MAY 19, 1966 NUMBER ELEVEN PARENTS OR ZOO KEEPERS? THE MIN ISTER AND HIS HIRE BAPTJ:ST HERALD TEACH ME TO LIVE Teach me to Jive! 'Tis easier far to die­ Dr. Ma1·tin L. Leusclmer, BAPTIST HERALD Gently and silently to pass away- Editor, Hospitalized On earth's long night to ~ l ose the heavy eye, CONTENTS And waken in the glorious realms of day. T he Publication Board, which met in Forest Park, Illinois, A pril The Spirit Filled Life 15, 1966, wis hes to inform a ll of Teach me that harder lesson-how to live Volume 44 No.11 To ser ve Thee in the darkest paths of life. ou r readers t hat Dr. Martin L. Guest Editor ial by John E. Grygo Arm me for conflict now fresh vigor give, Leuschner, our beloved editor, The Scriptures reveal what the Holy Spirit does for God's people May 19, 1966 And make me mdre than conqu'ror in the strife. was taken to Wes t S uburba n Hos­ pital o f Oak Park, Illinois, where and also what he does through them. The work of the Holy Spirit is -Author Unknown he has unclergon e serious s ur­ known in the r egener ation and sanctification of the redeemed. gery. Some doubters would say : No one has seen the Spirit of God, * W e a re assur ed th at every­ therefore we can't believe in his existence. God's Word does not sug­ Cover ----------- - -------------- Luomn Photo on e will be very much in prayer "News nnd Needs ---------------- ----- - - -- 2 gest such possibility. J ohn t he Baptist did not say: "Behold the Spirit Editorial for his full rccovet·y. "The Spirit F illed Lifo" NEWS and NEEDS .• . INDIA RELIEF OFFERINGS of God!" but "Behold the Lamb of God!" (Spurgeon) Re». J ohn E . Grygo ------------------- 3 Meanwhile staff members of "PARENTS or Zoo J{eepcrs7•• Watching a sailboat we know when it is moving, also when it Oswnld C. J, Hoffman n ------ ----- - --- 4 North American Baptist churcht>s our headqua rters h ave assu med " All's Well That Ends Well" A WORKSHOP IN ADULT CHRIS­ and individuals who are eager to Dr. Leuschner's editoria l du ties. is standing still. Likewise, we can fairly well know the presence or Miss Elenn or ' Vcisenbergcr --- - -------- 5 TIAN EDUCATION for pastors, stu­ share in the Indian Relief ministry "Tho Spanish-American Baptist H ealth Center" absence of the Holy Spirit. However, there is definite danger in fol­ Rev. Earl H . Ahrens ------ ----------- 6 dents, directors of Christian Education, which was mentioned in the last Edward Rary, Ch a irman "An Open Leiter tx> Youth" assistant pastors, and laymen concern­ issue of the ''Baptist Herald" can of the Publication Board lowing one's hunch or notion and labeling it Spirit of God guidance. Miss Jennnetlc Mocckli ---- ------ --- -- 7 send their gifts to the NAB head­ "The l\Unistcr nnd His H ire" ed with adult Christian education will Some people wonder whether all Christians have the Holy Spirit. Rev, Da\'id J . Drnewcll ---------- --- - - 8 be held June 20-24, 1966, at the Chris­ quarters office, 7308 Madison Street, "Yes, I TiU1cl" Forest Park, lllinois 60130, marked Let us look into the Bible for the answer. John testifies: " . .. of lllr. Vernon Rau -------------------- 9 tian Training Institute, Edmonton. Two "For Relief of Famine in India." ~~un c Bui::-s nnd Driftwood" hours of academic credit will be given his full ness have all received, and grace for grace." Paul states: " . .. Jlliss Rosemao Bafslrom ------ ---------- 10 Some churches may want to receive THE POWER OF PRAYER! "'Vcstbrook Church Extcnsion- lnspirntion by the CTI for those meeting the re­ special offerings for this needy cause but if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his" nnd Challen1?e" quiremen ts. This workshop is spon­ or to designate a portion of their Uev, Richard Grauer ---------------- - 11 As I am wriling this there is much (Romans 8 :9). "Six Nntionnl Baptist Groups J oin sored by CTI, the Departmen t of Chris­ Communion Offering fund balance. noise outside ::is there has been the in North American Fellowship" -------- 12 tian Education of NAB and the North­ Please make out all checks to North The Pentecost experience was not confined to the Apostles only. "'Book Reviews'' American Baptists, Inc., but mark last few days here at Banso as the Rev. B. C. Schreiber -------------- - --- 13 ern Conference Committee on Christian PWD (Public Works Department ) There are not two kinds of Christians but one. Ask yourself : Who "Spcnk Up" Education. Rev. G. K. Zimmerman and them prominently, ''For Relief of Dr. A. Dale lhric ----------- ------- - --- 14 F amine in India." Your church will caterpillars and bulldozers are tearing awakened me when I slept the sleep of indifference? Who convinced "Whnt"s HaJ>pcning'' ---------------------- 15 Prof. Arnold