Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015

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Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 United States Department of Agriculture Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 Forest Service FS-1093 July 2017 Disclaimer In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: [email protected]. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. United States Department of Agriculture Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 COMPILED BY TARA HAAN KAREL AND GARY MAN FOREST HEALTH PROTECTION Cover photo: Western spruce budworm defoliation of grand fir trees near Blewett Pass, Kittitas County, WA, in the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, August 2010. Photo by Garrett Meigs, Oregon State University postdoctoral research associate. Forest Service FS-1093 July 2017 U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Forest Health Protection Offices FOREST SERVICE, WASHINGTON OFFICE Stop Code 1110 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250–1110 703–605–5344 FOREST SERVICE FOREST SERVICE NORTHERN REGION (R1) PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION (R6) Federal Building P.O. Box 3623 200 East Broadway Portland, OR 97208–3623 P.O. Box 7669 503–808–2913 Missoula, MT 59807–7669 406–329–3308 FOREST SERVICE SOUTHERN REGION (R8) FOREST SERVICE 1720 Peachtree Road, NW ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION (R2) Atlanta, GA 30309 740 Simms Street 404–347–3540 Golden, CO 80401 303–275–5026 FOREST SERVICE NORTHEASTERN AREA FOREST SERVICE 11 Campus Boulevard, Suite 200 SOUTHWESTERN REGION (R3) Newtown Square, PA 19073 333 Broadway Boulevard, SE. 610–557–4139 Albuquerque, NM 87102 505–842–3247 FOREST SERVICE ALASKA REGION (R10) FOREST SERVICE 3301 C Street, Suite 202 INTERMOUNTAIN REGION (R4) Anchorage, AK 99503–3956 324 25th Street 907–743–9455 Ogden, UT 84401 801–625–5759 FOREST SERVICE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL FOREST SERVICE FORESTRY PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGION (R5) Jardín Botánico Sur, 1201 Calle Ceiba 1323 Club Drive San Juan, Puerto Rico 00926 Vallejo, CA 94592 787–766–5335 707–562–8921 ii Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 Preface This report on the major insect and disease conditions of the Nation’s forests represents the 65th annual report prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. The report focuses on 19 major insects and diseases that annually cause defoliation and mortality in U.S. forests. The 2007 report, Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States 2007 ( provides background on the insects and diseases described in this report. Refer to the 2007 report for more detailed information. This 2015 update provides a national summary of the major changes and status of 19 forest pests with updated charts, tables, and maps. Additional information on these and other pests is available at detection-surveys.shtml. The information in this report is provided by the Forest Health Protection program of the Forest Service and its State partners. This program serves all Federal lands, including National Forest System lands, lands administered by the U.S. Departments of Defense and the Interior, and tribal lands. The program also provides assistance to private landowners through State foresters and other State agencies. Key elements of the program are detecting and reporting insect and disease epidemics. State and Forest Service program specialists regularly conduct detection and monitoring surveys. For additional information about conditions, contact a Forest Service office listed on the next page (see map for office coverage) or your State forester. Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 iii Forest Service Regions and Area AK R10 ALASKA REGION Forest Service Regions NORTHERN REGION ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION WA EASTERN REGION & R6 ME PACIFIC R1 MT ND NORTHEASTERN VT NORTHWEST MN AREA ID NH OR SD WI NY MA WY MI RI R4 R2 IA R9 PA CT NE NJ NV UT OH R5 CA CO NA IL IN DE PACIFIC MD KS WV VA DC SOUTHWEST MO KY NC R3 TN AZ OK HI NM AR SC R8 MS AL GA INTERMOUNTAIN REGION TX SOUTHWESTERN LA PR NOTE: REGION Forest Health Protection National Office SOUTHERN REGION FL International Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team Institute of Tropical All Other Forest Health Protection (FHP) Offices Forestry (IITF) Copies of this report are available from— Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Attn: Forest Health Protection 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Stop Code 1110 Washington, DC 20250–1110 Phone: 703–605–5344 Fax: 703–605–5353 E-mail: [email protected] This report is also available on the Internet at and at iv Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 Content Executive Summary/Introduction ............................................................................. 1 Mountain Pine Beetle .............................................................................................. 3 Gypsy Moth ............................................................................................................ 7 Southern Pine Beetle .............................................................................................. 9 Emerald Ash Borer .................................................................................................12 Sudden Oak Death .................................................................................................15 Spruce Beetle ........................................................................................................17 Western Bark Beetles .............................................................................................19 Western Spruce Budworm ......................................................................................24 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid ........................................................................................27 Laurel Wilt Disease/Redbay Ambrosia Beetle ..........................................................29 Spruce Budworm ...................................................................................................30 Sirex Woodwasp ....................................................................................................32 Asian Longhorned Beetle .......................................................................................33 White Pine Blister Rust ..........................................................................................34 Oak Wilt ................................................................................................................36 Dogwood Anthracnose ...........................................................................................37 Beech Bark Disease ...............................................................................................38 Pests To Watch .....................................................................................................40 Root Diseases .....................................................................................................40 Rapid Ohi’a Death ................................................................................................45 Major Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States: 2015 v Executive Summary/Introduction Insects and diseases play critical roles in maintaining than the previous year, when mortality were reported on healthy, resilient ecosystems, but they are also among 4.6 million acres. Total mortality in 2015 was the highest the most serious environmental and economic threats to reported since 2011, when 6.6 million acres of mortality was the millions of acres of forests and urban treed areas in reported. The mountain pine beetle, a native insect found America. Natural and
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