2019 Annual Report Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Burrillville, RI March 2020 woodardcurran.com 212683.31 COMMITMENT & INTEGRITY DRIVE RESULTS MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURE #1: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH (Part IV.B.1 General Permit ) SECTION I. OVERALL EVALUATION: GENERAL SUMMARY, STATUS, APPROPRIATENESS AND EFFECTIVENESS OF MEASURABLE GOALS: Include information relevant to the implementation of each measurable goal, such as activities, topics addressed, audiences and pollutants targeted. Discuss activities to be carried out during the next reporting cycle. If addressing TMDL requirements, please indicate rationale for choosing the education activity to address the pollutant of concern. Responsible Party Contact Name & Title: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: DPW: (401) 568-4440 Em ail: Jeffrey McCormick, Director,
[email protected] IT: (401) 568-4300, ext.129, 135 *Marc Maine,
[email protected] Planning: (401) 568-4300, ext. 130, 131 *Nicole Stockwell, Deputy Planner
[email protected] Ray Goff, Planning Director
[email protected] Parks and Recreation: (401) 568-9470 Andrea Hall, Recreation Director,
[email protected] IV.B.1.b.1 Use the space below to provide a General Summary of activities implemented to educate your community on how to reduce stormwater pollution. For TMDL affected areas, with stormwater associated pollutants of concern, indicate rationale for choosing the education activity. List materials used for public education and topics addressed. Summarize implementation status and discuss if the activity is appropriate and effective. The Town’s DPW website (https://www.burrillville.org/public-works) includes links to the webpages “Storm Water Management” and “Storm Drains”. The “Storm Water Management” webpage contains content describing what stormwater management is, the regulatory framework for stormwater management in RI, and the six control measures the Town implements through the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP).