-rule army,” marched through *v^at had happened. decided last week that Hon. Charles as fine and perfect fitting a coat for yourself. the streets of Belfast on Sunday with Dr. Costo's death, they declared, was Doherty was entitled to ignore the colors flying and bonds playing, and ^ be the signal for a revolt. Armed writ of habeas corpus secured by Eighteen other styles to’ choose from. We are received a rousing reception from the bands, they said, were ready to rush t Messrs. Laftarame and Greenshields clUjens of the northern Irish capital. the prisons amid the confusion, and ■ for Harry Thaw in an attempt to pre- exclusive agents for this celebrated brand. ■rile Right Hon. Alexander Ure, to liberate the prisoners. vent his deportation from Canada after Lord ^fivocate for Scotland, address- the immigration authorities had de- ing his constituents on Saturday said ANOTHER BALKAN CRISIS cided to reject the Matteawan fugitive. jbat the'proposed Provisional Govern- The court contended that tbe 'TU had Small Furs For Early ment of Ulster would be treated by Turbulent Conditions Still Prevail, been Irregularly served, and granted the banks In the same way they would More Fighting Likely the application of tbe Go'vernment ; treat a Soutlt American Republic, and authorities that H quashed. Cpdl Weather It would collapse of Its own weight The Balkan crisis is becoming more I» ft few weeka. acute. It has been eiggravated by the Took Cash and Auto ; apparent determination of the Young Four masked bandits, aimed with This season we are carrying the largest stock TO DEEPEN BQO CANAL Turks’ military party to profit by the revolvers, held by James Dany near dissensions among the former allies. Outremont, a suburb of Montreal, rob- of Furs in the history of our business. Furs Deep Waterway Projected From At- Turkey is reported to have again | bed two men and t'wo women passen- lantic to Head of Lakes called to the colors the Asia Minor ) gers of money and Jewellery and then of every description, from the very cheapest conscripts, while an dffioer lately re- * stole the car itself, leaving the auto As a preliminary to the enlargement turned from Tripoli is said to be lead- ^ party to reach Outremont as best it to the most expensive. Our guarantee of value of the Canadian canal at Sault Ste. ing an uprising against Bulgaria in could. The robbers abandoned the and quality goes with every garment. You Marte to a depth of 81 feet, the Gov- Thrace. stolen car after outwitting a constable, « ernment Is arranging for the exproprla- The efforts to subdue the rebellous but got away with the money and will find our prices are fair and square for tlen of Whiteflsh Island and an ad- Albanians are Hk.ely to prove a severe Jewellery , aggregating $2,600, which ditional strip of land along the south strain on the exhausted army ande the auto party had been obliged to the kind of Furs that we sell you. of the present canal. exchequer of Servia. That country is surrender. Me actual work of enlarging the said to be seizing points not included canal must wait until sanctioned by In the-terrltory allotted to her. Left Fifteen Millions ParMament, but It is t^erstood that In Athens many believe that Greece Public bequests in the will of the Don’t Try to Make an Old Corset Do a Vote will be askeJ at the next ses- Ik on tbe verge of another war with late James Ross,. president of the sion of Parliament tor a preliminary ^ .-ÏW t>omlnlon Coal Company, amounting sfirvey and for the preparation ot plans. to nearly half a million dollars have with Your New Frock ElffPLOYEES FORM UNibN been maiie public.- The list Includes:^ Labor Lawyer Jailed Montreal Art Association, $100,000; Cyril Rublnowlts, lawyer for the British Firms Take Step to Protect MoQlll University, $100,000; Royal Vic- Buy the New Corset first and be fitted in it. striking miners at Manatmo, was ar- Themselves Against Strikes toria Hospital, $50,000; Montreal Gen- Mted in that town by special oon- eral Hospital, $60,000; Alexandria Hos- BMibies and lodged la Jail charged The movement Initiated some time pital, $25,000; Ross Memorial Hospital, Our Corset Department offers a fit for every figure at a price witii Intimidating Worirmen. Rublno- ago In Great Britain with the object at Lindsay, Ont., $26,000. The estate wlts had Just arrived from Vancouver of forming a national union of the is estimated at between twelve and for every, purse. and was being piloted stbout to aotpialnt employers of the to fifteen million dollars. bttnself with conditions and iia arrest cope with strikes has resulted in the For your very best, if you are medium height and weight, we would loused a storm ot protest, liter 24 establishment of the United Kingdom Five Kilted on Croesing suggest the La Diva No 820. It is exquisitely finished, Valenciennes hows detention he was adnutted to Employers’ Defence Union, with guar- Five people were instantly killed ball. He claims that had spoken to antees of a fund of $260.000,000. Its by the C.P.R. Quebec Express ten miles lace, etc., and must be worn to be appreciated. It sets off the no one, striker or worker. objects are to "consolidate the re- from Montreal Friday night when the figure and gives great comfort. sources of thee employers of labor, to carriage In which they were riding Britain Changes Naval Podoy maintain their rights and their free- was struck by the pilot of the engine. If inclined ta embonpoint the La Diva Reducing No. 609—selling at The Minouncement by the British dom to bargain Individually with free The dead: Hormlsdas Allaire, and his Admiralty that a fleet comprising eight workers, or collectively with trade wife; Wilfrid Lortle, a bachelor, 42 $3.00, offers many qualities—you should see this. battleships, and nineteen raisers will unions.” ye^ old, and his two sisters, aged be sent to the Mediterranean early In The new organization will be regis- 48 and 66 years, all of St. Elzear, Que. We have, of course, many other varieties of both D. & A. and La November, coupled with the despatch tered as a trade union. -r - \ .. Diva Corsets, and of the best American and imported of four large armored ships, which Bishop Obrien ConCocratedÿt * makes at from $1.00 per pair and upwards. have their base at Bermuda, in- Big Vancouver Dock Scheme Right Rev. Dr. O'Brien was conse- dioates a radical ch^pnge In the British Messrs. J. and G. White, eminent crated Bishop at his Cathedral church, l]àval policy, which, on account of British harbor engineers, announce that of St. Peter In Chains, Peterboro, See our Corset Display to day, you will surely find friotion with Germany, has kept prac- that, they have secured a contract In- last week with much ecclesiastical one suited alike to your figure and purse. tically all the fighting units within volving some $30,000,000 for a scheme pomp. Monslgnor StagnL Apostolic home waters for several years past. ot -harbor' extension In Vancouver, Delegate and many high dignitaries Tt is intended to provide twenty- of the Roman Catholic church in Can- Woman Heavy Sentenced five miles ^of dockage at Lulu Island ada participated in the ceremony. Ladies’ Mrs. McKenna, the woman who last and Sea Island, and many miles for Radium Hosiery^v June cashed a cheque at Chestervllle Industrial sites and railway terminals. Claude Forde, aged 21, of Niagara after raising It from $10 to $1,000, was A private company Is behind the un> Falls was aocidentally shot In the ab- Sweater Coats hwt week sentenced by Mr. Justice dertaking. domen when à revolver in the hands I Style distinction, dressiness — features Brkton to eighteen months In the of his youri^ cousin, Jack Zybach, was which women instinctively seek in clothes penitentiary. She has. been In Corn- Redistribution Bill Possible discharged* wkl^t^ing loaded. Something new and dif- wall Jail since her arrest. Jt fs r*umored that the Ontario Gov- BarthohmiG^ a Toronto post- for formal wear—are found in a superla- ferent in Ladies’ Sweater ernment contemplates bringing in a man, had his hands severely burned In tive degree in Coats. The new Middy Carnival of Murder redistribution bill at Its next session. handling' a parcel, containing vitriol Radium Hosiery Two drug-crazed mulatto boys, On the Ittsis of population several which had been mailed to Controller Styles, Etc. New combina- brothers, began a reign of murder at fural conAituencIes would have their Poster. Woven in threads tion of Colors, Etc. Ilarrlston, Miss., on Sunday that end- pepresentatlon reduced, while the Princess Victoria, bride of ex-King so sheer, soft and ed only after three white men, three cities would gain. Manuel of Portugal Is seriously 111 at men and a negro woman had Munich. beautiful as to add Cur store is now full of killed. Twenty persons were At meetings held last week at dignity to your everything you need for nded and the two boys lynched. Brantford, Hamilton and Toronto, members of the Independent Order of whole costume. fall and winter, and values Wesley Russell was sentenced by Foresters protested strongly against Dr. Morse's Made in black and were never better. Judge Barrett at Walkerton to three the proposed increased insurance rates white and colors to years In Kingston Penitentiary for which bear heavily ui>on the older Indian R.oot Pills policy holddrs. match the newest Our Store will be closed Satur- setting Are to the Hartley Mouse exactly meet the n%ed which so often day* October 11th, until 6 p.m.j stables. Ex-President Porfiro Diaz is said to arises in every family for a medicine dresses. All sizes. on account of Jewish Holiday. The C.P.R. liner Mount Temple ran be on his way to Mexico from Spain. to open up and regulate the bowels. SA^he mud banks at Longueuill, near Victor Hople, under sentence of Not only are th^ effective in all Montai in a fog last week and had death at Winnipeg for the murder of cases of Constipation, but they help to )>e Ughtered of her cargo. an infant, has been reprieved till gr^tiy in breaking up a Cold or La Mr. J^ftn E, Fraser, M.P.P., was Dec. 1^. Grmpe by cleaning out the system by Welland County Con- John Fagan, a third-class passenger and purifytnç tbe blood. In the same as their candidate In the on the steamer Campania, jumped way they relieve or cure Biliousness, •lections. overboard In mid-Atlantio and la Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- . . jf two Federal bye-eleottons thought to have been eaton by sharks atism and other common ailments. 02:TTA.I?.I0 which could be seen in the vicinity. In the fullest sense

' ’* a '* The jSfews, Alexandria, Ont, October 3 1913

and seed separators, but we do wish STOVES FDR SALE to impress on their owners the reeding For Winter Eggs necessity of better , care for them THEBANKOF OITAX«A. À Quebec heater (coal or wood), a while not in use. The first essenUah is pure, fresh air ESTABLISHED 1874. Klondyke furnace, suitable for a hall Men who operate threshing rigs, and lots of it, but cheap as it is, a and will take very large wood, it is should be provided with canvas cov- sufficient supply of it is the one es- almost a now stove and makes a nice ers large enough to protect their sential most generally neglected. P»Id Up Capital and Rest, • - $8,160,960 appearance. Also a Cooking Stove, ;; Agricultural machine at night and in the event Don’t be afraid of the pure, cold air; which is a Quebec heater with an oven I of storms. The expense of such cov- it is the steaming-warm, impure air HEAD OFFICE. • OTTAWA. attached, almost new, a splendid stove ers is very small when compared to that causes ill-health, and any devia- for baking, burns coal or wood. Ap- the total cost of the outfit and will tion from perfect health on the part ply to D. Mulhern (at home everyMon- keep them looking bright with the of your fowls means very few eggs. day), Alexandria. 35-tf Department paint thus protected. The operating Now comes feeding. No method is parts of the machine will be much right that docs not take into full con- An efficient banking service is fumisbed more servicable when kept dry, sideration the food material at hand which will result from such protec- with which to work, or the labor ne- by tbis Institution to tion. These covers may also be used cessary to utilize and feed such ma- FALL TERM to spread over the surface about the terial. In feeding for winter eggs it Corporations, Merchants and . at the _ machines, which will ° save enough is assumed that till the fowls have being sluggish, be less active in her grain, especially grass seeds, to pay been well fed up until this time, and Business Firms. Mating the Fowls movements than the male, and sug- for them several times during each ihat the pullets have been kept com- gest in them, as well as in her out- .season of work. These covers are ing along to early maturity by an Proper mating is the real test of j ward characteristics the ^‘eternal growing in favor with threshers and abundance of clean, nourishing foods. the skill of the breeder, for upon it ■ feminine.” farmers, but only a small proportion Do not think for one moment that depends in a large measure the re- Matings should be made as early are well supplied who operate ma- you can make up for five careless as possible. While it is true that the Cornwall, Ontario sults for the year. While each chines. summer months by two to four weeks eggs may be fertilized in a fe\V days The most saccessful threshers are ALEXtîTOHL» BBANCH, F. V. MASSEY, Man»*»- breed and variety requires certain careful, thoughtful feeding in Novera- methods peculiar to itself, there are after the mating has been made, a experienced machinists who give MABTINTOWN BBANCH. B, W, POLLOCK. Hsaafv. Begins Tues., Sept. 2 certain principles of mating • ommon week or ten days being ample to strict timely attention to the needs MAXVILLE BKANCH, E. P. HÜ NTEB, Maaagw. A good time to begin is just now. to all, and these only are consider- ensure this — yet matings should of their outfit while at work and on That meat in .some form has come We offer superior advantages with ed in this article. be made much longer than this, be- the road- The machine that has to form a part of the modern winter filCEVILLE BRANCH, A. M. PI NÆD, Manager. our strong staff of expert teachers, cause, it often happens that the egg ration seems assured. Small back- Well matured fowls are necessary been nt^lected soon wears out or excellent equipment, including 55 new male will show repugnance to some requires frequent repairs, which yard flocks can sometimes secure typewriting machines, and thorough for the best results. Hens, as a one or more of the females and per- enough from generous table scraps, rule, are better for breeding pur- makes an extra source of expense courses of £tudy. Free employment secute them, and it will be necessary for both the thresher and the farm- but in large flocks it must be supplied Department. 