Spring _...FIRED_ ' forward By GREIG HENDERSON KUKT MONMOUTH — While most of the nation was tailing back, more than 300 runners were springing forward yesterday at Kort MonmouUi. r No, they were not pro-

See Mary, page 11 testing the end of daylight- NOT AGAIN- Billy saving time, but celebrat- Martin was fired as man- ing the first annual Keg- aoer of the New York Yan- •ster/Hiverview Hospital 10 kees last night and re- Kilometer Kail Classic. placed by former Yankee The event, which bene- coach Dick Houser. For de- fited Kiverview Hospital. tails of the 'Not Again, also included a ihree • George' story, turn to Ojige . • U. ' "\ . The Daily VOL. 102 NO. 106 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1979 15 CENTS Kennedy moves step closer today

WASHINGTON (API - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, eager want to gel going " contribution! and expenditures to the Federal Election Cum senators when they ran lor president * to "get going" with his campaign for the presidency, is Kennedy made il clear lie intends to declare for the 1980 mission, as well us to Ihe limitations on how much candidates After .lulin F Kennedy was elected president in 1960. he taking a major step toward challenging President Carter with Democratic presidential nomination before President can spend and accept in donations Mined his brother. Robert, attorney general The youngest of the formation of a campaign committee. Carter's scheduled announcement on Dec. 4. Contributions are limited to $1,000 from individuals the three Kdward. was elected to the Senate in 1962 Stephen Smith, the senator's brother-in-law, summoned Kennedy s candidacy got a boost over the weekend when Autonomous drall-Kennedy committees, which the sena- After President Kennedy's assassination in 1963. Roberl reporters to a former Cadillac automobile showroom about a Mayor Jam Byrne nf Chicago, after repeated hints she would tor disavowed as '.hey were lormed. were allowed to accept Kenned) continued serving for a short time as attorney mile from the White House for today's announcement of the support the president, let word out she will back Kennedy individual donalions of up to $5,000 general under President Lyndon H. Johnson. Then, in 1964. creation of the Kennedy for President committee. Thr mayor Bald a major factor in her decision was her Carters re-election committee Was formed last April rtoberttKennedy was elected to the Senate from New York Establishment of the committee, which makes Kennedy a judgment lhal Carter could not win rennmination or re- Lawyers lor that committee recently asked the FEC to lioberl Kennedy's presidential campaign in 1968 ended candidate in the eyes of federal election laws, is expected to electidn require thai money spent by the draft-Kennedy committees be when he was shol and killed in a Los Angeles hotel shortly be followed shortly by a formal declaration of candidacy by "1 told the presidenl 1 could support him until I thought he charged against Ihe total the senator is allowed to spend on his ' alter he won Ihe California Democratic primary. the Massachusetts senator could not win. ' she told reporters, i campaign lor the nomination Although olien mentioned since then as a likely presiden- "I'm-tired of screwing around with this." Kennedy told Formation ol the Kennedy campaign committee makes The senator! enlry into the race will make him the third lial candidate Kdward Kennedy did not enter the race in 1972 reporters Friday night on a flight across Massachusetts I him subject In federal laws requiring regular reports of nl the Kennedy brothers lo seek the presidency All three were Mass.. the president's likely rival for the Democratic Compton said her home has been Ihe target ol vandals, seemingly unending battle with Ihe neighborhood youths presidential nomination. Most have not yet made their prefer- which she believes are neighborhood youths, for the past First, the windshield of her brand-new car was broken, ence known; one is a Republican. lour years then, it wassplaltered with eggs The president likely would encounter a demonstration "For the last four years. I've been living a life of \ few weeks ago. it was covered with thick, while against the high cost of home heating oil in Rhode Island, hell." she said 1 just can't count up the number of paini where he won the 1976 general election after losing the Ihings lhal have happened to me Windows in the car and in her home have been broken primary. Reamer sldll photo by c«rl Forlno Call Halloween night. Compton said, vandals threw repeatedly, Compton said About one month ago. the "People are going to freeze this winter and we want to HALLOWEEN BRINGS VANDALS — Mrs. dozens ol eggs a) the Iront porpa ol her home window of Ihe driver's side was shattered, and Compton know what is going to be done to prpvide fuel assistance for Madeline Compton, 25 Sea Drift Ave., tries to calm '"There was so much stuff Stuck all over the porch lhal said she spent $58 to replace it people who can't afford to keep warm." said John Burbank of herself after finding that Halloween pranksters I couldn t do anything to clean it I had tu have il re- And Compton said she has been harassed by, the Community Labor Organizing Committee. He said he struck her home earlv. The Compton home has been painted and pay $175 for the joh My insurance company anonymous phone calls, most recently two weeks ago. expected the demonstrators to total 250. Ihe target ol vandal attacks for the past four years. only paid me$7d.Qi lhal she said See Bad ones, page 3 The cost of home heating oil in New England has risen to almost $1 per gallon, double the price a year ago. After his speech to the governors' coalition, Carter was to be the guest of honor at a reception for about 500 business, labor and political leaders given by Rhode Island Gov. J. Admit president tvas assassinated Joseph Garrahy. a Democrat. Garrahy is one of the political -sitters in the presi- dential sweepstakes, according to his press secretary. Lor- raine Silberthaw Other governors attending are Ella T, Grasso of Connecti- South Koreans close ranks; U.S. helps cut: Edward J. King of Massachusetts; Richard Thornburgh of Pennsylvania; Hugh Carey of New York and Brendan Byrne of New Jersey. All are Democrats except Thornburgh, SEOUL. Souiii Korea • \l'i South Koreans closed ranks were no disturbances. mil ol favor with the president and feared he would be tired who is a Republican. against North Korea today, and the United States moved an Park's body was in a closed casket al the presidential ' He decided to do it that night alter he and the chief bod residence, the Blue House, and hundreds of thousands Some of the governors showed up Sunday night for an aircraft earner closer tu the Korean toast as Ihe government y guard, (ha ('hi-cliul. got into a heated argument during the admitted thai President Park Chung-hee was assassinated by gathered Bl public altars aCTon tin- country to burn incense ilinnci Chon said opening speech by Byrne, outgoing chairman of the coalition and mourn the dead leader His Funeral was lo be held who is considered a Carter supporter. Hie head ol the Korean < l.\ Cha was Park s constant companion, one ol his closest "fhe New Jersey governor said the average tamily in the Opposition leader Kim- Young-sani. a strong critic ol Saturday ..•.", " advisers and a longtime enemy ol the KCIA chief. Northeast spends $1,200 a year to run a car and more than Park's government, said the entire nation united in warning Park was shut Friday by the head "I the Korean Central The government denied that Kim was trying to lake uvei North Korea it "should by no means miscalculate this Intelligence Agency. Kim .lac kyu The government said at the government. Foreigaobservers said this was borne out by $1.100 a year to heat a home. 1 "Combined, this is about $800 per year more than it cost misfortune Ol Otirs as an opportunity tor invasion, and it first the shouting was accidental but the cnfel 61 the investlga tfit absence ol mass arrests, seizure ol communications lion. Gen (linn Doo-hwan, admitted al a special news con only eight months ago. an increase of 54 percent. ' he said. should bear in mind that Ihe nation is determined lo defend I.HI lilies and other In ings characteristic ol ailempled coups lerence Sunday that Kim assassinated the president Mrs. Grasso. who is committed to Carter, is Byrne's Iree democracy under an) circumstances Kim and all five ol his men were under arrest Chon said successor as head of the coalition. Another leading opponent ol Park. IW7I presidential can- L'hon s.od Kim shut Park and Park's chiel bodyguard three many others were being questioned to determine it they were The governors of Vermont. Maine. New Hampshire, Mary- didate Kim Uue-jung. also warned the communists "not to times each during a dinner Friday nighl while five ol Kim • mvoived men killed [oui othei presidential bodyguards and serious!) iland and Delaware did not attend. trj tu take advantage ol the situation Tlie entire people's \ciordmg to Ihe Soulh Korean constitution, a new presi- voice is united, transcending political differences." u'niiicit'd another In Ihe nexl room ilcnl must be selected within three months, without de- Warnings to the North and support for acting President Chun said Kun planned the assassination because he was bate, by Ihe electoral college Choi Kyu-hah also came from Presidenl Garter, Defense The Inside Story Seci clary Harold Brown and tiie commander ol is forcesjn Korea, lien John A Vt ickham Jr. THK WKATHKK IS officials said they no evidence ol unusual North Korean military activity. However. Brown said the I'nited Mostly sunny today and tomorrow. Highs both days Slates had sent two airborne warning and control aircraft lo In the upper 50t. Complete report page 3. South Korea and moved an aircraft carrier, already on slation between Japan and Korea, closer to the Korean coast. IT ONLY HURTS — Giants upset Rams 11 Richard E. Lee An- Rumson Antiques Show in the wings IS (.'hoi, the defense, home and foreign ministers and other key officials mel lor two hours (his morning and declared: derson, 2'2, of English- Kverylhing is In ordei and calm has been restored." town, isn't so sure about However, the Korean armed forces remained on emer- that temporary hurt as gency alert, and the nation was still under martial law. There he is about to get an im- Bridge advice tl DAILY REGISTER munization shot from Buslaest 7 PHONE NTMKKKS county coordinator Sand- Classified 17-11 M.ln Office 54Z-4M0 ra Havill, MCOSS Comics Zl Toll Free (71-SIN He a ivinner- pediatric nurse practi- Crossword puttie ". tl Toll Free SM-KIH tioner, as part of the Editorial! « Classified Drpt 542-I7M Enjoy yourself, match your wits Monmouth Countv Entertainment 20 Circulation Depl S42-4HS Chapter of the Children's Lifestyle 15,1* Sports Dept 542-4M4 with the experts and perhaps Health Immunization Make A Date 16 Mtddlflown Bureau 171-MS* win money besides. Turn to Project (CHIP). Lester OMturlei 4 Freehold Bureau 431-2192 W. Jargowsky, countv Sports 11-14, B Long Branch Bureau ..222-Mlf page 22 of today s issue and fill board of health officer, Television Zt Statehouse Bureau JM-2K -MSB in the blanks and enter The looks on. Fabuloui Lunches al Tues. Halloween Headquarters Daily Register s football guess- Kashion Show Kromagene Party Une-fcatontown ing contest. First prize is S100. Hestaurant. 26 Hidge Kd. M2-443O Open 9D:3U. KM.. Humson. Sat.. Mon.. Tues 2 The Daily Re«is*er SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY. OCTOBER 29.1979 weekend People Among the 280 guests were other former child ac- AMMAN, Jordan (API tors: Jackie . Jane Congress set to study — King Hussein of Jordan Withers. Donald O'Connor. flew to Saudi Arabia yester- Margaret O'Brien. Ciabnel Productivity watched closely day to participate in the an- Dell and Huntz Hall (The nual pilgrimage to Islam's Dead-Knd Kids) as well as WASHINGTON IAPI — A stagnant productivity rate holiest shrine, the Kaaba at today s yuinn Cumrmngs among the nation's businesses and workers will mean high money supply foul-up Mecca, the government an- (The Good-bye (iirl"). Inflation and a diminished standard of living for the fore- nounced "My kids double- WASHINGTON (API - year for a family of four, and back the powers af the Feder- seeable future, top government economists say. On arrival at the Ked crossed me," Coogan, the Congress is to act this week would expand the federal role al Trade Commission Under Productivity, a measure of goods and services that the Sea city of Jidda, Hussein lather of tour, said Sunday. economy turns out per hour of paid working time. His drawn on relief for millions of starv- in the system Welfare would the proposal, every industry continue to be administered was to don a seamless white I knew it was a surprise increased attention from concerned government economists ing Cambodians. President regulation by the FTC would party, but they told me it Carter s welfare plan and by the states, however be subject to congressional robe and sandals. A lour- of late because of its sluggish growth and adverse impact on day ritual will follow, tak- was Just within the fami- proposed Knergy Mobiliza- In a related matter, the veto. Either house could inflation. ing him to Medina. Mount ly" tion Board, and other Israel Senate is lo aet cm a House- block any regulation unless 'Hie Labor Department was releasing third-quarter prod- Aralat and ending in Mec- Today's generation uctivity figures later today, and the Carter administration But the first order of bull- passed bill that would in the other chamber had voted crease federal aid to state ca knows Coogan as a was looking with great interest to see if the report would show ness is linding out how the in favor of it grotesque on The Addams another drop in the productivity rate Federal Heserve Board mis- services for abused and The proposal is contained COLUMBUS, Ohio I An homeless children to $270 Family television series. Productivity declined at an annual rate of 4.5 percent in calculated the U.S. money in a bill authorizing funds for — Keal estate developer million, nearly live times the Their grandparents knew the first quarter and by I.I percent during the April-June supply by $3 7 billion last the FTC and is intended to John W. Galbreath. owner prtfsnl allocation him as the No 1 child star period. 'The declines were the sharpest since the 1974-75 month The House Banking ol the world champion I'll- Klag HUIKIR Committee planned to* call Later in lh*" week tin1 give Congress a tighter rein oj f ijent tilms 1 *'"/W4JI Kiranr.^treay IK* Hpv ^ li • "- •• ^P -W' "— the commissioners on the House is nut. , W to ap ' ..Trtliea. ~jgm -3 Paul VolckeV, chairman offhe Kederal Heserve Board, if.,^< Britain's Princess' cared today prove its version ol Carter's members contend is over peared in" "Peck's Bad - Little ertie Srtllk eaid in an interview Sunday that a slowdown in productivity Margaret to a whirlwind proposal for creation of an zealous in its efforts -to pro- Boy." "Oliver Twist," clutched his doll with sym- growth during the last decade has become a serious under- On Tuesday, the Senate is limousine tour of his 4.500- pathetic understanding as expected to act on a House- Energy Mobilization Board tect consumers. "My Boy." "Daddy," Old lying problem lor the economy. acre Darby Dan Kami the two left Children's Hos- passed bill that would provide That panel is lo keep top- Meanwhile, the House Clothes, and as a juvenile Forcifn Affairs Committee is During the hour-long vis- in'talkies such as Tompital, where Eddie's legs $30 million lor an Interna- priority energy project! inov- it Saturday, me princess, Arrest protestors at sub base arranging hearings on U.S. Sawyer' and were amputated after com- tional effort to save Cambo- ing quickly In cutting sister ot yueen Elizabeth dians Iront starvation and satellite detection of what of- Huckleberry Kinn." plications from chicken BANGOK. Wash. (AP I — Three protesters who clambered Ihniugh any red-tape delays II. saw (ialbreath's Him thai develop ficials say may have been a Coogan figures that he pox. over a chain link lence at the Navy'Navys Trident nuclear sub- dtnan 1 1 nuehbred Horses plus his— egimd |1 williBH in oalary- "'•l mawmaw e bbase weit aneitaJ yvbltfiujyas LOWlo 'J7MI singing Tin minify is pan nr mu ? M trophies trom hunting ex- as a child star In 1938. he had prepared the 2-year-old and sign-carrying demonstrators rallied on Hood Canal. $09 million Tarter pledged proved a bill creating the last munth in the vicinity of peditions and World Series sued his step-lather and patient for the surgery had Organizers of the demonstration against the nuclear weap- List week to a $111 million board southern Africa. baseball play mother after the money dis- removed the doll's legs and ons system said more protesters would climb the lence relief cllort by some 30 na- The House will have to South Africa has denied it "She s a delightful per- appeared. The scandal rj- replaced them with liandafi Monday morning tions Aides to Son Edward choose between OM proposal detonated a nuclear device. . son, said lialbreatb- ^"ie. sulted In'the "Coogan ing"similar to Eddie's. The men were identified as David L. Armor, 21, Kenneth M Kennedy i> M;iss . say lie ihii would empower thr R«p..Stephen .1 Solan. D-" was particularly interested Law," which protects the The boy suffered a rare K. Vanzig; 22, and Terry L. Messman,27. may try to increase the $110 board to overrule federal, NY. chairman of the Africa in the yearlings we have earnings ol Calitornia mi- blood-clotting complication million to as much as $100 state and local regulations, subcommittee, says he ex- here." nors of the common childhood million and another that would only pects thi' healings to probe YOKK (AP) — Hundreds ol anti-nuclear activists The royal lamily has a disease and underwent On Wednesday, the House allow the panel to recom- why U.S. intelligence is not planned to try to shut down the New York Stock Exchange keen interest in thor- lAI.I.AIIASSKIv Ma. surgery four times to treat is tu .ul on its version ol mend quicker decisions to sure what it detected, and today on the 50th anniversary of the great stock market crash oughbred horses, and the IAPI — At one point, boxer the problem before- Carter's welfare plan The keep projects moving. .how the United Stales should ol 1929 princess, wanted "to see Muhammad All didn't have gangrene forced the am- House hill uiiiilil require a The House also is ex- respond if it is concluded that some ot our toals and Activist leaders said they want to stop investment in the minimum welfare benefit na- pected to act iirly this week the undivided attention ol putation. South Africa did, in fact, ex- mares." he said. Ins youthlul audience, so he it's been a long ordeal, nuclear industry and "expose the abusive role ol corporations tionwide ol at least $4,700 a on legislation thai would cut plode :i nuclear weapon. and the linancial community in controlling people's lives ' Alter the visit, tjie prin- scolded the crowd. "You but we got him back. They cess (lew to Miami in listen to me now, turkeys. said he wasn't supposed to Galbreath s private jet She You may not never see me live. " Eddie's mother. Lin- rams into empty house Your SS may be taxed is completing an unofficial, again in person." da, said Sunday as they left private visit to the United CONCOKD, Mass. (AH) — A single-engine plane flying missioner, says the wealthy the llrookmgs Institution, al- Alternating serious and (or home in Manteca. WASHINGTON lAPi States to raise money tor through drizzle slammed into an empty house in the center ol would bear the brunt ol such ready has told a con- light-hearted moments, the I believe he under- The Advisory Council on So- the Hoyal Opera House at Concord late yesterday afternoon, killing a 12-year-old pas- a move, because the overall gressional panel the council three-time heavyweight stands that he doesn't have cial Security is recommend* CoventGarden senger and seriously injuring three members of her family, income ol must elderly per favors rescinding most or all champion exhorted the 700 any legs. And I also think he ing that half the system's • •• starstruck black youngsters accepts it. We knew if we state police said benefits - now entirely tax- sons woulil he low enough to ill the big payroll-tax in- HOLLY (AH) - to lind a purpose lor their accepted it, he would," said The girl, Nancy Miller, ol Carlisle. Mass., was dead on free — be subject to federal spare them theUxel crease scheduled in 1981 "The Kid" is now eligible lives and always to be proud Mrs. Smith, 23. arrival at Emerson Hospital in Concord, according to Pauline income tax. The proposal is based on The advisory panel's draft lor tiocia.1 Security ol their race. Dr. Byron Aoki, director Kahey. the facility'sdirector of nursing. The council, which recom- the fact that workers — who summary says the time has payments. He spent about 20 of the pediatric intensive Dr. Edward Miller, 52, Nancy's father and pilot of the mends changes in the Social now pay taxes on the portion come to finance some part of Jackie Coogan. who minutes Saturday with a care unit at Children's Hos- aircraft, sulfered rib and chest injuries, the hospital said Security system to Congress ill their salaries thai n< Social Security with non-pay- soared to lame as the cheering, laughing, crowd pital, said the complication His wife. Jacqueline. 46, had multiple facial and skull every four years, also sug-, toward Social Security do roll tax revenues " urchin in the Charlie at a downtown Tallahassee is somewhat of a mystery. injuries, and another daughter. Carol, 16. had facial and chest gests thai cost of living ad- not pay t.ixes on the hall thai lt suggests that Medicare Chaplain's 1920 classic church at the start ot a two- "No one knows why it injuries. justments in the payments be conies from the payroll tax be financed with a portion of movie, turned 65 on Oct. 26, day stay as guest ol honor happens, lt is known to ac- made twice a year when the on employers . personal and corporate in- and his lamily tossed him a at Klorida A&M Univer- company chicken pox on Consumer Price Index rises The council has held it? come taxes "or through a President's pastor is fired surprise party at the Holly- sity's homecoming week- rare occasions and is nearly al least 3 percent in six final meeting, hut is still put special income tax surcharge wood Brown Derby over the end always fatal. " he said. WASHINGTON (API — The congregation of Washington s months ting Iiiir-hnit' touches on the beginning in 1980." hirst Baptist Church, which President Carter attends, fired Cost of living increases study it has been working or Rail says that would per- the church's pastor Sunday because of his relationship with a now are passed on once a for the past III mouths The mit the current 6.13 percent young temale member. year in July The panel sug- report, to go to Congress in payroll tux. now scheduled to By a 166-140 vote, the congregation voted not to renew the gests they be made in March November, would be the go up to 6 65 percent in 1981, contract of the Kev. Charles A. Itentham, 60. and September m high-infla- latest in a series from the to be reduced lo 5.6 percent Spring ahead with runners Carter and his lamily spent the weekend at the Camp tion years in an effort to re- panel, whose recomrhenda unlil the year 2005. David presidential retreat and did not attend the services spond to .complaints about t i o n s have laid t h e In 2005. the council recom- (continued) the 10 kilometer race in a finish the 10 kilometer racei Sunday or the congregational meeting called later to discuss lagging adjustments groundwork lor most major mends the payroll tax be in- meter "Family Kun Hun" lime of 31:17.5. Hatty It didn't phase her that it Trentham'sjob On the tax proposal, coun changes in the system. creased to 7.5 percent lo "It was just tremen- (iillen. Middletown was the took her nearly two hours! dous. ' said John lirst temale across the line Carter has made no public comment on the situation and ell member Robert Ball. The council chairman carry the. system through the or that most of Ihe partlcij White House aides had no comment on the church action former Social Security com- economist Henrv Aaron of mid-21st century. I'awlowskl. Long Branch. In 39:18.4. Sunday Kiverview Hospital admin- Hick Korster, Kair pants had left. Kor his sermon at Sunday's morning service, Trenlham istrator "Its the lirst Haven, took the- " Kamily "We are very pleased recited the Sermon on the Mount, which he called "the Union: Give us shah or lose oil time the Kegister and the Kun Kun" in 11:42.9. And with the first effort and Magna Carta ol God's kingdom." hospital have gotten togeth- then there were folks like hope to make it an annua) By Associated Press lor the cancer may take as The Biblical passage includes Jesus' condemnation of Pahlavi. who is HO. was er in an eltort of this sort, Dot Bodenmann and Marge event," said John Iranian oil workers re- deposed in February by long ;is a year, and Secretary and with the help ol h'ort divorce and adultery but also a command to "judge not that Young, bothol Lincroft. Kamulary, Daily Hegister portedly threatened to cut oil lurces led .by the Shnle ol State Cyrus Vance savs the Monmouth. it's really been you be not judged. These women were National Advertising and deliveries to America unless Moslem leader Ayatollah long-time ally ot the United great. among the many Kiverview Marketing Manager. "W« 10 perish in plane crash the U.S. government ex- ftuhoilah Khomeini The States will be allowed to re- "Actually, I'm de- Hospital volunteers that tradites the tormer shah, and lormer ruler flew Irom Mexi- main as long as he needs pressed," Pawlowski added helped the day go smoothly. were able to raise hundreds SAN DIEGO (AP) — A Mexican government airplane Tehran Kadio said the ousted co to New York last week lor medical treatment but not tor with a laugh. "I'm going to They also joined the "fun of dollars tor the hospital ': Hying American prisoners to a border exchange slammed into monarch s hospitalization in removal ul his gallbladder political asylum. start to get in shape tor run" when they noticed that Kamulary also com> New York was a trick to get a telephone pole in dense tog and burst into tlames early and treatment ol cancer ul Khomeini's revolutionary next year and challenge Art entries were sparse in their mended the efforts of Kod) sanctuary. Sunday, killing all 10 persons aboard, ollicialssaid the lymph system courts have condemned Kamin ' Mr. Kamin is the age group. They had never Monmouth and the Shorf The Oil Workers Union, Pahiavl to death in absentia The dead included four American prisoners and six Mexi- I toclors say the treatment president and editor ol the run or joggejd before, but Athletic Club. Both groups, representing held employees cans, including tour guards, the pilot and the co-pilot, accord- Daily and Sunday Kegister. were able to finish the race. were instrumental in the ing to the US. consulate in Tijuana. Mexico. ol the National Iranian Oil Larry Bova, Oceanporl. Co.. issued their ultimatum New site on west bank Barbara Mandeville, running ol a safe, pleasant San Diego police Lt. Dave Spisak said the pilot ol the twin- was the overall winner ol Middletown, was able to race. engine otter turboprop apparently became disoriented in the yesterday, the Soviet news fog and the plane wandered over the border into the United agency lass reported Irom States Tehran. is sought by Israelis Iran ships about yoo.ouo Associated Press Writer an. the occupied West Bank oi Fleece race tight 3-way one barrels ol oil a day to the JEKUNALKM IAPI - the Jordan Hiver, Cabinet United States, representing Prime "Minister Menachoni Secretary AnehNaorsaid. WASHINGTON (API - A $90,000 project to probe the about 12 percent ol average Begin, seeking a solution to In an unexpected blow to mysteries of vegetarianism qualifies the Agriculture Depart- U.S. consumption. the toughest domestic crisis the Begin government, the ment lor a Golden Kleece Award. Sen. William Proximire, 1) Tehran Kadio said Satur- <>i ins 2H'iiionih-old adminis- Supreme Court ruled last Wis.. said today. day that Mohammad Keza tration, say's Ins government Monday that the Klon Moreh But it wsfl a close race. Proxmire said in a prepared Pahlavi s hospitalization at is looking lor a new West settlement had been built Il- statement he almost gave the same department his monthly Mew York Hospital-Cornell Bank sue in relDcate'a con- legally on land seized from its "award" lor spending $65.ooo "to develop psychological Medical Center under the troversial Jewish settlement Arab owners near Ihe West proliles ol nutrition enthusiasts " so more could be learned pretext ol a medical treat- judged illegal by Israel's Su- Bank city ol iNablus. Siding about "nutrition behavior and motivation." ment is no more than a preme Court. with the Arab landowners In lact, Proxmire added, a third possibility lor the October 11••• iiInit-m trick." ijcgin disclosed the H'-who brought the suit, the high award was another Agriculture-financed project: a quest lor It said the United States locatlon scheme at a Cabinet court rejected a government the gasless bean wishes to place under its meeting Sunday and called a claim that the outpost was wing (theI arch-executioner special session oi his nun necessary lor Israel's secur- Court test due on computers and hangman The USA is islers tor Thup;ila> lo review ity . undoubtedly the greatest anil general problems' stem The court gave the settlers WASHINGTON IAPI — The government is facing a court most irreconcilable enemy it tiling from Israel s much .10 days to leave, but so tar test over regulations that could cost several of the nation's the monotheistic revolution criticized settlement policy they have relused to do so largest computer firms (2.85 billion in business with Uncle Sam. Three of the companies, Honeywell, Control Data and Burroughs, have tiled lawsuits to overturn the regulations, which govern the sale ol computer tapes and discs. The three say the rules favor industry giant IBM and smaller computer firms. At issue is "peripheral" equipment, which attaches to a main computer and is used tor storing information. The Commerce Department estimates the government will buy or lease 12 H5 billion worth through 1987. The Daily Register (USPS-145-4401 The Sunday Register (USPS-334-5701

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Second Class postaoe Paid al Red Bank. N J 07 701 and al Middletown, N J 07741 Published Sunday through Friday Mail subscriptions payable madvance RMllttr vital* hv c«rl PM-IM Term O«tty Sunday Daily and DEDICATED TO GOD — Prayers and singing marked Ihe dedication ceremonies ot Only Only Sunday One rear W 00 tm 00 UOJIO the new educational wing ol the Second Baptist Church, 93 Liberty St., Long Branch Home delivery bv earner DAIIV and Sunday it 00 A W««, Sunday only 1% rents Present at the dedication were Rev. C.P. Williams-, the church pastor; Deacon Willie Sinfll* copy al Counter -Daily tStfnls Sunday 2iient\ Irvinaand Irving Wobster, chfilrrhan of the building lund. \ Secondary Mortgage Loans SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY, OCTOBER 29.1979 The Daily Register 3

