Stephenson proposes alterations Universities face radical change Watts, by George Cook principal of Queen's University and J. business sector would contribute significantly is nevertheless determined to "address the Fraser Mustard, formerly Queen's Park Bureau Chief of McMaster University to our economic recovery." need for a process whereby adjustments can While students enjoyed their Christmas and now president of the Canadian Institute of Specialization, said Stephenson, will be regularly made to the resources allocated to Advanced vacation, 's Minister of Colleges and Research. "provide expertise which could respond to the professional programs, such as education, The Universities, Bette Stephenson, appointed three commission is expected to make its provincial and national objectives as well as law, medicine, dentistry, etc." report by this summer. In her announcement persons to a task force to study ways ofradically to industrial initiatives while maintaining a high The commission will also reconsider altering the province's univerisity system. the legislature Stephenson indicated she does level of research activity." Ontario's long-standing policy on broad not expect the Stephenson appointed the commission to commission to hold public University programs should be made more access to university education. Currently all hearings. develop "a plan of action to reshape the responsive to the needs of the labour market, Ontario grade 13 graduates with an average of university system." Stephenson said she does not believe it will be Stephenson said. "Career-related programs 60 per cent or more are guaranteed a place in "I believe that the universities of tomorrow necessary to reduce the number of universities should be assessed in terms of economic and provincial university. in Ontario, should have more clearly defined, different, and but said "fundamental changes may societal needs," she said. Stephenson has said she wants to be distinctive roles. Each of them should assume a necessary to some or all of the institutions. Some programs may be eliminated. "I am reconsider the policy of broad access; character and structure that is consistent and Each university cannot aspire to uni- led to wonder whether we truly need 10 however, her directives to the commission are compatible with that role," Stephenson told the versality," she said. faculties of education producing over 3,000 cautious. Ontario legislature. By what she calls "short-term intervention" by graduates annually, at a time when the "I would postulate that our universitysystem The commission will be chaired by Edmund government in the post-secondary planning potential for teacher employment remains can adopt a policy of accessibility consistent Bovey, a retired chairman of Norcen Energy process, Stephenson hopes to make uncertain," she said. with and appropriate to its various missions as Resources Ltd., Bovey sits on the boards of universities more specialized. She also expressed concern over the well as the individual missions of the many Canadian corporations, including "The government believes that the number of lawyers graduating from Ontario's institutions" she said. Packers Inc., Abitibi-Price Inc. and the Canadian establishment of highly specialized, designated- six law schools each year. The commission will also consider: Imperial Bank of Commerce. purpose institues through cooperative Stephenson said she knows it is difficult to *Ways to encourage ongoing faculty requirements, The other two commissioners are Ronald involvement of the universities and the forecast manpower but said she continued on page 4 theCORDweekly Funding formula face saver: OFS by George Cook Queen's Park Bureau Chief and Chuck Kirkham The Ontario government's new university funding formula is a face-saving device for the Minister of colleges and Universities, Bette Stephenson, an Ontario Federation of Students spokesman says. OFS Researcher Richard Balnis said Stephenson has created a new funding formula to avoid opposition charges of failure to meet her commitments. Last year Stephenson said she planned to revise the current university Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario Thursday, Januaiy 19,1984 Volume 24, Number 14 funding formula, but the announcement was postponed until the Christmas break. David Nowlan, vice-president of research and planning at the University of , said that in effect the new formula is not much different from the current one. He Inside described the revised formula as an "interim measure" designed to last Fair only until a more lasting formula is hiring devised. Laurier's Vice President: Nowlan said he thinks the creation Academic Rusself Muncaster of a more lasting formula has been says there has been no postponed until at least this summer, discrimination against women when the recently appointed in the hiring of faculty. A report commission on restructuring released last Thursday says Ontario's university system makes discrimination against women its report. in university hiring is still a Stephenson announced the serious problem in Canada. creation of the commission Dec. 15. page 4 It will consist of three men and will be chaired by Edmund Bovey, a retired chairman of Moreen Energy Dance-a-thon Resources Ltd. The commission has a mandate to study, among other Euler Leopold House Council things, university funding. has organized a dance-a-thon tc Balnis said he too thinks further help raise funds for Jocelyn revisions to the funding formula are Lovell, the Canadian Olympic "on hold" until the Bovey cyclist who was left a commission reports. quadraplegic after being hit by He said a lasting formula might be a truck during training. introduced later this year as part of a package of revisions to the provincial page 5 university system based on the commission's report. On the level Stevenson has guamteed that no Ontario university will receive less Letranger headlined last week than a five per cent increase in at Level 21, a new Kitchener funding next year. Where the funding bar managed by two former a school is Laurier increase for particular students. below five per cent, the ministry will provide additional money. page 14 Moreover, the new formula will not be entirely instituted next year. Basketball losses Instead, only one-third of next year's funding will be based on The basketball Hawks lost their university the new formula. The remaining two- first two league games, 99-85 to Waterloo and 91 -68 to Windsor. thirds will still be calculated according to the current formula, page 17 which gives more weight to current enrolment trends. However, despite measure to limit Soccer tourney the impact of the new formula, it will mean a lesser increase funding for The soccer Hawks will be Photo by Karim Vlranl in hosting the Texaco Cup, with some universities than would be the eight competitors, on January Cheers to Winter Carnival! case under the current formula. 28 and 29 Carleton, Trent, Brock, Laurentian at the Athletic A fabulous time has by all thus far in Winter Carnival '84— including Dave Lovegrove, Complex. been had and York Universities, with who is pictured above during the Ms. Winter Carnival pageant. See story on page 10 and sharp 18 increases in recent enrolment, will k page additional pics on page 11. continued on page 3 2 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984

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PIZZA & SUBS HOURS: - Monday - Thursday 1 1:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m.

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booming - pass sales p.m. Bus Sundav 4:00 12:00 a.m. PICK UP AND DELIVERY by Laura Upcott prices each semester. CALL 886-6122 ot the four-month student bus pass exceeded University of Waterloo Federation of Students Sales 160 University Ave. W„ Waterloo the expectations of all who participated in negotiations President Tom Alison has said he thinks "the citycouncil University Shops Plaza) for the recently developed program. can be convinced to further reduce the cost ofthe pass." (In the "The initial sales projection was conservative," says Alison hopes that "next year we'll be able to sell passes Wally Beck of Kitchener Transit. "We only estimated one month at a time because students are not here for a Quality Guaranteed Used Records about 400 to be sold, at the most." full four months each semester." Bought, Sold, Traded I Between Wilfrid Laurier University, the University of "Students don't deserve any more of a break than Rock, Blues, Jazz, R&B Waterloo and Conestoga College, approximately 700 people in the community," says Alison, "but since paid for a single I.p. bus passes have been sold, nearly doubling initial sales students tend not to use the transit system at peak hours Up to $2.50 Doubles, Collectibles projections. and many have days without classes, they do deserve More for B WLUSU President Tom Reaume said that although lower rates." sales were quite a bit better than expected, he would like Beck, who administers the student bus passes for to lower the price of the pass further in order to make it Kitchener Transit, says that they "agreed to go with it for 297 King St. East I accessible to a greater number of students. two semesters using the present format," so a change Kitchener, Ontario Reaume has proposed to do a study of the general for the next fall term is unlikely. location of student housing and the number of students Kitchener Transit settled on the price of $97 per (519) 744-1370 j that use the transit system on a regular basis. A semester by taking into consideration non-use during sensitivity analysis of the number of students who would Christmas break, reading week, exam periods, the late buy the bus pass at a lower rate would follow. Ifthis study start in September, absenteeism, and the fact that many reveals that enough students will purchase the bus pass, students go home on weekends. Reaume may consider subsidizing the program through Kitchener Transit will not consider selling the passes the Student Union. on a monthly basis since this would entail setting a "A contribution of 50 cents per student could bring different price for each month, says Beck. It is also Nominations are now the pass cost down to $80," says Reaume. This would unlikely that the present price will be lowered unless it is mean a savings of more than $30 over regular transit subsidized by the student unions, according to Bee' 11 being accepted for positions on the

Tour Europe on 84¢ a day || STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD by Bruce Arculus to announce his location and willing to let travellers stay in holding II OF DIRECTORS destination on the air. Within cells for a night, says White. Students looking for a way to tour minutes, a ride appeared. "The key to free accommodation Europe cheaply were provided with a White also' lists several good tips and meals from people," says White, few hints last Tuesday at a seminar in for hitchhikers including good "is to be willing to do some Contact: Rita Pekrul WLU's Paul Martin Centre. grooming, carrying as little baggage chores — shovelling snow, chopping

— Student Publications President The presentation was given by Gil as possible, and waving a large wood, doing dishes whatever White, author ofthe book Europe On Canadian flag. In terms of danger, needs to be done." By earning his for information 84C A Day. White has toured 45 White insists that you just have to use keep, White has found accomoda- countries during the last eight years, your best judgment. "I've had over tion with people and families all over and claims that he has been able to 2000 rides, and never come to any the world. secure free accommodation and danger at all," says White. meals "99 per cent of the time." White's book was based on his White encourages anyone and Hitchhiking was White's means of four-month tour through Europe two especially university students to transportation through Europe, and years ago. During this period, he spend some time experiencing life in he has compiled a list of 28 sure-fire, spent a total of $2.75 on other parts of the world through if not original, manners of accommodation. He has found that contact with people in their own guaranteeing a ride. Perhaps the most drivers are willing to put him environment. White maintains that MANAGEMENT OF most outrageous of these is the up, but he also lists fifteen other ideas this combines the best learning You're On The Air method. White for places to stay. University experience with the most fun- says he phoned a radio station, residences are always willing to help "All you need", he says, "is interest requested a song, and asked the DJ. foreigners, and police are usually and enthusiasm." STRESS!! Funding formula face saver continued from page 1 the number of student enrolled secondary education that called for INSTRUCTOR: benefit less from the new formula during the 1974-77 period, while the sweeping changes as an example. than from the current one. other half is based on enrolment Most of these proposed changes VIRGINIA ROBINSON Wilfrid Laurier University, however, during the immediately preceeding have not been acted upon. will slightly benefit under the new three-year period. The MCG plans to spend about formula. According to Peter Venton, Under the new formula, 75 per $1.18 billion in 1984-85. This Laurier's vice-president: finance, cent is based on averages of past represents an increase of about 6.5 under the old formula Laurier would enrolment, while only 25 per cent is per cent over 1983-84. ...student burnout and "distress" have received $22,678,000. Under based on the immediately Venton confirmed that Laurier's the new formula WLU will receive preceeding three-year period. tuition fees will probably rise five per ...relax? I've much to do! that much plus an additional According to the new formula cent across the board next year. got too $83,000 — an increase of 6.8 per recent increases in enrolment do not Foreign students can make cent over last year's grant of result in a proportional increase in particular note of this. For the time ...the "self-fulfilling prophecy" & you $21,312,000. Other schools, funding. The ministry of colleges and being it appears as if the Minister is however, will not benefit as much as universities (MCU) hopes universities shelving her plan to have foreign Laurier. will therefore be discouraged from students pay full fees. Currently "self-talk"shapes your experience Under the new formula, for trying to reach ever-higher foreign students pay 40 per cent of example, York will receive about enrolment levels. their tuition costs. $445,000 less next year than it would Venton feels that this new funding have under the current formula, formula "provides for financial • % In this series, you will learn to understand what Balnis said. stability in year to year operations." to excessive stress & how it relates He I 2nd Annual I contributes said Trent's enrolment has Venton added that "the formula to physical illness. You will then practise some jumped 17 per cent this year, while funding for additional represents less relaxation Brock's and Laurentian's has funding growth but if enrolment skills, including techniques to increased about 15 per cent. does drop we won't lose as much {TOGA!! reduce and/or manage stress. Enrolment at York and Carleton is money as we would have under the I Party I up about eight percent this year old formula. This new system is also over last. are more equitable insofar as they I Friday Jan. 27 I TIME: The new formula will not make a giving more recognition to past great difference in funding levels for • growth." ; all you can drink the University of Toronto and other Venton echoed Balnis' view that Tuesdays, January 24, older institutions with modest a this is probably only short-term • The Boys from I 31, 7, 14 enrolment growth. Minister will set the February Vi plan and that the : This year universities received an final formula when her three-person I 53A 11:30-12:20 p. m. average of about $3,860 per full-time commission reports. j Miles • undergraduate. Next year they will Venton feels that if the I Kevin • receive an average $100 more per commission comes forward with PLACE: student, ministry officials said. radical change it will be almost | Jim I

