THE CITY RECORD, Invoice Received Finance Dates or in Depart- Voucher Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. No. Number. Finance. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Hunter College. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, MAYOL 110785 7- 1-14 8-21-14 The Rapid Safety Filter Co 12 00 FRANK L. POLK, COMIATION COUNSEL. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comrritotamt. 110783 Underwood Typewriter Co. 50 110784 Underwood Typewriter Co. 1 25 FERGUSON, Salmnem 110778 7- 9-14 8-21-14 Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 34 95 Supervisor's Mice, Municipal Building, 8th floor. 116777 7-17-14 8-21-14 The Macmillan Co. 6 00 Published daily, at 9 a. m, except legal holidays, at Nos. 96 and 98 Reade meet (north side), 110776 6-18-14 8-14-14 William Wood & Co. 3 50 between West Broadway and Church street, New York City. 110775 7-24-14 8-21-14 Charles Scribner's Sons 32 04 Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. 110774 7-20-14 8-21-14 American Book Co. 1 20 SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol- 110779 6- 4-14 8-21-14 Eugene Douglass 20 00 lars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section; 110782 6-30-14 8-21-14 Postal Telegraph Cable Co. 3 10 postage prepaid. 110888 8- 9-14 8-21-14 Clarence S. Nathan • 46 40 ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY Rscoan must be received at least TWO (2) 110889 6-22-14 8-21-14 A. B. Dick Co. 1 00 days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before 110886 6-11-14 . 8-21-14 National Pure Soap Co. 6 50 publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date. fixed for the first insertion. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least 110890 Longmans, Green & Co. 30 98 THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. 110891 7-18-14 8-21-14 D. Appleton & Co. 44 65 Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. Board of City Record. 111497 8- 1-14 8-21-14 Virginian & Pilot Publishing Co $6 72 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 111496 8-13-14 8-21-14 Messenger Publishing Co. 3 50 111495 8-10-14 8-21-14 The Kentucky Post 5 88 111498 7-25-14 8-21-14 Woman's Home Companion 252 00 Armory Board— Manhattan, Bor'ough of— Proposals 7251 Proposals 7251 111499 8-12-14 8-21-14 The Jewish Morning Journal 6 00 Assessors, Board of— Municipal Civil Service Commission— 111500 Wm. Wood & Co. 15 00 Completion of Assessments 7253 Notices of Examinations 7252. Notice to Present Claims for Damages 7253 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- District Attorney, New York (Aunty. Board Meetings 7248 ings, Etc. 7254 8-21-14 George Trojan, Detective $261 6 70 Bridges, Department of— Official Directory 7247 110800 8-21-14 John S. Armstrong 7253 Proposals Parks, Department of— 110801 8-21-14 Albert Thomas 109 0016 Changes in Departments, Etc. 7245 Proposals 7250 Correction, Department of— Report of the Meteorological Observatory 110802 8-21-14 John G. Stein 20 60 Proposals 7248 for. the Week Ended August 8, 1914. 7242 11C803 8-21-14 Frank Tourist Co. 143 70 Docks and Ferries, Department of— Police Department— 110795 8-21-14 Jacob Luban 36 00 Proposals 7248 Auction Sale of Unclaimed Property. 7253 Elections, Board of— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- 110790 8-21-14 Loren C. Horton 292 50 Proposals 7250 erty 7253 Department of Docks and Ferries. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Proposals 7253 106552 39715 8-11-14 General Contracting & Engineering Co. $15,182 01 Notices of Public Hearings—Franchise Public Recreation Commission— Matters Proposals 7254 Department of Education. Notice of Public Hearing—Public Im- 7233 Public Service Commission, First District— 108931 6-15-14 8-17-14 Kalt Lumber Co. $255 41 provement Calendar for the Week Commencing 109235 6-29-14. 7-10-14 8-18-14 D. J. Deady Co. 49 50 Department of— August 24, 1914 7239 Confirmation of Assessments 7248 Hearing on Form of Contract 7251 106019 40076 8-10-14 Doncourt Construction Co. 855 00 Corporation Sales of Buildings 7249 Proposals 7251 105968 39934 8-10-14 Doncourt Construction Co. 1,048 50 Interest on City Bonds and Stock 7250 Queens, Borough of— 106057 39780 8-10-14 W. H. Quinn 450 00 Notices of Sales of Tax Liens Proposals 7252 Sureties on Contracts 7248 Supreme Court, First Department— 110974 5-18-14 8-21-14 J. B. Lippincott Co. 31 00 Vouchers Received August 24, 1914 7241 Filing Preliminary Abstracts 7254 110975 5-29-14 8-21-14 F. C. Stechert Co. 6 31 Warrants Made Ready for Payment Hearings on Qualifications 7254 110976 6-24-14 8-21-14 F. C. Stechert Co. 40 August 24, 1914 7239 Taxes and Assessments, Department of— Fire Department— Proposals 7254 110968 6- 8-14 8-21-14 Montgomery & Co. 3 21 Bureau of Fire Prevention—List of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- 110969 6- 4-14 8-21-14 E. B. Latham & Co. 3 33 Requirements, Week Ending Au- partment of— 110970 Ginn & Co. 8 75 gust 22, 1914 7243 Notice of Sale at Public Auction 7253 Proposals 7250 Proposals 7253 110971 6-25-14 8-21-14 Funk & Wagnalls Co. 6 00 Instructions to Bidders for Work to Be Report for Weeks Ended July 25 and 110972 6- 1-14 8-21-14 American Book Co. 3 75 Done or Supplies to Be Furnished 7254 August 1, 1914 7244 110973 The Baker & Taylor Co. 5 28 110977 6- 9-14 8-21-14 F. C. Stechert Co. 9 48 110978 6-24-14 8-21-14 F. C. Stechert Co. 21 53 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FIRST DISTRICT. 111041 8-21-14 S. Florence Warren 7 65 111040 8-21-14 A. J. Maguire, Supervisor of Janitors 6 00 No. 154NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. 111038 8-21-14 Elsie Gardner 66 00 Calendar for the Week Commencing August 24, 1914. 111037 8-21-14 Rufus J. Suits, Chief Clerk, Bureau of Tuesday, August 25, 1914-10.30 a. m.—Room 305—Case No. 1859—Long Island Attendance 39 00 Railroad Company—"Application for approval of exercise of franchise for side 110070 8-19-14 James F. McManus, Acting Chief At- track across Borden Avenue and other streets, Borough of Queens"—Commissioner tendance Officer 58 05 Wood. Department of Finance. Thursday, August 27, 1914-11 a. m.—Room 305—Case No. 1856—New York and 109986 8-19-14 J. H. Timmerman, City Paymaster ... $50 65 Queens Gas Company—"Extension of gas mains to Douglaston and Little Neck, 111559 New York Ophthalmic Hospital 36 60 Borough of Queens"—Commissioner Maltbie. 111558 New York Opthalmic Hospital 354 45 The next meeting of the Commission will be held September 11, 1914, at 12.15 111563 St. Christopher's Hospital for Babies 167 85 p. m. 111562 Rockaway Beach Hospital and Dis- pensary 367 65 New York Magdalen Home 30 82 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 111560 N o r w e g i a n Lutheran Deaconesses' Home and Hospital 705 60 WARRANTS MADE READY FOR PAYMENT IN DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 111553 Mary Immaculate Hospital 867 45 MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1914. 111554 New York Post Graduate Medical Below is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on the above date School and Hospital 1,795 43 showing therein the Department of Finance voucher number, he dates of the invoices 111550 Institution of Mercy 9,143 93 or the registered number of the contract, the date the voucher was filed in the De- 111551 Jamaica Hospital 469 75 partment of Finance, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant. 111552 Low Maternity Branch of Brooklyn Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant, the dates cf the earliest Hospital 133 20 and latest are given, excepting that when such payments are made under a contract, 111555 New York Post Graduate Medical the registered number of the contract is shown in the place of the second invoice School and Hospital 25 40 date. 111556 New York Homeopathic Medical Col- Where the word "final" is shown after the name of the payee. payment will lege and Flower Hospital 975 95 not be made until thirty days after the completion and acceptance of the work, but New York Homeopathic Medical Col- all of the other warrants mentioned will be forwarded through the mail unless some lege and Flower Hospital 47 75 reason exists why payment is to be made in person, in which event written notice 111548 House of St. Giles, the Cripple 114 66 will be promptly given to the claimant. 111549 Howard Orphanage and Industrial In making a written or verbal inquiry at this office for any of the above men- School 2,919 24 tioned warrants, it is requested that reference be made by the Department of Finance 109320 Police Pension Fund ; Arthur Woods, voucher number. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST. Comptroller. Commissioner, as trustee and treasurer.107,500 00 108294 38146 John H. Eckhoff, Jr. 555 40 Invoice Received 111101 Lewis G. Mitchell and James L. Crop- Finance Dates or in Depart- sey, executors, Harmon W. Cropsey, Voucher Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount. ceased, and Lewis G. Mitchell 900 00 No. Number. Finance. 111101 Lewis G. Mitchell and James L. Crop- sey, executors, Harmon W. Cropsey, Commissioners of Accounts. deceased, and Lewis G. Mitchell 900 00 109959 7-11-14 8-19-14 Consolidated Auto Supply Co. $21 00 Johanna M. E. Luders 763 50 Armory Board. 111102 111102 Johanna M. E. Luders 1,036 50 109010 6-30-14 847-14 T. J. Cummins Plumbing Co. $59 00 Emily A. Richmond 200 00 8-17-14 Nisbet Engineering Co. 14 29 111103 109018 8- 4-14 J. Leroy Gibson 150 00 31946 Pilcher & Tachau 413 70 111104 105699 111105 Title Guarantee and Trust Co., as ast, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. signee of Stephen C. Halstead 1,300 00 8-17-14 Pullman & Charles $250 00 109082 6-24-14 6-29-14 George H. Gilmour 1,125 DO 7- 6-14 8-17-14 W. B. McVicker Co. 24 22 111106 109050 111106 George H. Gilmour 375 00 108498 3-31-14 8-14-14 Municipal Garage 350 00 B. Krugel and Carrie A. Krugel 100 00 Department of Bridges. 111107 Wm. 111107 Wm. B. Krugel and Carrie A. Krugel 300 00 110404 8-10-14 8-20-14 Pure Oil Co. $4 50 375 00 10 70 111108 Andrew W. Ahern 110405 8- 6-14 8-20-14 A. J. & J. J. McCollum 125 00 Standard Building Supply Co., Inc :96 75 111104 Andrew W. .Ahern 110413 7-31-14 8-20-14 Norman T. Case and Clara E. Case 112 50 110409 8-13-14 8-20-14 The Petroleum Products Co. 11 22 50037 0050 Nytanday Letter and Design Co, Irc. 16 75 111109 Norman T. Case and Clara E. Case 110410 8- 3-14 8-20-14 Carrie Van Note 7-28-14 8-20-14 Stanley & Patterson 32 72 111110 110411 7-21-14. 111110 Carrie Van Note 400 00 110408 8- 7-14 8-20-14 James S. Barron & Co 7 50 430 00 51 111111 Tillie E. Wolff 11C407 8-13-14 8-20-14 A. F. Brombacher & Co 14 320 00 5 40 111111 Tillie E. Wolff 110406 8-11-14 8-20-14 Library Bureau Guarantee and Trust Co., As- A. F. Brombacher & Co. 36 02 111125 Title 110415 8- 8-14. 8-10-14 8-20-14 signee of Sarah Zigler 1, 00 110416 8- 7-14. 8-11-14 8-20-14 Egleston Bros. & Co. 163 26 66 66 20 00 111526 John T. Mayers 110414 8- 7-14 8-20-14 Geo. Henke 3,397.10 71 00 110313 Frank J. Shea or Leo R. Lawlor, Atty 110427 3-27-14 8-20-14 Browa & Sharpe Mfg. Co.


Invoice Received Invoice Received Finance Dates or in Depart- tinance Dates or in Depart- ment of Voucher Voucher Contract Name of Payee. Amount Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount No. Number. Finance. No. Number. Finance. 110314 Myron C. Combs SO 00 110671 11-25-13 8-20-14 Defiance Manufacturing Co. 6 70 110771 Charles E. Colligan 500 00 110669 6-30-14 8-20-14 Dennison Mfg. Co. 8 60 111095 Tillie Mayer 1,400 00 110665 Schieffelin & Co. 6 65 111090 Grosvenor K. Glenn 1,500 00 111388 Francis J. Rauh 1 30 111100 Emma E. Kopf 300 00 111387 Michael Naughton, Jr. 1 40 111100 Emma E. Kopf 1,000 00 111386 Owen R. Dooley 78 111099 Title Guarantee and Trust Co. as As- 111385 Edmund F. Murphy 2 45 signee of Frederick and Jesse Lozier 1,300 00 110640 8- 4-14 8-20-14 Alvin Jaeger as Bandmaster 115 00 111098 Bertha Klein 1,300 00 116641 8- 6-14 8-20-14 H. Dammer as Bandmaster 115 00 111097 James H. Gillen and Hannah S. Gillen 500 00 110628 8- 5-14 8-20-14 Joseph Peluso as Bandmaster 115 00 111097 James H. Gillen and Hannah S. Gillen 1,500 00 110627 8- 8-14 8-20-14 John George Frank as Bandmaster 115 00 111096 Lewis G. Mitchell and James L. Crop- 110626 7-28-14. 8- 4-14 8-20-14 Ward's Orchestra and Military Band 230 00 sey, Executors 600 00 110624 8- 6-14 8-20-14 Alois Bohsung as Bandmaster 115 00 111096 Lewis G. Mitchell and James L. Crop- 110623 8-20-14 Lederhaus' Orch. and Military Band 115 00 sey, Executors 900 00 110629 8- 4-14 8-20-14 Rudolph Tilkin as Bandmaster 115 00 111094 Plainfield Estates, Inc., N. J 300 00 110630 Pennoyer and His Band, Otto G. Pen- 111094 Plainfield Estates, Inc., N. J 1,100 00 noyer, Bandmaster 115 00 111093 Lewis G. Mitchell and James L. Crop- 110631 8- 7-14 8-20-14 Stretz's Orchestra, Frank Stretz, Di- sey, Executors, Harmon W. Cropsey, rector 115 00 Deceased, and Lewis G. Mitchell 900 00 110635 8- 7-14 8-20-14 Samuel Rubin as Bandmaster 115 00 111093 Lewis G. Mitchell and James L. Crop- 110632 8- 6-14 8-20-14 Somerset's First Regiment Irish Vol- sey, Executors, Harmon W. CI opsey, unteer Band and Orchestra, Wm. Som- Deceased, and Lewis G. Mitchell 600 00 erset, Director 115 00 111092 Simon Friedenstein 300 00 110633 8- 1-14 8-20-14 Mygrant's Band and Orchestra 115 00 111092 Simon Friedenstein 300 00 110634 8- 6-14 8-20-14 Edwin Franko Goldman as Bandmaster 115 00 111092 Simon Friedenstein 300 00 110636 8- 6-14 8-20-14 Wm. S. Purisch as Bandmaster 115 00 111092 Simon Friedenstein 3,300 00 110637 8-10-14 8-20-14 R. L. Halle as Bandmaster 115 00 111090 Grooenor K. Glenn 1,500 00 110638 8- 8-14 8-20-14 Wm. Schwartz's Orchestra and Mil- 111091 Louis Cowan 300 00 itary Band 115 00 111091 Louis Cowan 1,100 00 110639 8-10-14 8-20-14 Gustave D'Aquin as Bandmaster 115 00 111567 Catholic Institute for the Blind 400 00 110668 6-27-14. 