b» Ctrl Forln* Rralillr >latl Mwlo t» L.rr» Ptrna CHARM THEM — These girls don't frighten their subjects into compliance, they charm them. Anne Mullins, 3, Cheryl Davis, 3, Alexandra Keefe, 3, and Christine } MOWiTEWa THEY WBUB WOT— TlnJmas ami HpatMti 3iul?-ttf 1-ono Branch still Gaglia, 1, could probably have smiled their way into the heart of the meanest j managed to cast an evil glare on passersby who dared to doubt their identities. monster at yesterday's parade at Monmouth Regional High School. The *gooH ones came oiit in rain Bad ones Continued i By I-AM ABOUZEID School to get herselt elected earthlings as cider and a panel ot judges, each com- when her phone rang "constantly" between I p m "and — Yesterday's ghoulish as Mardi Uras Queen of this donuts. peting lor one ot the prizes 4 20 p in one afternoon weather may have kept some year's celebration awarded lor the prettiest, "1 would answer the phone and way in the annual Mardi Uras accompanied by parents it those not satisfied by t!ie mind that it tamed on her parade. Ljkc many othei schoolers as well as teenage Campion said she has been urged by the police not to celebration. they want to go out alter H witches' brew and gizzards youngsters In Tinton Falls, Tina had to 'jettlp lor an ghouls hie complaints, lor fear that the youths will retaliate Bui Mummies and daddies p.m. this week ot mischief. ottered at the high school, Allied Cohen, the councilman who is police commissioner indoor costume show instead of a paradi that Wfl! stood spellbound by evil eyes Monsters in neighboring More than 150 youngsters could continue their beastly said the police have encouraged Compton to file com- cancelled because of omtfious skies, but the rain proba cast their way. as horrific towns were not so lucky yes- from Tinton Kails and sur- feasting on more conven- plaints, if she can determine the identities of the mischief- blv would have disturbed the green pumpkin on her toddlers vied tor the judges' terday: the Halloween pa- rounding municipalities tional and commercial tood- makers ' head anyway. attention with displays ol rades in Little Silver, Mid- twirled and swirled in front ot stult "If Mrs Compton will name the person or person* she tangy smiles and spine-chill- dletown and Ked Bank were thinks is carrying out these acts against her then I as ing cackles. postponed until next week police commissioner will follow the whole thing through Claims two spies Hut it was not just a con- while the parades in Fair Pathologist: Can't the police department and the courts if necessary. Cohen test for the scariest: judges Haven and Tinton Kails were said awarded prizes to the pret- cancelled altogether because "This vandalism is Ihe result ol disputes among still in key posts tiest costume, to the funniest ol the inclement weather. be sure on Oswald neighbors that cannot be solved until Ihe people involved and to the one most in keep- But all was not lost: In 1 all sit down together and-talk it nut 1 have tried I" I.I IM )(I.S.i AC i A Brit- Boyle said Miiurice coo^ ing with Halloween. Tinlon Kails, creepy- cused ol assassinating Presi- arrange a meeting like that, and it has never taken place. IOWA CITY, Iowa I API — ish author claims two ol his leased to British authorrties Maybe it was'magic, may- crawlers ot all ages gathered dent John Kennedy Cohen said The pathologist who per- countrymen who used the in ID57 because hr feared ;• be just luck, but Pamela at Monmouth Kegional High Compton admitted that she frequently complains to formed the autopsy on the Ur Karl Hose, pathology code names "Basil and Burgess would return lo l.un ;.' Daniels put a strong enough School to partake ot witches' the police when the neighborhood youths remove body ot Lee Harvey Uswald professor at the University ot Maurice were part ol the don out ol homesickness and '• whammy on her fellow stu- brew and lizzards' gizzards, and other materials from the vacant lot next lo her house says he has no way to confirm Iowa, was a Dallas County Soviet' spy ring headed by expose him Boyle -.od Brit- / dents at Long Branch High more commonly known to And on one occasion, she said, she phoned the police when the identity ot the man ac- medical examiner in Novem- Mm I'hiihy during World ish intelligence chiet,s par a neighbor was changing the tire ol his car in front ol her ber. 1963. when Uswald was , w .ii II and the (old War. and doned Maurice home. shot by Jack Kuby that they still are in top posi- Boyle said Basil was A ITlV 1 1 "I pei tornied an autopsy As [or me talking to my neighbors, she said. tions forced t" become a double on a body identified to me as When I try to call them up on the phone, they hang up on The author, a lormer ex- agent by the I S Central In- Lee Harvey Uswald." Kose me ecutive ol the British Broad- telligence Agency alter it dis said yesterday "X-rays F "I just don't know what I am going tu do about thl»," casting Corp named Andrew covered he wa- patting se were taken and 1 made tin she said. "1 am on Social Security, and I just can't afford Boyle, said Basil was a crets through Maclean t" the gerprints and the police made ? to pay taxes and maintain this house if 1 always^ave bills nuclear scientist who worked Soviets Boyle said Basil wa- tingerprints." to pay because ol damages " on the tirst atom bombs in the granted t S citizenship and He said those records Kight now. Compton is terrified of what will happen to United States and thai until recently he worked were included in the autopsy her home tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday, the three • Maurice was in British in- in the L niti'd States report, and he made no at- days of the Halloween holidays telligence Burgess died in the Soviel "I asked the police commissioner what 1 should do to tempt to conhrm Oswald's Both are still alive and I mon in IHty Maclean anil prevent this from happening, and he suggested that 1 hire identity by comparison with holding important positions, riiilby still live there a private guard to stand outside my house. But 1 don't \now military records said the iirst installment ol a have $100 a niglil to hire a guard to watch over my house.1 "It's up to someone else serialization ol Boyle's book she said. to match them, he said. "1 "The I limate ot Treason Skydivers trmp'-rolurn Cohen, the commissioner, said he may have made the ilulu i attempt to do this and I which appeared in the nil lo» o»<*o statement about the private guard "in passing." but he would not I in not a linger- server, one ol Britain s lead- was not recommending that Compton actually hire a collided. print expert An autopsy is ing Sunday papers guard done to determine the cause Boyle said both were Sho.e.i "The police will be patrolling all the areas in the ol death homosexuals and that he OIM* dies NATIONAL WtAIHFR SfRVICt borough Halloween and Mischief night. Cohen said m«<«»KI Hut we are a small department, we cannot stake out one ways to identity a body — said lie did not name them A!'- A veteran para- house all night waiting for something to happen " * P ptiolo fingerprints. X-rays and den- because he I eared Hasil chutist collided in mid-air WEATHER FORECAST — The National Weather TIDES tal records — and each re- might commit suicide and with another lumper was .i|i Sandy Hook Service today predicts snow over the southern quires existing records with Maurice might obtain ,i court i> .i i <• n 11 y knocked un-. Rocky Mountains and rain over the Great Plains. which comparisons are TODAY -High 2:13 p.m. injunction to halt publication con-ciou-- and-tumbled I :i Local forecast made. Government offers and low 8:49 p.m. ol the book than ;V.(KHi leet to in- d "1 have never seen those TOMORROW-High 5:32 The truth came itl such a authorities said Yesterday's high temperature al the Register wealhei records, Kose said. 1 as- way thai I can t it I lie victim .l.i, i in lee a.m. and 3:19 p.m. and low sume somebody in the mili- 9:17 a.m. and low 9:48 p.m. station was 52 degrees. The Ipw yesterday was 34. It wat firewood to poor Boj le >atd British in- .'. who h.Hi mon tl • • il al 6 p.m. and Ihe overnight low was 42. Today's S a.m. tary would have them, but telligence ilnels must be Ii hute jumps tu his i red For Red Bank and PlIKBLO. Colo I API - in Colorado are selling at temperature was 45. There was .09 Inches of precipitation again. 1 don't really know. writhing in their bed*- it was participating in .the H unison bridges, add two While the Senate considers . $Ki io |96 a cord this yeai in Ihe H hours ending at 6 a.m. today. There were 22 Kose. who worked in Dal- Hie government had no National Walloon Kails wivv hours; Sea Bright, deduct 10 providing $1 li billion to help C.ama said his agency was heating degree days yesterday, 278 for Ihe month and 328 las trout 1962 to 1%H. said he comment, the,accident occurred yestet minutes; Long Branch, de- the poor heal their homes this paying about $35 a cord for lor the heating season to dale. doesn t know whether exhum- Boyle saiil Basil and da; duct 15 minutes; Highlands, winter, a lederally financed the wood it distributes. ing Oswald s body will re- Maurice were among young Authorities said Curies, ot add 40 minutes. poverty agency here is offer- solve questions raised by a Two to three cords should idealistic undergraduate- re Chapel Hi.ll.' and Don Car HI u Prc out Coastal forecast British author about the iden- ing low-income people cords Albany 4S 35 .01 cflv he enough to keep most ennted by Soviet agents at nngton ot Haleigh jumped 'I cdv tair today. Visibility 5 mites or more. Average wave British intelligence and the in imn hands in mid-air, tree out so tar. according to theesl Service Alt Clly » a cl heights l to 3 leet today. Governors Korefgn Uliiee during World i.in and then open then Baltimore st » .01 cd agency, called Pueblo Action Hirmnghm II SI Mane Roman. 86. and her War II .mil ihe Cold ^ar chutes Bltmarck to is Director Phil (iama s.ml noise SI 40 01 Cl: Jersey Shore iti-year-old husband. Francis- The Soviet spy ring headed Bill the; ' ollided and ol Boston plead for rising fuel prices have rt 31 .tl cd' licials oelii vi I'urlei was Browrmville «i u cd pressed low-income people co. live with a granddaughter in Harold Mm Philby euiiau SI 41 Mostly sunny today and tomorrow Highs both days in also included i.uy Burgess knocked unconscious tn ih'1 Chrlstn SC IS SS into heal or eat decisions and great-granddaughter and ChrlMn wv tl SI M cd upper 50s to low Mis. Kair tonight. Lows 40 to 45. Probabili- doctors impacl and was uruiblfc to Senior citizens were get slid a month from Social and iion.iiit MacleaK ot the Cheyenne SI 30 ty ot precipitation near 0 percent today and tonight. Winds BANGKOK; Thailand open tu> twin parachute < ai Chicago tS 41 railing us to see il we had any Security horeign Ottice stall Ml lied Cincinnati 10 SO 14 cl westerly 10 to 15 mph today. Ocean water temperatures i AIM - Alter touring a mud- lo Moscow when the\ were nngion sprained Ills hand in Cleveland SI 4J Cl wood available. he said Colmbus Oh U SI .07 cl are in the mid 50s. dy Thai camp crammed with They gave me two cords the collision but managed lo One lady was tearing down lound out. Burgess anil Dal Ft Wth •1 Si cdv 30.000 refugees from Cam of wood We have one ol those open ins parachute and land Denver IS IS her fence and burning n She Mai lean detected in ID51 and Des Moines tl 31 cdv Northern Jersey bodia. sis American gov- Old put lirllied stoves and it Hhilby in l%:i satel) Detroit cdv had no means of chopping Duluth cdv ernors appealed to President wood." will really help warm our Fairbnks It 10 Ot M Mostly sunny, high in the mid 50s. fair and a bit Carter for :)(> doctors and Hartford ia » is cdv So Pueblo Action stalled house HIIS winter said Mrs Helena 50 36 sn milder tomorrow. nurses to help them Roman. I am very grate- Honolulu 14 6* cdv Operation Paul Bunyan" Houston •S M cdv "For those dying at Sa ful CORRECTION this summer rul'A lUs tl a m cir Kaew. every hour counts." Jdchsvllle It 41 clr Southern Jersey The National Foresl Ser- Juneau 41 17 rn the governors told a news vice offered to mark dead KansCllv tl 41 cdv Pueblo Action is $.1,500 a trees, kiileil by pine beetle! Las Vegas Today mostly sunny. Highs upper 50s to low 60s hair conference after their visit 79 41 clr year! DELICIOUS ORCHARDS Little Rock 17 SI .ttcdv today and tomorrow. Lows tonight upper 30s to low 40s. Sunday to the new camp Set il ihe agenc\ wanted to cul Los Angelei 7] Si clr Commercial woodcutters Louisville tS 57 01 cdv Highs tomorrow upper 50s to low 60s up out ol range ol Cambodian them down will take Thanksgiving Memphis tl u SI cdv Miami 71 75 guns near the Thai border Milwaukee tl 31 South Jersey Extended pie orders starting, MplS-St P U IS Calling conditions al the Nashville tS Hl.vlcdt South Jersey extended lorecast Wednesday through camp appalling." the gov- Thursday November 1 New Orlns II St New York .Saturday indicates fair and mild weather through the ernors said they radioed Norfolk » 41 .11 cli NEW JERSEY By Phone or In Person Okla City 71 40 period Morning lows in the 40s. Highs in the 60s ( alter a plea lor medical aid. Omaha 7S 45 Orlando tt IS 462-1989 542-0204 Phiiad'ptiia 11 56 51 41 IS clr East Pennsylvania ENERGY EXPO 79 Phoeni. Pittsburgh II SI clr Plland Me St 46 .11 clr Today mostly sunny. Highs mainly in the 50s. Kair PRESENTED BY THE ASBUBY PARK PtlanJOre 41 30 .14 Cdv Rapid Citv St 4S 10,d.tonight and tomorrow. Lows mid 30s to around 40. Highs SVIX11 OFFSET CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN COOPERATION Bring on Hf no U 31 cdt SI 11 tomorrow 50s to low 60s WITH THE N J. DEPT OF ENERGY the smiles with Richmond 73 31 cdv XEROX COKS SI Louis tl 47 clr St p.Tampa II St fcastern Pennsylvania Extended EXHIBITS • WORKSHOPS • CONSULTATIONS Salt Lake St It cdv INSTANT ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND SAVINGS FOR San Diego 70 M Kastern Pennsylvania extended forecast Wednesday San Fran YOUR HOME. BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY tt St through Saturday calls for lair and mild through the PRINTING S S Marie 40 34 Oicd> FROM SOLAR HEATING AND WIND Seattle 15 44 .44 fog period. Morning lows in mid 30s to mid 40s. Highs in mid LettwtMKKte • Bookish Spokane 47 IS clr ELECTRIC TO INSULATION A WEATHER STRIPPING 75 4t clr 50s to mid 60s Social Sttttomry Washington 41 .01 CdV HI- Yesterday'* MUh. Lo- valterflav'l Law. wolf press inc. Pmlpllallen fer 14 Iwuri endlH I New York 170 Momrtourti a™**. o m •<. two-M>M Survivin•viving are her hus- ol flian found Roemer Shoal, the popular 94 BROAD STMET-CATONTOWN Um. .o .,.. bridges. 53. ol 89 pmnoui.—- jea*ooai-_, ... BenSar .««, a .942-4404 mi B the Freehold Area Hospital. Challin of MarS> - Middletown Road, died Satur- and Allan C N. Chalfin of daughter, Mrs. Evryklia in reservoir The turnpike authority has Freehold Township. day at Bayshore Community Anaheim Hills, Calif.; a Abodeely of Mobile, Ala.; her already received permission An autopsy was to be per- Hospital daughter, Miss Arlene K. mother, Mrs. Anastasia COLTS NECK - Police from the U.S. Army Corp of lormed today by the Mon- Born in Dublin. Ireland. Chaltin of Jupiter, Fla., and Petrakis, here, and three were trying yesxterday to de- mouth County Coroner1 s Ol termine the identity of a body Mrs Bridges lived here for two grandchildren. grandchildren. the past 11 years She was a lice The Flock Funeral Home that was pulled out of a Miss Josephine > i i MIDDLETOWN v » 'k4Ui'll]bt r of trui. llulim atThi"cniids ol \ew York City, and Willie Surviving are one daugh- 6 «"pm' Fmarr'i't'es"and°!«rm!m'1wiH and Roseberry Barnes, both The Daily Register ter, Mrs. Margaret Foley. take place Thursday in Laurincurg. of High Point, N.C. ; five SIS- here; a son, Richard W. Trot- Classified Way ter ot Fair Haven; six grand- TRICK OR TREAT! children, and nine great- dial grandchildren. It's my party, but you get the treat! Thru Wednesday Nite, the 1 "The Action Lin*' The John Day Funeral attached coupons are worth "rebate" Dollars. Just bring in Pay bills the easy, 542-1700 Home is in charge of arrange- money-saving way ments the coupons on the valid date & you'll get the treats. LOOK... PLUS 5V interest CHANOt IN MEITINQ DATES per annum. BOROUGH OF UNION BEACH •Jim COUPON WORTH m^ (gf COUPON WORTH •••(! I TAKE NOTICE, THAT, THE REGULAR AGENDA MEETING AND COUNCIL MEETING. OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL. FOR THE SECOND HALF OF ( NOVEMBER. I979, WILL BE CHANGED, DUE TO THE THANKSGIVING DAY $300 i/L_ll_NVr $0000 > SHKIttSBURy ?£!NDA MEETINQ. T° BE ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, $20 Oct. 29 1979 AT 8:00 P.M. AT THE ALL-PURPOSE ROOM. MUNICIPAL BUILDING I FLORENCE AVENUE, UNION BEACH. N.J. VELOUR TOPS Only WINTER COATS COUNCIL MEETING: TO BE ON THUHSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1979 AT 8:15 P.M. AT THE MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM OF THE FLORENCE AVENUE SCHOOL, FLORENCE AVENUE, UNION BEACH, N.J. THIS NOTICEIS 14°°andup 80°°andup GIVEN PURSUANT TO PL. 1975. CHAPTER 231. "OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS I ACT, [)•••• (valid on Oct. 29 Only) ml ' '(valid thru Oct. 31) "•» >•• COUPON WORTH *»y •••COUPON WORTH ••••,

NOTICE $500 rvaJid Oct. valid OcP $]Qoo 28&29 30&31 The Aberdeen Township Municipal Utilities DESIGNER JEANS Only Only Authority will be flushing fire hydrants start- SKIRT SUITS 24°°andup oo ing October 30, 1979. Hydrant flushing will 45 .odUP be performed from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I (5)111 (valid Oct. 28 & 29 Only) „ Q*Xni(veW Oct. 30 & 31 Tues. through Fri. During this time residents ~j\nn COUPON WORTH ••• may have a slight discoloration in their ^••••COUPON WORTH •••* water, however, this would not be harmful to anyone's health. The flushing should be r $300 completed within three weeks. If you have $500 alid Oct. valid any questions call 566-7200. Oct. 29 BETTER HANDBAGS V Only WOVEN COTTON DAVIDG.KNOWLES , SHIRTS Executive Director 25°°andup coo ATMUA ^ lO^andup >J* »ne<9-**"&( * i)"' (valid Oct. 26 & 29 OnlyjmQ^ \*J (valid Oct. 29Only)«iMi<3 ,M •••••••••••••••••• l/$\ 1 .^ms**v (^•••.COUPON WORTH'M'fS NOTICE TO RESIDENTS TAKE20%0FF OF 'valid Oct. valid Oct r $300 1 SHOP and COMPARE ALL 28 thru 29-30 YOU CAN'T BEAT THE Oct. 31 Only WOOL BLAZERS HUSKY HEAVY DUTY WHITE ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOW HIGHLANDS HOSIERY How's that There will be a random flushing of (••(valid Oct. 28 thru Oct. 31 )„{, for a party? .tvalid Oct. 29-30 Only) . Hydrant's in the Borough of High- ESTIMATE Remember, only 8 Weeks to Christmas AND lands on Wednesday, October Start using our Lav-A-Wav Pla DEMONSTRATION 31, 1979 starting at 9:00 A.M. to 490 BROAD ST. RTE. 35 '•—w approximately 12:00 Noon. SHREWSBURY, N.J. OPEN DAILY BII 5:30 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT. TO 6 P.M. room's FBI.'Til 9 Ml. Harriet A. Albrecht OUR 34th YBAR WaterlSe wer Collector PHONE 8420011 3Z BROAD ST., RED BANK Stores in Clifton, N.J. 741-7900 Nanuet & Hartsdale, N.Y.

1, Club to mark 50th anniversary SHREWSBURY.NJ- ' MONDAY. OCTOBER 29.1979 The Daily Register 5

LONG BRANCH - Dr leadership post in 1978. Dr North has been active Like other community ser- dun honors the Monmouth Edward R. North Jr., a Jack- A native of Charleston. S. lor many years in 4-H work, vice clubs the Exchange Club Collggt and Long Branch son, Miss , physician and C. Dr North earned a helping lo originate the Mis- whose motto is Unity for High School basketball president of the National Ex bachelor's degree at the Col- sissippi 4-H Horse Show As- Service, is made up of local teams, numerous Little change Club, will be the guest lege of Charleston and a med- sociation. Inc.. a project businessmen representative League teams. Girl's Softball of honor and featured speaker ical degree from the Medical which involves 12,000 young- ol many diverse professions teams and teams at a dinner-dance to celebrate University of South Carolina sters in the largest program Kach member is expected The club s newest commit- RED BANK ONLY the Low Branch Exchange at Charleston. After complet- of its kind in the United to devote time and energy tu ment is to the National Kx Club's »th Anniversary. The ing his education. Dr. North Stales He recently was pres- the numerous programs. change Prevention of Child event will be held at Squire's NEW STORE HOURS served four years on active ented Witt) the Distinguished Among (he many projects Abuse Program. Pub on Stnday, Nov 11, at 6 Tues.-Sat. 10-5:30 duty overseas as an Army Mississippian Award and is a carried out by Exchange eve- Currently, the club has 94 p in surgeon. nienihi'i of the Colonel's Staff ry year are Crime Prevention members Six formei bM| Dr. North, who is a mem- cil Mississippi (iovernor Cliff Week. Fire Prevention Week. Branch Exchange Club presi- ber and pant president of the He began his medical Pinch. Krcsh Air Fund. Mardi Gras dents have gone on to become Northwoods-Jaekson Club, practice in Jackson, Miss, in Tin' Long Branch Club was I'aTade, Book of Golden presidents ol the New Jersey served as a director and pres- lusi organized in 1927 and Deeds. Freedom Shrine and a District CHILDREN'S 1950 and was one of the found- ident for the Mississippi Dis- ers and builders of Doctor's officially chartered on Feb 5, Student Recognition Pro The current club officers trict and received the Out- Hospital of Jackson He also 1930 by the National Ex- gram which honors students are Tony Oel.auro. presi- standing District Director's helped to found and was pres- change Club of Toledo. Ohio from l-ong Branch. Shore Re- dent. K.J toim Truppa. gional and Ocean Township WINTER SALE Award in 197) and 1974. He ident of the board of Heritage under Ine sponsorship of the President Elect: Robert Ihgh Schools The club also was Hen*,! to the national School which educates chil Manasquan Club The Hev. second Vicel'r^sident. board «( dtrastoK,... nfft and n- Brebe. #tO>'", O dren with learni il .. ..,1n, w.is IhertuK* . -l4-'- 1977 and rust- to the national abilities. lirst acting president. . mas Party lor needy chil jnd Lester Kice. Treasurer C'iTERWEAR * SNOW SUITS * JACKETS & COATS * Family gains a new grandparent By "Weather Tamer" "Pacific Trail" ASBURY PARK - Elsie Community Affairs. coGAP. 849 Mattison Avf. the Monmouth County Pag- help someone.". Voight haVhelped complete a Adopted grandparents and Voight has given numer- eant Committee, naming her Every Monday. 25 to 30 "Absorba" _\;lttiim3iuiUhB_yj>^r'.' in rec- seniors Rather at the Long g . "White Stag" Adoption Pipgram (GAP) by ganizations including the ognition of ner voinrrteer "Hrancn .-itu.,* ...... —! the matching of backgrounds being the fiist to Join hands Long Branch Senior Center. work. under Voight's direction, put and interests. with her new'family." She is a member of the Jer- Nancy Politan, director of together pads used for cancer ORIGINAL PRICE' In addition to "The First sey Shore Breakfast Club, the the Senior Center in Long patients at hospitals in the The GAP aims to com- Family" of the GAP, more Active Seniors, the Broadway Branch and a long-time vol- county plete the fairly structure, than a dozen other volunteer Club, the Creative Club, and unteer in the field of senior aid in the development of senior citizens and families She also teaches glass the Cameo Club. A recent work, says of Voight, "She is BLOUSES children, and help fill periods are in the process of becom- painting at the Long Branch honor was bestowed on her by never too busy to take time to of loneliness, especially dur- ing part of the program. Center. ing holidays. The program is Those wishing to partici- 2 PC. SETS POLOS administered through the pate may write to the Depart- Asbury Park Depjrtment of ment of Community Affairs, Little World "Petit Batball" By Magic Years AS LOW AS "Magic Years" "Dontwan ' "Max & Mantz '/ OFF ' Donmoqr "Anne Klein " 2 Billy The Kid' $050 Rumson boy ORIG. PRICE & Many More A More \J struck by car RUMSON - Jaion Man- Police said the accident dia, 6, of 14 Bingham Hill occurred when the boy. on nil SWEATERS Circle, remained in satisfac- bicycle, made a sharp left tory condition yesterday in turn on Bingham Avenue and By: "Donmoor", "Polo", Monmouth Medical Center, was in collision with a car "RussGirl", "Little World" Long Branch, where he wai driven by Susan M. Wilson, "Love Bug", & More admitted after being struck 21. of 110 River Edge Drive, by a car. Little Silver. Both were trav- eling northbound on Bingham Avenue when the accident Rahway happened shortly before 5 ORIG. p.m. Thursday. V2 OFF PRICE Wilson was unable to stop inmate in to time to prevent hitting the boy, police said escapes No summonses were is- sued by Patrolman John H. FIRST 'CAP' FAMILY — Elsie Voloht of Long Branch, center, chats with her newly 8 WALLACE STREET - RED BANK 842-6610 . MARLBORO -*- Police are Laccy Jr. who investigated "adopted" family: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ciaglia of Little Silver and their children, searching for a man who es- The child was taken to the from left, Ann, Matthew, Dina, and Christopher. They are the first "family" to be caped from the Rahway Pris- hospital by members of the united through the Grandparent Adoption Program (GAP) administered through on Camp, Conover Road, who Rumson First Aid Squad the Department of Community Affairs, Asbury Park. Advertise in The Register was serving a 15- to 20-year sentence for armed holdup and robberY. 9 Police identified the man Ocean Grove 'goes Hollyuvood as Misir Koci, J6. They de- . other residents watched. Al- here, " said Richard scribed him as 5 (eel, 8 inches OCEAN GROVE (APt - Kirkpatrick. a mailman who STAY HEALTHY len, wearing a black suit and tall, and weighing 155 pounds. This tiny Methodist enclave, blue tee shirt, talked and was on his rounds when he He has brojtfn hair and brown known for its strict Sunday Miss Rampling nodded. An noticed the commotion. eyes. police said. laws, has turned into a rol- licking set for a new Woody actor dressed as a male or- Throughout the afternoon, JN escape was reported Allen movie. derly appeared with a cup for Allen paced nervously around shortly after 9 p.m. Friday. A Don't Miss The Residents of the Camp Miss Rampling and re- the set, whilecrew members, ' search of the area produced Meeting Association in Mon- treated actors and stand-ins waited no clues as to his where- mouth County are usually "I think it's great, it's so patiently. abouts, police said. concerned with the con- unusal for us," said Jane Harried production work- troversial regulations which Wilson, a resident of Ocean ers pleaded with the on- prohibit sun bathing, driving Grove since 1938. lookers for quiet and met in 2nd ANNUAL RUN Gallagher and hanging out wash on Sun- "I think it's exciting. It's endless conferences with the days. great having a movie made star. charged Since Tuesday, however, residents have been gather^ SERVING for the in dispute ing outside the auditorium to LUNCHt watch the mysterious antics DINNER KEANSFHIRG - A com- of actors putting together a FOR Children's Psychiatric Center - plaint of simple assault has new film. 45 YEARS been filed against Hugh In the regular Woody Al- Gallagher, the Board of len filming fashion, no one CPC - Community Mental Health Center Education president, in con- knows what the movie's plot. nection with a dispute that "What do you think this is took place last Wednesday about? Maybe it's supposed FAMILY DINNER SPECIALS OF MONMOUTH COUNTY evening at the Palace to be a sanitarium, with the Lounge, Carr Avenue. doctor and the woman wear- MONDAY & TUESDAY Date: Sunday, November 4, 1979 (Rain or The complaint, filed and ing -pajamas and a robe, " signed by Vincent McKenna, said resident Evelyn Doty. VEAL PARMIGIANA Shine) 1 Beacon Blvd., alleges that A smiling Allen was Served with Salad, speaking with British actess Program: 11:00 A.M. -1.8 Miles 11:30 A.M. - 6.2 Gallagher punched McKenna Spaghetti, Bread A Butter 5O in the mouth, pulled his hair Charlotte Rambling, his co- and grabbed him in a dispute star, who was wearing baggy PIZZA SERVED - Monday Night Football Miles over McKenna's removal of blue pajamas, white robe and Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank liquor bottles from the bar, white stretch slippers. Place: Brookdale College - Newman Springs Hubert SI Amplt OH Siroel Parking McKenna is a bartender at While Ms. Doty aand the the Palace Lounge. Road, Lincroft N.J. $ 50 Police Capt. William Registration: 3 Pre-Entry Kryscnski said the assault 00 charge stems from what ap- '5 Post-Entry (closes - Nov. 4) peared to be a "petty dis- WANTED pute." that occurred at about 10 p.m. Wednesday night. Awards: -Free T-shirts. Championship Trophies to 1st Male Scholarship WOMEN DRIVERS and Female Finishers in both races winner is Mr. Goodwrench wants to help Mary Rueckel keep your car running... Awards to first 3 Finishers in 6 age categories & oldest & youngest in Fun Run . . DETACH HERE - WEST LONG BKANCH - Do you know what to do if your Mary-Elizabeth Kueckel has car dies out or won't start? won the Century 111 Leaders ENTRY FORM: Send lo CPC Annual Run. 59 Broad Street. Eatonlown. N.J 07724 Scholarship competition at Shore Regional High School, Ladles Night Only PLEASE PRINT NAME_ _ according to Alfred W. De- Santis, principal. Wednesday, Nov. 7.1979 ADDRESS . — —PHONf-^ ,- The 16-year-old senior is now eligible to compete with 7PM-9PM SEX__AGE T-SHIRT SIZE: (circleone) XS. S. M. L. XL other high school seniors EVENT: 10 km Road Race 3 km Fun Run t throughout New Jersey for A FREE CLINIC two J1.500 schqlarships. two will be held by factory trained I hereby waive and release all claims lor injury or damage I may incur while going to, participating in, or going $500 scholarships, and also Irom the CPC Annual Run. against the Children's Psychiatric Center Community Mental Health Center, and. tor a I1U.0U0 national scholar- representatives at... Brookdale Community College. ship that will be awarded in a -rNET L MOTORS MOTS DIVISION contcrence of state winners Door Prizes Signature ot Runner (or Parent il under 18| in historic Colonial Williams- and burg. Virginia. HOLSEY PONTIAC Refreshments MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: "CPC ANNUAL RUN" Ms. Kueckel triumphed in . the local phase ol the Century RTE. 36 EATONTOWN Additional entry lorms available at: Area Sports Stores and High Schools in Monmouth County ASK FOR BILL OR 111 Leaders Program, a or by calling CPC Annual Run Committee, (2CT1) 842-2000, ext. 200 scholarship competition Limited which emphasizes the future Call. 542-7800 NORMAN Rtufvillom , ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE concerns of America. The Daily Register Cambodia a chess game pawn even indirectly, th» hospi- Established m 1878 — Published by The Red Rank Register By JACK ANDERSON imiiiliiimiiiilitHiiiiMiimtmiiHimiMii came as any surprise to our policy makers. The State De- tality of defendant* In federal WASHINGTON partment has known since at cases/" ARTHUR Z. KAMIN WASHINGTON — Jimmy least March that the unhappy The courses are Held at President and Editor Carter's sanctimonious ser- country was facing a food the law and economic center mons on human rights have SCENE shortage of catastrophic pro- of the University ol Miami become a cruel mockery to portions, according to Law School. Its director, Thomas 7. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor millions of Cambodians, who iHimiiiimiiMiiiiilHiiiiiMHliiiHliniiiiiii sources in the department Henry Manne. defended the are dying ol starvation and and Congress. Intelligence seminars enthusiastically, disease — helpless pawns SHREWSBURY. WJ. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1979 reports informed the admin- and denied that any of his being sacrificed in the deadly authority in Cambodia. Hath- istration that only S to 10 guest lecturers 'taught poli- chess game of big-power poli- er than run that risk, our percent of Cambodia's arable ANDERSON tics." tics. callous diplomats chose not land was being planted last Manne claimed that his "Me, comrade? I'm a deactivated rights activist' Despite assurances from to implement the massive spring. the Carter administration food program needed to pre- namese wouldn't let us" dis- course is one in "positive ec- This was confirmed by a that the United States would vent the virtual extinction of tribute the relief supplies, he onomics," and does not fol- secret CIA report in early Au- give food to Cambodians "ir- the Cambodian people. said, and the program was low any particular school of gust, which offered the bar- respective of their political The anti-Vietnantese hampered by strict monitor- economic thought. But that's Towing prediction that as authority, ' officials within "tilt" in the State Depart- ing procedures insisted on by not what we wire told by many as 3.5 million people the State Department have ment was recently reflected Congress. several legal experts who at- - "".ttoflwiiui''c fpty u> would starve to death as a M)Uft'Jkl' JW*u Mo fleir: *•' -. seminars They humane-pohtj, according to scat che infamous t-ol PoYV? „. **»*aF. .text ^ than 100 federal judges fi said an aiiU-ragulatory at- a wide variety of sources. * gime in the United Nations, December'and January. Oth- gone to sunny Florida for a titude dominates the lec- The problem has been despite the evidence — whith er reports indicated that crash course in conservative tures, which stretches so- that people in lower levels, we have been reporting for typhus and malaria were dec- economics, courtesy of some called "free market" theo- imating the population. There specifically in the East Asian more than two years — that it of the biggest corporate fat- ries favored by the (iant cor- are virtually no children un- desk, have been doing nothing was responsible for the cats that will ever appear porations that put up money der 5, and for every birth but obstructing efforts to aid slaughter of millions of Cam- before them as defendants. for the center. (.tje Cambodians," one bodians since it seized power there are 10 deaths. i .,, "Wt, toldou rin 1974. Hut for consideration of A confidential memo in They also suggested that reporter Liice'tte LJ^IMV^X diplomatic gamesmanship, the Senate Judiciary Com the judges would be easier to The Foggy Bottom bu- strategy, the" United States ine o.V,-»....:..%- *»>* reaucrats have been blaming deems it important to join the apparently willing to twiddle judges "a Drazen attempt by horror stories t|lan experts in legal and congressional road- Chinese in support of Pol Pot, its thumbs while the greatest the Business Houndtable the field would oe. blocks for their inaction. But and oppose the rival govern- genocidal disaster since crowd to influence the en- The companies listed in the real reason, according to ment set up by Soviet-backed Hitler's Holocaust runs its forcement of antitrust laws." the Senate committee memo our sources, is a deep-seated Vietnamese troops. "It was sickening course in Southeast confirmed tous that they sup- anti-Vietnam bias in the State more important for us to give Asia. The internal memo adds: port Mannas center toth e Department. the Soviets a diplomatic kick Footnote: Kobert Oakley •Financing for the program tune of hundreds of thousands Apparently it was feared in the ass than It was for us to of the State Department's comes from companies like of dollars. Their spokesmen that some relief supplies feed the people," charged one East Asian bureau denied Procter & Gamble, IBM and insisted that the corporations might fall into the hands of knowledgeable source. that his office had failed to General Electric ... Isn't had no control over the con- the Vietnamese invaders, It's not as if the horrors of implement the policy of food there any question about the tent of the programs they helping them solidity their Cambodia's starving millions aid to Cambodia. "The Viet- ethics of judges accepting, fund. D.A. has a long memory By JIM BISHOP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIH IMIIIII ii doubt that murder was com- Judge Peel life in prison. The judge murdered a mitted. No corpus delecti, no That was 1961 The Judge is judge. The trial was held in a case. Peel hired two felons to still in the can. Bobby Lincoln sun-washed courthouse at THE do it: Lucky Holzapfel, a le- took the first train out. Fort Pierce, Fla. The defen- gal loser, and Bobby Lincoln, O'Connell decided to choke dant was a short, handsome REPORTER a black murderer. the canary. man with dark wavy hair, After midnight, they ap- Holzapfel was sentenced Judge Joseph Peel. The pros- MiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMijiiimii ,„ peared at the beachfront to die. He perspired on death ecutor was Phillip O'Connell, home of Judge Chillingworth row for a long time. Nobody an ex-pug gifted with courtly suckers? Find out which in a boat. They rang and cared. Lucky was a manners. number is played least, put rang. Mrs. Chillingworth re- cockroach. And yet it pinged 979 by The Road Information Program own area, in some instances pointed up man showed up in a tavern Peel. A circuit judge is supe- went first. The judge said: that he would go free if Lin- "No matter what help you - (T.RIP) estimates that 5,504 miles of the by citizen outcries, indicate the inade- with a plush bag full of rior to a municipal judge. "Remember, I love you." coln was all the state had to give us, I'm going to see that • state's 29,592 miles of paved roads are quacies of decades-old designs put to plastic balls with numbers on Chillingworth was a right- Then he went. offer. you die." Oh, no. too narrow, too hilly or have too many them. He held the bag in front eous man, an honorable man, It required a long time and modern traffic demands. of a stranger, who dug his the most dangerous kind. Lucky claims he was•"\ In later years, Lucky's ; curves. Updating the obsolete mileage some 'flxin's' for State At- New Jersey, we're told, has more hand in and picked one of the Word got back to Judge torney Philip O'Connell to promised a jail sentence in seR)*J*c« was commuted to could reduce our accident rate by 26 u cars per paved mile of roadway lane balls. Winners were paid 70- Peel that Chillingworth was build a case. The bodies, pre- return for insuring a finding life. The'fiW nient carries a percent, a TRIP spokesman says. to-1. of guilt against Peel. On the than any other state. Our 1,160 traffic investigating. The person- sumably, were carried north weird provisoVJt says that if The study results were released by Judge Peel tired of trying ality kid worried. Exposure to Icelandic waters. He made stand, he sang for days. He Lucky ever pleaUftJor pa">le^ fatalities last year put us second in the the New Jersey Alliance for Action, a gamblers. He decided to join would ruin him. He would be a deal, it was said, to forgive told all. He hung his head. he must be re-sentenced to nation, behind only Rhode Island in the group of 200 businesses seeking econom- them. From now on, he said, yanked from the bench; dis- Bobby Lincoln for two or "We should be stamped out die. "S death rate column. bolita operators would pay barred ; maybe sent to prison. three murders of black peo- like cockroaches," he said. ic improvements in the state, and the ple in order to get him to Last week, Lucky took a The proposed state transportation him $50 a week. If their He decided to kill Judge New Jersey Safety Council. While it is runners were arrested, he Chillingworth. How? When? testify against Judge Peel. O'Connell prosecuted as long chance. He went into bond issue, in addition to funding mass court and asked for a new true that both groups are backing the would pay their fines out of Under what circumstances? I covered the trial. To my though he was the victim. He $475 million transportation bond issue transit improvements, would provide his take. Peel studied felony homicide. way of thinking, it was thundered and he also light- trial. O'Connell, older and grayer, was there. Don't bet proposal to be put before the state's $245 million for major state highway One more thing, the judge It seemed that if you can't fascinating. One thing pinged. He was profoundly hurt when the jury gave on Lucky getting lucky... VOteri in the Nov. 6 election, and that projects and $80 million for county and suggested. Why not take the find the body, the law may seemed certain; a cracker TRIP is sponsored by the roadbuilding municipal road projects. The report link- industry, the point they make is valid ing our accident rate with the needs in and warrants our concern. We know that this area is timely. We look for passage our old roads, many of them built before of the plan and for a major ultimate Middletown crossing guards 1940 when our state was more rural than improvement in the statistics. Port Monmouth extra overtime when it we now have crossing our These guards deserve W. Long Branch Democratic To the Editor: comes to the very lives of our children, policemen who are more of a raise and public Party, and a professed public Draft bill's odd bedfellows The following is an open children. being paid f 10.00 plus an hour thank you then to be pushed servant of the people, could letter to Middletown Town- These children are walk- to do these very same jobs out of jobs that are literally institute a ridiculous law suit ship Residents, Town Com- ing to school in the very thai township committeemen unfillable now that the public that affects athletes of SRHS Analyses ot the recent U.S. House of vote down draft registration. Had all of mitteemen and Governing midst of the morning rush won't give $1 75/hr. more is or should be aware of how and all students for years to Representatives vote against resuming them voted for registration, it would Bodies. hour amid the harried com- raise to. How can anyone say underpaid a position it is. come. As a mother, taxpayer and muters speeding to work. we can't afford to give the compulsory registration for the military have carried by 24 votes. Let's stop beating around The lights don't annoy the working housewife of Mid- Crossing Guards a raise when dratt have uncovered some strange bed- These underpaid crossing the bush. Let's listen to these other neighbors - they testi- The conservative opposition came on dletown Township I feel it's we are paying at least 5 po- guards are there in all kinds guards. Let's listen to our Po- fied to that in court. lellows. ' . about time someone has of weather, protecting not licemen a day over JlO.OO/hr. _lhe libertarian grounds that registration lice Chief Joseph McCarthy I think its about time this the bulk ot the 3-to-2 anti-draft spoken up about this crisis only my children, but yours, to man these very same would amount to coercion of the individ- Let's listen to the mothers rebel packed up and got off of margin came trom the liberals, although concerning the township and your neighbors. posts? ual. who depend on these guards Parker Road. If he hated ath- there were exceptions, a small minority crossing guards. Due to a wage dispute, Other conservatives argued, in con- How can anyone with any Making these policemen 'being there and fulfilling letic funtions so much, why o! liberals who warned that the all-volun- that doesn't even pay enough conscience fight over a few become crossing guards is their responsibility to getdid he buy a house behind a trast, that the absence of compulsory to begin to lure people into like asking President Carter school and right next toth e teer army would consist dispropor- pennies raise or a 1/4 of hour these jobs, a mere 3.3/hour, these children to school safe- tionately ot the poor — especially urban draft registration contributes to a sense to become a bus-boy. All their ly. athletic field in the first extensive training and spe- place. blacks who had tew other employment of euphoria in the American public, ob- Is it going to take some cialized courses are being child losing his or her life to And as for Judge options scuring the Soviet military threat. shelved to satisfy a few wake up Middletown Town- Selenkoff, what right did he But the unusual element was that a But the upshot was that many liber- higher-ups Who won't grant a ship? have in making a decision in much larger numbed of conservatives als and ultraconservatives who find raise to a very worthy and The cost to protect our favor of one trouble maker deserving group of dedicated than had been expected opposed the reg- themselves at odds on nearly every issue children doesn't have a price and against 1200 school chil- workers. dren and the taxpayers of istration initiative, conservatives of the found they had common ground in de- tag. A life can never be re- placed. four towns? What effect will type who usually take a hard line on feating this particular bill. It was a rare Would they stand out in rain, snow, fog and exhaust Wake up people, talk out. the decision have on the pro- delense issues. A total of 56 persons — 45 confluence, but it turned the tide — and fumes to cross school chil- Let's hear from the public posed lights on the athletic ot them republicans — who a week later doubtless would again, if the subject dren. I doubt it. and put our mouth where our fields of Long Branch HS, voted Iqf higher defense spending helped were to be revived. As to how effective these children's lives are at stake. Red Bank RHS, Rumson-Fair guards control these cross- Sincerely yours, Haven RHS, etc., etc.?? Will ings and flow of traffic, one Betty A. Zaborney one person complain and off only needs to pass on Cherry go the lights?? River Street School Tree Farm Road and try, I Janet M. Carroll repeat, "try" to get past the The Red Bank Borough Council's re- the borough has made extensive effort to point of entrance to Saint Darkness ceipt of bids for sale of the old River find the federal funding needed for the Mary's School. Oceanport Thanks Street School building on the borough's community center project, but without Since our very talented And Levin said, "Let Shrewsbury and efficient crossing guard, success. there be Dark!" And there To the Editor; Westside for commercial development Helen Rope, has been on sick has sparked an angry reaction among We think the resolution of this one was dark. The Board of Trustees of leave, it's been next to im- To the Editor: the American Heart Associa- requires cooperative harmony and hope those who hope the building can be re- possible to get to work on Parents, students and res- tion Monmouth County tained and renovated for use as a com- the voices of controversy can be kept time. I know, I must travel idents of W. Long Branch, Chapter extends their ap- munity center. Agustinho Monteiro, down. We agree with Monteiro that the that route each and every Oceanport, Monmouth preciation to the baily Reg' morning much to my sad dis- president of the local chapter of the community center plan is the best one Beach, and Sea Bright! Wake ister for alerting the public to may. up and get involved! Don't sit our recent "Fight for Life National/ Association for the Advance- for the use of the building and should be I can't recall traveling back and allow one man, Mr. Cyclethon". The dollars pursued via every available avenue. ment of Colored People, has charged the that route lately in less than Arnold Levin, destroy the • raised by the participants council and Mayor Michael J. Arnone Such a center would be an invaluable 15 or 20 minutes, that is only beautiful lighting facilities on will be used in our mission to from a point a little before with disregard of the wishes and welfare stimulus to pride and interest in the the athletic field of Shore Re- reduce premature death and Westside. We hope there will be no hard the traffic light at Wilson Av- gional High School. disability from of Westside residents and accused them enue and Cherry Tree Farm It just amazes me how an Cardiovascular Diseases. of racial motivation. The mayor says the commitment to any alternative until all Rd. to the rear, entrance of individual who was a coun- Gratefully, possibilities of achieving it have been Saint Mary's School. It is a bid-taking is only an exploratory move at 'Air-drops of food and medicine? Do you cilman, candidate for mayor, Reid Cameron exhausted. 1 complete disaster. this point and that, contrary to charges, realize the logistical and diplomatic problems? Borough attorney, head of the 1979 Cyclethon Chairman Spur savings and cut spending SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, OCTOBER29 1979 Thf DrtlyRl UfctfT 7 By SYLVIA PORTER illlllMlllmumiillllllllillllHilllllHI Ill the economy Kor the first time, you who have had no The single, most important move the U.S. firtt-haad experience with the Great Depres- government could make now to spur savings sion ol the l»3Us, are a majority of our nation i •and investment, spokesmen for the group told voting age population. YOUR MONEY'S my associate. Brooke Shearer, would be to More than five out of 10 of you (96 percent) eliminate the taxes individuals must now pay 18 years or older were born alter IMS. Kor you, on their savings accounts the economic catastrophes which directly af- WORTH This alone would remove an enormous bar- fected us, your parents - the stock market rier to saving The combination ol interest rate crash, bank failures, skyrocketing joblessness ceilings, mllation and taxes means that most — are tales out of a distant past. •IKIIIIM MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIMi Americans who save actually lose money by You never will fully appreciate why we saving, says Boskin This is particularly per- fought so hard for laws to protect our nation tinent to the elderly who have more savings in from ever again undergoing this traumatic relation to the rest ot the American population. event, why we so deeply approved of the so- undersaving and overspending must be re- Eliminating taxes on savings accounts of called work ethic, why we tried so hard to versed, • all sorts would hike the average saver's return build at last an emergency savings nestegg. "It we don't increase our growth rate to by 40 percent and result in a 13U-S4O billion rise Instead, your daily lives and habits have the point where taxpayers see their standards in personal savings a year been shaped in an era ol sharply rising taxes of living improve, they'll start to turn on the ' The larger supply ot savings would drive and prices — forces pushing you to spend less fortunate in our economy." predicts down Interest rates over a period, make long- rather than save. And as an average U.S. Michael Boskin. Stanford economics pro- term capital investment more appealing. A woDMnj you ft || pero ., MP leti- :.JS£T , & among UWJCMl. r IJJ»«T*" "*-'" 2 ~ "" ^i"»re trap- income in taxes to government. Social Security mists who believe the answers to our sluggish • per farmer — would in turn" make workers taxes rather than income taxes take the big- growth and persistent mllation lie in stimu- more productive and help increase wages gest bite out of your incomes, if yours is a lating savings and investment, while reducing Alter 10 years or so. tax revenues would rise family earning less than Jll.ouo a year — or taxes and government spending. along with higher wages even if your family earns above this level. i The arguments ot this younger school of W ith so large a percentage of your earnings The chronic inflations ol recent decades "incentive" economists are getting an ever going out in taxes and to pay for ever more can't be curbed by the old. depression-born more serious and sympathetic hearing in expensive goods and services, your incentive remedies aimed at influencing people's de- Washington. The Joint Economic Committee to save is steadily shrinking At latest report, mand lor goods and services, the younger ol Congress Issued a report recently support- you were saving, only slightly more than t economists insist. ing the general view that the economy taces percent of your after-tax income, lowest rale msjorsupplyp



iimiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiilHllHHHlllii By DAVID H. SARGENT al people, I am confused as to Q— I own 62 shares of when to report the interest tart Industries (NYSE) and received on Treasury Bills. wonder if I should sell them Suppose a T-blll was to bay certificates of deposit. purchased In October to Dr. Meullener I am 40 and need more In- mature In April, 1M0, would come. J. E. Michigan the interest be taxed •• 1979 joins practice A- Sale of this stock will or 1980 Income, assuming the HKI) BANK- Di Carlos generate about f 2,900 in capi- Individual was on • cash E. Meullener has joined Dr. tal. Even it this were rein- basis? H. H. Nebraska Thomas McManus in the vested at 11.5 percent — CD's A— According to the In- practice of general dentistry would fall far short of that — ternal Revenue Code, as the at 16 Wallace St.,here. you would earn only $322 an- holder of a short-term U. S. nually, adding $210 to your Dr. Meullener, a Red Government obligation is- present dividend income. Bank native, is a graduate of sued on a discount basis, you Certainly you could make up St. James Grammar School, do not pay tax on the interest that differential within a few and Red Bank Catholic High (discount) until maturity. years, if Dart's dividend REMEMBER... School. He graduated magna The interest is not considered growth rate continued near cum laude from Fairleigh by the IRS as accrued until the 41 percent annual pace set Dickinson University, the security is sold, matures in the last five years. TO END THE BAN ON "SUNDAY SHOPPING" Teaneck, and the New Jersey or is otherwise disposed of College of Medicine and Den- Dart's two fastest growing and you actually receive full tistry. operating areas are Tup-value for the T-bill perware and Mallory's Dr. Meullener lives in Along the same lines, the Duracell batteries. The latter Monmouth Beach with his IRS has reversed an earlier YOU MUST VOTE "NO" wife. Patricia, and son. company was acquired in January following a $250 mil- position on the taxability of lion tender offer. Last year, other short-term obligations. ON NOVEMBER 6th ON THE PUBLIC QUESTION Area firm lists Mallory earned $7.8 million Under regulations proposed on sales of about $400 million. recently, cash-basis tax- Paid lor by The Cituens (or Sunday Shopping Richard LaRocto Treasurer 306MamSireei Woodbnrjge N J 07095 record earnings In addition to its Tupperware payers may delay reporting division. Dart holds three oth- interest income on obliga- TINTON KALUS - Ke- tions of a year or less, until cord nine-month earnings and er direct sales companies. the interest is acutally paid sales were reported today by Vanda in cosmetics, Miracle or credited to the holder's Metallurgical Industries, Maid in cookware and Cop- Inc.- (OTC, formerly percraft in gift items. Spe- account. This regulation Metallurgical International). cialty chemicals, plastics and would apply to money market certificates, corporate notes, Kor the lirst nine months consumer products are also manufactured. certificates of deposit, time 5% interest on our ol 1D79. pet earnings were Jl.lt*>.155 or $1 53 a share on Earnings this year should deposits, and similar obliga- sales oifl4.4W.V21. be around 1550 a share vs. tions which mature in one year or less and require a 1 $4.84 in 1978 (both figures are on a diluted basis). This single interest payment upon 1980 Christmas Club would give Dart a five-year maturity. earnings growth rate of 16 percent annually, and anoth- American er big gain seems assured in 1980. The shares should be Man, wife helps wrap up Tourister. held. Q- After talking to lever- sentenced FREEHOLD - Joseph F. a happy holiday. Man robs Mackiewicz, 29, of Shoreland Terrace, East Keansburg, Marlboro who admitted committing an assault in Middletown. was Just decide how much money you'll sentenced to seven to 10 years business in state prison. need for Christmas shopping in 1980. MARLBORO - A man Mackiewicz admitted as- Then check the chart for the Club that'll armed with a sawed-off shot- saulting Robert Roth of Port gun robbed a roller skating Monmouth Road. Port Mon- get you there. You'll like the way your rinlf-qn Route 9 of more than mouth. June 2 in Middletown. savings will grow with the help of our , $3,500 and then kidnapped two Helen Mackiewicz, his rink employees, police re- wife, who admitted conspir- 5% Christmas Club interest! port. ing to commit a robbery, was The man entered the sentenced to six months in 22" CARRY-ON Skatcway at approximately 1 the county jail. Christmas check Your Weekly deposit SUITER a.m. yesterday, and forced Superior Court Judge with interest bonus Ralph Nappi Jr. and Terry Donald Cunningham imposed Removable sun rack and Siciliano. two rink employees the sentences. hanger Packs a suit plus $ 1,000.00 $1,025.00 $20.00 accessories EXCELLENT into Nappi's vehicle, and or- Scott Anderson. 27. of CASE FOR A LONG WEEK- dered Nappi to drive away, East Road. Belford. who was 500.00 512.50 10.00 END according to police. He let convicted of breaking into the 250.00 256.25 5.00 Model »6022 both men go, unharmed, at an home of E, Murray Todd on unnamed location and drove Holmdel Road. Holmdel. on 150.00 153.75 3.00 away in the Nappi car, police Feb. 15 and possessing a dan- 100.00 102.50 2.00 Complt'e you' regula' payments said. gerous weapon, a 12-inch •i tchtdultd ••ch wtftfc end we n •Now through Nov 15. 1979, metal bar, was sentenced to 50.00 51.25 1 00 pay you S"» inicrtil on your Rainchecks issued il item He was last seen heading avaiagt balance' sold out. toward Matawan on Texas five to seven years in state Road, driving the 1979 Ford prhon station wagon, police said. Kenneth Walker. 20. of Av- Formerly First Merchants National Bank The money he took was enue A, Asbury Park, who the rink's receipts for theadmitted stealing articles day. police said. from a van belonging to Lew- Member F.D.I.C. He was described by po- is Eilcnberg of Wickapecko Drivo. Orean Township', on LAMTIC lice as a white male, approx- imately 8 feet. 2 inches tall. Feb. s and Fob 11. was sen- He was wearing a ski mask tenced to an indeterminate Midlantic National Bank/Merchants and dark clothing refnrmatorv term 8 The DtrilvReafcter SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY. OCTOBER29,1979 A Chinese love story amidst carboard scenery By HUGH MULLIGAN come-on coiffure of Lydia Pinkham. China travels. KUNMING. China I API - When the movie critics get But the plot problem is that when this Oriental Lichin- "Five Golden Flowers" dates back to the new wave around to choosing notable foreign films of the year, they var comes out of the East, or the smelting plant, in quest movie making era before the cultural evolution in China, might give a screening to "Five Golden Flowers," a of his true love, there are no fewer than five delicious when Mao decreed "let 100 flowers blossom," A few Chinese love flick with a minority angle and both con- morsels named Golden Flower in these cardboard ca- turkeys apparently also were hatched then. scious and and unconscious comic touches. nyons. | Its genre, since all film critics insist on genre in a The story takes place in Yunnan Province in the lovely The hunt is on Onetiolden Flower is married to a very foreign film, would be early Denis Morgan with pro- country of the Yi people Or is it the Wa; could it be the nounced intimations of those old Republic Studios ro- 9 jealous husband, plot complications right there and the Hui. Nu, the Dai or the Bai / all those people are waving flags, jumping up and down almost a touch of Boccacio. although rigid Chinese moral- mances starring Ilona Massey or Ver Ralston. Anyhow, it's In southwest China in an unusual land- and pelting him with flowers. ity does not permit much leering in that direction. Anoth- The actor cast as the smelting technician had George scape of cardboard painted scenery and crumpled canvas At this point in' the film, the usher got up with a er is on an agricultural commune and up to her fetlocks in GrenlTs uncanny pop-eyed look of devouring the main dish rocks She's the deputy leader of a commune; score one flashlight and padlocked the door of the hotel ballroom in water buffalo dung, allowing for a little barnyard humor with his smoldering orbs while at the same time looking for ERA and the women's rights movement. He's a Kunming, where the screening for us took place. I don't here at the expense of the love-smitten swain. beyond her to nibble a few of the hors d'oeuvres around technician at a government iron smelting plant, but before know if anyone was trying to get in, but several were The character players include a drunken uncle, hers, the room. * long iron isn't all that's smelt around here. attempting to get out A few even made it and missed the to provide occasional comic relief, and, to add a note of There is no violence in Five Golden Flowers, not a They meet perchance in an enchanted forest, a papier- most melting love scene since Rudolph Valentino hung up culture, an artist and a poet, who join the tecTinician in kung fu hand is chopped in anger or passion. Bruce Lee mache paradise rendered even more ethereal by the hiscastariets: all done with bulging eyeballs but chaste as. trying to find the real Golden Flower. couldn't even find a cameo part in this plot. .Coirwse colyjplr *)ia.t keeps djf'"iDg. QUtitf fpcus ai At erabra^-"* iJpiUa.«j**" **; JJ %0tatjoin '' +irWi'ttia*r*!, -»(td w)|ile " . bfc -•ins toiavorijf - jhd*ltfiil£' ... Ntopi wloiw-^ -ui >,*..o rendezyousoy moomigM at tile pondui me joined the searcn tor me ausiyeilfpuiy coftirhtinecmei, Pond! me reuriWrtf lovers rtfrimri mss nof caress' or evrn combinations He is'on his way to a horse race, but butterflies, also known as Butterfly Pond, another two- because nb one was shown doing any work throughout the touch each other. His love is purer than Gene Autry's, who obligingly stops to fix her wagon, which has lost a wheel. dimensional triumph of the scene maker's art. He prom- entire flick, especially the bibulous uncle. His main oc- at least got to nuzzle his horse if never Ilona Massey. Apparently, the wagon isn't the only thing that's fixed. ises to return forTJolden Flower — for yes, that is her cupation seemed to be shouting "gambay " — bottoms up "Picture very tasteful," my interpreter concluded in Although he arrives long after the short of the race, he name — in a year, when both their production quotas are — over a stirrup cup to buck up the spirits of the lovesick words worthy of hanging over the marquee. still manages to spur his steed first across the finish line met, but never will he forget those limpid, luminous eyes. smelter. Yet everyone seemed to reside in spacious, well- What else are you going to do on a rainy night in to uphold the honor of the Yi or Nu or the Bai or whoever (iklike Anna Mae Wong's, or tha(hat golden hair piled high in ththee appointed homes that were seldom shown to us on. our Kunming — . --*» ylM hours. "emergencies." cents-an-hour minimum Again the opponents dis- lasted Irom sunup to sun- However, a new question workers week consisted ot World War 11. workers put a Legislation introduced by The bill is designed to wage and ordered timeand- agree Manulacturers volun- down or — as some put it — surlaced at the hearing that nearly till hours in 1900 and priority on higher wages be-' Hep John Conyers. D-Mich . make it more attractive eco» a-hall lor overtime. tarily reduced the work week Irom "can see to cant see." had not been asked in past tell toabout 40hours by 1940 cause ot a pent-up demand lo shorten working time drew nomically lor employers to Today, the law. which has to less than 4U hours during At last week's hearings. struggles over shortening During the past 40 years, lor consumer goods and ser- longtime labor and business increase their work lorces been amended repeatedly to the 1930s, making govern- Dr. Philip S. Koner. a labor work time Oo today's work- however, despite a very vices to "keep up with the adversaries back into the than to schedule overtime. increase the minimum wage, ment intervention unneces- historian and 1 in history ers want shorter hours, or are sharp rise in wages and prod- Joneses. " the economists tray during House hearings Congress has not altered covers 57 million wage sary, according to the professor Irom Lincoln Uni- they comfortable with the 40- uctivity, an average lull-time suggest on the bill this past week. The idea behind Conyers bill is lor Americans to share work when there aren't enough jobs to go around Labor unions and other proponents say the measure would create millions ol new jobs and relieve the nation ol a huge social burden "that ci s from carrying six mil- lion unemployed people on its -shoulders. Not so, counter the Chamber ol Commerce and other employer groups. They • contend that workers would never pi along with a 35-hour work week unless they were guaranteed 41) hours ol pay Hi,it would send labor costs soaring, contribute to inlla- hiiii ;mr jobs, the opponents .111:111' Opponents also say the legislation would not help solve the problems ol two major groups ol jobless Americans - teen-agers who lack basic job .skills, and women homemakers who are seeking part-time work The Oil Convoy is here! 14 Oil Dealers in your area are dedicated to supplying you ( onyers, who represents a Detroit district with tradi- with your heat-we are the "CONVOY". We provide our customers with the service, tionally high unemployment. want's the Hair Labor Stan- supply and choice of where to get their heat. We want out customers to know that we il.inls Act amended to reduce the legal normal' work have oil and we'll make sure they get it. In the past few months there's been a rush week from 411 hours to Vi in IHKl and 35 in 19H3 Kxcess to switch heating systems. Before you do, consider these I rs ol work would have to costs: a new gas installation: $1400 to $2000, plus man- Mastermbn-SmUh datory insulation and a day/night thermostat. It's not publishes novel as simple as you think to switch.

WEST LONG BRANCH Fairlie & Wilton Co. Larrison's Coal and Fuel Oil Inc. Seaboard Service Virginia Masterman-Smith, 2 Neplune 7754600 Neplune Cily 774-5352 Neplune Cily 775-2620 S. Arlene Drive, has pub- Farren Fuel Company Lawe« Coal Co., Inc. Slocum/Long Branch Fuel lished her first novel, for chil- Belmar -..„ 6812300 Shrewsbury 741 6300 Long Branch 2290415 dren. "The Treasure Trap, W. A. Fluhr. Inc. McConmll Fuel Oil Company Slegeman Service through Four Seasons Pub- Red Bank 741-6100 Allanlic Highlands 291 3200 Bellord 797-1205 lishing Co . .New York. Globe Petroleum. Inc. Oil Delivery. Inc. Fred D. WikoH Co.. Inc. The mystery tells of Billy Red Bank 747 1023 Red Bank 741-0610 Red Bank 74705S2 Beak and his friend. AngeJ. John Guire Company Schafer Oil Company, Inc. Long Branch 222 0612 who search for treasure in a Manasquan 2230717 haunted house where it was' supposedly hidden by a mi- ser SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY. OCTOBER 29,1979 The ttaily Register 9 Cleric labels today's sexual revolution 'pioneering'

By IRIS ROZENCWAJG that separate'the male from "and they don't know why." can take, to see il they are "middleaged and older peo- that you don t develop an He has given marriage coun- TINTUN KALLS - Chang- the female: only females can Single adults also "need a suited to be parents ple. He mentioned the ex- emotional attachment — this seling to such couples, he ing sexual attitudes in the lactate. gestate and legitimate sexual life outside The third option is "single ample ot a group ot eight is for sexual purposes only, said, "to find out what their IMOs wUl be the result ol menstruate," he said, "and ot marriage," Stayton said parenthood — this is very dit- middle class families who he said goals were ' He spoke of the pioneering efforts going on only males can impregnate — And older people "are pro- lerent from unwed mother- pooled their resources alter "The most conservative, much rarer *ksynergomou» now, the Hev. Dr. William H everything else is nego- testing that their sex life Is hood as it used to be called." their joint layoll and tound people on the block are sw- marriage." in which there is Stayton told an audience at tiable.' over." he said. he said. "People are saying 1 themselves paying only |7 50 ingers. Stayton said, with a a secondary marriage within M on mouth Ketorm Temple Continuing with his list of Speaking irom ex- don't want to get into the per person per week lor lood smile people very strong a marriage — "I used to last night. pioneers, Stayton mentioned perience. Stayton said that marriage bit. but 1 do want to and with more tree time than on their value systems and think that was a lantasy More than 25 persons "men's movements, when when he got married, the op- get into the parenting bit " ever. very strong in their religious And Stayton spoke ol "the turned out to near the Second men are getting together in tions were marriage or the And he cited ads in maga- Another lilestyle option organizations I had a whole open-ended marriage Half Annual Margaret Sanger Me consciousness raising groups priesthood and nothing else, zines placed by single persons Stayton spoke ot is new appreciation lor my par- the couples he sees in mar- mortal Lecture, sponsored by to discuss what does it really but there are new options" and homosexuals inviting co- "cohabitation, a growing ish, he said, alter reading a riage counseling, he said, the Clergy Advisory Commit- mean to be male" and under now. he said, citing 12 alter- operation in the propagation lilestyle He said that 21) to study about swingers "are questioning whether tee of Planned Parenthood ol "unrelenting pressures and nate "tamily life style op- ol children, who would then 30 percent ol college kids are Other options Stayton they should adopt this — I Monmouth County. (sufferingI Irom repressed tions.'" be "parented" by one person currently living together He mentioned are "family think lor the majority ol peo- The subject of Ur emotions created by a tight The hrst named such op- only. "And there is integrity mentioned "seeondchance or network systems, in which ple it's a disaster. Stayton Stayton's talk was "The New sex role structure." tion was "the monogamous and validity in this for the serial monogamy." but added lamilies care tor each others said "It really takes a cou- Kanu'v •-"•—wing ute- g -~>*rr anl lMtie WK'dlMjgjp j>\e liial haw'-'^-ejier an ajl styles in the '80s "7t member groups' who still sutler pen- wile, two children. "-fctijyioiT saiaot this option are ohiy having wit wtrri our "inpetner ."This is what WP levels:*ft u-sosaW-ra*L of the teaching statfs at alties tor "adopting the only said, in a somewhat comical He also mentioned single- person at a time. rhurch was meant to be. save a tailing marriage, but American University, kind ot lite that makes any monotone. "This is now a hood: "A person says, I'm Stayton discussed "sw- Stayton saiQ He added lhat it can be a meaningful ex- Swarthmore College and Dr. William R Stavton sense to them — this is a minority lifestyle In this still a sexual person, and 1 inging.' which he defined as his own family has such a perience." Widener College, Staytonalso particular problem lor the country." want to express my sexuality open, in which "one cou- relationship with another The most common lite- "We ve romp into i'com is an assistant professor ol' churches: but it's something The second option is "the ma meaningful way And he ple joins with another couple tamily. and this is "a very style, "and not very help- plicated era. Stayton con- psychiatry and human behav- wr cannot put in the back- child-lree marriage or family . spoke ot i hi' communal life- lor sexual purposes in the meaningful experience tor lul." Stayton said, "is the cluded . I hc"i<' are nol ior at Thomas Jefferson Uni- ground any more." he said — people are saying they style." as* not only an option same room." and or our family. ' marriage with a secret affair things which are ahead ol us versity Medical College. He Ur Stayton also men- don't want to get into the pa- lor young single persons as it "closed." in which the He spoke, too. ol "group — more than 50 percent ot these ire tiling* whicll .in- has a doctorate ol divinity tioned "young people as renting bit." Stayton said was in the 60s. but becoming couples go into separate marriage, in which "two couples in the United States here The clergv will have to from Boston Umverstiy and pioneers of change," and there is now a test couples increasingly popualar among rooms "Guidelines stipulate couples are all lour in love have such a marriage play ;i role "With the changing roles spoke ol the current extended and the two-career family," adolescence. In the 18th cen- Stayton began by saying, "so tury, he said, persons 16 or 17 many changes are occurring experienced the onset of that I've decided to call us adolescenece and were mar- Ski buffs turnout to aid U.S. Olympic team pioneers. I don't think we ried by the age ol 18 or 20. have to even join any ol these Now. however, "girls begin By J. SCOTT ORR ing. Next to the ramp was a II there was any doubt one-piece bathing suit bemeth "She was involved in the ski store s opening celebra pioneer camps or movements lo menstruate at the age ol VI revolving deck on which peo- about what season it was. a lull-length quilted coat She event even before she was a 'tion to participate in these or 111. and that goes down LirCLK SILVEK - It ple were skiing. And inside a there was no doubt about also wore white and black lur playmate She used to be the li real!) snowballed changes." every year," whereas "peo- seemed that none ot the more tent, the latest winter lash- what season the ski bulls are boats. poster girl lor Lange ski since' the first year Mien The 45-year-old minister, ple enter Into a committed than 1.000 people that con- 10ns were being displayed. It anxiouly waiting lor They all Lending her tiilents to the equipment.' he said dance w.i- in tile Ihnuimnd; married for 25 years and the relationship only at the age of verged on the Ski Haus. on must be winter, right'.' were thinking snow event lor the second straight d trnery said the event All the people lh