300 last annual enroll- poses than pullets, but, if pullets to remove such birds and substitute in sufficient quantity. Beef scraps must be used, only those which are er. Constant, intelligent care while ment. others. To have the eggs well in service is required, also a thor- «an be purchase, lett and the eggs hatch larger chick- them. Whether continuee made to yield a rent pianos at a small montJily rent- number of females will depend, also, ments like grain separators, as a profit. The bulk of our feed will be al, ahd afterwards if hmtrument is upon the age of the male. A cock- poor, open shed. Every servicaWle wheat, corn, bran, and beef scrap. It Alex2utidria Branch :: D. S. Noaa, Mgr. purchased, rent paid will apply on pur eral will attend to more than a threshing machine is worthy of a is not practical to buy high-priced chase price. Any one wishlnff to pur- yearling cock and the latter to more The Wasteful Care of building which shall completely pro- wheat when one has com of their chase an instrument from toe above than a cock two or three years old. tect it from sun and storms. own, although a little should be fed Dalhousie Stn. Branch :: P. W. St. Louis, AVg*** firm, imd desiring to select their Instrn This rule is subject, of course, to Threshing Machines Belts should be stored in dry if possible. If we use a goodly sup- ment personally will have their fare ma^y exceptions, for sometimes an closets where rata and mice cannot ply of green stuffs, such as vege- ^ St. Polycarpe Stn Branch E. J. Matte, Mgr paid to and from Montreal or Ottawa active cock will fertilize the eggs of The threshing machine which in- injure them. In fact the threshing tables, cut clover and alfalfa, a suf- 'where they Can have their unrestricted- more hens than a sluggish cockerel. cludes an expensive grain separator machine deserves and should have ficient variety is secured. Whenever choice among hundreds of high grade It is also certain that the manner in and a powerful tractor engine is the best care obtainable while in YOU can, feed milk in any wholesome instruments* which the fowls are kept is a factor usually the most neglected imple- and out of service. The depreciation form. The fowls will enjoy it given Terms-^Smail cash deposit and easy in this problem, for a male mated ment on the farm. It appears that in value from one or two years of aa a drink, or one can use it to mois- monthly payments like rent. No notM to fowls running at large will fertil- the average threshing machine own- outdoor exposure will Iniild a CCæû- ten the mashes if fed. required* Old instrument taken in ex- ize the eggs of many more hens than er has formed the habit of allowing modious building for the entire out- change. For further particulars, eto*$ if the fowls are kept confined in his expiensive investment, which is fit which will double its life of use- Another essential is water. Make call or write our local agent. small yards. in use only a few weeks during the fulness. Can you afford to ne^ect it your regular business to see the fowls have all the water they can J, 0. ORTON, Except where it is desirable to year, to remain exposed to the dele- the threshing machine ? BaoQue d’Hochclaga rear a very large number of chick- tirious effects of storms and sun drink, at a moderate temperature. Tlie 23-tf Box 10S« Alexaudria. ens, or where one is desirous of get- until at the end of one or two sea- drinking fountains should be kept Capital Authorized $4,000,000 ting many chickens fuom some par- sons it looks like an outfit that is clean, and at frequent intervals thor- ticular male bird, it is much more ready for the scrap heap. Because Alfalfa oughly scalded, not simply rinsed. The REAL ESTATE important to secure the desired qual- of this habitual neglect the credit of It is very gratifying to us to note amount of water your fowls will con- Paid Up - • - 3,000,000 ity in the females than to attempt many men who own and operate how rapitÜy this plant is growing sume is astonishing, so make it yOur A aomb*. oi nliabl. rrnp*rti*», t* to mate as many as possible with a threshing machines is not strictiy into favor. We get the word from business to see that they have fresh, tb* ton oi Alaxawiria aBii M«irh» male. For a number of years we “gilt edged” in the community in all sides that alfalfa is making clean water all winter. When so cold Reserve Fund • 3,000,000 buy for MI*, *UO WV*!»! goo4 hm have used from four to six females which they reside. friends rapidly. Alfalfa is a plant that it will freeze use metal dishes or fountains, and water can be warm- ■Hut* fai Ui* Ooontiu oi GlugwfT with each male, with the resiAt that It is said in some localities that that grows and does well l>oth in the •ad Pnasoti. Good .aa^» tor talud the eggs have been unifomAy and the purchase of a threshing ma- cpld and in the warm climates. It ed when placed before them. This will allow confined fowls ample time District Branches lag panhann. Hoary to loan on flrst strongly fertilized. By thus limit- chine so kispires the cr^it of an in- is somewhat peculiar in this. It Btotigagn. A(>ply to J. J. lM)en»H. ing the number of females, their dividual, that bank^ and merchants appears to be able to make a home to drink before it freezes if open-air TIAXVILLE AND APPLE HILL-T. W. MUNEO, HaMgsr. BaaL -latat* Âgût, Alazandria, Ont. selection has T>een more rigid and class him with others on the poor or with a frost and also to he at home houses are used. SXLL^~Da KoIN^KSp Ss oftgoF* ItAI. the matings have been more satis- slow pay list. This is not because under the blazing sun. This plant is POUitN JJiB—“J• » lA-CXlMBFi, factory. threshing, as a business, is not prof- comparatively new to the Agricul- There should always be an at- HAWEESBURY—D. F. McBÂB, MirnAgor. itable, bat because of the short life ture of the United States. It has Cement Blocks tempt to correct the defects in one history of his machine which is us- been known and utilized for genera- ttwkrngned^ aa agsMl foe ••• sex by the super-excellencies in the ually exchanged for a new one in- tions in portions of Asia. We have Light and Whitewash Bsi^, ksapa eonsiantly in téoA or Is other. If, for example, the shanka side of five yêars when it should, in the introduction of the alfalfa into prepared fo fill orders for OesMoè of one sex are too long, those of the •with good care, be in first-class ser- our agriculture a very fine illustra- other should be correspondingly too The germicidal effects and the bén- Blocks and ^ieks for bnikllag por- vicable condition at the end of ten tion of the influence which comes short. Such an example is perhaps years. from great transportation facilities. éficient influences of sunlight are well poees. also verandah eolusns tlmd ver- crude, but it illusrrates the prin- We do not propose to discourage Extended railroads, steamship lines known, and in the construction of a andak bannisters. SatiefaoUon gnar- ciple. The desired solution will not cow bam, arrangements should be anteed. Always prepared to glvs m the purchase of threshing ma- galore, are carrying people who re- always be obtained from so doing ; turn with the world-wide knowledge made to admit as much light ns pos- f What’s For Breakfast^ timaiee on buildings and osmsnt work. chines, clover hullers, bean and pea something ‘besides mechanics and threshers, and other expensive grain and explorers are searching the sible. Windows should be as large A. Cameron, Conirmefor* Sou^ Kalr mathematics is at work in breeding globe for better plants, better fruits and as frequent as the strength of the St^reeS. Alexandria, (tet. It. if results ; but this principle will worv and Gverj'thing else which tends to wall will allow. There should, if pos- What adds more to a good breakfast—what is more well, in perhaps fifty per cent. of the betterment of this nations’s agri- sible, be from 5 to 7 square feet of the chickens produced. glass for each animal it is intended enjoyed—than a cup of J. BOYLE’S culture. It is obvious that one should not PAIN IN MY BÂCT ~ ALFALFA AN ECONOMICAL FOOD. to keep in the stable. Windows For Sale should be so constructed that they In Gl^igarry County, rJntarto, farm intentionally select chickens having We have made a rough estimate JAVA AND M06HA eOFFEE opposite defects for mating. What judging from reports that have come 'may be easily opened or closed and of 2G0 acres, fronting on , River Aux iULL GONE should be protected with wire screens Raisin. 90 acres under heavy timber, should be done is to select the very to our desk and can safely say that Costs but one cent a cup best specimen for breeding, those alfalfa can be grown at an average to permit of their l>eing left open in mostly hard maple ; the rest of the summer without admitting flies. Dou- land under cultivation- Fine country which have but fewest defects and cost of 85 per ton. Now we will BREAKFAST 6EREALS the most excellencies, and then from keep in mind the peculiar value of ble windows for winter are a great residence, 16 rooms, with laree srrountu advantaro in most parts of the Do- arden and stable accommodation. them mate so as to offset the few de- SInoB I Got a Box of Gin Pills alfalfa is very largely in the leaves I have ill stock the following Cereals also a large t fects by the greatest excellencies in of the plant. Now assuming that minion. 'ihey not only prevent ixcellent new bam with stone silo and draughts where not wanted or need- cement flooring and other outbuildings the opposite sex. CHURCH ST., CORNWALLIS, N.S. alfalfa will be cured in the shade, variety to sell-by the pound or in bags. January 23rd, ed but keep the inner windows com- Good farm house. Cheese factory on In tlic selection of the male bird so that its leaves will not be lost^ “About a year ago, I was siiffering so and the dry stems will form a large paratively free from frost and from 5l)i Shredded Wheat Grape Nuts Puffed Rice property. Situated on rural telephone one should use the greatest possible the alternate melting off and freezing Tine and rural mail route. Railway to care, because all of the chickens much with a dreadful Lame Back and part of the ton of alfalfa, we have Hips, that I could not stand up straight. a food value that, if it be substituted over so uncomfortable to man and Cream of Wheat Puffed Wheat Corn Flakes h>e constructed with station probably from the pen in which he is used beast and so effective in shutting cut will be sired by him. A dull, slug- 1 was informed by a friend about GIN with bran from our flour mills, will within a °iilc and a half. Good schools light when most needed. Corn Krinkle Post Tavern Special in immediate vicinity. Apply to Mao- gish male should never be used. PILLS. I got a box. It helped me cost us on the average of 820 per The eggs from the pen headed by immediately. I ton. So the farmers who grow al- donell & Costello, Alexandria, Ont. have taken about As an aid in giving a bright, clean 22-tf. such a male are seldom well fertil- falfa today can think of the gain appearance .to the iuteriar of the cow ized. While size is important, it twelve boxes and which he is making, when he pro- the pains in my “ijarn and as an excellent hygienic will usually be found that the larg- duces for himself a food value that practice, periodical whitewashing of JOHN BOYLE. back and hips are heretofore has cost him 820, but to- est males are not the best breeders. all gone X cannot the waMs and ceiling cannot be loo Phone 96 Prompt Delivery w No doubt the male contributes some- speak too highly day provides for himself at a cost highly commended. As a wash for thing to the size of the chickens, but oif the wonderful of 85. either inside or outside use, the fol- Do You Know experience seems to demonstrate that e ff e c t s of your ALFAT.FA SAVES TIME IN THE lowing, if properly applied, will prove in this quality he contributes less GIN PILLS”. FIELD. satisfactory :— What the Cost of than the female. If of medium B. C. DAVID. The agriculture of today is con- size for the breed, wdth a bright, Liniments and stantly being associated with some Half a bushel of unslacked lime, I Things Should sparkling eye, a sharp clear crow, plasters won’t cure form of animal industry. The dairy slake with warm water, cover it dur- and apparently overflowing with life Lame Back — be- cow, foremost of domestic animals, ing the process to keep in the steam ; be In This Town ? and vigor, he will serve admirably cause they never looms up stronger, judged by a rev- strain the liquid through a fine sieve the purpose for which he is chosen. reach the part that enue standing. When good stock is or strainer ; add a peck of salt pre- If you are an “ad-” reader In selecting the females, however, iscaxaslng the pain. kept upon the farm there must be viously well dissolved in warm water, and answerer you are “price- other things being equal, it is desir- The whole trouble more time spent with that stock and three pounds of ground rice boiled to able to select those of the largest is with the Kidneys there must less time for the work a thin paste and stir in boiling hot ; wise”—you know what things size. Such hens usuaHy lay the and you ^ust cure of the field. The only exception to half a pound of powdered Spanish should cost, whether these largest'eggs, and, as has already been the Kid-neys in that rule will be when man very whiting and a pound of glue which suggested, such eggs hatch th^ larg- order to stop the wrongfully will extend his day’s la- has been previously dissolved over a things are articles of merchan- est chickens. Either because pain. GIN PILLS bor, so that they add to th^r work of slow fire, and add five gallons hot wa- dise, real estate, chatties, used of this, or because the hen influences cure weak, sick, the field, as heretofore done in so ter to the mixtTire, stir well and let it size more directly and powerfully strained Kidneys many hours the care of the stock. stand for a few days, covered up from furniture or machinery, cloth- through inheritance than the male, as nothing else will, This is making life burdensome. the dirt. It should be put on hot. S ing or personal services. large hens are desirable for breed- GIN PILLS drive Alfalfa grown for feeding stock One pint of the mixture will cover a away the pain every does not tax the time of the field square yard, properly applied. Small ers. While a male bird should be time—or your money promptly refunded. ^ Having this knowledge you masculine in appearance, a female work like many other crops that brushes are besit. l^ere is nothing 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if might be grown. When a field is that can compare VRth it for outside ought to be distinctly feminine in you write National Dmg& Chemical Co. ^ know a “bargain” as soon as appearance. The head should be sown to alfalfa, it is sown for a or inside work, and it retains its bril- of Canada. Limited, Toronto, period of years. It is then a ques- you see it. Thus, to an àd. read- smaller and finer than in the male, MANGA-TONB BLOOD AND liancy for many years. Coloring tion of cutting. So the -value of al- matter may be put in and made of < er, theadt- grow ic interest. and there should be no suggestion NERVB TABLETS help pale, nervous of spurs or of other male secual women to get well. s<^. a box. 199 falfa as a food we add to it the Any shade, Spanish brown, yellow ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ characteristics. She should, without value of economy in production. ochre or common day* The News, Alexandria» Ont. Octobers. 1913

