■w TOL. XXI ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 191,3 57 Notice. I Card of Thank- The Counties’ Council of United Impressions of a Trip King George Wel- Official Visit To Disinfect Soil- •Counties of Stormont, Dundas and To the Editor of the News, dengarry, will meet at Court House. Dear Sir:—Through the columns of Cornwall, on Monday the 13th day of your paper 1 wish to warmly thank October, A.l). 1913, at 8 o’clock p.m., my friends and neighbor# for the val- To Tile Old Coontry comes Canadians To Canada ed BookNotes LL. pursuant to adjournment from June uable assistance rendered on Sunday Mr. Donald McKay, M.A., Principal i The Alexandrians here broke off from London, Sept. 27.—The Canadian Mr. H. A. Conroy, inspector of In- Ottawa, Oct. 1.—The Finance Ds- Session. last at the titne of the desliruction of the rest of the party and followed the officers returning to London from the dian Agencies, returned to Ottawa partment, under the direction of Hon. Cornwall, Sept. 20th, 1913. my bam by fire. of the Alexandria High School, who, with Mrs. McKay, recently returned bent of their own inclinations during army manoeuvres keenly appreciate ^ last week from his visit of inspection IW. T. White, is making an interest- ADKIAN I. MACDOXELL, With grateful appreciation of their from the Old Country, has favored us a portion of the time, though they the gracious attention of theKing who I to a place known as Treaty Eight, 8(TO J ing teat of a new method for tlis :36-3 Ceunty Clerk services I am. with a very interesting summary of of course joined the other members in made the following special reference miles north of Edmonton. In this dis- 1 sterilization of bank notes. The new Yours truly, their experiences and reminincences of visiting such places as the Zoological to them in his closing speech at Wee- ! trict there are 8,000 treaty Indians Bank Act provides that the Treasury Hattie M; McRae. Gardens, Windsor» Eton (where ^we don Barracks : j and 3,500 non-treaty Indians. Mr- the four. Mr. and Mrs. McKay ac- •r® Board may make regulations provîd* MaxvilV, Oct. 2nd, 1913. companied the party of Canadian were entertained to tea by the he; Î Conroy visits the 18 agencies in this ing for the disinfection and stylisa- *‘I am delighted to welcome officers I district once each year and distributes teachers organized by Mr. Ney, and we master, the Rev. the Hon. E. Lytt' of the forces of my overseas Domin- tion by the several banks of bank feel sure our readers will appreciate Ion), the Tower of London, the Militdit^ [ about 835,000 in money and several notes and Dominion notes which hav« AUCTION SALE ion whom I trust have derived both thousands of dollars worth of provis- the following diverting and interesting ary Camp at Alderèhot (where* the pleasure and ptofit from association come into the Wanks possession be- OF Auction Sales ions, ammunition, fishing nets, etc. narrative with as much pleasure as kindness and courtesy of the officers with the troops of the Mother Coun- fore a re-issue of such notes to th« On Thursday, October 9th, 1913, at The News has in publiAing it : i could not be excelled), and other try. Mr. Conroy left Edmonton in May public. After the close of the session Lot 15 in the 8th Lancaster, farm points of interest in and about Lon- and proceeded to Fort McMurray, the Minister of Finance, with a view IlUABLE FinM PRDPEIITV Stock and implements. J. R. McDonald, ‘*The GlengarryNews has done us the don. We gave more attention than “The demands of modern war are to ascertaining whether bacteria Hk^ honor of requesting us to give a brief thence to Fort Chippewnyan, to Fort Prop., D. D. McCuaig, auctioneer. 57-1 our fellow-members to such places aa such that the necessary degree of , ef- ly to injuriously affect the publie IP the Township of Kenyon outline of the recent itinerary through -Smith and then took a jump of 1,400 the National Gallery and British Mu- ficiency can only be attained by con- miles to Fort MarePherson. He then health were to be found <3b the notes, Scotland, England and the Channel stant study on the part of officers and There will be offered for sale by At Lot 37-9th Lancaster on Friday seum, the Dore Gallery and to the proceeded to Fort Simpson. j instructed the officers of the labewn* October 10th, 1913, farm stock, and Islands. We have made up our mind Victoria and Albert Museum. strenuous service and loyalty to each tory of the Department of Agricnl- ipubltc auction on Wednesday, October to comply with the request, but we other and devotion to duty on the MPI. Conroy told of wheat, oats, rye 29th, 1913, at one o’clock in the af- jmpl^Dents, Noe. Faubert, Prop., Jo«. and barley grown by the gpvernmen't ^ ture to make an examination of notes Berard, auctioneer. 