• Cinder the current funding formula impossible to implement, citing the Dave • Alumni Hall (brown bag lunch if you wish) half a university's grant is based on 1972 Royal Commission of post-

*••••••••••••••••••••••••% 4 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, Januaiy 19, 1984

Applications for the Position of news Response to report HEAD WLUSU to manage RESIDENT typing service

Special to the Cord similar services at other universities and print The managment of Student Typing shops. The WLGSCi typing service will charge Services has been taken over by WLXJSCI and $5 for a resume, while the University of operations will "hopefully" be underway Western Ontario service charges $7, and 1984-85 Term January 30. The room next to the WLGS(J York University charges $16 an hour. Local Information Booth will open to house the print shops charge more than $15 for a are now being accepted. service. resume. At its Sunday night board meeting, Mills-Delsnyder has been named senior WLCJSCI agreed to take over the operation of manager for the project. Two junior Student Typing Services which was managers are yet to be selected. managed last year by Jill Fewster and Sue Professional typists will be hired to work Applications Mills-Delsnyder as an independent research Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with are available in project for their business program. The an hour break. WLGSCI decided to use project was an experiment in the practical outside help rather than students because of the Housing Office. application of business practices. Fewster the scheduling requirments. and Mills-Delsnyder had intended to pass the Work will be handled on a first come, first project along to other business students, serve basis, and most submissions are but fearinq it miqht be too much of a burden expected to be completed within a day. The to them, they decided that WLUSG was better information booth will return the finished Applicants must be affiliated equipped to handle what they believed to be product during its regular hours, from 10 a valuable student service. a.m. to 10 p.m.. with WLU. Preference given to Costs for setting up shop will be just over In other business, Video Works, a local $2,000 with most of that going toward the firm, was chosen to install the satellite dish— those with full-time affiliation. purchase of two IBM Selectric 111 part of Phase I of the Turret upgrading typewriters, each worth $968. scheme. WLCJSG found it had Prices for the service have been set and underbudgeted for the dish and had to add appear comparable or better than those of $3,000 to bring the total to $27,000.

Closing Deadline 4:30 p.m. No discrimination Jan. 24th, 1984. here: Muncaster by Mark Hall "I think you are going to see more," he Discrimination against women in hiring of says, but adds he doesn't think it will happen I a WLU faculty is not a problem, says Dr. right away because there will be "at least Russell Muncaster, WLU Vice President: ten-year time lag" between the period when ; ] Academic. More than one quarter of the universities experienced a dramatic increase positions filled in the last two academic years in female enrolment and their entry into have gone to women, notes Muncaster. teaching professions. The Symons-Page A recently released study on post- study reports a 50 per cent increase in female secondary education makes a strong undergraduate enrolment between 1972 indictment against the hiring practices of and 1981. Male enrolment increased by Canadian universities, claiming that about eight per cent during the same period. discrimination against women is still a serious problem. Some Questions of Balance is the name of Radical change a report compiled by Trent University continued from page 1 professor Thomas Symons and Directors of Canadian Studies for the federal secretary of renewal and replacement. state James Page. The report shows that *The possible separation of research while female enrolment has increased funding from instructional funding, so that dramatically since 1972 to comprise more the government can direct funds to what it than 45 per cent of 1980's undergraduate deems to be desirable research projects; students, women only represented about 15 *The role of business in providing money | per cent of the full-time teaching staff. for new equipment in the universities; Grad Muncaster's statistics show that, since 1977, *Tuition fee levels, to balance the need for Photos! 29 of the 147 faculty members hired were "accessibility" with "equitable levels of women — about 20 per cent. In the 1982-'B3 student contributions" to education. i You Get: All For On/y | and 1983-'B4 years the figures were 30 per First reaction to the Ontario Minister of cent (six of 20) and 27 per cent (six of 22) Education's commission has been very ! respectively. The Ontario Confederation of - negative. i 1-8X10 _ Qf The report, prepared for the Association of University Faculty Associations (OCCIFA) Universities and Colleges of Canada, also has called for the resignation of Bette 2-5X7 says that 40 per cent of the full professors Stephenson. $34 and about one quarter of all faculty hired OCCIFA believes that Stephenson's between 1977 and 1981 were not Canadian "blueprint for the restructuring of Ontario's 8-2X3 j citizens. of system from ■ According to Muncaster, only 12 universities will create an elitist filled at which vast of taxpayers °Choose 6 lo 8 the 120 faculty positions Laurier the majority Ontario's from proofs °Other packages available | since 1978-79 went to non-Canadians. will receive no direct benefit. The plan so °Photographed in our studio °Gowns, hoods supplied "Almost all are in the Business faculty, and lacks credibility that the Minister should most would come from the United States," resign." says Muncaster. He says that there is a "great Edcil Wickham, president of the Laurier shortage" of qualified business teaching Faculty Association, said that there were ! personnel in Canada. three basic reasons for the Confederation s Studio request Stephenson's Sooter On Muncaster for resignation. I the discrimination issue, i 886-1740 Waterloo Town Square j doesn't "think there has been any "First, the issue is that this commission discrimination at all" against women atWLU. does not have any reference to getting public "We hire the best person available," he input. This is a violation of legislative practice. says, adding that in the past there were not a "Second, the minister has publicly lot of women applying for positions. committed herself to the recommendations "Back in 1972-'73 we ran competitions in of the commission. my department (Geography) and we "Third, there is some feeling that the plan wouldn't have any females apply. There are for the reconstruction is already known and more applying now. In those areas where this commission is purely to implement that there are females applying, I think we have plan," explained Wickham. hired a fair number," he says. On these criteria the Confederation has But Muncaster says the total number of lost confidence in the Minister and asked for applying is still low and he doesn't believe her resignation." there are as many qualified women in the job Bette Stephenson has refused to forward market as there are men. her letter of resignation. THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 5 news Jocelyn Lovell fund ANT?/ Dance-a-thon to aid cyclist a Buf a Place to Meet that people have been very supper needed for the dancers. Matt Certisimo by supportive so far. much has to The * "Not marathon will begin at one & 1135 Victoria St. W. Kitchener The 20-year career of Canadian be said to get people involved. Most p.m. with the dancersreceiving a five- 578-9370 Olympic cyclist Jocelyn Lovell ended have heard about Lovell and his minute break every hour and a half- this past summer when he was tragic accident," she said. hour break for dinner. struck down by a truck while training After the accident Lovell was left a Prizes will be awarded for the in the Milton, Ontario area. quadriplegic with no feeling in his dancers with the most pledges, the Razor Edge In an effort to help the Lovells limbs and only limited use of his don who brings in the most |WThe overcome their steep financial shoulders and upper arms. participants, and for spot dances Ps[ of Waterloo welcomes you! obstacle, a trust fund has been set up About his future, Lovell is realistic. scheduled throughout the event. in Jocelyn's name. To date, the fund "I'm not waiting for any miracles. I Pledge sheets and dance Men's & Women's Hairstyling has raised over $35,000. The Euler- don't want to create false hopes for marathon rules are available from Leopold House Council of Wilfrid myself because if 1 met up with a any don, the WLUSCJ Info Centre, or 0. 0} Men $7.00 Women $7.50 Laurier University would like to add dead end, it might devastate me." by calling 884-2770. Dancers are Complete with Blow Dry to that total. recommended to have a minumum On Saturday, January 28 the The Euler-Leopold House Council of two dollars per hour pledged Hours:

- Council will hold a 12-hour dance has been able to drum up some enter. Mon. - closed Tues. & Wed. -8:30 5:45 marathon in the Turret beginning at much-needed support for their Although this type of fundraiser is one p.m.. marathon from the local business new at Laurier, the Euler Leopold Thurs. & Fri. - 8:30 - 6:00 WLG Dance community. Mother's Pizzeria of is quite confident of its Yvette Mahieu, the Council Sat. - 8:00 - 3:30 marathon's central organizer, said Waterloo has donated half of the success. 28 University Ave. East Library plans Between Regina & Weber St., Waterloo 886-2060 unnerving —— —^MB Renovations could be CAMP TOWHEE, Haliburton, Ontario — operated by the Integra Foundation. by Blaine Connolly hours of the library and will have The layout of the upper floors is A co-educational residential camp for children with not yet complete, but according to Walking into the WLG Library separate access doors for security learning disabilities (ages 8 - 12) is hiring staff: cabin shortly become an of two may Erich Schultz, Chief Librarian, there could very reasons. One the rooms counsellors; instructors in waterfront, arts & crafts, as proposed so that the will be ample space for students to unnerving experience be closed periodically nature, physical education; remedial math, reading, changes are implemented. cleaning staff is given the chance to study and work on their projects. teachers; Extensive renovations to the properly clean the premises. There should be much more room writing speech and language therapists; library include the addition of two It is also important to note that to work than presently exists, says nurse; secretary; maintenance people. floors and increased classroom there will be space set aside in the Schultz. Seven weeks: July 2 — August 20, 1984. space and administrative offices. same area or otherwise for 24 hour The reasoning used in locating the Applications and additional information available Some of the most noticeable studying throughout the remainder administration offices on the first and through: Campus Placement Office. changes will be on the first and of the second term. second floors was to ensure that All applications must be returned directly to'the second floors. Of the three rooms along the library had proper control over its Integra Foundation no later than January 31, 1984. The most remarkable change will hallway leading to the Peters resources at all times. All materials occur on the main floor of the library. Building (1-105, the board room and will still be properly checked out at ORIENTATION SESSION: Tues., Feb.7, 2:00 - 3:00 P.M. The circulation desk, elevator and a file room), two will be converted to the existing circulation desk. The INTERVIEWS: Tues., Feb. 7, 3:00 - 6:00 P.M. stairs will be accessible from the accomodate the information and aims of the renovations are for location of orientation/interviews, check with front doors but the remaining area of publication facilities of the university. increases in space and efficiency. the Campus Placement Office the floor will be partitioned Off to The sixth and seventh floors will be Because the construction of the accommodate classrooms, another solely for library use with a non-print building is already two months computer terminal room and five and reserve reading desk on the sixth behind schedule Wes Robinson, administration offices. floor. This will provide all of the head of Physical Plant and Planning, The reserve reading room now on services previously supplied through foresees completion of the move in the first floor will be converted to the reserve reading room on the first early spring, hopefully before the handle the WLCJ Print Shop and the floor. beginning of final exams. Applications are now personnel department. For the purposes of providing space for a 24 hour study area, the being accepted for the administration plans to set aside space on the second floor in two Christmas freeze position of: classrooms with a capacity of approximately 120 people. These rooms will be open during the off- burst pipes by Blaine Connolly JUNIOR Freezing weather coupled with an inadequate heating system appears to have caused the burst water pipe at WLCI's librarv on none other than Christmas Eve. and floor due MANAGER A pipe was burst in a duct area between the third fourth to freezing temperatures in the sixth and seventh floors which are now Think under construction. Damage was fairly minimal to the third floor with the second receiving the brunt of the damage. Mr. E. Shultz, chief librarian, was Typing Service Cord called in to the building at noon on Christmas Eve and remained there with additional staff to tackle preliminary clean-up operations. About an inch of water covered the second floor. There was no Weekly serious damage to the book shelves which are elevated about four to be inches on their stands. Some of the ceiling tiles broke on the second floor and fell on the books, but according to Shultz, "the number of books damaged or available beginning ruined was minimal." Water also ran down the stairwells and flooded the underground February If ewe plarm onn beeing bak at walkways with a large amount of water collecting in the bottom of the 1, 1984. laurier nekxt yeer y nott werk stairwell by the Registrar's Office. The technical wing ot the library was atthe cord. All posishuns will flooded so much that an engineer had to wade waist-deep in water — a bee opening suen. look four dangerous task because of the high voltage wires within the room. detales in too weaks time. The school library has been under extensive construction for the Please apply at the The best thing abowt werking past several months, placing an additional two floors on top of the heer nekst yeer is that ewe will existing structure. Completion, however, is behind schedule due to a knot haf to werk fore jackie late shipment of limestone. This product is used to build the white ring kiser. Shee rooins everething around the library. Personnel Office wuth herr editting. Because of this delay, the bricking was also delayed, and heating has hope too see ewe nekst yeer become difficult. According to Wes Robinson, director of WLU's Physical Plant and Planning department, responsibility for the accident Room 2C9 will be accrued to the main contractor at the site. Maintenance crews worked throughout the Christmas holidays to ensure that the library was ready for students when they returned on January 3. Deadline Jan. 24th. 6 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984