6-29-14 8-20-14 Pure Oil Co, 88 92 111566 The Hospital of the Holy Family 1,201 55 110670 6-30-14. 7-25-14 8-20-14 Stumpp & Walter Co. 46 50 111565 Sydenham Hospital 496 00 Police Department. 111564 St. John's Long Island City Hospital 2,083 60 110401 7-27-14 8-20-14 Splitdorf Electrical Company of N. Y. $6 20 111547 House of St. Giles the Cripple 217 40 110383 Edmund D. Broderick 169 00 111546 House of Mercy 780 79 110384 Edmund D. Broderick 189 00 111545 German Hospital and Dispensary 1,264 50 110385 7-24-14 8-20-14 Remington Arms, U. M. C. Co 89 05 111544 Flushing Hospital and Dispensary 1,499 81 110387 6-27-14 8-20-14 Fallon Law Book Co. 3 60 111543 Dominican Convent of Our Lady of 110386 7-23-14 8-20-14 Fallon Law Book Co. 12 50 the Rosary 11,206 26 110391 6-22-14 8-20-14 George Vause , 24 00 111542 Church Charity Foundation of Long 110390 5-23-14 8-20-14 Lord & Taylor 154 00 Island St. John's Hospital 684 35 11089 6- 9-14 8-20-14 American Mildewproof Awning Co 400 111541 Church Charity Foundation of Long 110388 7-25-14 8-20-14 Agent and Warden of Auburn Prison 279 40 Island Orphan House 533 21 110394 7- 6-14 8-20-14 Ride & Koenig 5 00 111540 Columbus Hospital 693 80 110393 6-10-14 8-20-14 T. E. Quinn 18 00 111539 Bushwick Hospital 371 55 110392 6-30-14 8-20-14 Hull, Grippen & Co. 9 75 111538 Brooklyn Hospital 949 50 110400 6-15-14 8-20-14 John Sullivan & Son 21 75 111537 Association for Befriending Children 109239 7-25-14 8-18-14 F. A. Baker & Co. 40 50 and Young Girls, House of the Holy President of the Borough of Manhattan. Family 929 14 106565 34532 8-11-14 Crow, Lewis & Wickenhoefer $1,496 20 111523 William A. Prendergast 1,250 00 President of the Borough of The Bronx Are Department. 109706 7-31-14 8-18-14 Tremont, Hardware Co., Inc $18 14 85003 31846 6-27-14 Benedetto & Egan Const. Co. $1,327 38 104828 7-31-14 39714 8- 8-14 The New York Trap Rock Co 10,214 49 105147 7- 8-14 38377 8- 8-14 Wm. Gleichmann & Co. 55 75 10:158 36197 The Asphalt Construction Co 1,110 00 105152 7- 7-14 39610 8- 8-14 Fiske Brothers Refining Co. 203 32 103761 38126 8-11-14 J. Donelin 25 00 108038 8- 3-14 39610 8-13-14 Fiske Brothers Refining Co. 9 72 107113 36209 The Barber Asphalt Paving Co 1,808 07 105151 7-25-14 38338 8- 8-14 Standard Oil Co. of New York 21 82 109704 The New York Multi-Color Copying Co 12 99 Department of Health. President of the Borough of Brooklyn. 109685 6-30-14 8-18-14. Richard Webber $11 98 109856 8- 1-14 8-18-14 Union League Stables $27 50 109659 7-14-14. 7-25-14 8-18-14 Nason Manufacturing Co. 51 01 109855 8- 1-14 8-18-14 Thomas F. Reid 14 50 109670 8-18-14 Bertram H. Waters, M.D., Chief, Di- 109854 7-31-14 8-18-14 P. H. Powers & Son 27 50 vision of Tuberculosis 31 35 10C;850 8- 1-14 8-18-14 Daniel A. Maher 33 00 103850 6-30-14 39227 8- 7-14 J. F. Gylsen 365 60 109831 8- 5-14 8-18-14 W. C. Wilson 11 90 103848 4-16-14 39205 8- 7-14 R. C. Williams & Co. 79 98 167496 39398 8-12-14 Fred Catapano 3,825 00 103855 6-30-14 38568 8- 7-14 Shults Bread Co. 315 55 107497 39525 8-12-14 Cranford Company 8,542 50 103859 7- 1-14 38698 8- 7-14 Olin J. Stephens, Inc. 111 68 107495 38246 8-12-14 Brooklyn Alcatraz Asphalt Company 8,204 63 109672 8-18-14 Bertram H. Waters, M.D., Chief, Di- President of the Borough of Queens. vision of Tuberculosis 20 55 110056 8-19-14 Clifford B. Moore, Engineer in Charge, 109666 7-27-14 8-18-14 William Valerius 15 30 Topographical Bureau, Borough of 109665 Michael Paulini 2 25 Queens $281 22 108992 8-17-14 Eugene W. Scheffer, Secretary 5,000 00 105264 10-15-13 36341 8- 8-14 Standard Cast Iron Pipe and Foun- 108403 7- 9-14 8-18-14 Siegfried Bussert 62 40 dry Co. 2,056 32 Board of Inebriety. President of the Borough of Richmond. 110754 8-21-14 Dr. Paul G. Taddiken $20 58 110205 8- 1-14 8-19-14 Schutte Bros. $49 97 110753 8-21-14 Charles Samson 25 33 105786 36500 8-10-14 Joseph Johnson's Sons 223 20 Department of Licenses. 110190 7-25-14 8-19-14 The Destructor Company; Power Spe- 110147 8-19-14 George H. Bell, Commissioner of Li- cialty Company, manager 800 00 censes $12 94 Department of Public Charities. Law Department 110490 7- 9-14 8-20-14 Bramhall-Deane Co. $2 15 91 William J. Mullen $69 00 110493 6- 3-14. 7-18-14 8-20-14 Department of Correction 51 06 111262 8-20-14 Frank L. Polk, Corporation Counsel 500 00 110494 6- 5-14. 648-14 8-20-14 Department of Correction 29 90 108439 7-23-14 8-17-14 West Publishing Co. 37 50 110495 7-22-14 8-20-14 Robert Ferguson 10 63 Public Administrator, Queens County. 110499 6-10-14 8-20-14 The Robbins Manufacturing Co. 220 00 110755 8-21-14 Randolph White $100 00 103876 39020 Standard Oil Co. of New York 156 24 Department of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond. 110461 7-14-14 8-20-14 A. B. Dick Co. 3 75 110687 6-30-14 8-20-14 C. & A. Matisse $30 00 110548 7-23-14 8-20-14 Francis H. Leggett & Co. 30 30 110688 6-26-14 8-20-14 J. G. Braun 373 64 110553 6-30-14 8-20-14 A. Silz 284 23 110672 United States Tire Co. 290 30 110459 7-16-14 8-20-14 Westchester Fish Co. 7 25 110673 6-20-14 8-20-14 Schoverling, Daly & Gales 64 00 110556 7-14-14 8-20-14 Walker-Gordon Laboratory Co. 93 75 110674 6- 9-14 8-20-14 A. G. Spalding & Bros. 186 00 110552 The Mirror 22 50 110675 6-24-14 8-20-14 Agent and Warden, Sing Sing Prison 50 45 110546 6-30-14 8-20-14 P. Lawless Sons 16 35 110676 6-29-14 8-20-14 Chesebro-Whitman Co. 680 110545 6-30-14 8-20-14 Henry Kelly & Sons 8 05 110678 6-25-14 8-20-14 John Sullivan & Son 76 00 110543 7-23-14 8-20-14 Hunter & Trimm Co. 8 54 110680 6-24-14 8-20-14 Patterson Bros. 28 00 110500 M. Weiss & Co. 181 70 110682 6-30-14 8-20-14 Anchor Post Iron Works 7 00 110501 7- 2-14 8-20-14 Annin & Co. 6 10 110683 6-15-14 8-20-14 The Gorham Co. 41 00 110502 5-16-14. 6-10-14 8-20-14 Eimer & Amend 6 06 110684 4-30-14 8-20-14 Welsbach Gas Light Co. 30 15 110503 7-27-14 8-20-14 A. C. Laurence 19 75 110622 8-20-14 Joseph E. Savage, Chief Clerk and Sheriff, Bronx County. Auditor 279 24 110758 8-21-14 James Clark $49 10 1113% 8-21-14 New York Zoological Society; Percy Sheriff, Queens County. R. Pyne, treasurer 70 00 110303 6- 1-14. 8- 1-14 8-20-14 Department of Correction, City Prison, 111397 8-21-14 New York Zoological Society; Percy Borough of Queens $119 50 R. Pyne, treasurer 70 00 Department of Street Cleaning. 110693 6-30-14 8-20-14 American Veneer Co. 108 72 110457 7-25-14 8-20-14 The Woodhouse Mfg. Co. $21 00 110692 6-27-14 8-20-14 Sutphen & Myer 412 82 110717 -11-14 8-20-14 S. F. Bowser & Co., Inc. 2 80 110691 6-30-14 8-20-14 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 11 39 110709 6-30-14 8-30-14 Wm. E. Kleine & Co. 198 92 110689 7- 2-14 8-20-14 Vought & Williams 24 23 110708 7-31-14 8-20-14 Church E. Gates & Co. 25 44 110646 7-31-14 8-20-14 American Museum of Natural His- 110711 8-11-14 8-20-14 New York Belting and Packing Co. 6 60 tory; Chas. Lanier, treasurer 82 59 110712 6-10-14 8-20-14 E. B. Latham & Co. 57 110652 8-20-14 American Museum of Natural His- 110714 8- 6-14 8-20-14 The Sherwin-Williams Co. 97 13 tory; Chas. Lanier, treasurer 14,253 18 110705 7-31-14 8-20-14 New York Sporting Goods Co 1 56 110621 Joseph E. Savage, Chief Clerk and Au- 110704 7-29-14 8-20-14 John Simmons Co. 1 38 ditor 25 50 110701 5-28-14 8-20-14 Dimock & Fink Co. 4 13 110667 6-29-14 8-20-14 A. B. Dick Company 9 25 110700 7-28-14 8-20-14 E. F. Keating Co. 33 24 110666 6-30-14 8-20.14 Frank J. Lennon Company 3 75 110698 7- 2-14 8-20-14 A. F. Brombacher & Co. 18 80 110643 Metropolitan Museum of Art; Howard 110697 6-30-14 8-20-14 The Woodhouse Manufacturing Co 15 75 Mansfield, treasurer 9,855 15 110454 7-28-14 8-20-14 New York Belting and Packing Co 80 00 110653 Metropolitan Museum of Art; How- 110428 8- 1-14 8-20-14 Eimer & Amend 41 ard Mansfield, treasurer 1,029 57 110310 6-30-14 8-20-14 New York Contracting & Trucking Co 900 00 110642 8- 6-14 8-20-14 Tottenville Band, F. L. Hadkins, Di- 110306 6-21-14 8-20-14 P. J. Langler 526 25 rector 230 00 110309 6-30-14 8-20-14 New York Contracting & Trucking Co 900 00


Invoice Received Invoice Received Finance Dates or in Depart- Finance Dates or in Depart- Voucher Contract went of Name of Payee. Amount. Voucher Contract went of Name of Payee. Amount No. Number. Finance. No. Number. Finance.

Tenement House Department. 109500 7-20-14 8-18-14 Standard Oil Co. of New York 66 75 109530 8- 5-14 8-18-14 Guarantee Typewriter Repair Co. $13 50 109503 The George H. Tyrrell Co. 4 00 109529 7-31-14 8-18-14 Evans & Thomas 15 45 109720 7-13-14 8-18-14 Toch Bros. 6 77 Board of Water Supply. 109726 8- 1-14 8-18-14 Honk Falls Power Co 2 55 109727 7-31-14 8-18-14 John J. Kerwin & Co. $2 60 109739 7-15-14 8-18-14 Elaterite Waterproofing Co. 8 77 109748 7-31-14 8-18-14 Long Acre Garage, Inc. 55 65 Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. 106655 37326 8-11-14 Paul S. Reeves & Co. 16,811 00 104040 39516 8- 7-14 Florence Iron Works $886 42 109723 7-31-14 8-18-14 Club Garage Co, 125 81 104035 •38344 Crown Metal Construction Co 315 00 109725 8- 1-14 8-18-14 M. Gogarty 47 10 109784 7-31-14 8-18-14 Tower Manufacturing & Novelty Co 6 75 109724 7- 1-14 8-18-14 E. W. Bullinger 7 00 109776 7-23-14 8-18-14 Eugene Dietzgen Co. 1 75 109722 7-23-14 8-18-14 Central Hudson Gas and Electric Co 100 105703 34984 McBride & Callan Cont. Co., Inc 285 02 109721 7-31-14 8-18-14 American Nursery Co. 44 00 109788 7-24-14 8-18-14 The Knickerbocker Supply Co 90 83

VOUCHERS RECEIVED IN DEPARTMENT OF Invoice Invoice FINANCE, MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1914. Finance Date Finance Date A statement is herewith submitted of all vouchers Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount filed in the Department of Finance on this date, in er No. tract -r No. tract which is shown the Department of Finance voucher Number. Number. number, the date of the invoices or the registered number of the contract, the name of the payee and the 111966 5- 1-14 A. E. Chamberlin 15 00 112050 7-16-14 Durand Steel Locker Co.... 28 00 amount of the claim. Where two or more bills are em- 111967 6-23-14 Inter-time Record Co. of 112051 7-21-14 Tower Bros. Staty. Co 13 00 braced in one voucher the date of the earliest is given, N Y. • 75 00 112052 7-22-14 Merchant & Evans Co 7 00 excepting that when such vouchers are submitted under 111968 6-29-14 P. J. Kelly 27 00 112053 7-23-14 Everson & Reed Co 3 75 a contract the registered number of the contract is 111969 7- 8-14 Tower Mfg. & Nov. Co.... 75 112054 7-29-14 The Hart & Hutchinson Co 25 50 shown instead. 111970 4- 3-14 Mrs. M. C. Donohue 2 00 112055 7-21-14 John Wanamaker 12 00 WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. 111971 7-13-14 Wm. H. Maxwell, Supt. 112056 W. & J. Sloane 4 82 Public Schools 81 10 112057 6- 6-14 A. & W., Clinton Prison.... 889 48 Invoice 111972 7-15-14 N. Y. Motorcycle Co 16 78 112058 7-29-14 Ford Motor Co. 90 Finance Date 111973 6-25-14 Samuel Lewis 17 98 112059 7-20-14 Cornelius Teneick, Inc. .... 4 30 Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount. 111974 6-23-14 Dept. of Correction 133 80 112060 7-21-14 James C. Nichols 30 er No. tract 111975 6-19-14 James H. Rhodes & Co 6 60 112061 7-16-14 Hess, Bright Co. 33 84 Number. 111976 39934 M. D. Lundin 900 00 112062 8- 5-14 Buick Motor Co. 7 50 111977 40056 M. D. Lundin 653 31 112063 7-22-14 The Manhattan Supply Co.. 9 60 Armory Board. 111978 40065 Edward Theriault 459 00 112400 8-24-14 Robert Adamson, Fire Com- 112235 8- 1-14 Meyer-Denker-Sinram Co $72 50 111979 40084 Interboro Decorating Co 735 75 missioner, Municipal Bldg. .. 300 00 112236 8- 1-14 S. Tutles Son & Co, 33 75 111980 39922 James H. Newman 876 60 112401 8-13-14 William H. Swartwout 10 00 112237 7-24-14 Henry Berau 12 25 111981 39968 A. W King 1,323 90 112402 Christian C. Schlottmann.... 3 65 112238 6-25-14 Chas. F. Nubbs & Co 56 85 111982 39783 Kalamanoff & Koplowitz 495 00 Commissioner of Jurors, Bronx County. 112239 7- 3-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 26 98 111983 39844 Western Elec. Co 23 00 112124 7-31-14 New York Tel. Co $12 99 112240 7-18-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 30 50 111984 39452 W. H Quinn 450 00 Department of Licenses. 112241 7-20-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 2 00 111985 37473 Wells & Newton Co. of 112356 8-18-14 Royal Ribbon & Carbon Co.. $2 50 112242 8- 6-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 9 50 N. Y. 1,125 00 112357 7-31-14 Municipal Garage 90 59 112243 7-10-14 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y 60 48 111986 37920 James M. Arthur & Co 8,031 00 112358 8- 1-14 N. Stafford Co. 380 25 112244 8-25-14 M. A. Lindeman 2 00 111987 35539 Charles Williams Co 4,050 00 New York Public Library. 112245 8- 7-14 American Glue Co 28 00 111988 40237 Tames Harley Plumb. Co 729 90 112139 39404 The N. Y. Public Library... $135 54 112246 7-27-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 28 35 111990 38620 The J. W. Pratt Co 159 35 112140 N. Y. Public Library 25,699 87 112247 7-22-14 Cavanagh Bros & Co 8 75 111991 38619 M. B. Brown P. & B. Co.... 248 Department of Parks, Borough of The Bronx. 112248 8-10-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 22 12 111992 38621 Paul Baron 11 80 112403 38746 M. L. Bird $1,773 52 112249 8-10-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 35 80 ;111993 38978 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 4 84 112404 40029 Phoenix Sand-Gravel Co.... 877 80 112250 7-16-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 9 80 111994 38447 J. Stacey Sullivan, Assignee 112405 38759 John Lucas 1,298 85 112251 7-30-14 A. Pearson's Sons 1 50 to Edward E. Babb & Co.... 21 50 Police Department. 