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Coatesville. tredenckiburg Howser named Yankee skipper George 6guns down' Billy the Kid NEW YORK (AP) - Billy Martin is out, after another shocking announcement that Martin would return as manager strike call. in 1980 In the wake of an alleged fight in Bloomington, Minn., the It didn't take Martin quite that long to come back, free-swinging Martin was fired yesterday as manager of the however. He returned prematurely in the middle of 1979 in an New York Yankees and replaced by one-time coach Dick effort to fire up a flagging team Martin's return did no good Howser. as the Yankees finished a desultory fourth in the American Yankee owner George Steinbenner, supportive of Martin League East in many of his earlier controversies, apparently had reached While neither Steinbrenner nor Martin was available for the limit of his endurance after the manager's latest news- comment yesterday, Howser was making incident last week. "I've been around New York 12 years," he said "I Martin, who has a long Mltory of similarly sordid affairs, understand what a manager of the Yankees, has to go was accused of punching an'Tfiinois man last Wednesday night trough." ***" in-111 , . . Bloaaiington hotel, r"- ^ ,^)V ; Bui tew went through-.vm - v itt.(u!y<; Joseph Cooper of Lincolnshire, 111., was sent to a hospital off-and-on seasons with tlfff Yar,«n... *Nd a Jot ST tlr where he required 15 to 20 stitches to close cuts on his lip. was his own doing Martin denied throwing any punches. But just the news With a History of management problems behind him at was enough to get Steinbrenner up in the air over the Minnesota. Detroit and Texas. Martin joined the Yankees as weekend, jetting off to New York from his home in Florida to manager during the 1975 season, replacing Dill V'irdon investigate the case. The owner appeared to prejudge Martin Under Martin, the Yankees won ttkir lirst American when he commented: League pennant in 12 years in 1976 during a relatively sober "We just can't have him getting into these things every season. It wasn't until Jackson arrived as an .expensive tree two months. It's not good for organized baseball." agent in 1977 that things began In really pup in the Yankee But Steinbrenner had nothing to say yesterday after clubhouse, something Steinbrenner called •controlled vol- letting Martin go, ending a stormy relationship that started in atilism" and pitcher Sparky Lvle described in literary terms the middle of the 1975 season No definitive statement con- as the "Bronx Zoo cerning Martin was included in the Yankee announcement, Martin and Jackson simply didn 1 gel along lrom the start, just these succinct words: and the 1977 season was a series of loud clashes between these "The New York Yankees announced tonight that Billy two, with Steinbenner's hard-nosed opinions thrown in for Martin will not be returning as manager of the Yankees " See Martin, page lit It was the second time in his controversy-studded career that Martin has parted with the Yankees. In the middle of the 1978 season he resigned under pres- sure after a series of problems with management and super- star Reggie Jackson, uttering his infamous phrase that Stein- brenner and Jackson deserved each other because "one is a Sports WHAT, AGAIN? — New York Yankee owner George old adage, life Imitated art when Stelnbrenner an- bom liar and the other is a convicted liar." Stelnbrenner givesManager Billy Martin the "out" sign nounced yesterday that Martin was f i red. But less than one week after Bob Lemon had been hired to MONDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1979 in a recent television commercial. In a reversal of the replace Martin, Steinbrenner reversed his field with the 11 Jets bow Giants win to Houston as Simms in overtime shines on HOUSTON (AP) - Houston Oiler Coach Bum Hhilllpi LUJS ANUKLKS (API — Look out. you National Kootball tipped his western hat to the U.S. Immigration and Natural- League teams, the New York (Jiants did very well in the last ization Service yesterday and cast a broad smile in the dratt with a big. lanky quarterback who wears No. 11. direction of Austrian-born Toni Kritsch Phil Simms, who^layed lor Morehead Sta,te in Kentucky, "Every time 1 look up and see that kid going onto the field was the No 1 dratt choice ol New York and this month took I thank liod for our immigration laws," Phillips said of the 34- over as the man guiding the liiants year-old refugee from the soccer fields of Europe. "He's one Kour straight starts and tour straight victories mark the heck of a player." record ol the (Hoot-3. 216-pound quarterback Kor the second time this season, Kritsch ended another of Simms, who runs away lrom charging lineman, hoisted Houston's last-gasp rallies with a 35-yard overtime field goal touchdown passes ol 19 yards to (Jary Shirk and 14 to Johnny that gave the Oilers a 27-24 victory over the stunned New York Perkins as the (Jiants turned back lavored Los Angeles 20-14 Jets. Kritsch's 29-yard kick beat Cincinnati 30-27 earlier this in their NKL battle at the Coliseum yesterday year. Simms' pass to Shirk came just one play atter the quarter- back had scrambled 25 yards to the Kams 19-yard line on a The phere Kene on the Astrodome floor appeared to be just third down play. the atmosphere Kritsch needed. While the teams lined up for the play of the game, Kritsch stood waiting patiently, hands "We came out here to win ' Simms said "It was not a clasped behind his back. pretty game, but darn it all, we won. ft was a whole team ellort, it wasn t just me 1 did have to scramble quite a bit. It "1 had to go in and make it," Kritsch said matter-of- was quite a physical game iactly. "1 was trying to stay ready. The kicker has one or two Simms set up a second Joe Danelo Held goal when he ran Chances to show how good he is and 1 make my living off of to his right, eluding tacklers. and tired across the tield to kicking." tormer Ham Uwight Scales on a play gaining 55 yards And so do the Oilers. The (Jiants special teams set up two scores Danelo s first The Oiler offense sputtered and popped well enough to tield goal came atter Hams punter Ken Clark dropped the take a 24-10 lead into the final minutes of the game despite a bail and their second touchdown came atter (lark tried to run total of 104 yards on 10 penalties, including 35 yards on one alter a high pass trom center with delenders surging in. touchdown drive. The Hams scored on two passes lrom quarterback Pat Houston quarterback Dan Pastonni, booed for his ineffec- Haden, ol 21 yards to Eddie Hill and 3 yards to Preston tiveness in the first quarter, railed the Oilers to a 17-10 Dennard « halltirrt* lead on Kritsch's 47-yard field goal and touchdown So tor the tirst time since 1966. the Hams have a losing runs of one yard By Hob and tour yards by a season atter nine games The six-time NKL' West champions hobbled . are only 4-5 alter losing their last three games Pastonni, who finished with 18 completions on 38 attempts M>MMi RAMMED — Los Angeles running back Wendell Tyler Kelley on an attempted pass from quarterback Pat Los Angeles trails first-place New Orleans which is 5-4 tor 212 yards, regained some ot the crowd's confidence in the See 'Simms' page 13 See 'Oilers' page 13 get clobbered by New York Giant linebacker Brian Haden. The Giants went on to record a 20-14 win. Bova makes most of good running day By GREIG HENDERSON group in a time of 35:31.6. FORT MONMOUTH — "It was a great day for running," Another standout at (he New York City Marathon, Dr. Larry Bova, Oceanport, said. George Sheehan, was a standout yesterday. Sheehan won the The former Shore Regional High School star went out and 60 and over title in 36:19.2. proved it yesterday as he raced to the top spot in the first Kevin Geagan was the 14 and under 10 kilometer winner annual Register/Riverview Hospital 10 Kilometer Pall Clas- with Engle taking it for the girls. Cooper also walked Off with sic Run at Fort Monmouth. the 15-19 crown while Gillen did for the girls. Bova and Ulover repeated Bova bettered a field of in the 20-29 age bracket. John more than 250 runners in fin- Schweoel and Judith Lewan- ishing the 6.2 mile race in a dowski were tops in the 30-39 time of 31:17.5. Actually, it group. The 40-49 titles went to was about a six mile race. It Krank Krench and Maureen seems that the lead car, sup- Cadmus. plied by the Shore Athletic REGISTER/RIViRVIlW PALL Club, took a wrong turn and CLASSIC RUN cut about 300 yards off the MM OVERALL — 1. Larry Bova 31: IT.5; end of the race. It didn't both- 2. John Marlav 31:39.0; 3. Sttvt Coop«r er anyone. 32:40.4 14 AND UNDER — 1. Kevin Geagan 38 01 0: 2. Jim McShaa 39:01.6; 3. Kevin "1 noticed that the race Robinson 39:14.1; 4. Robert Brown 40:31.6; 5. Steve Kearnev 41 OS B was a little shorter," said 15 n - 1. Cooper; 1. Harold Wood Bova, who battled John 36 02 7. 3. Pal Williams 37 362. 4. Walter O'Connor; 5. Nick Bechor Marley, Middle town, over the 31:27.7 30-29—1. Bova; 2. Marlev; 3. Georoe first two miles of the race. Marks 33:49.3; 4. Grtlo Henderson "1 decided to turn it on in the 35:02.1, I. IrvlnGarretUS 26 6 30-39 — I. John Schweoel 3S:14.6; 2. middle of the race and try to John Gulnta lT7iT.il I. Rich Bartholomew 37:31.1; 4. Phil Ounphv put some distance between 37 »«; I SteveOlenlck31:14.5 myself and John. 1 didn't 40-49 — I. Frank French 31:33.1; 3. Bill Bond 40:23.2; 3. John Herfcradak want to test his kick." RaaJiter photo »v H aware} staler 40 43.6. 4. Hugh Garrilv 40:47.2 50-99 — I. Ralph Aquino 35:31.6; 2. FAMILY AFFAIR — Four-year-old Sarah Wood ap- Tom Kellv 41:19.0; 3. Frank Maziucca He didn't have to as proaches the finish line along with her father, Gorton 4154.6; 4. Larrv Rush42:31.0; 5. Albert Caruso 42:51.1 Marley placed second in Wood, in the three kilometer "Family Fun Run" at Fort 60 AND OVER — 1. Dr. George 31:30.0. Steve Cooper was Sheehan 36:19.2; 2. Joe Northrup Monmouth yesterday. 43 00.6; 3 GUI Anderson 47:00.0; 4, third in 32:40.4 Jack Bermart 51:33.0 Patty Gillen, a student at Middletown South High School, OVERALL — 1. Peltv Glllen 39:16.4; 2. Alice Glover 41:07.9; 3. Randl Enole was the first female across the line in a time of 39:16.4. Alice 42:025 Glover, a former Mater Dei standout, was second in 41:07.9 14 AND UNDER — I. Enole 1519 — 1. Glllen; 2. Pnvllss Sunn 43:03.5; 3. Held* Haenschke 44:04.5; 4. and Randi Engle took third in 42:02.5 Patricia Kellv 49:17.9; 5. Janice Sullivan 51:41.• 20-29 — 1. Glover: 1. Mary Keenan 42:09.4; 3. Dlenne Weber 43:33.3; 4. Mldee , Register suit Bholo bv Day* KIHMM The event, which benefited Rlverview Hospital, also fea- BmMr 46:15.2; 5 Batllv NussMI 41:47.1 Register IM kv Hewartl Slater tured a three kilometer "Family Fun Run". Rich Forster. 30-39 — 1. Judith Lewandowskl e»:4!.l; 2. Adeline O'Rourke 47:22.2; 3. Pat FUN RUN — Rick Forster of Fair Haven shows good Crofton 41:11.3; 4 KIUI Feenev 49:17.1; 5. Ann Sheehan 52 31 2 MILES PER GILLEN — Patty Glllen of Mlddletown Fair Haven, bested a field of 50 in 11 42.9. Doug Moses placed 40-49 — I. Maureen Cadmus 44 33 I. 2. BaltV Thorton 41:15.1; 3. Barbara Backer form as he approaches the tape to take the three 41:35 7; 4. Phvtlss Trooanl 51:41.7; 5. Gale Wvikowskl 53:13.0 kilometer "Family Fun Run" in a time of 11:42.9. The catches her breath after taking the women's title in the second in 11:50.0 and Chris Pulos took third in 12:23.5. S0-S9 — 1. Anna Rush 47.33.5. 2. Marie Stover 1:01.20.4 Register/Riverview Hospital 10 Kilometer Fall Classic "The conditions were prefect today," Ralph Aquino, WJANDOVER — 1 UlseGoubauSO 311 race was a feature of the Reoister/Rivervlew Hospital FAMILY PUN RUN Run yesterday at Fort Monmouth. Glllen, a student at Middletown, said. Aquino, coming off a strong showing in the 1. Rich Fooler 11:42.9; I. Doug Moses 11:50.0; 3. Chris Pulos 13:13.5; 4. Jim 10 Kilometer Fall Classic Run held yesterday at Fort Middletown South High School, won In time of 39:16.4. New York City Marathon last weekend, won the 50-59 age Fitivfraid 11:57.1; 5. Held* Sietnferdt 13:29.2 Monmouth. 12 The Duly Register SHREWSBURY, NJ. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29.1979 Boynes' influence pilots Nets' Victory, 120-115 P1SCATAWAY (AP) — New Jersey Nets overall mark to 6-2. Magic Johnson and Jamaal Kansas City to share team scoring honors with Coach Kevin Loughery thinks Winlord Boynes Wllkes contributed 15 points apiece for Los Angel- Wedman Otis Birdsong and Lacey added IS and could have made a difference against the New es, 12 points, respectively, for the Kings. Kord was York Knicks Saturday. Kobert Parish paced the Warriors, who held to six points. Boynes, who played just 20 minutes in the Nets dropped to 4-6, with 19 points. John Lucas added Swstf, Trail BUsersU first seven games, came off the bench to steady 14 points for (Jolden State and Sonny Parker and PORTLAND, Ore — Walter Davis sank a 20- his club through a 120-115 victory over the Hous- Wnyne Cooper had 12 points apiece for the losers. tooter at the buzzer as the Phoenix Suns edged the ton Rockets yesterday, bringing a Nets six-game The game was close all the way. The Lakers Portland Trail Blazers. losing streak to a close. held a slim 85-84 advantage with w% minutes The loss was the first of the season for the Loughery admitted Boynes' previous absence remaining but scored the game's next six points, Blazers, who won nine games. may have been "a mistake." on field goals by Nixon, Wllkes and Abdul-Jabbar, Davis" shot over a crowd of Blazers gave , 1 think, now that L should have used, him ins span of two minutes to clinch the victory. Phoenix its third consecutive, road victory. ** agalrtst'K. fwtm j ,«• HwkW. -ajMrf. ' Kings lM.CUvpcrt Ml Portland. »yUp<*«Sihlf yl, New Jersey let a five-point lead escape In the SAS DIEGO — Scott Wedman, returning to quarter and never led until Kermit Washington's closing minutes of a 94-92 loss to the Knicks. the Kansas City lineup after missing three games rebound basket put the Blazers on top 83-81 with' The 6-loot-o Boynes scored 10 points In 27 because of illness, scored 17 of his 21 points in the 2:07 remaining. minutes against Houston including two big second halt as the Kings broke a four-game Na- From then on It was a wild finish, with the baskets in the final seven minutes as New Jersey tional Basketball Association losing streak with a lead changing hands five times in the final 90 withstood a late Houston drive that wiped out a victory over San Diego. seconds. 16-point first-halt Net lea!). The Kings took the lead for good with 2:05 left SuperSonici 108, Bulls 17 When Houston closed to within six points with oq a jumper by Wedman, making the score 100-99. SKA'lTLli — Fred Brown came oft the bench less than a minute left to play, Boynes sank two It was 102-101 when Sam Lacey made two foul to hit three straight baskets late in the game, and ronl shots lor a llB-110 edge. The Rockets then shots with 40 seconds to go and another pair of lead the SeatUe SuperSonics past the Chicago came within three on a three-point goal by Calvin free throws by Plltf f-'ord with one second left Halls. Murphy before Jan van Breda Kolff hit a pair of completed the scoring. Brown, taking over when teammate Dennis free throws to seal the victory. Kansas City held Lloyd Free, the NBAs lead- Johnson fouled out midway through the final Ukers 17, Warriors fJO ing scorer going into the game with 34 0 average, quarter, hit a long jumper with two minutes left LUS ANGKI.ES — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to a season-low 15 points. Free had a chance to in the contest to give the Sonlcs a five-point lead scored 18 of his game-high 26 points In the second give the Clippers the lead with 1:52 to play when at 100-95. / half, leading the Los Angeles Lakers over the h« was fouled but he missed three foul Ihots. Following a score by Chicago's Heggie Thfeus, Golden State Warriors. The Kings led most of the way In raising their Brown hit two more outside shots to give the Norm Nixon added 18 points for the Lakers, record to 4-5. The Clippers dropped to 4-6. defending National Basketball Association cham- who won their fourth straight game to lift their Mike Green had a season-high 21 points for pions a 104-97 lead with less than a minute to play. Sims scores, sets up another, as Whalers tie Rangers, 2-2 NEW YOKK (AP) — Defenseman Al Sims led a Hartford comeback by scoring a second-period goal and setting up a AP Photo tally by Jordy Douglas with 8:59 remaining last night, giving SANDWICHED — New Jersey Nets center Rich Kelley drives toward the basket the Whalers a 2-2 tie with the New despite the efforts of Moses Malone, left, and Rudy Tomjanovlch of the Houston York Hangers. RocKets. Tomianovich was called for a foul on the plav. Hon Duguay stepped out of the penalty box and sent a 25- foot shot past Whalers' goalie John Garrett at 3:19 of the first period and Ulf Nilsson made It 2-0 for New York with a 15- h>;ilvage a 27-21 victory over Indiana and Howe 66 seconds apart midway through the third period gave remain tied'1 with the Buckeyes for the Big field goal with 13 seconds left to salvage a 24-24 tie with Kast Carolina. And Mark Her- the Washington Capitals a victory over the Edmonton Oilers. I en lead They meet in Ann Arbor, Mich., on Hausse, with his second goal of the game at 12:25, and VA 17. rmann lifted No.16 Purdue past North- western 20-16 with a 17-yard pass to Mike Howe, at 13:31. boosted the Capitals into a 5-3 lead, and allowed Washington to snap a four-game losing streak. Sixty-three points,'' said Coach Harris in the final period. Herrmann threw tor 228 yards and became the Big Ten's Bill Flett of the Oilers scored his second goal of the game Sieve Sloan ol Ole Miss. "It seems 1 had with only V/t minutes remaining, making it close. But Dennis visions of them scoring 63 points.'' career passing leader with 5.786 ... and he still has another year to go. Hextall clinched the victory with his first goal of the season, a Meanwhile, top-rated Alabama trounced shot into an open net with only 24 seconds remaining. Art Schlichter threw scoring passes of 53 Washington also got goals from Leif Svensson and Rolf and 12 yards to Doug Uonley and scored on Virginia Tech 31-7, runnerup Nebraska whipped Colorado 38-10, seventh-ranked Edberg. runs ol 3 and 6 yards as unbeaten Ohio State Edmonton's other goal was scored by defenseman Pat piled up more than 500 yards in oltense for Oklahoma trimmed Iowa State 3H-9, No.8 FAMILY FUN — Hockey great Gordie Howe (9) of the and his son Florida State downed Louisiana State 24-iy Price. the third week in a row and handed Michigan Bruim 4, Black Hawks 1 Mark (S) team up to take the puck away from Ron Greschner of the New York Slate Its tint shutout in 51 games. and No.9 Texas overpowered Southern Meth- Rangers In the first period of their game last night. odist 30-9. CHICAGO — Center Jean Hatelle scored one goal and loach Earle Bruce, whose eight victories assisted on another during a three-goal flurry in a five-minute in his first year at the helm have surpassed segment of the second period, sparking the Boston Bruins past Kisi year's seven under the ousted Woody Coach Charley Pell ol winless Florida, the Chicago Black Hawks. Hayes, was asked it he thought the Buckeyes following a 20-10 loss to Tulsa: "I've had The Hawks, who have lost three of their last four games, should be No 1 nationally. "1 don't know suggestions of everything from A to 'L. Calm Burns salvages opened the scoring with a shorthanded goal midway In the about that, he replied. "We are looking Nothing worked. It's embarrassing ' lirst period when Keggie Kerr beat Boston goalie Gilles right down the line at Illinois and Iowa.'' Gilbert with a backhanded shot from in close. And then comes Michigan, whose miracle Klsewhere in the Second Ten, Noll But the Bruins, raising their record to 5-2-1, caught fire mush sent Indiana's aflable Lee Corso into a Brigham Young swamped New Mexico 59-7, midway through the second period. Hatelle won a faceoff to National Team Golf state ot shock. Corso clutched smelling No 12 Pitt tripped previously unbeaten No.17 the right of the Chicago net, skated in and beat Hawks' goalie •II, ills during his postgame interview and Navy 24-7 and No.20 Washington crushed Tony Esposito with a backhander, tying the score 1-1. LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) - "When you win with somebody you're refused to let newsmen talk to his players. UCLA 34-14 Tennessee, the No. 19, was idle. Nordlques 5, Canadiens 4 George Burns and Ben Crenshaw were coast- close to, you can feel real satisfaction. Quarterback Steadman Shealy scored on QUEBEC — Pierre Plante's first goal of the season, at ing along with a comfortable lead until their George works so hard and, by golly, It was Coach John Mackovic ol Wake Forest, runs of 14 and 6 yards as Alabama presented 10:48 of the third period, broke a tie and the Quebec Nordlques birdie streak seemed to dry up on the back his time ... three-fourths of this victory Is his lollowing 42-38 victory over Auburn after Bear Bryant with his 200th coaching victory went on to beat the Montreal Canadiens. nine of Disney's Magnolia Course in the anyway." trailing by 18 at halttime: "Never, never, — 291st overall — since he returned to 1250,000 National Team Goll Classic. Burns got four of the team's seven never, never, never give up.' Tuscaloosa in 1958. Richard Leduc, Heal Cloutler, Dale Hoganson and Jamie Hislop also scored for the Nordlques, who avenged a 3-1 loss at "Oh, oh," said Gentle Ben. "1 could see birdies, including what they called the de- Jarvis Hedwine rushed for 205 yards'and visions of our Friday round all over again." cisive hole, the 15th, enroute to their final three touchdowns as Nebraska drubbed Colo- Montreal on Oct. 13 in the first meeting between the fyHL's The Hoosiers had tied the score with 55 newest arch-rivals. That's when they "skied" to a 66 and had to round 65. They had a total 33-under par 255 second) lelt on Tim Clifford's 3-yard pass to rado and Oklahoma's exploded for over four rounds. Pierre Mondou, Steve Shutt and Doug Kisebrough scored struggle to make up lost ground on the final Dave HarangoHy and Kevin Kellogg's con- 202 and four TDs in the Sooners' rout of Iowa for the Canadiens as the teams battled to a 3-3 tie through two two rounds. Three strokes back at 258 were the teams version, But Wangler then took the State. Jimmy Jordan passed tor 312 yards periods. of Peter Jacobsen-D. A. Weibring, Scott Bess- Wolverines 7H yards in live plays. On the last and three touchdowns as Florida State But Burns — on the PGA Tour only four Dan Haildorson and Jeff Hewes-Sammy Plante swooped in and converted the rebound of a high one. he hit Carter down the middle at the 15- downed LSU and Texas got its weekly three years but winner of more than 1100,000 in 1979 Rachels. shot by Michel Goulet off the chest of Montreal goalt*nder vard line and the slender freshman stumbled field goals or so from John (ioodson in beat- — got the duo back on the victory trail by Michel Larocque Into the go-ahead goal on a 20-foot shot. Jacobsen-Weibring and Bess-Halldorson and weaved his way through the secondary ing SMU. chipping in from the fringe with a seven-iron Sabres 4, Rockies 2 shot 10-under 62s Sunday while Hewes- into the end zone. Washington gave Tom Flick his first on the par-3 15th for their fifth birdie of the Hachels had 64 BUFFALO, IN. Y. - Tony McKegney and Don Luce scored day. They added two more and that was the They were in a prevent defense, ' starting assignment of the season and he Forrest Fezler and Larry Ziegler, first- responded with a pair of 16-yard scoring their first goals of the season to provide Buffalo's victory end. of everybody else's hopes of taking the Vvangler said "We had to go deep and the margin over the Colorado Rockies. round leaders, also had a 62 and tied with middle was open. Carter said he could get passes as the Huskies broke a two-game skid best-ball title and splitting the $45,000 first The win gave Buffalo undisputed first place In the Adams Brad Bryant and Joe Hager at 259. open, and he did We all knew it was going to by thrashing UCLA. prize. Division. Bess, 29, who qualified for his first tour- be our last shot " "It feels real good to win for the first nament in June and won only $1,831 in official "We've got to keep popping,' said Jim Schoenfeld put Buffalo ahead at the 14:14 mark of the time," said the tall, blue-eyed Burns, who "I don i think there's another man on the first period with a power play goal. Llndy Huff's shot from the money, said the second-place finish he and squad that could have done it, "said Coach Bo Coach Pepper Kodgers of Georgia Tech. had career earnings of more than $360,000 but Haildorson turned in "gives me hope, proved "Uur backs are to the wall ' point bounced off the back boards to Schoenfeld, who pushed no tour victories until the Disney tourney, the Schembechler. Added Corso, when he was the puck behind goalie Bill Oleschuk. to myself a little bit that 1 can still play. able to speak, "It was a" great effort on last PGA event of the year. The major conference races look like Nelson Pyatt tied the score later in the period. The Sabres Six teams were tied at 260, five strokes Mo.] spart." "And to do it on the course where I went this: scored another power play goal in the second period. Kick back of the winners, including last year's There were plenty ol other minor-miracle through qualifying school is particularly sat- team champions Wayne Levi and Bob Mann. - Big tight — Nebraska and Oklahoma tied Martin scored on the rebound of a shot from Schoenfeld. isfying," Burns added. finishes, but none quite matched Michigan's, at 4-0. McKegney got Buffalo's third goal on the rebound of i shot Also in that group were Jim Colbert and Mike fc.ne Hipp s 45-yard field broke a tie with 2:46 Crenshaw, winner of seven PGA tourneys Sullivan, second-round co-leaders. Big Ten — Ohio State State and Michigan by Derek Smith. and more than $700,000 in seven years, said in go and Charles White added a last-second tied at 4-0. Flyers 5, Red Wings 4 Colbert established the team cham- 5-yard touchdown run as No.3 Southern Cal about their three-stroke victory over the pionship record with Dean Kefram in 1975 at Pacific-ID - Southern Cal at 3-0-1, Wash- PHILADELPHIA — Reggie Leach capped a four-goal par-72,7,197-yard Magnolia: shaded stubborn California 24-14. Sixth- ington and Arizona State at 3-1. final period by scoring the game-winner with 1 minute to play 36-under par 2S2. ranked Houston got fourth-quarter field goals Burns-Crafishaw. $R.3OO 42-4441 45-255 Lv. Valtntlr., I1.1H 66-444744—lUBKk SlmoKm. »»» 4«-4S474t-144 Southeastern — Georgia at 4-0, Alabama as the Philadelphia Flyers defeated the Detroit Red Wings. Jacotoian-Wbrng. $10,500 MUau-29 0 Hill.U.Hill, 11.130 ol 37 and IV yards from Kenny Hatfield, the 1 44444744—lUMcGnnrtNalford, $*» 45 41 45 41 144 3-0, Mississippi State 2-0. Detroit had tied the game two minutes earlier when Dan HIWH RKhtll. $10,300 65-4544.M-254 Jaackal-McCord. $2,250 44-4344-44—2*lEI3«f-Gar«n*r. $«S0 4J 714447-144 latter with 1:12 left, and then blocked a 42- Bm-Hailoriwi, IIO.JOO 444444-41—25* Ivarson-Zandtr, 11.100 6S-674446-364Conn*rMoody. $130 44-47 4(43—344 Southwest — Houston 4-0, Baylor 4-1, Ar- Labraaten was credited with a goal that Philadelphia de- Faiktr-Zlafllar, $5,330 41-4t-4$V4a—25* Archar-Slmons, 11.700 43-47464t-lUB!rs Borot, 1715 4J44-JMI— JW yard attempt by Arkansas' Ish Ordonez on kansas 3-1, Texas 2-1. fenseman Norm Barnes kicked in after Flyer goaltender Phil Bryant Haoar, $5,330 47 43 4S-4)-3»» DavllivMcGaa. SU00 444S4t-47-2Mooail)vHaai, $713 47444»-44—347 the final play to nip the Hazorbacks 13-10. Dliftl. venturl. $3.)50 44474443— 240 MaltDla-Mlklai, $1,700 47454644-344 D*nlJohn«o

(Continued) before linebacker Ed Simonini deflected a fourth down Steve third quarter with a 37-yard touchdown pass to tight end Mike Grogan pass with 40 seconds remaining to preserve Balti Barber. mores third victory in nine games Simonini also stopped But the boo-birds returned in the fourth quarter when Grogan after a two-yard run on the previous play Pastonm could not ignite the Oilers while New York rallied Jones completed 17 of 30 passes for 280 yards, including a on quarterback Richard Todd's 15-yard touchdown paas to seven-yarder to Washington which gave the Colts a 24-13 lead Jerome tiarkum with 5:33 to go and Todd's one-yard run with early in the third quarter ' 55 seconds Lett in regulation play New England, aided by a roughingthe-kicker penalty and Then came Toni's second chance. a fumble recovery, scored on field goals of 42 and 39 yards by "I'm 2-0 in overtime and I'm glad to get a shot at kicking John Smith in the third period and then went ahead 26-24 on a the winner,'' said Kritseh, who earlier missed a 31-yard eight-yard run by Grogan with 7 14 left attempt, breaking a streak ot 12 consecutive field goals. Jones, who played only three games last season because of "It's simple, we lost the game, we just didn't have it, ' a shoulder injury and sat out the first seven games this year, 1 .•J^'Miw* Wait Mica*" •»• We've lost ttro fames in i then itrtviori ih^ji^''iw, gcore He complete lamLoasses for ovsrtimt th'at'Wk w... ^.^ «un and we couldn't stop them fVy*». «*i,? .wsmhgton, who eafly jn the ga«^rrir-dR . on third down." first rushing TD of his NFL career swept right end The Jets, 4-5, lost to Cleveland 25-22 in overtime. Don Hardeman also scored for Baltimore on a four-yard l'odd hit Wesley Walker with a 39-yard touchdown pass in run and Steve Mike-Mayer booted a 37-yard field goal as the the lirst quarter and Tom Unhurt added a 31-yard second Colts won for the third time in four starts, including their last period field goal Co take a 10-3 lead before Houston started its two since the return of Jones surge Grogan passed for 317 yards, including scoring tosses of 56 The victory leli Houston with a 6-3, record and still in and 27 yards to Stanley Morgan in the first quarter second place in the American Kootbali Conti. .j»3> '>»»r=o M Division behind Pittsburgh, which deteated Dallas H-S gr»r „„,,• Colts 31, Patriots'26 passes and fullback Jon Keyworth added another score on a BALTIMORE - scored his third touch- halfback option pass, leading the Denver Broncos to a me- down on a 12-yard sweep with 4:51 remaining as the Baltimore thodical victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. Colts, their offense rejuvenated under Bert Jones, defeated The victory boosted the Broncos' record to 6-3 and into a the New England Patriots. first-place tie with San Diego in the AFC West, while the JET LAC — Houston Oiler end Mike Renfrow gathers In York Jet defensive back Shafer Suggs gets set to bring The Patriots, who entered the game leading the American Chiefs dropped their third straight and slipped to 4-5 a 14 yard pass from quarterback Dan Pastorlnl as New him down. The Jets lost Inovertime, 27-24. Conference East with a 6-2 record, drove to the Baltimore 2 Denver scored on its first possession, marching 80 yards in eight plays with Morton completing passes of 24 and 22 yards to tight end Riley Odoms and a 17-yarder to Haven Moses. Jim Jensen got the score, snaring a Morton screen pass and rambling 25 yards behind perfect blocking The Broncos extended their lead to 140 early in Ihe second Steelers slam door on Dallas quarter after an interception by safety Bill Thompson deep in Chiefs' territory P1ITSBUKGH (AP) - After the Pit- But the Cowboys were held to 79 net yards goals and a 43-yarder for Cincinnati, 2-7. seconds left in the game ' Morton hit a wide-open Rick Upchureh in the end zone for tsburgh Steelers beat Dallas 14-3 yesterday, rushing as a team and their lowest scoring THe Eagles, 6-3, managed just two field Carmichael grabbed a 4-yard Jaworski a 5-yard scoring play. lullback Franco Harris looked back on a output since 1972 when they were beaten 23-3 goals by Tony Franklin, one a 50-yarder and pass late in the first quarter to tie an NFL In the third period, the Broncos needed just three plays to crushing deteat two weeks before. by the New York Giants the other from 39 yards out, until wide re- record for catching at least one pass in 105 score their third TD Morton's 26-yard toss to Odoms set up "1 guess sometimes something that's bad "We didn't execute. When you play a ceiver Harold Carmichael took an 8-yard consecutive games. He equalled a mark es- the scoring pass by Keyworth. who found I'pchurch alone at can make something positive," Harris said of team of that caliber and don't execute, you're scoring pass from Jaworski with just 53 tablished by Dan Abramowicz the 2 yard line for an easy 32-yard pass play a 34-10 loss to the Cincinnati Bengals. gonna be in for a long afternoon," said About eight minutes later, the Chiefs finally broke through The Steelers fumbled nine times in the Dorsett, who had rushed for over 100 yards in on Jan Sleneruds 27-yard field goal The Chiefs had driven to loss to the Bengals. Harris coughed up the lour straight games. th^*Broncos' 2-yard line but running back Ted McKmght was ball twice in key situations, and it was the "We wanted it so bad and things didn't go thrown for an 8-yard loss by Denver cornerback Louis Wright worst Steeler del eat since 1971. right," added Dorsett. "It happens, but un- on third down, forcing the field goal But the Steelers responded the following lortunately we were playing the world cham- Browns 38, Cardinals 20 • weekend with a 42-7 romp over Denver that pions. " ST. LOUIS - The Cleveland Browns recovered from a ! included 121 yards rushing and a pair of The Steelers gave a game ball to Dennis shaky first half to paste the Si Louis Cardinals, leaving Coach ! touchdowns by Harris. And he piled up 102 "Dirt" Winston. He played a strong, hard- Sam Rutiglino pleased with the team's comeback more rushing yards, including a 48-yard hitting game at outside linebacker while fill- "I wasn't overly concerned, because we were moving the touchdown run, against the Cowboys. ing in tor injured Kobin Cole and Loren ball well, " Rutiglino said "It probably showed some growth "This is the second half of the season. We Toews. havi- real champions on this team and we on our team. Lots of teams have outstanding players, but only the great teams can come back." want to win," Harris said after the Steelers Bengals 37, Eagles 13 After digging itself into an early hole, Cleveland moved to •raised their record to 7-2. "We've got to CINCINNATI - Ken Anderson threw a the fore on rookie Pat Moriarty's one-yard plunge late in the .build momentum, and that's what we're pair of touchdown passes and ran for another third quarter. A short time later, the Browns gathered a score as the Cincinnati Bengals won their Molnf now." touchdown on Steve Logan's pass reception, and during clos- second game this season by defeating the On the second play ot the second quarter ing the minutes they put SI Louis in full retreat as (leo Miller error-prone Philadelphia Eagles. Harris found a big hole off left guard, slipped sprinted 39 yards and rookie Dino Hall galloped 52 yards fur Rookie Jim Browner, starting his first an arm-tackle attempt by Handy White and two additional scores game at strong safety for Cincinnati, picked then made a clever cut that faked Dallas Cleveland defensive end Lyle Alzado saluted a Browns' off a Ron Jaworski pass and recovered an safety Cliff Harris. offense which ran and passed for 418 yards, but added. I Eagle fumble to set up two Bengal scores. After that, there was nothing but syn- thought we played pretty good delensc too Free safety Dick Jauron also recovered a thetic turf between Harris and the endzone on "This team, two years ago would have folded its tents pair of Eagle fumbles. his 48-yard dash. after what happened in first two quarters, the bearded Archie Griffin broke loose for the "It's a basic play, a very basic play," Alzado added "I think what happened today maybe the start Bengals' longest running play from scrim- said Steeler Coach Chuck Noll. "It was a of something big The team we bedt just isn't all that mage this season with a 63-yard sprint and trap to the spread-end side ... 1 guess they shabby." finished with 130 yards. were expecting a pass." The margin of Cleveland s triumph led.St. Louis Coach . Griffin also caught a touchdown pass, as Tony Dorsett, the Cowboys' top rusher APPhoU Bud Wilkinson at a loss for a ready explanation did fullback Pete Johnson,-who also ran 1 with 73 yards, had a 21-yard sweep In the POPI — The ball POPS loose as Dallas Cowboy quarterback Roger Staubach Is "Cleveland played very well." he said We had trouble yard for another score. third quarter that was the longest run from sacked bv Pittsburgh Steeler defensive end L.C. Greenwood. The referee ruled that against them on first down, on second down and third down Chris Bahr kicked a pair of 24-yard field scrimmage this season against Pittsburgh. it was not a fumble, but Staubach left the game with an Injury. When we had the ball, we didn't play too bad " Miller's touchdown sprint with 10 39 remaining and Hall s gallop less than 2'j minutes later left Cards veteran cor- Martin gets pink slip; nerback Roger Wehrli dismayed Dolphins 27, Packers 7 MIAMI — Bob (iriese, shaking otl his slump and injuries to lour members ot his of tense, hit 18 ot 27 passes tor 287 yards Howser gets pinstripes as the Miami Dolphins regained a share ol the AFC hast lead by whipping the Green Bay Packers (Continued) Receiver Uuriel Hams, who caught a 37-yard scoring bomb Irom Gnese, set club records with 10 receptions tor 180 good measure. Each day brought a new revelation in the yards. news-making Yankee clubhouse, much like a television soap Unese's crisp passing also set up a 7-yard run by Larry opera. Csonka and a 1-yard plunge by Norm Bukueh and tield goals ol But the Yankees won the pennant and a World Series 32 and 36 yards by The Dolphins im- despite themselves. The 1978 season followed the same crazy- proved their record to 6-3. tying New Kngland. which losi to quilt pattern and didn't calm down until Martin announced a Baltimore on Sunday tear-filled and bitter resignation in June The Packers fell to 3-b, four games behind Tampa Bav in Lemon went on to lead the Yankees to a second straight the NFC Central Their only score came when tight end Haul World Series victory, but his lack of success this past season Coftman grabbed a David Whitehurst pass tipped by receiver with an injury-riddled team triggered Martin's premature James Lolton and turned it into a 78-yard touchdown return. Griese, intercepted nine times in his tirst seven games and Things were all right between Martin and Steinbrenner oft to his worst start in 10 years, lost hall back Delvin Williams until last week — and the owner took quick, conclusive action. to a second-quarter rib injury, center Jim Langer to a "Of course, I was suprised," Howser said of Steinbren- sprained in the same quarter and Hulaich in the fhirrt ner's call Saturday asking him if he would be interested in period with a broken jawbone Fullback Csonka missed most managing the Yankees. "When I read in the paper about ot the second quarter with an eye injury , (Martin's) alienation, my first thoughts were for Billy. I But Griese was devastating, and received an enthusiastic thought he had been duped. I don't think I've been closer to ovation when he turned the oftense over to young (iuy anyone in baseball than Billy, on or off the field." Benjamin in the fourth quarter The Dolphins had problems early establishing their run- Howser said he then flew yesterday to Ocala, Fla., where UP AND DOWN — New England Patriot quarterback Steve Grogan Is down on the ning game, but Griese made up for it, hitting 11 ol iti hrst-haii / / •• 7 / Steinbrenner has a horse farm, to see the owner and "the deal ground with Baltimore Colts linebacker Mike Ozdowskl hovering over him late In the passes tor 182 yards Dick Howser was consummated." fourth quarter. The Colts went on to record a 31-26 upset. Si 111 ins stars as Giants level Los Angeles, 20-14

