Regulatory roles for small in Eric Masse´ , Nadim Majdalani and Susan Gottesman

Small RNAs can act to regulate both the synthesis of , by scription termination, rather than interfering with the affecting mRNA transcription, and stability, and the translation of the replication . Cis-encoded anti- activity of specific proteins by binding to them. As a result of sense RNAs can also act as antitoxins, as in the Sok RNA recent genome-wide screens, around 50 small RNAs have now of plasmid R1 that affects the translation of the open been identified in . These include many that reading frame (ORF) situated just upstream of the Hok require the RNA-binding protein Hfq for their activity; most of toxin protein, ultimately interfering with the translation these RNAs act by pairing with their target mRNAs. Small RNAs of Hok itself (reviewed in [3]). can both positively and negatively regulate translation, can simultaneously regulate multiple mRNA targets, and can change The recent increased recognition of important regulatory the pattern of polarity within an operon. roles for small RNAs encoded far from their targets (trans- acting), acting on multiple targets, or both, has expanded Addresses interest in how to find such regulatory RNAs and how Laboratory of , National Cancer Institute, they work. In this review, we focus on the recent progress Bethesda, MD 20892, USA that has been made in finding and understanding this Correspondence: S Gottesman e-mail: [email protected] class of chromosomally-encoded small regulatory RNAs. Finding small RNAs Current Opinion in Microbiology 2003, 6:120–124 The first small RNAs, including 6S and Spot 42, were discovered 30 years ago. By 2000, 13 small RNAs had This review comes from a themed issue on Cell regulation been detected in E. coli. Studies on some of these have Edited by Andre´ e Lazdunski and Carol Gross demonstrated their involvement in cellular functions varying from regulating mRNA stability and translation 1369-5274/03/$ – see front matter ß 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. to modulating RNA polymerase activity to tagging pro- teins for degradation (reviewed in [4–7]). These studies DOI 10.1016/S1369-5274(03)00027-4 prompted four groups to investigate how many other small RNAs are present in the chromosome of E. coli. Abbreviations The searches involved the use of conservation, orphan CRP cAMP receptor protein promoters and secondary structure elements to identify Csr carbon storage regulator likely candidates within intergenic regions. Many of these Hfq host factor for Qb replicase were confirmed with northern blots. Over 35 confirmed ORF open reading frame new small RNAs were found, bringing the total number to close to 50 [8–10,11]. This suggests that bacteria such as E. coli might have in the range of 100 small RNAs, but Introduction not thousands. Whereas most of these newly found small Recent work has highlighted a dizzying array of unex- RNAs (and some of the older ones) remain of unknown pected functions by regulatory small RNAs in bacteria function, accumulating data suggests that bacteria use and eukaryotes. Traditionally, such small RNAs were these small RNAs to fine-tune their physiology and adapt antisense RNAs that regulated only one mRNA target, to rapidly changing environments. Therefore, under- which was encoded on the opposite strand and therefore standing small RNA function has opened up a new area was fully complementary. These cis-encoded antisense of research, because these small molecules create a new RNAs are most common in plasmid replication control network that brings an additional level of complexity to systems and in bacteriophage immunity systems cell physiology. (reviewed in [1,2]). For instance, RNAI controls ColE1 plasmid copy number by binding to the RNA primer of Regulation by small RNAs: an explanation replication and preventing the formation of the RNA– for regulatory mysteries DNA hybrid required for replication initiation. In plasmid The small RNA RyhB (also called SraI) was discovered in R1, the small antisense RNA CopA binds CopT, the two of the genome-wide searches [8,9]. The promoter mRNA encoding the replication protein, inhibiting its region and the 90 nt sequence of ryhB are very well translation. In Gram-positive bacteria, copy number con- conserved in E. coli, Salmonella and Klebsiella pneumoniae; trol of plasmids pT181 and pIP501 by counter-transcribed a core sequence of 27 nt within RyhB is also well con- RNA (ctRNA) and RNAIII, respectively, occurs via a served in Yersinia pestis and Vibrio cholerae and in a second, transcription-attenuation system; the RNA causes tran- partially homologous and similarly regulated small RNA