the CORD weekly comment Thursday, January 19, 1984 Volume 24, Number 14 Full-time editor Jackie Kaiser essential for Cord Editor At the WLCISCI board meeting on Sunday, Chuck January 29, Kirkham the board will review last year's Mews Editor decision to pay a full-time editor of The Cord. I assume that the board's decision whether Karen Thorpe or not to renew the paid editorship will be Entertainment Editor based largely on the perceived effect of paying an editor this year. Theresa Kelly I'll leave the qualitative judgments to the Sports Editor board. The implications of the board's decision are far-reaching, and go beyond the difference Ruth between naving a wealthy individual rather than Demeter Copy Editor an impoverished one edit The Cord. A lot more is at stake than a few thousand dollars. Michaela The Reicht problem with paying an editor a full-time Production Manager salary is obvious. There is a gross inequity inherent in a system that pays an editor who works 50 or 60 hours a week 20 times as Adriaan Demmers much as an editor who works 30 hours a week Bruce Arculus But the problem is not that the editor's salary Production Assistants is out of line; in fact, the hourly rate works out to less than minimum wage. The real Karim Vlrani problem is that a good number of students Photo Onager work long and hard at positions at The Cord and within the Student Union — all of whom Rod McNaughton are underpaid for their efforts, considering the Photo Technician wages they'd earn if they spent their time and energy at a "real" part-time or full-time job. Paul Gomme Arts Unfortunately, the lack of a rich sugar daddy Graphic Technician make reasonable remuneration a pipedream. So what is the answer? In spite of the Amanda Brsmall problems with paying a full-time editor, there is Circulation & Filing Manager no alternative. A student newspaper that adequately covers matters of importance to the Miles Chesher student community and which is consistent in Advertising Manager quality from year to year requires the efforts of Bev Biglow a single individual who can concentrate his or Head her full energy and attention on producing a Typesetter weekly newspaper smoothly and efficiently. Francine Clohosey There are no two ways about it. Wendy Chapelle The benefit of paying the Cord editor a full- Liz Young time salary goes beyond the potential improvements to the quality of the newspaper. letters Wendy Zenchyshyn It means a significant and much-needed Typesetters improvement in working conditions for the entire Cord staff. The Cord Weekly is published and winter A good deal of the editor's energy must be weekJy during the fall Spoons ticket sales academic terms. Editonal spent planning and organizing and managing "unfair" and problem-solving and teaching. The opinions are independent of the WLCISG is a corporation owned by the Student organization of the weekly production process tickets would be sold until Tuesday morning, if University. WLUSU. and Student body. If this is so, its policy must be fair to The has become much more efficient and less all there were any remaining. Publications. Cord is a corporation members. member of the painful for staff this year, simply because one I also understand friends of the WLGSCI info Canadian individual has the time to deal with the Two particular aspects of Spoons ticket sales booth don't line up for tickets. University Press news problems. have shown WLCISCJ's Info Booth to act unfairly. The problem is that you don't change the rules cooperative. Eight-month, 24- What are the improvements to date? First, a sign told students that tickets went on sale of the game after the game has started. This game issue subscnption rates are Typesetting time has been reduced Monday morning at 10 a.m.. This was correct. started last week when the sign went up. 12.00 for addresses within by almost 5 ten hours a week, and staff members rarely The sign also said four tickets per student with a When large corporations get fat, they become Canada and ! 5.00 for the United and have had to work beyond 1:00 a.m. on maximum of two guest tickets per person. At 9:30 elitist and act in their own interest—not on behalf States Europe. of Tuesday nights — a significant improvement Monday morning, the sign was replaced by a new the group they govern. sign limiting each student to two tickets; no over the 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. finishes staff were guest John Coupland faced with last year, when we sometimes even had to work past our Wednesday noon press Letters to the Editor should be deadline. Congrats to Tom, Board typed and handed in to the With an organized and efficient production Cord Editor pnor to Monday

— student fee referendum. Thanks to their bear the process which would be refined from year As read last week's Cord I couldn't help but noon. All letters must with full-time editor — the staff has I commitment to WLU's future, students will name and to year a a notice the announcement calling for nominations author's full to benefit in terms of benefit for years to come. Cord much better opportunity for next year's WLCJSC executive elections. As a telephone number. The satisfaction from I especially admire Tom's courage in dealing reserves the refuse any both educational value and past president, the announcement touched, off nght to their volunteer involvement. With the chaos, with the redesigning of the Turret at such a late submission which it considers many fond memories, but I also recalled the sense date in pressure, and misery that have characterized his term of office. While it would have been racist, sexist, or libellous in of finality that announcement signalled during my infmtely many a production night at the Cord now easier to merely set out guidelines for nature. All letters are subject to term of office. I am sure that Tom and Dave share next year's board to on, significantly lessened, the jobs of the rest of the follow up he instead chose editing for length. The Cord that feeling now. to act on staff—which the plan and initiate the changes. This welcomes all comments, Cord can each involved up to 35 As someone that has watched this year's should or 40 hours a week—can be looked make the transition for next year's board criticisms and suggestions from forward to executive very closely, I'd like to take this a lot smoother. rather than perceived as the dreaded its readers. opportunity to congratulate Tom and his Board I am very proud of this board's commitment they wish they didn't have. They for an exceptional year and a job well done. They accomplishments, and wish them all the best for for The might even have time to be creative and have dealt successfully with many difficult issues. the future. National Advertising Campus enthusiastic about their work, rather than being Looking back on his accomplishments, I will Mike Sutherland '80 Cord is provided by consumed by the nauseating struggle to Plus, 124 Merton Street, 3rd fill always recall the leadership which Tom, along Manager, Treasury & Records their pages with a few haphazard words and Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4S with Terry Purcell, provided during last month's WLCI Development & Alumni Affairs pics before the Wednesday deadline. 2Z2. For local advertising, call Having a full-time position will never (5.19) 884-2990 or (519) 884- ' guarantee a 'quality" product; it would be 2991. absurd to believe it would. Even at the No experience necessary handsome salary of $200 a week, there may Don't let the position intimidate you. Ifyou want offices are located on never be a crowd of suitable candidates As everyone is probably aware it is election time The Cord to get involved, then get involved. Give it all you've 2nd floor of the Student. fighting for the job. Like many of the positions once again. All positions within the student union the got and you never know, you might surprise at Wilfrid Laurier at The Cord (and within WL(JS(J as it are open to any person interested. Union Building well, yourself. University. seems) it is often hard to interest anyone in Several people have approached me during the As a presidential candidate said, "If run the available positions from year to But, week and asked about the election and the you you year. might lose. If you don't run, you're guaranteed by Student clearly, having a paid position will greatly positions available. All have expressed a keen to Typeset lose.'' Publications, and printed increase the chances. interest in getting involved, but something deters W.L.U., Barb Mlot Press, Kitchener- Only a fool would agree to be editor of The them from doing so. at Fairway Chairperson, WLCISO Cord on anything but a full-time basis. If the Apparently, there is a rumour going around that 1983 by Student quality of the paper and the well-being of the to be involved you need years of "political" P.S. Anyone interested in running, see Kristine Copyright Publications. Wilfrid Laurier staff didn't suffer, then the editor's health experience. From personal experience, 1 can tell Murphy for nomination forms. For those people Waterloo, Ontario, sanity surely would. you this is not true. who are not interested in the election but are University, and/or N2L Mo part of this The decision to be made on January 29 is a Although experience helps in any endeavour, it interested in getting involved, there are other 3C5. publication may be reprinted very important one. Please, think about it cannot replace the two fundamental positions available in WL(JS(J. Just come up to requirements, which are the desire and the the student union office and speak to Tom without permission of the editor. Jackie Kaiser determination to get involved. Reaume, Dave Docherty, or any board member. THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 7 comment

Keep Wilt's open; Chuck's Ground Once a term it strikes. The dreaded writer's block. Things have gone relatively smoothly for the last few months, but it's back again and it's only the second week of the term. The only thing to do is to fall back on Escape Plan One: "How bout that/those...." stake How those Turret changes? Seems to be working just fine. freedom at 'bout who favour censorship should keep in mind that one Both weekends since the Turret has reopened the place has been by Matt Certosimo and Timothy Neesam of the first books ever burned was the original english packed. Student Gnion type people and anyone that has been First, and foremost, what follows is not the work of translation of the Bible. going to the place regularly for the last five years must be alcohol-addled minds, searching for a convenient In regard to Wilf s, if we consider and pride breathing a little bit easier these days. WLGSG has come up with escape from the daily rigors of university life. What ourselves on the notion that we live in a democratic some good ideas and it is good to see the quick action needed to reservation. does follow is a serious look at Wilf s: Why does it society, all questions which fall under the category of save the place. Just a couple of words of How much of close daily? Why is WLU without an all-day morals should be considering the freedom of the the high attendance has to-do with the record-cold weather we are speakeasy? And, although our discussion centers individual. Hence, the freedom of religion is one of experiencing? Maybe it is just too damn cold to walk anywhere around Wilfs, is that what we're really talking about? our most heralded values as a society. In other else. Also, the dish seems like a good idea but I wonder how long While looking into the closing and possible all-day words, if Wilfs is closed because of another's values, we will be able to edit MTV and other such channels without being opening of Wilf s, we were informed that it was the then we find ourselves contradicting one of the caught. But we can't be negative, can we? Pom-poms are availble

opinion of past WLGSG executives that the clientele foundations of our society — freedom. at the door. did not warrant an all-day bar. Is this still the prime Let's also consider the practical aspects of the Here's a classic. How 'bout those Leafs? I give up, I really do. stumbling block? We think not; it seems apparent issue. Student unemployment has skyrocketed in What is a Leaf fan supposed to do? Crying sounds good. The team that Wilfers are being asked to "drink up" and "get recent years. Wilfs as a WLGSG service, has one entered this season with a fair bit of hope but injuries have hurt out" on a regular basis, especially at the 2 p.m. primary obligation beyond the actual fulfillment of them. I can accept that, but what is their excuse now? They are closing. that service, namely, providing jobs for WLG students. inconsistent, unorganized, and very, very, frustrated. My cure? Get Perhaps, then, the present schedule came down In these times of OSAP cutbacks, university has once rid of the coach. Why not? Every other time a team flounders I

from a higher authority — "higher," that is, than again become an inaccessible post-secondary course suggest that. I don't like Nykoluk. Never have. He reminds me too WLGSG. If so, why? The law states that alcohol may for many to take. WLGSG doesn't have to make a much of Fred Flintstone. (Chuck T. has further insight into that