The Misses L. and A. Aird of Otta- wa, spent the week-end with their latives. GRAND TRUNK Flü FOR SIILI AT MAMIE Mrs. John D. Grant of Northfield, MAMIE AND DISTRICT. | arrived here on Tuesday to spend a Reduces Fares to Pacific The homestead of the late Alex. D. short vacation at home. McRae, containing about 95 acres,, Mr. John McDiarmid, Mrs. D. A. Mc- COUNTY AND DISTRICT. Coast Points lying partly within the village of Max- Diarraid and Master Aimer visited fri- ville, and being the South Halves of Capt. E. J. Glasgow of Cannamor#, After an extended trip, which took On Sale Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th was a business visitor to town on ends in town last Thursday. Lots 4, 5 and. 6 in iSth Concession I them as far as the Pacific Coast, Mr. of Indian Lands. Thursday. and Mrs. Norman Morrison of Pigeon Mr. Donald J. McIntosh, son of Mrs Dunvegan Apple Hill Mr. G. J. McCaffrey of Russell, re- Hill, arrived home on Monday even- D. McIntosh of Dyer, arrivé home Honveseekers Excursion Buildings—Large brick house, gran- gistered at- the King George on Mon- ing. While on their trip they met a from Winnipeg on Tuesday. He will re- Mrs. Kenneth McLennan. Dr. McMillan anh Mr. S. D. Cun- ary, woodshed, implement shed and Round Trip Tickets to Western Can- all necessary buildings except barn, largo number of ex-Glengarrians, who main home about a month. Mrs. Kenneth McLennan, a lady well ningham spent Monday last in Mont- Mr. Murdoch McRae of Greenfield, gave them a royal welcome. Mr. Mack McRae and his sister. Miss ada via Chicago, on sale every Tues- which was recently burned. and favorably known throughout this day until Oct. 28; valid two months. was among the visitors to town on Mr. Hector Urquhart of the 21st Jessie McRae, of Oytjr, were^in town district, passed away on Saturday, Mrs. J. P. Nolan and daughter spent The farm is conveniently situatod Wednesday of this week. Con. Indian Lands, wno has T^een laid for a few hours Saturday. September 27th, at her late residence, Tuesday last with Glen Roy friends. For further particulars apply to and is in a high state of cultivation. Mr. D. F. McCrimmon of Kirk Hill, up for about a year owing to an in- Miss L. Bennet and Mrs. W. Robert- 2.5-7th Kenyon, after an illness of sev- Miss J. Kinloch spent Sunday at son of Athol, were the guests of Mrs. HATTIE M; McRAE, was the guest of Mr. Frank Tourne on jury to his leg, went to Montreal on eral months' duration, at the age of her home in Montreal.' Geo. W. Shepherd, Agent 35-6 Maxville. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. the 22nd’September. It was deemed fcFwen on Saturday. 75 years and 6 months. Mrs. A. Lapage of Cobalt, spent a Among those in town on Wednesday best in order to save his life toam- Miss Cassie McIntosh of Dyer, was few days recently with her sister. Miss the guest of Mr. and Mrs. FrankBurne The deceased, whose maiden name we noticed Messrs. Allan McDonald of putate the leg above the knee. He was Christena Grant, was a daughter 1C va Lavigne, of Montreal. Dunvegan, and Duncan Campbell of for a few days last week. The News will be sent for 14 months came out of the operation very well of the late Alexander Grant, 18-8th Mr. ^lurdio McLeod of Montreal, call- Dominipnville. and is making, rapid progress towards Her mgny friends are glad to see ed on friends here last week on his to any new subscriber in Canada for Miss Hazel McRae out again after her Kenyon. The late Mrs. McLennan was Every page of ;ii/ ; weeks paper $1.00' prepaid. Single copies 5c. each. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McGillivray of recovery. He is expected home about a devoted wife, a loving mother and way to Munroe’s Mills. Dunvegan, were visitors to town on the end of next week. Mr. Urquhart recent protracted illness. ^ Mr. W. I). Ferguson left Monday last snould prove interestlni; reading ta Rev. T. Fisher and Mrs. Fisher a sincere friend. She was held in the Wednesday. has purchased the residence of Mr. D. for the West, after spending some ^ our subscribers. Study them ♦ of Manotick,*who have been visilmg highest esteem by all and the large Mr. Donald McLeod of Dyer, was a Campbell, Maxville, and intends to number that assisted at the funeral months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs make his home in Maxville with his Mrs. G. Buell of Dyer, spent a few Duncan Ferguson. ' business visitor here on Tuesday. days the guest of Maxvilie Iri.’nds last on Monday, 20th Sept., testified to WELL DRILLING Mr. J. A. Blanchard of Cornwall, family. the love with which she is remembered ' On Tuesday last, Mr. Duncan Kippen paid town a short visit on Tuesday Messrs. Welsh & Christie have instal- The service was conducted by Rev.Mr. received the sad news of the sudden led a I’aylor safe in their store. Mrs. Munroe of Moose Creek, was of this week. on Tuesday the guest of Miss Hattie Morrison. death of his son, Peter, which occurred Any Parties requiring Well Mr. and Mrs. James York of Bramp- The Alexandria High School baseball McRae. The pallbearers were : Messrs. Angus in Winnipeg. The remains are expect- ton, Ont., who spent a few days last team defeated the Maxville juniors in Mrs. Farrell of Montreal, was the Grant, Jno. I). Grant, Wallace Mc- ed home this week. ADA M. ROBERTSON, Drilling may have their wants week the guests of the latter^s sister, a well contested baseball match here, guest of Mrs. Dr. Munroe last sveek. Kinnon, John J. Grant, Kenneth Mc- Mrs. R. C. McGregor, Sandringham, last Saturday. The final score was, Donald and Hugh J. McLeniihu. A. T. C. M„ supplied by the undersigned Alex^dria 14, Maxville 9. Dr. Watts of Moose Oeek, sj-^nt returned on Saturday to visit relat- Wednesday in town. >cEarlv Sunday evening, while the ser- Mrs. McLennan is survived by six ives in Ottawa. Mrs. .)ohn_ McRae spent a short sons and three daughters, namciy, Laggan Concert Contralto and Teacher Rev. D. McRae of Victoria, B.C., is vices were held in the various time in Moose Creek on Tuesday of churches here, fire was discovered in Alexander, Saskatoon; Dr. Donald of 01 Singing-, Address--' ^ » at present the guest of. his sister. Kiss this week. Toronto; Duncan and James R. of Mr. Fred McLennan had a bee on Catherine McRae. the large bam on the farm of Miss Saturday erecting a new barn. D. S. FERGUSON Hattie McRae, just east of the town. Those who are seeking first-class un- •Vancouver; Dr. Kenneth, Alexandria ; MAXVILLE :: ONT. After' a pleasant visit with Lancas- Ewen at home; Mrs. Wni. McGillivray, Mr. Dan McDohald visited friends at The barn and all its contents were a derwear for the winter months, will Pendleton on Friday last. 5. KELL PHOXE 25. ter and Huntingdon friends, Mr. Hugh find it well w^orth their wh^ie to call Mission, B. C. ; Mrs. Owen, Clifton MAXVILLE, ONT. PHONE 2Î total loss, which, we understand, was Miss Bessie Mcl^eod visited Mr. R. McLean and the. Misses Bessie andFlor- and inspect the varied assortment dis Springs, N.Y., and Mrs. D. W.Fraser, ence McTiOan, returned home on ‘Satur- only partly covered by insurance. The J. McLeod, Spring Creek, on Sunday- sympathy of the community is extend- I played at the store of F. Jamieson. Toronto. She also leaves two sisters, day. Mrs. Paul McMaster and Mrs. JohnMc- Mr. Donald Ale'x. McMaster left on ed to Miss McRae. It is believed that The display will Vie the best of its kind Thursday for Toronto, where he will The glad hand was extended to Mr. ever seen in Maxville. Mastor, both of I.aggan. the bla^e was caused by sparks from resume his studies in', the O.V.C. Harry Kilboum of Casselman, who V About two o’clock on Wednesday of the railway engine as the train pass- Among the relativès present at the Miss Flossie McMaster Teft on Mon- yv^RTH YOUR WHILE spent Friday evening in town. ed here shortly before the fire was this week a freight was wrecked about funeral from a distance were Mrs. Wm. Mr. Alex. McEwen, Reeve of Max- day on a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. discovered. two and a half miles west of Maxville McGilluvray, Mission, B.C., Mr. and Fraser, of St. John, Nova Scotia. ville, paid the Capital a business visit on the Ottawa division of the Grand If you are in the market for a Monument, do not Mr. Dan Bennet is having a fresh Mrs. D. W. Fraser, and Dr. Donald Mc- Mr. Duncan McMillan called onVank- on Tuesday. coat of paint put on his bam, near Trunk Railway. Nine cars were com- Lennan of Toronto. order until you have examined our artistically'designed Mr. Duncan Cameron, our popular leek Hill friends Tuesday night. Tayside. The improvement is very pletely wrecked and the track was Specimen Books. coal dealer, expects three cars of coal torn up for a distan'ce of three or Mr. Alexander McC'uaig called on at the beginning of the week. marked. friends here last Friday. Mr. Sam Ferguson has sold his bus- four hundred yards. The ties as well A, postal card will bring our repiesentalive and all Mr. Chas. McNaiighton, our genial Mr. Donald McLeoH, Montreal, spent iness lot in Maxville to Mr. John as the rails were rooted up and the postmaster, was called west on Friday roadbed looked like a ploughed field St. Elmo Sunday the guest of Mr. E. N. Mc- desired information. last by a telegram to the effect that Smillie and is leaving for Montreal, this week. , where the wreck took place. A wreck- . The best at lowest prices for reliable work. Ms daughter, Mrs. Hiles Rowe, w«w ing crew was immedAtely despatched On Friday, 26th Inst., the congrega- Misses Annabel MacLeod and Cassie dangerously ill. All are anxious to Mr. H. Tracey, our merchant, is very to the scene and began operations tion of Indian Lands Presbyterian McCuaig left recently to spend the hear of her speedy recovery. busy at present, and those who want chiirch held a farewell social in honor winter months in Montreal. without delay. Traffic was badly de- The Glengarry Marble & Granite Works Mr. Duncan McKinnon and family suits and overcoats should place their ranged for the rest of the day, and the of Rev. A. and Mrs. Ivee. The evening Mr. ami Mrs. -Tohn A. McDonald orders early, so as not to suffer dis- was fine and the church was well at- motored to Berwick to attend theFair fast afternoon train from Ottawa was spent Sunday with the latter’s moth- there. appointing delays. cancelled. The other trains ran as tended by the members of the congre- er, Mrs. Hathaway. Mr. Persha of St. Isidore, was a Mr. Allan Lang has just completed usual, but the passengers and baggage' gation, and others from the neighbor- BURNE & HILL, business visitor to Maxville on Friday the decoration of the outside of his were transferred from one train to the hood. The chairman of the meeting last. show-rooms here. The building pre- other when they arrived at the scene was Mr. W. T. Arkinstall. Proceedings M a X Y I L L E , © N T a R I © Mr. D. K. Sinclair spent the last few sents a very fine appearance. were opened by prayer and praise. Ad- Dalkeith Messrs. Cameron & CamplDell, grain of the wreck. The trains then backed days of last week visiting St.Andrews, up till they reached the nearest turn- dresses were given by Rev. T. .Tohn- and coal dealers, expect two cars of Cornwall and other points in the in- tables, and returned to their original stone of Maxville, and Rev. W. A.Mor- Mrs. Donald McGillivray. bran and one carload of Lehigh rison of Dunvegan, both of whom ex- terests of his business. starting point. The wreckage was all The death occurred on Sunday, Sept Mr. ' M. McRae of Dyer, was a busi- coal the beginning of next week. cleared away and the tra<^ repaired pressed their high esteem for Rev. Mr. Messrs. J. A. Stewart auH Mr. J. I.ee and regret that he was soon to 21st, of Mrs. Donald McGillivray of ness visitor in town last Saturday, by twelve o’clock midnight on Wednes Edmonton. Deceased was a daughter taking home with him the necessary McRae, pipers, attended the Fair at day and the trains were able to run leave St. Elmo. Mrs. D. McIntyre and Lachute last week. They report Mr. D. D. McGregor contributed to the of the late Alex. D. MacLeod of Dal- supplies for fall work on the farm. oil time the following day. keith, and was highly respected and Mrs. Lorne Kennedy of NewLiskeard, that the Fair was excellent and well pleasure of the evening by their sing- attended. McPhail—Wilson. ing. The chief item of interest was, esteemed by a large circle of friends. Binder Twine arrived in town last Friday and is Her upright character and genial dis- Mr. and Mrs. .John Cameron spent a A qiiiet but none the less interesting however, the reading of an address now the guest of the Misses Grant. position won the affectionate regard .couple of days at the Capital last event took places here, on Tuesday of and the presentation of a good sum of of a host of friends. Mr. Willie McLean, son ol Mr. Hugh this week, when Miss Ida McPhail, money to Rev. A. and Mrs. Lèe. The Mc]!ve^nj of this place, after a pleas- Mr. John Angus C’ameron, son of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- address was read by the chairman and Mrs. McGillivray had been ill about We Have a Large Stock of Binder Twine ant ^8it here, Jjias returned to the J. J. Cameron, arrived home on Sat- I’hail 0^ Tayside, was married to Mr. the presentation made by Mr. D. D. six weeks and seriously ill during the Capim to resume lilj duties in that urday last from the West. Ho seems Wilson jof Toronto. Rev. Mr. T. John- Cameron. The address spoke very last three days. She bore her suffer- Every Foot Guaranteed niuch improved, in health after his stone Officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson highly of Mr. I.»ee^s Work as pastor ings with (.'hristian patience and fort- Miss Christie Fisher , was the trip. left for Ottawa the same evening. We and preacher, and hoped that in the itude. of Ottawa friends last week. Mrs. H. Tracey visited Mrs. Arkin- underst and that they will reside in To future the lines would fall in pleas- In 1910 she married Mr. McGillivray Farmers Clubs and ali Farmers will Mr. David Hunter reached his home son and friends in the Capital ronto. Congratulations. ant places to Mr. and Mrs. I^e. Mr. formerly of Kirk Hill, and went to live in Canora, Saak., till last spring when at Grimsby last week. He has just last week. Sargent—Munro. Lee feelingly respbnded and thanked find tFiàt -our Twine, Coal OiF made a large shipment of fruit to Mr. Arthur Burton., after a pleasant the congregation- for this evidence of they decided to move to ICdmonton, some of the local merchants. •visit at his home here, returned to the On Wednesday afternoon. Sept. 24, their appreciation. Refreshments were where her death occun*ed. General Hardware, Groceries, Flpur Mrs. Duncan McPhail and Miss. Eva West on Thursday evening. - at Knox Presbyterian church the wedd- afterwards served and the meeting The remains, arrived-- via •C.P'.R.'"' àt McKercher of Tayside, were in Max- Our farmers are now busy threshing ing took place of Miss Catherine' Mun- was brought to a close by the pastor Vankleek Hill on Sunday morning and and Feed, Building Supplies, etc., . ville last week. and taking care of their fall crops, ro, youngest daughter of the lateDavid pronouncing the benediction. were conveyed to her mother’s home Mr. Donald Campbell of -Baltic's which as. a general rule are turning Munro, of Maxville, Ont., to Mr. in Dalkeith, from where the funeral will save you both troubleand money Comers, was a business visitor toMax- out well. ■ , Arthur Charles Sargent, of Montreal, FAREWEIJ,..Sl5RVTCES AT GORDON took place the same afternoon^ Rev. villo on Saturday. On Saturday last, Mr, Frank Ville- son of the late J. H. Sargent, of Lon- ' . - CHURCH. Mr. Watson of Glen Sandfiold, officiât-^ don, Eng.' The church was beauti- ing, assisted by Rev. Mr. Morrison of Rev. Mr. Ijoe preached his farewell neuve sent to, Montreal two of the fin- • On Sunday the 28th September, the Farm Produce of Every Description Taken sermon at the Gordon church, St. El- fully deeprated for the occasion with Kirk Hill. Interment being made .in est carloads .of cattle shipped from Rev; A. I.^e, pastor of Gordon church, mo, on Sunday last, the congregation Maxville for some time. ferns and white asters, the ceremony Kirk Hill cemetery. in Exchange. being performed by the Rev. J. preached for the last time as pastor The pallbearers were : Messrs. D. R. present was very large. The horse races will take place on of the congregation. The Rev. A. Miss N. McEwen spent a few days the Maxville Driving Dark, on Wednes- Adams Montgomery. The bride, who McGillivray, McCrjmmon ; D. W. Mc- was given away by her- brother, Mr. I>ee tendered his resignation to the Leod and J. A. .McGillivray, KirkHill, last week the guest of Ottawa friends. day, OctoT)er the 8th. (-’ome and see Presbytery of Glengarry, which was Mr. James H^arkins of Fournier, was one ol the best race meets of the sea- J. A. Munro, wore a charming gown L. Cameron, Montreal ; 'A. Campbell, accepted with regret. His resignation in town on Friday with a large load son. A number, of horses will be down of ivory charmeuse with pearl trim- and K. McDougall, Dalkeith. ming and lace and full court train. A taking effect at the close of the month Smillie & /VlcDiarmid of hops. from Ottawa. Besides her loving husband, she is of September. In the absence or Mr. Hugh McLean, bridal veil with conventional orange survived by her mother, three sisters Mr. Willie Franklin of Riceville, vis- blossom, covered her hair, while she The largo church was well filled with Jamieson’s Old Stand, Maxville, Ont. ited friends in town on Saturday last'.’ furnitureman, his son, Mr. Willie Mc- and two brothers, to whom we extend l-«an, of Ottawa, attended to his bus- carried an Empire bouquet of white large and appreciative congregations, our sincere sympathy. Mr. William Lalonde of Apple 'Hill, roses and lilies-of-thc-valley. The motored to Maxville on Saturday. iness most successfully. at both morning and evening services. The regular session of the Revision bridegroom’s gift to the Ijride wa^ a It was a surprise to many to see such Mr. William Douselte of Montreal, pearl and amethyst necklet. was a business visitor here last week. Court was held here on Wednesday of a large attendance made up of friends this week. Judge I.iddoll presided. Mrs. J. Howard Armitage acted as from St. Elmo, 'Maxville, Dominion- He reports that everything is going matron-of-honor, her gown being of nicely in the city. While quite a numlier of visiting towns ville, Dunvegan, Moose Creek and oth- men were present, among them were, lavender Ijrocaded silk with hat to er places, showing the high esteem in Mr. Jack Reid of Riceville, spent a match, her bouquet being of asters. few hours in town on Monday. Messrs. Delahey of Pembroke •, D. B. which Mr. A. T^e was held in the McLennan and G. I. Gogo, Cornwall; Mr, J. S. Munro of Monckland, Ont., neighborhood. f Miss Margaret C. Munroe of Mont- and E. H. Tiffany of Alexandria. The supported the groom. Mr. J. H. The singing of the congregation was Pur $15 Semi-Heailif Saits real, spent the week-end the guest of Sargent and Mr. J.H. Armitage act- her father, Mr, D, P. Munro. docket was very heavy and several of exceedingly joyful and hearty and ing as ushers. formed an excellent prelude for the Mr. William H. Hill of Ottawa, but the cases were of considerable interest The first jury case ever tried in this As the bride entered the ' church the sermons that followed. Are a specialty and arc 4 formerly of this place, received a wedding march was played by Pro- Rev. Mr. Lee said he felt it no easy warm welcome from his many friends court also took place at this session. On the evening of the races, Wednes- fessor Picard. task to address them today for the here when in town last Monday. unsurpassed for Style, % day, October the 8th, a high class After the ceremony a reception was last time, and said he wished to say Quite a number of our citwens at- entertainment will be held in the Pub- held at 331 Mackay, the home of the something that, would remembered \ '-T Quality, Fit and Wearing .. tended the funeral of the late Mrs. bride's brother, the house decorations and be helpful in days to come. He Kenneth Mclennan of Baltic'sComers, lic Hall here. The talent secured for the occasion is as follows—, being of pink roses. Later in the would not speak of himself or hi.s which took place on Monday. evening Mr. and Mrs. Sargent left for work, but would rather speak to them Qualities. A wide Range ; ; Mrs. A. J. Kennedy returned to her Scotch comedian; Miss T^ena Brien, elo- cutionist; Miss A. W. Kerr, soprano, I New York, the bride’s travelling suit some words to help them in the future homo in New Liskeard on Monday of j being of navy Wue with hat to match. His text was "Wait on the T>ord and of Patterns is constantly i I this week. and last, but not least, Mr. Valent- ine, violinist, who will play the“Mock : —The Herald. He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait Miss M. Daley of Finch, and Miss C. I I say on the Lord.’’ In the sermon kept in^ stock, thus your ; ; Daley of Ottawa, Sundayed in town ing Bird." This one selection is worth the price of admission. Secure your the minister showed how to wait on with their parents. Rev. J. T. and seats early. Plan of hall is now open you are not posted in law you the Lord, by being faithful in attend- order can be filled at very « ■ Mrs. Daley. I nif at Mr. M. L. Fyke’s jewellery store. had better attend the big law ing God’s house, by prayer and by Miss Anna M. Cameron and Miss A pleasant evening is assured. court at Alexander Hall, Wednes serving God and then the promiseGod short notice. Sadie Dewar of Montreal, spent the Quite a numl^er from this vicinity had given to encourage us to be faith- week-end at their homes in Dominion- intend availing'tliemselves of the bar-- 1 day evening next. A splendid ful. In the evening, the sermon was ville. gains offered at F. Jamieson’s im- experience. full of love and sympathy, the subject During the absence of Dr. McEwen mense sale at Moose Creek, which will being some characteristics of "The HEIRB. TRACBV during the early part of the week, Dr. open on Saturday. Good Shepherd and His Sheep." Both THE LATE MR. DAM J. McDOUGALL Finlay Munroe had charge of his prac- Considerable business was transact- morning and evening the people were OF GJ.EX ROY. tice. ed at the regular meeting of theLadies Glen Sandlield encouraged to be faithful to God and Mrs. D. A. McKinnon spent the early Institute held here on Saturday of faithful of Jesus Christ and if, said g art of the week with her brother, Mr last week. The dates, for the bazaar The Steele Bros, are at present the preacher, they are faithful unto . A. McEwen, of Moose Creek, who, have been selected, these will be the threshing in this vicinity. death, ihey shall receive' the crown of we regfret to learn has been indispos- 12th and 13th December. Mrs. 'Archie' Mr. Cameron of Montrerai, transact- life. Glen Roy ed. Lothian, who has filled the post of ed business in this section lately. Mrs. Craggy and Master Donald On Wednesday, Rev. J. T. Daley and secretary-treasurer of the institute for Mrs. D. I). McRae of Alexandria, vis- Cuggy of Montreal, Mr. Miles McDon- Mrs. Daley were called to Toronto ow- some time past, handed in her resign- ited her mother, Mrs. M. McRae. ald of Glen Robertson and quite iv ing to the death of her father. Rev. ation as she is leaving town in the Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewar have as number of Alexandria friends alt-mdefl Mr. Unsworth, in that city. Their near future. MissLauraWeegar was ap- their guest Mr. Geo. M. C. Wright of Cause and Cure of the funeral of the late Mr. D. J. Mc- many friends in Glengarry extend their pointed to take her place. A vote of Montreal. Dougall, last week. Do You Appreciate Real Bargains? sincere sympathy to the bereaved fara- thanks to Mrs. Ix)thian was unanim- A number from this vicinity spent a ily- ously carried om the motion of Mrs. most enjoyable time at the home of if so, visit our store apd you -^ill be more than As a result of sudden illness. Master Fisher, seconded by Mrs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McDonald on Headache surprised at the bargains we have prepared for you.- B. McEwen, the young son of Dr. Mc- The attendance at the meeting was Thursday evening, The cause of headache as you kn< Kirk Hill Ewen, was conveyed to the hospital, very large. Messrs. .Tohn MjcRae and Alex. Gib- is the stoppage of the circulation resu^ You. must compare the,, prices and the GOODS to Ottawa, Sunday evening, where an Mr. and Mrs. D. McRae, after spend- son are this week jnts.ly engaged in ing in pressure on the delicate nerves of j The Sacrament of the Lrod’s Supper appreciate the colossal savings to be made here operation was performed. We are pleas ing a few weeks on a visit in this carpenter work at Fassifern. UM head. In time nature will itart the I will be observed in the West Church, ' ed to note that he is {progressing fav- neighborhood, hav'e returned to their Mr. Gdgar Steele called on friends blood going again, but meanwhile we nf- ' Kirk Hill, Sunday, Get. 5th. Pre-Com- | Make a list of what you want, bring it along and get our orably. His parents and Dr. J. T. home in Winnipeg. here on Saturday. fcr and are unfit for duty. munion serlices started on Wednesday^ price and it ,won’t take long to convince you that to buy else, Munroe accompanied him to the

Mrs. Jno. Munro has returned to her The Cemetery organization of tbs rigidly to a point where a margut v home in Battle Creek, Mich. Ricsville and Fournier community who left which is provision for illness- smart blue tailored costume with Bul- —have become more expensive, cently. Cornwall friends. And what about a new refrig- Ÿ garian Bo'iJches and hat to match. Mr. P, Donely and sister, Miss Mary the most serious strain at the preseoi Mr. Hugh Mcl.oan of Maxville, was Mr. Allan A. Dulji’ay of Ottawa, was time on small incomes is the growinjg erator this season ? A fine Up- T renewing old acquaintances in town Donoly are leaving this week for Chic- to-date sanitary refrigerator is A groomsman. ago, where they will reside for a distaste among many to manual laüoK on Monday of this week. After the ceremony the guests drove not in the luxury class any A cent' a bc. To be rich is simply to have more greatly in breaking up a Cold or LAV . COURVIIDLDE BUBSIIEIl, Oalliouslfi Station than you need, to have provision for Grippe by cleaning out the system.^ fJ- few days in town last week. Rev. Malcolm Mhmro, Saskatoon, Among the recent visitors to town the mrtiTow, and to owe no man. It is and purifying the blood. In the same:-- HOME FURNISHER way they relieve or cure Biliousness. preached in Knox Church, Sunday even were, Messrs. A. W. McEwen and D.C. to have attained that nice balance in Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- The News will be mailed to McDougall of St. Elmo. living where the income is not Just ■ Ideal Beds and Bedding, Purity Mattresses ing last. atism and other common ailments»- Miss T. Tracey moved to MaxvilW absorbed each year by the expenses, any new suberiber in Canada Mr. D. A. McIntosh after spending In the fullest sense of the words several weeks the guest of his sister, this week where she expects to reside * and the nerves ever on the strain K-sl Mor.siî’s Indian Root Pills are 4T* or 14 months for $5. • Mrs. Evan Fraser returned to ’his in the near future. We wish her suc- the ends may not meet. It is to keep Western home on Monday. cess and prosperity. the fixed charges of the family down A Hoxi-seliold

Alexandria’s Greatest Store OUT OCTOBER 8th Every Monday Bargain Day. The Montreal Daily Mail Monday, October 6th is going to be a A high class morning newspaper at popular in newspaper equipment. The editorial staff Great Day at our Store subscription rates. Don’t forget to take includes iournalists of the highest standing in advantage of our attractive introductory offer. their profession.

We are going to sell 300 pairs of Flan- For the past six months the work of Telegraph and cable services have been organization has been in progress. Everything organized on a scale far beyond anything nelette and 200 pairs Woollen that can give quality and efficiency to the which has yet been attempted by any Canadian various departments has received the most newspaper. Readers of the Daily Mail will careful attention. get the news of the world in accurate and entertaining form, and they will get it first. The Daily Mail will appear on Wednesday BLANKETS October 8th a finished newspaper, and will at The Daily Mail will specialize in market once take rank as one of the leading news- and financial reports, and in the news ot papers of the Dominion. At a Lower Price Than They Were Eastern Ontario and Quebec. The plant, from which the Montreal Daily In politics the Daily Mail will be inde- Ever Sold Before Mail will be produced repre.sents the last word pendent. Its only client will be the public. If you need any such thing come on Monday and see our Stock, Our Introductory Offer Daily Mail Publishing Co. prices will astonish you, Fill in the attached coupon and 8 BEAVER HALL HILL, MONTREAL. avail yourself of the Mail’s attractive Please send the Montreal Daily Mail to my address, introductory offer—25 cents for one for one month, for which I enclose 25 cents. BRING us YOUR EGGS month. A trial will convince you that in news, features, and treatment of Name public questions the Mail is all that Post Office ^ M SIHFSini & SMI has been claimed for it. Province i'n X'^ews, Alexandria, Ont, October 3, 1913 Wanted ♦♦x**x**x**x*<**x*<**x**x»*x**x**x**x**x*<*<**x**>*>*t**>*^*x**>^ Punishing Children The Book Borrower Henry’s A good general servant wl^ ri^ân A recent talk with a mother of four cook. Wages §20 per month witü room^ An objectionable type of person, Sh orthand Schol and board. Four in family. Twosmall , .« ► children of various ages has set one whose capacity for irritation is un- 198 St. Catherine West, Montreal to think that many are perplex'îd at children. Servant must be smart and bounded, is the inveterate careless clean. Apply P. 0. Box 116, Cobalt, • » Established in 1896 Ottawa, Ontario the responsibility of careful tram-ng book borrower. We all know such peo- with reference. c^t-4 and proper bringing up of their little ple. They borrow everything in the A course in a school so Well and Our school has achieved success from Of Interest ones, and in the matter o'l temper ai.cl book line, from the latest novel in favorably known, and in a city like its inception, BECAUSE of superior . » ooecl en 0 th re are many methods which we are immersed to the vol- Montreal where the demand for young teaching, better discipline, eminently employed and not all are successful. 1 ume of Thomas a Kempis which men and women is far in excess of the qualified teachers, complete modem bei.eve Jiat heredity has much to do brings us daily comfort. The fam- supply, offers great advantages. In- equipment, and a square deal. w.th the temper. It is surprising how ily Bible alone escapes their notice. dividual day and evening instruction. ^ to Women early in life this much abused, hut On the May Civil Service Examina- If they borrow and return promptly Positions secured for all COMPE- Nyal’s Blood Purifier necessary adjunct of the liurnan lim- tion, it was our privilege to stand perament manifests itself and how one would not be so violent upon the TENT pupila. foremost in passing the largest num- few there are who, in tlieir youth, subject. But they either keep the books Inspection earnestly solicited. E>er, of candidates. Such results can The Best Spring Medicine. seem to realize the necessity of self- they borrow until one is in despair of Prospectus on demand. only be the natural sequence of effi- ever seeing them again, or they do not cient training. X**X**X**X*<**X*H^J control. More homes arc made im- return them at all. Of course many ANGUS CAZA, Prin. happy through unbridled temper than Since January 2nd, over 90 students Do you bel won oai T Fell M frpm any other cause. Wise, indeed, people fail to return books through from local business colleges have join- thoagk you eo*iild hardly go T Th- thoughtlessness, but there are also BEVILED TOMATOES. ICED FRUIT SALAD. is the mother who is early on guard, ed our classes. Our Office Register will aïe lymptona oi elnggM' Mood; blood and to the child's inherited tendency people who sin in the fashion through verify this statement, that !■ not eironlatiag. is not added the influence of a daily indifference. These are the inexfjus- Wipe, peel and cut four tomatoes in Boil together a pound of augar and a£l*le ones. FABM FOB SAU AT A BABGAIN Send for circular. D. E, HENRY, Are yon pale and anemia T Thli b slices. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, quart of water five minutes; add grat- example. What can you expect of President, Cor. Bank and Sparks Sts. caneed by the blood not pro parijr ed rind of an orange and two lemons; children where parents lack self-con- They cannot have a real love of A good farm of one hundred acres, nonriihing tbe celle of the bo^. dredge with flour, and saute in butter. books, or this indifference would not Arrange on a hot platter »'nd pour when cold, strain. Add the j\#ice of trol ? well watered and drained, with wood It would be well to have some de- manifest itself. They would under- for home use for years to comof, with- Have yon pimplee or Ixrfla T TBIF •ver ihem the following sauce : Work three lemons and the orange ; strain are tke leoolt of the blood failing to again. When cold, freeze, turning slov^ finite plan thought out on this sub- stand that books to the book lover in two miles of .Greenfield station and four tablespoonfuls of butter until are valued friends, and when one is do its duty of carrying sway waita creamy add two teaspoonfuls of pow- ly at first, rapidly at the last. Put ject. With what indifference many church, one mile from cheese factory, Tis a fact that tIu this in a border mold, covifr the joints parents look upon these violent out- forced to part with them to careless school-house on property. Can be material from the c^e. r dered sugar, one teaspoonful of dry and indifferent readers, who take their mustard, one ha3i teaspoonful of salt with strips of muslin dipped in melt- breaks of temper in their children. We bought at a sacrifice by quick buyer, If yon have any oi tha aboka ooi*- ed paraffin ; pack in salt and ice tw© often hear such remarks as these : time abomt bringing them home, one part cash, balance on time and inter- and a few grains of cayenne. When is apt to feel justly incensed. Beside (dainta do not inffer. Try a bottb ' al thoroughly blended, add one egg, hours. Cut three oranges in half, take "My, but î'red’s a little terror when est to suit purchaser. For further GowKog Business College NyaTs Blood PariSer. he’s angry !” "Talk about temper ! from the intrinsic value of a volume, dflghtly beaten, the yolk of one hard- out the pulp, add half pound white particulars apply to James Kerr, In- Ottawa, Canada We know what it will do. Vs ksv* Why, you ought to see my Helen in the person who borrows a book should surance Agent, Alexandria. Ont. 36-3 Boiled egg, rubbed to a paste and two grapes cut in halves, one banana cut remember that it may mean a great eeen tbe reenlis. iablespoonfuls of vinegar. Cook over in tiny blocks, a grated pineapple and one of her tantrums!” said in a care- Is reoognfzed throughout Central Can- deal to its owner. You do not know If yon enSer from 0—, tett« hot water, stirring constantly until a half bottle Maraschino cherries.Dust less way, as if regrettel, but to oe en- ada as "Ottawa’s Greatest School of dured as a matter of course. I was what association and memories may •crofula or any other ikiii iti—ei, mixture thickens. with half cup powdered sugar, put in surround such a boc«t. • Business, Shorthand and Civil Ser- tin kettle and pack in salt and ice. once shocked at the weakness of a Farm for Sale vice” Candidates are prepared for the take a coune treatoMst .(not 1— than six bottlee) and we will be greater nr- TOMATO BUTTER. They must not be frozen, but must be father on this subject. Calling his 4- Nearly everyone has some light nov- examinations of the Civil Service and year-old setn to him, he teased him in- els that they are willing to lend, and Two hundred acre farm, being one- prised if yon are not cored. icy cold. At serving time plunge mold half og lots 29 and 30, Township of the Business Educators’ Association of With-tomatoes at their height, make in hot water, turn the water ice on a to a figfcfli^g passion. With flashing which may mean nothing to them in Canada. It b not a ipeoinc, bnt it ii the eyes and clenched fists, he flew at his any way, but one should not get into Charlottenburgh, County of Glengarry nearest specific we know of> for sUa some tomato butter for use next win- high compote dish, garnish outside The school it open all summer. En- I now delighted parent, who encouraged the' habit of treating even such books Close to post office, cheese factory and and blood diiea—. A dollar bays a ter. Stew seven pounds of ripe toma- with fresh flowers ; head fruit in cen- ter anytime. him to "strike hard,” "now you have with carelessness, for it is a habit railway station. School on premises. large bottb. toes until soft ; then add four pounds ter and send at once to the table. Good house, barns and orchard. About af brown sugar and cook until very me !” A few years later this boy was which easily takes root, and which is W. E. COWLING, Principal. receiving almost daily punishment for often DKJtet difficult to break. ninety acres under cultivation. Bal- Cor. Bank & Wellington St#. tiiick. Add half a cupful of boiling TURPENTINE IN THE HOUSIG. ance pasture and woodland, including ▼inegar, a teaspoonful each of ginger quarreling and fighting at school. Young girls are frequent offenders I'urpentine is a sure f«*eventive A neigiibor came to vis.t my mother maple sugar bush. Small river affords and cloves and two teaspoonfuls of where books are concerned. It is no steady water supply. Owner retiring. against moths. By dropping a trifHe once, bringing her little girl of seven doubt due to thoughtlessness that they Brock DstroinSSoD «innamon. Keep in covered jars. Apply to Alex. J. Kennedy, Munroe’s in drawers, trunks, and cupboards it years. During her stay Millie was take an outrageous time to return any Mills, Dnt. 35-8 TOMATO AND CORN SALAD. will render the garments secure from attacked with what her mother term- volume that has been lent them, but SASKATOON REAL ESTATE Medical Hall injury during the summer months. It ed the "big uglies,” as a remedy her this is not a sufficient excuse. They mother shook her violently and put Buy » lot in Saskatoon, unqueSv.o: ALEXANDRIA - ONT. Pare and cut out the hearts of to- will also keep ants from closets ar.d should remember that books mean a ably the coming city of the West. matoes, set on ice until they are chill- store-rooms if a few drops are put in her han was sick for several days. book that another person has not yet a bucket of warm water is excellent finished. A young girl who was a guest IJEGI'A.L D. McAULLAN, Upon removing the skins of pears for cleaning painted woodwork. These, you say, aro extreme cases, Box 126, AIoTAndria, One at a house party caused a great deal UJCX. H. K0BBBT80N, and apples preparatory to preserving but you would be surprised to learn Dealer in city properties ard tias how many, there are of this type. In of indignation by this unconscious ha- THE NE WBVILDl^aMA TE RIAL tfiem drop them into water that is UMBER CATSUP. bit. No book was safe from her rov- ConTiywr katchewan farm lands, and represent acidulated with a little lemon juice or the former case a natural sensitive Notai, PttbU. for Ootarta. ing one of the most rriiable rsol •« For Interior and Exterior Work. Use cucumbers suitable for the tabic disposition was ruined • by an unwise ing eye. One could not leave a book vinegar to prevent them turning dark. (for making catsup. Peel them, cut in for a moment, and find it when one OotaWHioMT ffifli Cooit U Jaatba. tate agencies in the West. Be careful that they do not stand father. In the latter, a frail child was i halves and scrape out the large seeds; teft hopeless all through early child- returned. She even committed the en- IwMi ol Harriag. LionuM. Better than lath and plaster foi long in the water, but only until all I then chop fine. Measure, and to every ormity of removing books from one a are skinned, when they should be im- hood to battle with a fearful temper. ■azTilla, Oataria. interior of buildings. j quart add a tablespoonful of salt. Mix "But what can we do with our bab- bedside table. mediately *'done up.” Much washing thoroughly, and let stand over night For Sale Warmer and cooler than brick or •r soaking impairs the flavor of the ies ? Let them have their own way Every one should cultivate a respect in a stone jar with cover. In the morn to keep them sweet-tempered ?” for the bocics of others. They should IDWAJtD ■. TIVKANT, K.C. cement. fruit. No fruit should be washed more j ing drain, and to every quart add than enough to insure perfect clean- Not at all, a lack of firmness ruins be handled with care, and promptly Baniabr. Nolat,, Bb. Good business stand in North Lan- Warmer, cooler and more durable )h5f a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, returned, and never taken without caster. liness. many a child's disposition. The best Oma Naaa OAea. Afaxaadria, Oat. than frame for exterior of (half a pint of strong vinegar, half a remedy for baby tempers must be that permission, unless^ one wishes to label I teaspoonful of black pepper and a Carriage shop, good building 80x60 building. PEACH SYRUP. which will most quickly change the oneself as an odious type of person. tablespoonful of made mustard. Place clouds into sunshine. It may be a «. MIMBO two stories. Covered with iron. over the fir(î in a porcelain-lined kettle Splendid opening for business r.o opH In, canning peaches cook a few stones sweet melody or a beautiful picture ; and boil five minutes, then seal up in or it may require a romp in the air position) Main street, Lancaster. with the fruit, putting one in each jar j glass jars or bottles with patent stop- OoitajriuM, Notai, FaUb, Ma. FIBRE BOARD af fruit. They add to the nutty flavor to smooth the worst outbreaks. Who» Is pure wood fibre ..compressed into pers. Keep in a cool, dry place. your children grow older pursue the For Sale AtaaaaMa, Oatarta. Two good dwelling houses in Lan- Do not throw away the remaining A brood mare, eight years old, Clyde caster viRage. solid homogenous boards by tremen- •tones and peel. Add a little, water same course, and when they have be- Moai, to Loaa at Low BatM of latar- dous hydraulic presses, It is thor- TO PURIDY MUSTY PLACES. come calm and pleasant, teach them Gelding, two-years old and a Clyde and cook untQ soft enough to strain ; Gelding one-year-old, also a quantity «I. Ifortgagaa PaialiiMj. Summer Hotel at South Lancaster. oughly baked to remove all moisture, Charcoal and quicklime are the best how foolish it is to make themselves so that it is abeolutelj dry and cannot squeeze through a bag and add sugar, of loose hay. Alexander McLaohlan, House thoroughly overhauled two a pint for a pint ; cook until very ' purifies. To use charcoal, for instance and others feel so disagreeable. Have OOGO b HABKNI88 warp, crack or shrink. It is not a suspend it in net bags. Make a num- you ever observed the difference in 31-7th Lancaster, Green Valley. 36-3 years ago. Excellent cellar, cemented number of thin layers pasted together, tfiick. Sometimes this will jelly, but Bairbtan, Solbitoia. Ba. floor. As South Lancaster is fast be- more oft«i it makes a thick syrup , ber of bags to hold several large old people ? Have you ever met an old as other so-called wall boards are. It lumps of charcoal. These will absorb man or woman whose very smile was OÊtm Mowa Moak. FIM at. ComwaB. coming one of the most popular re- is one solid piece of the same material. which is delicious on cakes or sweet sorts on the St. Lawrence, there is a •ice croquettes. all sorts of bad odors and mustiness, a benediction ? I think of one, her Mawr la Loaa It is pressed and dried perfectly flat and leave the atmosphere pure and presence an inspiration. You wonder good opening for the right man. Price and therefore will not buckle or bow For Sale 'J. O. Hariaim reasonable. APPLE AND QUINCE JAM. sweet. The power of'charcoal is ac- if ever she could have been iFl-temper- between the studs, like laiver boards cording to its freshness, and this is ed, impatient or jealous. But she will At Glen Robertson, a first class two a. L Oogo. that are built up on rollers. It is nailed When preserving quinces you are sure restor^ by heating. Once a week take tell you of the years of almost hope- storey hay and grain storage build- Several 100 acre farms and also two on tbe studding with common in. ta have some left-over juice. To a pint the bags down, empty them in a fire les struggle to overcome a rash tem- ing, about ^ by 45 feet, iron roofed small farms suitalfle for garden or wire nails. Can be sawn with an or- poultry farms. add a pound of sliced apples and three pot,, and heat very hot. The freshen- per, and the ranklings of jealousy in and substantially built. It is also VII. 8TIWABT dinary fine tooth saw. Does not re- fourths of a pound of granulated sug- ed lumps wiR then serve a new period her girlhood days. She has left them quire skilled mechanic»—anyone can conveniently situated, being near rail- ■atibbi. Notai,, FaUb For further particulars apply to ar. Boil two hours, stirring well to of usefulness. all behind. On the other hand what is way siding. For further particulars, put it on. prevent burning. If you have no left- a more pitiable object than a crabbed, apply to Mrs. J. J. P. McDonell, Glen taaeaabr, Oataria. D. P. J. TOBIN, For interior work it can be finished •ver juice, cover the cores and parings hot-tempered old person ; who had Robertson, Ont. 35-tf Lancaster. by papering, the same as a plastered •f the quinces with cgld water, heat allcuved the evil in his nature t(0 grow wall or painted or alabastined, or slowly until they are soft, then strain unchecked until it ruins his life r coated with a putty coat of plaster. •ff the juice and add to the apples Politeness in Little Things I need not emphasize the fact that B. 810TH. K.O. For exterior work it can be painted «nd sugar. There is a little rhyme that defines childhood is the time to begin these •aifbtarr SoUaton Notai, FabBa. Farmb lor Sale or coated with rough coat. politeness better than the dictionaries reforms. Don’t place too much con- lABBTGAGE SALE CanTayaaaw . Grenville Wall Board has many ad- FRUIT PUNCH. fidence in the common remark that The South East quarter of Lot No. define it : fllWna'—Snataiagar Bloak, CaiBwaU vantages over lath and plaster for Pour a pint of water- over a pound, i^oliteness is to do and say John or Mary will outgrow their Of Valuable Leasehold Land 33, in the 7th Concession of the Town- interior work. It is effieaper of sugar, add the juice of one orange The kindest thing in the kindest way. naughty habits. I have known too Moaay to Loaa. ship of Lancaster, containing 50 acres more quickly applied, leaves no dirt and the juice and grated rind of one Most of us are willing, even anxious, many grown-up Johns and Mary* B. Babtk. K.G., H.F. more or less, is for sale. If you are to be cleaned up, will not crack or jar whose intimate friends could contra- Under and by virtue of the powers looking for a snug home at a reason- ofl, and is an excellent insulator for lemon, blend thoroughly, and boil for to be kind in great matters and on contained in a certain mortgage dated about five minutes. When cooked suffi special occasions ; but we often forget dict this statement. Rank weeds do ableprice, come and see me quick. A heat, cold and sound. not uproot themselves. The lack of April 26th, 1909, which will be pro- snap for a cash buyer. Arch’d J. Mac- eiently, remove the s\Tup from the to be polite in little things. duced at the time of sale, there will MEDICAL, Fibre Board comes in boards 3 by 4 tre ; strain it carefully, and, while "How many shall I provide for ?” truthfulness in th's generation is ap- donald, North T.ancaster, Ont. 36-tf ft. by Ain. thick for interior work, fin. «till warm, add half a tumblerful of asked a caterer of the woman who palling. Here, too, we have inherited be offered for sale by public auction cr 1 inch thick for exterior work. It by Donald J. Macdon^l, auctioneer, at •trrrant jelly. Stir until the latter has employed him. weakness to contend with, exaggera- is sold directly to users only through tion, a family habit, bequeathed from the Ottawa Hotel, in the Town of ^ssolved, and set aside to cool. When "1 don^t know,” she answered. ‘T OB. B. B. DBVOVUN the company ’s own agents, no dealers ready to serve, pour the syrup over a sent out three hundred invitations, one generation to another; a fondness Alexandria, on Saturday, the 11th day or middlemen’s profits. of October, 1913, at the hour of one lump of icc in the punch bowl. Add but I have received answers from only for telling big stories that we may as- Laaaaabi, Oaitaato. Valuable Farm tonish our friends. o’clock in the afternoon, the following the juice of two lemons and two or- half that number. I really don't know Qiadaata Oatario Vateiinai, CoUage. Sale FOR SALE BY anges, half a pint of grape juice and what to do.” Many children are driven to telling property Lots Nos. 42 and 43 south falsehoods in order to escape punish- of Lochiel Street, in the village of w MmVunitav W MVbtPM^Va a quart of carbonate water. The flav- Doubtless each of the 1C.U delinquents Cotttaiuilig 600* uerss, 400 of whkh €u* of this punch may be changed by if reproached, would have made * the ment from rash, quick-tempered par- Johnstown, now in the Town of Alex- D. P. J. Tobin, andria, according to registered plan. (Mba^-CatMa Hab aai Oak Mnata. iu AiÀcê eluy fund; unoihsv 100 MXU* the addition of cold tea. excuse that the presence or absence of ents. A young mother sometimes per- LANCASTER, ONT. one person could not matter among mits herself tf> become a veritable On the property is a frame, shingle Taar Faboaaga BaUallwt, •aa