In Vitro Studies in Normal and Pygmy T-Lymphoblast Cell Lines
0031-3998/95/3704-0507$03.00/0 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 37. No.4. 1995 Copyright © 1995 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Printed in US'.A. Growth-Promoting Actions of Parathyroid Hormone, Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, and Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone: In Vitro Studies in Normal and Pygmy T-Lymphoblast Cell Lines MITCHELL E. GEFFNER, NOELLE BERSCH, ALAN B. CORTEZ, ROBERT C. BAILEY. AND DAVID W. GOLDE Departments of Pediatrics [ M.E. G., N.B., A.B. C.] and Anthropology [ R. C. B.), University of Calijim1ia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021 [D. W.G.] BSTR We used an in vitro T-lymphoblast clonal proliferation assay curves). After stimulation with hiGF-1, hPTH, hACTH, and to quantify human IGF-I (hiGF-1)-, human PTH (hPTH)-, human hTSH, the mean peak clonal responses of a pygmy T ACTH (hACTH)-, and human TSH (hTSH)-stimulated growth of lymphoblast cell line were 112 :±:: 8.2, 122 :±:: 1.5, 99 :±:: 4.2, and human T-cellleukemia virus-II-transformed T-lymphoblast cell 98 :±:: 5.5%, respectively (all p :S 0.0004 between corresponding lines from normal individuals and to elucidate the role of IGF-I complete pygmy and normal response curves). These data incli as the mediator of hPTH-, hACTH-, and hTSH-induced T-cell cate that hPTH, hACTH, and hTSH stimulate growth of normal growth. Normal T-lymphoblast cell lines respond to h!GF-I in a human T-lymphoblast cell lines through local action of IGF-1, bimodal fashion. The mean first peak response was 143 :±:: 9.8% because these effects can all be blocked by preincubation with above baseline (defined as 100%) occurring at 8 j.Lg/L, and the MAb against the IGF-I receptor.
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