racial. Palabras clave Stories textos: sobre los siguientes en todo me centraré estudio este Para privilegios. sus garantizar para estrategia una como Suráfrica de dentro convivencia la dinamitó sistemática, forma quien, una de blanca minoría una por truncada históricamente vio se ésta ycomo étnica fluidez la de multifacética lectura una Govender como presenta aevidenciar mente, en procederé triangulada relación esta Con ylo negro. lo de blanco ontológicas categorías las que negocian se la en subjetividad una aque representa cuanto en ambigua es Suráfrica en india presencia que la es arranque de premisa Mi surafricana. sociedad la de contexto del dentro diaspórica identidad la Govender, Ronnie narra yautor ficción, de dramaturgo el cómo explora articulo Este Resumen Keywords Atman of the Song The Chin: White Chin be: shall study employed this in texts principal The privilege. to shore upown its ameans as conviviality dynamited who, systematically, minority by awhite curtailed historically was how this and fluidity of ethnic reading alayered how Govender delivers to evidence proceed Ishall mind, in relationship triangulated this With blackness. and whiteness of both categories ontological the negotiate must subjectivity its as inasmuch ambiguous is presence Indian this that premise the from depart society. Ishall African of South context the in identity diasporic Asian Govender, Ronnie narrates playwright, and writer fiction how the explores paper This Abstract EXPLORING THE CHALLENGES OF ETHNIC FLUIDITY OF ETHNIC CHALLENGES THE EXPLORING , and , and WITHIN THE WRITINGS OF RONNIE GOVENDER OF RONNIE WRITINGS THE WITHIN Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses Estudios de Canaria Revista : South African Asian, Ethnic Belonging, , Racial Ambiguity. Supremacy, Racial White Belonging, Ethnic Asian, African : South Black Chin White Chin: The Song of the Atman of the Song The Chin: White Chin Black The Lahnee’s Pleasure : asiático surafricano, pertenencia étnica, supremacía blanca, ambigüedad ambigüedad blanca, supremacía étnica, pertenencia surafricano, : asiático DOI: DOI: EN LAS OBRAS DE RONNIE GOVENDER RONNIE DE OBRAS LAS EN LOS DESAFÍOS DE LA FLUIDEZ ÉTNICA FLUIDEZ LA DE DESAFÍOS LOS https://doi.org/10.25145/j.recaesin.2021.82.04 Maurice O’Connor Maurice The Lahnee’s Pleasure Lahnee’s The Universidad de Cádiz de Universidad , At The Edge and Other Cato Manor Stories Manor Cato Other and Edge The At . , 82 ; April 2021, pp. 47-61;April , At The Edge and Other Cato Manor Manor Cato Other and Edge The At .

ISSN: e-2530-8335 , and , and Black Black

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 47 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 48 tier racial system where the Indians acted as a social buffer between Africans and Africans between buffer a social as acted where Indians the system racial tier three- identical almost an through configured was for example, Tanganyika, and Zanzibar Kenya, Uganda, colonial of administration The oppositional nature. an of societies tiered of creating practice of imperial the were victims Africa in Asians Africa. East and Africa South both within space traditionally, occupied athird which, . to full-blown transition the saw that period a historical of recreating process position into imaginative seeps the afro-centric it yet evident how is author’s narrators, the his/her author with real-life the confuse one should that never work, Irealise it on contrary, is, of the prime importance. the author’s analysing of fictional task the against when set ancillary seem at first, author imagination. the projects his these it upon and is of Africa, dimensions South cultural the and landscape physical the ValleyHills” the of2).(quoted aThousand with Chetty in filiation findHere, a we Through / itfrom spirit Umgeni the flows as the /Of Drakensberg within / Surging I?,” Am “ to say: following “Who the poem author the his has in and, writing Indian African of South label grouped under the aesthetics, a diasporic within oeuvre situate his space. outside lie often African the can affiliation their problematised, and becomes of belonging sense their Asians, many For post-independence entropy within of social lack Africa. overall by the part, outsider an group, subsequent as their great coloured, in and is demonising of Asians theperception intensifies also successful more Being economically imaginary. African collective the object for of an criticismpopulation within suspicion both a target and autonomy, Asian the of self-betterment, tradition makes ingrained coupled an with cultural gravitation towards this and thenation state, with identification their than stronger is that affiliation inter-communityan displays community, This oftentimes, strategy. of asimilar speaks Africa South and East within positioning of Asians ambivalent the contexts, contemporary and historical in Both premise. out this Philippines, bears the in residing diaspora or Chinese the post-Soviet Russia, within community the Jewish in Africa, community West positionsLebanese the of financial superior at the glance acursory and practice, colonial tendency to replicate this 2-15) (2004: Chua asimilar Amy displays democracy As market free evidences, control.of as a widermeans thepopulation over groups minority privileges afford This has a historical antecedent where, as Ojwang antecedent(2013:as Ojwang where, historical a has This 118) evidences, 1 community his against One situate must Govender’s of Africanness sense GovenderRonnie on accrued articles academic the(limited) majorityThe of to been has practices administrative colonial within strategy A recurring