112252 7-24-14 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 49 20 111995 38620 The J. W Pratt Co 44 00 112292 7-20-14 Cobb. Macey, Dohme, Inc... $1 50 112253 4-27-14 E. Howard Clock Co 35 00 111996 38624 Clarence S. Nathan . 69 49 112293 6- 9-14 Ferdinand Kuster 1 50 112254 7- 8-14 Electric Cleaner Co 12 50 111997 38621 Paul Baron 59 82 112294 7-22-14 Manhattan Electrical Sup. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. 111998 38453 M. J. Tobin 13 19 Co. 9 56 112377 38171 Borden's Cond. Milk Co $2,256 62 111999 38618 The Brooklyn Daily Eagle.. 10 45 112295 7-22-14 Stanley & Patterson 9 00 112378 40135 Strauss Bros. 9,680 09 112000 38620 The J. W Pratt Co 50 00 112296 7-20-14 Vought & Williams 28 00 112379 38177 Rock Island Butter Co 2,353 74 112001 38621 Paul Baron 23 40 112297 7-22-14 Pierce, Butler & Pierce Mfg. 112380 37277 Bleecker-Simons 338 30 112002 38619 M. B. Brown P. & B. Co. 4 99 Co. 85 112381 38174 Robert P. Lawless 552 06 112003 38453 M. J. Tobin 10 76 112298 7-22-14 American Radiator Co. .... 2 25 112382 38280 Burton-Davis Co. 236 67 112004 39349 The Kny-Scheerer Co 11 65 112299 4-14-14 F. N. Dubois & Co 72 112383 38170 Shults Bread Co. 1,519 37 112005 38538 Domestic Mills Paper Co.... 5 96 112300 7- 2-14 Hammacher Schlemmer & 112384 38321 Francis H. Leggett 185 18 112006 38437 Syndicate Trading Co. 29 33 Co. 7 80 112385 38285 Sulzberger Sons Co 215 16 112007 39293 Charles Scribner's Sons .... 4 50 112301 4- 2-14 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co... 1 30 112386 38375 Frank J. Lennon Co 333 90 112008 38448 The J. W Pratt Co 40 80 112302 7-22-14 J. J. Schultz 6 75 112387 39068 F. S. Banks Co 558 60 112009 38454 E. Steiger & Co 6 20 112303 4-10-14 Welsbach Gas Lamp Co 970 05 112388 38283 Am. Distributing Co., James 112010 38462 Neostyle Envelope Co. 21 20 112317 8- 1-14 Peter Dressel 1 00 A. Webb & Son 74 84 112011 39289 The Macmillan Co. 2 25 112318 8- 1-14 Joseph Guasconi 8 00 112389 387C9 Johnson-Johnson 720 00 112012 39349 The Kny-Scheerer Co 1 00 112319 7- 5-14 Peter Guenther 2.25 112390 38282 Johnson-Johnson 4,212 CO 112013 39205 D. C. Heath & Co 34 112320 8- 5-14 J. J. Hallahan 1 68 112391 39070 Peter J. Constant 536 94 112014 124 Doubleday, Page & Co 1 50 112321 8- 1-14 Lieut. T. J. McAuliffe 50 40. Municipal Civil Service Commission. 112015 38449 Bloomingdale Brothers 28 43 112322 8- 3-14 Lieut. Geo. Busby 7 15 112125 7-27-14 Guarantee Typewriter Re- 112016 38510 James S. Baron & Co. 64 112323 8- 5-14 Michael R. Brennan 58 00 pair Co. $7 30 112017 38442 F. S. Banks & Co 4 12 112324 8- 3-14 J. E. Bulman 120 112126 7-30-14 Guarantee Typewriter Re- 112018 38438 Milton Bradley Co. 29 112325 8- 1-14 Patrolman Martin A. Gan- pair Co. 12 00 112019 38486 & Straus 1 53 non 4 00 112127 8-10-14 U. S. Changeable Sign Co 221 50 112020 38471 Thomas Wallace 4 20 112326 8- 1-14 Patrolman George N. Cole.. 12 80 112128 8-10-14 U. S. Changeable Sign Co 95 49 112021 38454 E. Steiger & Co 15 53 112327 7-29-14 Walter Conlon 3 33 Coroners, Borough of Brooklyn. 112222 38453 M. J. Tobin S 99 112328 7-29-14 Daniel E. Costigan 12 00 112129 7-31-14 Great Bear Spring Co 2 10 112023 38442 F. S Banks & Co 1 37 112329 8- 6-14 Patrick Curry 29 85 112130 Kanouse Mount. Water Co 1 80 112186 6- 2-14 Durkin & Laas 300 00 112330 7-21-14 Felix B. De Martin 98 112131 8- 1-14 Peerless Towel Supply Co 2 59 Department of Flew.. 112331 8- 3-14 Patrolman Robert J. Dixon 9 90 112132 7-31-14 Walter Curtis 2 17 112066 8-21-14 James W. Taylor $52 62 112332 7-29-14 Patrolman Francis A. Doh- 112133 7-31-14 Terrence McCaffery 1 32 112393 Guaranty Trust Co. 506 25 erty 12 70 112134 7-31-14 N. Y. Telephone Co 21 38 112394 Guaranty Trust Co. 555 00 112333 8- 1-14 Patrolman Edward J. Doyle. 3 75 112135 7-11-14 Columbia Garage 6 00 112395 Guaranty Trust Co. 664,338 75 112334 8- 1-14 Patrolman Harry L. Dun- 112136 George W. Tong, Cor. Phys. 13 50 112396 Guaranty Trust Co 1,279,978 75 woodie 4 00 112137 Charles Wuest, M. D 15 70 112397 Guaranty Trust Co. 288,940 12 112335 8- 5-14 Patrolman Patrick G. Fitz- 112138 Nordstrom Bros. 3 50 112398 Guaranty Trust Co. 83,278 75 gibbons 7 20 City Magistrates' Courts, First Division. 112399 Guaranty Trust Co. 218,922 34 112336 8- 1-14 James V. Fitzpatrick 3 90 112187 8- 5-14 Mallinckrodt Chemical Wks. $20 75 Fire Depahment. 112337 8- 3-14 Patrolman Morris Fried- 112188 8- 1-14 Ansco Co. 3 75 112024 6-17-14 Bacon Coal Co. $15 00 lander 10 60 112189 8- 8-14 Extensive Mfg. Co 12 50 112025 8-11-14 Wm. Farrell & Son 5 00 112338 8- 1-14 Patrolman Jos. M. Gaffney. 5 25 City Court of The City of New York. 112026 8- 7-14 Chas. H. Cheever 11 00 112339 8- 5-14 Patrolman J. J. Hallahan.... 2 20 112117 8-19-14 Amer, Law Book Co $6 50 112027 8- 1-14 Albert Ludorff, Inc 14 40 112340 8- 1-14 Patrolman John E. Kelly .... 4 75 112118 8-19-14 Fallon Law Book Co 109 40 112028 8- 6-14 Russell & Co. 14 00 112341 8- 3-14 Patrolman Max Lowe 10 35 112119 8- 9-14 Fallon Law Book Co 2 25 112029 8-12-14 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. 1 00 112342 8- 1-14 Patrolman John A. Lyons 4 75 112120 8-11-14 Public Service Cup Co 7 00 112030 8- 3-14 Columbia Graphophone Co. 612 00 112343 8- 6-14 Wm. P. Martin, Ads 5 00 112121 8-17-14 T. Hanrahan & Co 2 60 112031 7-13-14 Chas. G. Willoughby 6 84 112344 7-18-14 Patrolman Edw. Muratore.. 1 10 District Attorney, Richmond County. 112032 C. F. Rattigan, A. & W 125 80 112345 8- 1-14 Patrolman Dennis McClunn. 5 25 111089 7-30-14 Gottlieb Greiner $263 45 112033 7-31-14 The Hart & Hutchinson Co 112 50 112346 8- 3-14 Patrolman Gustave U. Papp. 3 80 Department of Education. 112034 8- 1-14 Livingston Radiator & Mfg 112347 8- 1-14 Patrolman Arthur J. Phelan. 2 65 111947 6-25-14 Charles Scribners Sons $12 25 Co. 79 50 112348 8- r-14 Patrolman William Reardon. 3 (5 111948 6-18-14 Silver Burdette & Co 1 20 112035 8- 5-14 Murtha & Schmohl Co. 7 44 112349 8- 7-14 Wm. D. Roddy 12 55 111949 6-25-14 Survey Associates 56 112036 7-16-14 Manhattan Elec. Supply Co.. 66 10 112350 8- 1-14 Patrolman George J. Silva 1 40 111950 6-26-14 D. Van Nostrand Co 1 60 112037 8- 4-14 The Denver Chemical Mfg. 112351 7- 6-14 Detective Matthew J. Ward 9 20 111951 6-29-14 H. W. Wilson Co 3 00 Co. 7 08 112352 8- 3-14 Patrolman Nathan Whitman 10 60 111952 6-30-14 The World 60 112038 7-31-14 Elberon Hygeia Ice Co 6 74 112353 7-29-14 Patrolman Francis A. Doh- 111953 6-25-14 G. P. Putnam's Sons 5 83 112039 7-16-14 Crown Stamp Works 1 95 erty 60 111954 6-19-14 Longman's Greens & Co 1 34 112040 7-31-14 331 Park Ave. 208 112354 7-31-14 Postal Tel. Cable Co 5 12 111955 6-22-14 The MacMillan Co 1 13 112041 5-30-14 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 4 16 112355 8- 7-14 Wm. D. Roddy 25 111956 6-18-14 Houghton, Mifflin & Co 84 112042 8- 4-14 Nofio Machio 9 10 112359 38940 Geo. N. Reinhardt 1,906 59 111957 6- 2-14 The Ins. Library Ass'n 2 87 112043 7-31-14 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 2 50 112360 38701' Geo. N. Reinhardt 320 78 111958 7- 6-14 The Arabol Mfg. Co 10 80 112044 8- 7-14 Knickerbocker Towel Supply 112361 39849 N. Y. Telephone Co 3.973 79 111959 7- 1-14 The H. B. Claflin Co 33 39 Co. 33 00 112362 39852 N. Y. Telephone Co 256 36 111960 7- 1-14 The H. B. Claflin Co 69 35 112045 7-11-14 James Graham 2 80 President of the Borough of Manhattan. 111961 7- 1-14 B. Altman & Co 77 75 112046 8- 5-14 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon 112064 8- 8-14 Daniel B. Goodsell $3 30 1 25 112065 H. H. Lloyd, Auditor 28 75 111962 7- 8-14 0. J. Ahlstrom 60 00 Co. 111963 7- 2-14 The Crowell Publishing Co 40 00 112047 8- 7-14 Keuffel & Esser Co 26 82 112067 6-25-14 Shaw, Walker Co. 4 32 111964 6-13-14 Columbia Refining Co. 20 93 112048 4-20-14 Dept. of Public Charities.... 498 33 112068 6-25-14 A. B. Dick Co 28 50 16 00 112049 8- 5-14 The Harral Soap Co., Inc... 4 50 112069 7-24-14 Merck & Co. 20 00 111965 6-13-14 The Auto Supply Co ---4


Invoice Invoice Invoice Finance Date Finance Date Finance Date Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount Vouch- or Can- Name of Payee. Amount. Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount. er No. tract er No. tract er No. tract Number. Number. Number.

Department of Street Cleaning. 112226 39243 Lewis de Groff & Son 1,352 96 112070 7-27-14 The Harral Soap Co 216 00 111534 8-19-14 J. T. Fetherston, Commis- 112071 7- 3-14 Chas. F. Doherr 3 20 112227 38373 Lewis de Groff & Son 2,779 96 sioner $294 47 112228 38360 John Bellman 384 11 112072 7-25-14 Will & Baumer 8 64 111535 8-19-14 J. T. Fetherston, Commis- 112073 7-24-14 Bohne Metal Packing Co 31 25 112229 40002 R. F. Stevens Co 3,403 56 sioner 1,915 68 112230 38490 Samuel E. Hunter 36 91 112074 7-24-14 Amer. Blower Co. 2 10 111536 8-18-14 J. Fetherston, Commis- 12 75 112231 38356 Samuel E. Hunter 48 89 112075 7-24-14 C. F. Rattigan, A. & W sioner 1,005 51 125 00 112232 39244 C. H. F. Jurgens 18 75 112076 5-22-14 Mark, Cowen & Co 111651 7- 1-14 Great Bear Spring Co 2 40 112077 5-22-14 Robert Riker & Co 183 75 112233 38492 Robert P. Lawless 92 51 111652 7- 1-14 Kanouse Mountain Water 112234 38491 Robert P. Lawless 1,289 90 112078 6-11-14 Goodyear Ind. Rubber Glove Co. 2 10 Mfg. Co. 6 33 111653 6-30-14 A. Metzger 6 92 112265 Angus P. Thorne 1,945 00 112079 4-23-14 Gussman Key Cutting Mach. 111654 5-27-14 Tower Mfg. & Novelty Co. 21 60 112266 8-20-14 L. A. Merrill 16 08 70 00 Co. 111655 7-30-14 M. H. Dingee & Co 170 88 112267 8-20-14 L. A. Merrill 21 09 101 27 112080 7- 6-14 J. L. Whiting 111656 8- 5-14 Brooklyn Ash Removal Co 450 00 112268 8-20-14 John F. Ryan 274 09 112081 7; 6-14 Central Supply Co. 8 49 111657 7-23-14 Borough Development Co 675 00 112269 Walter H. Conley 27 26 112082 7-16-14 F. N. Du Bois & Co 31,3 9945) 111658 7-23-14 Borough Development Co 2,700 00 112270 7-23-14 Geo. D. Harris & Co 18 00 112083 7- 3-14 Bowman, Edson Co. 111659 7-21-14 Dept. of Correction 8.25 112271 8- 7-14 Angus A. Thorne 132 80 112084 7- 6-14 Gutta Percha & Rubber 111660 8- 5-14 Hammacher, Schlemmer & Mfg. Co. 68 55 Commissioner of Records. Co. 60 112122 7-31-14 N. Y. Telephone Co $3 74 112085 7- 6-14 GenL Acoustic Co. 18 32 111661 7-30-14 Knickerbocker Supply Co 213 80 Public service Commission. 111662 7-31-14 J. P. Duffy Co. 10 80 Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. 111857 7-10-14 W. C. Bergen 83 32 111663 7- 7-14 N. Y. Roofing Co 20 57 111669 34405 111858 7- 1-14 W. S. Burrows 200 00 James O'Leary $4,139 82 111664 7-20-14 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 40 74 111670 111859 7- 7-14 G. D. Ebermayer 75 00 39350 Frank J. Eisinger 900 00 111665 7-31-14 Charles Hvass & Co 329 19 111860 4- 1-14 Elli Calkins Garage Co 35 80 111671 39595 F. N. Lewis 2,446 31 111666 7-20-14 Knickerbocker Supply Co 12 41 112146 7- 7-14 Nickel Towel Supply $5 20 111861 8- 1-14 Emigrant Industrial Savings 111667 5-11-14 A. F. Brombacher & Co 651 01 Bank Building 141 96 112147 7- 9-14 F. F. Fufrmann 2 50 111668 7- 3-14 Akron Rubber Tire Co 100 00 112148 7- 1-14 111862 Harry Goldstein Realty Co 30 00 Crescent Garage 1 70 111672 39130 Thomas Lenane 2,254 82 112149 8- 1-14 111863 7-21-14 Walter Hammitt 20 00 The John Ellice Co 16 75 111673 39721 Ogden & Wallace 403 54 112150 8- 1-14 Linde Air Products Co 111864 8- 1-14 Keller Bros. 50 00 200 111674 38167 Henry Nimphius 378 72 112151 6- 3-14 James S. Barron & Co 106 111865 7- 1-14 • Lee Bros. Storage Co 200 00 111675 17422 Edward Holland & Co N1 00 111866 N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. 1,246 00 112152 8- 1-14 Sweet Orr & Co., Inc 18 17 111678 J. J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk 9 50 112153 7-23-14 Hopkins & Co 111867 4-16-14 Westchester Lighting Co 2 70 32 00 111679 8-12-14 N. Y. Old Hat and Waste 112154 8-11-14 J. L. Keating & Co 300 111868 8- 1-14 Plaza Improvement Co. 45 00 Co. 748 Powell Building 150 00 112155 7- 7-14 Wm. J. Daly 91 00 111869 Department of Public Charities. 