3443 Official Publication of the American Mule Association 260 Nelson Rd., Reno, NV 89521 www.americanmuleassociation.org Jody Lowrey (775) 849-9437
[email protected] Spring, 2017 American Mule President’s Message Association Mission Statement A California non - p r o f i t Hello All, benefit corpo r ation that was founded in 1976. Spring time is upon us, and it is beautiful Since its inception, the after all the rain we were blessed with. AMA has been dedicated to building the reputation We have been taking the mules to a few a n d integrity of mules brandings, and it has been awesome. throughout the United S t a t e s . Ruby will out pull anything. I have been MULES is published 6x so proud of them. Hope to see you all per year, January, March, soon, life events have reminded me to let May, September, N o v e m b e r those I care about know how much I Advertising Rates appreciate them, so I am looking forward F u l l p a g e $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 to seeing my favorite mule people soon! ½ p a g e $ 7 5 . 0 0 ¼ p a g e $ 5 0 . 0 0 Casie Business card $ 1 8 . 0 0 C l a s s i f i e d $ 6 . 0 0 $10/ photo includes up to 30 words, .25/word t h e r e a f t e r Deadlines: Advertising and article s are due by t h e 1 0 th of the month prior to publication.