be served to those 19 years of age and over. Both new profit — as long as the bills are paid, the same Flintstone; see What's Gp.) The team is stagnant under Mikey over. bars on campus strictly abide by this law — I.D. is services and jobs are provided, WLGSG will have and, if anything, has regressed from when he took As usual, consistently requested at Wilf sand the Turret. fulfilled its primary mandate as a student the only hope for the Leafs is their future. The group of kids Is it a question of morality? Perhaps there is an government. WLGSG need only break even. coming up has to be the best anywhere. Their two young goalies "upper level" executive concerned about what could And what about those students who lack classes are the best in junior hockey, Carpenter looks, Nylund is appear to be an advocation of prolonged student on most days between 2:00 and 4:00? Are they verging on awesome, and Courtnall has been starring with Team alcohol consumption. After all, elder WLG students S.O.L. simply because of their class schedule? Surely Canada since he joined them. Gone are the days of draft choices will recall that only recently has the Turret been a WLGSG service should be convenient for all of its like Bob Neeby, lan Turnbull and Jim 'I work on T.V. now' permitted to remain open past midnight. shareholders. McKenny. Furthermore, recent articles in the Toronto Mow, don't get us wrong. We're not a pair of How 'bout those Extension Cords? Obviously the powerhouse of newspapers condemning the increase in university radical idealists hoping to change the world in a day. this year's Winter Carnival, we deserved to win everything we won drinking have surely put pressure on the "supreme We could be very wrong in everything we say. How and were cheated in anything that we didn't. echelon" of Laurier. Heck, the story was even found about a compromise? One step at a time. Let's begin How 'bout that Bette Stephenson? Let's talk elitiest capitalist in The Record. But, if it is a question of morality, isn't by keeping Wilfs open Wednesday through Friday swine. What the hell is she setting up this new three-man it one that must be decided by the individual? Should from noon until six and from eight until 12:30 a.m.. commission for, anyhow? Bigger question: Do students care? We we be told when we can and cannot drink? The evening closing can be kept as a chance to grab have two stories on the front page about the crisis facing students. Let's draw an analogy. Censorship has been a a bite and tidy up the place. If business doesn't Will we receive one letter. Will anybody even read the stories. debated issue for years. Those with strong religious substantiate the change after a trial period — say the Probably n It appears that Bette and Bill know when best to faith may have been tempted to use government to rest of the term — then go back to the old hours. strike. impose a value which they cannot persuade others to But, as the cliche reminds us, "nothing ventured, How 'bout th se assassin clubs? Simply amazing. Let's condone freely accept. But, isn't the key word freely? Those nothing gained." guerrilla warfare, "'onny must be just wringing his hands in delight. Not only are we training ourselves for his war, but enjoying ourselves while we are "killing" people. Oh, well, what the hell. I'm not even playing, but I enjoy those damn guns. 'Nuff said. What's up Chuck? Chuck Kirkham

by Chuck Tatham 2 'The Great Gazoo. I wish Wilma wanted MY great we <&-UC Let's imagine, just for today, that can get inside gazoo.' Fred Flinstone's pointed head. How does the world Barney embarks upon a characteristically inane really appear to big Freddy? dissertation on the fact that Fred has neglected to Fred wakes up in the morning and sits up in his return his borrowed lawnmower, and Fred eats his bed. Turning his head, he looks at his wife in the bed breakfast. Across the way, Betty can be seen naked across the room. Now his thoughts begin. 'Look at in her bedroom window, beckoning Fred with sensual her! Sleeping in a separate bed. What a cold-hearted gestures. Fred can see her through his kitchen _ woman. I'd better figure out what I'm going to wear windown. to work today.' 'Hmmmmm, that's interesting. Once I dump Getting out of bed, Fred grabs his stomach and Barney off at work, I'll get back here and show Betty walks over to the closet. what it's like to horse around with a man that's over Look at the gut on me. I really am a pig. No three feet tall. That'll be better than listening to wonder Wilma hasn't consented to any activity in the Barney play the bongos. After that, I'll pick Barney up last few months. (Pause) What'll 1 wear? I guess I'd at work, we'll lie to our boss about being sick or better wear the orange suit with black spots; it's the something, and then we'll go bowling. Hopefully we only article of clothing that I own. Oh, I'd better have can pull the same scam to get out of that opera a shower.' tonight. I'm just glad we're setting such a good Fred walks into the washroom and grabs an example for the children of America that watch this elephant trunk which is sticking through the wall. show.' 'Whoever invented this kind of a shower system Fred rises from the table, yells at Wilma about should be shot. Being sprayed with pachyderm spending too much money, and leaves the house, mucus isn't the most hygienic way to start the day. I not forgetting his lunch which undoubtedly includes a guess it's better than eating raw, fertilized pterodactyl submarine sandwich at least four times the length of eggs.' his lunchbox. He and Bamey climb into a car (which Fred leaves the washroom, goes into the bedroom, is inexplicably propelled up hills without benefit of and puts on his familiar orange suit. Again he looks any motor) and drive off to work. Bamey reminds at his wife, who is now brushing her hair. Fred that the swimming pool in their backyard is half 'I can never figure out why my head's so big. It's at his, and that he wrote a jingle that won an advertising least twice the size of Wilma's entire body. I feel like contest. Fred grumbles something about lying to his Beaver Cleaver with this giant skull.' boss. Escorting Wilma into the kichen, Fred sits down The day progresses as planned. By carefully and starts reading the morning paper. Wilma begins utilizing various forms of lying and deception, Fred cooking the raw, fertilized pterodactyl eggs. and Bamey spend the entire day bowling and God, am I hard up. That Rubble has it made with attending lodge meetings. By day's end, both wives that fox Betty. No wonder he's always so damn find out about the boys' antics, and strike them Do YOU have something I cheerful. I have to live with a woman who sleeps in a repeatedly with heavy, dangerous objects (i.e. frying separate bed and has black holes in her face for pans, chairs) and both husbands go to bed important to say? eyes. Well, at least she has shoulders. I wish I had reasonably happy that they escaped with only a some.' couple of oversized lumps on their head and firm All of a sudden, Bamey Rubble appears in the discipline from their boss, Mr. Slate. Say it with kitchen window. At the same time, the Great Gazoo 'Geez,' Fred thinks as he dozes off in his lonely appears out of thin air over Wilma's head — a head bed, 'if Barney had remembered to take off that fake which is indeed enormous, but still not as big as moustache, we would have been home-free. What a CORD CLASSIFIEDS! Fred s. Fred analyzes numbskull.' the situation. ——————————______— 8 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 in brief

38 King N A Waterloo JhJ 1 Block North Erb U of T students boycott exam Lee said. SCARBOROUGH, Ont. (CUP) - A class of "What is at issue here is democracy in the s students at the University of Toronto's clsassroom. They (the students) have BB5-2740^** has a Scarborough College provoked bitter democratic rights in society but not in the debate on campus by boycotting their college," he said. Christmas exam. However, the Scarborough College "It was the nature of the course which committee looking into the affair disagreed. prompted our actions," a student The committee voted to uphold a G of T MONDAY, spokesperson said. "The material covered in regulation which insists students who fail to the course concentrated on the oppression write an exam without just cause, be and powerlessness of the students within the assigned a mark of zero. TUESDAY and classroom, the power of the administration Scarborough College Dean Mike over the student and the unchallenged Krashinsky insisted student rights are authority of the schoo! system," the student limited. WEDNESDAY said. "The classroom is not a democracy, it is So in order to practice what they learned in a division of labor. The student makes his class, about 37 students simply refused to democratic decision when he chooses a write their exam. course. When I go to the symphony, I don't And in a further twist, their professor vote on who is going to play the violin," agreed with them. Krashinsky told the committee. The teacher, John Lee, said the exam The matter may now be referred to SPECIAL boycott was the greatest compliment his another committee, where the students may students could pay him. appeal the decision. One student said if the "They shouldn't be punished for what class is not allowed to rewrite the exam, the BUY ONE PANZEROTTI AND they've done, but given an award of merit," majority will fail the entire course. GET ONE OF EQUAL VALUE ™ Calgary campus a 'hunting ground'

CALGARY (CGP)—lnadequate security and stem from poor lighting along paths, outside poor lighting makes the University of Calgary buildings, at bus stops and in parking lots. $1.00 a "hunting ground" where women face the Baxter said the limited survey alone found threat of assault and rape, says a recently more complaints of assault than admitted to released report. by campus security for the whole university. ! The BEST But Social Welfare professor David Baxter, He said it is difficult to fight for improved who spearheaded the survey which shows safety when reliable statistics are almost folded deep-fried I the campus is considered dangerous by impossible to find. pizza in town were _ "We ODYSSEY ya here!" students, says funding for improved security After the survey results released late C poses a concern for the U of C last term, several student groups met to start administration. a campaign for better lighting, an alarm Free delivery on campus Baxter and several concerned student system, and a bigger security force. They (Special delivery) groups plan to pressure the administration to also plan to start an education campaign not valid on provide money for a safer campus, arguing aimed at CI of C students. Mon-Wed 4-12 pm Thurs, Fri 11 am-2 am the university could be held responsible for "It's the responsiblity of the university to Sat 4 pm-2 am Sun 4 pm-10 pm attacks on campus. provide security. The responsibility of the "It's not only students who are at risk," he student is to be aware of the existing said. "I think the university is at risk. 1 think problems," said a representative of the they could be sued." Positive Action Committee. Baxter and two students in the Social Baxter said each additional member of the Welfare faculty surveyed 175 students, of security staff would cost the university whom 37 per cent said the safety problems $30,000. I CORONETI Transvestite charged in murder B 871 Victoria St. Kitchener 744-3511 M

HAMILTON, Ont. (CCJP)-Hamilton- There was no evidence of sexual assault. Wentworth police capped off an extensive Crowley's neighbour tipped off the police investigation into the death of a McMaster to his location. Police cirulated drawings of professor with an arrest of a 27-year-old the suspect and offered a $ 10,000 reward for chemist. information leading to an arrest. Michael Alan Crowley was charged Jan. 12 Hamilton investigators conducted over with the Dec. 19 murder of Dr. Edith 200 interviews, many with McMaster Wightman, a history professor. students and faculty members. Wightman's body was found bound and Dr. Wightman was an archeologist and gagged in her university office. She had historian, a member of the Royal Society of suffocated on a piece of cloth lodged in her Canada and a scholar of growing throat. international repute. Crowley, a six-foot-two transvestite, was Despite the murder, McMaster's security seen on campus around the time of the department is making no major changes to murder, wearing women's clothing and a the security system. wig. "With classes starting again, the buildings The crime's motive may have been theft, are no longer empty and people are feeling as the suspect held the professor's credit safety in numbers," Security Chief Don cards and driver's licence when arrested. Garrett said. Northeastern plans put on hold

legislation would make it illegal for

TORONTO (CUP) — The creation of a three- universities to incure deficits of more than man Ontario task force on reshaping the two per cent of annual revenues. University system means plans to create a If a university exceeded the two per cent new Northeastern university are on hold. mark, it could be virtually taken over by a Warren Gerard, communications advisor provincially appointed administrator. to the Minister of Colleges and Universities, The legislation passed second reading Bette Stephenson, said it was unlikely the and will come up for third reading sometime government will go ahead with plans to this spring or summer. The legislature is amalgamate Laurentian University and other adjourned until March 20. Northeastern Ontairo institutions until the Gerard also said Stephenson does not Bovey commission reports. plan to grant interviews or hold news The commission will study the structure of conferences while the Bovey commission is the entire university system. Stephenson said at work. The minister might appear to be she wants the commission to suggest ways unduly influencing the commission if she of making universities more specialized. The were to comment publicly on its mandate, he report is due this summer. said. Although amalgamation plans are on Stephenson announced the creation or hold, the government is going ahead with the Bovey commission in the legislature Dec. anti-deficit legislation for universities. The 15. THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 / 9 Question news of the Week A touch of class? by Adriaan Demmers photos by Paul Gomme Transcript not grade A

by Chuck Kirkham After a six-month delay, Clarke Jenkins has received his transcripts Do you feel women at Laurier are safe on campus after the recent from Lauder and he would now be involving trespassing in WLU events washrooms? happier if the school would take them back Jenkins is disappointed with the "unprofessional" and "careless" way his transcript was produced. He is also angry that he has not received the five documents that he originally paid for, and wantsthe school to take back his transcript, make a new one, and give him the five copies that he Relatively safe. If you're here at a originally paid for. reasonable time it's okay. It's like Jenkins met with the school's any other institution; you're Registrar Jim Wilgar and was not susceptible to anything at anytime. entirely happy with the meeting. avoided the issue Pictured above are two official transcripts, one from Wilfrid Christine & Yvonne "Mr. Wilgar other from University of Waterloo. History and Arts initially and started to give me the Laurier (left) and the bureacratic run-around" said the information that is presented in that he feels the school still owes him Jenkins. "I wanted to talk about the explained Wilgar. two transcripts, and he talked about our transcript," three more transcripts. for his everything but the transcripts at In a later interview Wilgar showed When Jenkins paid

— paid for five first." that Laurier's document unlike documents last year he "I may still have been a little bit many others — does show the and was promised five. There was a angry' from the encounter with the students' academic standing after delay in sending his documents secretary, who I felt wasn't receptive each year, and that many do not even because of tuition still owed the to my concern," said Jenkins. show the students' average after school. What ensued was a mix-up It seems that Wilgar mayalso have each year, as the Laurier transcript with the bank, OSAP and the They should have stricter penalties lost his temper in the discussion. At does. business office. After the mess was than just a $103 fine, because one point, when it seemed clear that Jenkins' main argument with the cleared, Jenkins received only two that's not really a deterrent. Jenkins was ready to leave, Wilgar transcript is that it is "unpro- documents. Kathleen Bird refused to return Jenkins' transcript fessional" and that it does not The Registrar's Office told Jenkins 2nd year History until he heard him out. represent him well to a potential that the price for the transcripts had Although he has heard some employer. On his transcript three risen since he first paid for the criticism of the WLG transcript different type faces are used to documents. The amount he paid before, Wilgar says he has never display his marks. As well, the would now only cover the cost of two been so aggressively confronted information was pasted down crook- transcripts, Jenkins was told. about the issue. This year alone edly and the entire document was Wilgar stood behind his staff on 15,000 transcripts will be printed and off-centre when photocopied. this point and said that Jenkins could Jenkins is the first to complain. Over Wilgar told v" Tikins that he and his have three additional transcripts the years about 60,000 people have staff are working ~>n a new transcript when he paid his money. had transcripts reproduced at WLCJ. and it will just bt matter of time Jenkins is taking the matter to Dr. "We get many compliments about before it comes ou, John Weir, the school's president, Well, if it's the incident, just one our transcript. Other universities like The other concern i"or Jenkins is today. they're safe, but something should be done to monitor the washrooms. Scott Mclntyre 2nd year Arts jjj

No, I don't, because guys can walk in anytime they want. Many times the lights are off and 1 don't feel name and picture too safe in that case. Just a $103 withheld by request fine is ridiculous.