Rapske will be the key receive denominational credit for down trees and making their way down "We the W omen" me of my sins? Who brought me the new life? Let us agree then: lllrs . Delrnnr Wcsscler --------------- - - 16 leaders. these contributions. the road, making a new road and "Jllissionary ConCcrcncc" ------------------- 16 "75lh Anniversary of t he Trinity O mrch widening it in places. Most of their Without t he Holy Spirit man could never become a Christian and o f P orllnnd, Oregon" work now is l>eing done in front of the much less continue to be a Christian. We can't have the fruit of the lltrs, V ictor Loewen ----- ----------- --- 17 SAN LUIS 'VALLEY, COLORADO. Nurses' homes, and it is with much "Sunday School Lesson s" From March 25-27 the churches of NEW :YOUTH CURRICULUl\'I. Pro­ Spirit without the root of t he Spirit . Rev. B. C. Schreiber ------------------- 12 jected plans for revising and develop­ sorrow we see our lovely poinsettas Our Dcnominntion in A ction ----- -------- 19 the San Luis Valley, Colorado, par­ Paul's wish for t he Ephesian Christians was: " . .. that ye might Obitunries --------------------------- - -- 23 ticipated in a Billy Graham Crusade ing new youth materials were pre­ and trees "bulldozed" down, as well as uor.. Thnut to Become Director of type of ministry w'ith the film en titled, sen ted by Gospel Light Publications lhe much famous "Banso Baptist Hos­ be filled with all the fullness of Gorl" (Ephesians 3 :19). But as in Hamburg Seminary" ------------------ 2·1 "The Restless Ones." Rev. Earl H . at a special meeting held in Chicago pital" sign being pushed out of the former days; so it is in our time : there are always people of whom on April 30. Representatives of denomi­ way f01· the new "super" road. Ahrens, NAB missionary, acted as as­ the Word of God says: "The full soul loatheth an honeycomb" (Pro­ sistant to the chairman of the Coun­ nations who imprint their Sunday After one very trying day of fight­ * seling Committee. Of the 2,7000 per­ school literature participated in the ing a grass fire carelessly lit in a farm, verbs 27 :7) . Such people, the Bible says, are full of adultery, bit­ sons who saw this film, 299 persons meeting. Representing North American and then only to find that much of our terness, confusion, deceit, envy, fury, hypocrisy, indignation, lies, Bi-weekly Publication of the responded and came forward to make Baptists were Rev. J ohn Binder, Direc­ fence and fence posts had been pushed c:own by the machines, without the mischief, reproach, subtility, violence and wickedness. NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST some kind of decision. Of these 65 were tor of Youth Work; Rev. Eldon J an­ GENERAL CONFERENCE Spanish-Americans, and 34 of the Span­ zen, Manager of Roger Williams Press; advance warning promised so we could All people have the capacity to receive God. But man must Rev. Bruce Rich, Director of Children's remove them, Peter really felt "down". 7308 Madison Street ish-American decisions came from the create the vacuum by the surrender of all sinful agencies so that he Forest Park, Illinois 60130 town and college of Alamosa where the Work; and Rev. Clarence Walth, pas­ Then at supper time for our devotions film was shown. Follow up of these de­ tor of the F oster Avenue Baptist we read from MOMENTS WITH GOD can be filled with the Spirit of God. Then it will be true:" But he Martin L. Leuschner, D.D. Editor cisions is being made in Alamosa. The Church, Chicago. The previous meet­ and for that day the prayer request that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit" (I Corinthians 6:17). other 31 decision cards were turned ing, in which these materials were con­ was for Dr. Peter Fehr at Banso Bap­ Evangelist Hyman J. Appleman loves to tell this story: A man over to our missionaries for follow up. sidered, revealed the extensive research tist Hospital. These 31 persons came from the towns which has been done by editors of Gos­ You'll never know how much it traveling through the South called a Negro from the station plat­ * of Capulin, Antonito, Manasseh, Blanka pel Light Publications to make this a meant to us to know that we were form to the t rain window and asked: "Uncle, is there anybody in THE BAPTIST HERALD Is a publication or the North American Baptist General Co _ and San Luis. Mr. Ahrens wrote: meaningful and applicable material for remembered throughout our denomina­ this town enjoying religion?" The old Negro replied, "Them' that !erence with headquarters at 7308 Mad iso~ "These commitments we believe will in the needs of young people in a chang­ tion on THAT day-we really needed St.
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