7-16-14 Ostrander Fire Brick Co 111870 8- 1-14 Realty Trust 83 33 112156 70 00 112190 39243 Lewis De Groff & Son $38 20 112157 5-20-14 Uvalde Asphalt Paving Co 8 75 111871 8- 1-14 Thos. J. Tuomey 100 00 112191 38373 Lewis De Groff & Son 1,919 05 112158 7- 1-14 George Dowdall 7 90 111872 United States Realty & Imp, 112192 38373 Lewis De Groff & Son 348 38 112159 7-23-14 Watson Contracting Co 137 50 Co. 50 00 112193 39243 Lewis De Groff & Son 47 20 112160 7- 9-14 A. P. Smith Mfg. Co 111873 H. A. D. Hollman 295'28 5 50 112194 39243 Lewis De Gror & Son 2,305 85 112161 7- 1-14 Thomas Tyrrell 50 00 111874 7-21-14 Palmer-Herring Motor Co 10 50 112195 3837:i Lewis De Groff & Son 326 11 112162 7- 1-14 The McHugh Mfg. Co 12 00 111875 Wm. H. Reynolds 125 00 13 48 112196 39213 Lewis De Groff & Son 112163 7- 1-14 James H. Connell 60 00 111876 7-15-14 Riker-Hegeman Co. 224 68 112197 38953 Lewis De Groff & Son 125 60 112164 7- 1-14 John N. Brahy 111877 7-28-14 Fredk. A. Schultz 14 00 15 00 112198 38373 Lewis De Groff & Son 493 65 112165 7- 7-14 Bernard McAneny 41 58 111878 8- 1-14 D. E. Seybel 166 66 112199 39243 Lewis De Groff & Son 50 05 112165 7- 1-14 Adams Express Co 18 54 111879 7-31-14 Wadsworth Garage, Inc. 64 85 112200 38953 Lewis De Groff & Son 131 18 112167 7- 1-14 A. I. Silvie, Jr 630 111880 8- 1-14 Weinbros Real Estate Co 266 66 112201 39243 Lewis de Groff & Son 15 06 112168 8-22-14 President Borough of Bronx 247 50 111881 H. A. D. Hollman 69 40 112202 38953 Lewis de Groff & Son 681 80 112169 11-12-13 George H. Waters Co 579 00 111882 7-31-14 G. M. Christie r 10 50 112203 38373 Lewis de Groff & Son 857 80 112170 4-14-14 Frank G. Bauer 15 02 111883 6-30-14 Knickerbocker Ice Co. 6 05 55 42 112204 38373 Lewis de Groff & Son 112171 4-22-14 Cranford Bros. 7 05 51 20 111884 7-31-14 Marine Ice Co, 5 20 112205 38369 Washburn-Crosby Co. 112172 5- 4-14 Cranford Bros. 6 15 111885 7-30-14 William Bratter & Co 41 40 37 50 112206 38200 Westchester Fish Co... Final 112173 5- 1-14 Cranford Bros. 6 15 111886 6- 1-14 Buff & Buff Mfg. Co 257 91 112207 39995 Borden's Cond. Milk Co 3,162 00 112174 4-14-14 Frank G. Baur 8 72 111887 5-23-14 F. W. Devoe & C. T. Rey- 112208 40033 Conron Bros. Co 1,356 93 112175 8- 1-14 The Gresselli Chemical Co 39 38 842 45 nolds Co. 19 42 112209 39997 Henneberger & Herold 112176 7-29-14 Schaeffer & Budenberg Mfg. 111::: 4-20-14 Hodgman Rubber Co. 59 94 112210 40137 Samuel E. Hunter 211 65 Co. 3 75 111889 5-28-14 Manhattan Elec. Supply Co 48 68 112211 38368 Francis E Leggett & Co 11 40 111890 6- 4-14 Mount & Robertson 142 00 112212 38644 Francis H. Leggett & Co 154 20 112177 7- 1-14 Knickerbocker Ice Co 8 16 111891 4-30-14 Johnson & Bernston 19 00 112213 38370 The Manhattan Sup. Co 35 98 112178 6-10-14 James M. Clancy 28 85 111892 7-31-14 Abraham & Straus 4 99 112214 38936 Rebecka Melocow 107 80 112179 6- 3-14 J. B. Twombly 89 84 111893 5-29-14 Alberene Stone Co 14 52 112215 39994 McDermott Dairy Co 21 84 112180 4-20-14 T. C. Dunham 16 80 111894 2-10-14 D. Appleton & Co. 3 00 112216 38361 Burton & Davis Co 18 07 112181 7- 7-14 Bureau of Highways 1,000 00 75 00 111895 6-11-14 Baron Printing Co. 33 05 112217 39467 Pattison & Bowns 1,094 65 112182 7-14-14 Mrs. John Remmet 111896 7-31-14 Foster Scott Ice Co. 4 95 112218 38159 John W. Peale 482 51 112183 7- 1-14 T. Geldermann 5 00 111897 5-20-14 Tower Bros. Stationery Co 319 09 112219 39998 Knickerbocker Ice Co • 19 80 112184 7- 1-14 Bishop, McCormick & 83 33 111898 5-25-14 E. H. Walsh 805 85 112221 39020 Standard Oil Co. of N. Y 34 34 Bishop, Inc. 111899 5-29-14 Great Bear Spring Co 121 50 112220 39999 Foster Scott Ice Co 440 00 112185 8- 1-14 L. 1. R. R. Co. 27 20 111000 7-16-14 David L. Herman 1,152 90 112222 39057 Louis S. Gimbel 595 40 112272 William T. Wallace 46 50 111901 1-15-14 National Process Co., Inc 840 00 112223 39042 J. B. Greenhut Co 116 22 112273 William T. Wallace 46 15 111902 Brooklyn Daily Times 128 96 112224 39062 H. T. Dakin 66 00 112274 Michael G. Dalton 62 50 111903 Brooklyn Daily Eagle 122 72 112225 39041 Peter J. Constant 1,223 56 112275 Alpheus Peck 21 50

METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATORY OF THE Wind. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Velocity in Miles. Date. Direction. Dis- Force in Pounds per Square Foot. August. 9 p.m. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. tance Abstract of Registers from Self-Recording Instruments for the Week Ending 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. to to to for the 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. Max. Time. Saturday, August 8, 1914. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. Day. Sunday, 2 SW SW SW 44 37 46 134 0 1 1/4 2 11.30 p. m. Monday, 3 SW N NW 50 43 25 111 1,4 1/2 0 1 y, 2 p. m. Central Park, The City of New York-Latitude, 40° 45' 58" N. Longidide, 73° 57' 58" W. Tuesday, 4 NE NE NE 51 60 56 178 4 1 1/2 1 134 11.20 a. m. Height of Instruments Above the Ground, 53 Feet; Above the Sea, 97 Feet. Wednesday, 5 N NE S 68 41 28 121 i4 1/4 0 g 5.30 a. in. • Under Supervision of U. S. Weather Bureau, James H. Scarr, Thursday, 6 S S S 23 22 37 84 'A IA 0 4/4 4.45 p. Friday, 7 SW S SW 37 46 44 136 g g g 1 1/2 8.15 a. District Forecaster, Acting Director. Saturday, 8 W SW SE 56 25 26 92 0 1/4 0 2 12.15 a. m. Barometer. Distance traveled during the week 856 miles Mean for Maximum. Minimum. Maximum force during the week 2 pounds the Day. 7 a. M. 2 p. m. 9 p. m. Hygrometer. Clouds. Date. Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced A August. to to to to to Time. to Time. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Freezing. Date. Force of Vapor. Relative Humidity. Clear, 0 Overcast, 10 August. A..-_____\ 9 p.m. Sunday, 2 70 29.85 86 29.76 78 29.73 29.78 72 29.86 0 a. m. 80 29.71 7.30 p. m. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. Mean, 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. Mean. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. Monday, 3 69 29.76 78 29.79 73 29.85 29.80 70 29.87 12 p. m. 65 29.71 2 a. m. Tuesday, 4 67 29.94 75 29.95 68 '29.97 29.95 66 29.98 12 p. in. 69 29.87 1 a. m. Sunday, 2 .550 .565 .550 .555 76 46 60 61 0 4 Ci.Cu. 8 St. Cu. Wednesday, 5 65 29.98 75 29.98 70 30.00 29.99 69 30.00 11 p. m. 64 29.96 4 a. m. Monday, 3 .495 .550 .581 .542 72 59 72 68 3 A.Cu. 8 Cu. 8 A.Cu. Thursday, 6 68 30.04 74 30.00 66 30.00 30.01 70 30.03 7.30 a. m. 71 29.96 5.30 p. m. Tuesday, 4 .522 .544 .577 .551 81 65 86 77 10 St. 9 A.St. 9 A.St. Friday, 7 67 29.99 84 29.93 80 29.91 29.94 68 29.99 8.15 a. m. 85 29.88 6.15 p. m. Wednesday, 5 .516 .554 .550 .540 85 65 75 75 10 St. 4 A.St., 5 Cu. 10 A.St. 3 A.St. Saturday, 8 73 29.96 87 29.93 76 29.93 29.94 73 29.98 7 a, m. 79 29.85 6 p. m. Thursday, 6 .543 .568 .536 .549 80 69 85 78 10 A.St. 10 A.St. Friday, 7 .591 .663 .677 .644 90 60 66 72 10 A.St. 1 Cu. 3 A.St. 80 47 82 70 9 A.Cu. 0 0 Mean for the week 29.92 inches Saturday, 8 .655 .582 .731 .656 . Maximum for the week at 7.30 a. m., August 6th 30.03 inches 1 Minimum for the week at 7.30 p. m., August 2nd 29.71 inches Rain and Snow. Range for the week 0.32 inches Depth of Rain and Snow in Inches.

Date. Amount Depth Thermminters. August. Time of Beginning. Time of Ending. Duration. of Water. of Snow. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 9 p.m. Mean. Maximum. Minimum. 10.20 p. m. About 10.35 p. m. 0 h. 15 m. 1 .15 in. * Sunday, 2 J About r-A-Ir-A-Ir-A---A-Th t % r 1 About 11.40 p. m. 0 h. 20 m. About 3.00 a. m. 3 h. 0 m. .07 in. 4 4 4 .z 4 4 4 4 Monday, 3 .ci 4 1i F. 3.00 a. m. About 4.00 a. m. 1 h. 0 tn. ..a 0 -i z z p z n z 0 z Tuesday, 4 About Date. CO imi al (21 A 4 M Wednesday, 5 August. RI P al AI PI e E II 5 r: E S ro Thursday, 6 t4.',' 1) t.' t; t' Z t. 11 t.' 7 f: X Friday, c 3 c 3 c a 3 c i::_ 3 i'-'. 0 Saturday, 8 About 4.00 a. m. About 5.00 a. m. 1 h. 0 tn. 1 .01 in. Sunday, 2 70 65 86 71 78 68 78 68 86 3 pm 71 2pm 68 6 am 65 7 am 136 5/ 8.52 a. m. 9.15 a. en. 0 h. 23 m. I Monday, 3 69 63 78 68 73 67 73 66 80 3.15 pm 68 2pm 64 4 am 63 7 am 132 Tuesday, 4 67 63 75 67 68 65 70 65 76 1.45 pm 67 2pm 66 11.30 pm 63 7 am 129 Total amount of water for the week 0.23 inch Wednesday, 5 65 62 75 67 70 65 70 65 76 2.45 pm 67 4 pm 64 4.15 am 62 7 am 130 Duration for the week S hours, 58 minutes Thursday, 6 68 64 74 67 66 63 69 65 76 2.30 pm 67 2pm 65 11.30 pm 63 9 pm 113 Friday, 7 67 65 84 73 80 72 77 70 87 4.15 pm 73 2pm 65 0 am 65 7 am 129 Date. 7 a. m. 2 p. m. Saturday, 8 73 69 87 72 76 72 79 71 89 3.45 pm 72 9 pm 72 5 am 69 7 am 136 Sunday, August 2d Clear, mild Partly cloudy, mild Dry Bulb. Wet Bulb. Monday, August 3d Clear, mild Cloudy, pleasant Tuesday, August 4th Overcast, mild Cloudy. mild Cloudy, pleasant Cloudy, pleasant Mean for the week 73.7 degrees 67.1 degrees Wednesday, August 5th Overcast, mild Maximum for the week at 3.45 p. tn. August 8th.. 89 degrees at 2 p. m., August 7th 73 degrees Thursday. August 6th Cloudy, mild Friday, August 7th Overcast, mild Cloudy, warm Minimum for the week at 4.15 p. m., August 5th.. 64 degrees at 7 a. m., August 5th 62 degrees Cloudy, mild Clear, warm Range for the week 25 degrees 11 degrees Saturday, August 8th TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914. THE CITY RECORD. 7248 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Premises. Order No. Issued Against. • Classification. 100 Watts Str. 7476-LC Angelo Antoniello GH Bureau of Fire Prevention. 436 West 15th Street 7487-LC John J. Gillen HL 422-30 West 38th Str. 7475-LC Manhattan Soap Co. A LIST OF REQUIREMENTS. 247 West 47th Str. 7457-LC United States Motor Cab Co.... t ...GC 315-17 West 47th Str. 7458-LC Bryant Auto Painting Co., Inc.....HAG Week Ending August 22nd, 1914. 103 W. 57th Str. 7477-LC Francis Motor Renting Co HGAL 303-7 West 59th Str. 7484-LC Hartog Storage Warehouse Co . . HAG 123 West 89th Str. - 7473-LC Bailey Stable Co HAK CLASSIFICATION. 241 W. 107th Str. 7479-LC Elite Garage CL A—Auxiliary fire appliances. 549 West 132nd Str. 7466-LC Smith & Kaufman HCL B—Fire escapes. 204 Bowery 7486-LC Sam Weiner HA C—Fireproofing and structural alterations. 272 Bowery 7472-LC Dlugasch & Co HAGL D—Fire alarm and electrical installations. 42 Catherine Street 7453-LC William Picker HA E—Obstructions of exits. 104 Christopher Str 7461-LC Abraham Pfeiffer HA F—Exits and exit signs. 97 Cliff Street 7456-LC F. E. Tatten & Sons HAG G—Fireproof receptacles and rubbish. 216 East 37th Street 7454-LC Smith & Jones HAG H—"No smoking." 305 East 45th Street 7482-LC Eidt & Weyand HA I—Diagrams on programs and miscellaneous. 353-55 East 58th Str. 7488-LC Rose & Co. HA J—Discontinue use of premises. 21115 West 95th Str. 7455-LC Royal Garage LAGC K—Volatile inflammable oils and explosives. 404-12 East 104th Str. 7038-LC William Hauptmann G L—Certificates and miscellaneous. 237 Front Street 7485-LC Phinotas Chem. Co. HA M—Dangerous condition of heating or power plants. 29-31 Gold Street 7469-LC Chas. S. Platt Co HA 0—Discontinue use of oil lamps. 340-56 West 4th Str. 7478-LC Riker Hegeman Co. C S S—Standpipes and sprinklers. 272 Bowery 23257-F Emma B. Redfield, et al C D R—Fire drills. 272 Bowery 23258-F Emma B. Redfield, et al C 274 Bowery 23259-F Anthony Rotella Premises. Order No. Issued Against. Classification. AEF 274 Bowery 23260-F Martin Herman Est. D Manhattan. 274 Bowery 23261-F Martin Herman Est. BC 334-6 Bowery 23417-LF Wm. H. Lyons D 274 Bowery 23256-F Anthony Rotella C 39-41 East 12th Str 23453-LF Chas. Cohen & Samuel Byrnes C 22 Catherine Street 23237-F Chas. Abraham, et al. C 65-9 4th Ave 23405-LF Universal Human Hair Goods Com- 38-40 Henry Street 23262-F Congregation Mishkam G pany, Inc. D 901 Eighth Ave. 23179-F Edw. Malloy & Frank Basett C 65-9 4th Ave. 23404-LF Globe Cloak & Suit Co D 43-45 W. 34th Str. and 62-4 West 55-9 4th Ave. 23403-LF Dombro Cloak & Suit Co CD 35th Str. 23200-F Samuel Green C 65-9 4th Ave. 23402-LF Warchawsky & Cebulsky C 254-6 West 17th Street • 7451-C Meyer Barnett HAG 65-9 4th Ave. 23401-LF Albert L. Dow, et al. D Bronx. 65-9 4th Ave. 23406-LF Frederick J. Bauer & Co D 545 E. 150th Str 7471-LC Bronx Refrigerating Co. .G 65-9 4th Ave. 23407-LF Herman Gutjahrs D 695 E. 170th Str 6992-LC Henry Muller HG 65-9 4th Ave. 23408-LF P. Lorillard Co. D 2073 So. Boulevard 7467-LC Boulevard Auto Co. C 65-9 4th Ave. 23409-LF Aaron Lieberman D 1693 Washington Ave. 7459-LC Pearlman & Goldsmith Co AG 65-9 4th Ave. 23410-LF Solomon J. Seigel C 545 E. 150th Str 7471-LC Bronx Refrigerating Co. G 65-9 4th Ave. 23411-LF Ornstein & Moss D 695 E. 170th Str. 6992-LC Henry Muller HG 65-9 4th Ave 23412-LF Morris Letzter C 2073 So. Boulevard 7467-LC Boulevard Auto Co. C 65-9 4th Ave 23413-LF Benj. Whiteley C 1693 Washington Ave 7459-LC Pearlman & Goldsmith Co AG 71-3 Pike Street 23454-LF Hyman Schaeffer & Phillip Trugman D Richmond. 331 West Broadway 23432-LF Weingart Bros. C Board.Walk, Midland Beach 23315-LF John Hincheliffe G 14-16 W. 17th Str. 23452-LF Samuel Cohen Bros. C Board Walk, Midland Beach 23396-LF Woodland Beach Realty Co. G 149-153 West 31st Str. 23442-LF Chas. Ammann D Board Walk, Midland Beach 23377-LF Max Brauheberg C 302 West 36th Str. 23449-LF Fred. Brockman CG Board Walk,. Midland Beach 23373-LF August McNally C 333 West 41st Str. 23443-LF Smith Bros. C Board Walk, Midland Beach 23375-LF William Williams C 18 White Street 23444-LF A. Goldstein & Co. G Board Walk, Midland Beach ....23374-LF William Lockwood C 472 B'way and 32-6 Crosby Str 23498-LF General Society of Mechanics & 5 Boulevard, Woodland Beach...23368-LF Charles Meyer C Tradesmen C 7 Boulevard,. Woodland Beach...23370-LF Felix Bolt C 380-4 Canal Street 23512-LF S. T. Van Wezel C 9 Boulevard, Woodland Beach 23371-LF Aberneth Taylor C 380-4 Canal Street 23511-LF Capitol Shirt Co. CG 106 Boulevard, Woodland Beach 23359-LF Benedict Margarte .0 380-4 Canal Street 23510-LF Isidore Kottle A Camp No. 2, South of Office Camp 380-4 Canal Street 23509-LF Isidore Kottle CG of Midland, Midland Beach .23348-LF Miss Sadie Shields C 197-9 East Broadway 23530-LF Educational Alliance GD Camp No. 3, South of Office Camp 352 8th Ave 23492-LF Rosalind Smith .D of Midland, Midland Beach....23350-LF John Veberg C 235 East 78th Str 23250-LF Royal Atlantic Realty Corp L Camp No. 4, 1st Str. Camp, Mid- 235 East 78th Str 23249-LF Royal Atlantic Realty Corp CB land, Midland Beach 23351-LF Robert Laird C 9 Jones Street 23493-LF Ferdinand W. Fey C Midland Beach, S. I 23353-LF Thos. E. Cable, Jr AFCA 179-83 Lewis Street -23505-LF Isaac S. Strauss et al C Midland Beach, S. I 23311-LF John Hincheliffe AF 35 Murray and 130 Church Sts...23507-LF Catherine Whittemore C Midland Beach, S. I 23310-LF John Hincheliffe D 35 Murray and 130 Church Sts....23506-LF Reimere Mfg. Co C New Dorp Beach, S. I 23399-LF Edward Hett GC 35 Washington Sq. West 23513-LF Fred. D. Fricke C-SS 105 Ocean Ave., Woodland Beach..23376-LF Richard Tamer C 193-9 Washington St., 196-200 2nd Ave., Woodland Beach, S. I..23379-LF Jennett Preston C Greenwich Str. and 73-5 Vesey 7th St. and Midland Ave., Wood- Street 23431-LF Smith & McNells DG land Beach 23365-LF Augustus Sullivan G 33 Water Street 23497-LF Stephen Brody L Midland and 9th Ave., Woodland 135 West Broadway 23441-LF Isidore Maurice .0 Beach 23360-LF Andrew McGee G 135 West Broadway 23440-LF Singer . & Co .0 Midland and 9th Ave., Woodland 300-4 West B'way 23500-LF Omiarello Bros. G Beach 23361-LF Louis Drown G 300-4 West B'way 23501-LF Seaphino Salistino CG New Dorp, S. I., New Dorp Hote1.23387-LF Mrs. Eller Mainger A 37 West 4th Street 23446-LF Rachel Siegelbaum G Oakwood Beach, S. I 23400-LF James Dryden C 37 West 4th Street -23445-LF Goldman & Caplan G Oakwood Beach, S. I 23394-LF Thos. Baldwin A 165 West 25th Street 23518-LF Emma E. Horn et al C Oakwood Beach, S. I 23395-LF Louis Edwards C 165 West 25th Street 23519-LF Jessie E. Kahn AC 2nd Ave., between Oak and Ma- 165 West 25th Street 23520-LF Jessie E. Kahn G ple Sts., Beach Park, Midland. 