They should be giving Martiai Arts courses during the day. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Sandra Cairns 3rd year Geography TAKE ACTION Otf mj "I like the taste of a cold beer on a hot day, ■ OH HK H but I certainly don't think you have to get the gang together with a couple of cases of beer just to celebrate I think they're safe to a certain ■ j/7e fact you've had extent, and I would like to think that if someone needed help that help is available. i\nii»/i[L|(r Musharaf Mughal LFVmIIMI%,IIWL3~ Business Diploma H m mH v^Pv

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Special to the Cord Camelot team, the Extension Cord and the Only social recluses could have gotten Wilfs/Turret team scored bonus points for jDAYTONA BEACH! j through the first half of this week without wearing such garb. The real test came when having noticed something unusual. Perhaps the questions were asked, and that was of you were eating lunch in the Torque Room course the duty of articulate and dapper host Monday at noon, and you noticed a child Jamie Honderich. ; from $250. CDN j whizzing by on a tricycle. Well, that was no All teams appeared to have fun — even child, that was a team member from one ofthe those teams whose members spontaneously j Feb. 17-26 many groups competing in the Laurier blurted out correct answers in voices loud j Games. Here are some of our impressions of enough to be heard through the Concourse. the events so far. At the time of publication, we Special mention should go to official wheel- were one of the top teams (along with the spinner, Mary Ellen Hynd, who did an Science Fiction Club, Camelot, and the exemplary job fulfilling the demanding A3 Keglers). Good luck and best wishes to requirements of this cerebral duty. Thank you, *Roundtrip Motorcoach H everyone involved. Mary Ellen. Transportation Trike Race Obstacle Course *Wet T-shirt Contest Have you ever watched a large community of university students playing with children's Garbage bag hopping, basketball shooting, * table crawling and balloon blowing were all Belly Flop — toys in a public place? The Trike Race attracted Contest several athletic and long-legged competitors. events that all participants in the obstacle race The winning team, Extension Cord (what can were subjected to. Although the Extension *Free T-shirts we say?), had several comments on the event. Cord did not win (A3 Keglers did), they did First runner Mike Kacmar felt that being a Cord manage to crawl back to the Cord office, staffperson helped him to a victory because bruised knees and all. : *Free Concert 1 : 112 rIJI J "working with all these childlike minds" got him into the tricycle-riding mentality. Miles : 'Special Poolside Parties | : Two-legged Ski Race Iti ■ | "Wheelie" Chesher was glad that the track wasn't too icy, but he wished the curves were For those who didn't attend, a man and a banked. Wendy Chapelle was a great coach, woman from each team subjected themselves although the three people she knocked over in to having one of their legs tied to a ski shared the Torque Room are looking for a lunch between them. The event was poorly refund. organized, unfortunately. We were repeatedly Trivial Pursuit told that there would be a final heat. First the • rules were that it would include the winners [ Partying begins when bus departs! The first intellectual event of the Winter from each heat. This was changed to the top Carnival Olympics was won by the "Camelot" five teams. After the final heat and more than team. am of course talking about the "Trivial an hour's wait, we were informed that the best : I

more — For information, j Pursuit" competition held Monday in Wilfs. times would be used our suggestion at the : call Sean LeMay at 746-1821 j Not to be overlooked is the fact that "Extension beginning of the game. The A3 Keglers got a Cord" came in second despite being haggard lucky break that time (these guys are tough : or watch for booth in Concourse starting • and catatonic from a hard day of working on competition, but Extension Cord would have the newspaper you're holding in your clammy won a final heat). The female half of the team \ Jan. 20 5 hands! sacrificed her right leg for the win (third place Bedecked in costumes representative of tie), but said "It was worth it. The Extension #»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«# Trivial Pursuit categories (i.e. sports), the Cord will win!" New club speaks out

by Andrew Miller and Dwayne Williams, two fourth- "If you don't know how to say it, year business students. The club shut up!" So reads one of the posters provides "a great chance to improve advertising the newest club at Laurier your abilities as an effective — The Toastmasters Club. The communicator," says Rumi. club's purpose is to conquer man's "The best way to learn is by doing, MAGIC MOUNTAIN greatest fear — speaking in public. and that's how Toastmasters works. ALTERNATIVE" 1 I That's right, the majority of the It's very educational yet enjoyable. population lists speaking in public as The members run the meetings their ho. 1 fear, outranking even the themselves in a very friendly setting fear of death by a two-to-one margin. where everyone has a common goal r. — self-improvement," says Williams. *19.84 The Toastmasters Club is an Club members boast that the MADNESS internationally respected organiza- Toastmasters Communication and tion with over 4,500 branches Leadership Program will turn the throughout the world. The most fearful speaker into a person experience gained from being a who can comfortably and Toastmaster is so highly valued that confidently speak in front of any many corporations and associations group. «JBlsaleJANUARY 5-21 1984 have their own clubs for employees. There are no requirements of Included are Del Monte, NASA, giving a speech once a week or even Texas Instruments, the U.S. Senate, once a month; each member can Xerox, Sears, Roebuck and Co., advance through the program as General Electric, and the U.S. Dept. quickly or as slowly as he or she of Commerce. chooses. The club meets every The Laurier club has met several Wednesday night at 7 p.m. in room times and is just starting to get off the P2OBl of the Peters Building. New ground. The founders are Eric Rumi members are encouraged to attend. Financial aid for AIDS is - university CALGARY (CCJP) The gay areas of research the community here has donated doing, such as immunology and $10,000 to the University of Calgary hematology. for Aids Research. "We're encouraging those who AJDS — Acquired Immune have the background and interest of experience, to work to deal with this Deficiency Syndrome — is a deadly problem," disease which affects several known Martin said. high risk groups, including gay men. In terms of the donations we One of the researchers, he added receive from individuals, this is was involved in identifying the first significant, said research services reported case of AIDS in Calgary. director Bob Martin, adding that Because there have been only donations from individuals usually isolated cases of AIDS reported in range from $5 to $1,000. Western Canada, Martin said the Martin said the research will focus exchange of information is vital to on information gathering and gaining more knowledge about the sharing, and will be tied into related usually fatal disease. THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, Januaiy 19, 1984 11 news

Carnival Capers 12 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, Januaiy 19, 1984 etcetera to be... Adult Recreation Centre, Waterloo, 52.50 including relaxation techniques, to the topic "Who Is My Neighbour?" in the Eveiy Wednesday. Toastmasters Club For information at 4:45 Room per person. phone 576- reduce and/or manage stress. To be Seminary Lounge. Supper p:m., P2OBl at 7 p.m.. Jan. 19 2653 or 579-1020. held Tuesdays, January 24 and 31 and speaker at 6:00 p.m.. All are welcome.

February 7 and 14 from 1130 ■ 1230 Gays ofWLO presents the film Harold and p.m. in Alumni Hall. Pre-register before Maude. Straus, Come out and bring a friend. Service of Holy Communion at 11 a.m. in January 20 with Brenda Show starts at 830 p.m. CTB Services (ext. 2338). in 4-301. Keffer Chapel at WLXJ, Albert St.and Counselling The WLU Ski Club is hosting its second Jan. 26 Seagram. Sponsored by Lutheran day trip to Blue Mt.. (Note: there are still Laurier Games Events: Ice Hockey Campus Ministry. openings for the Vermont Ski Trip to Tournament Consolations, 12:50 p.m.; Bible study continues on the book of Smuggler's Notch during Reading Ice Tournament Finals (at the Kitchener Matthew starting at 4 p.m. at the Lutheran Week.) Aud), 2:30 p.m.; Car Rally leaves TA at Student House, 177 Albert St.. Do you have trouble speaking so 2:30 p.m.. people will listen and listening so people will The Chaplains' Association at Wilfrid speak? Then you are invited to a Lutheran Laurier University is sponsoring a guest Student Movement seminar on Celebration of Holy Communion around CCJSO Information Meeting. COSO in lectureship with Professor R. R. Jan. 20 Communication at 6:30 at the Lutheran the altar at the Keffer Chapel, WLCI, at 10 Technology: meeting housing, water, Tiemersma, professor emeritus at Calvin Student House, 177 Albert St.. p.m.. Fellowship continues at the home of food, transport, and training needs in the College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, will Chaplain Paul Bosch, 157 St.. Third World. & speak about C.S. Lewis, Laurier Games Events: Tug of War, 12 Albert 7:30 p.m., 3004, Math author and Computer theologian. In the Paul Martin noon; Student Talent the Concourse, Bldg., University of Waterloo, Centre at 3 in 885-1211 p.m., Professor noon; Dance Contest the Turret, 8 Water-fitness classes begin the (ext. 3144). Tiemersma will discuss 12 in in C.S. Lewis Athletic Complex pool. 24 one-hour and the Modem University. p.m.. Larry Grossman, Treasurer of Ontario Lewis, an Oxford classes for only $20. 10:30 Monday, don, is author of the will speak in the Paul Martin Centre at 3 Tales of Narnia series, Wednesday and Friday mornings. No and highly p.m.. Refreshmentswill beavailable.Free. regarded as swimming skills required. For more father of the "faith and Sponsored by the WLCI Progressive fantasy" movement information call 886-2103. Registration at Reading Efficiency Series: Assessment in modem literature. Jan. 21 Conservative Association. An the Athletic Complex office. of your speed, accuracy, and efficiency, evening lecture in rooms 1025-1027 in the Peters Building entitled C.S. Lewis: — with individualized attention on "real life" The Kinder Garden a celebration of Literary Theologian reading habits appropriate for university is scheduled for 8 children's involvement with the p.m.. (For more Jan. 25 work. To be held 930 - 1030 a.m. in information, please Schneider Haus through educational Time Management Series: This week's contact the Chaplains' Room P3117. Sign up in the Student Office at Wilfrid programs. Exhibits showing products topic is Procrastination and Motivation. Laurier The Laurier Christian Services Centre, Upper Floor. University, 8841970, ext. 2240.) created by elementary students aftertheir To be held 9:30 - 1030 a.m. in Room Fellowship presents guest speaker Tim Connor visits to the Haus. Exhibits and P3027-29. Sign up in the Student on demonstrations will continue from Services Centre, Upper Floor. January 21 - March 18,1984. For further information contact Robert Spall at 742- 1751, ext. 197. Jan. 24 classifieds Jan. Management of Stress Series (4 22 Sessions): In this series, you will leam to understand what contributes to excessive ,~T ° have alread Recreational folkdancing & JSJry gotten theirs, instruction stress how it relates to physical illness. LOSI please have them filled in by — every other Sunday starts at 7:30 p.m. at You will then practise some skills, the 27th. Starting then, regardless. For more info Typing/Word Processing; Experience in call 884-0998 or 884-2990. " typing hand-written reports, theses, manuscripts, tables, etc.. Excellent THE CANADIAN LADIES' GOLD SEIKO WATCH. spelling and grammar. Editing, Contact Martha at 885-5081. proofreading, 20 years secretarial experience. Dependable, fast and CROSSWORDS Black and greyTopher Elite Ski Jacket at TVDIFIQ accurate service. Call Norma, 743-7247. the Tamiae Biz Bash on Monday, January J\ w 9, 1984. Call 885-6124. ACROSS 11 Hits with fqot 19 Interior U Helps tree _ Word 1 Coastal tree 12 Greek shipping 5r Evergreen processing. BCK per double- PprCnnnl *

