Shawsheen Aqueduct, Looking Northeast, Middlesex
SHAWSHEEN AQUEDUCT, LOOKING NORTHEAST, MIDDLESEX CANAL, WILMINGTON-BILLERICA, MASSACHUSETTS OLD-TIME NEW ENGLAND d ’ Quarter/y magazine Devoted to the cffncient Buildings, Household Furnishings, Domestic A-ts, 5l4anner.s and Customs, and Minor cffntipuities of L?Wqew England Teop/e BULLETIN OFTHE SOCIETYFOR THE PRESERVATIONOF NEW ENGLAND ANTIQUITIES Volume LVIII, No. 4 April-June I 968 Serial No. 212 Comparison of The Blackstone and Middlesex Canals By BRENTON H. DICKSON HREE major canals were com- granting the Blackstone its charter. The pleted in Massachusetts in the idea of a canal connecting Boston with T first twenty-odd years of the the Merrimack River and diverting the nineteenth century : the Middlesex, that great natural resources of New Hamp- went from Boston to Lowell, or more shire away from Newburyport and into correctly, from Charlestown to Middle- Boston met with wholehearted approval sex Village in the outskirts of Lowell; the in the capital city; however, the idea of Blackstone that went from Worcester to the landlocked treasures of Worcester Providence ; and the Hampshire and County making their way to the market Hampden, or Farmington, that went by way of Rhode Island, and seeing Prov- from Northampton to New Haven. To- idence benefit from business that rightly day we will just concern ourselves with belonged to Boston, was unthinkable. the first two of these. When the Blackstone Canal finally got They were both conceived about the its charter in 1823, Bostonians dreaded same time in the early 1790’s. The more than ever the evil effects of such a Middlesex began operating in 1803 but waterway.
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