165 West 25th Street 23521-LF Buffalo Muff Bed Co G Beach 23388-LF Wm. Culenberg C 165 West 25th Street -.23522-LF Neuman Co. A Woodland Beach, S. 1 23397-LF August Jahn D 165 West 25th Street 23523-LF Charles Lamont AC Woodland Beach, S. I 23386-LF Harry Roberts C 165 West 25th Street 23524-LF Emanuel Alberts ICL Woodland Beach, S. I 23378-LF Frank Haight C 165 West 25th Street 23525-LF Emanuel Alberts G Woodland Beach, S. I 23383-LF Christopher Detrick C 165 West 25th Street 23517-LF Emma E. Horn et al C Woodland Beach, S. I 23382-LF Alexander Devine C 48 West 27th Street - 23528-LF Hertz & Schwartz .G Woodland Beach, S. I 23384-LF William Harwood C 11 West 29th Street 23494-LF Edward Hayes C Woodland Beach, S. I 23398-LF August Jahn G 48 West 27th Street 23529-LF Michaels & Kures G Bakery, rear of Man. Hotel 23281-LF Jos Glavina C 445-51 West 30th Street 23499-LF Runkel Bros. C Camp Crane 23280-LF Peter Craine C 96-102 West 116th St. and 115-17 Board Walk 23296-LF Wm. Nunley G Lenox Ave. 23434-LF Stil Markumtess Board Walk 23297-LF Mrs. Gertrude Miller G 23275-LF Chas. Van Holton 96-102 West 116th St. and 115-17 Camp Georgett C 23285-LF Emil Williams Ave. .. 23435-LF Louis Panama Camp Ideal C Lenox 23286-LF Albert Dillon 96-102 W. 116th St. and 115-17 • Camp Ideal G 23287-LF Albert Dillon Lenox Ave. 23436-LF Samuel Rudner Camp Ideal C 23277-LF Iver May 96-102 W. 116th St. and 115-17 Camp May C Lenox Ave. .23437-LF B. Lenox, Inc .D Camp McCourt 23278-LF McCourt Bros. C 96-102 W. 116th St. and 115-17 Camp Plainfield, (Ocean Breeze) .23309-LF Anna Weber C Lenox Ave. 23438-LF Adolph D. Stein 265-7 Sand Lane 23305-LF Tony Catromano EA 29 West 125th Street .23495-LF Millicent S. Denton. G-J Camp Seaview 23290-LF John Kibble C 9-11 White Street. 23447-LF Altschuler & Aexlrod Camp Seaview 23289-LF John Callanhan C 9-11 White Street 23448-LF B. Teitz & Co.. - C Camp No. 190, Ocean Breeze 23288-LF Clarence Davis C 23279-LF Argi W. Hutchingson 25 White Street 23439-LF National Overall Co Camp Warren C 40 Wooster Street 23490-LF Becker & November Camp Warren 23300-LF Argo Hutchinson D 40 Wooster Street 23491-LF Harris Wichter "Carousal" 23270-LF Angilono Tirelly GD 40 Wooster Street 23489-LF A. & L. Rosenfeld "Carousal" 23271-LF Angilono Tirelly G 79-81 Wooster Street 23450-LF Bregstein Bros. Dance Hall, Board 'Walk 23274-LF Jacob Warshauer A 79-81 Wooster Street 23451-LF Ecuador & Panama Hat Co Happy Home Hotel 23269-LF Martin Mueller DA 23276-LF Edward Freeman 23-5 Worth Street 23502-LF Lyon & Chase Moore's Camp DC 23294-LF Wm. Mootershead 23-5 Worth Street 23503-LF Art Printing Press Co Moore's Camp G 23-5 Worth Street 23504-LF Albert Becker Co Moore's Camp 23293-LF Wm. Mootershead C 110-12 West 40th • Str. 23416-LF Edward W. Browning SS Moore's Camp 23292-LF Peter Perazzo C 23291-LF Peter Perazzo 161-3 Grand Str. 7480-LC P. D. Collins & Co A Moore's Camp C 132 Greenwich Ave 7463-LC Karl Schaefer HAG Mother's Kitchen, Board Walk .23273-LF Mrs. Emma Bretz DA 220 Greenwich Str. 7468-LC Henry Klein & Co AGC Roller Coaster, Board Walk 23272-LF Geo. Krug A 5 James Street 7443-LC Lincoln Paper Stock Co., Inc HA 83 Seaside Boulevard 23282-LF William Koch A N. E. Cor. Lenox and 145 Str 7481-LC A. Newman HAL 137 Seaside Boulevard 23283-LF Salvatora Daly C 157 Maiden Lane 7474-LC Swan & Finch Co KA 137 Seaside Boulevard 23284-LF Salvatora Daly G 361 Ninth Ave. 7465-LC Max Yulman HAG South Beach Board Walk 23295-LF South Beach Amuse. Co. G 378 Pearl Street 7462-LC Chas. Speigel & Co., Inc. HA South Beach Board Walk 23298-LF So. Beach Land and Imp. Co. ' G 23299-LF Arthur Garside G 380 Pearl Street 7460-LC Louisville Varnish Co HA South Beach Board Walk 7470-LC Patrick Brown HAG Camp 14, Camp Midland, Midland 231 3rd Ave. 23338-LF Mrs. Anna Addie 29-31 Vandewater Street 7464-LC Casella Bros. HA Beach C 23337-LF John Curley C 365 Washington Str. 7483-LC Frankin Feed Stores EL Camp 15, Midland Beach I 744 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914.

Premises. Order No. Issued Against. Classification. Premises. Order No. Issued Against. Classification. Camp 15, Cedar Grove Beach....32390-LF Louis Rabbage C 229 Forcetube Ave. or 72-78 Nor- Camp 16, Camp Midland, Midland wood Ave., rear 22854-F Union Trim Sash & Door Company..C-A Beach 23336-LF Harry Nuss C 29-31 Herkimer Place 23181-F Jos. P. Ryan C Camp 17, Camp Midland, M. B....23335-LF Harry Smith C 260-62 Maujer St. 22996-F Hagedorn Bros. C Camp 11, Camp Midland, M. B....23355-LF Herman Fink C 172-74 Carroll St 23199-F The Scandinavian Sailors Temper- Bessie Hotel, South Beach, No. ance Home D End Boardwalk 23303-LF Peter Bessi D 129-31 Patchen Ave. and 772-80 Greenridge 23496-LF St. Michaels Home E Madison St. 23180-F Arthur Mueller C Manhattan Hotel, S. B. 23301-LF Albert Scherisber D 320-22 Van Buren St. 23182-F George Alexander C Midland Ave., cor. 1st Ave., Mid- 658-60 Broadway 22859-F Leonard E. West C land Beach, S. I. 23313-LF Armin Eitner DE 658-60 Broadway Leonard E. West ■ C Red House, 700 feet from Sand 1802-10 Cortelyou Road 23081-F Redeemer Baptist Church M Lane, South Beach, S. I. 23308-LF John & Vincent Demasso DAE 37-45 Greenpoint Ave 23057-F Eberhard Faber Pencil Co M Camp 33, Camp Midland, Midland 114-16 Greenpoint Ave 23135-F Chas. M. Englis C Beach 23326-LF Jos. Beckerman C 281-87 North 6th St. 23119-F Edward L. Diamond C Camp 33, Camp Midland, Midland 172-76 North 10th St. 23055-F Samuel & John D. Kramer C Beach 23325-LF Jos. Beckerman C 88 Fulton Street 23183-F Frank M. Teimann M-C Camp 35, Midland Beach, Camp Queens. Midland 23324-LF John Morrissey C N. S. Flushing Ave. bet. Sophie Camp 35, Midland Beach, Camp and Emma Strs. 23488-LF Richey, Brown & Dolan A Midland 23323-LF John Morrissey C 615 Hamilton Ave 23485-LF Walbroehl & Co. G-C Camp 36, Camp Midland, Midland 615 Hamilton Ave 23486-LF Walbroehl & Co A Beach 23322-LF George Roberson C Metropolitan Ave., bet. Ward and Camp 41, Camp Midland, Midland Curtis Strs., Richmond Hill....23484-LF Emanuel Tonn A-F Beach 23321-LF John Castri C Metropolitan and Prospect Aves..23487-LF Christian D. Honmeyer A Camp 42, Camp Midland, Midland Perry, nr. Clermond Ave., Mas- Beach 23320-LF Edward Feild C peth, L. I. 23430-LF Ansher Congregation A Camp 44, Camp Midland, Midland Front and 4th Sts., Long Island Beach 23319-LF Alonzo Biber C City LC1570B&Q Adams Exp. Co H-A Camp 45, Camp Midland, Midland 560 Onderdonk Ave., Ridge- Beach . 23318-LF Herman Ferber C wood LC1571B&Q. Daniel M. Ebert A Camp 76, Woodland Beach 23360-LF Harry Miller C 55 25th Street, Elmhurst LC1572B&Q E. B. Brawnard H-A-G Camp Rose, Woodland Beach 23385-LF Walter Connell C 47 White Street, Far Rock- Section 1, Camp Midland 23316-LF Graham Beach Realty Co GC away LC1573B&Q Sullivan & Co H-A Section 1, Camp Midland, Mid- 951 Atlantic Ave. LC1554B&Q Geo. W. Palmer 0-H-A land Beach 23317-LF Graham Beach Realty Co C 18-32 Dean St. and Boerum Camp of All Nations, Camp Mid- Place LC1555B&Q Westcott Express Co. H-A land, Midland Beach 23349-LF Edward O'Connor C 255 Hawthorne St. LC1556B&Q Paul H. Zea H-A-G 8th St. and Midland Ave., Wood- 446-52 Hudson Ave LC1557B&Q Wellington Stables Co. H-A land Beach 23363-LF Jos. Kirkman C 259a Kingston Ave LC1558B&Q Kane & Reisler H-A-G 1st Str., Beach Park, Midland 219 Lincoln Ave. LC1559B&Q Hugo R. Pausin H-A-G Beach 23356-LF John Tross .0 189 Monroe St. . LC1560B&Q Harry Heymann H-A-G 1st Str,, Beach Park, Midland 208 Morgan Ave. LC1561B&Q Empire Brick &\ Supply Co. A Beach 23355-LF Benj. La Mar C 1050-52 Myrtle Ave. LC1562B&Q Louis Towbin A-G 1st Str., Beach Park, Midland 243 N. 9th St. LC1563B&Q P. Booden C Beach 23354-LF Otto Schrader C Prospect St. and Tilden Ave. LC1564B&Q Flatbush Feed Co. H First and Oak Sts., Beach Park..23357-LF William Krebs C 9455 Ridge Boulevard LC1565B&Q H. F. C. Rahe H-A First and Oak Sts., Beach Park..23358-LF William Krebs C 286-96 Sheffield Ave. LC1566B&Q Parker, Stearns & Co L 4th Ave., Woodland Beach 23381-LF Thomas Croncher C Shore Rd. and 75th St LC1567B&Q G. H. Souther H-A-G Franklin and 7th Strs., Woodland 629 Sutter Ave. LC1568B&Q Brooklyn Paint & Wall Paper Co... A-G Beach 23364-LF Mrs. Mary De Serres C 41 Union St. LC1569B&Q A. Olsen A-G Franklin Ave. and 9th St 23362-LF. Thomas Furlong C. 220 Clifton Place LC1545B&Q Edgar Chinnock A-t-L-C 61 Lincoln Ave., Woodland Beach.23366-LF John Ward C 2265 80th St. LC1546B&Q Philip Cohn H-A-G-D 61 Lincoln Ave., Woodland Beach.23367-LF John Ward C 1356 E. 8th St. LC1547B&Q H. Autenrieth H-A-G 621 Lincoln Ave., Woodland 860 E. 35th St. LC1548B&Q C. R. McMillan H-A-G Beach 23369-LF John Geraghty C 880 E. 35th St. LC1549B&Q G. T. Lawrence H-A-G Camp No. 5, Camp Midland, Mid- 50 Elmwood Ave. ..LC1550B& Middle Lehigh Co. H-A-G land Beach 23347-LF Jacob Wafer C 3038 Emmons Ave. LC1551B& G. J. L. Doerschuck H-A-G Camp No. 7, Camp Midland, Mid- Emmons Ave. and Sheepshead land Beach 23346-LF Charles Lankow G Bay Road LC1530B&Q Gevert & Hinsman G-A Camp No. 7, 1st St., Camp Mid- 100-102 Lawrence St. LC1531B&Q J. Mullins & Sons A-G land, Midland Beach 23352-LF John Deihl C Lenox Rd. and Troy Ave LC1532B&Q E. Dailledonze H-A-G Camp No. 8, Camp Midland, Mid- 588 Lenox Road LC1533B&Q Alwyn Young A-G land Beach 23342-LF Miss Catherine Altmer C 415 Ocean Parkway LC1534B&Q B. J. McBride G-A Camp No. 9, Camp Midland, Mid- 219 36th Street LC1535B&Q Banner Paper Box Co. H-A land Beach 23341-LF John Tate C 8301 20th Avenue LC1536B&Q H. A. Siebenborn H-A-G Camp No. 9, Boulevard, Woodland 349 Adams Street LC1574B&Q West End Gas Fixture Co G-A Beach 23372-LF Vidtor Duchi C 1272 Atlantic Ave. LC1575B&Q C. E. Dingind A-G Camp No. 10, Camp Midland, Mid- 1577 Atlantic Ave. LC1576B&Q Wm. Buchanan H-G land Beach 23340-LF Charles Willis C 110-16 Classon Ave. LC1577B&Q Pasqual Costarino A-H Camp No. 10, Cedar Grove, Mid- 1121 Fleeman Ave. LC1578B&Q Wallabout Hay & Grain Co A-H land Beach 23393-LF Lewis Buddy C 10 Grove St. LC1579B&Q H. C. Hanken A-H Camp No. 11, Camp Midland, Steeplechase Park LCI580B&Q Atlantic Amusement Co. A Midland Beach 23339-LF John Kraft C Steeplechase Park .LC1581B&Q Atlantic Amusement Co. K-C Camp No. 12, Camp Midland, Surf Ave., Ft. W. 29th St LC1582B&Q A. Stercke H-A Midland Beach 23345-LF Daniel Roach C 693 Belmont Ave. LC1522B&Q Mrs. H. Drexler G Camp No. 12, Camp Midland, 169 Boerum St. LC1523B&Q Leon Kaufman H-A-G Midland Beach 23344-LF Daniel Roach C 2737 W. 17th St. LC1524B&Q Paul Muro H-A Camp No. 13, Cedar Grove Beach.23389-LF Charles Nickleson C 6.39 Wythe Ave. LC1525B&Q Samuel Roth H-A-G-D Brooklyn. 668 Wythe Ave. LC1526B&Q Israel Stutzel A-G-D 462-64 52nd Street 23471-LF Clarence C. Hopkins C 5 E. Fillmore Avenue, Corona.LC1537B&Q Nora Scully H-A 187 Graham Ave. 23477-LF Mrs. Ray Blum C 8 E. Fillmore Avenue, Corona.LC1538B&Q Chas. Harting H-A-G 623-25 Halsey St. 23478-LF Henry C. Meyer I NW Cor. 5th Ave. and 18th 1109-13 Lorimer Street 23479-LF Noble St. Presbyterian Church C St., College Point LC1539B&Q L. B. Kleinert Rubber Co L 280-98 Nevins St. and 533-43 Hamilton Ave., Richmond Hill.LC1540B&Q A. J. Kelly & Co • A-G-H Union St. 23483-LF Jas. H. Dyckman M 709 Jackson Avenue, Long 712 Quincy Street 23481-LF Rev. Jos. H. Paymer A Island City LC1541B&Q J. J. Foley K-C 126-42 13th Street 23472-LF Treinis Bros. C 89 Munson Avenue, Long 699-701 Third Ave. 23473-LF Meyer Goldberg & Sons C Island City LC1542B&Q Otto Hausmann L 120 Union Street 23480-LF Louis Barof A-C 2342 Myrtle Avenue, Evergreen LC1543B&Q I. Waxgiser K-A-G 266-72 Washington St. 23427-LF Harry Hyams and Louis E. Hamburg. C 25 First Street, Woodside LC1527B&Q R. Leslie Smith H-A-G 120-22 Wallabout St. 23455-LF Edgar Improvement Co M 106 Fifth Street, Woodside...LC1528B&Q L. 0. Blomquist H-A-G 120-22 Wallabout St. 23456-LF Edgar Improvement Co. C Webster Ave. and East River 343-47 Adams St. 23426-LF Ann Howell Estate C L. I. City LC1529B&Q East River Gas Co. H-A-G 314 E. 26th St. 23421-LF Henry Meyer M Queens Boulevard and Myers 318 E. 26th St. 23420-LF Henry Meyer M Ave., Winfield LC1520B&Q Frawley-Kaufman Contracting Co... 324 E. 26th St. 23419-LF Henry Meyer M H-A-G 328 E. 26th St. 23418-LF Henry Meyer M 11 Stryker Avenue, Woodside.LC1521B&Q Thomas Cree H-A-G 655 5th Ave. and 241-53 19th St...23425-LF Chas. Hutwelker C 35 Edson Street, Corona LC1552B&Q Ames Schrott H-A-G 726 Gates Ave. 23422-LF Rev, Dr. Louis Joachim A 176 Elbertson St., Elmhurst...LC1553B&Q T. W. Burnard H-A-G 225-29 Hudson Ave. 23424-LF John Sahn C 103 Alexander Ave., Rockaway 105 Liberty St. 23423-LF Jas. C. Pierce, Exec. Est. A. S. Beach LC1583B&Q Max Kramer H-A-G Robbins C 320 Centre Street. Evergreen..LC1584B&Q Wm. Wagner A-H 78-84 Myrtle Ave. and 90-102 85-89 Prospect Ave. 23077-F Adam Siefert C Lawrence St. 23457-LF Jas H. Mullins C 801-15 Vernon Ave. 23056-F Ravitch Bros. M pm 216 Plymouth St. 23428-LF Chas. Armstrong C W. HOLDEN WEEKS, Deputy and Acting Fire Commissioner. 195-197 Plymouth St. 23429-LF Frank X. Sadlier M 68-70 Richardson St. 23458-LF Albert Eckstein C 483 Bushwick Avenue 23192-LF Isidor Schwartz A Department of Water Sapply, Gas and Connections to Water Mains in Various 150-52 Columbia St. 23193-LF James Lafata A-C Electricity. Streets, Manhattan, dated July 8, 1914; 150-52 Columbia St. 23194-LF Bull Moose Bottling Co A contractor, Soraci Contracting Co.; su- 1209-1217 and rear of 1219 De Report for week ended July 25, 1914. rety, National Surety Co.; estimated cost, Kalb Ave. 23191-LF Haddock Cork Co M-L Collections-Bureau of Water Register, $4,391.35. 43-47 Delevan St. 23188-LF W. I. Tulin Co. C all Boroughs, $116,680.67. Changes in Working Force. 88 Fulton St. 23184-LF F. M. Tiemann & Co C Contracts Entered Into. MANHATTAN. 88 Fulton St. 23185-LF F. M. Tiemann & Co. M Miscellaneous Suppliqg (Chloride of Appointed-Edward J. L. Raldiris, 1272 457 Gold St. 23195-LF Frank S. Watt G Lime), Westchester County, N. Y., dated Clay Ave., The Bronx, Secretary to the 797-801 Lexington Ave 23196-LF Holter-Armen Chemical Co M August 5, 1914; contractor, Knicker- Department, at $3,000 per annum. 797-801 Lexington Ave. 23197-LF Holter-Armen Chemical Co. C bocker Supply Co.; surety, Casualty Co. Retired-August 1, 1914: I. M. de Va- 5624 Third Ave. 23189-LF Richard K. Fox M of America; estimated cost, $3,128.03. rona, Chief Engineer, on an annuity of 212-18 Van Brunt St. 23186-LF N. Y. Dock Co. C Hauling and Laying Water Mains, $3,500; Henry McKeon, Assistant Fore- 212-18 Van Brunt St. 23187-LF N. Y. Dock Co. C Brooklyn, dated July 18, 1914; contractor, man, on an annuity of $533 ; Michael Knight & DeMicco, Inc.; surety, National 94 Leonard St. LC1519B&O Berlin & Goldman H-A•D Cooney, Laborer, on an annuity• of 632 E. 15th Street 22972-F Henry P. Ansorge Al Surety Co.; estimated cost, $5,582.52. $456.66; Hiram M. Able, Laborer, on an Transferring Taps and Rearranging annuity of $391.66. I