Taking my cue from Dan Ojwang (2013) I use the term Indian and Asian indiscriminately. Asian and (2013) Indian term the Ojwang I use Dan from my cue Taking I. THE COMMITMENT TO CONVIVIALITY COMMITMENT I. THE 1 . Govender, classification however, to reject this at pains is Whilst this question may, of belonging this Whilst I am of Africa of Africa I am indenture in South Africa is a continual presence within his works, and in the 2008 2008 the in and works, his within presence acontinual is Africa South indenture in of history The affiliation. African an through channelled imagination a diasporic it product the of is as work expression of the ahybrid inasmuch is consciousness received the of literary case against. struggle Africa South and East in writers Asian that a is good) communal of solely the who is self-betterment interestedin expense at the businessman small of Indian the image pervading this yet terms, in negative solelyis construed presence Asian 367).(Flint the is that not sayto This abusive class merchant perceived to an whom be they Asian local the Ngema’s attack song up (which and to incited rise subsequently Zulus went viral) of poverty. Zulu cause the being as minority Indian out Natal the singled whose lyrics Ngema’s at Mbongeni looks Flint for (2006), example, Karen song Vassanji’s of Kenyan narration in arise that of friction lines the realities, to contemporary than rather events historical as: himself describes Vikram, character, focal book’s the aside, arevealing nation, in and Kenyan new the within engagement World of Vikram Lall agency. providing than Particularly, rather and debilitating conflictive being as narrated often is in-betweenness this trope, identity. own his aliterary As regarding of ambiguity sense personal by his informed is Iclaim, this, and Africa in presence Indian the regards as of pessimism sense pervading overall an detect hybridity. one work at the looks When of Moyez Vassanji, one for example, can organic of anatural adopting wereopportunity men the denied and middle became (Ojwang 118).effectively Europeans Indians configuration, colonial this Within and Africans between buffer a social as acted where Indians the system racial tier three- identical almost an through configured was for example, Tanganyika, and Zanzibar Uganda, Kenya, of colonial administration the and oppositional nature, an of societies tiered of creating practice the imperial of victims were They conflict. to racial more them made vulnerable has this and to Africans proximity closer much in lived have always Asians Africa, South and of East communities settler identities. African and Indian their both accommodates that space to acultural negotiate fail, often attempt, how and is they Africa in Africanness. towards hybridity organic of a natural adopting opportunity weremen the denied and middle became effectively Indians configuration, colonial this Within Europeans. While one might argue that these sentiments refer, these moreover, that one argue might to recent While 238) (Vassanji colonizers. the with collaborated had who of ‘Shylocks’ brown race exclusive of an memory recent ageneralized from stigma the instead but carrying me, back to of a local and numbers influence nor me, the behind whiteness of prestige neither the with country, African an in [...] graduate Asian ayoung writers Asian the of texts from fictional emerges that theme A recurring Govender’s insistence on fluidity over ethnic exclusivism is thus notGovender’sis a exclusivism just over onethnic fluidity insistence perception of Indians as insular and self-serving. As such, Govender’s As self-serving. and insular as perception of Indians buonismo (2003) the documents but, instead, it represents a contra-narrative that contests contests it that representsbut, acontra-narrative instead, uhuru uhuru (freedom) are still (freedom) are exclusion of Asians from meaningful from meaningful exclusion of Asians dukawalla dukawalla present within South Africa. Africa. South present within (the archetypal shopkeeper/ archetypal (the Compared to the white to the Compared Amandiya The The In-Between (2002), (2002),

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 49 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 50 revolutionary potential encapsulated within heterogeneity. within encapsulated “Over My Body” potential revolutionary Dead representation amicrocosmic of is the township of this reconstruction imaginative Manor Stories Cato Other And (33) Chetty considers existence.” particular, In interracial harmonious of of possibility the readers and audiences it identity; reminds national new to the contributes away that in Manor Cato in living of memory multiracial “the vital as (2017 Chetty light, Govender’s this In described 38) potential. revolutionary has work its and contact interracial to limit astrategy as segregation idea of the social was Acts society,”a more Group open of centre pluralistic these Areas ideological at the and to from “conflict pluralism atransition to thwart served of apartheid ideology the to groupings forced ethnic and areas those heterogeneous u reconfigured Manor Cato Africa. South throughout townships of destruction the signalled of 1950s which the result the Acts was Group Areas fromCato Manor Indians all expulsion district.” to of The the of belonging sense strong my already to “intensify served actually of outrage sense his that he states (2001 247) Chetty with interview his in and life, of for his rest the him with stayed has event that an being as Manor Cato in gardens of kitchen the destruction the spoken Govender about to has comes represent of trauma. alocus simultaneously Ocean theIndian across transported theseeds through we find that symbol same yet this on earth, of paradise a kind at as Cato Manor garden market (121). daylight” as natural as ... leaves was “the of curry pungent Zulus, other the aroma Manor Cato and him “exotic,” plants the called for ridge Berea the who in lived Whites the while that, reader the assures Zulu, young the Elias, of Africans. eyes the in become naturalised has presence to Asian show how of this motif transplantation this uses for example, heritage. Indian by his informed is simultaneously, which, of by rootedness sense extension, and, to soil his African the to filiation we come how to see Govender direct seeds, his references transplanted the symbol of identity. the organic Through Indian/African of this nature rhizomatic etc guava, avocado, mango, l pani the of taboo thecultural Contra flourish. and take they (almost miraculously) where soil African in plant them ocean, Indian the across seeds transported having Africa South in of Indians transformations cultural the to convey ameans of as Manor Cato gardens kitchen of Indian the image the uses play, re-renderingnovelistic earlier of his could buy. could Indians of land amount the limited already Tenure had Land Act 1946 Asiatic previous the and oss ofoss (black water) a (black subcontinent in where abandonment the results of Indian the varna 2 (2017) Chetty author the Rajendra grandfather’s considered that his remarks