bs sauily pvt uadsv svHIvfiou spanking machine. . One such, I re- and ths balanss Toadm bvah aud pa» Dealer in Coal, Lumber, Shingles Latb SEASONABLE FRAPPE. so many ; but when the one is multi- roofed house 20x24, and one storey Clapboards, Windows, Doors, &c. plied by 15Ü it matters much. member, came to visit me, bringing addition 12x12 ; also a stable 14x16. tmns. Will bs sold with »r Remove the tops of small nutmeg "I haven’t heard froui Alice since she her three little on:s—the oldest but riiaitols which inoluds 100 hsad of For terms and conditions of sale ap- DB. A. F. HaLABEN homed cattle, 9 horses, and all klndc melons so as to form a cover. Take bade me good-by last fall,” said the five. The spanking began with the •ut all the seeds and membrane and mistress of a sununer homo in which earliest morning prattle and wound ply t« Xjra, Bai, Noaa aad IWaal of fans Implement». Ifro bvUdlng* scoop out as much of the soft pulp as she entertained many guests. "For up at night in sleepy sobs and tears. MACDONEIX & COSTELLO, OflbaBoom-lO tiU 1. ttUIt, T UB». sructod on this property originally •an easily be removed. Cut this latter time after she left 1 was anxious, but "I declare, I don’t know what to do Alexandria, Fhoaai-lMt. cost about $25,000.00. It Is. soanr»- WHITE CLOVER into small pieces. Place the seeds and with Joe, he tells so many falsehoods,’ Solicitors for Mortgagees, iantly situatad and one of ih» inmt I know that she is all right, because Oflata;-SN SoBHiaat Stiaal, membrane in a sieve to drain the juice she spent C’hristmas with a friend of said the "hiother one day. I tried to Dated this 17th Sept., 1913. farma In Eaatsn Ontario. Oaa be then add the latter to one quart of convince her thnt '-t was through fear 85-4 Ottawa, Oataaia. purehaoed at a reasonablo flgvrs 00»- whipped cream, sweetened; turn this Doubtless the girl v'ho neglected to of punishment. "But how can I make •idering the value of the property. Wm B P E jiOc E) into an ice cream freezer and turn un- write the note of thanks and apprecia- him mind? ’ she asked. "What will you partioular* apply to J. J. MeDsnaU, til stiff. When ready to serve take the tion meant to do it promptly; but she do when you get top old to spank?” Real Estate Agent, P. 0. Drawer Y, Sweet as dune Meadow •hells, which should have been chilled was busy, or she forgot. ' I said. She had not thought of that. DR. H. M. nLuorr Alexandria, Ont. It-tf^ on ice, place the frappe cream in al- Sometimes we owe our lack of Mother.s spend too little time in seri- NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS Vitwrbii, Btgww tmé t:bilM ternate layers with the melon pulp. ous thought on these things. — The thoughtfulness in the overy-day affairs Notice is hereby given, pursuant to GcMhial* OwUiio Tetaruar, OIBH». Fasten a narrow ribbon looped bow of life to the unfortunate habit of Tribune. The Trustee Act 1 Geo. V., Ont., Cap. KW,OB Btiwt, on the lids with long pins ; set the considering "our own” as somehow 26, that all creditors and others hav- melons on lace paper doilies and serve less entitled to consideration than oth ing claims against the estate of Don- AUzatatrii, (fortalio. Transit Insurance. with cake.' An excellent company des- ald Alex. McDonald (Glass), late of Parties taking or shipping Horses "I’m so sorry my rapid rocking has the Township of Lancaster, in the made you nervous” said a young girl County of Glengarry, Farmer, deceas- MISCELLANEOUS to the West, should have them EVIDENCES OF INDIGESTION. to an elderly visitor. "I would not ed, who died on or about the 9th day insured in the Coldness of feet and limbs is almost have done it knowingly for the world.’ of July, 1913, are required on or be- mvariably an evidence of indigestion. "It always makes me nervous, too, fore the 15th day of October, 1913, to a J. KAcnmNBLL The coldness is due not to the weak- to see any one r-ock so fast,” said the •end by post prepaid or to deliver to Lb—Aaetio—r General Animals Insurance Co., ness of the heart or feebleness, but to girl's -granclmother, quietly. The girl John Myles McDonald, Glen Robert- Fa* OoaoA, el Gbagan,. Of ontreal. the contracting of the small arteries, blushed crimson. It had never occur- •on P.O., one of the executors of the preventing blood from entering the red to her to consider her dearly loved last Will and Testament of the said AbzanM», Oakoiio. Policy issued from five to forty parts. There is generally an irritation grandmother in such little matters. Donald Alex. McDonald (Glass), their days, as required, covering them THIS IS THE PERFECT LOAF ®f the abdominal sympathetic nerve There is, moreover, another side to Christian and surnames, addresses and UTBBT 8TABLB8 for full value while in transit ; the mirror. "I can tell you whyMyra I )The large amount of milk in it and «enters which control the circulation descriptions with full particulars of BtabhK-Bt. CtHmim BA BMA che high quality of flour and other of the lower extremities. is so popular,” said a woman of wide their respective claims, duly verified also mares in foal covered for BMI of Gtwad Cnioa ■obi ingredients make it taste better, keep This difficulty is not to be removed sympathy and experience. .jiie's con- and that after the 15th day of Octo- thirty days from time of foaling, fresh longer and give more strength by exercise or by any special applica- siderate. She is neither too early nor ber, 1913, the executors will proceed to Ank. Melini*», FropiMa*, and foal also. and nourishment than any other. tion to the limbs, but by removal of too late. She is always in good hum- distribute the assets of the deceased Abundiia, Owblta. ihe causes of irritation. This may be or. She tries to do whatever is want- amongst the persons entitled thereto, Take out a Policy at once, One Loaf will convince vou. « prolapsed stomach or chronic indi- ed of her, but she never pushes herself I having regard only to such claims as TBL. M. 5911 and takano chances of having gestion. Hot and cold foot batlis are forward. She acknowledges invitations I they shall then have had notice. HOLBORN CAPE valuable. These act not simply on the and courtesies promptly, and never John Myles McDonald, a loss, when horses are so feet and limbs, but by reflex action changes her mind, for her own conven- ! Dan J. McDonald, O. Ranger, Proprietor valuable. ience, at the last moment. She never affect beneficially the abdominal sym- Executors. 473-475 St. James St. West JOHN ROBERTSON pathetic centers, which are in a diseas intrudes her personal affairs or her Glen Robertson, Ont. «d condition. moods upon her friends.” 84-4 122-126 Inspector St, Montreal JAS. KERR, Agent. ALEXANDRIA. The News,2Alexandria, Oi-t., October 3, 1913

POETS AS BOXERS. and It Is to his credit that he did not Houaehold Hints Care of Cream and smile, for the provocation was great; How John Eeats Knocked Out tlu “Sailing high In heaven’s blue. If using ammonia to soften water, Making of Butter Butcher. Dearest, now I think of you s'* Did You See put it in cool water instead of hot, as Î HEM BIDDLE’S ’ Are you thinking now of me the latter would evaporate the am- According to a French newspaper, tin Swinging 'neath the apple tree? No skill on earth can convert bad Cri de Paris, Maurice Maeterlinck, th< monia. cream into good butter, nor can cream She stood there UM>king half wist Belgian poet and dramatist, some tim< fully, half defiantly, al I’eter Lamb of first quality be expected from ago agreed to spar a number of roundi ! If the floors of a closet are wiped badly handled milk. Let one person when there sounded steps on ihe foot- with gasoline or benzine after being with Charpentier, the celebrated heavy ft T. & D. SAMPLES fail in his duty in the dairy and the weight champion of Europe. The poel [lath beyond the thick scretui of Iflaoe scrubbed, insects wj.1 be kept away. finished product suffers in consequence. and the pugilist appeared on behalf ol I It Lost Him His that hedged the fence. We must have healthy cows, fed whole “Hem Biddle’s sailing around. What t Melted beef drippings or tallow may a deserving Paris charity. :: some, mild flavored food and pure The author of “Pelleas and Melis 3 Bride ilo you make of it. Anna?” The wom- be used over' the top of jelly . instead water; dean, well ventilated stables ; Before selecting your . of paraffin, if the latter is not at ande” is thus following in the steps ol •> an’s sharp voice was eagerly curious. cows milked in a cleanly manner ; the another celebrated poet, Lord Byron hand. After the tallow is cold, if it .Another voice beyond the hedge an- 1 milk immediately strained through who prided himsdlf on being a skilleil ; has shrunk away from the glass, fill swered. "Pretty doings, I say, to gc two thicknesses of cheese cloth, and if boxer. He frequently attended meet ^ By KATHARINE GRAY in with more. ballooning the afternoon he’s going to put through a separator, the sooner ings of the ' ‘ Fancy ' ' at Bribb 'a and the better. So much has been written elsewheie, and in his diary he writes: get married!” When washing handkerchiefs, add Fall or Winter Suit? about the care of the separator, but have been sparring with Jackson “Th(‘re ain’t many girls would wait some slices of lemons to the boiling “Oiir fellow townsman, the well still we would fall short of our duty this morning and mean to continue and any longer for Mem Biddle. He’s been water, and they will come forth much known aeronaut,” was the manner in if \ve failed to emphasize the stern renew my acquaintance with my muf- going with Amabel six years, and any nicer and whiter. Another good way necessity of thoroughly washing and flers. Mv wind is in good plight, and 1 w'lH'h the Piiifhville Banner always one ‘-an see that the child Is tired te You should do so before to bleach handkerchiefs is to wash scalding the separator each time it am not in flesh. I used to be a hard ifienvd to Heineiiway Biddle. Mr. death of him and his freakish ways. them and then let them soak over is used. The bad flavor in lots of hitter.'' [Hddle was the eilitor of the Banner, night in water in which a 3|Rtlo cream But she’s got grit, and she’ll stick Iv butter might be traced to the carehiss Prom Byron’s friend and fellow-bard, ordering, and also ex- of tartar has been dissolved. Percy Bysshe Shelley, such ^^resolution «mi In tile great shed back of the her promise.” care of the separator. would have been impossible; yet, al- ‘vlnting office was anchored his big “Is what they said true?” hedemané- Borax is one of the best extermina- The fresh cream on no account should though in every sense of a retiring dis* ed hotly. be added to that already in the cream amine their styles. tors for ants, and shelves, and cracks, position, he could when needful resent on clear-days after the paper bad "Every word.” where the insects appear should be can, before it has been cooled. The an insult in true British style. Keats "Why do you stand it?” he blurted cream should be set in cold water and ^!)iie It* press Mr. Biddle might be seen sprinkled well with it. used to relate how he once astonished out. frequently stirred or it may be put a drunken and abusive waterman by tinkering away at his balloon or olse^ "I was quite fond of him,and I pron>- A preserve closet should be cool and in a shallow pan and set on a stone pitching into him in such unexpectedly • ij the act of soaring over the heads of ised. you know, and be Is always so j dark. If it has a glass door hang a floor where it will readily part witli rigorous style with his fists that the fel- -his neighiKjrs in the car attached to its heat. low soon bawled for mercy. sorry. i was wondering If we could Malone Co., black curtain over it. It is a good plan the gas Inflated craft. 81 signal to him now. Ah. here come* to wrap jars of cherries, raspberries C.’ream, to produce good butter, Keats himself, although constitution- Hem Biddie himself soared skyward and strawberries in paper to exclude must bo quickly cooled to below 55 ally delicate, was broad-shouldered, and niutherr She clasped her hands and ALEXANDRIA. ONT. the light. degrees. possessed no small amount of physical hei .'iiise he likiKi the strange sensation looked apprehensively at the little roly strength. He was, indeed, well able to ot hanging i>etween earth and heaven paly gray haired woman hastening to- The cream in the can needs stirring take his own part, as he conclusively When poaching eggs, try adding a from the very bottom to the top twice wiiU the ever present element of dan ward the apple tree. teaspoon of vinegar to the water. This proved when assaulted by a hectoring a day and the can kept covered. In butcher, who mistook for cowardice the gm attached thereto. As a counter “Amabel Paine!” cried the lady In t helps toset the white and keeps it from winter the can should stand in a clean, t's naturally retiring manner. Quick- shocked tone. "Here on your wedding spreading. r HTirant to editing a country weekly airy place at a temperature between afternoon entertaining company! Oh, did he find out his error as he rose, imw-spaper he believed there was noth- 50 and 00 degrees. In summer keep amid the jeering laughter of his com- how de do! Peter Lamb, did you say? To remove stains from sewing ma- iiti; like it. excepting always Amabel the cream in the coolest part of the panions, from the mud into which h« Little Peter Lamb, bless your beartl chine oil, washing in a lather made, Titine dairy or cellar or in a tank of cold bad been sent by a straightly-delivered The last time 1 saw you you were 1* of soap, cold water and a tablespoon- water. .\t (Ills particular moment the Ban blow. knee* pants and (’alieo blouses. You’’H ful of ammonia will usually prove suc- Churn at least twice a week in Charles Kingsley, besides '^being a net liad gone to press and was in the excuse Amabel, won’t you? She’s go- cessful, but in the case of colored lin- warm weather and three times in two novelist, was a poet of no mean order. hands of its eager readers. Hem Bid- ing to be married at and it’s after ens and cottans the ammonia should weeks in cold weather. He was, too, wnat may be termed a die was waling the airy heights, and Geo. P. McLaughlin & Co. be employed cautiously, as it is ant to 5 now. Come. Amabel.” The cream should test from 25 lo bandy man with bis fists. “There was Ainaltel I'alne was swinging in a ham- fade the color. She tucked her hand under the girl** 28 per cent, butter fat and should another professor whose lectures we at- iiuH-k under the apple tree in her front A good home-made polish for floors tended together,” wrote the Bev. arm and smiled, but it was plain that have a â.eàn, mild acid taste and smell yiird, can be prepared as follows : Melt half and be of the consistency of easily Pitcairn Campbell, who was a fellow she was shocketl at the unconventional CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, .-\inabers eyes, blue as the sky above, a pound of beeswax by setting the ves- [ pouring molasses. undergrckduate with Kingsley at Cam- liehavlor of the bride to be. “Have sel containing it in an outer vessel were flxed dreamily on the gi'een can- SLEIGHS, ETC. The barrel churn free of dashets bridge, “one who taught the gentle art you sAH*n Hem?” she asked quickly. of boiling water, and to the wax add, of self-dofence—a negro of pure blood opy of leaves overhead. There was or workers inside, is to bo preferred. .