I. ON ISLAY PLACE-NAMES CAPTy B . W.F . L. THOMAS, R.N., F.S.A. Soot. Whe examinatioe nth e Lewith f no s Place-Names—wit e vieth hf wo ascertaining to what extent the Scandinavian influence had been im- pressed there—was finished, it seemed very desirable that the name- system of the Southern Hebrides, particularly Tslay, should be inquired intoj for comparison with that of Lewis; but having no local acquaint- ance with the island d onlan ,y ver e d mapsb y ba e attemp o t th , d ha t postponed. But having lately the offer of assistance from Mr. Hector Maclean of Ballygrant, Islay, who, besides having a critical knowledge of Gaelic, is thoroughly acquainted with the topography of Islay, it was considered safe to proceed, but without his co-operation this account of Islay Place-Names coul t havdno e been written. This paper must be considered complementary to that on Lewis Place- Names, to which the reader is referred for many remarks bearing on the present subject t whichbu , avoio t , d repetition omittee ar , d here,. formee th n I r pape methoe th r s detailedi whicy db namee hth s them- selves were determined and their analysis performed,—and the same system has been followed in this. To prevent any unconscious selection, and as affordin faia g r exampl e name-systeth f eo mIslayn i lise farmf o th ,t n i s the Valuation Rol f Argyllshiro l s takea basis wa es a n . These names VOL.
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