This reconfiguration of the nation into an apartheid state had already been in the making making the in been already had state apartheid an into nation the of reconfiguration This and the contamination of one’s contamination the and “pure” identity, paw-paw, cultivated the (all of which become an African staple) speak of staple) the speak African become an of(all which as a“text-site Govender’s as that sense the of in memory” “Call of the Muezzin ... of Muezzin the To“Call a Slow Beat,” Samba 2 live and work and live The dismantling of multi-ethnic areas such as such areas of multi-ethnic dismantling The The Lahnee’s Pleasure Lahnee’s The Pleasure rban spaces into spaces rban apart. As Lemon (1991 Lemon As apart. 8) argues, . Govender’s forefathers, forefathers, Govender’s . racially segregated segregated racially (1976), Govender At The Edge: Edge: At The rhizomatic kala kala

this title became asub-title. became title this labourer, Mothie, manual when for the example, and, whites held towards Asians that attitudes contradictory the a (deceptive) to to light bring serves humour that The author employsIndians. African the patois use kindSouth of to of first its the was non-white 1974, other. in Staged play’s the it as considered revolutionary form was upon exercised the symbolic and was where real society African South representation microcosmic of atiered his section, as awhites-only and area Asian into and Colouredpub, divided The a authordivision. English employs pastiche a how ideologies fomented and white racist segregation racial complexities surrounding explores the sense, this in Africa, South in origin author by of an Indian staged of white exceptionalism. victims were all communities Black and Coloured how Asian, examine nonetheless, Africa. South heterogeneous a of complexities the a template with for readers Govendersituations, understanding provides his thus generated concrete by attitudes contradictory with conflict creative in system belief (151). world” the in thing “the most natural as Chin and abstract By holding an woman emigre White the between relationship he this to comes see Schmeling, white employer,his with erotic affair Greta an initiates whenof Chin miscegenation, of “Stomps,” suspicious case the he ideologically friendship. In is whilst triangulated ethnically one infer,this might positioning that, to would sufficient grounds be end asupporter 1951 of imminent himself, the is, ideological an Act, Group Areas Diederichs society, that despite fact the African South of anon-racialised imaging atextual Govender. performs relationship such, Chin the and Coloured As man, a Duvenage, Rooks Platteland, from the “Stomps” Boer aconservative Diederichs, In this. to witness gives white characters, of treatment his ecumenical coupled the with of white oppression, mechanisms the he addresses which way in understated the and however, This, plays. and case, is the not books would present be his in community thewhite settler under,towards a more attitude belligerent suffered think might one gesture. futile and last plot his becomes of land small on his remaining whilst attack heart fatal his and apartheid, of steamroller face the in option open to him left the only resistance, passive of act an performs ironic) Thinga reference to Gandhi, (andIn a specific Cato Manor homestead. fromhis eviction who resists of Thinga thecharacter through conviviality this of the referencedestruction to aspecific makes Black Chin White Chin: Song of The Atman of The Chin: Song White Chin Black 3 Govender’s white identities, it does, While all work not does essentialise ofGiven white repressive hegemony, the nature Govender which himself

The book was first published under the title title the under published first was book The II. NEGOTIATING WHITE EXCEPTIONALISM The Lahnee’s Pleasure Song of the Atman the of Song , one of the most successful plays plays , one of most successful the , 3 we find a camaraderie between between camaraderie we a find . In subsequent publications publications subsequent . In

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 51 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 52 that all Indians are too emotional and irrational, at which the Stranger becomes becomes Stranger the at which irrational, and too emotional are Indians all that Lahnee The ascene. causes Mothie drunken daughter, for his a looking are they promise that the with station police from the Nowbehest. back his at well treated is that be to he andcomplaint a way to file his on is Asian an that to know station let police them daughter, the he contacts and Lahnee about. is The ruckus the what of bar, the Lahnee the Coloured part and Asian respective of their eyes the in recognition look both boss). for and consciousness represent Mothie and Sunny ahumiliated for Africa South in used Lahnee play,(term thethe of figure by the embodied is in white which, authority accepts Sunny call, at every white supremacy challenge to prepared is awhite person and to not sir address use will Stranger the whilst and subservience, of strategic atactic versus to resistance question of active Sunny,man, the bar and enterthe forexample, into on discussion a The Stranger outdrawn amuchwhiteby is morecolourthehegemony.lines reflection serious on of text the margins play’s from the to the emerges be seem may what theme, central elopingthe of Mothie’s 15-year-old ironic treatment, daughter, given an is which at first, ironic tone. an play Whilst, the with in such, it treated as is and, community to address. play the wishes of power to that relationships issues contrast of humour doses provide the astrategic and community the within embedded always is subjectivity authorial the Naipaul, colour humour like of brand local a similar Govender use may for London. island Whilst Caribbean of his abandoning the of analogy an in light to the darkness about from the moving speaks Singh Ralph most evident in is point mechanism of view, this and narrative author’s the his with informs identity which cosmopolitan own juxtaposed always is This disdain. certain with upon looks society Trinidadian that subjectivity alienated from an point speaks persistently of view narrative his and characters his superiority to cultural a establishes always Naipaul illuminating. is difference this and material writing their as regards displays authoreach the attitude in difference patois employ There criticism. is, and however, aform of social humour as marked a Mystic Masseur that: informed is audience the theand Stranger, barmen with Sunny,Asian the differences cultural discussing is Lahnee wishes to defuse this tension by offering the Stranger a drink (he employsdrink a the tension Stranger by offering this to defuse wishes Lahnee temples people our India” (34-35). in were building skins The animal wearing caves in around were walking guys these “When that, audience the assures and indignant Sexual surveillance is a predominate concern within the diasporic Indian Indian diasporic the apredominate within is concern surveillance Sexual The tone of away. run (21) and nose me [...] with playfools and come tractor, my boss’sthe daughters Me Ihold my day, I’m when every don’t girls... white the on Out girls people. white like smell We lamp. god the don’t We light pork. and they when don’t beef eat the like smell day don’t (deodorant). girls every Our that You use bath must They why? know (1957) and TheLahnee’s Pleasure Miguel Street Street Miguel