, _ 1 Draft CI 01/llGl magnate 20 Quebec city 117— __ 1. _ spaced page. copy provided. One k Mountain tree 6 Forest tree opposite '' * block from campus. May book Be sounc Wdniea ahead. , 6 Lot Ottawa 7 Wrongs Phone 885-1353. c ... 15 Japanese 9 Savoury Jjelly ... Scrub tree', 8 Cattle food drink 23 Karim — Happy Belated Birthday good for ...... 10 Likewise — ~ , Canadian 16 of c-firewood 13 Love newsman on (Monday 16th). ya, "Cube." St. Lawrence Attractive female to eat lunch with Letter quality typing for your resumes, 25 Railway tie "60 Minutes" in dining hall. Serious replies only. essays, theses, etc.. Date stored for future Sweet Sweet Paul —W.A.AT.V. W. G. 27 Madam 1 Horn and revisions. Reasonable Afternoon interlude could follow rates. — Speaker Good Hope if you Delivery j q fsj jy.H.A. G. A G.. LO. A T.! To fondle my thigh under the table. I arranged. Call Diane at 576-1284. ??? All Crossword Fans: 29 Lucky 17 Unquestioned The Syphon Master. guarantee you'll have your hands full, as ; Hello! We've run out of current Fence 18 Northwest and 30 well as a few other parts of your body. Wait Qualified secretary. Will type anything For editions of the Canadian openings others Confused about being Gay? by the salad bar and ask for Chuck. from resumes to thesis. IBMSelectric and information Crossword; 31 Mountain walk 21 Not set confidential and discusssion the one you see here Olympia Electronic typewriter. Will edit call GLOW at from 7-10 p.m. 32 But 22 Thinnest 884-GLOW is from 1982. We'd like to know and correct spelling. Will supply paper. on weekniqhts. whether readers like the 33 Edges 2k Christmas tree Call Pamela at 884-6913. Crossword enough to justify DOWN 26 Made mistake To LH.j And remember above all things ZVlicrollanQA! l c —; ordering new versions of the 1 Tory leader 28 Soothes I llOvCllCllICUUb Typing —14 years'experience typing don't stop! YAHOO! puzzle. Please, if you like having 2 Caricature 29 Tree, often university reports, theses, etc.. *° 3 Given another r Engineering and technical papers a RIDE THE WAVES! The King of the the Crossword each week—or if 1 umber part Assassins Club: Those of you who had you don't—let us know. Call specialty. Call Nancy anytime at 576- Normans finally sleeps on a "fitting" bed. The an incredibly good time playing the 7901. Cord at 884-2990. Your humble slave THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 13 ENTERTAINMENT The Parachute Club in the Turret Frisky white

by Don Spencer

The Parachute Club is one of Canada's hottest new dance bands. Last Saturday night's performance at the WL(J Turret delivered the kind of frisky white reggae that had many students doing more dancing than drinking. The sellout crowd eame to "rise up" to energeticand playful vocals of lead singer . Larry Fitzpatrick, Parachute Club's road manager, filled me in on the dynamics, history, and future of the band. A successful debut album previewed the Parachute Club's performance

The Parachute Club began as an after-hours gig a year and a half ago. Jerry Young, who manages , spotted them during a Festival of Festivals performance. His encouragementand expert management helped to create Parachute Club's debut album, which has sold over 60,000 copies across the country. The band's three main members

— Lorraine Segato on and all lead vocals, Billy Bryans on drums,

and Laurie Cogner on keyboard — all belonged to the now-defunct Mama Quilla 11. These three do most of the writing for the group. Some of their lyrics, such as "Rise Gp" and Are You Hungry," were written by feminist poet Lynn Ferney.The band finds the feminist label annoying, seeing themselves more as humanist than feminist, says Fitzpatrick. Parachute Club has toured from Halifax to Vancouver, and most reviews have been favourable. Some audiences, however, have had some ugly elements. In an Edmonton club a man was killed in a struggle with bouncers before the show even started, and in Quebec a crowd of rowdy jocks leered at the female band members and shouted "Play Aerosmith" and "Play Led Zepplin." The band prefers a university audience who can understand what the group is about, according to Fitzpatrick. The Parachute Club is scheduled to begin work on their new album in February. After its release in early spring, the band will begin a U.S. tour. Their Rise (Jp track made number 26 on the U.S. charts. With .European distribution being organized, Fitzpatrick anticipates that Parachute Club will be "too big" for places like the Turret by this time next year. After the Club's enthusiastic encore I asked different students for their reaction to the band. Most people enjoyed them; however, some found the songs a little monotonous. "It's great backgound music," "The people here dance to anything," "Too much like The Police" were some of the negative comments of the crowd. There is, after all, only so much of a market for frisky white reggae. Photos by Tim Shearly and Dave Bradshaw 14 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 entertainment

Kitchener's 'Level 21' Club opens to L'etranger

Special to the Cord noting that the band's popularity and high Looking for a new place to bop the night profile drew immediate attention to Level 21. away? Level 21, a Toronto-style club managed Tentative plans are made to book the newly by a couple of former Business students at successful Toronto band Breeding Ground in Laurier, may be just the alternative you want. early February, and Kirkpatrick and Silverstein Last Wednesday's Level 21 opening featured say Level 21 plans to headline a "good band" L'etranger, the progressive-sounding Toronto every third week. In the plans as well are theme band known for its lyrical emphasis on social video nights (Motown, Police, etc.) and special responsibility as well as their real-life charity evenings to showcase local talent. efforts. The enthusiastic capacity crowd showed So how did two former WLG students get into its approval by dancing as hard as L'etranger this business? While they don't deny the played. importance of their education at WLG's School After an adequate 40-minute warm-up by of Business and Economics, they are quick to Kitchener locals The Masterbeats, the high- attribute much of their expertise to their energy L'etranger came on to play two solid one- experience in the music field. hour sets. The band's three long-time Both have done radio shows for University of members—Andrew Cash on guitar and lead Waterloo's CKMS—FM, and have worked for vocals, Chuck Angis on bass, and Pete Duffin on the station's Alpha Sounds DJ service. drums—have been recently joined by an Both Kirkpatrick and Silverstein worked as unnamed keyboard player who demonstrated DJs at The Red Baron (the pub located his value to the band last Wednesday by adding downstairs from Waterloo's City Hotel), a new element of finish to L'etranger's tight beginning their employment when The Baron performance. opened in October of 1982. Kirkpatrick was This was L'etranger's first area performance closely involved with The Baron's management, in half a year, and with any luck they'll maketheir acting as programming consultant in addition to treks to K-W more frequent from now on. After a being a regular DJ. highly successful debut EP entitled Innocent In addition to their current commitment to Hands (Ground Zero), L'etranger was chosen as Level 21, Kirkpatrick and Silverstein are partners the Most Promising Band in the CFNY-FM "C- in Audissey Productions, a successful video -KNOW' awards last year by the followers of the road show venture started by the pair last August Toronto music scene. A new EP is expected with 50 per cent bank financing. Audissey now from L'etranger in the coming week's—watch books an average of six shows a month, mostly for it. in high schools and universities. Level 21 manager John Kirkpatrickand head "The show is about 80 per cent videos," says bartender Eric Silverstein are visibly pleased Silverstein. At $600 per show, Silverstein says, with the success of opening night. "We had to Audissey is available "at about half the cost of start turning people away fromthe door at 11:00 comparable shows." or 11:30," noted Silverstein. Level 21 is licensed The key to the success of Audissey's Video for 219. Dance Party has been the promotional Both believe in the demand for a "night club emphasis on profit, believes Kirkpatrick. All 12 Up-and-coming Toronto band L'etranger put on a high-energy show for a offering first rate bands and videos," and are shows they've done to date have been sold out, capacity crowd at last Wednesday's opening of Level 21. The new Kitchener club, convinced by Wednesday night's success that and their clients have made upwards of $1000 managed by two former WLU students, will be open until 4 a.m. on Friday and Level 21 can provide it. "It's key that we got on each show, he says. Saturday nights. L'etranger as our first band," says Kirkpatrick, continued on page 15 photo by Jackie Kaiser AC ) Hi \Ej/

60Q)*> To Tm£ o\-P D&Pi wirier frß

IntroducingMolsonßock. |I A suiprisingfyrefreshing taste. u| 38fiEr Atregularprices.

M — - [ . . ... ■' pim. 11. nil 1.1 I 11.1 I,)■, I7T!T***T'^—, T .., THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 15 entertainment TIME Entertainment Quiz MANAGEMENT 1. How long did the Lutz family subject themselves to demonic hauntings Winners before they left their house in Amityville? 2. Who was the most difficult to shut up among Shakespearean SERIES characters? 3. Where did Spandau Ballet get their name? Concert 4. How did Jim Morrison incriminate himself in his indecent exposure trial? This week's topic: 5. What one role has been portrayed by each of these actors: Clive by Eric Fahn Brook, Basil Rathbone, and Christopher Lee? After years of practice 6. What great Canadian actor played the ship captain in The Poseidon and months Adventure? of hard work preparing for the annual 7. What film is based on the stage play Everybody Comes To Rick's? concerto Competition organized by the Faculty 8. What was Dr. Frankenstein's first name? of Music last November, six winners were chosen to perform a 9. Which British comedy show made its syndicated American TV debut in solo piece with theWLQ Dallas, Texas? orchestra on 10. Which of The Beach Boys was the only genuine surfer? January 20. They are Kathleen Brett (soprano), Dan Douglas (recorder), Carol Isaac (piano), Geoff Lee(cello), Katherine Ramseyer (piano) and Daria Salemka (soprano). The selections by the two pianists Level 21 are both twentieth century MONDAY, JANUARY 23

