PARENTS OR ZOO KEEPERS? THE MIN ISTER AND HIS HIRE BAPTJ:ST HERALD TEACH ME TO LIVE Teach me to Jive! 'Tis easier far to die­ Dr. Ma1·tin L. Leusclmer, BAPTIST HERALD Gently and silently to pass away- Editor, Hospitalized On earth's long night to ~ l ose the heavy eye, CONTENTS And waken in the glorious realms of day. T he Publication Board, which met in Forest Park, Illinois, A pril The Spirit Filled Life 15, 1966, wis hes to inform a ll of Teach me that harder lesson-how to live Volume 44 No.11 To ser ve Thee in the darkest paths of life. ou r readers t hat Dr. Martin L. Guest Editor ial by John E. Grygo Arm me for conflict now fresh vigor give, Leuschner, our beloved editor, The Scriptures reveal what the Holy Spirit does for God's people May 19, 1966 And make me mdre than conqu'ror in the strife. was taken to Wes t S uburba n Hos­ pital o f Oak Park, Illinois, where and also what he does through them. The work of the Holy Spirit is -Author Unknown he has unclergon e serious s ur­ known in the r egener ation and sanctification of the redeemed. gery. Some doubters would say : No one has seen the Spirit of God, * W e a re assur ed th at every­ therefore we can't believe in his existence. God's Word does not sug­ Cover ------Luomn Photo on e will be very much in prayer "News nnd Needs ------2 gest such possibility. J ohn t he Baptist did not say: "Behold the Spirit Editorial for his full rccovet·y. "The Spirit F illed Lifo" NEWS and NEEDS .• . INDIA RELIEF OFFERINGS of God!" but "Behold the Lamb of God!" (Spurgeon) Re». J ohn E . Grygo ------3 Meanwhile staff members of "PARENTS or Zoo J{eepcrs7•• Watching a sailboat we know when it is moving, also when it Oswnld C. J, Hoffman n ------4 North American Baptist churcht>s our headqua rters h ave assu med " All's Well That Ends Well" A WORKSHOP IN ADULT CHRIS­ and individuals who are eager to Dr. Leuschner's editoria l du ties. is standing still. Likewise, we can fairly well know the presence or Miss Elenn or ' Vcisenbergcr ------5 TIAN EDUCATION for pastors, stu­ share in the Indian Relief ministry "Tho Spanish-American Baptist H ealth Center" absence of the Holy Spirit. However, there is definite danger in fol­ Rev. Earl H . Ahrens ------6 dents, directors of Christian Education, which was mentioned in the last Edward Rary, Ch a irman "An Open Leiter tx> Youth" assistant pastors, and laymen concern­ issue of the ''Baptist Herald" can of the Publication Board lowing one's hunch or notion and labeling it Spirit of God guidance. Miss Jennnetlc Mocckli ------7 send their gifts to the NAB head­ "The l\Unistcr nnd His H ire" ed with adult Christian education will Some people wonder whether all Christians have the Holy Spirit. Rev, Da\'id J . Drnewcll ------8 be held June 20-24, 1966, at the Chris­ quarters office, 7308 Madison Street, "Yes, I TiU1cl" Forest Park, lllinois 60130, marked Let us look into the Bible for the answer. John testifies: " . .. of lllr. Vernon Rau ------9 tian Training Institute, Edmonton. Two "For Relief of Famine in India." ~~un c Bui::-s nnd Driftwood" hours of academic credit will be given his full ness have all received, and grace for grace." Paul states: " . .. Jlliss Rosemao Bafslrom ------10 Some churches may want to receive THE POWER OF PRAYER! "'Vcstbrook Church Extcnsion- lnspirntion by the CTI for those meeting the re­ special offerings for this needy cause but if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his" nnd Challen1?e" quiremen ts. This workshop is spon­ or to designate a portion of their Uev, Richard Grauer ------11 As I am wriling this there is much (Romans 8 :9). "Six Nntionnl Baptist Groups J oin sored by CTI, the Departmen t of Chris­ Communion Offering fund balance. noise outside ::is there has been the in North American Fellowship" ------12 tian Education of NAB and the North­ Please make out all checks to North The Pentecost experience was not confined to the Apostles only. "'Book Reviews'' American Baptists, Inc., but mark last few days here at Banso as the Rev. B. C. Schreiber ------13 ern Conference Committee on Christian PWD (Public Works Department ) There are not two kinds of Christians but one. Ask yourself : Who "Spcnk Up" Education. Rev. G. K. Zimmerman and them prominently, ''For Relief of Dr. A. Dale lhric ------14 F amine in India." Your church will caterpillars and bulldozers are tearing awakened me when I slept the sleep of indifference? Who convinced "Whnt"s HaJ>pcning'' ------15 Prof. Arnold Rapske will be the key receive denominational credit for down trees and making their way down "We the W omen" me of my sins? Who brought me the new life? Let us agree then: lllrs . Delrnnr Wcsscler ------16 leaders. these contributions. the road, making a new road and "Jllissionary ConCcrcncc" ------16 "75lh Anniversary of t he Trinity O mrch widening it in places. Most of their Without t he Holy Spirit man could never become a Christian and o f P orllnnd, Oregon" work now is l>eing done in front of the much less continue to be a Christian. We can't have the fruit of the lltrs, V ictor Loewen ------17 SAN LUIS 'VALLEY, COLORADO. Nurses' homes, and it is with much "Sunday School Lesson s" From March 25-27 the churches of NEW :YOUTH CURRICULUl\'I. Pro­ Spirit without the root of t he Spirit . Rev. B. C. Schreiber ------12 jected plans for revising and develop­ sorrow we see our lovely poinsettas Our Dcnominntion in A ction ------19 the San Luis Valley, Colorado, par­ Paul's wish for t he Ephesian Christians was: " . .. that ye might Obitunries ------23 ticipated in a Billy Graham Crusade ing new youth materials were pre­ and trees "bulldozed" down, as well as uor.. Thnut to Become Director of type of ministry w'ith the film en titled, sen ted by Gospel Light Publications lhe much famous "Banso Baptist Hos­ be filled with all the fullness of Gorl" (Ephesians 3 :19). But as in Hamburg Seminary" ------2·1 "The Restless Ones." Rev. Earl H . at a special meeting held in Chicago pital" sign being pushed out of the former days; so it is in our time : there are always people of whom on April 30. Representatives of denomi­ way f01· the new "super" road. Ahrens, NAB missionary, acted as as­ the Word of God says: "The full soul loatheth an honeycomb" (Pro­ sistant to the chairman of the Coun­ nations who imprint their Sunday After one very trying day of fight­ * seling Committee. Of the 2,7000 per­ school literature participated in the ing a grass fire carelessly lit in a farm, verbs 27 :7) . Such people, the Bible says, are full of adultery, bit­ sons who saw this film, 299 persons meeting. Representing North American and then only to find that much of our terness, confusion, deceit, envy, fury, hypocrisy, indignation, lies, Bi-weekly Publication of the responded and came forward to make Baptists were Rev. J ohn Binder, Direc­ fence and fence posts had been pushed c:own by the machines, without the mischief, reproach, subtility, violence and wickedness. NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST some kind of decision. Of these 65 were tor of Youth Work; Rev. Eldon J an­ GENERAL CONFERENCE Spanish-Americans, and 34 of the Span­ zen, Manager of Roger Williams Press; advance warning promised so we could All people have the capacity to receive God. But man must Rev. Bruce Rich, Director of Children's remove them, Peter really felt "down". 7308 Madison Street ish-American decisions came from the create the vacuum by the surrender of all sinful agencies so that he Forest Park, Illinois 60130 town and college of Alamosa where the Work; and Rev. Clarence Walth, pas­ Then at supper time for our devotions film was shown. Follow up of these de­ tor of the F oster Avenue Baptist we read from MOMENTS WITH GOD can be filled with the Spirit of God. Then it will be true:" But he Martin L. Leuschner, D.D. . Editor cisions is being made in Alamosa. The Church, Chicago. The previous meet­ and for that day the prayer request that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit" (I Corinthians 6:17). other 31 decision cards were turned ing, in which these materials were con­ was for Dr. Peter Fehr at Banso Bap­ Evangelist Hyman J. Appleman loves to tell this story: A man over to our missionaries for follow up. sidered, revealed the extensive research tist Hospital. These 31 persons came from the towns which has been done by editors of Gos­ You'll never know how much it traveling through the South called a Negro from the station plat­ * of Capulin, Antonito, Manasseh, Blanka pel Light Publications to make this a meant to us to know that we were form to the t rain window and asked: "Uncle, is there anybody in THE BAPTIST HERALD Is a publication or the North American Baptist General Co _ and San Luis. Mr. Ahrens wrote: meaningful and applicable material for remembered throughout our denomina­ this town enjoying religion?" The old Negro replied, "Them' that !erence with headquarters at 7308 Mad iso~ "These commitments we believe will in the needs of young people in a chang­ tion on THAT day-we really needed St.. Forest Park. Illinois. It alsl) maintains got it, is!" an active membership ln the Associated some way give us evangelistic en try ing world. The availability of these ma­ it-for it gave the patience and love Church Press. terials will be made known to our into these towns for a possible ex­ needed to still care for the sick and No condition is more dangerous for a Christian than to become SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: S3.50 a year tended valley ministry. This is another churches in the near future. needy of this land even in times of any address In the United States or CanaJ0 self-satisfied. Several years ago, "The Country Parson" had this to --S3.00 a year for churches under the Cl a challenge for prayer." discouragement. P 1an or Every Family Subscription Planub say, "It's no complaint to greet an old friend with, 'You haven't S4. 00 a year to foreign countries. - I know we are remembered daily in changed a bit.' He should have!" many prayers, but our special thanks CHANGE OF ADDRESS· Three w A NEW SCRIPTURE ME M 0 R ¥ FRONT COVER notice required for change or address ..J~ks PROGRAM for THAT PARTICULAR DAY! A normal Christian must have a longing for the Spirit-filled ordering a change, please furnish · en is being produced for our "While the earth remaineth, seed­ dress stencil impression Crom a ~ecenatnl ad­ life. Paul admonishes his readers: "Be ye filled with the Spirit" If you can. ssue denomination, through the Department timo and harvest, cold and heat, and Mrs. Doris Fehr of Christian Education. Your prayer­ summer and winter, and day and night (Ephesians 5 :18). There is a right craving and a wrong one. It does ADVERTISING RATES· S4 00 ful interest and support is needed as single column. 214 Inches· wide per Inch. sha ll not coa so" (Ge nesis 8:22). matter where one seeks his t hrills. P eople spend time and money ALL EDITORIAL co . this new program is formulated and The g lory of God is see n in his cre­ addressed to the Rev.rK~~~?i~d'Ecl Is to be prepared for distribution in the sum­ ation. Ho makes a ll things now; he to b1·eak up the monotony of life. Do they know that God offers freely 7303 Madison St.. Forest park Ill ei:,t~hner , mer of 1966. Features, such as its creates and recreates; he gives birth NEXT ISSUE ALL BUSINESS corresponden · ·· J O. and abundantly his spiritual blessings to anyone who would come? dressed to the Roger \'Vlllla~e Is to be nd­ correlation to the Roger Williams Press and rebirth. Thore is no comparison to This is our pr ayer foi· Pentecost: "Would Goel that all the Lord's M·adlson Street. Forest Park. fufu~~~s. 7308 curriculum, pocket booklet with cre­ a roborn and recreated soul. It is still "Is Ch ristianity Relevant?" Second-clnes postage pnid at New _60130. ative learning helps, and graded the most va luable creation in the uni­ people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spir it upon ~~11· chnn gc of nddress l'orlll 35i 9 ~ on t l h ansns. verse. courses should help to make it a dy­ "Campus Minist1·y" them" (Numbers 11:29) ! lllln~'i~"iofsr~.s •. 7308 Mndison St.. l~orc~~ ~~~ ·kr namic part of your church program. (Printed in U.S.A.) ' 2 l\lay, 19, 1966 BAP'.rIST HERALD All's Well That Ends Well· The dramatic story of the Cameroon midwifery program, and God's leading in bringing the training and experience into Christian service in Banso Hospital and outlying maternity centers. By Eleanor Weisenberger Many f athers and mothers look ttpon themselves today as glorified zoo keeper s, whose business it must OuR GRADE II Midwifery of a Grade I course is that at the end strengthened in t heir Christian lives T raining Program at Banso Hospital be to fit out their charges w ith of training, the sala ry paid by govern­ through the teaching and opportunities which lasted from J a nuary, 1956 to tawny coats and the latest hair-do ment is almost twice that of a Grade for witness here a t B. B. H. September, 1965 really started t hrough to make a good ·impression. II midwife. A Grade II student under­ Where do t hey work? Most of them an oversight. T hose of you who are goes only a n oral and practical govern­ have married and followed t heir hus­ This article pulls no punches in familiar with our medica l work in the ment examination. A Grade I mid­ bands to coastal towns where t hey addressing i tself to parents and chU­ Cameroons know that with the arrival wife undergoes a written fi nal exami­ work in government or other hospitals. dren alike. of Dr. Chaffee in 1948, we began to nation in addition to t his. Some are in Maternity Centers carry­ ma ke plans for some sort of training Wha t has been our aim in this t rain­ ing on Midwifery a nd dispensary work progra m that would be recognized by It alone, with only an occasional visit by O'wold C. J. Hoffmann ing progra m? can best be expressed government. After many a ttempts a nd by t he words of the hymn which was by a doctor. Many have gone on to unfulfilled promises regarding nurses' sung at the opening of our program further training to qualify as Grade I March, 037 1'l" .A. and You colleg 'WEI:;~ training, we began to realize t hat such in 1956, "Hear ye the Master's call, midwives or nurses. one of nthg 'No,.._e student li:N]) 1 a s t across the globe. a program was unattainable with t he Give Him your Best." We have tried The same spirit of studying to serve, apol' e .. ,en s- look upon themselves today as glorified 1 zoo keepers, whose business it must building facilities and staff t hat we to give the best Midwifery training inaugurated our Nurses' Training Pro­ . is, lncti eadin - Were YOUng m en IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTS had. So we began to t hink along other c1ent .man a11a. lf g hotels ~res te d in be to fit out their charges with tawny possible, to Christian girls who will gram which was star ted in J a nuary expla ined Dowel' t there h in Indian­ Teachers, sociologists, social work­ coats and the latest hair-do in order lines- tha t of tra ining midwives who then go out and do their best for the of 1963. Our first class of eight nurses been a- ' at le' he Do1· ad been suffi- ers, and officers detailed to deal with could staff our dispensa1ies a nd Ma­ Master. Some girls have come h ere as will be taking their fi nal government ~ ·est ast 5 ice d t?at they may make a good impres­ th rough t h ect Wh·1 0 mo epartm ent juvenile problems have confessed t hat ternity Centers a nd be of great help nominal Christians and testify tha t examination in J une. So what started s10n whenever on public display. P ar­ in our hospital too. what on e 11in i e racinre Could have the enormity of t he situation has just ~nts become zoo keepers when father they had a real experie nce of salva­ with great obstacles and difficulties has a full-b~ Of the ~ ~? O t- s of lightly clad a bout reached the point where it is not is only a provider and mother only a But here again we met obstacles. tion here. Such a one is R egina Gho­ grown to a well-recognized progra m of The f W11 ''Fl 0 lC~eme the hotel in only beyond their comprehension but cook; when mothers are more inter­ The Catholic Mission two miles from gomu, the midwife who was mentioned training of ma ny young people for 0 here, was given permission to start volvea ~ther Of rna n n described as beyond their power to supply a correc­ est e~ in dancing lessons than they by Mrs. Ayorinde at the Baptist World the service of God and their fellow 0 tive except the most drastic and strin­ such a program at the end of 1954, Alliance Congress. Ma ny h ave been man. stated, Wh the <;>ne 0 /gY." are m the kind of woman their little ter Was ell infeP1soae the girls in­ gent application of laws designed ori­ girl is going to be; when fathers are so we were told there would be no need for another one so near by. How­ heavea ullder orrnea 'th11 ews reports ginally to curb hardened criminals and more concerned about the college their have re':n gr-eat a r~est, is a t his daugh­ to keep them from wrecking society. boys are going to a ttend than the kind ever, one mission;iry h ad misread cor­ t hought at-kect sigh Of Saia to h ave Where do young people get the idea of men they will turn out to be. respondence from government about or sorneth.Sh e hact' "Oh • is l' e l1"e f a nd to t hat they a re responsible to no one but t he possibility of receiving recognition What d~l1g!" bee11 in that all? I to themselves? Subject to no authority PAUL TO TThlOTHY as a qua lified midwife in N igeria for they are fathe a n accident other than the dictates of t heir own . To a young man who was almost one of our missiona ry nurses who was keepers? , a11Yw rs and wants and desires? Without the neces­ l ~e a son t_o him, P a ul wrote, "Con­ home on fu r lough. This nurse returned · ay? tnoth . sity of conforming to a ny standard, tinue thou m t he things which thou to find that her hoped-for registration FLOlJ'.I.' · l>al'e ers thmk was not forthcoming a nd so she was Wh ~G 0 n ts, or zoo a nd a nswerable to no one for what hast learned and hast been assured at li' Go they are and how they conduct them­ of, knowing of whom thou hast learn­ flown to England in November, 1954 tined t are th n•s l. selves? ed t hem; and tha t from a child thou for a year's Mid-Wifery training. This a mora~ beco,.,._ey l'aisi <'\\\rs More often t han adults care to ad­ was a fortuna te accident, because Mid­ · sen ·"e m 11 6 ch· hast known the Holy Scriptures, which anu:ials su· Se Of t h e~ a nd lldren des­ mit, the problems must be laid squarely are. able to ma ke thee wise unto sal­ wifery is recognized as a profession behinct . itab1 eit- o Women with at the door of fathers and mothers who va tion through faith which is in Christ in Engla nd and therefore opportunities t he Pub~~~n b:l';or Pu~· d0.r educated have walked out on t heir responsibili­ J esus." for t raining and experience are p lenti­ ag~ has h from and I ISJ;Jlay only ties and have become zoo keepers in­ Th!s young man, Timothy, was not ful. chief 'Nh·1aa its gettin g ass-to k eep stead of parents. a delmquent. From everything we know Was it a coincidence that govern­ way th r~~ boys Shat-e ~ ~ urt? Every about him, a nd from P aul's remark ment reversed t heir decision a b out adulthood gh act ~nd gir1 Juvenile mis­ SPIRITUAL UPBRINGING NEEDED Midwifery training at Banso at the 0 about his upbringing, it is safe to as­ tual and and fi. escen s found their When parents no longer recognize sume that he was a young man of same time as t his nurse returned from well to Y o u n g children for wha t they are, gifts of her training? We prefer to say that baJa~tnotion~ally1 t~e mature promise. He got this way not women. cea an tnatu/he intellec- God made by him nnd made for him suddenly or spect_acularly, not through it was Gml?mg of his Church are the ob­ deeply appreciated. some of the cultural conflicts associat­ again Ch1istians. Yet I have fo und they have a keen interest in spiritual things. Jective and the expected spiritual fruit. HEALTH CENTER AND ed with working with our Spanish­ The Cameroonians-especially the young people--are striving to raise their Americans, quietly we prayed and EQUIPMENT standards. In setting their goals they often look to the Americans and Europeans waited. who are working within their country. Unfortunately the influences of these The third stage came when we began Joyce Kellerling, one of the workers a t When time came for the opening of to consider how their special talents the Baptist He alth Center. our third clinic session we were book­ people are not always good. Many Africans still believe that all Americans and training could be put to use in a ed full. As of the time of this writing, are Christians. Therefore, anything an American does must be all right. medical ministry. At this juncture, Mr. Two additional dedicated Baptist the 31st of March, the appointment You may wonder why I am telling you these things. These young people Jose Madril, a recen t convert in Monte nurses were made known to us. Their schedule is filled to overflowing for whom we will send out to teach in the schools of West Cameroon will have a Vista, told your missionaries that he statement was, "Here we are. Put us to several weeks in advance. had a house which he would let us work." In fact, one of these nurses, tremendous influence on the future of their country. The examples of the staff use for a Health Center. This was a r ecent arrival to Monte Vista, said OUR POLICY OF SERVICE members within the college are helping to mold the characters of these future wonderful. Further this house w a s in so many words that now she and Our policy of service may be simply teachers. Within our colleges are American and European staff who are not conveniently situated in the middle of her husband understood why God had stated as follows. Baptist Health Cen­ Chr istians and whose lives and attitudes are not always in accordance with the the Lariat community. led them so specifically to Monte Vista ter services are available for expectant standards of a Chris tian school. At present in our college at Soppo over half A fourth stage evolved when we ... in order that they personally might mothers and their children up to five of the American-E uropean staff is non-Christian. Certainly this unfortunate realized that inquiry needed to be serve in a missionary manner through years of age. These patients must be imbalance is not a des ire on the part of our missionaries. The need for Christian the Baptist Health Center. made into the legislative aspects of a from low income families who have no workers in Cameroon is not declining. Indeed, it is increasing ! The Cameroonians health program such as we envisioned. Other local friends, churches and family physician. The Center is to are open and eager for the Gospel, but they need teaching and guidance. Associated with this was the capital even civic organizations have con­ operate as a self-supporting project; investment of medical equipment and tl'ibuted of their time and goods. These hence a small token fee is charged of As young people, you have a new opportunity to take part in this work Baptist Health Center in Monte Vista, supplies. Here again the Lord inter­ donations were concerned with car­ all patients (50 cents ). Our North through our short-term missionary program. Consider today your relationship Colorado. vened and Jed for us. The Department pentry work, cupboards, carpets, a re­ American Baptist General Missionary to the needs of the young people of Cameroon. If you are a teacher, ask God to of Public Health of the S tate of Col­ frigerator, a typewriter, and file draw­ Society has declared itself as sponsor guide you to the right place of service for Him. If you are not qualified to go, OUR MEDICAL MINISTRY orado heard of our intentions. I n fact, er and all the miscellaneous items so of this project. Already we have r e­ pray for those who are. Encourage and inform them concerning the needs here. necessary to make it possible for a Your missionaries in Colorado, pre­ they were the ones to contact us. They ceived a bale and a case of White At present the majority of students in our Baptist Teacher colleges and secondary vious to this time, have preached and were immediately willing t o help us project of this nature to operate. The Cross supplies. taught. This form of ministry, of ir. every way to get started. They made financial contribution of our 1 i t t I e schools are young men. The influence of Christian men teachers, especially, is In case there are some of our read­ vitally needed. course, is still basic to all evangelism. all contacts with supplying agencies Grace Baptist Chapel amounted to ers who think that they would like to Nevertheless we have always been and general public heal th personnel. some $200. For us who have been so send White Cross supplies directly to Is it a great sacrifice? Being a Christian teacher in Cameroon has never conscious of the need and have prayed It was not long and we had over closely associated with this project, this Baptist Health Center, we wish seemed to me to be a sacrifice. This is where God has called me, and H e is for some kind of a missionary medical $1,000 worth of medical equipment and all the above has simply been miracu­ to request that this not be done. Our faithful in His promise to provide what is needed. Yes; some of the modern ministry. God in his grace has heard supplies set up in the Madril house. lous. demand will not be a great one as far conveniences and luxuries are missing but life really is not much different. and answered t his request. The Bap­ These supplies included such items as as the immediate future is concerned. Yet the experiences and opportunities both spiritually and ma terially are so tist Heal th Center is now open and a medical examining tab 1 e, scales, DISAPPOINTING BEGINNINGS Until such a time as there is and un­ r ich and rewarding. is serving the public health needs of sterilizer, surgical examination equip­ Then came the great day. An open til such a time that operational details the Spanish-Americans of Monte Vista ment, vaccines, laboratory items, as­ house was held on February 27, 1966. I challenge you to present your Jives unto Jesus Christ "which is your and the Rio Grande County of the have been worked out, the N.A.B. sorted vitamins :;ind powdered milk. But only 26 Spanish-American people Headquarters Office will still be the reasonable service." state of Colorado. The story is as fol­ The promise was t ha t more would be lows. came, even though we had distributed d istribution center of White Cross sup­ May God bless you and guide you a ~d may the decisions concerning your supplied as needed. 200 notices of the opening of the Cen­ The first stage of the realization of plies for foreign and home mission individual Jives be submissive unto the will of God. this project, as indicated above, was ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL ter from house to house. This turn out use. was quite disappointing. The first clinic Join with us now in prayer that Yours in Christ, consciousness of a need and the use of A fifth step of development was in the power of prayer to make this was held on March 3, 1966. T he doctor God in his grace and power will use Jeannette Moeckli the area of the need for more person­ was present, the nurses were present this Baptist Health Center to bring hope become a reality. nel. The part time services of the Short-term missionary The second stage materialized when and two women showed up. Then at (Continued on page 12) to Cameroon West A" . Ketterling's alone would not be enough the second clinic no one came. ' ll'ICa 6 l\tay, 19, 1966 BAPTIST HERALD 7 allowance alone the average pastor seems to be forced to pay $500 of WESTBROOK CHURCH The Minister and His Hire :~hurch bills out of his own pocket be­ (Continiwd from page 11) cause of congregational oversight or Committee and local sister churches Ministers need to be treated, not only with respect, but with the necessities which contr ibute toward food neglect. Sub-points (2) through (6) the following steps have been imple­ noted above while normally not pre­ clothing, shelter, rela·xation and education which our present economic system demands. God's s ervan t~ mented: senting as great a financial problem 1. The present facilities will be sold should be supported prayerfully, faithfully and financially. to the pastor, nevertheless ought to be to Westbrook for approximately cared for by a responsible church con­ $19,000.00. Favorable consideration gregation. A General Council Report to the General Conference was extended for the years of rent payment. R ecommenclation 4- by J. Dmewell 2. The property will also be sold to The General Council suggests that Westbrook for approximate l y each church pay in /till its past01Js $30,000.00. annnal dues to t he denomi11at-io11al I N I CORINTHIANS 9 :13-14, GENERAL COUNCIL 3. On the combined debt of $49,000.00 clmrc!ie_s_ ~o assmne their right/ttl r e­ Pension Fund and offer him aclditional the Apostle Paul sets forth the basis RECOMMENDATIONS Westbrook will pay only the inter­ of ministerial compensation: :;p~ns1b 1l~t.ies with respect to their pas­ assistance in his retirement program. est. The principal will be deferred Recommendation 1- t01 s leg itimate business expenses stich The minister today is not exercising as: for a period of time so that we Do ye not know that they which The Gen6rctl Council suggests to the responsible fiscal planning in behalf of might be given financial breathing minister about holy things live of the chtirche:; that the responsibility /or an (1) T!wse incurred thrO'ngh the it.Se of his family if he does not have an ade­ room in order to build. things of the temple? and they which ammal review of t he mi.nister's cO?n­ his car for church work. quate retirement program. Our church­ 4. The five local churches were encour­ wait at the table are partakers with pensation be officially delegated to a (2) Tho~e inciii-red throiigh his repre­ es need to follow the example almost aged to give o. cash gift plus an the aJtar? Even so ha th the Lord or­ duly constituted committee or board senting the church at local mid universally practi ~ed by business con­ alloted, budgeted sum. Th es e a­ dained that they which preach the of the church. There are two key con­ General Conference sessions. cerns today in assuming a major share mounts to be applied directly to gospel should live of the gospel. cerns in this recommendation. The first (3) Those incurred through his enter­ of retirement plan costs. building or property payment. The is that the minister's salary be re­ tainrnent of church groiips and Here again the denomination h as Magnolia Baptist and H arbor Trini­ BIBLICAL PRACTICE viewed each year. Though this does giiest speakers. sought to act fairly with its secre­ ty Baptist Churches have respond­ not necessarily mean that an increase (4) '!'ho~e i.nciirred through his serv­ taries in this regard by offering 71h In these statements, Paul related ed to this appeal. For this we are in compensation will be made annually, ice 1.n the conference or association per cent of their total compensation grateful and await the response of the Old Testament practice of the camping programs. Priests of the Temple being supported it does say that the minister's needs toward retirement plans of their choos­ others. will be considered yearly in the light (5) '!hose inczwred by his participation ing. The denomination's Pension Fund 5. That the building appeal be made with the tithes of God's people to the in local and General Conference command of Jesus which approved the of changing conditions brought about plan forms a good beginning of a re­ to the conference "Church Extension by a different family status, increased Pastor' s. retreats or conferences. tirement program but is inadequate Builders." same principle of support for those (6) Those inczwred in the can-ying who preach the gospel. ability of the church to offer a better unless reinforced by additional pro­ salary, rising cos ts of living and other out his office responsibiz.ities such grams. OBJECTIVES Every North American Baptist Gen­ factors. as the purchase of letterheads, Our people have been encouraged, eral Conference church agrees to the The second concern of this recom­ stamps, supplies mid other i terns. Recommendation 5- VERNON RAU for they see that with the support basic idea that the congregation should mendation relates to the question of The General Council suggests that of Sacramento, Calif.. a member of of our conference and sister churches, THE IMPORTANCE OF the Willow Rancho Baptist Church. support its minister and his family. Not who should be given this responsibility. each chtirch officially designate a por­ our vision of an expanded ministry will all agree, however, about what kind CAR ALLOWANCE Mr. Rau need s all the skill and The sugges tion is tha t the matter not tion of i ts's compensation a.s brawn available as a heavy equip- become a reality. of support and how much support be left up to the informal discussion of Perhaps the greatest area of neglect W ithout question our people are do­ should be given. " Hou.sing Allowance" to enable h-im m e nt operator. a few of the church leaders but be as­ a_mon~ the churches of our denomina- to benefit from t he term.s of income ing their par t and have committed signed to a responsible committee or tr 10n is. 1?.· assurrung· proper .financial YES, I TITHE! themselves to doing more. Our im­ IMPORTANCE OF TITHING tax provisions. This is a definite ad­ board. This committee could be one esponsibihty with respect to the pas­ vantage for pastors living in the United I started giving support to the mediate projection calls for the build­ Some churches offer sub-standard already existing in the church's or­ tor's automobile expenses. No other re­ States and may also be of value for church when I was very young under ing of two educational units with a compensation to their pastors because ganizational structure or it could be sp~ctable business organization re­ pastors who reside in Canada. Desig­ the guidance and example set by my combined footage of 4,900. These wi11 they feel that they have not the re­ appointed specifically to carry out this quires an employee to use his car in nating a portion of the pastor's salary parents, but giving a tenth was for provide departments for Nursery, Kin­ sources to offer more. It should be task. Several North American Baptist beha_lf_ of the business without either as "Housing Allowance" is of value dergarten and Primary ages, classroom prov1d h" · people with a higher income, until the noted that the support which the peo­ General Conference churches already or mg im with a company vehicle even when he is provided with a par­ church we attend at present was be­ space for Jr. High, Middle High Senior ple of God gave the Levites in Old have "Salary Committees" who an­ paymg him an adequate car allow­ sonage by the congregation. A "Hous­ High groups, a fellowship hall, kitchen ance. tween pastors. The one who h ad just Testament days was adequate only be­ nually review not only the salary of ing Allowance," as far as t he U. S. left believed in 1. ithing, and we were facility and office space. The overall cause the people brought their tithes the pastor but also the salaries of other The ques tion then arises "What is Treasury Department is concerned, told by the pulpit committee that the projection envisions a chapel in the to t he house of God. If all of God's part-time and full-time church em­ ~n adequate car a llowanc~?" United may be used for furnishing and equip­ pastor coming informed them he also Round, gymnasium and other educa­ people today would respond to Chr ist's ployees. titates government income tax regula­ ping a home as well as for purchasing, believed every member should tithe. tional facilities. Our philosophy in e!1couragement to tithe, no congrega­ on~ suggest that lOc per mile may be renting, maintaining, or repairing one. We prayed and started to look in the building is based on good stewardship t ion would have to offer an inadequate Recommendation 2- ~~~sid~red_ as a fair figure. Our own Bible to see what God's Vlord has to of money and space. As you, God's peo­ ~ alary because of a scarcity of funds The General Council suggests to t he orrunation allows up to 8c per mile Rccommencla.tion 6- say about tithing, and we found such ple, graciously share with us we want m the church treasury. This was one churches that t he m inister's salary when one's car mtt.St be used for con­ T he Genercil Cowicil r ecommends verses as, "And all the tithe of the land, you to be assured that we intend to r eason why the General Conference at least equal that of the average ference business and no other satis­ that t he articles relating to pastors' whether of the seed of the land, or of use these facilities not onJy on Sun­ meeting in Sacramento, California in male wage eamei· of the congregation. ~~tory public conveyance is available. salaries appearing in t he B aptist H er­ the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's : days but on as ma ny days of the week 1964 adopted a resolution encourao"ing While certainly the minister does not ~se fi gures refl ect not just an obli­ ald and Der Sendbote, together with it is holy unto the Lord" (Leviticus as possible. We will use them for our . ch_urches to carry on progr~ms need to be the top wage earner in fation to pay for gas and oil but also additional material, be sent to the clerk 27 :30); "Bring ye all the tithes into church r elated groups of aJl ages and 0 of t1thmg education and commitment the congregation, neither should he be . compensate for repair and depreci­ ancl treasurer of each con/erenc chtirch the storehouse, that there may be meat of various programs in order to pro­ in addition to a resolution encouraging the lowest. Considering his calling ation. w ith the r eqiwst t hat this information in mine house, and prove me now here­ claim to people the redeeming love of them to be generous in the matter of his training, his r esponsibility, his plac~ Most churches choose not to offer be considered by the appropriate boarcl with, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will God in Christ. ministerial compensation. in the community, the respect which a car allowance based upon a mileage or com.mittee of the church. not open you the windows of heaven, We estimate the cost of these build­ Some churches offer sub-standard he ought to command, the minister's figure. They rather offer the pastor Reprints of these articles have been and pour you out a blessing, that t here ings to be $36,000.00. We as a people compensation because they are not compensation in general should be no ~n annual sum for car expenses Un­ made and will soon be mailed as per shall not be room enough to receive it" have voted to begin work only after aware of the fact that they are doing lower than the wages of those to whom tortunately, few of our c h urche~ ac- this r ecommendation. (Malachi 3:10). These verses convinced the sum of $15,000.00 cash is raised. he minister s. It is r ather significant ually pay the bills which are right­ us that the Lord really expected every We have accumulated about three so. This is one reason why the Gener al It is sincerely hoped tha t these reso­ Council, after examining the results to n ot~ t hat the _survey made by the ~u ~y thei_rs in this regard. The aver- Christian to take this matter of tithing q~arters. of. t~ a t amount through the Committee on Higher Education re­ lutions adopted by the General Coun­ seriously. We have been tithing now gifts of md1v1duals, building fund ap­ of ~h e,, "Survey of Ministerial Compen­ g pastor of our denominational cil will be received favorably by our vea l ~d t_h e fact that 4~ % of our de­ churches spends almost $1 000 for car for two years and believe if every p~als. a_nd o.ther sources. W e know you sation conducted by the Committee 1 non:11nat10nal pastors mdicated that churches. The suggestions are offered Christian would pray about the mat­ w1!l J01r:1 ~v1th us in prayer and sacri­ on Higher Educat ion, adopted a series exhpenses incurred in connection with out of a concern for the teachings of their pay wa ~ below the average of c urch bus1· T