takes an interest in the case of Mothie’s case the interest in missing an takes is, in parts, reminiscent of V.S reminiscent Naipaul’s parts, in is, (1959) versions use of both Indian that in lahnees

imitates Mothie’s accent and suggests Mothie’simitates suggests and accent

. Amid amoment. Amid of tension the in enters the scene, wanting to know to know enters wanting scene, the The Mimic The Men (1967) where The The behind this appropriation, and the false sense of entitlement Mr. sense appropriation, within encoded false this the behind and Young us: as identity and, informs fabricated this with moreover, was, identity, affiliation an imperial a questionAs of Englishness an atemplate England. as not who for did those reside within served that traits ethnic but, se per rather, about England of were were fabrications never really Englishness YoungRobert (2008) his in identity, (29). elite class accent an he true emulates his attempt to mask an in and, son the of a“Covent boy” as barrow garden characterised is So-So, Richard called nowironically perceived power. Lahnee, this The novel the challenges privilege, holds aposition of play Lahnee the the in Whilst labourers. indentured toiled as thewhere fields businessmen’s it overlooks sugar-cane the because grandparents is House told it Hotel, are to buy that White the they wish why to know they want Sugar from Hulett representatives When businessmen. Indian by African South bought been has hotel located the is where bar that the book’sthe we epilogue, learn it. For in presentplay, within example, potentials fore to inactivated the the brings nation, Govender, to and apluriethnic state of 1974 the re-writing apartheid his in institutionalised from an transitioned had ofof date publication. the Africa South aproduct being as Isee this and of the ofmore Asians, instances oppression.of ubiquitous the of The racial offers novel, nature contrast, much in “Sammy,” subservient and tone of overall play the the speaks archetypal the as pigeonholed play being the do resist Johnnie within and of Stranger the characters the agency. subaltern Whilst regards as more pessimism towards leans Indians, violence upon of epistemological exercised African South the its documenting in the upon audience. effect produces agreater elements comic the of play, the quo when text’s against it set the and, theme is true white status the to maintain astrategy as of Lahnee the conviviality feigned the and Lahnee the and Sunny whilst dancing and [thehim singing Stranger], You boss. for sing Imust you, starts want boss” and notabout to Lahnee “worry the tells scene, Mothie final the white. In and black of category the vis-à-vis of Asians nature in-between of ambiguous the it speaks as false the respect, white this domination. In towards attitude subservient their internalised toof how asubtle knock-about allusion here, Asians humour Govender and, makes a case as attitude Lahnee’s patronising on the contrary,Mothie, see the and Sunny of asign protest. in leaves and refuses but Stranger area) the Durban the in waiters “Sammy,” term the by white topatrons refer used term to Indian a derogatory bonhomie In moments of tension, the Lahnee’s true Cockney accent emerges from emerges accent momentsIn of Cockney tension, Lahnee’s true the (1-2) culture. and looks, language, right the by cultivated who anyone or adopted anywhere appropriated be could that identity atranslatable as [...]. constructed was Africans South Englishness [...] descent of English but Zealanders, rather New not English, werewho precisely for those designed identity ethnic –an diaspora for the created was Englishness version 2008 toof the comparison In established between the white boss and the Indians is telling inasmuch inasmuch telling is Indians the and white boss the between established The Ethnicity of English The Idea

clap along (42). along clap show This of subservience The Lahnee’s Pleasure, Lahnee’s The Pleasure, looks at how looks notions of the playscript, playscript, the

