1910-1911 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Seventh Series, No. 9 July, 1911 OBITUARY RECORD OF YALE GRADUATES 19IO—191 I PUBLISHED BY YALE UNIVERSITY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1906, at the post- office at New Haven, Conn., under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. The Bulletin, which is issued monthly, includes: x. The University Catalogue 2. The Reports of the President, Treasurer, and Librarian. 3. The Pamphlets of the Several Departments. THE TUTTLR, MORHHOUSE ft TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN OBITUARY RECORD OF 6RADDATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the year ending /, INCLUDING THE RECORD OF A FEW WHO DIED PREVIOUSLY HITHERTO UNREPORTED No i of the Sixth Printed Series, and No 70 of the whole Record The present Series will consist of five numbers ] OBITUARY RECORD 01 GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the yea?- ending JUNF i, J911, Including the Record of a few who died previously, hitherto unreported [No I of the Sixth Printed Series, and No 70 of the whole Record The present Series will consist of five numbers ] YALE COLLEGE (ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT) 1839 AUGUSTUS GRELLE ELIOI, eldest son of Daniel Eliot (Dartmouth 1813) of New York City and Marlborough-on- the-Hudson, and of Abigail (Greelc) Eliot, was born July 18, 1821, at Woodstock, N Y, where his parents were spending the summei He entered Yale in Senior year from New York Univeisity After graduation he took the course in the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia University), receiving his
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