ter, and give it a real try, they would ficia~ g 1v1!1i;. Our only desire is in of :ecommendations relating to th e 1 ness. he average car al- God's Word, a concern for t he well­ wage earners m their congregations. t~~a ~;0grrered by our churches is less receive many blessings as we have. sh a r~ng with t he families of this com­ subJect. The recommendations to­ being of the ministers of our denomi­ m umty the love of God as seen in Je­ a llo~v ~ nc among ~ h ose that give a car gether with a brief explanation ~f the Recommendation 3- na tion, and thus also a concern for what he would rlo if he were here sus an~ as seen through his church bcr . I e. An alarmingly large mun· the growth and progress of the min­ persona lly. For whatever you may same, are noted below: 1 We desu·e to. be the extension of hi~ The General Council encourages our item ~~ bb;ng her mid-section. ly unfolded themselves. It felt good to tor's salary. The church then came un­ sidering the resources of our people. ( Continued on page 9) Silver Lake Sand Dunes," Mother read Slowing the buggy's speed consider­ stretch some muscles and to rest der the local Church Extension Com­ aloud. ably, and picking up a microphone near others. mittee of Southern California of which Camping areas soon appeared into the steering wheel, t he driver signaled Walking along the beach, enjoying Mr. Edmond Bohnet was and is the view; tents of all sizes and shapes, for their attention and directed it to­ the smell of lake water and the feel Chairman. The rented facilities of a and a variety of housetrailers dotted ward the left. of damp sand under foot. J immy and "Pre-School" were not adequate. Many the landscape. As the excited young­ "Over there you can see what re­ Jody darted here and there, picking hours were spent looking for a suitable sters and their patient parents ap­ mains of a forest th'. of 1955, prayer students. Cameroon missionary, the speaker. with Rev. Bruce Rich, of the F orest services were begun m the homes but rriore adequate facilities ' An Open Forum for communication among North American Baptists At that t ime there existed a "Board Park headquarters, as t he speaker. The soon On November 20, 19 were of Education and P ublication" a nd a • Racin~Re n o sh a l\Iissiona ry Confer­ Immanul Church also participated in a needed ..,Jievers, constrained b 55, a bout moderated by Dr. A. Dale Ihlie, minister of the Grosse Pointe Bap­ "Secretary of Education and Publica­ ence was held March 11-13 with Misses Parents' Conference on F a mily Living forty b- arranged to hold Y t~e love tist Church, Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., and General Conference tion." In considering the total educa­ Ruth R abenhorst and Esther Schultz, sponsored by Scripture Press on April of God, rvice in a ren ted then- first 5 Moderator. tional pr ogram of the denomination, Cameroon m1ss10na.ries, serving as 30. The Easter cantata, "Behold Your Sunday ~ five miles from ~tore build­ fear was expressed by the B.E.P. (as it speakers as well as presenting visual King," was presented by the church ing abou present mernbersh~e present was called) that we migh t inadvert­ slides on t he mission work. choir on April 10. site. T J1e 11> is over ently drift into a two-seminary de­ Edmonton vs. Sioux F a lls? on t he Sioux Falls campus would be nomination, even t hough the second • R ev. Alvin H arsch, who has been Dear Brother Ihrie: the ideal solution. Yet, I am told tha t one was on a Th. B. level. It felt the serving as interim pastor of the Start­ Our N. A. B. denomina tion is with­ this ideal does not work in practice. denomination was not large enough to up, Wash., church, has a nnounced that out doubt one of the smallest on the Why not? Nationalism is one answer sustain two theological schools, a nd he will begin his full time pastorate whole continent . Why must a 53,000- that was given. If this is the case, that the emphasis on a Th.B. m ight on June 1 at t he Swa in Oaks Ba ptist member denomination have two sep­ then "something is rotten in the Sta te downgrade our academic concepts and Church of Stockton, Calif. arate theological schools? This ques­ of Denmark !" hur t our seminary. T he denomination tion should deeply concern not only Let us remember t hat there is an \Oted to implement t he theological de­ O The Nor th American Baptist Staff the Denominational Advance Plannino­ open door for us in Brazil-and we partmen t of C.T.I. at the behest of was pleasantly and gratefully surprised Committee, but all of us. The mainten': can hardly dig up the $15,000 required and with strong w·ging by several of to have R ev. John Binder visit our ance of two separate, similar institu­ for a start. We not a r ich denomi­ our men. Fear were allayed by as­ office for a short period on April 18. tions is inefficient for several reasons. nation; let us spend our money wisely! surances t hat t he C.T.I. would never After his long a nd difficult illness he First, t here is an unnecessary dupli­ Concerning the shor tage of theolo­ become a theological institution as is ma king favorable progress, and we cation in curriculum. Both schools offer gical students, I noticed tha t most stu­ such, but would continue to be a tra in­ hope t hat it will not be too long before courses in Old Testament, New Testa­ den ts of either school come from t he ing ground for laymen a nd older he can devote his full time to the youth ment, Church History, Chris tian Edu­ immedia tely surrounding a reas of the m inisters, or for m en w ho had en tered work again. C.T.I. or the Semin ary. More visitation cation, Biblical Languages, and so the ministry too late to get a r egular • R ev. Adam Huber, pastor of t he fo rth. Why have a professor for each by t he Seminary personnel would be theological training. one way to a ttract m ore students to Southwood P a rk Ba ptist Church, Ti­ c1~nce Walt of these subjects a t both of our F ourt h, in the light of this back­ gard, Ore., suffered a heart attack in as the more profitably if the schools were facul ty mem ber of t he Sioux F a lls press me as an individual. and Mrs. Allen B. Herman celebrated Churcl'l 1S Dast l::lr. Louis r etired pastors, P a rkersburg, I owa, has 0 amalgamated? More specialization Seminary in Vancouver , for example. a. A Bible College does not really their first anniversary at the Union J ohnsofl JU., F ostei- l'. been in the hospital for hear t trouble 0 Members of our ch urches here know compete with a theological seminary. Baptist Church, Arnold, Pa. We look " ' tt <\ would be possible and hence be t ter but is showing steady improvement. • cweP~rews le er states. " el\ teaching. The same professo'r could practically nothing a bout the Semi­ The t wo are in different categories of back over the year and say w ith the 11 J ' preciate rno · ''h~ lJ.e. The Churci' aP re f vv" 11 teach subject on the B.D., B.Th., nary. Yet, instead of building one higher education. • Minneapolis, "l\linn., F aith. The Faith Psalmist, "The Lord has crowned t he tO communion llll " can a strong educational center, we keep b. God has been blessing the ministry year with goodness," as Mr. Herman lefarDn .. 1ifle Whenever , .. anc} y t he joy M.R.E., and other programs. T his Church showing its concern for the 0 JV ·p vve r... • t " should-in t heory a t least--enlarge t\vo of t hem struggling along-with of both our schools. stated. We have seen much progress sl"lJ . e let us d <:oh.'-nns ian Brook P ark project has voted to con­ fellow J"Jous • . 