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 53 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 54 mindsets inherited from the old from the inherited regime. mindsets fromracialised suffer maystill Asians Africa, South powerwithin of configurations another’s spells loss. gain entanglement of the power where relationships one group’s against reconciliation of Singh’s play suburb of provides Durban, analysis aradioscopic a middle-class in Set apost-independence with space their Africa. South negotiating collective Asian vision on complexities of the an a fuller provideswith audience the latter Singh’s Ashwin against paradigm colonial the simple flipping one this over compares When of of past. the wrongs the overturn of the judgement. denouement the It evident that is of 1998 artistic the his clouds version under apartheid suffered humiliations those to re-address narrative’s the will as far-fetched and inasmuch heavy-handed above the as Isee satire, of political means as a use of his humour in effective Govender normally is to passers-by. Whilst Hostel, “God plays Save Queen” Relief and the accordion on Army his Salvation pay on liquor, severance lump-sum away his the sleeps in whittles So-So Mr of So-So’s Mr (34-174). accent prestige mimicking disgraced the Meanwhile, a through House Hotel appropriates White and identitythe of Lahnee the the of Idiot “Blithering No as 1” manager new occasions the becomes to on several play, of original the refers Sunny, pessimism also underlying narrator whothe the (14). place” their in whoChinese] worked under him to re-address ameans As [the Ous Pekkie [the the Ous and Indians] Char the to he keep had manager good order to a “in be that where stressed it was hotel manager as training his during upon impressed him is which society segregated aracially as vision of Africa South (14).the bath” disturbs daily fluidity of memory Here, ethnic unconscious the her in used regularly Matilda that soap the it was because soap ofsmell carbolic “Even mother” that: extent to his the now he was loves thought the actually “he who nanny, “melanin-overloaded” for his Matilda, predilection special to his back traced be can subjectivity, his soonis within it revealed, inherent contradiction This (13). state apartheid endorse he an MP) secretly may Progressive Party, although avoter and as of Helen Suzman’s activist Lahnee the (ansituates anti-apartheid possible” much as into as focus picture the to get and to him, fairness narrator, “in The wrongs. of for revenge past ameans white identity as vilify than rather Africa Lahnee’s Pleasure of “Stomps’ in Diederichs character the with As fragile. and contradictory white also identities which are in manner out-and-out an as prefers bigot, text the So-So Mr cast than rather yet, Lahnee’sthepower way,is deconstructed, of this In fixity the subalterns. his front in up of to subject ridicule opens him imperial an So-So’s as performance The Lahnee’s Pleasure leaves a door open for the imagining of conviviality within South within of conviviality adoor leaves open for imagining the To House To is written from a perspective that simply wishes to simply wishes that from aperspective written is , in this respect, shows how, new respect, the this within , in Black Chin White Chin White Chin Black To House (2014), ,

the narrator in in narrator the

we find that the that we find

to explore the the explore to The The and, for example, the 1913 Native Land Act, which restricted the purchase of land of 1913 land the for example, purchase and, the restricted which Act, Native Land even moreunderrule white suffered community, Africans diasporic Indian to the comparison In were long-standing. community trading Indian the against Zulus of local the grievances underlying the boy for stealing, African holders an punished stall market an incidentwhere offIndian by the at triggered violence was specific this Whilst Durban. in traders Indian against taken was action of January, aconcerted encroached its upon. power being is that white paranoia against juxtaposed Lahnee’s Pleasure of scene Year’s New the context, of last the us (which this reminds In Eve party power. societal of his nature the regarding insecurity unconscious by his informed Osborne’s and well-dressed,” and is presence family’s over-reaction Maniram to the and wererich the whites as people “These Mahomedys]fair-skinned as [the were whiteinto neighbourhood(112). his that, we learn gaze narrative Dumi’s Through move family Asian when amiddle-class soon tolerance evaporates feigned his yet fronthe hotel at abeach were white or he on would radio,” singing have been the “if that, Osborne observes at Dumi’s performance, Astounded songs. Armstrong Louis and spirituals black to sing Year’s where crowd him the Kloof urge in Party (112).of egalitarianism Osborne’sis the As family’s present New at Dumi chauffeur, denial ingrained an lies of how, equanimity, façade his understands reader behind that’s and different were the wayraces stay,” it “The should that, us andthe here as latter, “reasonable,” described Percivalassures whofirst Osborne, is Dumi’s boss the regards As Whites. and Africans Asians, between relationship triangulated the “1949” in narrative the collection, this inform in complexitiesthat explores the other stories the with As conviviality. sours which and context African applied to an is superiority that of ideology inherited to an corresponds Isuggest, attitude, This him. towards disdainful who is Maniram, Mr landlord, Asian by his slighted feels also andcompromised, see be we how Dumi can fluidity which in of ways the Govender, to provide vision understanding. however, anuanced communal careful is inter- and mixing one racial of how example awhite hegemony to thwart wished government-aided Manor toCato School, attend the however,allowed Indian just is are not children his that fact The Asians. and Africans between of understanding who to attempts a bridge create character focal the quarter, Manor Cato becomes “1949” butIn from KwaZulu-Natal now the in resides originally who is Dumisane, population” considerable 107). reduction avery (Quotedin of Indian the Chetty in it results unless country to the acceptable be no solution question that will and of this country, [it] this in element “as population, arace the alien population in that, an is from 1948 Party National the to 1954, with prime minister of Indian the said Malan, consolidate to aimed hegemony.its that state Francois Daniel apartheid a fledgling of scapegoat the became other townships and of Chatsworth, Mano, Cato Indians Govender and of segregation, explores how the dynamics Machiavellian the within The main focus of the text is the is the text of when, focus 1949anti-Indian the main The on 13 The At The Edge Edge At The ) is shown up to be what it is; a farcical show of bonhomie when shown up it ) is to what be afarcical is; III. NARRATING THE CHALLENGES THE III. NARRATING collection of stories examines how Asians were compromised how Asians ofcollection stories examines TO ETHNIC FLUIDITY ETHNIC TO

