European Parliament 2014 - 2019

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European Parliament 2014 - 2019 European Parliament 2014 - 2019 Committee on International Trade INTA_PV(2015)0615_1 MINUTES Meeting of 15 June 2015, 15.00-18.30, and 16 June 2015, 9.00-12.30 and 15.00-18.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15.10 on Monday, 15 June 2015, with Bernd Lange (Chair) presiding. 1. Adoption of agenda INTA_OJ \PE560616v02-00 The agenda was adopted with the following changes: Item 6 was postponed to 16 June 2015 9:00. Items 5 and 7 were postponed. At the request of Yannick Jadot item 20 was postponed. Speakers: Bernd Lange, Daniel Caspary, Yannick Jadot, Marietje Schaake 2. Approval of minutes of meeting of: 6-7 May 2015 PV – PE555.002v02-00 The minutes were approved. 3. Chair’s announcements Speaker: Bernd Lange 4. Roundtable on officially supported export credits INTA/8/03615 DV – PE560.561v01-00 Exchange of views (please see separate programme) Speakers: Bernd Lange, David Drysdale, Antonio Tricarico, Ingo Junker, Paolo Garzotti (DG Trade), Santiago Fisas Ayxelà, Jude Kirton-Darling 5. Trade in certain goods which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment INTA/8/00332 ***I 2014/0005(COD) COM(2014)0001 – C7-0014/2014 PV\1068628EN.doc PE560.710v02-00 EN United in diversity EN Rapporteur: Marietje Schaake (ALDE) PR – PE554.890v02-00 Responsible: INTA Opinions: AFET Consideration of draft report Deadline for tabling amendments: 22 June 2015, 12.00 Item postponed. 6. Annual reports 2012-2013 on subsidiarity and proportionality INTA/8/02339 2014/2252(INI) COM(2014)0506 Rapporteur David Borrelli (EFDD) PA – PE554.679v01-00 for the AM – PE557.252v01-00 opinion: Responsible: JURI – Sajjad Karim (ECR) PR – PE557.127v01-00 AM – PE557.420v02-00 Consideration of amendments Deadline for tabling amendments: 20 May 2015, 12.00 Item postponed to the next day. 7. Towards a European Energy Union INTA/8/03498 2015/2113(INI) COM(2015)0080 Rapporteur Klaus Buchner (Verts/ALE) for the opinion: Responsible: ITRE* – Marek Józef Gróbarczyk PR – PE557.042v01-00 (ECR) Exchange of views Item postponed. 15 June 2015, 17.30 – 18.30 (in camera) 8. Coordinators’ meeting 8.1. Chair’s announcements: - Application of rule 175 for the amendments tabled in Plenary to the report adopted by INTA on the recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - After the decision of the President of the European Parliament to ask the Committee on International Trade to consider the amendments and voting requests (split votes, separate votes) tabled in Plenary to the TTIP report adopted by INTA on 28 May, INTA Coordinators decided to hold an extraordinary meeting on 29 June 2015 to consider the amendments and requests for split and separate votes and to vote, whether (a) to put these amendments to vote in Plenary or not (b) whether to put the PE560.710v02-00 2/18 PV\1068628EN.doc EN request for separate votes and split votes to Plenary or not. - To invite the Secretary General of the ILO, Mr. Guy Ryder, to a future INTA meeting. 8.2. Legal Issues 8.2.1. Implementation of international trade agreements Decision: Postponed 8.2.2. Rules governing voting in INTA Committee Decision: To consistently apply the rules contained in the overview to the voting procedures in INTA 8.3. Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure REPORTS 8.3.1. A new forward-looking and innovative future strategy on trade and investment INTA/8/02651 2015/2105(INI) Responsible: INTA Decision: Postponed 8.3.2. Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in so far as the provisions of the Protocol which do not fall under Title V of Part III of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are concerned INTA/8/03425 *** 2015/0101(NLE) COM(2015)0194 Responsible: INTA Decision: To allocate the file to the EPP group for 0 points. 8.3.3. Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 19/2013 implementing the bilateral safeguard clause and the stabilisation mechanism for bananas of the Trade Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Colombia and Peru, of the other part, and amending Regulation (EU) No 20/2013 implementing the bilateral safeguard clause and the stabilisation mechanism for bananas of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and Central America on the other INTA/8/03558 ***I 2015/0112(COD) COM(2015)0220 – C8-0131/2015 Responsible: INTA Decision: To allocate the file to the ALDE group for 1 point. 8.4. Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure OPINIONS PV\1068628EN.doc 3/18 PE560.710v02-00 EN 8.4.1. Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in so far as the provisions of the Protocol which fall under Title V of Part III of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are concerned INTA/8/03421 *** 2015/0100(NLE) COM(2015)0193 Responsible: LIBE Decision: Not to draft an opinion. 8.4.2. Stocktaking and challenges of the EU Financial Services Regulation: Impact and the way forward towards a more efficient and effective EU framework for Financial Regulation and a Capital Markets Union INTA/8/03478 2015/2106(INI) COM(2015)0063 Responsible ECON: Burkhard Balz (PPE) Decision: Not to draft an opinion. 8.4.3. The role of the EU within the UN - how to better achieve EU foreign policy goals INTA/8/03467 2015/2104(INI) Responsible: AFET Paavo Väyrynen (ALDE) Decision: To allocate the file to the Greens/EFA group for 1 point. 8.4.4. Towards a new international climate agreement in Paris INTA/8/03494 2015/2112(INI) COM(2015)0081 Responsible: ENVI Gilles Pargneaux (S&D) Decision: To provide INTA´s contribution in a letter from the Chair to ENVI. The draft letter is to be circulated to political groups for feedback and comments. 8.4.5. Common rules with a view to the application of the external dimension of the CFP, including fisheries agreements 2015/2091(INI) Responsible: PECH Linnéa Engström (Verts/ALE) Decision: Not to draft an opinion. 8.4.6. Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, of the Protocol to the Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Mongolia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union INTA/8/03598 *** 2015/0113(NLE) COM(2015)0224 Responsible: AFET Decision: Not to draft an opinion. PE560.710v02-00 4/18 PV\1068628EN.doc EN 8.4.7. Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Mongolia, of the other part INTA/8/03595 *** 2015/0114(NLE) COM(2015)0226 Responsible: AFET Decision: Not to draft an opinion. 8.4.8. 2016 Budget - Mandate for the Trilogue INTA/8/03185 2015/2074(BUD) Responsible: BUDG Decision: Given the tight timeframe INTA´s priorities will be submitted via a letter and not by an opinion. The letter by the INTA rapporteur for the Budget 2016 to the BUDG rapporteur for the Budget 2016 regarding the mandate for trilogue on the Budget 2016 was endorsed. 8.4.9. European Investment Bank (EIB) - Annual Report 2014 INTA/8/03638 2015/2127(INI) Responsible: CONT Decision: To allocate the file to the Greens/EFA group for 1 point. 8.4.10. Annual Report 2014 on the Protection of the EU's Financial Interests - Fight against fraud INTA/8/03641 2015/2128(INI) Responsible: CONT Decision: To allocate the file to the ECR group for 1 point. 8.5. Appointment of rapporteurs – decision on procedure MOTIONS FOR RESOLUTION 8.5.1. Motion for a resolution on GMOs B8-0429/2015 Responsible: ENVI Opinions: INTA Decision: To take note of the proposed motion for resolution in the on-going legislative and FTA work, and in line with Rule 133(3) to inform the author of the decision of the committee. 8.5.2. Motion for a resolution on classing the trade agreement between the EU and Canada as a mixed agreement B8-0433/2015 Decision: To take note of the proposed motion for resolution in its work related to Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), and in line with Rule 133(3) PV\1068628EN.doc 5/18 PE560.710v02-00 EN to inform the authors of the decision of the committee. 8.5.3. Motion for a resolution on combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing B8-0448/2015 Decision: To take note of the proposed motion for resolution in its ongoing work, and in line with Rule 133 (3) to inform the authors of the decision of the committee 8.5.4. Motion for a resolution on a ban on importing angora fur and rabbit hides from China B8-0493/2015 Decision: To take note of the proposed motion for resolution in the on-going work, and in line with Rule 133(3) to inform the author of the decision of the committee. 8.5.5. Motion for a European Parliament resolution on concluding, with certain South- East Asian countries, bilateral agreements based on application of the criterion of reciprocity as regards access to conducting corporate activities on the respective markets B8-0505/2015 Decision: To take note of the proposed motion for resolution in the on-going work on trade and investment relations with Southeast Asia and to report the matter to the relevant INTA Monitoring Groups for South Asian countries, and in line with Rule 133(3) to inform the author of the decision of the committee.
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