(Continued) Galbreath made the score 14-3 midway through the second caneers' division lead. threw for three touchdowns, two of them to Fredie Solomon, alter beating the Washington Redskins 14-10 Sunday. quarter. Tampa Bay. 7-2, now has a three game cushion over the while Payton ran for three scores and gained 162 yards on 23 carries, becoming the first NFL player to total 1,000 yards for The Giants also are 4-5 but they lost their first five outings However, it was the Saints' defense, which sacked Joe Vikings in the NFC Central Division. Minnesota, 4-5, is the the season. betore beginning a comeback. Theismann seven times, which was the story of the day. They six-time defending division champion Bills 20, Lions 17 At one point early in the fourth quarter, the Hams trailed stopped the Redskins three times near the goalline without a Neil O'Donoghue missed the conversion after Bell's touch- PONTIAC, Mich. — Buffalo Coach Chuck Knox says he only 13-7 and had a first down at the Giants' 4-yard line. Haden touchdown, permitting only an 18-yard field goal by Mark down, leaving the Bucs with their two-point lead. Minnesota has tried to teach the Bills to keep their poise despite a - threw an incomplete pass and Elvis Peacock gained three Moseley. punter Greg Coleman twice pinned Tampa inside its own five- disappointing season and those lessons paid off with a dramat- yards, putting the ball at the Giants' one. In the fourth quarter, after the Redskins had blocked a,45- yard line in the fourth quarter, but each time the Buccaneers got out of trouble and the Vikings were never able to move ic victory over the Detroit Lions in the closing minutes of Then the Uiants' defense stopped Eddie Hill without a gain yard field goal attempt by Garo Yepremian, ending his streak within field goal range play. . and Dan Lloyd stopped Peacock short of the goal. of 20 in a row, Theismann moved the team from its own 35 to Bills' quarterback Joe Ferguson led the comeback vic- Lloyd also intecepted a Haden pass late in the fourth the Saints' 2. Minnesota spotted Tampa a 3-0 lead in the first quarter on tory, which he capped with a 7-yard touchdown pass to tight quarter to end the final Los Angeles threat. After Wasington was caught for holding, a Theismann pass o'Donoghues 22-yard field goal, but the Vikings then scored 10 unanswered poinS in the second period end Reuben Gant with just 1:25 left in the game. Simms completed nine of 22 passes for 173 yards and was was knocked down and then he was sacked *y Mike Fultz, his r Bears 28, 4»ers 27 Still, the Bills needed to block a 42-yard Detroit field goal the game's leading rusher with 46 yards on five carries even second of the day, for a 15-yard loss. SAN FRANCISCO — Mike Phipps connected with James attempt, which would have tied the game, as time ran out. though the final three were merely fall downs to run out the Theismann picked up 13 yards on a pass play to Ricky Scott on a 48-yard touchdown pass play with 1:29 left to give "This was a very gratifying win for a struggling football clock. Thompsons but then the Redsins were caught in an illegal the Chicago Bears a victory Over the San Francisco 49ers team," Knox said "I'm happy about the win and happy about Haden completed 20 of 35 attempts for 282 yards but threw procedure before Theismann was sacked once more on fourth The Bears appeared certain losers when they took over at the way we came back I hope we can profit by the victory." four interceptions while the Hams picked off only one of down. their own 20 with just over two minutes left, but Phipps Ferguson, the No. 1 quarterback in the NFL's American , Simms' throws. Other than the Moseley field goal, the Redskins scored only on a 1-yard run by Theismann. moved the Bears across midfield and then hit Scott in the open Conference, hit on 17 of 35 attempts for 339 yards in the game, Saints 14, RMsklna 10 The victory was the fifth in the last six games for New about at the 49er 20 and he raced in untouched for the winning but his climatic strike to Gant was his only touchdown WASHINGTON — Archie Manning connected on a 45-yard Orleans and puts them at 54, still good enough for the lead in score. "They (the Lions) played more man-to-man coverage scoring pass play to and Tony Galbreath went the National Conference West. The Redskins now are 6-3. Following the Bear touchdown, Steve DeBerg, who threw than they usually do," Ferguson said, "and our receivers are ; over from the 2 for another touchdown as New Orleans a career-high 332 yards, drove San Francisco to the Bear 25, better against man-to-man coverage. ; defeated Washington. The Saints defense stopped the Buccaneers 12, Vikings 10 but an interception by Doug Plank on the Bear 10 ended 49er "We wanted to run more, but we got behind and had to • Redskins 18 times in goal-to-go situations. BLOOMINGTON, Minn. - Ricky Bell blasted two yards hopes throw more than we planned." Manning hit Chandler on the 21-yard line and the speedster for a touchdown early in the fourth quarter, lifting Tampa Until the Phipps-Scott scoring strike the game had been a Detroit reserve center Dennis Frank/Iitok the blame for ' did the rest in the first quarter to give New Orleans a 7-0 lead. Bay to a.victory over Minnesota and solidifying the Buc- duel between DeBerg and Chicago's Walter Payton. DeBerg the blocked field goal at the finish 14 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 29.1979 Fall striped bass run continues to roll Jeity and surl casters and boatmen continued to cash in Uigho's Bait and Tackle Shop in Sea Bright. The weight! were Kdna Crosbie and Lee Belanger, caught six bluefish from 11 »/* over the weekend on what is now acknowledged to be the best 24, 22, 11M and 10 pounds. Kishing from a boat, Dan Kppinger to lBVfc pounds in Kantan Bay Thursday night They tished striped bass run in years. A lot ol stripers were weighed at of Atlantic Highlands and Bob Paslore of Long Branch caught with buttertish, Mike LaViola of the Tackle Box reported a lot tackle shops along the shore but most of the fish weren't seven striped bass and in eight pound weakfish. The three ot bluefish were taken between the Sandy Hook and Ambrose weighed and particularly not the four to 10-pounders which largest stripers were 28, S and 25 pounds. channels over the weekend. are dominating in the run. HENRY Tom Koch of Howell Township caught a nine pound striper Captain Pat Maresca of the Blacktin a, out of Captains s The stripers, most of them undoubtedly migrant from the and John Nelson of Monmouth Beach a lSVfc-pounder on a Cove Marina, Highlands, reported 90 large bluefish taken by north, have been lingering in northern Monmouth County Kedfin Saturday. Steve Sasala of Middletown caught a IS trolling on Friday Kick Gibbons of Middletown brought in waters and leeding heavily on several species of baitlish SCHAEFER pound striper on a rigged eel. four stripers and three bluefish on the Three Kthels yesterday including nine to 10-fnch sandeels, anchovies, raintish and Mr. and Mrs. Hichard Bord of Levittown, Pa. caught morning. Fred Kunz brought in a 29 pound striped bass on the spearing. seven striped bass in the surf, the largest a 28-pounder Joe Lucky 2. The mullet run, which wasn't too good this fall, seems to Kierzek of Monmouth Beach caught a 21-pounder. Donald Kour giant tuna weighing 406,250, 175 and 100 pounds were be over Because of the unusual quantity of other species in Noack Jr. and James Noack, a brother act from Highlands, caught aboard the charter boat 01 Salty 11 out of^Belmar on the surt this tail the mullet weren't really missed. leading with stripers in the Asbury Park Kishing Club's caught a pair of eight-pounders. Thursday when a number ol giants estimated up to80 0 pounds When this striper run started about three weeks ago most annual contest. Bob Ueruisen of Edison weighed a 32 Mi pound striped bus were located in 200 feet of water in the southern end of the Mshermen figured that it would be of short duration, particu- bred Kampl of West Long Branch, on Saturday, weighed at Julian's Sport Shop in Atlantic Highlands yesterday mom- Mud i mi.' Jarly since i>"> »orirng_ ingJHe reported he caught the fish at Deal beach on a white The fish were hooked qear the wreck of the Arundo on live •we II have striped 6a«$ fishing utfiil lUankSgiviiigSr - •** Branch wWg.'«'*---- , .JHk'""".:.*lrf*'»-. —<•«• wtttiiigoflivpfjuwt' kle.Bainniio^-^Wayst||jB .; Bill McKadden of Ucean Grove, who has lost track of the yesterday. pounder, ni iHW|H».TM Tl'i. -„ _"_^£"V. .. ~_* number of striped bass he has taken this year, told Joe Yesterday Kay Werner of Long Branch weighed stripers Drew Smith of Metuchen weighed a 7Vi pound striper ar LaPresti at Steven s Bait and Tackle Shop that he estimated of 4V* and 6 pounds. MotU Martelli of Shrewsbury weighed a the store Saturday. He reported he caught the fish on a bunker Harbor is a 65-footer named^asis and owned by Captain his total to Saturday at 75 fish. 34 pound striper and a 7 Vi pound weakfish. He also caught four spoon trolling off the Navy pier. Milton "Sarge" Batrouny. lt replaces a 45-looter also named (in Saturday he dragged eight striped bass into the Long smaller stripers, the so-called schoolies George McMickle of Ulen Kidge weighed stripers of 31 and Oasis. Branch shop. They weighed 22, 17, 9, 9, 10, 8, 6^ and iVt Chris Callery of Loch Arbour weighed stripers of 17 and 20 pounds at the Tackle Box, Hazlet Art Gibbons of Montclair Batrouny's new boat is the former Sea Devil which sailed pounds. He reported he lost 10 other stripers. He got his action 6 v2 pounds and Pete Carlonl of Long Branch a 7*/4-pounder. caught an eight pound bass at Sea Bright. out of Point Pleasant Beach. Hal Hagaman bought the 45- on Kedtin plugs and rigged eels. LaPresti said McKadden is Charles Kitlasz of Edison weighed four striped bass at Jean Johnson of Keyport, fishing aboard her own boat with footer and will run it dm of Sea Bright. ' Pennsylvania Small Game Season Starts Saturday Pennsylvania's regular small game season will open at 9 W a.m. Saturday tor cottontail rabbits, pheasants, turkeys and quail. Unbeaten Branchers cop A' North The grouse and squirrel season in that state started Oct. 20, The season for pheasants, rabbits, squirrel and grouse will LUINU BHANCH - yuarterback Carlo Campagna threw a downs on a one-yard run and a ID-yard pass from Andy game as Holmdel raised its record to 5-3. close on Nov. 24, for turkeys on Nov. 17 and for quail on Nov. 45-ayrd touctidown pass to Uoug Muh with 1:30 remaining in Kapushay as Keyport closed out its season with a 4-4 mark. Comerback Steve Setter Intercepted his 10th pass of the 10. the game to give unbeaten Long Branch a 13-12 victory and the Kd Lawson ran over for the extra point. season while defensive end John Boggio was another standout Preseason reports by district game protectors indicate "A North championship Keyport won the peewee contest, 26-0, led by John Kemp as Holmdel never permitted Jackson to get close to a score. that supplies of most small game species this year are in the Mark Johnson scored the other touchdown for Long who gained more than 1,000 yards rushing this season. The Jackson took the peewee game, 19-0. fair to good range, following generally successful reproduc- Branch 19-UI on a 60-yard run. Micros lost to Lacey, 18-0. Ocean 12, Marlboro 0 tive seasons with good food supplies and cover conditions. Long Branch romped in the peewee contest. 46-0 Oceanport WLB 34, Eatontown KM « OAKHUHST — Kodney Bond scampered for a two yard Last year hunters complained of a shortage of rabbits and Keansburg 33, Berkeley 0 WEST LONU BKANCH - Bo Bntton scored two touch- IT) and Kamond Palmer added a 10 yard run as Ucean won its a Uame Commission survey showed that both the cottontail h !\A.\sni Hi; — Dan Valle and Jim Luchina scored a pair downs on runs ol 50 and 15 yards to lead Oceanport-WLB to its fifth game in seven outings. and pheasant harvests were lower than in the preceeding ot touchdowns each and Uuy Johnson added another score as sixth win in seven games and a clinching of second place in the The peewees played to a 0-0 tie. year. Keansburg rolled to a 33-0 victory over Berkeley in Jersey "B " South. But last spring district game protectors received more Shore Pop Warner Kootball League action yesterday. John Beihl, Larry Kaddielli and Mike Koggio had the other complaints of damage by rabbits than they had ever received T J. Murphy and Pat Maletto were defensive standouts for touchdowns for Oceanport, which has given up just two before. Keansburg. which won its second game in seven starts. touchdowns defensively this season. More sports, page 22 Berkeley took the peewee contest, 21-0. KaUmtown-Fort Monmouth won the peewee contest, 13-12. Red Bank By Forfeit Tinton FaUs 4Z, River Plata 7 KED BANK — Unbeaten Hed Bank clinched the "B" MIDDLETOWN — Brian Jones had a big day for Tinton North championship the easy way with a forfeit victory over Kails with four touchdowns on runs of 40,70,46 and five yards Lacey Township It was the eighth win in a row lor Hed Bank. as the winners evened their record at 4-4 In the "B" North. Standings, Schedule The lorteit was called when Lacey failed to field enough Gary Young also had a big game with two touchdowns on a Short cwrttrMCt PMibaU TODAY (Ovarall rttofd In p«r»nlM*li) IMMf Dlayers. 15-yard run and a 50-yard interception return. A Dlvlilon N.rt» Ocean at St. Ros* W LT Point Boro at Rumlon Guaranteed The peewees (ought to a 6-6 deadlock. Kiver Plaza took the peewee game, 12 0 MJUW.II 14 I 11 I DO CBA at Mlddlttown No. Atlantic Highlands 6, Southern 0 Rumton 7, Middletown 0 Neetunt (J-M> , 10 0 Red Bank at Shore P.O. Box 685 Rarllan (3-3) 2 10 Central tt T.I. South MANAHAWK1N - Greg Bruno scored his 16th touchdown KUMSON - Mike Cerchio's five-yard run capped a 40- Wlddlelown Norm {2-41 110 Marlboro al Howell Rod Bank, N.J. 07701 747-7773 Howall (t 5) 1 90 SvmMiUci "i the season on a three-yard run to give Atlantic Highlands yard first period drive and gave Humson (5-3) its victory. Middletown South (1-5) 010 Mlddlttown North at T.R. East (6-;ti its victory over Southern Mark Thompson ran over for the extra point while Herald • DlvllWt N*rtt FltM Heckev Rumfton (4-1-1) 4 01 Neptune at Southern WASTING HEAT Mike Brand. J J Wiemer and Kich McUovern were de- Procopio sparked a tough Kumson defense that never let long Branch (501) 101 Middletown So at T.R. North MantlaMn (4 2) ! 10 Molmdel al Monroe UP YOUR CHIMNEY lensive standouts lor the winners Middletown make a serious threat. Rid Bank (»-4) 110 Wall at T.R. South STOP Southern romped in the peewee contest, 33-0. Humson also won the peewee game, 13-6. Marlboro (3-4) I 10 TOMM Shor« (3-31 1 10 T.R. North at R.B. Catholic If you spent $500 to heat your home last year, our Keyport 13, New Egypt 0 Holmdel 6, Jackson 0 Monmouth (0-6) 0 40 atavMikt stainless steel vent damper will save you $500 and KKYPOKT - Keyport John Hernandez scored touch- Jim Zawacki's six-yard run was all the scoring in the » OlvliM Sou* Olm Point Boro 400 R B Catholic at Brick more...Approved by the American Gas Assoc. Manaiquan 16-0) 100 Ocean at Freehold Twp. Wall (4-1-1) 21" and U.L. listed. Was on CBS TV's "60 Minutes". Asbury Park (1-4) ..230 Ocean it-4) ^,. .110 TOMORROW Lekewood (2-3-1) ..130 Crass Cewitrv Freehold Twp. (1-4) .040 County Chmpnihpt at Holmdel Park FILL IN YOUR OWN FIGURES C DIvlslM Soccer II your lluepipe is standard up to 6" your Keansburg (SOD .301 Manasqua/i at Monmouth $350.00 Freehold Today Holmdel (SO-1) , .2 01 MaUwan al R.B Catholic cost would be Henry Hudson at Point Beach Keyport (3-3) ..2 10 Less the 15% energy tax credit $52.50 IStl Pact, 11.700, Clma . Hardv Wave (No Driver) . 12-1 Beachoort (ingraisla) Hutui Power (Kelly) Point Beach (2-3) , ..2 10 Ovmneitlct $297.50 Turners Queen [Lake) 10-1 3rd: P«», |1,*M, Clmt. Froity Carnival (Koth jr.) Pot Hunter (Consol) Freehold (0-*) .030 Rarltan «t Long Branch Fuel used GAS • OilD net Bntjht Van (V»nOMrand> S-l Bartholomew tLohmtver) ...M Isabella W (Kelly) R Ds Promlie (COIUMO) Manchester (0 6) .030 Rumton "..., at Middletown So INSTALLED Walk Over N (Ortita) 9-1 Ro&eiand Lad (Consol) ,,.M !th: r»C:\IAH Barons Man lion (No Driver) Paractilali T R North at Henry Hudson Approximate cost ot luel last year fruity Ben Modice) 6-1 Kooltone Lee (Rodgers) ... S-1 Mi/or Scot (Bowden Sr ) Cara Nevellt (Marotin) St. John .. S10 Cr»n Cwntrv Over Glow IBavosi Jr.) 7-1 Fly Away Joe CFerrlero) ...6-1 A A Thomas (Kelly) Dees Knight (Kenny) RBC .330 Olri* For the next 5 years Radar Collins (Ferenct) 4-1 Wigrttv Dana (Siamberry) .. 1-1 Palm Peters Bov (Schwlnd) ...1-1 Chad Herbert (Puma) Mater Del 060 County Chmpnshps at Holmdel Park) Deduct cost ol unit Rich Prince (DelVecchlo) 15-1 Meadow TIP (Cruse) . 10-1 Gravlln AM (Koth Jr.) .. 7-3 •tfi: Pac«,tLSM $297.50 J W Rich (Labbait) 20-1 War Admiral IParadis) . 12-1 J M Muriel (Campbell).. ., ...1-1 Lord Mike N (King Jr.) The ditlerence in your pocket Ind: P4ct.lt.7M Stoned Notion (Blum) . 20 i Lindas Jet (Molsevcv) 10 1 Saunders Perilous (Berkner) And savings each year after ->.iunflers Ideal (Berkner) 3-1 «h Pact. 13,000, Clm» L C Hawthorn (Bertoldol 13 1 Ghenghls Ghlnnv (Schwlnd) Ame*bro j6an fLIpert) M Lamon Hanover (No Driver) Armbro Ulster (Blum) Figures based on last year'* luel prices. Gin Customer (Baswn) ., 4-1 Steve Milam (Yanotl) Shu Shin* (H.FIIIon) CBS. SUPERMARKET Medlow Direct I C« Mag if one) S-l Walta Hondo IWarnngton) »lh: pact, JI.OOO, Clm«. Jewell Pstton (Mella) p B-t Couri Order (Manil) ". Truant Bill (Santeramo) .. M Racer (Kelly).. MAIL COUPON TO ABOVE ADDRESS Dash Of Ice Vavouraki*. 10-1 Park Jewel (Beachy) Wimble ton (Kelly) Rommel Hanover (N _ 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG LIS)o (Fuico) lott: Pact, %i,*m, Clm«. Olvmoic March (Rteit) ... n Baron The Great (IngratftU) Shar Dale (Yanotl) ...w fillIV Austin (Kellvl SELECTIONS Local Number (Warrington) . 10-1 Lt. Col. Joe (Grant) Rfpolng Charlie (Gleaion) . IS 1 White Harvest (Fagllarone). YES • Mail me free literature 1 — Over Glow, Bright Van, Radar Collins Serape (Russell) . 20-1 Cavo D'Oro (Gallagher) PICK-IT 7th: Pact, *J,»0, CimB. Joel George (No Driver) 2 — Amexbro Joan, Saunders Ideal, Medlow Direct Bernies Hope (Kelly) - 3-1 Jersey Pal (Browne). YES • Call for appointment A.M. P P.M. D 3 — Bartholomew, Roseland Lad, Fly Away Joe Star Assay (Coniol) Prince Walrus (Vinci) Knight Time Joe (Dupuls). 1ttti: Pace, $1400, Clntf. JERSEY NUMBER GAME 4 — Steve Milam, Watta Hondo, Lamon Hanover Fortune Bookie (No Driver) Cabonga Paul (Paquet) Name Streel____ Jarrettown Dave (Yanotl) , Beau Yankee (McGovern) Pick an$ three numbers—you can play 5 — Graylin Art, Palm Peters Boy, A A Thomas Ata Norton (Bergeron) All Lady (B»v«l Jr.) from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M., 7 days a week 6 — Wimbleton, Olympic March, Truant Bill Debt Brigade (Gagllardi) Chanson L.*u (Bassen) Town Phone Homestretch Eve (Dandeo) Sugar Cress (Olln) RBR 7 — Bernies Hope, Homestretch Eve, Star Assay ith: Pace, Mrto, Clmg. Jit Aire (Tafona Jr.).. WE AREA CLAIM CENTER 8 — Hufus Power, Silent One, Pot Hunder Silent One (D.FIIIon) Nells (No Driver) 9 - Lord Mike N, Armbro Ulster, Shu Shine 10 — Cavo Doro, Lt. Col. Joe, White Harvest 11 — Cabonga Paid, Chanson Blue, Jit Aire BEST BET: Bartholomew (3rd) MONMOUTH MEDICAL CENTER CENTRO MEDICO DE MONMOUTH Meadowlands NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY AVISO DISPOSICION DE SERVICIOS OF CHARITY CARE SERVICES DE CUIDADOS CARITATIVOS Tonight HILL-BURTON HILL-BURTON

tsl: f 1.000. Clmg., 3 vo * UP. 1M JO Yd I. Jolly Brent (114) Rogers OCTOBER 29,1979 OCTUBRE29, 1979 Double Quill (109) Norwood 10-1 Salinity (114) Saumell 6-1 ?ag J "s Dynamite (119) Adams 4-1 MUMC.1I Wall MQ8i Sallna , 15-1 Blue Fife and Drum (114) Gonialer 6-1 servicios de hospitalizacio'n. Mathoo/e (113) No Bov. . 6 i Hyde Miss (lift) MacSeth S-1 Eligibility for free care will be limited to persons whose family Count Pat Iti I) flocco i l Irish Noel (116) Castaneda 11-1 Diane's Jewell (1111 Rogers 15-1 income is not more than the current poverty income guidelines Scorpio's Babies (US) MacBeth io i Ith: 111,000, Clmt., 3 V* A UP, I 1/16 M La elegibilidad para cuidados gratis sera limitada a personas cuya Kits, Me Later (10b) AIDertram . , 20-1 Lightning Lead (116) Nazareth 5-1 established by the Community Services Administration. Persons )rd (10,000, Mdn . 2 ye Fill., • Fur. Haf Pro (114) Adams M entrada monetaria familiar no exceda los lifnites del nivel corriente Flo Russell 1118) Fann Si Family Flghl (116) Rlni 12-1 whose income is greater than the guidelines but not more than two ley Lassie (113) Wacker S-2 Ardent John 1119) McCaulev 4-1 de pobreza establecido por la Administracidn de Servicios a la Get Your Gun (116) 10-1 Mike Song (116) No Bov 10-1 MfSpoodle (MB) Gomel 12-1 Buffer State (111) Lopez 12-1 times the guidelines, are eligible for charity hospital care on a Dance Troups (118) Thomas . . S-1 Crown Me King (111) Rogers t-1 Comunidad. Personas cuya entrada es mayor que los lifnites de Gumball Machine (HI) Fann S-l Suzler (114) Castaneda 8-1 reduced fee basis as published below. Champagne Star (MB) MacBeth 61 Native Glint (116) No Bov 12-1 pobreza, pero no mas de dos veces estos limites, son elegibles Tundra Queen 1113) Gonialei 10-1 Frank Talk (116) Saumell 10-1 La Kan-iika UiB) Fann 12-1 Roam Free (116) Teieira 10-1 para cuidados clinicos gratis, en bases reducidas, de acuerdo a la Omana jane (118) No Boy B l Passn' Run (lit) Gonzalez 12-1 SCHEDULE OF CHARGES APPLICABLE TO CATEGORY B indecision 1118) Thomas 4-1 Dvlan (114) No Bov e-t siguiente publicaciof). 4th; .s,5O0, Clmg., 1 yo A up, 6 Fur. James Table (114) No Bov 12-1 HOT) Albertram i S-l Traffic Hast (116) Saumell 10-1 PATIENTS (Non-Firm) UNDER THE HILL-BURTON REGULATIONS ClaSsv Rascal M16> Coin ... 10-1 ForpopDa (1161 Gonia'ei Ml. w.ooo, Mcta. Clmr, 1 vo Pill.. 6 Fur. Family Size Rffculia (1U) D'Amico 10 i Grape Delight (118) Malta 8-1 Income Range* INVENTARIO DE GASTOS APLICABLES A LA CATEGORIA DE Hreezing Wind (116) No Bov 15 1 Princess Laura (113) Rogers 17-1 Greater Less • Greater Less Handsome Ken (116) Plitaro . 13 1 Positive Position (113) Gonialei 3-1 Greater Less PASIENTES B (No - Agricultor) BAJO LAS REGULACIONES HILL-BURTON J J 'sDream (111) Lopei I ' Phil's Turn (116) Pliiaro 20-1 Than Than or Than Than or ti.g Vale (111) Steinberg.. Carol's Pane (111) Flgueroa 10-1 Than Than or TAMANODEFAMILIA ORDEN SALARIAL* one Above Prime (til) Rogers 6-1 Karen Greene (tO8) Delp'zo 15-1 Equal to Equal to Mac Attack (113) Tanner 10-1 Mona K. (118) Rlnt 4-1 1 $3,400 R500 $4,500 $6,120 Equal to MAYOR DE MENOR DE MAYOR DE MENOR DE MAYOR DE MENOR DE tieau Rascal (116) No Bov 10-1 Sea Tigress (116) Nled 5 1 $6,120 Mannerly Judge (ill) Bishoo 13 l . insaltable Red (118) Brockiebank.,. 15-1 2 4,500 6,000 6,000 8,100 $6,800 0 IGUAL A 0 IGUAL A 0 IGUAL A Itti: (16,000. C1m«, 1 yo 1 up, 1M Symmetric Gal (113) Wacker 12-1 8,100 9,000 bay Photo 1116) Black ..... si Potent Poteen (111) Lopez 20-1 3 5,600 7,500 7,500 10,080 1 - $3,400 $4,500 $4,500 $6,120 $6,120 $6,800 Set The World (116) Sarrtvn S j Fast and Good (114) No Bov 12-1 10,080 ? 11,200 illusive (116) Black .' 5-1 Chancy Ladv (118) MacBeth 10-1 4 6,700 9,000 9,000 12,060 2 4,500 6,000" 6,000 8,100 8,100 9,000 Marshua's Romeo (116) Rim HI Foiv Diplomat (118) McCaulev S-l 12,060 '13,400 HfhtoPler 1H6) Castaneda 6 1 Nelly Jo (1081 Feed 8-1 5 7,800 10,600 10,600 14,040 -.3 5,600 7,500 7,500 10,080 10,080 11,200 4 1 ..unaimg (116) Gomel 1S-1 14,040 15,600 O K So Far (116) Miranda .... 10-1 T V Hirdie (113) Lopei 6-1 8,900 12,100 12,100 16,020 4 6,700 9,000 9,000 12,060 12,060 13.400 Mr Davev Nay (113) Rlni e 16,020 17,800 Superbug (US) Thomas 10-1 5 7,800 10,600 10,600 14,040 14,040 15,600 SELECTIONS 6 8,900 12,100 12,100 16,020 16,020 17,800 1 -^ Crafty Bid, Calcos, Prince SlegfJed 2 - Quack Up, Landslide l*wis, Fancy Hope PATIENT PORCION 3 — Indecision, Icy Lassie, Gumball Machine SHARE OF DE GASTOS 4 — For poppa, J. J.'s Dream, One Above Prime USUAL USUALES 5-Capt. Stevens, See The World, Salinity CHARGES 30% 60% 80% CARGADO 6 — Mark em Lousy, Lady Glenn, Luvinheriseasy ALPASIENTE 30% 60% 80% 7 — Merry Tai, Weezeelee, D.J.'s Dynamite •Income {(arm and non-farm) is defined in accordance with the Community Services Administration guidelines. .' •Salarios (agricultor y no-agricultor) estan definidos de acuerdo con las reglas esiablecidas por La 8 — Ardent John, Haf Pro, Crown Me King Adminislracicw de Servicios a la Comunidad. 9 — Mona K., Positive Position, Nelly Jo BEST BET: Merry Taj (7th > A NEW YOU Eye appeal for diet food

By EMILY WILKENS Half a papaya stuffed with cold cooked shrimp important psychology is to reducers I re- on a bed of lettuce, with a tablespoon of lime member her telling me, "Don't save candles Probably nobody knew more diet eating than juice dressing and lopped with grated coconut for special occasions Use them to make every the late Helen Corbitt. Hailed as "an American- With it, they serve three stalks of fresh, frozen meal special whether you're dining on cottage born genius in the kitchen" by her alma mater, or canned asparagus sprinkled with lemon peel, cheese or caviar." Skidmure College, Helen was director of restau- pimiento and parsley. Coffee or tea, of course What she realized is that the way in which rants for Neiman-Marcus and the woman who Now does that sound Spartan? It sounds down- food is presented is very important When a diet created the cuisine that helped make the famous right festive to me. And of course Helen always meal tempts the eye. a dieter doesn't feel Texas spa, the Greenhouse, famous. served meals elegantly — beautiful china and deprived I was a fashion designer when I first met crystal, lovely centerpieces. JUST FOR YOU Helen. The occasion is one I shall never forget. I One of my favorite Greenhouse dinners Dear Emily: la there apy way to gel rid of was in Texas to receive the prestigious Neiman began with jellied vegetable consomme The brown spots on the hands? — Mrs L.W. Marcus Award for creating the young junior main course was marinated flank steak with Dear Mrs L W There are a few things you look. It was a glittering evening. Helen had stirfKied spinach topped with a sprinkling of can try For example, nightly applications of ! l nmyhondrAd*;—r...«t ^'r atf. ...- Turaip pudding was setfcd '., ' rtgaC.ritMiC. . : rin ever deta.il. this Salad was romaine lettuce seasuned with a You might also ask your doctor about e'xtfa'" Later, in many visits to the Greenhouse, I teaspoon of red wine vinegar. For dessert there doses of vitamin E. had other opportunities to realize the extent of was a steamed fresh pear topped with a table- You could also consult a dermatologist about her creativity Helen had a flair for making diet spoon of pureed Strawberries Sheer heaven' removing them with an acid treatment food taste so divine and look so appealing that And calorie-wise too! Once they appear, it's difficult to erast liv- calorie counters felt positively pampered. The beauty of Helen's book is that it bnnas , er spots." but it's worth a try You could suc- Now women everywhere can enjoy the reci- the Greenhouse diet cuisine home - wuere ceed in minimizing them pes that first ladies, society grande dames, and every woman can enjoy it. Need to get on the right diet track9 You'll actresses have partaken of during their Green- This extraordinary diet expert realized how find reducing secrets used at the world's most taisft stoy»» Tney appear in "Helen Corbitt's famous beauty resorts in Emily Wilkens' 'Spa Greenhouse Cookbook," which has just been Secrets" bulletin To obtain a copy, send 25 published by Houghton MifflinCo cents and a self-addressed, stamped envHtj^;^ All the menus in Helen's book are baaed on Emily Wilkens. care of this newspaper 850 calories a day — the Greenhouse maximum. EMILY WILKENS welcomes letters, but It may not sound impressive but the menus cannot undertake to answer each one She will Lifestyle use questions o( general interest in her column suggest a deluxe way to diet. Best of all, the book gives not only menus but recipes. Address your letters to Emily Wilkens. care of For exale, here's a fairly typical diet lunch: this newspaper.

Riulitir SUM photo INVITATIONS ARB OUT —Mrs. John ConKlin Jr., Rumson, left, co-chairman of the 20th annual Nov. 2-4 Rumson Antiques Show, and Mrs. James Cottrell, also Rumson, chairman of Thursday's opening night champagne preview, review plans for the event at which some 40 dealers will exhibit. The show Is sponsored bv the Holy Cross Champagne start to Rumson show School PTA and will be staged in the school, Rumson Road. RUMSON—An invita- inception. Room setting from 11:30a.m. Cahill and The Woolfords. at Washington Cross. Wash SPECIAL FRAMES $1,00-59.00 LVW sponsors tional champagne preview They are showing in a din- to 2|p.m , and dessert and Freehold, The Well and Tree ington Cross. Sally Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 ing room setting such items beverage will be available Antiques and Locust An- Gassaway. Rahway. The open meeting p.m., will open the 20th an- as an Oriental rug, an Eng- from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and from tiques, Locust; Yellow Shut- (lazebo Antiques, Towaco; 20%-50% OFF nual Rumson Antiques Show, lish Sheffield supper server 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. A quiche ter Antiques, Neptune; Isabel's Antique Jewelry Edison; Lighthouse Antiques CUSTOM, OVAL, ROUND & on giftedness "Elegance in Antiques," at and a tall pine cupboard with brunch will be served Sunday Lamplighter Antiques. Little Holy Cross School, Rumson original 200-year-old glass from noon to 5 p.m. Silver; Mary Jane Roosevelt. Barnegat Light. The Silvel STANDARD FRAMES RED BANK - The Road door panes. On display will be the Vic- Rumson. and Linenworks, Porringer, Milltown, and Greater Red Bank Area Mrs. Laurence Donahue is The show will be open to torian reproduction Etc., Blue Stove Antiques. Jean' R. Valdes Antiques. OILS • ORIGINAL GRAPHICS league of Women Voters Is PRINTS 'NEEDLECRAFT chairman of the PTA-spon- the public Friday and Satur- dollhouse, a project of Mon- Boxwood Gardens Flowers Beachwood sponsoring a public meeting sored event, which this year day from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. mouth Museum, Lincroft and Gifts, and Carter de Holl Additional dealers ate "Gifted and Talented Chil- SPANCRAFTSTUDIOS incorporates a special dis- and Sunday from noon to 5 and J. Turk Antiques. Fair Bard and John Antiques Col- dren" Nov. 1 at 8 p.m in the Among some 40 dealers to 1001 FRAMES-MOULDING BY LENGTH play, coordinated by Mrs p. m Saturday, there will be a Haven lectables. West Chester. Pa . United Methodist Church, 247 participate are, from Mon- 37 E. FRONT ST., RED BANK 747-3995 William llcilly. showing reduced entry fee for senior Charles Galleries and Helen Broad St Featured guest mouth County, .Antiques Other New Jersey dealers 7 0.00 5.00Monday-Saturday choice items from five area citizens. Karlln Antiques, Staten Is speakers will be Dr Thomas Americana-The Folk. will include Bagatelle. Bay dealers—Doelger Antiques, land, N. Y.; The Rookcy, director of the On Friday and Saturday, Farmingdale; The Banias. Head; Alieze C. Burchardt, The Hudson Shop, free 1 harlotle. Vt.; Treas Educational Improvement luncheon—featuring quiche, Colts Neck; The Hudson Summit; Cameo Antiques, Lamplighter Antiques, ure Shoppe. Bala Cynwyd Center of Central New Jer- finger sandwiches, white Shop, Doelger Antiques, Plainfield: Chacolni, Locust Antiques and The Pa ; The Manayunk Sub Sta- sey, a regional unit of the wine, homemade desserts Christine Vanderbilt An- Chatham; James du Bois, Carl I. Qunpliit, Woolfords—who have partici- tion. Philadelphia, Geraldint State Department of Educa- and beverages—will be tiques and Vogt Antiques. Bloomsbury; Field Antiques. K.i: pated in the show since its Lipman Antiques. Yardley Ea tion, and Elvira Brown, re- served in a Victorian Tea Shrewsbury; Patricia A. Cranbury, Gerry's Antiques gional corrdinator of gifted education I MAY WE BE YOUR Topics will include the ANN LANDERS philosophy'of giftedness and PERSONAL PHARMACY? planning and implementation of gifted and talented pro- grams When you enter our pharmacy expect courteous, K I attentive, dependable service. We want you to feel Candidates' coffee | that your every visit is as pleasant as a social call. HOLMDEL — The League ^Beard records grow and grow df Women Voters, is sponsor- ing a Holmdel Candidates' We welcome your asking us for information was 12 feet, three inches long lied in the unusual for SOurements by now, so here's a When Janice died in 1884, her Coffee Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Dear Ann Landers: Some I about anything we might possibly know, or request- when the article appeared. — years. The world's record li new twist. The longest head beard was 14 inches long. — the Holmdel Intermediate people never learn. I am talk- ing any service we can ethically perform. Our Micro-Film Wizard of held by a man named Valen- of hair in the world belonged Louisville Fan School library. The public is Ing about YOU. klddo. A few | customers are important people We value them. Beckley tine Tapley. He vowed that If to Swaml Pandarasannadhi Dear Fan: Sorry about the invited to meet the tonwship years ago you (aid the Abraham Lincoln wai elected oversight Since you seem to committee candidates Elaine world's longest beard Dear Ann Landers: The who lived in the Thiruvada YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE IS when you president, he would never be up on such matters,, can need a medicine. Pick up your prescription If M. Frey, Republican, and belonged to Phillips Henson, man with the longest beard Thurai monastery in India. It shave again. Fifty years lat- you tell me if Janice slept shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly David A. Lewinski, Demo- according to the Guinnen was NOT Phillips Henson; he was 26 feel in length. — S.P. er, when Mr. Tapley died, his with her beard over the without extra charge. A great many people crat Book of World Records Sev- waa A. B. Norton of Dallas, Of J. entrust us with their prescriptions. May we eral people challenged you, Tex. Mr. Norton, a college beard measured 12Vfc feet. — Dear Ann: Since you seem blankets or under the J.H. Long, Rlpley Believe It blankets? compound yours? but you are (till giving the student In 1844, vowed he interested in hair-raising Ostomy is topic Or Not Museum same Incorrect answer. would not shave until Henry stories, did you know the Don t flunk your Clay was elected president of AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR HOUSTER OSTOMV PRODUCTS NEPTUNE - Gary Here's a copy of a column you Dear Mr. Long: I'd like to world's longest mustache chemistry test Love is more the United States. When Mr. Teears will talk about ostomy wrote eight yean ago. I kept believe it, but read the next belonged to Masuriya Din of than one set of glands calling Shrewsbury Pharmacy Norton died, at the age of 80, care and demonstrate prod- it because of a similar argu- letter: Calcutta? His mustache was to another If you have trou- THE SHREWSBURY SHOPS his beard was so long they ble making a distinction you ucts at a meeting of the Jer- ment in our family. Do you Dear Ann: Phillips Hen- 102 inches from tip to tip. - BROAD ST 741-4874 SHRKWSUl'KY have the nerve to print It? — had to roll It up and tuck it in need Anns booklet. Love 01 sey Shore Ostomy Associa- son's beard wat nothing com- Chlcao, Calif. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS FHEE DELIVERY tion Nov. l at 8 p.m. in the Photographic Memory In Tal- his vest. The undertaker who pared to my great-grand- Sex and How to Tell the Dif Booker Pavilion, Jersey lahassee burled him was my great- father's. Hans Langseth wai Dear Ann: You are a ference " Send a long, self- chauvinist pig. Why did you Shore Medical Center., Dear Photographic: I do grandfather. He wrote In the born and raited In Norway 'addressed, stamped envelope and I shall. Hereitis: family Bible, "We buried a and lived moil of hit life In fail to mention the name of with your request and 50 man today whose beard Barney, N.D. When he died in the WOMAN who had the cents to Ann Landers. P O Dear Ann Landers: Ac- measured 12 feet, nine Inches 1927 hit beard wai 17". feel longest beard? She wasBox 11995, Chicago. Illinois cording to the back files of long." — Fifth-Generation long. The beard it now on Janice Deveree of Kentucky. 60611 JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS NOW. the Beckley, W. Vs., Raleigh- Texan display In the Smithsonian In- Register, an Item and picture Dear Ann Landers: Your stitution. Life magazine did a dated June 8, 1923, reported beardologist Is in error. Phil- wonderful piece on Hani of Star Wars' WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE? that Zach T. Wilcox of Carson lips Henson'g beard was not Langseth. Anyone who wanli City, Nev., had a beard 12 the longest. As the general proof of this can go to the at Oceanic Library feet three inches long. It had manager for the Believe It or Smithionlan and tee for been growing since 1881 and Not Museum, I have speclal- himself. — Great Grandchild RUMSON-A film on nue of Two Rivers The mov- Of The Winner "The Making of Star Wars" ie focuses on the techniques Dear Ann: You're proba- will be shown Tuesday. Nov. behind the making of the film Introducing adiet 1 ram that bly lick of beard meat- 6 from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m in and is shown under the spon-. Oceanic Free Library, Ave- sorship of the Monmouth tones up your I County Library. Also that day from 1 15 to CONTACT LENSES 2 p.m., there will be movies [or pre-schoolers The No- Contact lenses are available lor the correction vember children's schedule of nearsightedness, farsightedness and features Pumpkin Storylime astigmatism. Nov. 13 from 3.30to4:15 p.m f thought t woi born fo be thvbby. But on Iht Wmlghi WcJghf Wohhmrt allow you oil thit tor lunch. Hi for children in kindergarten Watchmr% Program you don I hox« 'o Hay that wayt anorm than juif carrof ttick*! THE NEW through third grade. Pre Why it th« Program so SUCCBM'.I1' &f( on** Wciah< firs' th#r» s th© famous Eating Plan! Scientifically de- NANCY KOPP BAUSH & LOMB - AMSOF Watchers larkle* your wsnght problem ui t*ve« diHei • s'grwd to help yot, low weight while enjoying a w«le school Turkey Craft, for •nt ways' vu> «ty of fooaV Three meals a day plus tnockV Lean Line has developed an optional exercise and nutrition, education program designed to make you feel AMERICAN OPTICAL which registration is required good inside and look good outside two weeks in advance, Nov. Like shapely Nancy Kopp who lost 65 pounds and 20 (rom 1:15 to 2 pm. for maintained this weight loss for the past 4 years SOFT LENSE! Imagine going from a size 20 down toa size lOand children aged 3'i toS; Papej_ not gaming itDacH. Plate Turkey Craft, also re- Nancy did it and so could you. • The no boiling 1% So join Lean Line today and find out why pur diet lenses V quiring early registration. program is the most sensible approach to losing weight Nov 20 from 3:30 to 4:15 p.m ancfkeeping it off • Above +6.50 Rx Slightly higher for children in first to fourth grades, and Fairy Tale Mov ies, for the same age group 30 DAY TRIAL PERIOD Nov 27from330to4:15p.m ON SOFT LENSES

• "EXTENDED WEAR csunci CM* im in... mfcta." Garden program s. i You con alto Jo th» PfWTIP'* r*«i tonal Exerclic Weight Mfakhvo '• 'wn »i Jw* ta»«l"l *° •"* *••"'" • HARD LENS .»»m $55. PV. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Plan. If i terrific) biy. Hie war "tin people eat, Vbu oufhf h> try HI Ah Uo^rrwdh Shopping C«»*i. Communiryflm . (low til (fed « 7 IS Dm' 1 • GAS PERMEABLE FLEX LENS H.M $75. , — A demonstration "Christ- Second trwn4twondexutingenerfi»pian'Optionrj1 U>ird The Personal Aetiort Plan You II learn how to FRffNQlD VfWPosH. WMsjfwoOtiM . WW «i ' 15 pr« P Easy And fun Combne PtPSTEP" with the Eating Plan be m control How to face challenges thai tempt you MHAf N«1> L>n»r.til« f ,re Co 37?M«tdhtna Thin it 0 16a ITioaMtp.nl EXAMINATIONS, FITTING. ADJUSTMENT mas Glow" will be presented ond you could lose weight a !*«!• faster1 5 JWFC PR M to ovweai How to ilay slender' .. 'It SILVER iTttls SHvot F*e HOUM. Proopocl tv«'.'UM il9'5imA71Spm .COLO CARE KIT AND FOLLOW-UP CARE by Mrs Sidney Litvack Nov. 1 ONG BBMCM- vMC*. 40* Brudwor Tfuir 11715pm $40. ADDITIONAL UANAiAPAN SiemBK'ti Dtp! Swe CommumlyRm.Rl 9^un HBMpm 1 at 12:30 pm. for the Atlan- For Further Information Call 364-5511 WEIGHT M*N»bUUA* hgmiCo *?. Ptrkf Avt. Tut 110151m A 715 pm 4WMJ MilOOim tic Highlands Garden Club. MAitHAN WiinioQion Engine CO JOCkiwi Si Ibetimd Oniri J«MyBir*i Mon ti71Spm or Toll Free (800) 242-5866 «« II9 IS im DR. JEROME WILDMAN The program will be held in WATCHERS MIOOltlOWN Chftsl Elpisroptl Cmirclr 02 Ktno» Hwy. Thu» M 7 15 pm the West side Field House, IC MIIIS INI [ INC »J* MOflGANVIllf RoWfhvili*8'WtCHufch r>u'<*Rd Slennamfid TutftlOISam OPTOMETRIST WPIUNtCiTV Un'lW fut CO »1 Ueoyw*! Horn* Llutl Avt T>HK •IOI5tn> A 7 iSptii Washington and Avenue C The Authority JACKSON Jlction JlycwDub.ROUH57I -.row MUolC*llvir1eF»«0tpt *M 117 IS.pm 654 Newman Springs Rd. tor lurthtf Information or (.Ail *N Tit r V"8 LJ^M4U MMn0w4t CflUftn. ' i?' J " PB*II Ayp 'Uf iV • IS P rTl Beverage and dessert will be Lincroft, N.J. ,P»«,.MC.> 842-6600 served y • 16 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY, N.J MONDAY. OCTOBER 29,1979 HINTS FROM HELOISE Tip on fixing scorched spot Tracey-Crowley scorches from wool, we up In the fall. Before raking, HI, THERE: scorched by a cigarette. The LETTER OF LOVE thought it might work on a run your law* mower over EATONTOWN - Miss The bride, an alumna of bid you know that plain spot was in an obvious place, DEAR HELOISE: church Their vows Were sol- synthetic fabric too. them two or three times. Leigh Anne Crowley and Rob- emnized at a nuptial Mass Red Bank Catholic High old peroxide is a fantastic so Dad brought it over to the I so eajoy your column. office to let us "experi- The letters you print are like These leaves are brimful of ert Lee Tracey were married celebrated by the Rev. James School, was graduated with scorch remover? First, we tested it for col- y having a friendly visit with fertiliser and nutrients you B. Coyle. honors from Marymount Col- My dad had a light grey ment." or fastness on an out-of-the- Saturday here in It people from all over the coun- caa use throughout year suit that apparently got Since peroxide removes way spot (inside a pocket). Dorotheas Roman Catholic Parents of the couple are try. I really get a kick out of gardens. No problem! Mr. and Mrs John Drury the men and children who The mower will chop them Crowley, 945 Broad St., from of Notre , South Bend, take lime to share Ideas. up Into small pieces. You Just Shrewsbury, and Dr. and After three or four per- pile them up around your rose Church bazaar Nov. 10 And I enjoy your com- oxide applications, each ap- bushes or other garden areas. ATLANTIC H1UHLANDS afghan bedspread in two ments the most! — Just VI plied with a clean white They'll decompose over the — St. Agnes Church will con- shades of blue, made and I feel as if I've known you, cloth, the spot Just faded out. winter and some of the good technical representative ior donated by Helen Phillips, VI, and all my other dear 5£s&£Z I sure was delighted with nutrients wUI get Into the International Minerals and Christmanms'BaTffarrfov. iff Leonardo, and an original oil . • • Shadowbrook. Shrewsbury Chemicals Corp., Des here in St. Agnes School, 1 - the X"* ''to, -and my **A wi j^ti). The.leaves also provide ' jpBalron of honm^vuas Pa- » dm "td PLaines, 111. He is an alum- from 10a m to4p m. ' pleaswi as could tie. a alee blanket ol Insulation. tncia Santilli Also attending by Mrs. Sue Harnichar, you and finding helpful solu- nus of Brother Rice High Luncheon will be served in Over the years this will help the bride were Carrie Leonardo. He thought I was a genius tions to your problems. School, Birmingham, Mich., the school cafeteria from 11 build up the organic humus la Tracey, Patricia Zolnick, Homemade articles In 10 — but dads are sometimes a and the University of Notre a.m. to 2 p.m. under the I love sharing our lives your soil. Colleen Hattrup and Sharon rooms at the Christmas little prejudiced, bless their Dame at South Bend, where chairmanship of Mrs. Anna through the column because 1 Oh, one more thing! Don't Reen. Bazaar include Art Show, ever-lovin' hearts. 4ie received BS and MS Bell Kennedy. It will' consist think of you as my other fam- forget to pick up nay fallen Dr Francis Martin was- Eileen Steinhauer; Wood- degrr mm biology. of a Soup and Sandwich Plat- If you're ever faced with ily branches before you Hart best man and ushers were craft, Mildred Kozak, ter or a Chopped Sirloin Beef the problem of removing a mowing the leaves, T- Sandra John D. Crowley Jr., John The couple will reside in Gourmet Foods, Peg I love you all dearly. — LEIGH TRACEY Platter. Mrs. Betty Halbert, scorch mark, remember this Burbank Tracey, Gregory Tracey and Rochester, after a wedding Hawley; Needlecraft, Fran Hugs, Heloise t trip to Canada. Aluntie Highlands, Is gener- tip. — Hugs, Heloise THIS COLUMN is written Terrence Tracey. Koehler and Pat IT'S FOR FREE! for you ... the homemaker. If al chairman, assisted by Mrs. DEAR HELOISE: Know what I like better 'n Helen Phillips of Leonardo. Mercadante; Pedigreed ypu have a hint or a problem JUT*,.Eleanor Shine; Christ- 1 Just wtat to tell you aTtyttoif ? Something (ot The committee is featur- write to Heloise in care ot mas Boutique, Gloria Petro, readers not to throw away free! These days it's d hard DiSciullo-Coppola ing in conjunction with the this newspaper. Because of Handmade Dolls, Pat coffee-can, shortening-can or' thing to find, so here's a cock- the tremendous volume of bazaar a blue ribbon winner or other plastic lids. a-doodle-do for the thrifty nif- SHORT HILLS-Mary Gary Beach was best man. Victorian dollhouse, made Haugstatter; Garden Room, mail, Heloise is unable to an- Jean Butler; For Children ty who sent in this hint: Josephine Coppola, daughter Ushers were Mark DiSciullo, and donated by Thomas They'll be surprised at swer individual letters. She Only, Marie Konrad; Special DEAR HELOISE: will, however, answer your of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cop- Lee Albanese, Blake John- Kozak, Atlantic Highlands, how many plastic bowls these Fund-Raisers Peggy Ross Questions in her column pola, was married Oct 13 in stone, Robert McGillicudy, and Mrs: Joanne Murath, different lids will snap onto! Make some good use of and Dot Monahan. whenever possible. —Ob Rose of Lima Roman Tim Graham and Mr. Voc- Leonardo, a handmade daisy — Shirley Dnhmen those leaves you have to rake Catholic Church, to Alan cola. Michael DISclullo, son of Mr. Mrs. DiSciullo is a gradu- and Mrs Peter DiSciullo, 25 ate of MilllmiII High School, Parents' course Park Place, River Plaza. Marymount College of Vir- The Rev Charles B. ginia, and George Washing- on work world McDormott officiated at the ton University, Washington, LINCROFT - The Com- ceremony, which was fol- D. C. She is a junior project munity Services Division of A paid directory of coming events for non-profit E.M.D. Flea Market, Nov. 3, 1979, 9 am to 4 p.m. lowed by a reception in director in marketing re- Brookdale Community Col- organizations Rates (2.00 for three lines for one day, First Presbyterian Church, Hoey & Cedar Ave.. Long Braidburn Country Club. search at Ted Bates Advertis- lege and Monmouth County $1 00 each additional line; $3.00 for two days, $1.25 each Branch. Let us have your garage sale Tables (7. Call Florham Park ing, New York. school districts, through a additional line; $5 00 for three to five days, 11.50 each 542-0377. The bride, who wore her Mi DiSciullo is an alum- grant funded by the New Jer- additional line; (6.00 for 10 days, (2 00 each additional mother's wedding gown, had nus of Red Bank Catholic MARY DI SCIULLO sey State Department of line. Deadline noon two days before publication. Call Middletown Hockey Club is having a cocktail hour- Laura Coppola and Mrs. Paul High School. He received a Education, are offering a The Daily Register, 542-4000, ask for the Date Secre- dinner dance at the Shore Casino. (40 per couple. Hays as her honor attendants. bachelor's degree from Webber Jackson & Curtis, free, five-session program tary. Everyone welcome. Call 872-0353 for further informa- Also attending the bride were Georgetown University, and New York. for parents of children in tion. Elisa Coppola,, Mrs Christ- a juris doctorate degree from After a wedding trip to tirades six, seven and eight, OCTOBER 7 TO 29 opher Wilson,- Mary Ellen Georgetown University Greece and Italy, Mr and entitled, "Parents Helping The Monmouth Veterans & Senior Citizens will be The Monmouth Players production of the "Ginger- Donovan, Donna Bierstein School of Law, Washington. Mrs. DiSciullo reside in Youngsters Plan for the Work sponsoring a bus trip and shuttle to Atlantic City every bread Lady" at the Navesink Library. Curtain 8:40 p m. and Mrs Edward Voccola He is an attorney with Paine North Brunswick. . World." Mem , Wed , Fri., and Sun. Pare only $10.00, show and tickets available through Vince Lombardi K. of C. Participating parents will meal and other extras. At Resorts (18.95, if 25 people or Middletown. Call 671-5675 learn about, the career de- more, the cost is (16.50, with meal and show included Rumson Woman's Club Annual Fall Lunch- O'Connor-Labat cision process, and will then and personal services. Call for information, 870-1080, eon/Fashion Show, Old Orchard Inn, Eatontown, Nov. 3, be able to help their children 870-1185. After 5 pm , 222-3244. Noon! (7.00 per person Reservations: 5440096 decide upon a career. Morn- KEANSBURG — St. Ann's Roman Catho- ing and evening classes will OCTOBER 17-31 Annual Turkey dinner sponsored by MCBC of Red lic Church was the setting here Sept. 22 for be offered Wonder Warehouse announces the opening of its Bank United Methodist Church, Broad St., 4-7 PM the marriage of Miss Maryse Mary Labat, Topics to be covered are, Everybody Exhibit. Ideal for children from 5 years old Mini-craft Show & Bazaar Adults (5.00, Children (2.00. daughter of Robert B Labat, 559 South self-assessment, the future to 17. Please phone museum for information. 747-2266. NOVEMBER4 Laurel Ave., to Daniel Joseph O'Connor, son job market, adolescent de- OCTOBER 29 Organ Recital, David Weadon, recitalist. First of Mrs. Betty O'Connor, 193 Park Place, velopment, recent changes in Presbyterian Church, Tower Hill, Red Bank Works by Belford. role and lifestyle choices, and Chinese Auction being held Monday, Oct 29, 8 p.m. at Buck Smith's. Donations are (1.50. Port Monmouth Bach, Buxtehude & Franck Freewill offering Child expectations from work care will be provided 4 p.m. The Rev. Edward Strano officiated. The program is being giv- Democratic Club Honor attendants for the couple were en now in Colts Neck, will be VFW Post 2179 Flea Market, Sun. Nov. 4,9 am to 5 Carole Labat and Bobby Donovan. OCTOBER 30 offered in Ealontown in No- Parents Without Partners, Bayshore Chapter #644, p.m. Highway 36 (East ), Port Monmouth (next to The bride is a graduate of Teaneck High vember, and will be made will hold a Cocktail Dance at the Hideaway. 2 Peary PI., A&P). (5.00 for indoor space. (8.00 outdoor space, for School and the bridegroom was graduated available to other school dis- Morgan, 8:30 p.m. Live music, free buffet. Call 739-3867 single table.$3 00 for each additional table. Maximum from Middletown Township High School. He tricts later in the year for information. four tables. Call7870999. is self-employed at Dano Builders, Atlantic . Further information may The Shrewsbury Chorale will hold auditions this Long Branch Lions 9th Year Annual Breakfast, Highlands. The couple reside in that borough, be obtained by calling Carol evening for its fall and spring concerts. Join us in Nov. 4 9 am to 1 p.m. at Sirianni's Friendly Cafe. 151 after a wedding trip to Cove Haven in the Kolber, the program ad- singing Bernstein, Charpentier, and the Bach B Minor Brighton Ave., Long Branch, N.J. Tickets: (2.50. Poconos IIIIII.II,I|"| here on campus. Mass. Call Mike Lynott at 741-6095 evenings or Bill 229-7980. Eggs, sausage, ham & pancakes, coffee, juice MR. AND MRS. DANIEL O'CWNNOK Sauer for more information. & milk. OCTOBER 31 NOVEMBER 5 Damico-Barlow The Transcendental Meditation program offers Unique Holiday Arts & Crafts Sale at 4 p.m. at the Gerlach-Burgdorff free introductory presentations with a color film every , Shrewsbury Prasiytenan Parish Hall, Sycamore Ave., MAPLti SHADE-Mary Wed., 1 and 8 p.m. 326 Broad St., Red Bank. 747-7035. Shrewsbury Enormous quantities of items including DUMONT-Diane Mane Gerald Craige was best Kathcrine Barlow and Donald homemade baked goods, benefit Scholarship Fund. Hurgdorff and Frederick C rrian and the ushers were Ed- NOVEMBER 1 Damico were married Sept 8 American Association of Univ Women Program at 8 Gerlach were married here ward Gerlach and Henry Red Bank Christian Women's Club invites you to in Our Lady of- Perpetual p.m. All invited. Sopt. 29 in the Lutheran Burgdorff Jr.- "Come Get Acquainted", for a day with speaker Millie Help Roman Catholic Church of the Redeemer. The Mrs Xlerlach was gradu- Dienert at the Molly Pitcher. Reservations: Call NOVEMBER 7 Church. The Rev. Otto J. Rev (ilenn II. Ridi'sill of- ated frorn Trenton State Col- 747-9376. Chinese Auction sponsored by St Mark's E.C.W. at Hentz, Society of Jesus, of liciatod at the ceremony, lege and did graduate work at Buck Smith's, Palmer Ave . East Keansburg, 8 p.m. Georgetown University, which was followed by a re- William Paterson College, QUEST — A forum for single adults, Gala Hallow- Door prizes, refreshments, admissions (1.50. Washington, D. C. celebrated ception in Danny's Steak Wayne Formerly, she was een Party, music, games, prizes, refreshments. Cos- the nuptial Mass, assisted by NOVEMBER 7-8 ; House. Closter librarian at the River Edge tumes optional but encouraged. 8 P.M. Donation: (3.00. Deacon Patrick J. Goles, the Oceanport United Methodist Women Rummage & Public Library and Cliffside Unitarian Church. 1475W. Front St., Lincroft. .TV' bride is the daughter bridegroom's brother-in-law. Bake Sale. 50 Main Street, Oceanport. Wednesday, Public Schools ol H"nry G Burgdorff of NOVEMBER2 November 7, 7-9 p.m. and Thurs.. November 8, 9 A.M. Oradfll. and the late Mrs. Mr Gerlach is an aiumnus Reading, Pa. bus trip. Christmas shop early. (10. till noon. llurgdorff. Mr. and Mrs. of Trenton State College and Parents ot the couple are Bus leavirubAtlantlc Highlands. Atlantic Highlands- .in Gerlach, 52 Third is a teacher in the Tinton Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Highlands/Pop Warner 872-1647,291-1865. NOVEMBER 10 Falls School System Barlow of Cherry Hill, and A-1' Atlantic Highlands, are MRS. DONALD DAMICO Bus trip to Reading Pennsylvania, (10, 8 A.M. Bus the bridegroom's parents. Mr and Mrs. Gerlach Mr. and Mrs. John C. ,. Middletown Township PBA Annual Ball, Shore from Middletown, Old Village Fire Company Ladies .Casino, Atlantic Highlands, featuring The Flames & Mrs Kdythe Laverdure wont lo New England for Damico, 104 Forrest Ave., to her marriage was with The Auxiliary. 671-2337. comedian Tony Stevens. For tickets see any Middletown was in.'ilr'm of honor. their honeymoon. Fair Haven. Children's Hospital of Phila- Police Officer or call 671-4700. Fourth Annual Bazaar to be held at St. Agnes delphia Patricia McDermott was School, 55 South Ave., Atlantic Highlands. 10 A.M. to 4 Maynard Ferguson Band in concert at Rumson P.M. Ten rooms, filled with handmade gifts, Christmas matron of honor. Mr. Damico is an alumnus Fair Haven High School auditorium Fri., Nov. 2, 8 p.m. Beveridge-Sommers Bridesmaids were Terry of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- items, baked goods, doll room and art room. Lunch Limited number of tickets available, (5.0Q. Sponsored Barlow, Mary Ann Barlow gional, High School and was available. KhA.NSBUHti—Camille by the SGA. per were the couple's honor and Desiree Damico. graduated cum laude from NOVEMBER 11 Somnters and William attendants. Gregory A. Damico was Georgetown University, "The Great Art Steal", popular fund raiser, Beyeridge were married NOVEMBER 2, 3 Mrs. Beveridge is a re- best man and the ushers were where he was a member of sponsored by the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, 'KApt 1=) in the First United Rummage Sale, Fri., 9:30-4 P.M., Sat., 9:30-Noon tired nurse and was employed John Barlow, Edward Barlow the Jesuit Honor Society. He will be held at the Monmouth Museum, November 11 Methodist Church of held by United Methodist Women at Christ Church, 300 at Riverview Hospital, Red and John A. Damico. is employed by Ethicon in beginning 1 30 p.m. For tickets call 741-1441. each ticket Keansburg. The Rev. George Ridge Rd, Fair Haven. Bank. Mr. Beveridge is also The bride was graduated Somerville, where he and his holder is entitled to an original work of art. i Reid Jr. officiated at the retired He had a career in from Georgetown University bride reside after a wedding Holiday Bazaar, Reformed Church, 62 Hance Ave., eersmony, which was fol- the Army and also worked at School of Nursing, and prior trip to Ireland and England. Tinton Falls. Fri , Nov. 2, 6-9 p.m., Sat., Nov. 3,10 a.m. NOVEMBER 16-17 lowed by ..i reception in Shore Midland Glass Co., Aberdeen to 3 p.m. Handmade gifts, holiday decorations, baked The Opera/Operetta Society of the Monmouth • lasino, Atlantic Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Beveridge goods, trash and treasure. Conservatory of Music presents Smetana's Titillating Laura Reiss and Bud Kup- reside in West Keansburg. "Bartered Bride" in English with orchestra and ballet. Monmouth Players Production "The Gingerbread At Monmouth Art Center. 99 Monmouth St., Red Bank Health is not only Lady," Neil Simon comedy. Directed by Bob Clark, at 8 p.m. Tickets (5, (6, and $7 with student, senior Navesink Library Theater, Monmouth Rd., Middletown. citizen and group discounts. Available at Art Center box Feeling Well! Curtain, 8:30. Tickets at the door. office. 842-9002. Or Call Monmouth Conservatory, 741-8880. I HALLOWEEN NOVEMBER 3 NOVEMBER 17 The Monmouth Hills Chapter of Sweet Adeline will Giant Indoor Flea Market and Craft Show Spon- PARTY? present "A Sentimental Journey", 7:30 p.m. at Buck sored by St. Joseph School PTA, will be held on Nov. 17, Buy or rent everything Smith's, Palmer Ave., East Keansburg. Show, dinner & 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tables: (10.00. Reservations: 566-1422, you need for your danking. Donation: (10.00 Reservations: 566-2245 or 583-4379. Eves, and weekends 566-8306. Halloween party. 787-9323 by Oct. 29. Country and Western Band Sponsored by Mater Dei MASKS* COSTUMES* A Seventh Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show Booster Club at Memorial Hall, St. Mary's, New Mon- MAKE-UP* DECORATIONS • sponsored by the Evening Auxiliary of Riverview Hospi- mouth. Continuous entertainment, cold buffet, free PAPERS PLASTIC WARE* tal to be held at the Hilton Inn, Tinton Falls at 12 noon. beer, set-ups available. Tickets (8.50 per person. Doors TABLES* CHAIRS*lie. Reservations, 671-3412. 8 pm. For information, 787-0513.671-2864.. at the Rumson Recreation sponsors a theater trip to "A NOVEMBER 24 Most Happy Fella'" on Nov. 3. Tickets are (25, which Malcolm Smith, noted Biblical author Si lecturer, 0>« Mindly «f» FrMif include bus, ticket, coffee donuts going; wine and will conduct a teaching seminar at The Molly Pitcher till S P.M. tm Oct. 31 cheese coming home Make reservations at Boro Hall. Inn, Red Bank, on Sat., Nov. 24. 1979, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Coffee St Danish will be served. For registration in- ALL PURPOSE Family Chiropractic Services NOVEMBER Z. 3,4 formation, please call 291-2436 OTO42-8738. 20th Annual Rumson Antique Show, Holy Cross RENTAL CENTER School, Rumson. N.J. Nov. 2 and 3, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. NOVEMBER 29 •. ITNEWMAH SPRINGS ROAD, SHMWUURV Broad Street Chiropractic Center Nov. 4, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Luncheon served. Admission Bus trip to Philadelphia. (20 includes Fairmount I 1 fn.ii to Dunkin Oonuttl Richard M. Gill, D. C. 759 Broad Street *2 Park Christmas Tour and buffet luncheon. Sponsored by B 747-4802 Shrewsbury Penn State Club of C N.J. Call 747-9047. ' AUTOMOTIVE 2 Autos For Sale 2 Autos For Sal* SHREWSBURY, NJ MONDAY. OCTOBER 29.1979 The Dwty Register 17