The The th

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 55 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 56 transmitted, and when Elias interprets the Kavadi music that is played is from the music that Kavadi the interprets when Elias and transmitted, is fluidity this by which oftrope means Music identities the contact. becomes in the augments relationship of their aspect contrastive the that sense the in to Elias afoil as functions Shaik conviviality, regards As exploitive Asian. stereotypical the of abusive rents embodies to impoverished labourers, charging his who, through role alternative brother, model for an his as Ahmed, coloured functions schools, and of Indian white neglect the out to sets readdress which Committee, Building School a member of Umkumbaan as the upon over consciousness Shaik, time. impregnated remain can divides cultural across made gestures shows how small respect, this in text, the storekeeper, and eleven-year-old Shaik, Asian the and Zulu, an Elias, between therelationship through is other. fleshed the out towards This and attitudes entrenched negative to re-configure ameans as oftrope conviviality however, is, violence, focus the more the communal weighted towards orchestrated of scenario the township. Manor Cato Against the inter-ethnic within relationships ... of Muezzin the To on “Call perspective distinct offers up a aSlow Beat” Samba cunning” (117). their in more held by savage minds captive souls, malleable of these hearts the in no “there pity, was that, us no reason other, assures each narrator the groups against of ethnic subaltern pitting strategic the Against chest. his in embedded aspear with dies and family he to attempts Maniram save the madness, communal of this face the in conviviality of gesture final a grip. his In takes hate of collective frenzy the colourtheand bar, R.D.is to it no avail as against who Naidu fought such figures about Asian he speaks although yet disenfranchised, equally as are Indians many forhave you” no respect (115). that people his understand to attempts make Dumi a lot make of from money They they youpeopleand getting. are they what deserve “The Indians that, them assures and in Zulu staff community, to his Osborne chats Zulu staff (114). his visitedthe Indian andupon arebeing arson murder rape, Whilst amongst distribution paraffin active the of role in an taking Osborne with paraffin,” and petrol them giving are live and where Indians other places all and Riverside area]Catofrom Manor, to township criminal [young some tsotsis taking are firms pogrom. We this big told“Trucks motivationsdeeper from the inform are that, violencethetheintensity of meted out Indians, on understanding in response first aforementionedour is superiority fluidity.the racial attitude of Therefore,whilst “1949,” in and, how ethnic white Govender hegemony dynamited narrates actively thelatter by suffered ills the aconvenient for all scapegoat became community theIndian Africans, and Whites between abuffer as down. Acting held Zulus the that asystem against grievances expression of generational an thus was Durban in society. white dominated and hierarchical the were bottom forced to of the to testimony how gives Africans outside of reserves, of the Indian position in Durban whilst outlining the Zulu grievances. Zulu the outlining whilst Durban in position Indian of the 4 pogrom, ofcontext aforementioned the same the anti-Indian Situated within

“The 1949 Anti-Indian Pogrom and the Crisis in the Natal ANC” explores the complexities complexities the explores ANC” the Natal in Crisis the and Pogrom Anti-Indian “The 1949 4 This punitive action against Indians Indians against action punitive This coloured, Fanyana Ngcobo, who is secretly studying to become a lawyer. Finding Finding to become alawyer. studying Ngcobo, secretly who is coloured, Fanyana 18-year the and old Lahnee’s wife, the Braithwaite, Mary-Anne Bronwyn between Lahnee’s Pleasure hegemony to their (146). athreat as miscegenation version novelistic the In of possible how is any saw awhite supremist regime documenting episode is the what “doesn’t effect, in prostitute white have the and, adog’s is that considering chance” to incriminate as so evidence state turn injuria within catalogued was liaison intent of another. of An sexual dignity the seriously impairing and intentionally to refers unlawfully, which jurisprudence with charged Naidoo is Gurriah this. surrounded that anxiety the and question of the miscegenation introduces also author’s of the conviviality, destruction at displaying the as anger well as respect, this much amodern its nation. conception more in “Over My Body,” as plural Dead in was that to Africa testimony aSouth give and imagine to both strategy narrative a of as body at Govender’s the used repeatedly is trope how see this work we can we look If apartheid. behind of core ideology the atransgression to signify it came as intensified became thus miscegenation of significance political the milieu, this of white hegemony. the gaze Within disciplinary and surveillant under the came of exclusion. discourses imposed against asite as of resistance past memories the of this establishes text the destroyed, temporarily have may been this Manor, Cato in whilst and Asians and Africans (130).beat” between tropethe conviviality of thus encapsulates Thesong to aslow of Muezzin, the Samba composition, own call his resembles the which “plays and out Sheik’s guitar he takes sets, bored between venues. When at White playing Indians prohibits and Blacks apartheid guitarist, jazz exceptional an being despite him because hotel Clairwood in Indian at an guitar the playing a living nowmakes Elias forward, flash anarrative of In door conviviality. open ideal to the a leaves children), of text the his massacre the and business of down Shaik’s burning (the Despite events rioting. subsequent the tragic he confronted full-scale is by the aproper to buydecides however, him guitar, music from the on store, way back the Elias’s talent, on secret discovering cohabitation. Shaik, of racial incommensurability the on discourses white provide official cross-overs to the acontra-narrative musical elements, his cultural of shared asymbol as at Manor Cato gardens of kitchen the image to the similar and, of trope to hybridity the focus gives vehicle that narrative (120). River” Umkumbaan Elias’s appropriation the becomes music thus of Indian the of the banks of wouldon a onesongs home-madeguitar resonance find day her that would never have far-away guessed India in Ammal “Ramani that, us assures narrator the guitar, temple of Shiva the make-shift onloudspeakers his , yet while it is the prostitute who solicits the Asian, the authorities make authorities the make it prostitute the who is while , yet Asian, solicits the During the ushering in of the Group Areas Act, the Asian body increasingly increasingly body Asian the Act, of Group in the ushering Areas the During , IV. MISCEGENATION AS ACHALLENGE AS IV. MISCEGENATION

the narrator deconstructs white authority through the relationship relationship the white through authority deconstructs narrator the TO SEGREGATION crimen injuria crimen him . Naidoo is told by his lawyer that he that told. Naidoo is lawyer by his , a legal term in South African African South in term , alegal