Current Opinion in Microbiology 2003, 6:120–124 www.current-opinion.com Regulation by small RNAs Masse´ , Majdalani and Gottesman 121

found in Salmonella and Yersinia [12]. The promoter of DsrA and RprA RNAs act as positive regulators. The only ryhB is repressed by the Fur repressor and by iron (Fe). In other documented example of positive regulation by a the event of Fe limitation or in a fur mutant, ryhB is small RNA translational regulator is found in Staphylo- strongly expressed. RyhB causes a dramatic decrease in coccus aureus, where RNAIII positively regulates transla- the level of several mRNAs. The targeted encode tion of a toxin while negatively regulating other genes for Fe-containing proteins, or are involved in the intra- [19]. Translational initiation of rpoS is repressed by a cellular storage of Fe. Among these are three enzymes secondary structure in the upstream message, occluding involved in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, aconitase the Shine-Dalgarno (S-D) site in a hairpin structure; a A (encoded by acnA), fumarase A (encoded by fumA) and similar inhibitory structure is found in the 50UTR succinate dehydrogenase (sdhCDAB), two Fe storage pro- (untranslated region) of the a toxin of S. aureus. Both teins, bacterioferritin (bfr) and ferritin ( ftnA) and the DsrA and RprA RNA have complementary sequences enzyme Fe-superoxide dismutase (sodB) [12]. that allow them to pair with the upstream leader region of rpoS and relieve the inhibition by freeing the S-D site The work on RyhB provided an explanation for the [20,21]. In contrast, OxyS RNA represses rpoS transla- previously observed inability of a fur mutant to grow on tion, possibly by modulating the activity of host factor for minimal succinate media [13]. Overexpression of RyhB Qb replicase (Hfq), an RNA-binding protein that is results in the destruction of sdhCDAB mRNA, blocking required for this process (see below and [22]). So why growth on succinate. Also previously unexplained was the would three RNAs be needed to regulate the expression positive regulation of acnA, fumA, bfr, ftnA and sodB genes of one target ? Indications are that the small RNAs by the Fur repressor (reviewed in [14,15]). Because Fur are synthesized in response to different environmental negatively regulates ryhB, and RyhB negatively regulates signals. DsrA is strongly synthesized at low temperature these genes, the resulting Fur regulation is positive and and its stability also varies with temperature [23,24]. dependent upon RyhB [12]. RprA is regulated by the capsule phospho-relay pathway RcsC!YojN!RcsB and responds to undetermined sig- Another mysterious regulatory phenomenon was recently nals, but not to temperature [21]. OxyS is only induced found to be caused by another small RNA, the 109 nt Spot when cells are subjected to an oxidative shock [25].In 42 RNA. Spot 42 was found in 1973 and identified as a addition, DsrA is an antisense repressor of the global stable RNA, present at about 200 copies per cell; the gene regulator protein H-NS [23,26], whereas OxyS acts as (spf ) is negatively regulated by the cAMP–CRP (cAMP an antisense translational repressor of fhlA (a transcrip- receptor protein) complex [16,17].Møller et al. [18] tional regulator) and as a general anti-mutator [25,27,28]. recently reported that Spot 42 RNA is responsible for Taken together, these data suggest that the small RNAs the discoordinate gene expression in the galactose act as signal transducers of environmental conditions and operon. It was known that the ratio of expression of coordinate gene expression in response to a particular the third gene of the operon, galK, to the first gene, galE, condition. is negatively regulated by cAMP and CRP, which is believed to reflect a requirement for GalE but not GalK Most interestingly, RyhB, Spot 42, DsrA, RprA and OxyS under specific conditions. Previously, the mechanism for all require the abundant RNA-binding protein Hfq for this change in ratio was unclear. Spot 42 has now been activity [12,22,29,30,31]. Because of its critical role, this shown to inhibit translation of galK by base-pairing near protein, isolated in the late 1960s, has enjoyed a renais- its ribosome-binding site [18]. Since Spot 42 production sance, becoming the focus of intense research in the past is itself regulated negatively by cAMP–CRP, this leads to couple of years. cAMP-regulated discoordinate regulation. The discoor- dinate expression is lost in an spf mutant. This is the first Role of Hfq