\mabel pointKl upward where the bill while stirring constantly, a quart of —who appeared to have more joints in one s;K>t where she could see the sky. Agents for Maple Leaf Brand Stoves. Eanges After scalding and cooling the churn, loon circled lazily against the blue aky.. turpentine. When the compound is strain in the cream Chrough a perfor- bis back than are usually allotted to Smideiily across this bit of sky there and Heaters Mrs Paine’s eyes narrowed, and ber well blended, add half a cup of house- ated tin strainer. The temperature bnmanity. m ed a bUn'k blot. face flushtal. “Amabel!” she cried, hold ammonia, and let it stand in hot of the cream depends on so many Robert Burns, besides being an adept ' Oh. Ixitherl” iwnited Amabel, all at at such athletic exercises as putting the with tears iu her eyes. “If he forget* water on the back of the stove for fif- [ things — the richer the cream, the on e rememl>ering that she was en- Call and See Our Ranges and Stoves teen minutes. It is then ready to use. stone, well knew how to tabe care of again 1 shall die of mortification. I lower the temperature, the fresher the gageai to Hem Biddle. It was ratbei Apply while warm with a flannel cloth cows in milk the lower the tempera- bimself in a “tum-up”; while another can’t stand. It.” Scottish bard, James Ho^, the Ettrick diseoncerting to rerollect it, for at that and then polish. If you haven't a ture, the more succulent the food the Amabel’s lips trembled In a smite Shepherd, was in his youth a doughty very moment she had been dreamily We have the best line of Force Pumps on weighted polisher you can make one lower the temperature. Much of the that was near to tears. opponent for anyone who fancied him- reliving a few lietichms hours spent in from an old carpet sweeper by putting long churning is due to having too the market. self as a boxer. On one occasion, it is Peter Lamb suddenly brought one a brick inside and covering with 1 much cn^am in the churn. Never the I'ompany of Peter l.amb the pre- turkish towelling or wrap it around related, he contested for upwards of an vious evening. fist Into'the palm of his open hand. fill the churn over half full and it is •‘Mrs. Paine, if Hem Biddle Isn’t oa Special Attention Given to Undertaking an ordinary blackboard eraser and hour with a strapping guardsman, a The gate creaked Inward, and Petei better to start with it but one third man bis superior in weight and inches, hand at G:30 the wedding can go on just proceed. This polish will keep inde- j full. Lamb’s massive form ploilded sturdily Prompt and Efficient Service Guaranteed and one, moreover, who had fought the same if you will listen to reason.” finitely, but should be warmed each In summer it is not necessary to use clown the shell path to the apple tree time before using. more than one desperate battle for a "What do you mean?” demanded the Sunday and Night Calls, Kenyon Street, 2nd door west Ottawa Bank coloring. In winter a little good but- money stake. Despite his qualifications .\iual>el watchtMl him, delighting in the puzzled lady. ter color adds to the appearance of the the soldier was at length obliged to glint of sunshine on his blond bead An inexpensive and harmless way of ^’eter Lamb explained volubly, and butter and is in no way injurious. Own himself beaten. and the answering gleam in his brown bleaching white clothes which have Avoid over-coloring, from 2 to 4 drops In Ms youth the ability of Richard eyes when they met hei*s. She blushed •\inabel added timid words of consent. i Geo. P. McLaughlin & Co. yellowed is to soak them overnight in If Hem Isn’t here at 6:30,” said per pound will be sufficient and if Hengist Home, the author of “Orieoi” and her eyes hid themselves undei ■ sour buttermilk, then wash them in only making a small quantity, a great- Phone 22 Alexandria, Ont. ^ and other poems, as a boxer stood him drcKiping lids as she sat up in the Mrs. Paine. “Peter, you can take hi* the usual* way. er uniformity in the color of the but- on more than one occasion in good hammock and allowed her little hand place. Come, Amabel!” And she bore ter will be maintained by counting stead. During the time he was serving t(» rest an instant in his big one. (he blushing bride away down the the drops for each churning. in the Mexican Navy he was one night, path to the house. Keeping up a good speed so long as when on shore, attacked by two desper- ”1 accepted your Invitation to call,” It was deliciously cool and pleasatft the cream drops. Butter should come adoes, who, armed with knives, thought he laughed rather awkwardly as he sat up there In the evening sky. Delicate in between twenty and thirty minutes. to have an easy prey. Woefully, how- down in a big rustic chair and tossed It it breaks soon, add a dipper of ever, were they mistaken, for Horae, bus hat to the grass, “You can see tints of primrose and pale rose flecked cold water. This checks the gathering teeing what they were up to, dodged -thaï 1 haven’t waited.” tho blue and silver sunset sky. Hent , their onslaught, and, with a cou*J>le of and gives a more exhaustive chuening. .‘Amabel’s uroutb curved deliciously Biddle, sunburned and frowsy witk I well-directed blows, laid them sprawling I disheveled hair. leaiuHl against the side -I am glad,” SIH* murmured, soothing at his feet. the seam of her white duck skirt f of the car and dreamily scanned the “I’m that sort When I want to do a green earth below. Duka's Private Army. Poultry Terms thing I can’t wait.” he went on ear- Most of the afternoon had been spent The Duke of AthoU occupies the nestly “I don’t believe 1 understand in hovering over the vicinity of the ISÎA-DRU-CO unique position of being the only one Paine place, where a certain white There seems to be a somewhat hazy ttie pleasures of anticipation. I know I of the King's subjects who maintains speck in the garden represented Ama- iîRUBY ROSE SM notion among amateurs as to the ox- I an army of his own. By a special act what 1 want when I see it and then l>el. An uneaslnes.s had prevailed i* act meaning of the terras used to ^ of grace the late Queen Victoria, short- 1 want it right away.” . his mind the last hour. There wa* GOLD CREAM designate young and old stock. A ly after she ascended the throne, pre- •‘Yc^?” Amabel smoothed another Imparts a soft and velvety charm pullet, strictly speaking, is a female a^ted the AthoU Highlanders with re- team. • . some task unfulfilled, some promise t» under one year old. After she has at- had not kept. What was It? He to the complexion, and counteracts gimental colors, and thus they were vpra going to SIHK U you. Miss Paine.” t.ained her full maturity she is a hen, the effects of raw, cold winds and duly constituted an “army.” The went on this sfaitling young man in gazed dreamily at the sunset and con>- over-dry indoor air. Splendid for but in the trade we speak of a fowl Duke himself is colonel of the “regi- a detenniued tone [K)sed another poem. cracked lips and chapped hands. as a pullet until she has completed ment,” while his eldest son, the Mar- The balloon drifteeet you at the schoolbouse It was Wednesday, the 17th, and he Highlanders, many of them standing 6 erel. Cocks are older males, usually daiK'e last night and not remember was to be married this evening to having passed through one season’s feet 4 inches high. your name, I su|)|K)se 1 used to call Amabel. breeding. If you order cockerels for ymi Amy,” be endiKl daringly. For the third time he had forgotten breeding purposes you will get birds Whiskers. Amabel said nothing, and Mr. Lamb, it Twice Amabel had forgiven hlot that have not been used for breeding ^Whiskers” was a word formerly But now! When ordering pullets you will get need to designate the hair on the up- taking a fresh grip on his courage, He looked at his watch. It was half females that , are under eighteen pw Up. Scott more than once speaks leaned forward eagerly. His hand- mouths, at the most. A cockerel of “whiskers on the upper lip,” and so some face was quite crimson with em- past 6, the hour for the ceremony. should never be used to breed from does. Defoe in Robinson Crusoe.” barrassment, but his brown eyes were He leaned over the car In an agony of before he is a year old. A pullet, if Johnson defined a “whisker” as “the pools of flaming determination. fear. There was much activity about she- begans to lay at six months, may hair growing on the upper lip ox cheek “Don’t laugh, please, but 1 love you, the Paine place Little groups of peo- be bred from at nine months of age, unshaven, a mustachio. ” It seems to Amabel. 1 want to mari7 you,” be ple dotted the lawn, some in white. p'o.ŸpÜ; §4^ kave taken, its name from a fancied but .she will be better if not bred from said briefly Those were women, and the dark one* resemblance to a small brush, to till she is one year old. The progeny Tlie girl’s eyes flashed up with a were men. He guessed they were gaz- from mature stock is much more vig- “whisk” prc^rly meaning to sweep, Know WKatThis startled question In their blue depths. ing up at him. waiting for him. Poor orous and of a larger size than that and a **whisker” having been a par- ticular kind of feather brush; also, in It was as If she were questioning his Amabel! He snatched at the rope from immature stock. that released the gas, and the balloon Label Means ? A setting of eggs is thirteen, al- the slang of a former time, a switch siiH-erlty. His eyes answered her. or rod. In the seventeenth century a dropp>ed earthward. Again he lookefl though many poultrymen have in-, “I can’t.” slH? whisiH'red sadly. ^‘whisker” signified, among other over, and now he saw that the people W creased it to fifteen. A broiler is a “Why not?” His voice was tense. things, a brazen lie, a “whopper.” bird weighing two pounds or less and A, shadow passcHl between them and had streamed into the bouse. There from 6 to 12 weeks old. A spring the sun. was a carriage before the gate! It means cement of the lughest possible quality. chicken is a young bird weighing over Rival to Panama. ■•'rhat” She pointcHl upward. At exactly 7 o’ckx'k the balloon land- It means cement tested by experts whose authority is final at aD out mill.. two pounds. A capon is the male bird The decision of the. Hon. Frank Coch- “Why. what do you mean? It’s a ed in the middle of Ebenezer Paine’s It means cement acknowledged by engineers, architects and hundreds of thousands deprived of its generative organs for rane, Canadian Minister of Railways bailamb were receiving congratulations forthwith to be resumed—has given a for a concrete wrUeting trough. You can use pounds. A roaster weighs four or Mis Jaw tightened. “Ah! It’s the and answering the (luestlons of dared new stimulus to the discussion of the more pounds.- A poult is a turkey in wedding guests. .Mrs. I'alne was ex- merits and utilities of this project. The nan, I sup[>ose'/'” • its first year. A poulard is a pullet plaining matters to Hem Biddle’s to deprived of the power of producing Hudson Bay Railway is designed to “I am (Migag<‘d to Mr. Biddle.” she iignant relative.s ami friends. Canada Cement eggs, 'with the object of great size. bring the vast grain areas of the Cana- Taid with dignity dian Northwest within a hauling dis- •Biddle! Ilem Biddle of the Ban- Ebtmezer I'aine, stiffly garbed in bis with complete confidence that your concrete [work will be thoroughly satigfactoiya A trio is a male and two females. A tance of Liverpool of 3,500 miles, or Sunday clothas, creaked across the You ought to have this confidence in the cement you use, because you have not th« breeding pen is generally made up of some 1,800 miles less than the existing facilities for testing its qualities, such as are at the disposal of the engineers in charge of from six to fourteen females and a "V(‘s,’* lawn, through the orchard aod into the rail and lake routes through Montreal, big contracting jobs. male. The male chicken is called a Me got upon his feet, and his white cornfield. He frowned at the broke* St. John and New York. These engineers know that when cement has passed the tests made upon it at Gurmrlg cock, the male goose a gander, the ;i[ts curved in a wry smile. ‘Must my corn, and a quizzical look came lot* Cement mills, it will pass all their tests. male duck a drake, and the male tur- iiick to get here too late. 1 hope you his eyes when he saw Hem Biddle Town in the Making. And this same cement is sold to you for your silo, your foundations, your feeding^fioor» key a tom. will l>e very happy. Mi.ss Paine. Is— crawling out from the folds of silk our milk.house or your watering-trough. C A city at the mouth of the new U to l>e very sopn?” that enveloped the basket of the bal- •ed sccordlas to tko Idirocdons in Onr fne book “Wbot the Farmer can do with Concrete,” Welland Ship Canal is no longer ^ day .\mal>el redden«si from brow to chin, loon. Hem was disgracefully untidy. Cemept never faila to tive aatUfactory reaulta. Write for the book. It not onlr telle yon how to mix dream. Far-sighted capitalists, seeing end place concrete, bat wiH alao augxeat aoorea ef oaea for it on ^oar farm, every one of them Valoablo hut she held her bead haughtily. “It— “Better late than never.” he salfl Co you. in Ibr the book you oo not ineor the alighteet oblisation. To frost a cake evenly to the very the possibilities ahead, have taken the edge, and yet prevent, the icing from initial steps to map out the city-that-is- It is indefinite.’’ she stammered. apologetically. There U e Cenede Cement Dealer in Your Nelghboiiieod running down the sides, double a piece to-be. *‘Thank you for your good wishes.” Ebenezer Paine smiled grimly. Âddrttt! Farmtr^ Information Buroau of stiff waxed papej: and pin it about Port Weller is to be the name of the He was holding her baud tightly and “You’ve said that three times. Hem. the cake closely, letting the band come new municipality—a name chosen in hH>king quite unconscious of that fact. and 1 reckon the proverb’s worn out. about half an inch above the top of honor of Chief J. L. Weller, the man Something small and dark hurtled This time ‘it’s better never come at aS Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal the cake. Spread on the icing thiclAy who conceived tho building of the new down through the branches and fell at than be late.’ ” ship canal, and is in full charge of the and evenly. Do not remove the paper i’eter’s feet “But Amabel.” murmured the crest- construction of the great work. until the icing is set. “What’s that?” he gasped. fallen aeronaut wiping his grimf “It’s mine!” cried Amabel sharply. hands on his coat I’o clean a smoke-blackened ceiling . Satiety Possible. “Mr. Biddle often amuses himself by “Amabel,” remarked the bride’s to Make a fairly,thick paste of starch and *'My firm opinion is, yon can't get dropping messages down to me from ther thoughtfully—“why, Amabel wait- w'ater, and apply this with a pad of too much of anyfink! ” flannel. When dry, brush off wdth a “'Ere, chuck it, Billl Wot about the balloon as he circles above. His ed till 6:35, and then she married aa soft brush, and you will find the result *time'f ” poetry Is very good.” old sweetheart who was interestefl t well worth the trouble. Feter Lamb read the lines distlnctlj^ •cough to be there on time.” Hei.>