crimen The The her

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 57 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 58 subsequent 1950s Acts. Group Areas anteroom become the to the and inform to miscegenation of reactions kinds these Chin’s of and whiteness, of of expressions mimicry violence the example against is one Schmeling’scar of The danger. burning with fraught yet measure, equal in subversive and destabilizing authority. is new him miscegenation and Chin’s mimicry dandy,the of figure the brings through imagined how tocomes sense miscegenation, neighbourhood, awhite residential through Greta with hand in hand walking whilst society. a colonial Here,who, positions wenew a find within homologueChin with garner to as a means miscegenation used Indian-Trinidadianthat men specifically (2002),Mohammed dandy,the relation aforementioned to in of the argues figure association. to come desire into unconscious power of through an manifestation the as be read can act whitethis employer,his and with Schmeling, Greta affair undoing of mastery.” the “the original’s as (1994: Bhabha what he performs self-imposed limitations, defines transcends 87) that vehicle aesthetic an as authority.body ofhis white settler uses Therefore, when Chin hegemony the case this in of original, authority the the disrupts and confronts that dandy,the strategy a constitutes of thus figure the of through whiteness, mimicry 378). (Seshadri-Crooks Chin’s history” writing, of race, normative knowledges revalues and dislocates which “a as stain appears and discourse a particular within behind.”inscribed is Bhabha’s Mimicry, in something becomes configuration, new that itself an called be might from what “distinct something as mimicry, understood of forms authority.mimes Here, appropriates Bhabha Lacan’s (1977: 99) on focus that Homi Bhabha’s afetish like behaves which (1994: of mimicry understanding 86) through version of hegemonic appropriation, masculinity.”configured is This argue, I men’s Connelly’s and of Indio-Caribbean “feminized (2009: study the 7) Ceraso dandy, an appropriation the its we of find finds which the figure in homologue of Here image. racialised his by reconfiguring difference his negotiates sophistication, of air of an cultivating his through Chin, Asian. of in-between the image the through binary white/black the about to deconstruct sets narrative the colour lines, Chin’s In title. his in of Govender to both which crossing alludes text classical the Fanon’s present Franz in “White” versus of “Black” Govender (the author’s dichotomy uncle). the complicates text real-life such, the As of trope miscegenation most attentiongives to this power away from white supremacy.of this of awresting imagining of white authority,contesting afuture book law as the with ametaphor (78). for as operates her a act to provide thrust” greater Here, sexual the copy of his place Fanyana has narrator the a more in of text, explicit and, section the Fanyana with encounters upon of explicit aseries sexual embarks Bronwyn inadequate, Lahnee the centric position, however, is marked with certain ambiguity; whilst his opening up opening his whilst ambiguity; position,centric however, certain with marked is Afro- This an movement whiteness. with identification previous towards from his a move away as marks it significant is coloured Grace, girl, the with liaison sexual This relationship, for the reasons set above, terminates, andChin’s above, set relationship, terminates, the forThis subsequentreasons erotic of appropriatedan dandy, the initiates Having image the Chin of Govender’s all Of writings, Roman Dutch Law Dutch Roman , vol Black Chin White Chin: Song of the Atman Atman of the Chin: Song White Chin Black i . under Bronwyn’s posterior “to enable Black Skin, White Masks White Skin, Black

through the character of Chin of Chin character the through (1967), (1967), fixed notions from both sides of this racial divide. When the author draws up his his theup When draws author divide. racial this from notions sides both of fixed helps presence to deconstruct Asian the dichotomy fact, in black/white and, of this Africa outside at South ofnew ways looking offers perspective narrative This black. of white into relationship categories the their transform protagonists his sense, this in and, significance political new body Govender Asian the categories, gives oppositional these with juxtaposition brown By in body the divisions. placing these of nature Govender’s populate constructed the that come to understand narratives of characters the many and predicament, subaltern to the central became body the categories, racial with obsessed increasingly was that society settler-dominated history. a one In becomes for way to enter example, miscegenation, into African relationships,”tropetheand signified often of [...]is sexual interracial through past, andbrittle [...] stultifying a escaping of “the difficulty that claims Africa, Jonesinteraction. Stephanie (2011: 170), in presence of Asian the when speaking configured as Africa South in community historiography of Indian the the lens of one’s cultural the community, own Govender outthrough to sets narrate subjectivity viewing relation to in one than another. are) Rather constructed still werebut,contrary,the never fixed on were Africa South (and in realities ethnic subjectivity. Through author’s the positioning vis-à-vis ideological Afro-centric an own as conviviality upon insistence this interaction. Isee of interethnic possibilities the regards as violent tone outcomes, of overall Govender’s the optimism towards work leans presentcases, certain in and, difficulties with may,interactions fraught be at times, these we have seen, whilst of As inter-ethnic conviviality. ideal the propagates fluidity. of embracing ethnic Asians’ challenged that factors internal and subjectivity, external of were there both aseries a more Afro-centric amove towards regards as that, is us tells this upon What them. patriarchy, falls cohesion, through mediated of cultural maintaining the mores and cultural these of transmission the ethnicity, and through of coded “tradition”bearers was which (1998:Anthias 571-573), the women became diasporic that declares respect, this in community, their and conduct within of sexual to surveillant be been always has Africa South and women East role in the of , Asian cultural this regards As concerned. are where or black coloured Africans particularly and miscegenation, have against communities Asian bias cultural ingrained by the informed resistance of Chin’s (183). psyche unconscious an theof result is argue, I dissonance, This nature implicit way he love divided the made in the is to to her?” comes light what to her not promises any [...] had made “he that, claims it not text was yet the When subjectivity. of his nature of divided the inkling an reader the gives casual than more anything it to treat as refusal his and Grace with relationship ofsilencing his his nationhood, African of sense a with pluralistic affiliation astrong indicate all ANC movement supportthehotel, strategic fledgling of his or multiracial of first the At the core of all Ronnie Govender’s work operates an imaginary that that Govender’s Ronnie core of the all At imaginary work an operates a series of narrative strategies, strategies, of narrative a series CONCLUSION Govender’s texts show texts Govender’s through Floya Floya how how and