in small RNA function example of a small RNA acting within an operon, sug- Hfq, first discovered as a host factor for RNA phage Qb gesting a level of regulated polarity not previously appre- replicase, has emerged as a common requirement for the ciated. At least one other operon might be regulated large family of small regulatory RNAs that act by com- similarly by Spot 42. sucC, part of the sucABCD operon plementary pairing to their targets. Hfq is conserved, encoding enzymes involved in the TCA cycle, has com- abundant [32,33], and binds strongly to single-stranded plementarity with Spot 42. When the small RNA is RNA that is rich in As and Us [31,34]. Hfq mutants are overproduced, the strain cannot grow on minimal succi- viable, but grow poorly and have a range of defects [35]. nate media [18]. Both sequence and structure comparisons demonstrate the similarity between Hfq and the eukaryotic Sm pro- Regulation by small RNAs: multiple RNAs teins [31,34,36] — components of the spliceosomal regulate RpoS complex, also involved in other RNA metabolic steps in The regulation of the stress/stationary phase sigma factor eukaryotes (reviewed in [37]). Hfq binds strongly to many RpoS (sS) is somewhat unique in E. coli. Three small small RNAs [8] and is required for the activity of many RNAs, OxyS, DsrA and RprA, regulate its translation, and of them. Part of this requirement might be a result of the www.current-opinion.com Current Opinion in Microbiology 2003, 6:120–124 122 Cell regulation

stabilization of at least some of these small RNAs by Hfq involved in regulation of invasion and virulence in plants (Spot 42 [31]; DsrA [29], RyhB (Masse´ et al., unpublished and animals [51–53]. data)). However, it also stimulates pairing between small RNAs and their complementary targets in vitro [31,34], Yet another role for small RNAs that is not primarily suggesting that it acts as an RNA chaperone. regulatory is exemplified by tmRNA, so named for its shared tRNA and mRNA functions (reviewed in [54]). Besides interacting with small RNAs, Hfq has also been While tmRNA acts primarily as part of the quality-control implicated in some other RNA interactions. It has been apparatus for protein translation, releasing stalled ribo- found to affect the degradation of several mRNAs by somes and causing degradation of incompletely translated binding to their polyA tail, but can also stimulate polyA proteins, on occasion, it may also play a regulatory role [55]. adenylation, which itself affects message stability [38]. Translation of the message of a major outer membrane Conclusions and future considerations porin, ompA, is inhibited by Hfq, by competing with In this review, we have emphasized some of the recent ribosome binding and therefore preventing ribosome findings in the rapidly expanding world of small regula- loading [39]. Stability of the hfq message itself, as well tory RNAs. These RNAs are poised to sense the envir- as that of the ompA message, is perturbed in an hfq mutant onment via their synthesis or stability, and transduce that [40,41]. So far, no small RNA has been implicated in these signal to regulate gene expression. More importantly, processes (modulating polyA tailing or ompA and hfq they allow the coordination of a response by having more message stability). than one target, or targeting global regulators of gene expression. These roles for Hfq might involve the recognition of some loosely defined RNA binding sites (AU-rich and Although small RNAs were frequently overlooked by unstructured), followed by changes in RNA structure traditional approaches, probably in part because they that change susceptibility to nucleases and propensity to are small targets for mutagenesis, and because methods interact with itself or other RNAs. It is not yet clear are often focused on protein regulators, the recent gen- whether any other RNA-binding proteins play as ubiqui- ome-wide searches have made it clear that they are tous a role in small RNA action in bacteria; certainly, present in significant numbers and carry out critical none are significantly redundant with Hfq, given the regulatory steps. These searches have focused mostly profound effect of an hfq mutant on the activity of many on conserved, stand-alone genes in inter-ORF regions small RNAs. and will therefore have missed un-conserved small RNAs, ones encoded within ORFs, or processed from the mRNA Other modes of action for small RNAs of an ORF. Nonetheless, the approaches developed for Whereas the small RNAs discussed above apparently E. coli, and the demonstration that many of these small work by pairing with target mRNAs, other small RNA RNAs bind Hfq, should all be applicable to finding small regulators act by binding a specific target protein, inhibit- RNAs in other microbes. ing or changing its activity. 