Nationalaeronauticsand Spaceadministration Johnf.Kennedyspacecenter Kennedyspacecenter,Florida32899 AC 305 867-2468
News NationalAeronauticsand SpaceAdministration JohnF.KennedySpaceCenter KennedySpaceCenter,Florida32899 AC 305 867-2468 ForRelease: KSC RELEASE NO. 95-81 Immediate Dick Young 305-867-2468 .. SPACEPORT EMPLOYEES TO BE HONORED WITH RECEPTION, LAUNCH SEATS KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla.- A Kennedy Space Center contingent of 64 civil service and contractor emp!oyees is among 204 employees from throughout NASA being honored for their contributions to the Space Shuttle program and to the launch of the first mission. The Spaceport employees have been invited to attend a special reception in their honor on the day prior to launch. Honoring them at the reception will be Dr. Alan Lovelace, NASA Acting Administrator, and members of the Astronaut Corps. On launch day, they will be bused to a special viewing area set aside in their honor to watch STS-I lift off from Pad A at KSC's Launch Complex 39. The first Space Shuttle mission is to last 54 hours, 30 minutes, in a demanding flight test of the revolutionary new space transportation system which is to be the mainstay of the nation's presence in space into the 1990s. The KSC honorees by place of residence and employer include: James L. Page, Cape Canaveral; Robert W. Graham and James B. Webb, Cocoa; George H. Bowman III, Merritt Island; Sarah F. Allen and Patricia Ann Leslie, Orlando; Charles Clifford Baker, Satellite Beach, and Johnny W. Chappell, Thornton Combs, Charles Givens, Russell L. Smith and Robert W. Styles, all of Titusville, BOEING SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, INC. David G. Shelton, Cocoa Beach; Reid Knight, Melbourne; John F. Reedich Jr., Port Orange; Allison J.
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