37-1. hasten at the outset to promise that On entering the British Museum, we part of all. chosen at random from a number iernopn, at the Commercial Hotel, proceeded almost immediately to the agent, Mr. Card, SOO miles north of we will avoid prolixity as much as . which had been returned by one of Alexandria, by virtue of a power of possible, and pause on^y at very long | Elgin Room," ^d' there,' as we gazed “I feel satisfied this will be forth- Edmonton. Wheat was taken to Ed- «ale containea in a certain Mortgage At Lot 26 in the 9th on Saturday, coming and Confident that under the the banks as bflii^ unfit Cor further October 4th, 1913, farm stock, imple- intervals in our journey. * for over two hours at the mutilated monton from there and graded as num -which will be produced at the sale, masterpieces of Phidias and his pupils able guidance of the Chief of the Im- ber one hard. The oats were also good circulatien. ments, etc., S. Faubert, Prop^ D. D. We shall not ask you to sail down perial Staff you will take to heart •the following ^ppoperty : McCuaig, auctioneer. 37-1. (which were executed over four hun- and Mr. Conroy took a sample bag the St. Ijawrence with us, or accomp- dred years before Christ), wo recon- the lessons you have learned during away with him. ’Phe rye and barley BACTERIA ON THEM ALL. The North half of Lot Fourteen in any us across the Atlantic; but please structed in imagination the wonderful the past few days, and continue to were also good. Good gardening has The report from the laboratory hat the Stli Concession of the Township stand on deck with us and gaze at the Parthenon and lived over again a por- make that constent progress to which also been done aliout Fort Simpson now been received. It reveals tho of Kenyon, containing one hundrôi view which meef^ our eyes after we tion of the busy life of ArtisticAthens. each succeeding year bears witness.” and Fort Wrigley, where thare are fact that a large number of living 4^res more or less. AUCTION SALE and dead bacteria were present oa have, been some ten days upon the We should have loved to linger much London, September 29.—Most of the Hudson Bay posts and Roman Cath- The. following improvements are said There will be sold by Public Auction water. We are approaching the estu- longer over the scene, but there were olic Missions. The best gardens seen each note. Detailed examinations Canadian military officers who have were made to determine the presenos to be on the property : on the premises of the late Gsh.>rgell. ary of theClvde and Scotland’s coast is many other rooms demanding our at- been in attendance at the British army by Mr. Conroy were at Fort Good Ma<mllivray, at Macgilli%^ay's Bridge, unfolding itself to us in the rays of a tention the countless treasures in Hope, within the Arctic circle. *Tn or absence of tubwcle bacilli, and About 60 acres under cultivation, manoeuvres will return home by the on Wednesday, Oct. 15th, at W o’cleck bright warm JuV morning. Exclama- which, in the form of statuary. the upper MacKenzie valley there i* while certain acid organisms indisfiii- balance pasture, slash and timber, end of this week. The party goes to guishable microscopically from thosa (noon) sharp, the foUowii» Live Stock, tions of wonder and delight break Mosaics, ceramics, gems, tablets, man- Woodwich to-morrow to inspect the a country as large as Manitoba and frame dwelling with kitchen attached, Farm Implements, etc.’ 1 Thoroughbred from the lips of those about us as uscripts, etc., it would take not days every bit of it is fit for settlement,” of tuberculosis were found, it was im- frame barn, log barn, woodshed and Hythe School of Musketry, and on possible to produce lesions in suscep- Ayrshire Bull, pedigreed; 8 Thorough- their eyes re^ upon now a gracefully or weeks, but months, or, even years, Wednesday will be the guests of the he declared. ’jgranary. ' biw Ayrrfiire Cows, pedigreed; 3 Thor- curving bend, now a country manor to observe with accuracy. tible animals. No organisms similar Admiralty at Portsmouth. Col. Sam “Tuberculosis is the most prevalent to those of diphtheria were found, Terms—-Ten per cçnt of the purchase oughbred Ayrshire Heifers, pedigreed; peeping our aloft from its screen of Hughes has not yet decided upon the 12 Grade Cattle, 3 Horses, 1 Pig, 1 Of the hundreds of pictures in the disease,” ho stated, *‘T)ut successftA ef- nor was it possible to r-eco^r diph- money to be paid down on the day of statel.v trees, and now a stretch of date of his return to Canada, being Maseey-Harris Binder, 1 Disk Seeder, 1 trim farmland with here and there a National Gallery we endeavored to forts are being made to combat it.
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