Humanities Data Book of Abstracts
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DARIAH Annual Event 2019: Humanities Data Book of abstracts Programme committee JeNNifer EdmoNd (Chair) Femmy Admiraal (Co-Chair) Jakub Szprot (Local orgaNisers) ANeta Daszuta (Local orgaNisers) AriaNNa Betti Agiatis BeNardou ReNé vaN Horik Sarah KeNderdiNe MartiN Lhoták FraNcesca Morselli Tomasz Parkola ANdrea ScharNhorst Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra Table of contents WG Meeting 6 Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage WG Meeting, Georgios Artopoulos 7 WG Meeting #dariahTeach, Susan Schreibman . 8 WGDHCourseRegistry,TanjaWissik[etal.] . 9 Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities (ELDAH) WG Meet- ing, Walter Scholger [et al.] . 10 Working Group on Visual Media and Interactivity, Wieneke Lars [et al.] . 11 WG meeting Sustainable publishing of metadata, Dorien Styven [et al.] . 12 Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO) WG meeting I: scholarly practices and DH meta-research showcase, Costis Dallas [et al.] . 13 Women Writers in History : WG meeting, Amelia Sanz [et al.] . 15 A web of thesauri: Aligning specialist thesauri to the Backbone Thesaurus.Thesaurus Maintenance WG meeting, Helen Goulis [et al.] . 16 Working Group Meeting GiST - What does the Standardization Survival Kit (SSK) tells us about Humanities Data?, Klaus Illmayer [et al.] . 18 1st DARIAH-AIM Meeting: The Artificial Intelligence and Music WG at the DARIAH 2019 Annual Event, Albert Mero˜no Pe˜nuela [et al.] . 20 ”Bibliographical Data” Working Group - Current State of the Initiative, Vojtˇech Mal´ınek[etal.] ..................................... 22 Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO) WG meeting II: reports on past work and workplan (2019-20), Costis Dallas [et al.] . 25 1 Workshop 27 Swimming in (Linked) Data: Using the Semantic Web to make sense of Spatial Humanities,RebeccaKahn[etal.] . 28 Ensuring the sustainability of the Open Marketplace: a community-driven ap- proach,FrankFischer[etal.] ............................. 30 Ethical and legal considerations in obtaining, sharing and reusing data from hu- man participants - workshop proposal, Erzs´ebet T´oth-Czifra [et al.] . 33 Cultural Heritage Reuse Cases: Facilitating the Exchange of Perspectives between Heritage Professionals and Researchers, Alba Irollo [et al.] . 35 Let’s Be FAIR: Forging Organisational Recommendations on Research Data in the Humanities, Natalie Harrower [et al.] . 37 Poster session 40 Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities (ELDAH), Walter Schol- ger[etal.]........................................ 41 ”Networking Women Translators in Spain (1868-1936) and their presence in Mnemosyne Digital Library”, Dolores Romero-L´opez [et al.] . 43 Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Texts (1868-1936): -Collections and digital editions-, Dolores Romero [et al.] . 46 Interactive Reading in Digital Collections, Dolores Romero [et al.] . 48 Project DESIR: How to Sustain an International Digital Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities, Marco Raciti . 51 The Standardization Survival Kit. For a wider use of standards within Arts and Humanities, Charles Riondet [et al.] . 53 Barriers and Pathways to Engagement: Early Career Researchers and Research Infrastructures,ElizaPapaki[etal.] . 56 Dispute over the data core in the humanities on the example of word formation database ‘mem’ in articles published in ‘Teksty z Ulicy’ in 2005–2018., Robert Boroch.......................................... 58 The user-friendly complexity: User experience design in the digital edition of The Correspondence of Skamander Literary Group, PawelRams . 59 2 Understanding and preserving the European Silk Heritage : how to produce ac- cessible, interoperable and reusable Cultural Heritage data with the SILKNOW ontology, Marie Puren [et al.] . 61 The HumaReC project and its ”web book”, Sara Schulthess [et al.] . 62 Towards an Ontology for European Poetry, M Luisa D´ıez Platas [et al.] . 64 New Services and Tools for the Digital Monograph: the HIRMEOS Project, An- dreaBertino....................................... 67 Korpusomat - sharing open corpora,Lukasz Kobyli´nski [et al.] . 69 New Panorama of Polish Literature (NPLP.PL) – How to tell digital scholarly stories,Bart lomiejSzleszynski. 70 Data about DH training and education: the API for the DH Course Registry and itsusecases,HendrikSchmeer[etal.] . 71 Polish Literary Bibliography - New Research Data Portal for Complex Cultural Dataset, Beata Koper [et al.] . 74 The BackBone Thesaurus – evolving a meta-thesaurus for the humanities through collaborative, distributed thesauri maintenance and development, Eleni Tsoulouha [et al.]............................................ 77 GeoPolonistics: Digital Mapping of the Complexity of Polish Studies, Przemyslaw G´orecki[etal.] ..................................... 