compositions: Bela Bartok's Third — continued from page 14 And Audissey just got a call from a Piano Concerto (with Carol Issac as 9:30 10:30 am a "Everybody connected with secretary at local high school who soloist) and Sergi Prokofiev's Third Audissey is surprised we can do it for wants to book them for a private Piano Concerto, Opus 26 (with Room P3027-29 party so cheap," says Kirkpatrick, "but we at the Schwaben Club. With Katherine Ramseyer as soloist). overhead low." business on an Kirkpatrick keep our very, very upswing, Bartok's piece was finished shortly The pair handle all the work and Silverstein hope to own their before his death in 1945,as a parting themselves, from bookings $20,000 worth of within a to set equipment gift for his wife, pianist Ditta Pastory. ups, although with the recent year. Issac's selection is the third opening Level 21 they have had to Oh, yeah — all the rumours are of movement of the concerto, a a work video show true. Level 21 really did get hire roadie to on its name movement requiring real virtuosity so at because there are 21 steps leading nights, one of them can work on the part of both the soloist upstairs to the bar. Sorry, but it's true. and the the club. orchestra. Prokofiev's Piano future good for Level 21 is located The looks upstairs and Concerto was first premiered in 1921 (MM* behind the Mayfair at INSTRUCTORS: Audissey. The promotion work now Hotel King and in Chicago. It is a work of brilliance the of behind them, Kirkpatrick and Young Street heart downtown and sophistication, and as a result Kitchener. The DALE FOGLE (^Mm Silverstein find that the show is club is open has become Prokofiev's most selling itself through satisfied Wednesday and Thursday nights & popular concerto. Both Carol and When University of until 1:00 a.m. and Fridays and H customers. Katherine are students of Saturdays until 4:00 a.m.. Professor Waterloo's Village II residence had The cover Garth Beckett. JOHN VARDON the show a few weeks it charge after 9:00 on | 112 jSsjP ago was the p.m. Fridays The soprano recorder, a rarely first time this that the has and Saturdays is $1, and $2 after year group listened to instrument, will be made a profit from this type of event. midnight. featured as Dan Douglas plays Vivaldi's concerto for Soprano Recorder. This concerto is a rare showpiece for the instrument, which dates back to the 17th century. Dan Douglas is also a member of the WLU Baroque Ensemble. gg SHAPES Concert List Dvorak's Cello Concerto in B minor will be the third program to be presented on January 20. It has long been part of the standard repertoires A January 19 Spoons Turret ...FEATURING for the cello. The whole piece is filled COMPLETE LOOK with Bohemian tunes and it requires 20 Stolen Property Larry's Hideaway a high standard of proficiency, both OF MEN' AND musically and technically, before one LADIES' CASUAL 20 Might Shift Hotel Isabella the composer's can interpret SPORTSWEAR & intention. Geoff Lee, a third-year FALL 20 Rick Sanders Coronet student who studies with the well- AND FOOTWEAR WINTER known Viola de Gamba Maestro PACKAGE... 21 Coronet ( J\ Blushing Brides Peggie Sampson, has prepared the FASHIONS UP second movement for Friday's / 50% OFF 21 Big Dark Angel Band Hotel Isabella performance. / \TO To add some variety to the Lmmmm 21 Terrace Garden Larry's Hideaway instrumental music program, Soprano Kathleen Brett will perform 21 Stark Naked and El Mocambo a Concert Aria by W.A. Mozart and the Fleshtones Dana Salemka has prepared a Soprano Aria from Mendelssonn s Oratorio 'Elijah.' Both performers 27 Frank Soda Coronet are students of Professor Victor 7 \ J P7\1 SWAPES Martens and are members BaP 27 Larry's Hideaway of the Deserters highly acclaimed Laurier Singers, which has 27 recently toured various Sun Force Hotel Isabella parts of Canada. To conclude this Friday's 28 Members Only Ei Mocambo program, the orchestra will perform the Prelude to the opera La Traviata 28 FM Coronet by Giuseppe Verdi and the Intermezzo from the one-act opera 28 Young Drunks Hotel Isabella Cavalleria Rusticana by Pietro Mascagni. Concert time is February 3 Cazzotto Hotel Isabella 8:00 p.m. on Friday, January 20, at the Theatre Auditorium. 3 Tibet Larry's Hideaway 3 Frank Soda El Mocambo Answers 3 Lizard Kings Coronet Wilson Dennis 10. 4 McLean & McLean Coronet Circus Flying Python's Monty 9. SHAPES Victor 8. 4 Johnny Osborne Larry's Hideaway Casablanca 7. Nielson Leslie 6. MAIN FLOOR 10 Lightning Rods Coronet Holmes Sherlock 5. LEVEL there. out myself exposed I think 11 Godo Coronet I "Gh-oh, reportedly, said, He 4. MARKET wall Bathroom 3. words). 11,610 (with Hamlet 2. SQUARE days 28 1. 16 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 POETICS


I shall command the elements and set the world afire. Tenants of the House

Your faded presence heralds its way into my house: Deign I aside a knowing brook,

An unwanted image, thrown about as shattered glass some mirth Babel, some fleeting tongue — cuts faces brushed by portraits framed, then flung about. Deign I. Invoke the heavens with a song,

Rain-wracked windows bursting open/shut! repeating, cry out —

Killing fragile, haloed candles lit against And speak of visions visiting — the graven misery you press against me, Deign I.

Almost smothering the fury of slamming doors As one and knowing as one — Which echo down cold, cluttered hallways, descending ape the oracle

Into shadowed cellars, where frosted eyes glitter at me. and —

Fettered and forced, I witness tell-tale hearts Such glorious trespasses — And shackled skeletons half-hidden (if only it would let me) Behind rubbled walls and broken casks of wine. I would command the elements and set the world afire. So why, oh, why must you take such pride in battering these web-rimmed rooms that form my home? John David Black

Timothy Neesam

A Twist of The Glass

Struggling, you are choked by the particles of mankind's fruitless endeavours.

Breathless, you squirm to suspend your flesh above the bone-filled chasm of her lost generations.


If only to escape, but you are pulled

down with others like you — those who were purged of themselves with the passing of their souls, you became as one.

Skulls — bleached white. Dark caverns harbouring lifeless eyes that had once / envisioned the world through a veiled A fallacy of man's purpose. A

Now, their minds — hard marrow. They see \ the illumination of their lost hopes and \ their bodiless hearts begin to seep like open wounds. Dissolving the flesh and

limbs of the latest generation — dropping one by one through the porthole of time.

Suffocating and drowning, forced down by

bitter memories — the people and symbols that we all could have been, we could have stood for so much more.

The human mind — shrouded in the desparity of human nature.

Susan Lawson

before the after

can you see the root a modern soul can you finally feel the fall Envelopment as man has taken the atomic apple and built babels underground Unfailing charm envelopes for "mighty ones" of ideology creating an illusion. have by wheels of humanistic progress driven us into what may be A friendship charmingly the final corner envelopes surrounded by apocalypse creating nothing but unfailing faith. yet you seek the physicist or the politician Elizabeth Ganong or the placard but not the carpenter

jason smith THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, Januaiy 19, 1984 17 SPORTS Hawks winless after two Apart from the negative aspects of by Ian Raymond the game, Coulthard was able to The Hawks lost more than just a basketball game last Wednesday draw at least one positive result. "I thought the rookies played night as they fell to defeat at the a credible game. This is important because hands of the Waterloo Warriors. The Hawks also lost the services of Dave we'll need the bench even more with MacNeil. MacNeil had his jaw broken the loss of Keane and MacNeil." at the end of the first half. Laurier played a very dis- in It did not take long after the appointing game Windsor last opening toss for the Golden Hawks Saturday night, losing to the Lancers to get into foul trouble. No vote of 91-68. Part of the reason for their should be extended to the lackluster performance may have thanks of Keane and officiating. While frustrated by the been the absence number of fouls against them, the MacNeil. Keane may be out for the season a back, Hawks were still able to keep a rest of the with bad respectable score through most of and MacNeil will be out for three to the first half. The powerful Warriors four weeks with a broken jaw. came out on top at the half-time While the Hawks managed to stay buzzer by ten points, 49-39.- within five points at half-time, in the With Pat Keane not starting and second half they were stomped as MacNeil injured and a problem with the Lancers scored an incredible 57 fouls, Coach Coulthard had torely on points. The Hawks scored on an the bench. Although these players unsatisfactory 35 per cent of their played well, the Warriors pulled away shots from the field. from the Hawks and gained a 24- Top scorers for the Hawks were point lead. At the final buzzer, Laurier Chuck Klassen with 14 points and had come to make the score 99-85 in Steve Forden and Doug Aitchison favour of the Warriors. with 13 points each. Top scorer for the Hawks was Coach Coulthard was not overly Chuck Klassen with 17 points. Steve impressed with the team's Forden played a super game, performance. "They didn't play demonstrating excellent control and intelligently. Their shot selection was accuracy in shot-making. Forden very poor. Why are guys who are was eight for 12 and collected 16 shooting one for ten and four for 14 points. Peter Savich was top scorer taking shots? Klassen (five for seven) for Waterloo with 25 points. never got the ball in the first half." Perhaps reacting to Dave Coulthard also said the absence of MacNeil's intense coverage, Savich MacNeil and Keane hurt. "Dave and connected with an elbow to Pat are high intensity players and we MacNeil's jaw which resulted in a miss that in our practices. You play broken cheek bone and jaw. like you practice." The incident took place in th The Hawks play against Brock in scramble just after a foul shot with St. Catherines on January 21 and one second to play in the first half. "I then will be home to play Western on Laurier's Mark Polischuk (20) and Waterloo's Frank Haus (4) fight over the ball during last looked a the film many, manytimes," the following Tuesday. The Brock Wednesday's game as Hawk team mates Steve Forden (10) and John Anstess (3) move in for said Coach Coulthard. "I'm sure the game will be televised on channel 11 assistance. The Hawks lost the game to the number three ranked Warriors 99-85. Photo by Theresa Kelly elbow was not accidental." (CHCH). Hawks tie one, win two Redskins to win

by Daryl Street have already proved themselves It is estimated that 1 billion dollars against the run by holding Eric will be wagered on Superbowl XVIII Dickerson of the L.A. Rams to less — most of course, illegally. The than 60 yards in the two games the Redskins are favoured by three Rams and Redskins played this year. because of better ratings for Underlying the game is another quarterback, offensive line, and game. It pits Joe Theismann against turnover ratio. The Raiders' Jim Plunkett, quarterback against stronghold is their defensive quarterback. They both have a mini- backfield. If you're looking for odds, rivalry which stems from the fact that they are set at 8:5 against the Plunkett narrowly beat out Raiders. Theismann for the Heisman trophy Both teams had the best record in their last year as college against the spread, 12-5-1, this year. quarterbacks. Incidentally, Joe The tie on the spread actually Theismann's last name was actually occurred when the Redskins beatthe pronounded "Theez-man" but when Raiders by two, 37-35. Both teams he became a solid candidate for the also amassed the best win-loss Heisman (Hize-man) trophy, people record this season. rhymed his name and the new pronunciation stuck This is going to be one of the TO WIN WASHINGTON hardest hitting Bowl Super games POINT SPREAD....WASHINGTON ever. It will center on whether the minus three. Raiders can stop John Riggins. They are the best qualified ofall the playoff Although I'm favouring teams, thus forcing Washington, 1 am in no way counting The Hockey Hawks played three games last week and added five points to their total. In game one, the Theismann to go to Raiders out. The Redskins Hawks skated to a 3-3 tie with the Waterloo Warriors. On the weekend the Hawks travelled to Kingston the air more than he would like. the The phemonemal cannot play the Raiders the they for a series against the Queen's Gaels and the RMC Redmen. The Hawks defeated the Gaels 5-3 on abilities of Raider way running back Marcus Allen will pose played San Francisco if they hope to Friday, and on Saturday the team easily defeated the Redmen 5-1. photo by Paul Gomme a problem for the Redskins but they repeat in the Super Bowl this year. 18 THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 sports WLU hosts soccer tourney