0 the ·•1e to the classes and reduce teaching staff. All increased effort. c. Bible_ college training may be a good t ribute $7,500 to help in t he building in every area except numerical growth. Lord's to arrive a few nq f()l! . . the programs offered by the two I would greatly appreciate your foundation for theological education program of t he Brook P ark Church. However, in the past month this be­ 2 0 opinion , Brother Ihrie. What convinc­ but is no substitute for it. Our gan to be evidenced. Through the re­ <1> Tfftirig ti~:~e < { E:nte~lltes :'~~~d. schools could be taught more efficien t­ churc h ~ They have channeled t he funds ~rough of staJ a P 0 be rli!verently ly by one institution. ing argum ents are there fo r two sep­ es will make a serious m istake if they the F orest Park Office for disburse­ cent "Operation Doorbell" program 0 arate institutions ? new faces are beginning to appear in and jjtl bOw your heaa in se~ted. (3) Secondly, there is also a great deal ?ssume. ~h at a graduate of the C.T.I. ment. QuietJY our love and of­ of duplication in books and facilities. Respectfully yours, 1s quahf1ed for the ministry in our every service. Our missions giving is adot'artltaye~ fering y for those Who \V 10n to God; G. Kalmbach • Rev. a ncl Mrs. ICenneth F enner of up over last year a.long with the other Y Both of our librar ies still do n ot m eet clay. Granted that history has uncover­ (4) f'f8 for those Who l 0rship with t~e standard for full accreditation. Vancouver, B. C. e~ some m en who were fi ne pastors S t. J oseph, Mich., announced the birth finances of the church. 0 you, a.fl wnen th_e _ service~~ the serv- Sioux Falls Sem inary is st riving to­ ~·i ~h ou~ adequate academ ic training, of a son born April 7. They have named ~ L odi, CaJi.f., Temple. The Easter of­ him David Da niel. T he Fenners also ice· (!5 )t·ve partlc1;:>ation e~n enter ward a goal of 30,000 volumes. It DR. IHIUE'S CO:\L,IENTS it· is stll l true t ha t very few such m en fering received each year is designated ·mto ' a C tsI of worsh" ii:i (exa Of. the' vari- possesses 23,000 volumes now w hile have come into being, and even t hey have a daughter named Lori Lynn. for NAB missions and is over a nd Dear Brother Kalmbach, ous p8f ervice and d1scove~ne the or- C.T.I. at ;>resent owns a littie over would . have reached a h igher level R ev. and Mrs. Waldemar Kroguletz of above the church's policy of 15% of der of 5f worship)." the distinct 10,000. Had the latter 10,000 volum es First of all let m e invite commen t of . their potential if they had been Regina, Sask., have a nnounced the all contributions received throughout parts o Ohio Co . been properly selected and added to from the entire denomination. H ere is trained. If any man assumes that his b irth of a daughter born F ebruary 6. the year being given for mission work. .f.1.1 , mrnllt\.ih the Sioux Falls facilities, the library a matter which needs many expres­ B.Th. from C.T.I. is sufficien t training Margaret Jane is t heir second daughter In 1965 the offering amounted to • Xeri> n-om Now to E: ·;,·. ''"World J?roblem could now be forgotten. But sions, not just one. f~r the ministry he is short changing a nd t hird child. $3,102.91. On Sunday, April 10, at 7 :30 Histo~0 11 of the book oftel'nity," an instead, each school pursues its own Second, let me assure you t ha t t his himself and t he churches he m ay en­ P.M., the church choir presented the expos1triducted by Rev. N"at~evelation, goals and ambitions. initial reaction is not a basis for fu ture dcavo~· _to s~rve . I say this regardless • Rev. and l\Irs. F . J{ennet h Goodman cantata, "Were You There," with Boyd was. co4--May 1. The M:en• an Meyer, Moreover, the presen t situation is procedure. My feelings are based on a of 1!11mster1al shortage or the "ex­ and Miss Minnie K uhn have j ust re­ Barth, director; Aimee Sawatsky, or­ Apnl Zed an evangelical s F'eJlowship bound to be stained by some institu­ very lim ited study of the situa tion. cep t1~n al . situation." T here is a real t urned from Came roon for their fur­ ganist; Patti Kandt, pianist; Robert spo~sor John H edges, onel11eeting fea­ tional rivalry- arguments to the con­ Before any concrete or defini te state­ question in my mind as lo whether lough and will begin deputation work Radcliffe, Jeff Burgstahler, Leona t~n' i ~g Jargest Pontiac dealeof ~he na­ trary notwithstanding. This will be­ men ts could be made, I would have a m an . should even be ordained in this after some much needed rest. Minnie Corrington, Aimee Sawatsky, Margie tion s was converted 1'sh1p own­ come even more pronoun ced after the to talk very personally a nd at length ~ge witl~out completing both college Kuhn w ill spend some time with mem­ Jones and June Goehring as soloists. er~,. wl10 of Billy Graharn. th1:ough. ~he relocation of the C.T.I. The Sem inary with a number of people. Anything I bers of her family in Leduc, Alberta, m!mstrYis carried on by e l:lts positive "nd seminary, although I know that • Lodi, Calif., F irst, T he First Baptist offers the mm·e advanced theological say here, therefore, is in the sub­ 1 am on thin ice when I make such Canada, a nd Rev. a nd Mrs. Goodm_an w1tne~d through his ag~~ l>I>ing_ each graduate program; C.T.I. will attempt junctive, not t he indicative mood. a statement. will be settled in Seattle, Wash., with Church of Lodi climaxed Easter Sun­ car s t ment in th cy with a New Tes a e glove to approach the farmer's standard on Third, the question has a bit of a the ir son Larry a nd h is family. T ~ey day, April 10, with a baptismal service ••s1ave Day" had th compart- d. Thank God for the schools and the and receiving more than 40 new mem­ the undergraduate level. history. You will recall that when our p_rofessors we have in our denom ina­ are eagerly looking forward t? seeing ment. ·1able April 23 f e Young peo- T he relocation of C.T.I. at Edm on­ Conference met at Edmon ton, it was a their grandson for the fi rst time. All bers into the church. The choir en­ ple ava1 or Wo ·k t b t10n. Pray for t hem ev0ry day. And riched the services with special Easter clone 5uch as cleaning gara 1 o . e ~on, independently of the Sem inary, matter of serious discussion as to pray t<;> God th~t m ore of our young t hree m issionaries have r eported _to base~ents; mowing lawns· ges, attics, is no convincing solution. Since the t he offi ce stafT that t heir fellow ~1~ ­ music. The F irst Church is proud of whether we should implement t he men. ~vill be led mto the ministry with · odwork a nd w 1·nd ' and wash­ facilities of C.T.I. are obsolete and in­ sionaries w ho suffered from hepatitis one of their young people, Cheryl ing wo ows. theological program at C.T.I. T he gen­ !> Uf~1c1ent ho~esty and incentive to Baumbach, who has won first place a nd adequate, the Sioux Falls facilities eral feeling was expressed that such avoid academic short-cuts. are recovering or a re fully recovered. e Burlington, I owa, Oak St should be expanded to incorporate The prayers a nd concern of all North a chance to advance to the regional Oak street Baptist Church t ect. The implemen tation was importan t to some finals of the Junior Achievement C T.I. If this is impossible, let us sell of out· older immigrant pas tors who American Baptists were great~y .appre­ a nd friends on March 27 Wit members ~>oth sc ho ol~ and build a new campus ciated during the time of then- illness. speech contest. She placed 3rd among baptism of 16 candidates on nessed ~he were serving some of our bi-lingual the 12 area winners in San Francisco m some suitable location-not neces­ churches an d to som e of the younger " Jim Elliot, ~iss i onary martyr, said, of faith in Jesus Christ. The confession sarily Edmonton. 