Resigned—One Laborer. street, Manhattan; Joseph C. Le Doux, No. 1, Laborer, Bureau of Highways, Macon street, Brooklyn, Licensed Fireman, BROOKLYN. 168 20th street, Brooklyn; William E. August 10; William J. Dwyer, Clerk, not to exceed one month, at $3 per day, Bureau Appointed—Edwin A. Merwin, Jr., 99 White, 247 Sumner avenue, Brooklyn; of Highways-Maintenance, from. August 1. Patrick Reynolds, 201 17th St., Union Course, L. I., temporary James W. Whitton, 805 Coney Island August 15; Patrick McCarthy, Laborer, State street, Brooklyn, stationary En- Stationary Engineer, at $4.50 per day. avenue, Brooklyn; Owen Keenan, 43 Bureau of Highways-Maintenance, August gineer, $4.50 per day, August 3. William Promoted Temporarily—John P. Hal- Tompkins street, Manhattan; Frederick J. 7. George R. Logan, Junior Chemist, P. Davis, 2057 65th street, Brooklyn, Sta- leran, Robert J. Patterson, Luke Scally, Flick, 173 15th street, Brooklyn ; Jacob J. August 31. tionary Engineer, not to exceed one Joseph G. Gilman, Patrick Grant and Anderson, 212 32d street, Brooklyn; BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. month, at $4.50 per day, from July 30. Patrick Stokes, Stokers, and William A. Charles Johnson, 212 32d street, Brooklyn. Adolph Katz, 1409 St. Marks avenue, McDowell, Oilers, at $3 per day, to Sta- Inspectors of Masonry, August 31: General Administration. Appointed—John A. Knowles, 1554 57th Brooklyn, Attendant, at $2.50 per day, tionary Engineers, at $4.50 per day. Thomas Dorsey, 340 9th avenue, Manhat- August 4. tan; Thomas Quinn, 343 East 18th street, street, Brooklyn, Clerk, temporary, at the Retired—August 1, 1914: Wm. H. Con- Services Ceased—William Kral, 40 West ley, Stationary Engineer, on an annuity Manhattan. rate of $750 per annum. Bureau of Highways. 114th street, Attendant, August 4. of $600. Appointed—Attendants, not to exceed Transferred—To Park Department: DEPARTMENT OF LICENSES. Transferred — Patrick Moore, 1058 Appointed—Margaret Igoe, 240 East Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, Laborer, to De- two months, at $2.50 per day : August 1, Francis T. Turpin, Automobile Engine- George Corker, 4 Goerck street, New man. 124th street, Telephone Switchboard Op- partment of Bridges, July 30. James erator, at $480 per annum, August 19. Knox, 8801 4th avenue, Brooklyn, Auto York; Morris Lefkowitz, 42 Rutgers QUEENS. street, New York. August 2—Arthur S. Deceased—William Reidy, Inspector of Engineman, to Department of Street DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. ing, August 3. Adams, 4141 3d avenue, New York; Lamps and Gas. Services Ceased—William S. Winslow, Joseph Toscano, 197 No. 8th street, Brook- Removed—Warren H. Knapp, tempo- Appointed—Millicent Thomas, Great Chemist, Bureau of Supplies, August 17. Neck, L. I., Stenographer and Typewriter lyn; Francis J. Hickey, 1842 E. 12th rary Clerk. street, Brooklyn; Thomas P. Flood. 215 (temporary), at the rate of $1,050 per WM. R. HILLYER, Deputy Commis- BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY annum, July 27, Court street, Brooklyn. August 5—Will- sioner. Salaries Fixed—William T. Cushing, iam Kral, 40 West 114th street, New Services Ceased—Patrick Lynch, 350 John C. Buhrendorf, Jr., and Joseph E. York; Richard J. Burke, 307 York ave- Audubon avenue, Brooklyn, Inspector of Report for week ended August 1, 1914. O'Shea, at $1,788 per annum each, nue, New Brighton, S. I. Attendants Regulating, Grading and Paving, August 5. Collections—Bureau of Water Regis- Services Ceased—James A. Lynch, (emergency), at $2 per day, August 4: Guiseppe Feminella, 493 Lincoln road, ter, all Boroughs, $119,506.76. Stenographer and Typewriter (emer- Mary Irwin, 885 Bedford avenue, Brook- Brooklyn, Asphalt Worker, August 5. Changes in Working Force. gency), August 17; Cuyler W. Lush, As- lyn; Annie McDonnell, 108 Park avenue, Francis Gallagher, 518 Metropolitan ave- MANHATTAN. sistant Engineer (emergency), August 12; Brooklyn. Attendants, at $2.50 per day, nue, Brooklyn, Laborer, August 5. An- Appointed—Abram E. Johnson, 427 Joseph V. O'Leary, Inspector (emer- July 25 : Eugene Mills, 576 Washington Amboy Ave., Tottenville, S. I., Store- gency), August 8; John F. Hasbrouck, tonio Iouricio, 368 Leonard street, Brook- lyn, Laborer, August 5. Foremen of La- avenue, Brooklyn ; Charles H. Beck, 2065 keeper, at $1,200 per annum; two Labor- Inspector (emergency), August 8. Pacific street, Brooklyn; Wm. T. Taylor, borers, August 13: Halpin, Frank, Roan- ers, at $2.50 per day (Putnam County) ; Transferred—James E. L. ,Ryan, Tran- oke avenue, Far Rockaway, N. Y.; Hen- East 16th street and Neck road, Brooklyn ; one Laborer, at $2.50 per day; James J. sitman, August 16, to Borough President, R. S. Higginson, 28 East 3d street, Brook- nessey, John S., 227 West 142d street; Canning, 314 E. 159th Street and Thomas Manhattan; Joseph A. McCarthy, Rod- lyn ; Julius Yalof, 2847 East 3d street, Marren, Joseph J., Jr., Kingsbridge road L. Callahan, 1856 Jerome Ave., The man, July 31, to Borough President, Man- Brooklyn ; Philip Breen, 2712 West 3d and Sedgwick avenue, Bronx; Meehan, Bronx, temporary Stationary Engineers, hattan; Walter E. Nutt, Assistant En- street, Brooklyn. Life Saver at the John, 146 West 60th street ; Sheridan, at $4.50 per day. gineer, July 19, to Department of Finance; James, 781 East 183d street, Bronx ; Municipal Bath at Coney Island, at $3 per Resigned—John J. Collins, Inspector of Hugh V. Wittenberg, Stenographer and day, July 31. Wieck, Frederick G., 6902 16th avenue, Meters and Water Consumption. Typewriter, August 11, to Board of Esti- Reassigned—Arthur Brooklyn. Pavers, August 13 : Hart, F. Merwede, Life Change of Title—One Laborer to Li- mate and Apportionment ; Chester M. Dennis, 1023 Rogers avenue. Laborers, Saver at the Municipal Bath at Coney censed Fireman, $2.50 to $3 per day. Gould, Assistant Engineer, July 19, to De- August 13 : Anglum, Jerry, 596 Prospect Island, $3 per day, August 7. Resigned—Herman S. Geist, Junior partment of Finance; Herbert W. Olm- place; Boylek, Daniel, 183 Willoughby Bureau of Sewers. Draftsman. sted, Assistant Engineer, July 19, to De- avenue ; Brock, John, 53 Sterling place; Pay Fixed----Robert J. Spencer, 46 BRONX. partment of Finance; William P. Cox, Burns, Thomas, 240 Battery avenue; Con- Flushing avenue, Brooklyn, Laborer, at Resigned—John J. Brady, Inspector of Inspector, July 26, to Department of Pub- $2.50 per day, August 3. nors, John, 195 King street ; Clifford, Meters and Water Consumption. lic Works, Manhattan. Appointed—Inspectors of Sewer Con- BROOKLYN. Services Ceased—Jacob Hoekstra, Peter, 626 Lorimer street; Clark. William, 576 Warren street; Curley, James, 388 struction, at $4 per day, August 12 : Lu- Appointed—Nine temporary Licensed Rodman, August 5; Kilborn Whitman, Hamilton avenue; Clear, Thomas, 402 cien D. Spencer, 1607 Gravesend avenue, Firemen, at $3, per day. Jr., Assistant Engineer, August 10; 18th street; Cuff, John, 379 Cumberland Brooklyn ; Edward W. Burke, 766 Lincoln QUEENS. Frank L. Jones, Assistant Tngineer, street; Daly, Patrick, 440 Warren street; place, Brooklyn. , Appointed—Patrick Coll, 405 E. 62nd August 16; George P. Kuzmier, Inspector, Daley, William, 69 Penn street; Daniels, Street, temporary Stationary Engineer, at August 16; John W. Kessler, Inspector BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOS- John, 96a Monitor street; Duck, John, $4.50 per day. (emergency), August 15; John H. Bart- PITALS. 167 Adelphi street; Doherty, John, 277 RICHMOND. lett, Rodman (emergency), August 12; Bellevue Hospital. Albany avenue; Ford, Patrick, 368 Gold Appointed—Michael Ford, 332 E. 28th John J. Winchell, Laborer, August 5; Appointments—Hospital Helpers : June street; Farley, Thomas, 59 Bay 11th St., temporary Stationary Engineer, at Florence Cummings, Stenographer and 6, Lester Finney $240, Xavier DeSteffano street; Flynn, John, 825 Bergen street; $4.50 per day. Thomas F. Dwyer, 342 Typewriter (emergency), August 18; $240, Arthur Wright $240; June 8, Ellen Giles, Frank, 165 Lexington avenue ; Gil- E. 134th St., Junior Draftsman, at $900 Herbert C. Ellis, Assistant Engineer, McQuade $240, John LeVinosky $240, loon, John, 639 Madison avenue; Gerrity, per annum. August 9; Arthur C. Lumley, Engineer Margaret McGrath $180, Margaret Brop- Lawrence, 478 Logan street ; Gallagher, Resigned—One Laborer. Chemist (emergency), July 31; Llewellyn son $180. Auto Engineman : Henry Bod- Edward, 154 Butler street; Gilmartin, A. W. BOORAEM, Deputy Commis- M. Wood, Laborer, August 12, mer, $1,200. Hospital Helper : Minnie Thomas, 158 Union street; Graham, James, sioner. Appointed—Wm. Patterson, Pleasant- Knanike, $180. Clerk : Max Cohn, $540. 220 16th street; Hill, Richard, 305 Gra- ville, Inspector (emergency), $120 to $130 Hospital Helpers : Arthur Lewis $240, ham avenue; Harris, Richard, 152 Miller per month, Aug. 14; Mary 0. M. Sullivan, John R. Lapsley $240, Mary Konklin $180; avenue; Haugh, Michael, 49 4th street; Chafes Is Dentinal& Etc. 3038 Bainbridge avenue, Bedford Park. June 9, Josephine Kelly $192, Nellie Hal- Hines. Edward, 389 Warren street ; Har- Stenographer and Typewriter, $900 per ley $180; June 10, Margaret Mahoney DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. ris, Walter, 772 Bergen street ; Hynes, annum, August 17 ; Arthur C. Lumley, $192, Mary Maney $180, Annie Sullivan Executive Division. Daniel, 442 Union street; Jones, John W., 416 St. Nicholas avenue, Engineer Chemist $180, Margaret Devine $180, Gustave Bor- Died—William H. Jones, Clerk, office 12 Carlton avenue ; Kelly, William, 17 (temporary), $1,500 per annum, August 1; gasson $240, Fred Wilson $240, Mary Mc- of the Chief Clerk (Record Room), North Henry street; Kelly, John, 398 Van Llewellyn M. Wood, 3325 Perry avenue, Gowan $180. June 4, Jerome P. O'Sul- August 15. Brunt street; Lambert, William, 126 Rodman, $960 per annum, August 13; livan $240; June 6, Carl Zeise $240; June Ceased—Abraham Kommel, North Portland avenue; Lacey, James, Services James A. Lynch, 15 Cortelyou place, New 9, James Murphy, $240; June 11, Mary Cashier, Queens Office, Bureau for the 1020 Pacific street; McDermott, John, 235 Brighton, S. I., Rodman (emergency), Flynn $180, Sarah Keegan $180, Aleander Collection of Assessments and Arrears, Driggs avenue; McCanna, Michael, 955 $900 per annum, August 3; Max A. Sbarr $240. Cooks: Elsa Norren $720, at $1,800 per annum, August 19. Grand street; McQuade, Michael, 52 Balkind, 35 East 110th street, Rodman, Hannah Lander $420. Hospital Helpers: Appointed—John A. Porter, 386 10th Dobbins street; McGuire, Patrick, 165 $960 per annum, August 17; Charles A. Frieda Staab $240, Mattie Loshen $180, avenue, Long Island City, Cashier, Ryerson street; Mullen, Timothy, 65 Dewey, Pleasantville Station, Assistant William J. Bird $240, George Quirk $240, Queens Office of the Bureau for the Col- Woodhull street; Murphy, Michael, 103 Engineer (emergency), $1,350 per aanum, Margaret Shea $180, Henry Ftefken $240, lection of Assessments and Arrears, at Summit street; McCormick, James, 485 August 12; Charles M. Conover, Hugh- Loretta Kildey $180, Olaf Heidal $240; $1,500 per annum, August 20. 9th street ; Mahady, William. 