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 59 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 82; 2021, PP. 47-61 60 to create an imagined conviviality that wins out over wins conflict. that conviviality imagined to an create as so relationships textual these permeates fluidity commitment to ethnic personal the force author’sof driving groups. The ethnic of African other South portrayals applied be to his can same the and contradictions, by internal driven are how they we see for apartheid, stand-ins two-dimensional create than rather white characters, Revised paper accepted for publication: 22/01/2021 publication: for accepted paper Revised Reviews sent to author: 17/12/2020 author: to sent Reviews

“The 1949 Anti-Indian Pogrom and the Crisis in the Natal ANC.” the Natal in Crisis the and Pogrom Anti-Indian “The 1949 Websites Young Seshadri-Crooks Ojwang Mohammed Lemon Jones Govender Govender Govender Govender Govender Govender Flint Chua Chetty Chetty Ceraso Bhabha Anthias , Karen. “Indian-African Encounters: and African Therapeutics Natal, South South Natal, Therapeutics African and Polyculturalism Encounters: “Indian-African , Karen. , Amy. , Stephanie. “The Politics of Love and History: Asian Women and African Men in East African African East in Men African and Asian Women History: and Love of Politics “The , Stephanie. , Robert J.C. J.C. , Robert , Anthony. , S. &P., S. , Rajendra. , Rajendra. Govender.” Ronnie with Interview An “At Edge: the , Rajendra. , Homi. , Homi. , Dan. , Dan. , Floya. “Evaluating ‘Diaspora’: Beyond Ethnicity?” Ethnicity?” ‘Diaspora’: Beyond “Evaluating , Floya. files/seminars/Soske2011.pdf 2000. (Eds.) Seshadri-Crooks Kalpana 2013.Macmillan, 2002. Sciences, Literature.” 1996. 143-156. Manor Stories 1886-1950s.” Africa, Instability Languages and Literature African Southern of Study the for Centre 109-126. Men Mimic The , Ronnie. , Ronnie. 2006. , Ronnie. Body.” My Dead “Over , Ronnie. ... To Beat.” Muezzin of the aSlow Samba “Call , Ronnie. “1949.”, Ronnie. 1976., Ronnie. , Patricia. , Patricia. : How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Global and Hatred Ethnic Breeds Democracy Market Free Exporting How Fire: on World Reading Migration and Culture: The World of East African Indian Literature Indian African East of The World Culture: and Migration Reading The Location of Culture of Location The Connolly Homes Apart: South Africa’s Segregated Cities Segregated Africa’s South Apart: Homes , Kalpana. “A Conversation with Homi K. Bhabha.” In Fawzia Afzal Kwan & Kwan Afzal Fawzia In Bhabha.” K. Homi “A with Conversation , Kalpana. . Anchor, 2004. Anchor, . At The Edge: The Writings of Ronnie Govender Ronnie of TheWritings Edge: The At The Idea of English Ethnicity English of Idea The The Lahnee’s Pleasure Lahnee’s The Research in African Literatures Gender Negotiations among Indians in Trinidad 1917-1947 , Manx, 1996. 119-130., Manx, .” .” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature of Study Interdisciplinary the for A Journal Mosaic: The Lahnee’s Pleasure Lahnee’s The Black Chin White Chin: Song of the Atman. Atman. the of Song Chin: White Chin Black . “The Destabilization of Masculinity in Masculinity of Destabilization . “The At The Edge: And Other Cato Manor Stories Manor Cato Other And Edge: The At Journal of Southern African Studies African Southern of Journal WORKS CITED WORKS . . Routledge, 1994. . Routledge, . Ravan Press,. 2008. Ravan The Pre-occupation of Postcolonial Pre-occupation The At The Edge: And Other Cato Manor Stories Manor Cato Other And Edge: The At . Blackwell Publishing, 2008. . Blackwell . Ravan Press: Johannesburg, 2001. Johannesburg, Press: . Ravan 42/3 (Fall 2011): (Fall 42/3 166-186. Sociology . Indiana University Press, 1991. Press, University . Indiana . Peter Lang, 2017.. Peter Lang, 32/2 (June 2006): 367-385. 2006): 32/2 (June http://www.kznhass-history.net/ 32/3 (1998): 557-580. 32/3 At The Edge: And Other Cato Cato Other And Edge: The At A House for Mr. Biswas for A House Harper Collins, 2007. Collins, Harper , Manx, 1996. 107-118., Manx, Alternation. Journal ofAlternation. the 8/1 (2001): 243-253. . Duke University Press, Press, University . Duke . Institute of Social of Social . Institute 42/3 (2009): (2009): 42/3 . Palgrave . Palgrave . Manx, . Manx, and and