'W_e must begin t hinking in terms of • ICankakee, I ll., Imma nuel. Sunclay for a chance to attend the National and five others were Wclc se Per~ons men who might be led to become Junior Achievers Con[crence finals at The amalgam ation of the two schools pastors in such churches without ac- 'going out' a nd stop our weeping be­ evening, April 24, the Imman~1e l orned into cause they 'won't come in.' " Church had the privilege of having the University of Illinois. (Continited on Page 14 51 l\Iay , 19, 1966 BAPTIST HERALD 15 Missionary Con feren ce at Two Missionary Conference and 75th nniversary of the Trinity Church of Portland, Oregon Northwestern Churches Easter Blessings at Austin A very successful Missionary Con­ Streel Church , Buffalo, ference was held from Ma rch 11 to New York 0 N MARCH 12th and 13th, 13 at the Immanuel Baptist Church the T r inity Baptist Church of Port­ of Kenosha, Wis. and t he Grace Bap­ The Missionary Conference, March land, Oregon celebrated its 75th Di­ tist Church of Racine, Wis. This was 27-30, was a great blessing to our a mond Jubilee. a first combined effort of the two people. We surely learned to love ou.r The Anniversary Celebration was churches and the very good attendance missionaries more through the dedi­ opened Saturday n ight with a catered showed the approval of this new ven­ cated service of Miss Esther Schul tz, ba nquet a ttended by 335. T he banquet ture. Mr. a nd Mrs. Donald Witt who have tables were beautifully decorated with The Conference theme was taken been our guests and gave an excellent large blue-white cellophane diamonds BY MRS. DELMAR WESSELER from J ohn 12:26 "If an yone serves me, report of the work being done in t he and colorful paper potted flower trees. of Lorraine, Kansa s he must follow me." Friday evening cameroon m ission fields. The mission President of the Woma n' s Missio nary Union A roving mike visited with a bout a was a public service at t he Racine offering a mounted to about $140.00. dozen of the "old-timers" and gave D uring Lent time our choir was very GOD NEEDS WOMEN church wit h Missionaries R ut h Raben­ t hem a n opportunity to reminisce a nd horst and Esther Schuitz speaking, busy practicing a nd performing. They recall a few incidents from their child­ Give me a vision, Lord, I plead, followed by a fellowship hour. joined with the choirs of t he Kitchen­ hood or youth, ma ny of them humor­ Visions of souls and a world in need; On Saturday at 4 P.M. a youth pro­ er, Central; H amilton and St. Cath­ ous, which reveal2d the changes in Loved ones and friends- the one next gram was held at the Immanuel arines churches. Under the direction thinking a nd activities of the church door, Church in Kenosha. Their theme was of our choir leader, Mr. Wm. Lehmann, over t he years. The specia l music was Then let me see there are millions '"Recognizing God's CaJl" which they they learned the oratorio "Up To J eru­ furnished by the fine choir of the Beth­ more. divided into four workshops, HOW, salm" by August Ruecker. On Palm any Baptist Church w h i c h is the This "vision" of need has caused our WHEN and WHY to recognize God's Sunday they presented it a t the Cen­ "Mother Church" and of which Rev. many praying and working members call and WHERE will God caJl? A tral Church of Kitchener, Ont. On Good Arthur Schultz is pastor. Dr. Ralph to make much progress t hrough our delicious spaghetti supper was served Friday this sacred concert was spon­ Powell, professor of Theology at our WMU this year. We are indeed happy to all t he youth and the evening was sored by the German Baptist Mission Seminary was the banquet speake r Trinity Baptist Church ce lebrates 7Sth Anniversary. to bring this report of progress to you. concluded with Singspiration time a nd Church of H amilton a nd presented in a nd spoke on t he '"High cost of Genu­ Truly we have been blessed as we have Missionary Colored s lides of Camero~n the neighboring United Church build­ ine Discipleship," pointing out that t he and decorated sheet cakes. This gave 2700 SE 67th Avenue, which property made efforts in many areas to serve Mission work with t he youth m ing. Altogether 70 singers were sing­ greatest history of the church was yet opportunity for Christia n F ellowship was donated by the Kratt family. him more effectively. We are very c harge. ing a nd the organ was played by our to be made. with the many former members of the Following Dr. Kratt's retirement, happy with our membership gain of Sunday morning Esther Schultz organist, Mrs. Mary Houck a nd the Our pastor, Dr. J ohn Wobig who sister churches a nd friends who had Rev. F. W. Muelle r served from 1936- 543 thls year along with corresponding spoke at the Racine church and Ruth piano by her daughter Mared. On has served the church for 20 years, joined in t he celebration. 1937; Dr. J ohn Leypoldt from 1937- gains in finances a nd White Cross work Rabenhorst at the Imma nuel. The Easter Sunday afternoon this com­ brought the message a t the Sunday The church was organized as The 1945; and Dr. J ohn Wobig from 1946 completed. closing Missionary Rally a nd Commit­ bined choir, but with a smaller num­ morning worship service; and Rev. G. First Germa n Baptist Church on J a nu­ to the present time. During his min­ Through our expanded White Cross ment service was heJd at t he Immanuel ber, only 34, because ma ny did not Ben Lawrence, a son of the church a nd ary 4, 1891 with 17 charter members. istry, in May 1954 the present sanc­ program, many Cameroonian individ­ Church on Sunday afternoon. Music have the permit to cross the Canadian one of our Cameroonian missionaries Rev. H. L. Dietz and R ev. W. C. Rabe t uary was erected and dedicated. uals and families have experienced was furnished by t he combined choirs border, p resented this oratorio modified and Rev. Leonard B. Showalter, our served as pastors in the first 5 years. The following now in Christian serv­ healing of both body a nd souJ. Our of the two churches, directed by Andy by the insertion of pieces of songs assistant to the pastor in the area Then in 1896, Dr. J acob K ratt came ice were members while preparing for White Cross has found new avenues Stipanuk of Kenosha. Testimonies from the oratorio, "The Messiah", by of Christian Education were t he speak­ from our Seminary at Rochester, N. Y. sen·ice: Rev. Robert Penner, Rev. G. of healing this year in the Baptist were given by Mr. a nd Mrs. D. Lud~k­ Handel. Ou.r church house was filled ers at the Sunday afternoon program. with his young bride to serve con­ Ben Lawrence, Rev. Milton Zeeb, Rev. Health Clinic in Spanish American cr educational directors of the Racine to capacity. The pe r formance was a All of t hese messages again emphasized tinuously for 40 years- he as pastor Gilbert Gordon, H.ev. J . Wesley Pierce, work in Colorado, also in Wa.rwar and ch'urch and by two young people, Kim heart lifting spiritual experience. After the future role of t he church rather a nd she as president of t he Women's a nd Rev. Albert Wardin J r., R ev. Ray i11 added dispensaries and clinics in Genich of Racine and J acalyn Tracy of the concert we had a fine fellowship tha n dwell ing on its past glory. T he Missionary Society. Mrs. Clara Ge­ T. H a nson a nd Rev. Robert Cahill. Cameroon. Kenosha. The challenge was g iven by hour with many guests from outside in church c h o i r furnished t he special bauer, our Cameroon Missionary for Miss Nancy Grover and Miss Jeanette I have heard of som eone's deep con­ Miss Ruth Rabenhorst. An informal our recently modernized lower rooms. music in the morning and the two 25 years, was their daughter. Moeckli of the God's Volunteers in the cern over the amount of m oney spent time of fellowship followed in the lower For the Easter morning service we "Daughter Churches," Immanuel Bap­ In 1895 the church purchased the Cameroons a re members as well as by her Women's Society last year on a uditorium. had a record attendance. The pastor tist and Glencullen Baptist, furnished property a nd built the chur ch a t SW Alice Roark of th e 1964-65 God's Vol­ White Cross. Another woman said, This was a time of great blessing, brought an Easter message 011 the the special music for the afte rnoon. Fourth a nd Mill Streets where the con­ unteers Team. "How can we feel that we are doing the memory of w hich will continue topic "Resurrection J ewels", based on Following the afternoon m eeting, t he gregation worshiped until 1951 when During the 75 years of Trinity's enough, when we have so much that to inspire a ll w ho attended. We had I Peter 1 :3-9. Ladies' Missionary Society served open­ the church buil t t he Educational Unit h istory, it has given the ha nd of fel­ we can fill our White Cross quotas a nd a chance to meet a nd know our m is­ faced sandwiches, home-made cookies and moved to the present location at lowship to 2994 members. The present do most of our benevolent giving with­ sionaries personall y and aJso view the a long with a sl