524 Sterling sonville, Axernan, $840 per annum, June 12, Minnie Brool $180, Mamie Blatt- B. Miller, Ste- place ; Meehan, James F., 80 2d street; Services Ceased—Lena August 5; James J. Lippincott, 30 East 42d mer $180, Margaret O'Leary $180, Lillie nographer and Typewriter, Office of the Meehan, James, 237 Lorraine street; Mc- street, Inspector (emergency), $120 to Larsen $180, Annie Reilly $240, Joseph Chief Clerk, August 16. Cormick, Michael, 351 Prospect place; $130 per month, August 7; G. Milton Reath $480. Head Pupil Nurses : June 13, Norris, James, 239 Gold street ; O'Brien, Remsen, 87 Clinton avenue, Rodman. $960 Vladimir Murasheff $360, George Landis, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. per annum, August 12; Florence Cum- Patrick, 243 Baltic street; Pfeils, Henry, 80 Sandford street; Reynolds, Thomas, 53 $480. Hospital Helpers : Mary Fox $180; Bronx. mings, White Plains, Stenographer and Huntington street; Reilly, John, 32 St. June 15, Catherine O'Neil $240, Holmes Appointed—Drivers with horses and Typewriter (emergency), $900 pr annum. Marks place ; Shields, James, 38 Leo place; Ley $240, Rose Cullen $192, Edward Mon- carts, at $3 per diem, August 22: Fred August 12; Tf omas C. Martin, P. 0. Box Stagger, John, 2 Gothic alley; Shields, tague $240, Lizzie Keenan $180, George Kommer, Pilgrim and Ellis avenues; 214, Midland Beach, S. I., Inspector (emer- James F., 715 Myrtle avenue; Travers, Goodman $240. Head Pupil Nurse : June William McGlone, 169th street and Con- gency, $120 to $130 per month, August 11; James, 38 Columbia street; Wilson, Rich- 16, Rupert Margeson $360; Hospital Help- course; Owen Corcoran, 2873 Roebling William J. McKeon, 306 East Broadway, ard, 554 Vanderbilt avenue; Woods, ers : William Kane $240. Jennie Walsh avenue. Driver with wagon and team, at Inspector (emergency), $120 to $130 per Daniel 434 Graham avenue; Walsh, $240, Edwin Rogers $240 Frances Segar $5 per diem, August 22: Louis Gunther, month, August 11. $180, John Gooley $180; June 17, Mary 1480 Walton avenue. Emergency Employment Continued— James, 102 Bedford avenue; Wilson, Joseph, 650 Linwood street. Reilly $180, Jennie Ebel $180 ; June 18, Temporary Appointments—Cleaners, at Joseph L. Brennan, Denis J Shea, Will- Appointed—August F. Wagner, 157 Carrie Brown $180, Mary Lawrence $180, $1.75 per diem, August 19: Bridget Mc- iam J. McKeon, James I Lippincott, Ed- Miller avenue, Brooklyn, Steam Roller Mary Kelly $180, Joseph M. McDonough Grath, 1013 Fox street, Bronx ; Annie M. T. Kuzmier, Thomas C. Martin and ward Engineer, at $4.75 per day, for not to ex- $480, Bennett Gullowitz $240; Clerk: McCarthy, 4426 Park avenue, Bronx. William Patterson, Inspectors. Matthew Monohan $480; Hospital Help- Services . Ceased—Michael Naughton, ceed three months, August 6. Suspension Rescinded—Joseph J. Mar- ers : Agnes Patterson $180; June 17, 1908 Prospect avenue, Transitman, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. rin, Jr., Kingsbridge road and Sedgwick Harry Hinkle $240; June 19, Matt Quinlan August 19. Seymour Caldwell, Laborer. Died—H, avenue, Bronx, Foreman of Laborers, $240, Alfred Bonnard $240, Edward But- Manhattan and Richmond.. P. B. & 0., July 3. ler $240, Walter Swasey $240, John Rogers Transferred—From President, Borough Appointed—Antonio Gentilout, 677 Mar. August 13. T. Foley, 326 Clas- $240, Mary Gaydos $180, Sarah Coogan of Richmond, August 22: Louis Voor- ris avenue, and John Vaselewsky, 618 Appointed—Arthur son avenue, Brooklyn, Clerk, at $300 per $180; June 20, Annie Healy $192, Stephen zanger, 481 3d street, Brooklyn, Topo- East 228th street, Laborer, at $2.50 per McNeal $240, Philip Hollis $240, Victor graphical Draftsman, $1,650 per annum. annum, August 4. day, July 6. Di Giore, 24 Seiler $240, Mary Bryan $180; May 24, Extension of Employment—For Fif- George Barbero, Axeman. Services Ceased—Ciro Resigned— Maspeth avenue, Maspeth, Laborer, Frank E. Riley $240; June 22, Mary Don- teen Days, Under C. S. Rule XII., Par. July 6. negan $192, Frank Kelly $190, Peter 4. August 19: George E. Stone, 144 East P. Binzen, En- August 14. William F. Hart, 457 East Salary Increased—Iohn 182d street, Bronx, Axernan, August 13. Markey $240, Edward Harington $240; 22d street, Gardener, at $2.50 per day. gineer of Maintenance, to $3,000 per an- Reassigned—Martin Carey, 534 Wythe June 15, Robert Bresky $240; June 23, num, July 1. avenue, Brooklyn, Laborer, at $2.50 per Rose Flynn $180, Margaret Samfey $180, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Transferred—Alfred T. Brown. Strue- day, August 10. Gus Sen $180; June 24, Andrew Macaraff Bureau of Buildings. teral Steel Draftsman, at $1,800 per an- $240, Kate Britton $180, George Tutun Fixed—George M. Ryan, In- num; from the Board of Water Supply, Bureau of Public Buildings and Salary Offices. $240, Mary Zeh $180; June 25, Mary spector of Plumbing, at $1,500 per an- July 13. Korte $180, Katherine White $180, Peter Appointed—Attendants (emergency), at num, August 20. John F. Coots, Inspector Appointed—James R. McKeon, 2204 Sweeney $240, Ella Hansson $180, Helen $2 per day : July 31—Mary Smallman, of Plumbing, at $1,350 per annum, August Starling avenue, appointed Paver in Laundress : Nellie C. 1195 Carroll street, Brooklyn. August 1— Schactner $180; Bureau of Highways-Maintenance, at $; Kelly $600; Hospital Helpers : June 27, 20. Mrs. Otto Oehlecher. 344 Neptune ave- Appointed—Fred IL Nichols, 174 West per day, July 20. Leland S. Douglas $240, Catherine Caffine nue, Brooklyn ; Mrs. James McGrath, 2882 107th street, Manhattan, Inspector of Services Ceased—Michael Sposito and Dwyer $240; June 29, Patrick East 3d street, Brooklyn; Mrs. Elanore $180, John Plumbing, at $1,200 per annum, August 20. Dennis Deegan, Laborers, Bureau of Eery $240, Celia Skolnek 4180, Margaret Highways-Maintenance, July 18. Finnegan, 478 12th street, Brooklyn. Ceased—Charles Reilly, Li- McNeece $180, Mary Grady $180; June 30, DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Died—Edward Barry, Laborer, Bureau Services Mary Coffey $180, Mary Sims $192; July 1, Bridge Painters, of Highways, August 2. censed Fireman, July 31. Services to Cease— E. Lawlor, 864 Annie Hindle $180, John Beattie $240. August 31 : Joseph L. Daly, 223 East 78th Services Ceased—Michael McDonald Appointed—Edgar I



Hospital Helper, Mechanic: David Whit, $240, Bernard Manning $240, Julia Arm- June 22, Mary Reading $600; June 25, Garrity $240, Ida McAdams $192. Pupil tel $600. Hospital Helpers : Frank Ga- strong $180; June 26, Hans Hansson $240, Margaret O'Connor $600; June 27, Eliza- Nurse : Margaret Ferriman $96. Trained zetta $240, Thomas Burns $240, Hector May Zeh $180, Victoria Dugog $180, beth Davis $720, Mary Gruber $600;June Nurse: Mary McFadden $600. Fireman: Roy $240, Annie Monohan $180, Philip H. Charles Schoen $240, Loretta Kilday $180; 28, Francis Walker $600; July 1, Annie James Holohan, $3 per day. Hospital Walsh $240, Winifred Coughlin $240, Liz- June 27, Annie Sullivan $180. Hospital Munn, $600. Pupil Nurses : Marion Helpers! Thomas Barrett $300, Fred zie Burns $180; June 2, John Campion Helper-Mechanic: Ralph Hurrell, $600. Bowne, $96; Nelly Wallis $96, Cheska Osmer $300, Stationary Engineer: $240, James Dooley $240, Ellen O'Keefe Hospital Helpers : June 21, Rose Rosen- Bollman $96, Dora Bell $96, Nola Lepley James J. Canning $4.50 per day. Hos- $180; July 3, Lizzie Richmond $180, Bes- thal $240; June 22, Susie Gavan $192, $96. Trained Nurses : William Ruppen- pital Helpers : June 2, Dennis Cunning- sie Keenan $180. Hospital Helper, Me- Delia Healey $192, Oscar Emile $240; June stein $600, Garry Lynch $600; July 3, ham $240, William Foley $240; June chanic : July 3, Eugene McGowen $500. 25, Michael Kurpete $300; June 26, Mollie Annie Henry $600; July 6, Nora Greagh 3, Mary McCabe $180. Fireman : Hospital Helpers : July 3, Harold Chest- Rushke $216; June 29, Tessie Moore $180, $600. Pupil Nurses : Arline Marean $96, Michael Crowley $3 per day. Hos- nut $240; July 4, Mary Liddy $192, Rose Alfred Bonnard $240, Charles Gordon Lena Johnson $96, Hilda Kayen $96,, pital Helper : June 5, Louis Urell $300. Marie Kerr $192. Hospital Helper, Me- $240, Joseph Mack $240, Gus Sen $180, Hazel Leete $96, Gertrude Carman $96, Trained Nurse : June 6, Florence Dunlap, chanic : William McClancey $600. Hospital Sarah Coogan $180, Jennie Walsh $240; Anna Fox $96. Trained Nurse: July 8, $600. Hospital Helper : Robert Kaelber, Helpers : July 6, Frank Cooney $240, June 30, Peer M. Lund $480, Paul Hecker Winifred Bergin $600. $240. Trained Nurse : Margaret Hughes Frederic Heintz $240, Emil Swanson $240, $240, Mary Phillips $180, Margaret Sam- Resignations, Etc. - Trained Nurses: $600. Hospital Helper: June 8, Charles James Quealy $240, Hester Hoffman $240, fey $180, Mary Halm $180, Annie Mc- May 31, Mary McFadgen $600; June 2, Ahrens $240. Fireman : John Cassidy $3 Mary McNamee $240, Charles Gordon Laughlin $180, Michael Taflan $240, Althea Marshall $720. Pupil Nurse : June per day. Hospital Helpers : Edward $240, Frank Silver $240; July 7, James Francis Vouillion $240, Hugh Walsh $240; 3, Mary Nill $96. Trained Nurse : June Prokof $300, Theodore Hamilton $480 Farley $240. Laundry Manager: Harry July 1, Michael Ryan $240; July 2, Hans 4, Lillian Noone $600. Pupil Nurses : Mar- Edward Fitzgerald $240; June 9, Joseph Berkowitz $1,200. Hospital Helpets : Jose- Goetz $240, Annie Healy $192. Hospital garet O'Connor $96; June 6, Hedwig Wer- Monohan $240, Blanche Meehan $180. phine Pessel $240, Ellen Barry $180, Alice Helper-Mechanics : Richard Walsh $600, delin $96, Lillian Mottershead $96; June Pupil Nurse: Minnie Black $96. Stat. Walsh $200; July 8, Katie McCormack Eugene McGowen $480 to $600. Hospital 7, Lulu De Witt $96. Trained Nurses : Engineer : June 10, Edward Krauss, $4.50 $180, Minnie Hunt $180, James McLaugh- Helpers : John Dwyer $240, Phillip Hol- Dora Hartsell $600; June 9, William per day. Hospital Helpers : Henry Zahn lin $240; July 9, Sarah McCue $180, Avedis lis $240, Thomas Burns $240, John Rogers Payne $600; June 12, Marcella Fitzgerald $240, Ellen Keenan $180, Blanche Meehan Avedikion $240; July 6, Catherine Con- $240; July 3, Cassie Brown $180, John V. $600. Pupil Nurse : Stella Godard $96. $192, Daniel Kenny $240; June 11, Delia noly $180, James Murphy $240; July 4, Camp $240, Minnie Hottel $240, Mary Hospital Helpers : June 8, Sarah Kelly Wilson $180; June 13, Morris Hofstetter Harry Vander Zee $240, Mary Burns $180; Flynn $180, Mary J. Skelly $180, Mar- $216, Albina Galvin $192, May Williams $240; June 14, William Curran $240. July 5, Floyd Holmes $240; July 6, David garet McGrath $180, Frank Flaherty $240, $192; June 9, Marie Bosso $192, Mary Trained Nurse : June 15, Harriet Leech Crothers $240, Matilda Seaman $180, Annie Reilly $240, James Kevan $240, Zerba $192 ; June 10, Fred Lacey $240 $600. Hospital Helpers : June 16, Anna Ernest Mesner $240; July 7, Mary Hughes Mary Comstock $192; July 4, Lydia How- June 11, Mary Schaffer $192, Mary Lazo Mussehl $240, Anna Butler $180, Harry $180, Maggie Wood $180, Arthur McCret- and $240, Barbara Buo $240, Frank Farn- $192; June 12, Mary Corbett $216. Trained Roach $240; June 17, Mary Smith $180, ter $240, James Brennan $240, John Lutz ham $240, Mary Steedman $180, Agnes Nurses : June 14, Sallie Thomas $600, Henry Jacob $180, Richard Geranian $240; $240; July 8, Madeline Olseon $180, Mar- Patterson $180, Margaret Shea $180, Mary Virginia Cook $600, Clara Hempstead June 18, Mary Boyle $192; June 19, Delia garet Shea $180, Max Sachnoffsky $240; Korte $180, Bennet Gullowitz $240, Kittie $800, Madge'Kenny $600. Pupil Nurses : Carney $180; June 20, Julia Duel $180. Head Pupil Nurse: July 9, Cedric Head Miller $180, Cecelia Murray $180, Xavier Eva Hugo $96; June 15, Berna Johnson Pupil Nurse : • Velma Barnard $96. Hos- $480. Hospital Helpers : Anna Ratsch De Steffano $240; July 5, Patrick Hurley $96; June 16, Marion Maxey $96. Trained pital Helpers : June 22, Delia Carney $180, $180, William 0. Jarrett $420; July 10, $240, Lizzie Burns $180, Jay D. Newell Nurses: June 18, Bird Kipp $600; June 20, Jacob Henry $240, Harry Roach $180; Percy Ashley $480, Emily Dennis $180, $300, Bridget Dunleavy $180, Mary Lyons Joseph Murray $600, William Rochelle June 24, Catherine Kittle $180, Alice Mine- Edward Kelly $240, Mary Farrell $192, $180, Nora Wilson $180, Annie Monohan $600. Cook : June 16, James Apostolis heardt $180, Harry Roach $240, Edward July 4, Mary Hewitt $180; July 8, Anna $180, Albert Sachner $240. Head Pupil $420. Trained Nurses : June 21, Margaret Walsh $240; June 25, Margaret Dimond Rourke $180; July 10, Mary Hughes $192, Nurse: July 6, Louis Seeman $360. Gilboy $600; June 26, Margaret Hughes $240, Mary Fleming $180, Elma Williams James Clince $240; July 3, Albert Barker Hospital Helpers : Julia Celeste $180, $600, Eva Hugo $600. Pupil Nurses: $180; June 30, James Clougher $360, Fred $240; July 11, Tillie White $180 July 13, Emily Dennis $180, William Keyes June 27, Francis Walker $96; June 28, Klein $240. Mary Carr $180. Stationary Engineer : $240; July 7, James Quealy $240, Marjorie Aldrich $96; June 30, Annie Dismissals, Resignations, Etc.