________________ GLEN COVE ______________ $10 off coupon HERALD & other great values! Gazette See our ad on page 3 lesley Stahl talks about fun St. pat’s party at The Golden Gloves the joys of grandparenting G.c. Senior center came to Glen cove. Page 20 Page 15. Page 9. Vol. 26 no. 13 March 30-april 5, 2017 $1.00 Glen Cove students plead teachers’ case Collect nearly 700 petition signatures on behalf of educators By naKeeM GranT held small signs that read, “We
[email protected] Support Mr. Puccio.” Alex Cota, a Glen Cove High Nearly three dozen Glen senior, said he had presented Cove High School students the board with a 500-signature crowded Monday’s Board of petition in support of Puccio at Education meeting to protest a previous meeting. the city school dis- “I’m just here trict’s decision to as a voice for the dismiss two teach- students,” Cota ers — William Puc- s a i d . “ P a r e n t s cio and Stacie h a v e b e c o m e Rosenblatt. Stu- aw a re o f t h i s, dents came bran- m o r e s t u d e n t s dishing signs and have found out, spoke on behalf of and we all feel like the educators. Mr. Puccio has an Laura Lane/Herald The students important role in Marlene Michnowich, of Glen Cove, left, helped Jerry Manes line up the ball during a Lion’s said they had no this school.” Blind Bowling League game.