GRANADA 197J - Air and allVOLKSWAGEN VAN CAMPER 1971 55 Situations Wanted 71 Merchandise 2 Autos For Sal* power, AM FU stereo, like new. — Sink, bed, tic Factory Looks, Bought new car and need cash. runs good, nc rust $1400 741-4245 Male For Sale H800 Call 172 5878 If no answer. AMC CONCORD DELUXE !»/• — call me at Ai's Antiques, 8703000. Four-door, in cylinder, automatic VOLVO 1974 — t our -ooor 144. 40.000 ALL AROUND YARD WORK — and leave meuaga for Ron. milts, automatic, ftul injection, air. Trees tut Guttert, oarages cleaned Daily-Sunday AM FM, > uwtK lUrtc Mr. 14000 radtais. AM/FM slerto. good condi or betl Offer 741 44S3 tion, must stll 870-1391, after 4 p.m. Free estimate* 741 4WS AMC PACER 197*7- ~ Sit c vl.noer" HOLSEY PONTIAC I DO HANDTMAN JOBS - Gulief. REGISTER *utom«ln .air. 47,000 milts »2WQor RTE 14 $41 7800 EATOWTOeVN VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK cleaned and repaired, repairs on oett oMtr IM-Mil 1948 — Excellent condition. 30 mpg. roots, garage doors, ceramic tile. HONDA 1971 CVCC — F> AM/FM $7U. Call 493-n» *fi«r 5. Ill W 2V4i Classified Ads ANT iouE — 19M Butch Reid 11.000 miiits 14000 metier Automatic, power ftlMring Call 671-7778. 471 7779 VOLKSWAGEN SOUAREBACK MAN — With truck, wanis hauling 1970 — New brakes and exhaust and deliveries Also clean out ga as low as tnyint in good runmng condition JEEP WAGONEER 1972 — Four $850 747-4784. boty and Iftntfniitiofi nerd work wheel drive, automatic trans- rages, ek Reasonable 787 783S Must Mil toll Otltr 2*4 7*W after mission, air, very good condition VOLKSWAGEN BUS IH7 - Good NEED A JOB DONE3 Utff mon 43 cents 12200 Call $41-8738 , condition, new brakes. Just passed ev. call us hrst Moving, painting Inspection $i» Cat! H2-40ft. (arpentry work, etc 144-1307 or AUDI WOO 1971 - MOOA roof ptut KITSON CHEVROLET CO. /tt 1360 m*nv extra*, |,tJO mile*, factory »V M Eatonic VOLKSWAGEN 19U — N«W P4tlnt For FAST RESULTS * Newman Springs Rd . Rtd Bank VOLKSWAGEN VAN CAMPER 1971 SI Help Wanted 51 Help Wanted 51 MelpWanltd 51 Htlp Wanted School phone tfltenl condition, 30,000 miiw, j3»0 Dodge-Delsun 7412433 - Sink, bed, ate Factory Looks, 2M-4V17. alter 4 p.m. runs good. No rust $1400. 741-4245. LTO WAGON 1974 AIR CONDITIONING AND HEAT GAS ATTENDANT - Part and full REAL ESTATEM SALESPERSON SECRETARY — General office WORKING MOTHERS — Full day BUICK APOLLO 1*74 — 42.0OO, Air conditioned. $1800 VOLKSWAGEN VAN - 1W. SM0. ING — Service person and inslaKtr time, exjwr.ance preferred Apply in — Century 21 PhoeniH Realty is work, heavy lyptng Apply Electro care,Sam loium (Hourly rales) REGISTER power steering, powtr brakes. ex- 787 2414 Qood mlltABt Hospitaliiation. profit snaring, top person, JAR Sunoco, 140 Hwv 348, ookmg lor licensed or newly Impulse Lab, 116 Chestnut SI,. Red Happy Hours School. Rt 34. cellent family car, Hi cylinder M20U1 altar i p m pay. overtime Mustbttxptrienctd. Betlord .ansed associates Ou« lo overflow Bank. 741-0494. Matawan 5e«44]4 Classified Ads iii» Aii«r i, >4>-04ir MERCURY 1949 — Small V-8. regu Call Mid-Slate. 842-7199. customers wt havt several optn- iar gas, «,000 milts. Original owner YOU'LL SEE — A dlllartnca al IM GENERAL OFFICE CLERK - For ngs. Guaranteed leads through our SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER. BUICK CENTURY 197S — Four- Power steering, air, radio, excellent naw Park CMvmlat, Rl u, Nap- oil burner and delivery department national referral system, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 542-1700 door, V-4, vinyl root, power, air, condition, new and battery luna. Call m 111! Full benefits Call McConnell Fuel Guaranteed floor time Call Mr. Benefits. Protil sharing, excellent radial*, automatic. AM/FM, 4S.0OO 1*00 or besl offer 741 7SU after 4 Oil Co. 291 3200 Ecklof for confidential interview. salary Must be ambitious Call Mid Toll Free fom Malawan Area miles, original owner. $2400 Smart woman's outlet store seeks an 64-4900 Stale, *43-7t99 IUQfSK Trucks aggressive, ambitious individual GET READY PERSON -y For auto 566-8100 MERCEDES BEN2 28OSL IVORt with exptrienr* .n the retail Held rental. Must be over 21,•/»• Il il I/O 9470 brown pinstripe Jt*.. — duiifuV salary, anscoerm vn rntrclranaise, i tall from r* 113,200 Also 1979 240 Diestl, loadtd. CHEVROLET - 1*79 El Cam.no. etc. Please call for interview . or I 10 p m 170 3M4 WOO miles, $14,190 Must see both RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST — Good BU ICK SKYLARK 197S-'N«wlira», tourspttd/air, powtr, radio, low (201) 842-0011 GET-READY PERSON — For auto phone voice essential, must be able SHEET METAL MECHANIC —Ex FAST FOOD — Drive in restaurant DIAMOND RING — Appraised vai perfect condition inside and out. Red Owner 842 ftiOS. rental. Must be over 21, have valid type with accuracy Position is in perienced in fabrication or installa- Hwv 35. one-acre corner property ue $3300, price negotiable Mon Bank area H49S 5» M30 MERCURY MONARCH If 7* — ASSISTANT DRIVER — Warehouse driver's license. Full time em- loads of parking, eacellent equip through Fn . t i. Mi 1246 person Heavy work, knowledge ployment, 39 hours per week, plus Red Bank_U|t_5309203 tion ol sheet metal duct work, for Four door, tli-cyllnder automatic, CHEVROLET VAN 1941 — Sin- commercial, residential and in-menl. operate with or without CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE — power steering/brakes and air. Ex- Monmouth and Ocean Counties overtime. Call 842 6800 REAL ESTATE SALES - Join one dustrial purposes Good salary and franchise Good terms DINING ROOM SET Blond 1970, fully equiPMd, $47S. cellent condition. $2395 291-3190. cylinder, mree speed, windows and $1 so per hour to slart. Cut »i-40» ur successful offices, with a , live chairs with buffet racks, shelves and oood tires, $850 GIRL'S BASKETBALL COACH — benefits ( an in 2100 NEW AMERICA NETWORK Call 471-OS47 proven plan lor success, highest G ( O Realtors 531 IfXtO SJI 694/ and glass china closet $400 or best MERCURY COLONY PARK WAG 872 01*4 altar 4 P.m. AUTO SALESPERSON — Ex-Grades 7 and B, Fair Haven Public ommisstons, bonuses licensed or Offer Call 747 6106 ON 1977 — Loaded, low mileage, perience preferred but not neces- Schools. Applicant must possess nlicensed Call Rick Grimm at CADILLAC 1976 CHEVROLET CIO 1974 — 9' bed, SIK- sary, good opportunity wlin expand- SUPERVISOR - Salary and Com LIQUOR STORE — Gross business, ENGAGEMENT RING - Keepsake Fleet wood Original owner, fully perfect condition, reasonable After N J teachers certificate Call Su- Matawan ollice, 566-84O0 mission Must be available Irom 330 5200.000 purchasd price, 1105.00b. 4 p.m., 87O-H55 cvllnder, automillc, powtr steer ing AMC and Jeep dealership. Call per intendtnt's Office, Z4/-2294. tor diamond, white gotd. site b never equipped including fuel Injection, Ina/brakes, AM/FM radio, mag for appointment between II am to 9 00 P m and have a full-sue car with only J40.WM down Good year alarm, t'1 s«s additional information Edual DP- REAL ESTATE SALES - Newly station wagon or van For lurthei round location, tow rent, fully worn. $22S 671 2260 MONZA 197* — 2 + 2. four cylinder, wheels, 45,000 milts, slide rtar win- and i P.m. 1*4-177*. portunily employer. icensed Salespeople looking tor thai information, call Mr Rolleln a equipped For details call ARTHUR automatic transmission, 8,500 miles, dow. $3500. 739 1285 extra income, full or part-time Per- CAMARO 1)71 - »7. power steer AUTO PARTSCOUNTEflPERSON 542 4000,_Ext JV. BAHLAVAGENCV. 774 Siii FURNITURE excellent condition. Asking $2,950 1 HANDYPERSON — For assembly, sonal interview, call 871-9100 CHEVROLET 1970 C 10 — Pant! — Experience preferred Will train Furniture at a traction above tost U00. 6'i 16/J after •> Cm H3-mi - - » y experience helpful. SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE - PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE - At Any name brand available such as iwjck 307 enaint, three-spared, stick, Call Ed Shumard, King Cadillac- Dependable person! apply Htfco, REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — Seeking all-around handy person lor fluent community, gross over rr&um rransmMuen, UU v«bMl,, QUis, FtMthPtA, »*i >W1 Benmngton Pine, Pennsylvania i 4MAHO lf?S — V* *u terns tic, MONTE CARLO 1977 — Eaelttnt 375 South St., Eatontown To work in HOLMDEL. COLTS deliver its. in-house printing and irii.CKM Ra.ru.i275 per month New Houst-, Century. Htnredon, •,*! M.000 miles, atkino V3400 Call after condiAion, m»nv txtras, flvt new laret radial lire,, custom interior NECK eutt £»»Htn\ TOPOdunrtv. general ma >M ft nance work li'lures. beeuVitul interior Aid.ntf and paint, passed inspection, too AUTO MECHANIC — A Dl t» rn«». «! jfeS PERSON - Full-time, 8-4, deal working conditions All In Wn,iin,i- Hicfkorv. 1 horna>>».n> - ] p.m., 747-5742. tires. $4295 or offer. 544-9484 after GM experience prelerred. Call 201 566-0100. between »-5. llJVOOO. l^t, down Owner moving and many more For more informa- 5:30 much to lilt. Asking $1400, will talk. five days a week Apply in person at quints confidential CARL F. out of state Outstanding buy Altar 4, 5M-87IO Frank Fleming, King Cadillac Olds, Sheraton, Hailtt. Hwy. II. tion can weekdays. 12 to 9 p m CHEVROLET VAN 1tM - 1971 Slx- ZELLERS, REALTOR 946 4443 TELLER TRAINEE ARTHUR BAHLAV AGENCY. 721 6666 cvllnder, ihiee speed many new MONTi CARLO 1973 - Maroon Freehold. 467 004! Cashiering experience helpful ?74 S5SS. CHEVROLET BLAZER '1174 — INSURANCE — Cemmtrtcai Insur- REAL ESTATE SALES — One of Furmlurt- Catalog Service ol N J parti. 11200 or bed offer 244 3693' with whltt too, automatic, must sac- ance agency needs an experienced Bat-shore arta, tee reimbursed ridce, $1495. 222-5878 or call Al's Four wheel drive, fully cusiomlied AVON Monmouth County's most successful Start S125 FURNISHING ON A LOW CHEVROLET IMPALA 1976 — inside service representative. Call ilfices has openings for new as 1 Antiques and leave massagt, show truck, several first Pi act wins, THE BE5T OF EVERYTHING 6.71-5111. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BUDGET ) - Check (he USED Four door, vS, power iteer- •70-3000 will trade for 1977 or 1979 corvette Earn good money and be vour own .ooates Call Roger Coiens at 70 Thomas Shrewsbury 747-3494 MERCHANDISE FURNITURE CENTER OF RED ino brakes, doors/ windows, tltt 747-4724, beiwten 4-4 cm. boss selling Avon quality products INSURANCE - Full-time position '41-7*86 for confidential interview BANK Fine lurmiure for less 197 wheel, air, AM FM radio. CB. •«-MU5TANG - GRANDE 1972 — Flexible hours. Call Mrs Hammond, available in personal lints property CENTURY II, COZENS AGENCY, TECHNICIAN PROJECT - To as Shrewsbury Ave teileni condition, one owner. $I7J0 Power steering, air, new tires, CHEVROLET PICKUP 197) — *• 471-4391; Mrs KoneluiS, 5U52B3, department. Insurance experience 3 River Rd , Fair Haven. sembie electro-mechanical units IM-M64, shocks, exhaust, plus 1974 307 en ton, 307, 49.000 miles, good running Mrs Kile, 544-1449 from drawings Salary com- preftrrtd. Typing required REAL E5TATi"5ALESPERSON- Merchandise For HAMMOND & BALDWIN nine, rta. (US $2150. Afler 5, condition Asking 11400. 244W74. bbtQJOQ mensurate wilh experience and abil CHEVROLET 197J — Laguna. Two 542-0427 BOOKKEEPER — To General Led- For aggressive office yviln ma*- itv RF background required Apply Sale PIANO AND ORGAN door, power iteering,br*keiv auto- CHEVROLET PICK-UP TRUCK — ger, one write system, capable indi- JANITOR/HANDYPERSON — For mum training and advertising pro- Electro Impulse Lab, 116 Chestnut CENTER matic, air. 17,000 miles, new Battery MUSTANG 1944 - Six cvlirxJer, au And camper. 1964 283 engine $700. vidual. Experianced only. Keyport manufacturing jilant. Full time. grams. MELMED REALTY, 51 , Red B«nk. 741-0404 and radiator, asking |tjli n> i6«j lomatiL, engine good, body lair, ask After 4, 291-4801 area Company benefits Call Must have driver's license. Apply in 6/1-56*0. _ ARTIST'S STUDIO EASEL — Ad Division of Alienberg 344-4173. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS - mstable holder and utility tray ing $495. 872 1244. CHEVROLET 1975 C-10 DELUXE - person. Electro Impulse Lab. 116 REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES — A Piano House CHEVROLET t967 — Six-cylinder, Chc.1nut St , Red Hank M F. experienced in home tele Aluminum $15 S64-M3* Did vou know good transportation, needs body «>-ton pick up. Thrtt-spttd, 250 six- BOOKKEEPER — Up to Genera new career that can be vour oasis if phoning TOP earnings, great new work, tint $t» m»M NOVA 1973 — As is, runs good, needs cylindtr, excellent running condi- ledoer, accounts payable, bank rtc JANITORIAL HELP — Nttdtd, ambitious Personal interview Jean uroduct Call Mr Michael. "B7 52'0 II H P GRAVEL Y — Lawn mower We Are N.J.'s work. $475 firm. Has 110,000 miles. tion. $2900 741-0544. one illations Confident Individual part-time. 7 ami! a.m. and 3 n, Realtor, Marine Park. Red 50' cut. one year old. good condi Largest and Oldest CHALLENGER 311 1970 — Eight 544-093*. Experienced only. Keyport area P m 9 30 p.m Vacuum carpets. Bank, B43-41II. I YPIST ( ttsi .m urdle. n-lidblr lion. 11450 841-4193: track, mags, good lire*, runt good, CHEVROLET — 1979 El Camino, Call 244-4173. general cleaning. Driver's license Growth position for person able to Piano Dealer OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 1975 —lour speed, air, power, radio, low RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY - assume responsibility, top salary Ifj'l INTERNATIONAL — Mason and Ham I in. K imbail needs some body work. (750. Four-door, dark blue Inside and out, and own transportation required 747 4451 mileage, excellent condition BOOKKEEPER - Experienced Monmouth Shopping Center area Light typing and filing, pleasant Red Bank 5309103^ Harvester Cadet 75 nde- mower Sohmer, Baldwin, Kawai Knabe two new snow, tirts. Call Frl. and4/1-0331 Full knowledge general ledger, cor- phone personally Call 739 2535 electric start. $375 Two Toro JV Everett. Currier, Hardman and Mon . alter 5, Sat and Sun, ail day Retirees welcomed Please call CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO 1970 porate taxes, payroll, accounts re- 609 586-55/7, belween 9am Jpni TYPIST rotary mowers, WO each Call Plaver pianos 671-0441. DATSUN PICK-UP 1972 — Excellent ceivable, payable. Call 544-0200. HN '. I PN i> NURSE'S AIQI Work in local ollice, excellent typist. 74M9Z1. - AM/FM'dehMracfc. air, power IM F) LARGE DISPLAY OF steering, due Crakes, best offer. running, completely restored Inside LANDSCAPE — Gardener's helper Start lie, 493 3*77 OLOSMOBILE CUTLASS 1972 —and out. Four -on- the -floor, great gas CAR WASH HELP — Full or part- Ail Shifts Available ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY GRAND PIANOS Good condition. 59.000 miles 11000 miltage, mag whttls. all ntw tirts, time Pltast apply In person, Coun wanted. Experience helpful Must Medical Personnel Pool 20 Thomas 74/3494 Shrewsbury 300 MAIN STREET Call after » p.m. 741-4433. try Sudser Car Wash, Hwv 35, Mid have dirvtr's license Call 741725$ 90 Monmouth Si Red Bank 3 LINES ASBURV PARK. N J 0771! CHEVROLET II 19*7 — Six including snows. Custom designed alter 5. cylinder, runs good. HIS or best Deluxe cap Oit Hard battery, Bed die town, 775 93O0 OLDSMOBILE REGENCY 94 1977 WAITER OR WAITRESS — Im 5 DAYS Open daily 9 to 9. Sal til 5 OUT 14? 317] protector Rigged lor CB. 12150 or CARPET CLEANER — Wilt Irain, LABORATORY MAINTENANCE - Loadtd with options, 40.000 miles. PtSt olfw. 79M8D1. DRIVER — Light dutits Call be- mediate, opening Full or part-time CHEVROLET MONZA U79 — Sla $4100. Call 530-OJ1* tvts., Sat/Sun. must have own reliable vehic la. Vtr- tween 8 17 and 1-5. Mon., Tues. Apply in person. Nino s Restaurant, $3.00 IBM TYPEWRITERS iable hours 164-0640. 215 E Newman Springs Rd . . lion Wagon Six-cylinder, automatic, PINTO WAGON 1971 - Good condi- DOOGE TRUCK 1974 — Hydraulic Thurs , 1-ri . or 8 t2 Weds. 546-4480. STOP!! The Register FAMILY ADS (Infla- air, power steerlno,/brakes, roof lift. Club cab, $850. Call 6/0 9213, Shrewsbury. tion Fighters) can sell vour un RENTAL $19.50 per mo. rack, flit wheel, window defroster, tion, only 41,000 milts Yellow with afttr 6 p.m. CARPENTERS LADIES MEN — Work at home on nceaed items tor you quickly. Rent *ith option to buy 872-032' brown interior, standard trans- the phone, earn $25-$5O weekly WAIT RfcSS WAITERS - Ex 21.000 miles 14900. 787-2789, Experienced carpenters wanted loi OPPORTUNITY Merchandise tor sale ONLY IBM TYPESETTING COMPOSFh mission $995. Call 741-47*7. DODGE PICKUP TRUCK — 1971, servicing our customers 'id* i/t* perienced only, Full time and pan Originating from household, not e« — Ideal for small bulletins, re- I MI VHOLET 337 1941 — Power 33.000 miles. Four wheel drive, leading boat manufacturer Apply )r time Apply in person, The PLYMOUTH GRAN COUPE 1970 — Person at Mainship, Marlboro In Shipwreck Inn., Hwv.' 3b,it-edmg a sale price ot 1200 persumes, etc Priced for quick sale steering, automatic, air, radial Meyers Angle snow iriow, hydraulic LIQUOR STORE CLERK — HMltt. KNOCKS CdM 227-4612 Automatic, mow tlras. $350. Call duttrlal Park, Vanderburg Rd. Part lime, evenings, weekends Earn $15,000 to $20,000 or more a Keansburg '70/-3S/4 tires. IJ0O Call 144-3440. 244-7919 dump. Call alter 4 p m., $3100. Marlboro. N.J. 462-8919 PRICE MUST BE MENTIONED 78/-O437. Sales-experienced persons only .ear your very first year We will Each additional line. V M No dis LEVOLOR RIVIERA BLINDS CHEVROLET 1941 — S» cylinder. Long-term__job. 244-2848. send vou lo school 'or two weeks, WAITER ANO WAITRESS — Posi- VERTICAL BLINDS.. good motor, good (or parts $150 or PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1973 - Stx- DODGE PICK-UP TRUCK - 1973. CASHIER tions available Apply in person, touni if canceled before expiration tylmder, three speed manual. In- expenses paid, train you m the field, No changes in copy 30°o OFF LIST' best oiler Call 747-4971 f bed VI, excellent condition. PART TIME MAINTENANCE HELPER — For no and servicing established Jerry Beyer's, 113 Main St.. 1 spected Sept. Looks, runs good 1475 apartment complex. Experience re- MftUwan. Have something to sell Phone Frte delivery, Elenbv Products 741-4530 11850 Set at Crown Service Station Experience helpful, but not races business accounts Musi h«ve tar, Call 323 4449 for quote COMET 1962 - Excellent running (across from Two Guys), Rl 35, sary. Must be honest, reliable and quired Must be reliable. Call be bondabie, ambitious and sports condition, almost new lirti, great on 717-7300. WAITER WAITRESSES — Ex- PLYMOUTH FURY II 1949 — Ex- Middletown bondable: ilnded. Hospitaiitation and profit perience not necessary. Immediate MATERNITY WARDROBE - Si/e gab 1400 or best offer 741-0544 cellent running condition. $400 Call Apply In person Tuts. sharing ft. 542-1700 % Evening gowns, one-year old EL CAMINO 1*72 — Automatic, MAINTENANCE MECHANIC - openings Musi be IB Apply alter 3 wicker dressing table babv basket, CONVERTIBLE 19*9 PONTIAC — attar S. J91-4SM. RITE-AID PHARMACY PVC compounding company in P m Lorry's Reslarurani, Mon- powtr steering power brakes, air 48 Broad SI , Red Bank, N.J. THE DAILY baby lavetle GMC infant car seat Good running order, lair bodv. Ask conditioning. Call 471-7132 after 6. Edison looking lor a dependable Call for appointment now mouth Moll, Eatonlown musical swing, walker Excellent mg $400 Call 229-9*13. - PLYMOUTH FURV »*"3 t* 201-8419640 Class A or B mechanic with elec- Equal Opportunity Employer Mr- RICHARD RAVIN WANTED — Licensed real estate condition, best offer 7477093 be celltnt, reliable transportation. $39S FORD F100 PICKUP 19/3 — Good on trical background to join our main- REGISTER Iween 9 30 2 COUGAR XR7 197J- E«c el lent con 471-4534. _^ gas, has cap, must sen. moving, tenance stall Excellent pay, bene- 201-591-9598 salesperson with experience in Colls dition. has everything. 14,013 miles, fits package, plus overtime. Call Neck and surrojnding area CLASSIFIED ADS $1800 591 1377. CLERKS Can Mon.-Wed. *}^^}_ _ GEORGE V. IULMENSEE AGEN MAGNESIUM SLOTTED RIMS - a real beautv $2900 Call 542-19S9 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 19)3 — Don Schwari at 2250896 or 741-6212 SALES FULL TIME — Experienced ANTIQUE - Clawfooled bathtub Five lug Fit AMC or Ford Like FORD PICK-UP — 1971, asking TYPISTS CY, call between 9 12 weekdays. brand new 741 4W2 CREDIT PROBLEMS Power brakes/steering, *ir, vinyl price 13400 31.000 miles. SECRETARIES miv Excellent salary and benefits 462 3172. for sale, best offer. . No c*ih' if vou're working, we can top. four new radials. 1WS 741 2740 7874749 Apply at The Royal BOM., 46 Broad 291 IK)3« OLD CAST IRON - Kitchen itove KEYPUNCH MECHANICALLY INCLINED St . Red Bank. help to get you financed. No money PLYMOUTH — 197k Fury, four- 1 PERSON — To labncale custom Gas. wood and coal $350 FORD PICK.UP 1974 -JO.OO0miles, M you have any of tht above skills ANTIQUE ROCKER - As is. $45 down Payments arranged to suit door, small v-8. automatic, power And are interested in temporal cooling equipment. Applicants with SANTA CLAUS And Santa s WELDERS — Experienced in pipe Antique trunk, 130 Two pictures After 6 739-0173 vour needs. Many New ana Quality steering; brakes, air, vinyl roof. V-8 tngint, standard transmission, prior experience in automotive, re- helpers Musi be dependable and fitting and welding Must pass test (30 Bunk bed and springs. I*, old good condition. UtOO 142-23)4. work, why not come in and register? Aoply belween 14. Intern O-Therm. PAINT - Si bu oal intanor Used Cars to choose from Call Mr $1250 471 40M We pay top rates, no lee charged frigeration, plumbing, metal work- available Mon -Sal Apply to Mis iron bed with high headboard $35 $5 70 gal evlenor Fredericks at Rassas Pontiac, 395 ing or marine work will be con- Mason at Woodbndge Center, Man Locust St.. Keyport. Plus mucn more 591-9691 after t B d TRUCK INSURANCE CALL SB3 6779 ^? _lLji Rtd Bank 741-5110. PONTIAC TRANS AM 1975 — 48,000 l-REE quotes and binders bv phone ACE TEMPORARIES sidered. Apply Electro Impulse Lab, agement Office. Thui •>., Nov I. 10 DATSUN PtCK-UP 1972 — With D*- original miles, second car. CALL TOLL-FREE 800-8229703. 20 Thomas 542 030? Shrew&burv 1805 Cori.es Ave . Neptune 776 5800. mint condition, asking $4495' S2 Babvsittlng/Child ANTIQUE OAK FURNITURE - PIANOS ORGANS iuxe cap. For further details, see ad 1 COMPUTER OPERATOR — Part 787-0305, after 4 p'm only. time, evenings. No experience nee MECHANIC DIAMOND CORE — SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Care Are it largest and finest selection N.J S LARGEST MUSIC CENTER under trucKs" or call 787-tape. and sawing Drilling holes Part-time, regular and substitutes. 373 Squar hum 1 eliowbrooli Rd GRAND OPENING SALE Motorcycles essarv Call 6" MOO between 9 4 11 UATSUN 510 WAGON U71 — Auto- PONTIAC TRANS AM 1975— 48,000 m reinforced concrete on const Middletown Two . exceilenl_pay, en Far ningdili "• t to Ho*** Park original miles, second car, mint con- COOK — Experienced Broiler Per tion iobi using portable electric tellenl benefit program, convenient BAB YSITT E R — Matured teepager. Me LA N, 938 9371 (7 davi) Visit our huge showroom Bestselec matic. good condition and gas lion of maior professional brands • K.tcagc. AM radio, W00. 74t 6MQ dition, asking $4495 787-0305. after 4 CVCLE INSURANCE son. vamear-round position, good equipment Mechanical back- working hours Contact Lt Thorne, p m only FREE quotes and binders by phone. pay, benelits. Apply in person, Long ground. Will tram in the use ol 671 3100. Ext 2i"> nu i ncri i iv. — mar trie uia« nuru many usr'j organs, student pianos DODGE PICKUP 1972 — *< Ion, CALL TOLL-FREE 8O0-822-J703, John's Limited, IB Beach Bfvd', drilling equipment. Company bene furniture* Circa 1930 Oak frame Rentals from $7 SO per month " The PONTIAC LEMANS 1974 - Six- fits Call 26461/3 school BUS DRIVERS - Ei. only place to made a decision' AM. FM radio, power liter cylinder. AM/FM radio, low Highlands] _ double bunk beds wilh four drawers ing' brakes, wagon wheels, $1000' perience preferred, will train W>b MATURE - Reliable woman and fitted ladders, 1200 Pine desk FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER mileage, excellent condition Good FREEHOLD LOOK f uM lime Apply Arnold MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY — Will to starl. ctedit lor experience Hos wanted to babvsil in my home, 14-27 Pond Rd Snoppmg Center ?64 8491' on gas. $2299 Call 4/1-4449. train Apply Motion Systems Corp , tambour front enclosing eighl Walter Nursing Home, 622 S. Laurel -tilalnation and manv fringe bene- hours a week, four days, Hatltt drawers, $350 Martogany brass Rt 9 Freehold DODGE COLT WAGON 1977 — Ave., Hailtt. 61 Riordan Place, Shrewsbury, N.J . itt Call M Levench. 7BO-17OO. Ext area Call alter 6 o m., 264-0307 For no waling appointment call PONTIAC VENTURA 1974 — 350. HONDA oil Shrewsbury Ave. 842-5060. bound cupboard iiW Call 642 792b Four cylinder, automatic, radio. S. BABY FURNlTuHt- And equip 800 392 6927 regular gas, good mileage 264 11*7 two-barrel, good condition. Best of- COST AND INVENTORY CON TEACHER — Desires mature wom- fer /I? 3731 - Lowest Prices In N.J. TROL CLERK — One year mm' SEWING OPERATORS an 'or child care and light house- ment, excellent condilion Reason PIANOS - ORGANS DODGE CORONET 1970 — 41.000 FREEHOLD HONDA imum experience preferable In NIGHT DESK CLERK - 11 P.m. to Experienced keeping Own transportation, live able prices 741 l«9] alter 6 All Musical Supplies and Services PONTIAC 1975 GRAND PRIX - Ail chemical or food Industry. Call Call 872 9333 miles, runs good, needs work. Ask RT. 9 SOUTH 7 a.m. to work with night auditor davs per week, 7 30 4 p m 129 5979 BEDROOM SUIT Iw.n Bu> TUSTtNG PIANO CO powtr, tilt wheel, stereo, air. auto- FREEHOLD, N.J 264 6/67 Experience prelerred Apply in per Our 97th Year • ng $250 Call 495-9412 after 5 p m matic, good condition, 54,000 miles. spring ana mattress, double dresser KAWASAKI 197442 7488 6510 CUSTOM —. son. Sheraton Inn . 28/0 Hwy. 35, SECURITY GUARDS Asburv Park 775-0664 OOOOE SPORTS VAN 1*74 — Ex-17100 or best offer. *71 1*11 until 11 COUPLE - To manage IS unit etli Hd/let, N.J. 53 Domestic Help mirror and mght table In good con Open 9 lo » Blue, asking $1500 Good condition. ciencv apartment complex. Apart )ne lull time position available m dition Call aHer S P m 741 3282 cellent condition Asking 13000 Call p.m. or 671/700, ask lor Joon .incrotl b p.m to 3 a.m. Mon 244-1349 ___ Call H2-8534 after 4 p.m. ment plus salary One party car NU 2 OIL BURNER SERVICE PIANO Baldwin Acrosonu Sp.rwl RABBIT — ''You've got to drivt It retain outside employment Write through Fn. One parl-time position. COOK — Live-in, live days, light Recently tuned, light walnut finish NORTON 750 INTERSTATE 1972- PERSON — Must have experience b/fim lo J a m Sat and Sun Uni- BEST TOP SOIL DODGE DART 1941 — 55.000 mile*, to btlicvt it " SHREWSBURY MO- P O Box 338. West Long Branch $7.50 per hour plus full benefits housekeeping, adult household Good fill dirt Eckel Trucking. Asking $750 Call 747 58*9 weekdays TORS, INC , 741 8S00, A one ol a kind clastic. Excellent N j (HIM Ibrms and training provided Please Driver preferred, but nol necessary After 6pm, 747 1342 economical llant sis, excellent run- condition, S105O. Call after 6 P.m., McConnell Fuel Oil. 291 3200, alien apply PlNKERTON |NC , 941 White 5911 9707 ning condition, must be seen, $700. lion R. Ltddtr, Horse Avee . Crestwood Building. Good recent references & 842-9290 787-2598. COUNTER PERSON - Mtdn.ghl lo JARVIS, 90 Monmouth St. RedBOXES—Corrugated Packing; RED BANK VOLVO 8 a.m. No experience. Must be NURSE'S AIDES M/W — Full and Room, 73. heiiion N J. or call Bank 842BO80 plies for Industry and Moving and POOL TABLE' DODGE CHARGER SE 1974 — 119 E NEWMAN SPRINGS RD YAMAHA M 1973 strong, reliable. Call 564689). part time on all shifts, Catl Hilltop 609 S87 755t An eaual opportunity Sledge Ca\\ W «09t or 462 4t>72 Exquisite old fashioned model with Powtr RED BANK, 741-588* Good condition, $.250 Nursing Home, 471-0177. employer artistic Queen Annt legs Slate Open i nights lo 8:30 p.m., Sat. until ( PA With tax ixperience. P CALIFORNIA WINE GRAPES leather pockets $1900 value, sacri brakes steering windows 'seals, Call 747-3439 nership potential SERVICE WRITER - Some auto HOUSEKEEPER i.1 VEIN CALL HCf) $649 Free delivery 789-0760 a>r, AM FM stereo t track, and NURsi'SpAlDE (M F) - Privati ive mechanical experience a Adults, no cooking, serve al table more Only 44.500 milts. MUST 531-1919 duty, weekends 4 12, $3 hr, 4150 per week. 7879015 • RITTENHOUSE must Sales experience helpful ROCKWELL SELL. MAKE ME AN OFFER S Auto Services/ DESIGNER — Fof custom liauid Call 741-8497 iOOd salary and fringe benefits Ap HOUSEKEEPER. LIVE IN 9'" (.71-2415 UK 4 After 4. 774-019$. LINCOLN MERCURY. Inc. Single parent home must drive and CERAMICS - Special pre-bolidav 900 Hwy. 35 775-1500 Ocean Two. cooling systems. Experience ii PAINTER — Experienced. $7 hour Iv m person between 1-3 P m . at sale on just about everything CALL 670 3098 Parts parts selection, sheet metal desigi Meyer Ford, 700 Shrewsbury Ave , took To W> DUSTER 1973 — 340 four speed, Call alter 6 p.m. Green ware,' brushes, , new ROADRUNNER 1971 — Console, au- desired. Degree ol college credits Red Bank HOUSEKEEPER. LIVE IN • dnd used molds, tree bulbs, fixtures, many new parts and extras. Asking tomatic, mags, power stttr- CAMARO 1949 helpful. Send resume to Electro Im Driver preferred, working parents More Clossif icd 12000 264-5Z60. pulse Lab. M6 Chestnut It., Red SERVICE STATION ATTEN To ,1*1 dnd much more Dove Ceramics, 12< mg/brakts, It95 264-2990. 150 automatic, lor parts Bank, N.J. 07701. . DANT5 —Full and part-time Apply First Ave . Atlantic Highlands on Next Page FIAT 1975 Si. — Sport Coupe EK Call 944-4275 PART TIME — 5 30 am -I i NO FEE TO APPLICANTS ' H7?m* * RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE Supplement present income, estab- person. Eatonlown Shell, Rt 35 HAZEL & JARVIS . telleni condition. 27-32 mpg.. new CADILLAC CO DITTTA'L ASSISTANT — Fair lished morning newspaper routes and South Street Edtontown W Monmouth St Red Bank Meal radial* $1500 Call 229-7339- Haven. Chairside with some front CHEER UP — The home or offici 51 Htlp Wanted Newman Springs R0.R t d741-O910 Auto Rent/Lease Available to persons with car in JECRETARY — Expedience r>re 842-8080 __ with a hving unusual exotic house Bank * desk experience prelerred Call Matawan, Red Bank, Long Branch oiant Large selection Mike's FIAT SALES AND SERVICE — 747-9090. (erred Call for appointment HOUSEKEEPER — Part-time, Levine Motors Corp., Maple Ave., area Can earn $250 to $300 monthly Greenhouses, 101 Shore Bivd SPORTABOUT RAMBLER 19/4 — RENT A VAN —Low, low rates. Call Call days, 671-7044. 