6S RNA binds RNA poly- merase, changing its promoter preference [42]. The Even with those already found, mechanisms and targets global regulatory system Csr (carbon storage regulator) of action are not well defined for most of these. Under- is involved in the modulation of several stationary-phase standing when they are made will provide the strongest genes. CsrA is a small translational regulatory protein of clue to when they might be important. Targets cannot yet 61 amino acids which is involved in positive regulation of be defined with confidence simply by looking for com- flagella synthesis, acetate metabolism and glycolysis, in plementarity, so methods to improve this will be impor- negative regulation of biofilm formation, glycogen bio- tant. Even when regulation and target are defined, how synthesis and catabolism, and in gluconeogenesis in similar will the outcome be for different regulatory E. coli [43–46]. CsrA acts by binding to sequences close RNAs? Do they act positively or negatively, or both? to the ribosome binding site of the glgC (glycogen meta- Are they Hfq-dependent, implying action by RNA– bolism gene) transcript and inhibits the initiation of RNA pairing? If not, is another RNA chaperone necessary translation [47]. The 366 nt CsrB RNA carries 18 repeats for their action, or do they act by modulating the activity of the CsrA binding site, and so acts as an antagonist for of a protein? Do other factors regulate the maturation, CsrA action by sequestering it. Thus, the amount of CsrB activity and stability of the regulatory RNA? For instance, determines the availability of CsrA [43]. Interestingly, the the efficiency of regulation of ColE1-type plasmid repli- transcription of CsrB is indirectly activated by CsrA itself, cation by the antisense RNAI is decreased by polyade- via the response regulator UvrY, suggesting a homeostatic nylation of RNAI [56]. The polyA tail both interferes with regulation [48,49]. Further adding to the complexity of the RNA–RNA interaction and affects RNA decay. Any the system is the recent discovery of a second small RNA modifications or interactions affecting either the activity antagonist of CsrA, CsrC [50]. The CsrA/CsrB paradigm or the half-life of the regulatory RNA will be important to has been found in a wide variety of bacteria, and is understanding its regulatory function.

Current Opinion in Microbiology 2003, 6:120–124 www.current-opinion.com Regulation by small RNAs Masse´ , Majdalani and Gottesman 123

The recent increase in activity in this field promises to 12. Masse´ E, Gottesman S: A small RNA regulates the expression of genes involved in iron metabolism in Escherichia coli. Proc Natl continue to accelerate in the coming years, uncovering a Acad Sci USA 2002, 99:4620-4625. level of regulation by small RNAs that might eventually The small RNA RyhB has at least six target mRNAs that all encode iron- containing proteins or iron metabolism proteins. High expression of RyhB rival the classic protein regulators, adding greatly to our in low-iron medium rapidly down-regulates these specific mRNAs. This understanding of the multiple levels of control cells use allows the cell to react extremely fast to new environmental conditions and re-orient use of an essential nutrient (iron) to more critical compo- and how they interact. nents. This might prove to be an important pathway in the regulation of virulence in pathogenic organisms, in which iron acquisition and use Acknowledgements in vivo is critical. We thank David Fitzgerald, Gisela Storz, Tony Romeo, Francis Repoila and 13. Hantke K: Selection procedure for deregulated iron transport Darren Sledjeski for their comments on the manuscript. mutants (fur)inEscherichia coli K12: fur not only affects iron metabolism. Mol Gen Genet 1987, 210:135-139. References and recommended reading 14. Hantke K: Iron and metal regulation in bacteria. Curr Opin Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of Microbiol 2001, 4:172-177. review, have been highlighted as: 15. Escolar L, Pe´ rez-Martin J, de Lorenzo V: Opening the iron box: of special interest transcriptional metalloregulation by the Fur protein. J Bacteriol of outstanding interest 1999, 181:6223-6229. 1. Brantl S: Antisense-RNA regulation and RNA interference. 16. 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Current Opinion in Microbiology 2003, 6:120–124 www.current-opinion.com