80 Towards a domain ontology dedicated to the description of anthropogenic traces inrockart,AlexandraStoleru. 83 What Can The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Do For You?, Rene Van Horik . 84 Czech Literary Bibliography: research infrastructure for Czech literature and literaryscience,VojtˇechMal´ınek . 86 EURISE Network - Where DARIAH Meets Research Software Engineers, Yoann Moranville[etal.].................................... 88 ´eLV - Digital Archives of Kasimir Twardowski: European Cultural Heritage, En- hanced Databases (TEI) and Philosophy of the Digital Humanities, Wioletta A. Miskiewicz........................................ 90 Facilitating the integration of DH methods into research on East European Cul- turesofDissent,PiotrWcislik[etal.]. 92 3 Changing historiography into a database: proposition of the project Prosopographia Polonorum., Adam Zapala . 94 PARTHENOS Guidelines to FAIRify data management and make data reusable, Francesca Morselli ......................................... 95 Openness and access to data 96 Archaeology and open data: a step towards decolonization, Marta Lorenzon . 97 OpenAIRE services for Open Science, Alessia Bardi [et al.] . 99 Access and Use of Smart Hospitals Data for Research Purposes, Jaroslaw Greser 102 Digital collections and databases 104 Database of the Research Project Reframed Image: Reception of Prints in the Kingdom of Poland from the end of the Fifteenth to the Beginning of the Seven- teenth Century, Gra˙zyna Jurkowlaniec [et al.] . 105 GIS in gathering information from historical sources, Micha lGochna [et al.] . 108 Historical Atlas of Poland in the 2nd half of the 16th century. Integration of cartographic data from various sources., Tomasz Panecki [et al.] . 110 The nature of Humanities data in a case study: a digital collection of Greek epigraphic heritage from Bulgaria, Dimitar Iliev . 112 ”How similar, how different? The problems of quantification of similarity in ar- chaeological research- the example of ancient pottery ”, Agnieszka Kaliszewska [et al.]............................................114 Infrastructures and beyond 116 DH Foresight: informing the future of methods and infrastructures, Mark Hedges [et al.]............................................117 The DARIAH-EU and OpenAIRE collaboration on Open Science publishing prac- tices,AlessiaBardi[etal.] . 120 Sustainability beyond guidelines, Andrea Scharnhorst [et al.] . 123 Visual Analytics of the DARIAH in-kind contributions, Andrea Scharnhorst [et al.]125 4 Archiving and enriching data 127 Linking MIDI Data for multidisciplinary and FAIR AI on Music, Albert Mero˜no Pe˜nuela ......................................... 128 The Battleground of Humanities Data: Handling Multidisciplinarity and Diver- sity, Athanasios Karasimos [et al.] . 130 Finding listening experiences in books, Enrico Daga [et al.] . 133 Fixity in digital archive, Mikolaj Machowski . 134 Challenges of Digital Data for Linguistics: New Units and Hidden Processes, Manuel Alcantara-Pla . 135 Technical solutions 137 Pathfinder: a system for data exploration, analysis, and visualization of art cat- alogs and exhibitions, Nuria Rodr´ıguez-Ortega [et al.] . 138 Crowdsourcing, scholarly editing and TEI, Wioletta A. Miskiewicz [et al.] . 140 PROgressive VIsual DEcision-Making in Digital Humanities: Towards Uncer- tainty Annotation in TEI, Michal Kozak [et al.] . 142 The Base of Knowledge in the field of humanities - a new tool to share data and information and to support research management, Jakub Koperwas [et al.] . 144 Developing symbolic and audio data analysis modules for a prototype traditional music repository, Ewa Lukasik [et al.] . 146 Author Index 147 5 WG Meeting 6 Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage WG Meeting Georgios Artopoulos ∗ 1 1 The cyprus institute – Cyprus The UDigiSH Working Group focuses on the study of Digital Methods and Good Practices of heritage and urban change, the impact of urban development on cultural heritage, the identity of the city and the role of civil society. This is planned to be the first physical meeting of the participants of the WG Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage. Meeting in person will accelerate interaction between the members of the group and will allow us to finalise a plan of action for the first year, the list of tasks for which will be compiled before arriving at the venue through a series of virtual meetings of the group on Zoom. The meeting will also enable us to agree on members’ contribution based on availability and expertise. Coordination of activities at a local level, access to resources and sharing of tools will also be discussed during the meeting with the aim to facilitate and enable work for achieving the goals and objectives of the WG. Sub-group follow