THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF THE OVERSEAS PRESS CLUB OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, NY • July/August 2013 Full Slate and Online Voting in Annual Election by Azmat Khan have 10 candidates running for five the OPC office at 212-626-9220. In leading this year’s election positions as Active board members The OPC is using the online vot- committee, Bill Holstein and I made and four others running as Associ- ing website to host its it our mission to seek out as diverse ate board members. It’s a competi- secure election. You will receive an a group of talented, motivated can- tive election and we’re grateful to so e-mail in early July with a link to the didates as possible, whose values many candidates who are enthusias- election at the e-mail address where and ideas for contributions embody tic about shaping the organization. you receive OPC electronic corre- the OPC’s mission. In particular, Whatever the outcome of the spondence. If you have not received we sought to encourage a new gen- election, we’re hopeful the com- this link by the end of July e-mail eration of journalists to take more ing two-year term will bring more
[email protected] to obtain responsibility within the OPC, and growth, action and an OPC that the link. we’re thrilled about this year’s elec- keeps pace with the digital age. Each ballot requires a log-in, tion slate. which is your e-mail address where Candidates include journalists For the first time the OPC will you received the ballot link.