by Theresa Kelly of the special indoor ball is important. bySidelineTheresa Kelly Each time has six players on the floor at one time: 2 On January 28 and 29, Laurier will host the first defenceman, 3 forwards and 1 goalie. Is there life after football? After spending last invitational Ongoing Sunday trying to indoor soccer tournament. The tournament, substitution occurs, like hockey, convince myself that there must be lots of which is sponsored with shifts of about one exciting things to do by Texaco Canada, will be known as minute each. after football season ends, I've come to the the Texaco Cup. conclusion that diehard Only 15 of the 27 1983 soccer Hawks can participate football fans simply hibernate until the summer. I know I'll soon be Seven teams in addition to the soccer Hawks will in the tournament. All members ofthe team have played going through the classic symptoms of football withdrawl. compete for top spot. Four teams will play in two indoor soccer, although only for a few short weeks as a have watched at least one football game every Sunday for four divisions on Saturday in a unit. straightI round robin format. The top The seven other teams play regular indoor soccer months. I've even watched a few NFL games that were two teams in each division over so broadcast on will cross and square off the Hawks will have to play consistently throughout only the French channels—now that's an interesting way on Sunday for the semifinals in the morning and the the tournament. to spend three hours. and in The consolation final final the afternoon. Texaco is very enthusiastic about the tournament and only exception was Christmas Day—a day customarily set The "A" division consists of Laurier, University of has hopes of expanding across Ontario so that all the aside for family, turkey, and presents. Besides, the NFL decided to Toronto, Kitchener City (a celebrate Christmas, too, local amateur team), Ontario universities can host individual Texaco Cups. and took the day off. But with a game on Youth (made team up of the best soccer players in Game bags will be given to the players of the game for Christmas Eve and one on Boxing Day, I somehow managed to Ontario, under). 21 and The coach of the Ontario Youth all 16 games, and each member of the winning teams get through the day. Playing Teacher's Quiz (a kid-sized version of team is Bob Bearpark, coach of the Canadian Olympic will receive a Texaco jacket. An all-star team will also be Trivial Pursuit) with my niece and nephew kept me busy. team. This chosen. past Sunday was much more difficult. After reading virtually The "B" division features Kitchener Beograd, The first game, featuring the soccer Hawks and the every inch of the Sunday Star, a weekly ritual, I couldn't figure out (Ontario Western. Toronto Emerald seniorfinalists), and Toronto Blues, will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday with what to do next. After a long consultation with the TV guide I Montreal B-Tops. Both the B-Tops and Emerald have games continuing throughout the day. General discovered there wasn't much on the tube that would keep me won three indoor tournaments this year. admission is $3 per day with a two-daypassport available interested for very long. Oh, sure, there was skating, a basketball $4. $ and Indoor soccer features fast-paced, continuous action at These tickets are redeemable for 1 off gas at K-W game, World Cup skiing, but none of these shows managed to and often high scoring contests. Two-thirds of the gym Texaco stations. keep my attention for very long. Of course there was always my all- will be used — an area half the size of a regular soccer Admission is free for WLCJ faculty, staff, and students time favourite—Wild, Wild World of Animals.... field. Because of the smaller playing area, good control with I.D. cards. At least I have one final game to look forward to. The Superbowl is only three (count em) days away. I haven't given up my resolution to watch other sports but it will be much easier once football season is over. Well, I didn't manage to rustle up any tickets for the Super Bowl Laurier drops McMaster so I guess I'll be watching the game from my living room instead of from sunny Tampa. Special to the Cord I'll be devastated if this game is as The clinching one-sided as the L.A. Rams Golden Hawks volleyball team their second straight points in the latter stages. The Hawks and Washington Redskins game a few weeks ago. It's the finale, won their third game of the season match over the Marauders. won the game 15-11, after being the classic confrontation between the best teams from both last Friday as they defeated the The second game proved to be a ahead 11-9, and 13-11. conferences. At least it's supposed to be, if it doesn't always McMaster work Marauders in four games, close battle as the Hawks were Coach Smith was pleased with the out that way. Most of the games are pretty one-sided and 11-15, 15-10, 15-7, aren't 15-11. The winning by just one point, 11-10, final results and felt the match nearly as exciting as predicted. If the game is half as fourth-place exciting as the Hawks now have a 3-3 before taking the next four points to provided good competition for the Orange Bowl between Miami and Nebraska I record. would be quite happy. win the game. The third game was Hawks. "The team played really hard Of course, there's always the Jinx Factor. I have three NFL The Marauders took an early 1-0 team less of a challenge as the Hawks won when we had to," he added. shirts, and whenever wear one of them, that team always loses. lead, winning the first game by four I 157. The Hawks will host Guelph on Why, just this year both Dallas and Pittsburgh lost in the playoffs points, 15-11. The Hawks came right The final game proved to be more January 20 at 8:00 p.m. in the whiie I was wearing the dreaded shirts. back to win the next three games, difficult as the Hawks led only by two Athletic Complex. Unfortunately, I don't have either a Skins or Raiders shirts, so that won t make the betting on the game any easier. I bought my other shirts after the teams liked won the Super Bowl and they haven't won Super Bowl gamesI since. The Skins are favoured by just a few points, but that's not why you can I m picking the Skins to win their second straight Super Bowl. I'm a U All eat real Hogs fan. Besides, I don't want to make the same mistake 1 made last year when I decided on a whim to bet on Miami instead wings of Washington at game time. ill You've got to like a team with catchy nicknames. Take the Hogs lani | and the empire they've built around their offensive line and John Riggins. The fans get right into the act with the Hogs Tuesday N[ghts paraphernalia—hog noses, Hogette sashes. Of course there's also I the band that plays Hail to the Redskins" every time the team scores a touchdown. 111 Of course, if the Redskins get beat and I lose my bet, it'll be another sore subject. And I won't have to worry about life after football because I won t want to hear that word again...well, maybe HI Ladies Night $5.99 ft not for six months. Wednesday 2 for 1 cocktails till 11 pm " sports quiz 6HOTEI«> WATERLOO | by Johnny E. Sop Answers on page 19 I 4 KING ST. N., WATERLOO (KING & ERB) 885-5840 1. How many Toronto Maple Leaf draft picks played on the Canadian vj junior hockey team that finished in fourth place in the world junior hockey competition? 2. Who won the 1983 Army-Navy football game? 3. What is Kanda and what is she best known for? 4. Who is the Yankees' new manager (as of Jan. 19)? 5. Name the new football coach at Stanford. (Hint: his famous son, a Stanford grad, now plays in the NFL.) 6. What CFL team has former Laurier grad Rick Kalvitis played for? 7. Who is known as the Babe Ruth of Japanese baseball? 8. How many teams are there in the Ivy League? 9. What pro golfer is known as Super Mex? 10. How many white players have ever played for the Harlem Globetrotters? 11. Who is rated by the NCAA as the nation s strongest football player? 5 pool sharks left

by Ian Raymond morning, January 28, in the Games The Laurier Eight Ball Room. As some of the best poo! Tournament was held last Saturday players at Laurier will be playing, it is in the Games Room. Twenty-six an event that should not be missed players showed up to display their by pool enthusiasts. talents. Organizers Tim and Carol The top four players will travel to Turcotte were pleased with the Buffalo to represent Laurier in the turnout. Association of Colleges and All but five players were Universities International Eight Ball eliminated. Paul McLasky, Dale tournament, where they will compete McDonald, Dan Pound, Pat Pringle against some of the best university and Art Van Santen will play Saturday players in Morth America. THE CORD WEEKLY Thursday, January 19, 1984 19 sports Tamiae on Ice CAMPUS by Darren Martin Wings' Bill Anderson, the mighty offensive talent of the DIRECTORIES The Tamiae Ice Hockey League resumed action last Bruins came through with two goals by Bob Cuip and week with three games. In the first contest, the once- singles by Cam Jefferson, Dave Smith, Mark Lemmon mighty unbeaten Rangers were thrashed 4-1 by the and Carl Clappison. Paul Blain had the third qoal for the available in the Habs. Knowledgeable analysts around the league were Wings. predicting the end of the Ranger dynasty as they played In the third game, the Leafs broke open a close game Cord Office listless, unorganized hockey. On the other hand, the with the help of some late-arriving players to beat the Habs played excellent two-way hockey which allowed Stars 5-1. Doug Skringer led the way for the Leafs with them to take over sole possession of second place. two goals and an assist. Pat Kirby had a goal and three The Habs were led by a three-goal performance by assists. Terry O'Hara and Dave Zamora also scored for behind the Gamesroom, 2nd floor Andy Bout. Dan Wager had the single. Scott Mclntyre the Leafs. Pete Jamieson fired the lone Star goal. Student Union Building played a solid game in goal for the Habs but was beaten All six teams made the playoffs. The first and second by Tim Courtis late in the third period. place teams get a bye from the sudden-death first round. In the second game, the Bruins skated to a 6-3 win There are signs that the Stars could be a threat with the over the Wings. Despite the two-goal performance by the help of some co-op additions. scoreboard BOWLING I I OGAA Hockey OCIAA Basketball G W L T F A P G W L T F A P Toronto 14 12 1 1 127 42 25 Waterloo 2 2 0 0 174 128 4 j ALL Laurentian 16 4 ?' 9 3 87 72 21 Windsor 3 2 1 0 254 228 4 112 T Laurier 15 8 3 4 71 45 20 Brock 1 1 0 0 73 66 2 Western 14 8 5 1 69 56 17 Western 2 1 1 0 144 133 2 Guelph 14 8' 6 0 74 67 16 McMaster 3 1 2 0 210 231 2 : : Waterloo 16 7 7 2 65 80 16 Laurier 2 0 2 0 153 190 0 ft can Queen's 14 6 5 3 63 58 15 Gueiph 1 0 1 0 43 75 0 Brock 14 5 6 3 66 85 13 |3 bowl ; York 14 6 8 0 66 65 12 Results i v McMaster 15 5 8 2 68 72 12 Waterloo 99 Laurier 85 RMC 17 3 10 4 80 113 10 Windsor 91 Laurier 68 ONLY $5.00 ; Windsor 13 3 9 1 68 78 7 Waterloo 75 Guelph 43 i iff Ryerson 14 3 11 0 44 115 6 McMaster 66 Western 62 I INCLUDES « | SHOE RENTAL Hockey Results Waterloo 6, RMC 5 Tamiae Hockey ii Toronto 8, York 1 Windsor 7, Brock 7 G W L T F A P Laurier 5, Queen's 3 Laurentian 6, McMaster 4 Rangers 10 7 1 2 55 28 16 MON. —THURS. 11 pm to lam Western 8, Brock 1 Queen's 7, Waterloo 2 Habs 9 5 3 1 34 31 11 j j Gueiph 12, Ryerson 2 Laurier 4 RMC 1 Bruins 10 4 3 3 41 37 11 I MUST SHOW AD I Leafs 9 4 4 1 29 41 9 ii Wings 10 4 5 1 51 47 9 Varsity Swimming Results Stars 10 0 8 2 20 46 2 ' BRUNSWICK FREDERICK LANES ! The Laurier Hawks FREDERICK MALL went to Toronto Individual First Place Finishes J for a dual meet against Ryerson on C.1.A.C1. Hockey Men , KITCHENER i Saturday Jan. 14. 1. Toronto R. Greiss 800 Free i i Results: 2. Alberta 576-1160 B. Douchette 200 Free 3. 1 Men Saskatchewan i J. Tile 200 Ind. Medley 4. Concordia xaaO Laurier 32 R. Greiss 200 Butterfly Ryerson 55 5. Manitoba J. Tile 200 Backstroke 6. New Brunswick ■ A. Mcintosh 400 Free 7. Brandon Women KWON-DO i Women 8. P.E.I. ~.»TAE Laurier 32 200 Medley Relay 9. McGill 59 Ryerson 400 Free Relay 10. Moncton HAP KI-DO ( [ Taught Personally by MASTER CHUNG W. OH / * I 7th Degree Black Belt — Hap Ki-Do 6th Degree Black Belt — Tae Kwon-Do < C.1.A.C1. Men's Basketball ￿ Physical ￿ Self Defence !' OCIAA Volleyball 1. Victoria ij lneSS * MP MW ML TP 2. York Answers e ontro Waterloo 6 6 0 12 3. Waterloo '^ Guelph 6 4 2 8 4. Brandon Western 6 4 2 8 5. St. Mary's Laurier 6 3 3 6 6. St. Francis Xavier Brock 6 15 2 7. Lakehead 1. Five - ' 2. Navy j McMaster 6 0 6 0 8. Calgary j 9. Brock 3. A gorilla that picked point 10. spreads in the 1983 NFL games Dalhousie 4. Yogi Berra 5. Jack Elwav—father of John CLASSES DAY ANO 6. Toronto and Hamilton |> Monday to Saturday (8 days a week) PHONE 742-BGSI \ 7. Sadahura Oh 8. Eight CHUNG OH'S SCHOOL 9. Lee Trevino 10. Three—Abe Saperstein, Bunny of TAE KWON-DO Levit and Bob Karstens (j 107 King Street West, Downtown Kitchener / hawk talk 11. Terry Long, East Carolina


Hockey Women's basketball CONCORDIA IE H WLG at Toronto WLG at Brock UNIVERSITY fit January 20 at 8:00 p.m. January 21 at 6:00 p.m. WLG vs Queen's Concordia University Graduate Fellowships January 21 at WLG vs McMaster 2:00 p.m January 25 at Master's level $6500 Doctoral level $7500 Waterloo Arena 8:00 p.m.

Men's basketball Women's volleyball David J. Azrieli Graduate Fellowship $8000 WLG at Brock WLG vs Guelph January 21 at 8:00 p.m. January 20 at 6:00 p.m. Athletic Complex application deadline: February 1, 1984 WLG vs Western announcement of winners: April 1, 1984 January at 24 8:00 p.m. Men's squash commencement of tenure: September Athletic Complex WLG at McMaster Invitational 1984 or January 21 January 1985 Men's Volleyball WLG vs Guelph Indoor Track and field For details and application forms, contact the Graduate Awards January 20 at 8:00 p.m. WLG at York Invitational Officer, S-202, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Athletic Complex January 21 Montreal, Quebec, H3G IMB. Tel.: (514) 879-7317. "ight att'heAY nominations I MOVIES OPEN

President/Secretary | A a Kmui *7 Arts Directors UANUHI *6 Bus. Directors JAN. *Music Director

Nominations Close

20' 1984 | GANDHI His triumphH*Vicechanged the world forever. XI 11 Q Information and forms I 1 available in the WLUSU office I [ next WEEK I \ JAMES BOND i j! FilmFestival ;> Chief Electoral Officer


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