Library Connect Digest 2017 Elsevier’s Library Connect program thanks the librarians, information professionals and scholars from around the world who contributed to the webinars and newsletter in 2017. TABLE OF CONTENTS Editor’s Note: Some of the resource links may have changed since their original publication. If you have difficulty finding a resource, please email us at
[email protected]. INFORMATION DISCOVERY & LITERACY | literature search, research support, text mining, APIs Articles 4-5 Providing literature support as part of the biomedical research team 6-7 Information literacy resources for librarians and their library users 8-10 Knowledge discovery through text analytics: advances, challenges and opportunities 11 To librarians from a PhD researcher 12-13 Tracking student success in literature search as they avoid detrimental detours 14-15 Literature search — download a helpful handout for library users in their most desperate hour Additional Resources 16 WEBINAR March 16 | 12 time-saving tips for research support 16 WEBINAR Sept. 29 | Literature search on a connected path 16 WEBINAR Oct. 19 | Librarians and APIs 101: overview and use cases LIBRARIAN ROLES | liaison, corporate, journal editor, grants Articles 17-19 Building a successful liaison program from the ground up 20-21 “A good one”: Meet Elsevier’s new VP of global library relations 22-23 Do you want to be an LIS journal editor? An editor discusses perks and pitfalls 24-25 Partnering to support grant-funded research: learn the jargon and look for needs 26-27 Medtronic Knowledge Center redesign a sign of collaborative spirit and company support Additional Resources 28 WEBINAR May 18 | High-impact library services and outreach METRICS | research metrics, institutional data, CiteScore Articles 29-30 Eureka points on the Research Assessment Metrics Timeline 31-32 Keeping score of CiteScore 33-34 CiteScore™ metrics resources for LibGuides Additional Resources 35 WEBINAR June 8 | Researcher profiles and metrics that matter 35 WEBINAR Nov.