Sunday School, was lu-ld in the church Messrs. .\Iex. Hanley, .Dan McGilli- the person of Mr. Hugh Cameron, LiirLBiiTEns at the hour of morning service. The vray and 1). D. Campbell of McCrim- HYMENEAL passed away at the residence of hia o!*der of service to iie a very appro- mon, were ijusiness visitors on Mon- son, Mr. Alei. Cameron, contractor, -BREACH OF PiK)MISE 'OUAL. day. Johnston—Molloy.. H«sr tho Broach of Promis» Case in priate one. Rev. Ü. Stewart delivered Main -St. south, on Wctlnesday even- a short address ’ to the children on Messrs. U. S. Wood, Glen Brook; J. An exirémely pretty and int(jresting ing, Oct. 1st; at the age of Si years. -'AlearÆTider Hall, on Wednesday next. wedding took place at high noon in Hardware I H. CDWfifS furniture ■‘Cod's Helpers.” The evening service The funeral takes place on Saturday AH evening of fun and pleasure is pro- D. Campbell, Corn^wall, and J. A. was of a musical character in which Kennedy, Glen R<»y, were in town on St. I’auFs Church, SanrTOBER SESSION. tion this day begins the year of the at the Ottawa House on I'uesday. The Cormties^ Council of the United creation, o674. 1'ho mercantile estab- the bride, played the wedding march,^ Couzrties of Stormont, Dundas and lishments »f Messrs. Simon and Mark- "Mr. W. Lebeouf, Tnanager of the as the bride entered the church lean- Buy a ‘Canada* Glengarry, will meet at the Court son, which wore closed to the public Union Bank, Papineauville, Que., while ing on the arm of her uncle, Mr Geo. 3So«se, (’ornwall, at eight o^dock on yesterday and today, will ro-open for in town for the week-end, was cordial- Dey, of Dunvegan. The bride, who BOOK nBotiSay, the 13th inst., pursuant to business at five o'clock this afternoon. ly greeted by his many friends. was unattended, looked the picture of Pocket Insurance is Cheapj Drop in and let us show you why the “ Canada ” is Mr. S. Savage of Ottawa, spent the girlish grace in a gown of iv<>ry crepe andjonmment from the June session. CATGARY S'PAR'TS CAMPAIGN. YOU can insure your pock- ' week-end in town with Mrs. Savage, meteor caught with sprays of orange etbook by reading the ad- j the best Range made. 'KRJJJ- HALL STARiLD. The city of ('algary’s Industrial Bu- who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. blossoms. A wreath of the same blos- Iffr. John Lowery of Ottawa, was *he reau has started a campaign for the vertisements in this paper-. 1). R. Macdonald. spms held the v(>il of embroidered tuell The manufsfeturers of the X «nccessîiiî tenderer for the erection of removal of the duty on American Mrs. -T. Mc\rthnr and the Misses new drill hall here. Mr. Lowery in place. After the ceremony the-bri- most reliable goods and the Quebec Heaters wheat, so that western Canada may Jane and Maygio McArthur, of North j dal party repaired the home of the ;«cooTTipanied by his son, Mr. E. J. take full advantage of the new Wil- merchants who seH them are T.ancaster, visited friends in town on bride's mother, where a dainty lun- telling you what is best, what ïo’wery, arrived in town, on Monday son tariff, the passage of which thru Wednesday. cheon was served. The dining room with and tfîthout Grates and Ovens • *iomhig, and operations were com- C'ongress is now assured, and in which is cheapest, what is most de- Sister l\raric F.dmond of the Sisters was prettily decorated and lighted sirable and where it can be 'sneiiced immediately. Already the ex- there is a provision for the free entry of Providence», Montreal, was the guest with candles. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston cavation is well under way. of Canadian wheat into the United bought. last week of her uncle, Mr. 1). Cour- then motored to Vankleek Hill where They know what they are Window Glass, Putty, Stove Pipes and OCTOBER DEVOTIONS. States provided the Canadian Govern- ville, and other relatives here. they boarded the 4.30 train for Mont- X Owing to 'the workmen being engag- ment removes its present duty on Am- talking about, and they would ❖ Mr. D. Edgar MacRae, district re- real, Que!>ec and other points. The not talk in such an expensive Goal Hods -d*d the extensive improvements to erican wheat. presentative Department of Agricul- bride wore a travelling suit of navy •3he «n&Ae on St. Finnan's Cathedral, PJ'TLDIXr; COMMITTEE MEETS! manner unless they knew ture, paid Ottawa a business visit this blue broad cloth with hat to match. their words would bear in- % 'dAe Tf^vilar October devotions cannot A meeting of the building committee On their return Mr. and Mrs. Johnston îi^d this year. In the church of of the House of Refuge was held in, spection. I'hey want to save ^Mr. J. E. Jncklin of the Canadian will reside at Lansdown. A costly money for you because by so ■tfce Sacred Heart service takes place Cornwall, on Friday last. Those pre- Bond Hanger and Coupling Co., after array^ of wedding gifts including che- mi 7J.5 p.m. on Wednesday and Fri- sent were : Dr. E. H. Marcellus, chair- doing they make a perma- a most enjoyable trip to the Oldt'oun- ques, silverware and cut glass, boars nent customer of you. ' Jay evenings. man, Messrs. John J. Calder, G. W. trv, returned to town on Friday. testimony of the high esteem in which ^ FtmCHASED NEW PIANOS. Bogart, S. .1. McDonell and J. A. C. Rev. D. Stewart assisted at the the bride was held. The groom's gift It takes little time and lit- Mr. D. Mulhern disposed of hand- Huot. The electric light plant install- pre-comi^union services in St. Colum- to the bride was a set of furs, to the tle trouble to read the adver- NEXT POST OFFICE ■mam» Sherlock-Manning pianos to the ed by T^eister's ElecJ^ric IJght Co. of ba Church, Kirk Hill, on Friday and organist a pearl brooch. 'Rie bride's tisements and few occupa- ♦ '-^hBc^ing this week: Messrs. -I. G. London, England, with ofllce at Tor- Satui-dny last. gift to the groom was a diamond tions will pay better. The re- t ^ iSBope, Summerstown : D. O’Brien, A. onto, was tested, and found to give Miss Catherine Campbell returned stick pin. Among the guests from a turns are immediate and the BL Demoulin, Alexandria, and A. D. .entire satisfaction. The formal open- home on Saturday after spiending a distance we-re : Miss H. and Messrs. profits are in cash. Morevrood, Ont. I ing to the House of P.efiige will take few days with relatives at St. Raph- D. and K. Davidson, Dr. and Mrs. ■■"irELCOME TEAC^ElîS. place on Thursday, Oct. 16th, while Crain, Crysler ; Mrs. E. A. Dey and As we go to p^ss the members of inmates will be aclmitted on the 2<>th Mr. Angus J. McDonell of Montreal, Miss Jessie Dey, Finch. tba Glengarry Teachers' Institute are inst. The various municipalities are was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Alex ■ now being notified to that effect. NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME '» session assembled. The News joins D. Macdonoll, Bisho]) St., for the week Weegar—Sauve. NEW BAKERY with our citizens generally in extend- “Young man, if you have never end. A quiet wedding took place at the To place that Order for ing them a cordial welcome to Alex- been up in Court you had better Messrs. Walter MacMillan and Arthur Manse, Alexandria, on Thursday after- CATHERINE ST., ALEXANDRIA. ■ a^ria and trust that their short stay attend the Breach of Promise Case Small of Montreal, were guests over soon, October 1st, at 5 o'clock, when Your Printed Stationery Jiere may be A pleasant one. The Con- Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Mac- Miss Bernadette Sauve, youngest aaanght Club entertained in their hon- at Alexander Hall, Alexandria, on Millan,'ÆKmdonald Cottff"'e. daughter of Mr. J. F. Sauve of Alex- Plain and Fancy Bread, Buna, Cakes, etc. •««r last evening in Kennedy Hall. Wednesday evening, October 8th- Mr. A~ (t. McBean of Montreal’, re- andria, was united in marriage to Mr. Sanitary Oven Used “ The News ” Job Department newed acquaintances in town on Sat- -BNTTED CONI^ENTION Clarence H. IVeegar, son of Mr. J. W. All Orders Will receive prompt attentinn urday. His many friends -were indeed Weegar of MaxviP.e. The ceremony Is ) eplete with everything AT DUN VEGAN. pleased to meet him. A rallving united convention '.J the was performed by Rev. D. Stewart, necessary to give satisfaction PER SONALS Mr. J. D. McDonald of Montreal, pastor of the Preslyvterian church. On- -S.S. and C.E. Societies of the Presby- spent the carlv part of the week with J. A. Charlebois, tery of Glengarry will be held in Dun- Mr. J. R. McMaster paid Montreal ly a few intimate friends of the con- a business visit this week. Mrs. McDonald and family. Highland tracting parties were present. Old Post Office Block, Alexandria vegan, on the 14th and L5th October, Chief Farm. 37tf. Prompt Service and Right Prices "^beginning at two o'clock. It is hoped Mr. Richard r.imny, Montreal, spent The happy couple carry with them the week-end with friends at Glen Roy. Rev. J. R. Douglas and Mrs.Douglas the congratulations of their many ti&at -Gl the Young People's Societies of Kirk Hill, left on Monday forNova -:Aiid Schools will have a goodly dele- Mr. Murdoch McRae of Dyec.. trans- friends. ^ v . acted business here on Saturday. Scotia to attend the golden wedding ctation present at these meetings. of Mr. Douglas' parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brady, Miss T. Mc- KATJ.ORAN—MCDONALD. A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS. Donald and Mr. Ernest Brady of Lan- Mr. D. Mulhern left yesterday on a The Interdenominational T-aymens' Mr. James McDonald,. merchant, St. short visit to Ix>ndon. Before returning, The wedding of a very popular Co- Missionary Conference which met last Raphaels, was in town on Tuesday. to town the early part of the week he balt couple took place yesterday morning at St. Patrick's Roman Agents for The Glengarry Buggy Ford Motor Cars week at Vanklcek Hill, proved to be Mr. K. A. Fraser of McCrimmon, will spend a day or two in Toronto. m snccess both from point of numbers transacted business here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. j. J. Morris sp»ent the Catholic church, when Rev. Father .3B ^attendance and the bill of fare pro- Mr. Allan D. McDonell of Glen Nevis, week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr O’Gorman united in marriage Mr. J. *vtded on the programme. Rev. D. did business here on Friday. and Mrs. Angus McDonald, Elgin St., J*., Kalloran, who for the past seven ■ Stewart, Messrs. McGillivray and I4Î8S Lillian .Johnson of Glen Rob- returning to Montreal Monday mom- years has been a resident of Cobalt ' <^ewson of this place, were among ertson, was in town on Saturday. ing. and who originally came here from JOHN ANGUS MCMILLAN & CO. • «K>se who were present. Mr. A. A. McDonald of Greenfield, VMr. Ross Tarit on, after spending Calabogie, and Miss Mary McDonald, formerly of Cornwall, but who has •^imERCIAL HOTEI> I.EASED. was here for a few hours on Monday. some time with his parents, Mr, and / 3Er. Art^ie M. McDougall, who - for Messrs. M. !.. Fyke and H. Tracey, Mrs. E. I. Tarlton, took his depart\ire been a resident of Cobalt for some time past. The groom was assisted V FUNERAL DIRECTORS * lime past had occupied the Maxville, were Newscallers on Friday. Sunday evening for Brantford, Ont., to by Mr. ButJ^r and the bride by Hotel, on Monday of this week Rev. J. R. Douglas of Kirk Hill, fill a lucrative position there. was in town on Saturday. Miss Bertie McDonald .of Glen Roy, her sister,'.,^iss''^May McDonald. -BBoVed into the Commercial Hotel, Last eveni;Dg A^dance and reception ' which he has leased,, and where, we Mr. and Mrs. McCosham of Bridge who spent several davs visiting her ^TOVES & RANGES, HARNESS, &c. T»sder^and, he will conduct a board- End, visited friends here on Monday. sister, Mrs. Jack McDougald, Elgin were.given to.!^ir^ $nd Mrs. Kalloran at Harihony pall by their many house. Reeve J. A. 0. Huot spent Friday St., returned home on Sunday. in Cornwall. Mr. E. H. Tiffany, K.C., paid Max- friends and the best evidence of their ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO BOW ABOUT YOUR popularity was that the affair drew THANKSGIVING TURKEY ? Capt. C. Ferguson of Ottawa, was ville ■ a professional visit on .WWnes- here for a few hours on Monday. day. the largest attendance of the season The Thanksgiving turkey will be Among the vi.sitors from Cotton at the hall. Thé couple were accom- WE ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF CUTTFRS this year and wholesalers hesit- Mr. R. A. Macdonald of Greenfield, was here on Tuesday. Beaver here on Monday we noticed : panied from the home of the bridées mie to suggest what the probable Mr. and Mrs. F. McCrimmon, Messrs. parents to the hall by Pipers Sharpe yilc€ tnay be. Throughout the turkey Mr. .1. E. Leduc, merchant, Fourn- ier, visited friends in town this week. Hector Bethune, Jas, McCrimmon and and Johnston. The dance program «^hstrlcts there is a great scarcity ow- J. D. McLeod. included many enjoyable numbers and to the cold, wet spring. There are Mr*. Hoey of Btootreal, was the guests of relati>^ here this week. Miss Ada C’hisholm, nurse-in-train- it was an early hour this morning more ducks, geese and chievens than ing, Western Hospital, Montreal, vis- when the entertainment broke up. Aor some years past. Mr. and Mrs. A. Markson spent a portion of the week In Montreal. it^ her mother, Mrs. Peter Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. Rdlloran were the BON. SYDNEY FISHER Mr. A. D. McPherson of T^ancaster, Lochiel, on Monday. Miss MurielProc- recipients of many beautiful presents. AUCTION SALE TTKE CANDIDATE. was in town for several hours onMon- tor was also with her for the day. They will reside on Lang street.—Co- At St. Martine, Que., on Monday, day. Mr. M. L. Shepherd and the Misses balt Nugget. We Will Offer at Auction, in Our Own Yard, on Hon. Sydney Fisher was chosen Mr. Alex. Campbell and son of Mc- Lena and Dora Shepherd, who spent The bride is a daughter of Mr. and «on the first ballot as the Liberal can- Crimmon, were visitors to town on several weeks with thtdr grandmother, Mrs. John D. R. McDonald, former re- ^^idate for Chateauguay. He received Monday. Mrs. M. Shepherd, of Riceville, arriv- sidents of Alexandria. m two thirds vote on the first ballot, Mr. J. Hay of Ste. Anne de Pres- ed home Monday evening. WEDNESDAY, ©©TOBER 8th i^irty-seven voting for him out of cott, was in town for a few hours on Mrs. J. 0. Simpson, Kenyon street ’«Ixty. On a second unanimous decla- Friday. east, has as her guests at present her : OBITUARY ration in favor of Mr. Fisher was the Miss Ettie Kerr had as her guest parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Massey, Me. Alexander Munro. 19 Dump Carts and outcome. this week, her friend, Miss Christine of Malone, N.Y., and Miss Mary Pow- It is our sad duty to .announce the iïFEDNESDAY EVENING'S TRIAL. McDonald, of Ottawa. ell of Washington, D.C. death of Mr. Alexander Munro of In- The Breach of Promise Case to be Messrs. Mai. Campbell of Dunvegan, Mrs. A. Tv. McDonald and little son, dian Head, Sask., a brother of Mur- Cart Harness, almost new ^tried in Alexander Hall, on Wednes- and Dougal McKinnon of Kirk Hill, Alexander T.oyd, of Greenfield, are at ' doch Munro, solicitor, of this town, »day evening, October 8th, in which were Ncwscallers on Monday. present visiting her cousin, Mrs. Dun- and an old time resident of Alexan- xthe leading characters arc prominent Mrs. W. J. Blanchard and little son can O'Connor, Alunroe's Mills. dria, where for some years he carried We will also sell a few HORSES and MARES on this date «■wtôrenB, will mean two hours and a of Cornwall, were the guests this week Messrs. D. A. McDonald, Greenfield ; on business as a druggist. of real fun. ITie mirth provoking of Miss M. McCormick, station. Wm. Irvine, Dalkeith ; P. H. McDer- About fourteen years ago Mr.Munro SALE TO COMMENCE ONE O’CLOCK, SHARP =»ituAtions and local hits will he rich. Mrs. H. L. Cheney, who spent some mid, Martintown ; A. A. McKinnon, married Miss Mary E. Tomb, daught- Ton can't afford to miss this court ns days in town, returned to Thomas- Lochiel ; W. J. McGregor, North Lan- tr of the late David Tomb, and sister A like opportunity may never present burg the latter part of last week. caster ; R. R. Sangster and R. J. Pat- of Mr. James Tomb of this place. atself again. Tickets now on sale at Mr. John S. Fraser of Williamstown tingale, Lancaster, were among the The funeral on Tuesday, to the Miss Cuddon's jewellery store. Court paid Alexandria a business visit on directors at the Glengarry Farmers' North Branch cemetery, was largely tcafled at 8.15. Friday. Mutual Fire Insurance meeting held attended by old friends from Corn- S3ACES AT MAXVILLE. Mr. J. M. Thiiiiens, Vankleek Hill, Imre on Saturday. wall, Alexandria, Martintown, Wil- Three hundred dollars have been registered at the Grand Union on Fri- Mrs. Walter MacMillan and son re- j Uamstown, Apple Hill, and the sur- 'fltrung up in purses for the races to be day. turned home to Montreal 'Tuesday even I rounding country. ■ 'held at Maxville on Wednesday, Oct. 8. Mr. D. D. MacMillan. Dundonald Cot- ing after spending a very enjoyable I The services were conducted at the -Judging from the horses already on- tage, was in Afontreal for a few days month the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. residence of his' brother, Mr. William ttered, the best of sport will be provîd- last week. D. MacMillan, Dundonald Cottage. Munro, his old home, by Rev. Mr. Go- €Cted. IBAD BLAZE IN CORNWALL. St. Raphaels. Mrs. Alexander McDonell, 14th Con. The upper portion of the iron block We extend our warmest sympathy to I Mr. Alex. McNeil of Skye, was here Indian Lands, Apple Hill, who has the bereaved relatives. 3u Cornwall, owned by the estate of I on business bent the early part of the been touring the West for several 0) '