229 160/; eves 872-9331 weekend*. 117, lor shelter care Keansburg. 787-5434. Red Bank W-4570. Htat. air, $1100. May br seen at DENTAL ASSISTANT RECEP- home 78/2800 Martv, TOM'S FORD, Hwy. 35, Ktv- TIONIST — Experience netesssary, 8 7M0SI SECRETARIES "FIAT-PEUGEOT DEALER Amoco Service Station, Hwy. 35.port. 244-1400. it office position, good typing COLONIAL NARDROCK — Honev Middletown. Ocean area Please reply to Box PART-TIME SALES HELP —Worn WOMAN TO CLEAN HOUSE - maple dining. Nine pieces $1000 BILL LANZARO'S AUTD SALES A-369. The Dally Register. and steno skills, Asburv Park area Regular one day per week Mid' TYPISTS INC. USED AUTO & VAN RENTALS en's apparel. The Place, Market 291 9267 or 2911441. STEIN CADILLAC $7 A DAY/107 MILE Shrewsbury, N.J. 077O1. place Mall. Rl 34. Malawan Apply dietown area Call 747-7581. 134 Main St.' Matawan 583 9000 ASBURY AVE.. ASBURY PARK WE NEED YOU! CALL TOLL-FREE SOO-87.2-9703 ORAFTSPERSONS— We cyrrently m persoiv Typing and some experience in per- FORO LTD 1971 — TwWoor, e 77S28OO DESKS. FILES— Tablet, chairs, t\tve two openings In our drafting CAW I TlMf Handv Person Musi ionnel work preler red, Neptune 54 Situations Wanted adding machines, typewriters, ol NO FEE • TOP PAY cellenl condition, air, 1450 Call STRAUB BUICKOPEL departments. SENIOR irea To tWO. 671 0547 Auto Insurance know plumbing and electricity. Any Female dee equipment, etc at bargain NINE ACRES of New and Us«d Cars ORAFTSPERSON — -Experienced age considered 291-5371 prices New or used A.AC DESK BONUSES-BENEFITS Hwy 3S 244-4000 Keyport in electro-mechanical drafting One-person ollice, typing and steno OUTLET, 1709 Rt. 35, Oahhursl FORD FIESTA 1»7« - Excellent Knowledge of printed circuit board condition Sunroof, AM/FM stereo AUTO INSURANCE PAINTER OR HELPER electronic typewriter experience >31 3W0 • THE FINEST SELECTION — Of FREE quotes and binders bv Phone. layout, taping and mechanical as- preferred, local area, flexible hours, eight-track. 15,000 miles, 40 m.p g , new and used cars in Monmouth semblies Send Resume to Mrs. J. Call 94647/5 alter 6 p.m BOOKKEEPING — Save vour com CALL Michelin tires Musi stll. Call CALL TOLL-FREE 800-8229703. l/i Fee negotiable DINETTES - New $44 95, New County. Over 100 air conditioned V a n W i n k I e JUNIOR PART-TIME — Unusual opportunlt' uanv'monev, save me gas. lei me do five piece bedroom. $19) Mat 717-11*0 alter 4 p.m. new cars In stock McGLOIN ORAFTSPERSON — Duties Include vour bookkeeping in my home tresses, n«w, $19 95 K D SHARP S 543-5300 PHOENIX BROKERAGE — Fa- lor men and women interested in Freehold area Good typing and 791 3054 afttr 4 FORD WAGON 194* - 30,000 on BUICKOPEL INC.. Shrewsbury mous lor low cost auto insurance performing routine engineering extra income To arrange appoint steno, ablt to handle people, start FURNITURE, 275 Hwy. 3*. Wes rebuilt engine, new transmission, Ave., New Shrewsbury. 741-4100, Easv payment Plan Immediate I.D. changes, specifications, ink drawing ment. call 462-7213 between 10 a.m 1160. EXPERIENCED MOTHER — Will Keansburg Alter l -u m 495 009* cards.'Free quote by phone Call and drafting requirements. Assist In to 2 P.m. needs 'work. $350 or best offer. THUNDERBIRD 1974 — Loadtd. preparation ot detail and assembly babysit in her Keansburg home tor 787-9551 24-1 3087 Light steno, lypmg, local area, ge'n working mothers Reasonable rates DIRT-STONE-TOP SOIL regular gas, mint condition, drawings. This position requires eral olfke duties, to t<35 Clearing wood chipping ?9i 142? 870-9083 one-year or less experience Ex- 787-3509. " FORO WINDOW VAN — 1973. Runs PART-TIME - Bus driver, private ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. good, needs little body work. $1400or cellent company benefits. Apply HOUSECLEANING — Services, TOP TRAOE ALLOWANCE - Su 10 Wanted Automotive school, will train $4 per hour to equal Opportunity employer best oiler. Call 7475754 mornings or Wheel ock Signals Inc., 273start. Call belween 9-4 p m. 543-47// 0 Thomas 74'3*9* Shrewsbury weekly or special jobs Honest, Or 51 Help Wanted perb service. DOWNES PONTIAC. Branchport Ave.. Long Branch, N.J. SECRETARY — Part time, tor in- pendabip, thorough 747-3310 Com hi Lowtr Main St.. Matawan 07740. PART-TIME — Supervise small surance office Must be able to use munitv Ministries FORD GRAN TORlhfO 1975 — Nine 544-1299 AAAAAAA Eaual Opportunity Employer M'F group ol early morning newspaper elephone pttectively Call Mr. Ro- passenger Station Wagon. $1200 or CLEAN UP JUNK CARS And carriers in Red Bank or Neptune .enberg 10 M m 4900 WOMAN WILL CLEAN — Doing TOYOTA COROLLA t»77 — DRIVER — Fulltime, must know light housework. Red Bank. Fair best oiler. J44-H94. Liftback, automatic, 30 moo. tour- late model wrecks. Highest prices areas Good salary and car loan paid now. Call Rocco. 717 3254; Monmouth Ocean Middlesex coun- Permanent position. Call days, SEWING OPERATORS Haven, Rumson, Little Silver. FORD MAVERICK 1973 — Lowcylinder, underrating, AM/FM ties Apply In person Gale's In- 6/1 70*4. 229-1607, evtS.. 8/7-4053 Shrewsbury area only. 842 5917. 6-8 stereo tape, perfect condition. $3350. 787 3349 Trainees BANKING mileage, new tires, excellent shape. dustrial Supply, 26 West Front St.. Call 872 4333* can 7«7 urn. Call 671-43M ALL JUNK — Wrtcktd and un-Keyport | PART-TIME OFFICE WORKER — TOYOTA LIFTBACK 19/4*. — wanted can and trucks. Bought Experience required, two days otr FORD GRAN TORINO 1975 — Four- Call 495-04)1, Bill EARN $200 — Weekly part-time clip- week, 9-4:30 References. Call 51 Htlp Wanted 51 Help Wanted door, power steering/brakes, air, Pour speed, low mileage, air, ping newspaper items! No ex- 787-7300. TELLERS 11800 or b«it offer. Call 291-1847. AM/FM stereo tape deck, forest JUNK CARS — And trucks wanted. perience necessary. Write: green, regular gas, 30 mpg, Z-bart Midwest, Department 8B. 6 North PART-TIME CLERICAL - Mon, FORD FAIRMONT 1971 — Six TOP dollar. lre« 74-hour pickup. Call undercoat ing, snows Best offer 591 1449 or 727-1518- State Sireei. Elgin. 111,60120 Fn . 11 30-2:30. Duties will include cylinder, 24,000 miltt, air, AM/FM Call 222-7426 or 741-8870 afler 4:30. switchboard. Ivping and filing. Must THIS WINDOW IS OPEN stereo Call 495-OM7 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS - type 50 l*i power steer- look at It Alter Sp m. Phil. 747-7212. FULL Tl*AE — Bookkeeping Clerk. PLUMBER — Five years an Must have serviceable auto work schedule that permits varied days and hours Get the ing'brakes, new tires, brakts, TOP OOLLAR Automoti ve experience hclplul perience. Steady work. Call shocks, etc 944-8409 TRKJMPH SPITFIRE 1975 — Good FOR USED CARS Company paid benefits. APOIV M. 4712371 (Van. or station wagon preferred). good word on our excellent salaries plus our incentive condition. Sacrifice salt, need mon- LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO., INC. Schwarii 4 Sons Inc., 141 West bonus We offer outstanding benefits and plenty uf growth GEORGE WALL ey tor college. $1900 Call 8702335 Rt. 35 Savrtville. N.J. 73MXN PUT OUT TO PASTURE — And LINCOLN/MERCURY Front St., Red Bank. don't like it? Part-time, light work, The Daily/Sunday Register potential m other banking areas We have immediate Shrewsbury Awe., at Sycamore TRIUMPH TR-4 — 1949, good condi TOP DOLLAR GASOLINE ATTENDANT — 4a.m. odd iobs in small plant. Send brief openings for tellers in Snrtwiburv 747 5400 lion, new tires, $1800 or besl offer Paid for Junk ana ustd cars to 3 P.m.weekdays. Experienced resume to Drawer V. Red Bank, N J Circulation Department Call 244-2677 after 4 pm. Call 741-1341 prelerred. Call 739-1913. 0/701 GRAND PRIX 1971 — Good condi Twin Boro Motors Inc. TOP DOLLAR PAID 542-4000 ext. 257 lion, must sill. 131 Newman Spring Rd Red Bank For iunk cars. Immediate pickup STRATHMORE U7-2M1. ash for Steve AMC/jEEP /4/-0040 Cajtl 112-8J0Q or mW* ask lor Mr. McKnight WE NEED USED CARS VALUABLE COUPON MATAWAN 2 Autos For Salt 2 Autos For Salt Top dollar paid. MULLER CHEV- ROLET, Hwy 34, Malawan. Call us today lo arrange an interview al 201-745-614*. Take your first step towards a Franklin State banking i WE BUY USED CARS AND 50 CENTS OFF TRUCKS SCHWARTZ Chrysler-Plymouth HELP WANTED THE building is old Rtd Bank,.747-0797 Your Next THE owners are new— DALY KG6TER OASSHED AD MALE OR FEMALE By presenting this coupon Person to take complete charge ol all home Franklin MAY we serve you? Wnen placing your classified ad delivery and stores in Marlboro. Must have serviceable automobile. Htlp Wanted (Sorry, not good foivrdt Family Ad State CORPORATE Male/Female or Contract Atfvt rtJitvs; HEADQUARTERS AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE Hie Daily/Sunday Register 630 Franklin Blvd. REMSEN DODGE AIDES M F - Homemak.tr home SomarMt, N.J. 0M71 health aides. Full or part-time and 74 hour duly No experience nec»»- Circulation Department *aeV Free training course. Earn Call 542-1700 hourly wages plus mileage Car and M»H CtWCki lo: Th« Dalty Rvglttvr 542-4000 ext. 257 telephone necessary Call Family 566-6100 and Children's Service. 231-9100 or Ont RtgUttf Piua. Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701 ask for Mr. McKnight 18 lite Daily Register MONDAY. OCTOBER 29,1979 Nubbin 131 Houses For Salt 135 Commercial Property 71 Merchandise 84 Merchandise BUT -ruee BAR* RUMSON For Sale 77 Pets and Livestock Wanted New Rumson home Unusual and PORT M«NMOUTH - Building. cwwp practical design In I hit three- 1200 vi' it' to be moved, commercial LEGHORN CHICKENS bedroom, two bath home Fireplace use of rendtntiai 671-O6M, alter 1' m family room. •' deck, get Mat, PUMPKINS JO. |i SO apiece TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO Cat) 'fl' 70Vb DOLLARS— Convert Old Jewelry to one-car garaoe Walking distance to .rift lion Wholesale retail Casn DON PON S JEWELERS Will schools and bus llnet. Breaking 137 LotsAAcreagt v 4M)ia F «tm Hi 37(1. Hulmdel ground new. Pick your . colors. 14* J7fl' MINI COLLIE - Kennel bred, Buy from private owners and es Ivmalt*. altered Eaceliem trained, tales ANTIQUE CLOCKS RE $•4 WO HOLMDEL — Prime building lots. RfcD iUoAS CRIMSON KING loving, three years »2i 842 6927 PAIRED AND JEWELRY DE I 37 acres and 2 It acres. High and b.uh ana dogwood SIGNED 799 River Rd Fair HAZELTON Realtor dry with trees Non development RED DUN GELDING It hands HaveW, N J 842 62S7 lUft Burning bushtrs yews. iighl yvais old Healthy, sound, MMM LEO E MASS A, Realtor, 944 1600 Quiet Goes English and Western ,'iHltJi Dig vour own 741 142' Asking iliOu 739 1283 RUMSON AREA — Call or send for WANTED TO BUY our "Snore and Country Living" 130 Mobile Homts Wood, coal or pot Mllv stoves brochure, eics. descriptions, prices aAvt iJ&u - l-ilt-liftie membership AKC Call 870 9338 or 212 3704 on exclusive listings AP- Holiday Wraith Sua (400 Racquet PLE BROOK AGENCY, Realtors. ADULTS — 45 and ever. 1971 one DHII pool sduna Eves «7I 92>8 112 Ave of Two Rivers, Rumson. bedroom. Partly furnished, mint, REAL ESTATE §42 WOO iAvt JitXi Li It lime membership RENTALS beautiful park Highlands 457 W1Q. i-jiiddv Ht-dilh Spa V400 Ratguel SO Bicycles/ CHALANOEfl It** — 11X50- Must Odil pool sauna Ev>s . t'l 9/?B START HERE SaVft Mini Bikes M moved out JiiOO SEASONED OAK FIREWOOD 101 Apartments 101 Apartments 101 Apartments 102 Houses For Rent 104 Winter Rentals bedroom, 16' dining room, 16' coun- Call r " lullutol.' diameter unspiil local try kitchen, 145' lot. BIKE - it coaster brake, set up WNeVV WO per cord Call 492 0642 MELMED REALTY, BROKER GARDEN PARK MOBILE HOMES with baskets and speuar kick stand ABERDEEN — STBATHMORE 67 V5*30 493 WOO stwiMO MACHINE - Kenmore for paper earner, extra wheel. S2S. GARDENS Specious one and two LONG BRANCH — Llve*che«P. pay RED BANK ~- Contemporary two- COLTS NECK — Two bedroom. (Ire- - Bethany fid.. Hirlet Adult nark Mbit model good condition Bui 223 3152 bedroom Available now. »275 and no bills, ona-bedroom, yard, more, bedroom with large dlnlna room place, one-acre wooded area with THINKING OF Sailing or Buying? Walk io shopping and H.Y. bus utnholfi and /rg /ag included Call HJi ideal (or SINGLES, WORKING overlooking the Navetink No peti. brook Available Dec. 1, $3*i Utilities Included. Low winter rates Call TRANS EXECUTIVE REALTY 244X11 MINI BIKE COUPLES, SENlOfTClTIZENS No 1410 Hodman Armi, 741-OStt. 609 7990466, 201 7»-O4*0. by the day, week or month. No lease 671 2M0 Good condition pell. Atlantic Ave., lit-M34 or security. TRADE WIN OS SEWING MACHINE — Three speed Stft-SM] MIDDLE TOWN - Two bedrooms, RED BANK — Two bedroom*, cttlld HAZLET — Three-bedroom Ranch MOTEL, 142-1137. WALKER 1 WALKER 140 Real Estate Wanted appliances, heat paid. 1330 Bkr Ok, a>l utilities paid, 1325 Bkr liikt Did.h in' skates sue (1. globe. 1 with full basement Clou to schools REALTORS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Capri TIM HRO INC ISO 144 OV0 s A" HotkHv ilrtnM W ifaSQ Apartments Luxury garden apart- TIM BRO INC * °_ M4-0WJ and transportation Immediate oc- Shrewsbury Office 741-5211 83 CBs/Electronics ments, heal, hotwatar tuoplled cupancy. Security and references 106 Furnished Rooms Middletown Office 471-3311 HOUSES BOUGHT MONMOUTH BEACH — SPBCIOUI RUMSON — One-bedroom un- Academy Agency, 739-2221. Free pool, free maintenance No modern one and two bedroom apart furnished. 127S par month, includes FOR CASH LLARIAN - 40 channel hidea way tieaX. mU&nt. andjiyatar-CiPse toous 24-HOU8 APPRAISAL CALL FOR >"f — — •-,- i LMjM, I , - —, +r+nt4t\i fc (he river Keai and hot water sup- M coupFes welcome. Clean and nicely venlent to schools and shopping Fi- RiE ALTOS. ~73J-'21». "" '* ."""" *~" COLTS NECK - Efficiency, IIS pe Plied Immediate occupancy. Cell YAE,SU FT I0IEE - Tranuei.... furnished Near beach, stores and nancing a valI a bit 16 7,500 week Motel unit, |7S per week Da Mri. Baker, I21-W1I. SHREWSBURY OORO Vaesu YCfctHB digital display, iv rales available, Hohl house transportation Maid service, laun- ARTHUR BAHLAV AGENCY, SMALL HOME matching speaker. S650 dromat and phone on pram 11 774-5555. Evas. n«-M7S. UPRIGHT PIANO — Good cond keeping COLTS NECK MOTE ONE BEDROOM CONDOMINIUM 1711112 HIGHLANDS — Change neighbor From |3S weakly 9W-5577 lion piaver un7iOBJI A BETTER PRICE - For codec ludmg utiilttK No pets. Security RIVER. For mature business gen lions of Lionel and American Flyei i.i Bien< y, new kitchen, till bat RED BANK — Two bod room apart equlred. »42 1794 After • p.m , eel 462 7143 CHESHIRE SQUARE 152 Boats A near water, no pets, (700 month! ment, near transportation (300 Plus Mi-tMO tieman. Highlands. B72-I21O- Armstrong's exclusive Is one of the trains, top ume paid 566 BOM •291 S3I1' HOLMDEL — Large flvt-bedroo WASHER DRYER - Gas range gas and electric S3O-0S91. Victorian home. Completely i RED BANK — Large lovely room, very twit In this very special Accessories itiah Bet oil AAAAAA - LIQUIDATE UN SEA BRIGHT ~ Runaway Beach lownhouse location Featuring huge HIGHLANDS — Up»lalr* tw« RED BANK — Thrte-bedroom .letorated iniUte and out Aski nicely furnished, private entrance, WANTED ANTIQUES. JEWELRY. villas. One-bedroom, furnlihed, $675 a month. Security and i good neighborhood. 842 9250 entertaining room, delightfully RUGS, FOR CASH bedroom apartment. S3SS per monl apartment, 1380 per month, one ided, on ocean with pool, private atrium, two bedrooms, Vh plus utilities, security required, n month's security plus utilities No Available Dec. 1. 842-2592 (ernecei required. CARL AAlfcR HEATERS - Wood-fired INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES m» Available Dec. I 2ELLERS. REALTOR, 944-4443. baths, separate den and more This FLAGSHIP MARINE wuod and -o^i stoves bv Martir pell. CHI 241-3MS Or 741 VH2 pets References, 747 54)19. - is truly a very special offering 1 Ml E Newman Springs Rd 100 Commercial iMlnsA' u-s W A je-iln, Stwnawiad^ ,|'IMIIIII I, 1*7 blOO AT'END - OnOne-ti* bedrool m e*ti 1140,000. E A ARMSTRONG AGEN- ( IOHLANDS — Three nice rooms, a RED BANK - i apartment. c ienc v apartment. Patio, pool, ocean KEANSBURO — Large five Bavllner Whaler Aauasport rtnd imports THE ENERGV IMCIOUI tied room house, dining room, llvln Rentals CY, Realtors, 555 Prospect Ava , Hoblc Buccaneer Seafarer SAvERS 94 Freneau Ave AIR COMPRESSOR appliances, only |1H. Bkr entire second floor of home Neer 222 B235. Little Silver. 741-4500 TIMBRO INC. $50 J44-090 hospital and town' includes all utili room with fireplace, front rear an O'Dav Harpoon Phantom Laser Mdtd*,ni SbbblW We dlso sellioa ConinVer cial quality, friust be Met 1325 per •nonth, 747-910O" WEST END - Three rooms, chttd side porch, tv* baths, }J60 mont OCEANFRONT — Luxury hl-rlse, .Calkins Oator E-Z Loader porlabli- Can fl7Q 3098 HIGHLANDS - TwO-bedroom ok, appliances, heat paid, $265 1 plus utilities References and 1 AGENTS - Executives, Pro- Monmouth Beach, tenth floor, two Johnson Outboard 72 Garage Sales apartment, heat furnished. Ca RED BANK - Broad It. Boogie. DM BRO INC ISO 544W0S months tecurliv required. Call afte fessionals: offices available In two bedrooms, two baths, large living Saias & AAA-Raled Service ALL LIONEL TRAINS 872 1646. I wo bedroom. or three rooms or larger. Air, Complete Canvas Shop kids, DIUs, utilities 4 p.m. 264-4S6I. carpel, decoration. On long-term room, G.E. kitchen, balcony over- Or Flyer Top cash appraisal paid, now looking ocean and river, indoor and Yard Sales HIGHLANDS - Small three room 102 Houses For Rent leases Rid Bank area. Full sar- 9462893 &TATE RENTALS Bkr 747 V4J< KEANSBURG — A OK cutie, t\ outdoor pool. Sauna and gym. Owner 1st Ave , Atlantic Highlands Cottage in complex of ten Cottage bedroom cottage, yard for kids, $IU vicev Low rents. 741-1595, relocated, mult Sell. Best of fir ANTIQUES - All kind*, bough! for Suitable (or adults. Parking aval 291-5600 •>AHD SALE - Appliances and RED BANK - Luxury hlflhrUe HAZLET — Si * room, three STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-V 842-1244. top cash Mary Jane Roosevelt An- able. iv\ per month plus uimtie ATTRACTIVE MODERN OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS lutMiture Something lor everyoi Two and three bedroom apartments bedroom, kids, yard, $3*0 Bkr. tiques. 109 East River Rd , Rumson Security and one-year lease r LOCUST - Smile In style, fou — Heart of Red Bank, private park- Ott 27. IB. ». 10-4 71 Navesink Call between 7 9 p.m.. 842 4WS TIM BRO INC. SSO 544 090! FOUR ANTIQUE CHRIS CRAFT — Avril Hwy 36, Highlands 842 31S9 Memuer Appraisers As- guirad. 8720926 bedroom on river, land tor kid ing, approximate 160 so ft., (100 a month. Call Rocar Company bttora SHADOW LAKE — Luxury Villa 100, Mahogany boats. 1934-1954 vintage. GHLANDS - tO Bay Avi 71 Merchandise 71 Merchandise STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-943 1 p.m., 741-3313. two bedrooms, two baths, two-car Wood in excellent shape. Call 76 Auction Sales ANTIQUES - GATEWAY AN Spacious third floor two-btdroom attached garage, brand new, Dec. 215 454S 9r 910 93* 1. I ujUtA- Mi 16 and Homestead $200 month plus heat, one month For Sale For Sale LONG BRANCH — Rentable ranch occupancy, $90,000. 741*319. Ave Leonardo 291 hi id irltv. references. 191-3003 belor five rooms, two-bedroom, $210 IMMEDIATE COLONEL JAMES A MOORE S P m. bring Kids OCCUPANCY SHADOW LAKE VILLA WW — Two HAULING vVINT ERIZING- AUCTIONEER AVOID THE GARAGE SALE - STATE RENTALS Bkr. 747-943 bedrooms, two baths. Upgraded ap- 5TORAGE — Power and sail, UP to 201-938-2641 Hassle Top dollar piid lor your HIGHLANDS ~ One bedroom pliances and carpet. Ready for oc- If Pisces Marine. Belford 787 6000 unwanted items Call 264-8615 after apartment, cathedral celling a t.ONG BRANCH — Private an APPROXIMATELY 1900 50 FT. cupancy. Asking i74,ooo Call Skylight. S27S plus utilities. 671-7090 perfect one b«room, utilities 342-6521 business hours. LENT2E MARINA For Raritan kids, (250. Bay boating. In out berthing service 77 Pets And Livestock NAN JOHNSON HIGHLANDS — TWO-bedroom STATE RENTALS Bkr, 747-94} OFFICE OR STORE for power and sail boats, 15 to 24'. BUYS AND BUYS duplex with Porch, near waler N SUPER VALUE used_ boat sales 717 2139 Frum an enlirp nousenoid to a single nets S73S monthly 291*371. OCEAN 1WPWANAMASSA Advanced And Beginners item Anliaue furniture, jewelry, sil- autilul four-bedroom, avallabl Shadow Lake Condo, wooded, MAKO, MARQUIS, O.M.C — DOG TRAINING ver Immediate- cash Top dollar HIGHLANDS - Pack the pet, kee mediatelv, washer-dryar, close I Adjacent to Wa.J Sloana private, new, assumption. Two Duranautlc, Johnson, E-Z Loader 842 1449 our kids, three large roomi. $250 updroorm, two baths, fireplace, Classes eves and Sal afternoons PHI-JI- and shopping, iS50 month ranch. Central air. Priced to sail, Trailers Boat and motor storage, ii.i, •Jim.- Companion Dog Club bills paid. M70 Mb or 670-2060^ -140 Broad St., Red Bank Bry't Marine Naplune 7757344 '41 8046 OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, chi- STATE RENTALS Bkr, 747-943 570'S- Ever, I71-O13» na, glassware, art objects and bric- RUMSON — Victorian. Tw FIVE MONTH OLD — enow chow a-brac Immediate rash for any CALL KEANSBURG — 3Vi room garde bedrooms, two baths 1450 Nov. 133 Income Property MARINE ELECTRONICS - For *itn papers il. interested, call thing and ever ylhinu Rusril's. ?iE apartment, private entrance, n 842-9007. the latest In Si Ten recorders, VHP M2-64I3 Front St . Red Bank 741 — 1693. pets, 11-32 Hancock St. 787-7847.10 1 741-0292 after 4 or Your noon and after 4 p.m. HUMSON - Large three-bed room adlos, direction finders or Loran. IRISH SETTER PUPS-AKC regis PORT A CRIB WANTED - Good Cape Cod with two full baths, ceda Broker HIGHLANDS — two family with ex -our best buy is w-ri-a wormed sire and dam on condition, wood type preferred. KEANSBURG - Two bedrooi deck off family room, formal llvln i, 142,500 BAHRS REAL BOAT HOUSE . n-nisfv Good disposition 2510462 Call 841-7208 hiid ok, heat paid. 1275 Bkr. room with fireplace, two-car sa 132 Ocean Ava. Sea Bright Hi JbA (Jb93 TIM 6RO INC. ISO S44 090 rage $B50 oer month plus utilities MATAWAN — Rt. 34, 1500 sq ft. $42-2311 WANTED Any condition, old Nov. 15 occupancy. Lease and refe office spaca, will sub-dlvlde. Prime Own lues through Sun IRISH 5ETTER PUPPIES - Ex dolls, tovs. teddy bears, all Christ LONG BRANCH — On 7th Ave.. six es 642 3074 location, immediate occupancy . i Plio'idl AKC litter, home-raised .is items, also Halloween items. ooms, kids, heal, hot water, electrd INCOME PROPERTIES AVAIL- TRAILER 1971 - 1300 15 It.P 566 0936. /.iin thiidren. calm disposition Call Hi pick up Top dollar will be paid paid. ABLE — From two to eight-family, Evinrudt, S125. Buv both, get 17' rjfl All In excellent condition and super I 4077. STATE RENTALS Bkr 747-9434 RED BANK — Ntw professional Thompson boat free, 264-K93 RUMSON — Furnished home, three locations Financial assistance office spaca, Centrally located with bedrooms, Ivj baths, two-car ga available Call for details. WIL- parking S» to 2100 so. ft., $350 and rage, gas heat, six months, no pet LIAM D. RYAN REALTOR, 154 Recreational up Haat. water, sewer, taxes and 1500 plus utilities and security. Ca 747 3500. maintenance Included. 741-5111 or H42 1321 Vehicles 1412971 THrfEE BEDROOM RENTAL 134 Farm Property RED BANK — Moving? Have space S3S0 a month Dlus uttlltlei. Refer classified advertising 31 a reasonable rentl 2500 so ft. plus • •rues required, Bahrs Realt CAMPING TRAILER — That BTMtMT office and work room Good location, TEN FCRTILE ACRES - Good (nil on a Pickup truck, self-con- jmlted parking. Perfect for show uasturei, brook, nine stall*, large tained, sleeps eight, ample storage ooms. antique center, studio, etc frontage Excellent five-bedroom Like new. 94* 4704 104 Winter Rentals 6710632 home Owner wants quick deal. May hold mortgage for qualified buyer. MOTOR HOMES FOR RENT DISCOUNTS FOR RED BANK — Four-room pro- HAROLD LINDEMANN, Broker, Chech our unbeatable INFLATION lesslonal office All utllltlas In- HIGHLANDS — Until June 15 Two Eatonlown 542-1103. low rates and compare, 119-O47J bedrooms, living room, kitchen. N ducted $400 a month WILLIAM D SENIOR CITIZENS »eti Call 872-0472. RYAN. REALTOR. 747-3500. POCONOS — Lakefront Chalet o STORE OR OFFICE — For rent at -bedroom Alpine Ranch. Nlcel pus stop. 900 sa ft. at 27 W. Front St.. LIGHTER Red Bank. Call 741-1M3 Ished, all club facilities, wi CHECK THIS LIST OF MERCHANTS WHO ARE KMkends. 264-0506 110 Wanted To Rent 3FFERING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS DAILY 108 Commercial Make It Yourself Rentals ATTENTION — Landlords! Tenants eager to rent Immediately 431-4032. Mon rn , B 30-4 p.m. No lee. LOOK FOR THESE ADS RESTAURANTS PHARMACIES Easy Crochet! HI DOAK DIM R SHRI WSHURV PHARMACY 54 BROAD ST. REAL ESTATE RED BANK, N.J. FOR SALE Rt.35Ha*let, 264-83S6 570 Broad St . Shrewsbury 741 48/4 6 rjllite suile (900 sq ft) may be DAILY & SUNDAY IN THIS BOX subdivided 'or any ponion thereof PALACE DINER LINLHOF1 PHARMACY — 442 and smgie office 280 sq ft Centra; 131 Houses For Sale Wa Discount to Senior Citizens Newman Springs Rd., Lincroft; N J. air. heat, pnvaio parking, elevator, 4SMonmuuth it . Red Bank 741 8131 Free Delivery Senior Citizens. Dis- lull lamlo'iai be'vice included Pnrrn 1 counJ honored We participate in location Jualcomrjieteiy renovator A BETTER WAY - To buy or sell. PAA Programs. Call 7417416. AiR CONDI TlONER - Sears, 11,000 CONTEMPORARY BROYHILL — CENTURY 11 Phoenix Realty, THE SAXOPHONE FOR SALE OLDE UNION HOUSE 747-1100 B.TU S. S200 Magnavo* stereo, loi Bit, $7i Contemporary NEIGHBORHOOD PRO- ItH 10"i. Discount to Senior Citizens FESSIONAL 264-4900. ^^ <>•<"< St>0 5 fl bar, in,11.ii- with Jamison sofabecf. $100 Caiib7l9U3 495 7833 IAU swivel stools. 175 Coffee (able ONOUR EARLY BIRD SPECIALS RADIATOR WORK >I(J 78/8934 SEVEN PIECE DINING ROOM - 4 6 P.M. ONLY A N T!CTPATE~SE L LIN G ? This jacket s a ioy to wear, RED BANK RADIATOR WORKb 11 Wharf Ave., Red Bank 641-7575 Want to know about marketing? Es- Auto Air Conditionirtn & Cooli >g i PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE the pertett male loi separates AIRLINE TICKETS - Hrt|l |«*re 1100 Curly maple bureau, mirror latlng value? Financing? Getung luMni, United Airlines. 145 Two Systems AH Minor Auto Repairs , ng A/C, heat.' AGENCY. front, back, sleeves Crochet i • 'i |fS '47 1052 after 7pm walnut top. lw.o leaves, lour black SLEEK LOOKING - 160 black 123 W F-iontSI ,Re.dBank 741 1177 7 suim-iereo PLCucranspo'taiion REALTORS 171-9100 • < .inn i boots, never worn, 71 ?, medi 'c~RdWN~fYRE MART ™ fashionable cardigan in j colors AIRLINE UNITED iim mil sell for S35 Call eves , Discounts to ALL Senior Citizens. A NEW WATERFRONT LIST) ol 2-ply Shetland type yarn Halt fare coupons, J50 each '41 3B42 Hwv 36, Port Monmoulh, 707-7272. The Dally Register 9.000 sq t Tailgate loading, private Charming Colonial Magnificent FOUR - H.j|l price United Airlines 291 IHM lew of the Shrewsbury River. Roll- It has todays lenlure' Pattern III kflll Asking $su Shrewsnury Ave, Tinlon Falls, parking, heal, spnnklered Public CLASSIFIED ADS ing lawn to cement bulknaadlng and AIRLINE T ICKETS Halt Idre 671 63iO bclort.' •* a m 747-1200 40 3rd Ave., Long Branch. |r| -•,:mi\,i< • II 82/ Sues 8 18 included. SNOW BLOWER - 36" for economy boat house Lovely center hall with U hi ted A.r lilies. i*0 each 229-0100 Irdctor. good condition, S1S0 542-1700 , weep ing staircase Large airy '4? Hit FOUR USED ARMSTRONi Rt. 35 Neptune 774-6060 747-1100 8424193 ooms tor perfect family living and gracious entertainment. Asking AMI me. AN AIRLINES - Half-fare ti I Blaier $100 Churth «ew type 'i 1 EHt-0 Magnavox Console Ster- V249.0O0. Call today for appointment llSCOunl T ourponv 175 Also, fi bi-mhei 8' long, $125 each Two io Excellent condition AM FM CENTURY 11 COZENS, Realtors rd) ii Mi-tMcrrrtni'di dining r hale n (over c of Iff tables, like new with twin table Must sell, 1175. Alter $1.50 lor each pattern Add 401 111 n-df and lour upholstered one 1100. one $110 Alter 6, 7390123 S » m., .i'ii U45 "Independently Owned" I s Can dlso be used as dm 813 River Rd. Fair Haven each pattern lor lust class air- • -I sW, C.lll 6/1 bilt FREEZER STORM WINDOWS (20!) 741-7AM mail and handling Send to: nghl Good 36X42, 13 tor 156 / 7 ft? Call ?2"r 7AS\ rtfti't 6 P m I BRAND New KI.9OQ AMERICAN AIRLINES Three bedroomi. w master FULL SI2E BED - (io« spring and STROLLEE CAR SEATS — 121. 119 | bedroom, 18'country kitchen, patio, Mall fare coupons S40 matlreM. inuic riiossfi. nmht stand CLASSIFIED '41 4421 each One Pedigree maroon white carpeting, appliance's. and ">ino', $700 Refrigerator, 12 toath carnage. $4S tH 0423 MELMED REACTY, BROKER Laura Wheeler AMERICAN AIRLINES c u ft . one year old H2S Call after I 671-jfcM Q 493-MOO Half fare coupon. 135 bom. B42-0943 THREE PIECE - Livino room set Call 2912371 I COLONIAL - Six years old, 3000 sa. Needlecralt Dept. 61 OE REFRIGERATOR •- In good for sale Brownplaid Herculon 1100 Four bedrooms, four baths. APARTMENT Sr7E - Washer and lonUition. .lUpromnmlely 1b Cu ft. S663720 anytime tfi.vOO. Financing available Many M n t |ood 'ondition. $100 M.r.t ,ell, i'i SB3-5109- TURNTABLE - Garrard 630S, au | extras, Including central air. W 3690 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 787-3SOO Boi 161, Old Chelsea SU., N« ..Kill- iCtAC CHRiSriVAS TREE lust cover and cartridge. JSO York, NV 10011. Print Namt, 139 0931 ^ Scotcri Pme. perfect condi A DAILY GUIDE | ELLEN S. HAZELTON. REALTOR • • 0973 Address, Zip, Pattern Number. TWO SNOW TIRES - Sue H7H*I5. tnter-Citv Relocation Service mounted on rims 125 pair 8423100 NEW 1980 NEEDLECRAFT ,bt"N FRANKLIN STOVf Alii 1 671 1293 OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS catalog Value packed Over 170 n. ^er used Asking M 50 fo FABULOUS CHANCE ttO'S 827 , eight irons, (beautiful bag • / '1HJH Five bedrooms, dlnlna room, sci- designs-all crafts. 3 tree pat- Wurlfi WOO. sell tur {ISO in 90U TWIN BBC - Adjustable metal ence eat-In kitchen, den, family Bl iVNAI HOOK RUG YARN A>i Irame. box spring, mattress, white terns printed inside. Send (I 00 room, two baths, two-car earage, priedcolort Jicentseach.lapvstf GREY METAL OFFICE DESK -- padded vinyl headboard, goodcondi hall acre. v.i"> 10 cents a skein, needlepom 5 11 *r