-Hospital Edward Krauss $4.50 a day. Fireman : George Tutun $240, Mary McGrath $180, Munn $96, Harriet Rogers $94, Kate Helper : May 23, Alexander Burckhardt John Cassidy, $3 a day. Pharmacist : Bridget Anderson $180, Paul Powell $420; Roberts $96; July 1, Rosalie Parish $96; $240. Pupil Nurse : May 25, Emma French John G. Brennan, $900. Hospital Help- July 8, Mamie Blattner $1:1, Peter Markey July 2, Annie Henry $96. Cook : July 6, $96. Trained Nurse : May Mitherow ers : Mary Kane $1N, Agnes Finn $180, $240, Bertha Brendler $180, Ellen Barry Jack Millian $420. Hospital Helpers : $600. Hospital Helpers : Blanch Meehan August Tamplin $180, Ray Hammond $180. Head Pupil Nurse: Ernest Lee John Shaw $240, Fred Wobbie $240; July $192; May 27, Martin Grier $360, Kate Shattuck $240, Mary Kelly $180, John E. Nichols $480. Hospital Helpers : July 9, 10, August Homolka $240. Pupil Nurses: Lyons $192; May 28, Seymour Rosen- Hanley $240; July 14, Minnie Curtin $180, Owen Murphy $240, Margaret O'Leary July 5, Nora Creagh $96, Freda Thumann heim $240, John Cummings $240; May 30, Margaret McGinnis $180, Mamie Clay $180, Minnie Brool $180, Rose Cullen $192; $96, GeOrgena Coults $96, Henrietta Katherine Flynn $180; May 31, Mamie $180; July 15, Delia Sullivan $180, Jennie July 10, Nora Callahan $180, Charles Brown $96, Gladys Glasland $96, Ruth Ryan $192, Delia Murray $240, Anna Cun- Donnelly $180, Lizzie McHugh $180, Kuylen $240; July 11, Tillie White $180, Norton $96; July 7, Winifred Bergin $96, ningham $180. Pupil Nurse: Alice Gra- Clarence Hoyle $240; July 8, Alice McAl- Kate Quinn $180, Sarah Keegan $180; Nellie Brookbanks $96. Trained Nurse: ham $96. Hospital Helpers : June 1, lister $240; July 16, Henry Olsen $240, July 12, Catherine Connolly $180, Gustav July 14, Charles Patten $600. Hospital Joseph Smith $240, Robert Kaelber $240, Katie Ward $180. Head Pupil Nurse: Coron $240, Stephen Barrett $240, Eliza- Helpers : July 14, Jennie O'Brien $192, May Wal $180. Fireman : June 2, James Frederick J. Schlooman $360. Hospital beth Barry $180, Mary Harney $180; July Katie O'Rourke $192; July 16, Lillian Holohan $3 per day. Pupil Nurse : Mar- Helpers : July 17, Andrew Wolf $240, 13, Celia Skolneck $180, July 14, Robert Jackson $192, Alma Jackson $192; July 17, garet Griffith $96. Hospital Helpers : June Annie De Lancey $180, Marion Walsh Worthman $240, Madeline Olsen $180; Bessie Hurley $192, Annie Henry $240. 3, Peter Roach $240; June 4, Thomas $180. Head Pupil Nurses: Rupert Mar- July 15, Andrew Macaroff $240, Julia Mc- Cook: July 18, Robert Smith $840. • Kelly, $300; June 5, William Foley $240, geson $480, Stephen Barrett $360. Hospital Bride $240; July 16, Annie Kelly $180, Salary Increases-Hospital Helpers: Eugene Kelly $240; June 7, Edward J. Helpers : July 18, Michael Hogan $240, Harry Vander Zee $240, James Dooley Mary Daescher, from $180 to $240, June 1; Kennelly $480. Fireman : Michael Crow- Ellen Evans $180, Herbert Overend $240, $240. Head Pupil Nurses : George Landis Elizabeth Kerwin, from $180 to $240, June ley $3 per day. Hospital Helpers: June Avedis Kervorkian $240. $480, Rupert Margeson $360. Hospital 1; Rose Martin, from $192 to $216, 8, Frank O'Brien $240; June 9, Margaret Resignations, Dismissals, Etc.-May 31, Helpers : July 17, John Smith $240, Albert June 30. Dimaond $192, Freda Holbeck $180, Mary Rudolph Bank, Pharmacist, $900, trans- Barker $240, Ella Hansson $180, Maggie Gouverneur Hospital. Carroll (180; June 8, Charles Ahrens ferred to Dept. P. Ch. Hospital Helpers: Wood $180, Frank McCabe $240, Michael Appointments-Hospital Helpers : May $240. Pupil Nurse: June 11, Jessie John- June 3, John Porn $240, Harry Hibkle Rose $240; July 18, Robert Bresky $240, 29, Margaret Crabb $216; May 26, Lizzie son $96. Hospital Helpers : June 12, $240, Daniel Walsh $240, Margaret Smith Emily Dennis $180, Margaret Hennessey O'Connor $180. Physician to Out-Pa- Joseph Conlin $240; June 13, Cyril Gil- $180, Loretto Edwards $180, Mary Hanney $180, Robert O'Donnell $240. tients : June 1, Morris Herman $300. lespie $240. Pupil Nurse : June 14, Ethel $180, Mary McGowan $180, Nellie Pils Nurses' Residence, Appointments- Hospital Helper Mechanic : Edward Mc- McKee $96. Hospital Helpers : June 15, $180, John Grimm $240, Catherine Caf- Hospital Helpers : June 8, Mary Corbett Dade $480. Hospital Helpers : June 2, Ellen Keenan $180, Thomas Yancey $240; fine $180; June 4, John Sullivan $300, $216; June 9, Mary Schaffer $192; June 11, William Cosh $240, Charles Meyer June 16, Ruth Smith $240, Mary McCabe Charles Hogan $240. Clerk : Joseph J. Mary Lazo $192, Emily Hind $192, Annie $240, William Franklin $240; June $180, Annie Pfeilstock $1:1, Anna McMahon $540. Hospital Helpers : Mich- Galligan $192, Thomas Ryan $240; June 3, Pauline Miklowich $180, Ernest Loh- Mussehl $180. Pupil Nurse : June ael Kevin $240, Susie Powers $180, John 12, Bessie Callahan $192, Kate Regan mis $240; June 7, Charles Godfrey $240; 19, Susie Broderick $96. Hospital Heinzerling $240; June 5, Bessie Kuhn $192; June 11, Katie O'Rourke $192; June June 8, Susie McGaman $216; June 11, Helpers : June 20, Theodore Hamil- $192, Bridget Mone $180, Delia Burns $180, 13, May Keane $192, Clara Numberger Hans Luschwitz $240. Pupil Nurse : Win- ton $480; June 21, Julia Duel $180, Rollo Chorpening $240, Margaret Palmer $216. Cook: June 17, Jack Millian $420. ifred Graham $96. Trained Nurses : June Mary Boyle $192, Mary Smith $180; $180, Lizzie O'Keefe $180; June 6, Henry Hospital Helpers : June 22, Annie Henry 12, Ethel Barrett $600; June 15, Beatrice June 23, Henry Zahn $240, Daniel Anderson $240, Samuel Wells $240 Head $240; June 23, Catherine Morris $192. Bliss $600. Hospital Helpers : June 16, Kenny $240; June 29, Albert Sheffield Pupil Nurse : June 5, Rupert Margeson Jennie O'Brien $192, George Huxham Walter Radzycki $240; June 18, Fenny $360, Robert Kaelber $240. Theodore $360 Hospital Helpers : Stephen MacNeal $240; June 26, Henry Lanagan $240; June Asmudssen $216, Dorothy Monthola $216. Dowsickle $240; June 26, Thomas Bar- $240; June 7, Edward Rohrs $240, Hans 27, Delia Hastry $192 ; July 1, Henry Trained Nurse : June 15, Elsie Richards rett $300; June 30, Joseph Monohan $240, Weibrecht $240, Lizzie Richmond $180, Fleitman $240, Rose Martin $216. Cook : $600. Hospital Helpers : June 21, Julia William O'Connor $240, Henry Lewis $240. Barthold Dahlgren $240, Michael Far- July 7, John Shaw $420. Hospital Help- Green $180, Robert Hardoun $240; June Salary Increase-Hospital Helper, June ragher $240, Bertram Anderson $240, Mary ers : Max Reister $240, August Homolka 22, Helen Burt $216; June 23, Emmy As- 1: Helen Donohue, from $180 to $240. MacCombey $180; June 8, Minnie Mac- $240; July 11, William Litvinof $240; July mundsson $180, Robert Mathisen $216; Fordham Hospital. Lean $180, Louis Owen $240, Lucy Taylor 15, Lilia Jackson $192, Alma Jackson June 25, Andrew Cipen $240; June 29, Appointments-Pupil Nurse: June 1, $180; June 9, Lawrence Miller $180, Mary $192; July 17, Irene Murray $192, Bessie John Fennon, $240. Stationary Engineer: Lesbia Crouse $96. Trained Nurse : Ad- Connaughton $180, Rose Smith $240, Hurley $192; July 18, Margaret Floyd Hans B. Meyer, $4.50 a day. Fireman elaide Von Der Born $600. Fireman: Nora Butler $180. Cooks : June 10, Mar- $240. Trained Nurse: July 15, James John O'Connor, $3 a day. John O'Connor $3 per day. Stat. En- tha Dahl, $720; Elsa Norren $420 to $720. Horton $600. Resignations, Dismissals, Etc. - Hos- gineer : James Conn, $4.50 per day. Hos- Hospital Helpers : Hannah Lander, $240, to Nurses Appointments-Trained Nurses : Pital Helper Mechanic: May 31, Denis pital Helpers : Tessie Miknizas, $240, cook, at $420; Harry E. Littel $240, June 1, Marionette Orechia $600, Josephine Carey $480. Hospital Helpers : June 5, William Scott $240, Jennie Hoaglind Guy Clifford $240, Kate Clark $180, Kate Clark $600, Margaret Hughes $600, Byron Rose Carberry $240; June 6, Louis Rust $180, Elizabeth Graham $180, Melchoir Krause $180; June 11, Cedric Head $480, Smith $600; June 2, Flora McNaughton $270. Pupil Nurse: June 9, Ethel Barrett Beck $240, Dora Brown $180. Pupil Max Raum $240, Annie Reilly $180 to $600, Hilda Merryman $600; June 7, Lil- $96. Hospital Helper : John McDermott, Nurses : June 2, Susan Fry $96, $240, Kate Sutter $180, Charles Gethro Tian Mottershead $600, Joseph Murray $240. Pupil Nurse : June 11, Elizabeth Evelyn Archibald $96, Ada Hender- $240; June 12, Katherine Holligan $180, $600; June 1, Louise Scott $600, Florence Duncan $96. Barber : June 12, George son $96, Florence Scott $96. Hospital Edward Winkle $280; June 13, Clementine Hessler $720, Julia McAuliffe $720, Eliza- Geordano $240. Trained Nurse : June 14, Helper : June 4, John McGovern $240. Bral $240, Minnie Young $240, Dan Ryan beth Snider $600. Pupil Nurses : June Sophie Vuiellemuier $600. Hospital Pupil Nurse : June 5, Blanche Haycocke $240; June 14, William J. Bird $240, 2, Mabel Mayne $96, Grace Finnegan Helpers : Josephine Funck $180; June 15, $96. Hospital Helper : Nellie McDonough Arthur Lewis $240. Laundry Manager: $96. Trained Nurses : June 3, Jennie Alexander Wolfeil $240; June 17, Susie $192. Pupil Nurse : June 7, Rhea Mac- Edwin E. Garrison $1,200. Hospital Help- Cranston $720; June 4, Mary Nill McGamman $216, Margaret Crabb $216; Millan $96. Hospital Helpers : June 8, ers: Anna Gordon, $180; June 15, Peter $600; June 6, Timothy Moynihan $600. June 19, Dorothy Minthola $216; June 20, Albert Nugent $240, Joseph Linett $240; Polek $240, Alexander Sbarr $240, Tim- Pupil Nurse : June 7, Vera Arm- Hans Luschwitz $240 ; June 24, Robert June 12, John Tarlo $240. Pupil Nurse: othy McFaden $300; June 13, Alice McAl- strong $96. Trained Nurse: Susan Stewart $240, Michael Ostronow $300, June 13, Vira Downs $96. Hospital Help- lister $240; June 16, John Le Vinosky Forney $600. Pupil Nurse: Clemen- Julia Green $180; June 25, Nellie Dealy er: Tessie Tartarque $180. Trained $240, Peter Madden $180, Lillie Larson tine Corners $96. Trained Nurses: June $180. Trained Nurse: June 30, Sarah B. Nurse: Edith Clendenning $600. Hos- $180, Joseph Berger $240; June 17, Will- 8, Lulu De Witt $600; June 6, Nora Smith $900. pital Helpers : June 14, Grace Merrick iam Moller $240, James Connolly $240, Quigley $600; June 15, Eva Hugo $600, Harlem Hospital. $180; June 15, Seymour Rosenheim $240. Carl Anderson $240, Mary Conklin $180; Hilda Merryman $800. Pupil Nurse: Appointments-Pupil Nurse : May 2, Trained Nurse : June 16, Clodia Johnson June. 18, James Murphy $240, Ward Min- Grace Wall $96. Trained Nurses : Carrie Hazel McLatchie $96. Hospital Helper: $600. Hospital Helper : Mary Stamnezky ard $300, Mary Reilly $180; June 19, Emery $600, Iva Heath $600, Jane Davis May 21, Henry Lewis $240. Trained $180. Pupil Nurse : Catherine Morgen- Josephine Kelly $192, Alice Goltz $180, $600, Helen Search $600. Pupil Nurses : Nurse : Della Gauthier $720. Hospital stern $96. Trained Nurse : June 17, Julia Olaf Heidal $240, Leland S. Douglas $240; June 16, Loretto Burns $96, Eleanor Helpers : Martin Grier $360, Francis Mac- Mayer $600. Hospital Helpers : June 18, June 20, Nora Mannix $180; June 21, Walsh $96; Gertrude Weingartner $96; Donald $300; May 25, Seymour Rosen- Cornelius Kehoe $240; June 21, Rose Irene O'Leary $192, Minnie Klanke $180, Marion Snider $96, Mary Gainey $96, heim $240; May 27, Margaret Dimond Cusick $240. Stationary Engineer : June Edward Sullivan $240, William Andrews Mary Sheehan $96, Grace Small $96, $192; May 28, Mamie Ryan $192. Pupil 22, Hans Mayer $4.50 per day. Hospital $240, Mary Barns $180; June 22, Julia Rosalie Parish $96, Gladys Wrench $96. Nurse : May 24, Olive Dickinson $96. Helper : June 25, George Hayes $240. Scheck $180; June 23, Joseph Yarnell Trained Nurses : Mary Landers $600, Trained Nurse : May 25, Katherine Don- Salary Increased-From $192 to $216, $240, Louis Hendell $240; June 24, Mary Helen .Hasson $600, Mary Kiley $600, nelly $600. Hospital Helpers : May 29, Mary Geraghty, Hospital Helper, June 1. Hanney $180, Kate Nolan $180, Charles T. Berm Johnson $600; June 19, Lillian Albert Sheffield $360, Henry Kirk $240; Resignations, Dismissals, Etc.-Pupil Baird $240; June 25, Walter Gallagher Noone $600; June 8, Marian Black $720; May 31, Mary Wall $180; June 1, John Nurses : May 31, Helen Gay $96; June 1, TUESDAY, AUGUST ZS, 1914. THE CITY RECORD. 7U7

Elsie Wyman $96, Mary Buchanan $96. Borough of Richmond, Borough t. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Hospital Helper : June 2, John McDevitt igatitrel,Citt fifrtftelephone, George, S. I. Telephone, 100 Tom 66 Court st., Brooklyn. 9 a. a. to £30 p. m.; 4540 . Lewis, Engineer. John A. Kinpbury, _Commismoner. Saturday, to 1 p. Telephone, 2954 Main. Pi Pupil Nurses : June 4, Mabel Berets of oblie impresessets. PUBLIC INCREATTOlf 00$11111110N. Jaws Cropay, District Algais . Thomplon $96, Bertha Lips $96. Hospital Municipal DbMing, doer. Telephone, Municipal Building, 8th floor. Telephone, 1471 0010aSSIONER OF 4360 Worth. Nelson P. Lewis, Chief Engineer. W omb. 381 Fulton at., Brooklyn. Telephone 1454 Helper : Margaret Kane $192. Pupil Berm 4 Franchisee. Mee 0, every second Tuohy at 2.30 p. m. Main. Nurses: June 5, Edith Clendenning $96; 277 Broadway, flth floor. Tdephone, 4563 Cyril Jones, Acting Secretary. Thomas R. Farrell, Commissioner. June 6, Una Sparsharot $96. Hospital Wag. Barry P. Nichol, Chief PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. alum of _Contract Ss 154 Nassau et, Manhattan. 8 a. a. to 11 Helpers: June 7 Elizabeth Graham $180, undays. 44 Court st., Brooklyn. Telephone, 2840 Main. Municipal lituldigg, 13th door. Telephone, i;elmel• heverY4d1asys, including holidays and S Frank V. Kelly Public Administrator. Margaret Russell $180, Archie Ruthven 4560 Worth. Tilden Adamson, Director. Telephone, COMMISSIOYIER OF WORDS. $270, Charles Williams $240, William Bureau of pseuds. E. McCall, Chairman. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Telephone, 6988 Stein $240; June 11, Mary Hapton $180. Salaries and Grades Dimon and Supplies Di- Travis H. Whitney, Secretary. Main. vision, ifirsiodpol Building, 13th door. Tele- BOARD OF REVISION OF ASSESSICSNTS. Edmund O'Connor, Commissioner. Trained Nurse : June 12, Vera McNeil phone, 4360 Worth. Standard Testing Labors- Municipal Building, 7th floor. Telephone, 1200 REGISTER. Helpers : June 14, John tory, 125 Worth st. Telephone, 3088 Franklin. Worth. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Telephone, 2830 $600. Hospital George L. Tirrell, Director. McGovern $240. Minnie Applegate $180. John Korb, Chief Clerk. Main. BOARD OF EXAMINERS. COMMISSIONERS Or Rumen FUND. Edward T. O'Loughlin, Register.Regi Pupil Nurses : June 15, Sarah Seybold Munic4nd Building, 20th door, 9 a. m„ to 4 Office of Secretary, Municipal Building, 7th 1151111117F. , Clodia Johnson $96. Trained Nurse: m. Saturday, to 12 a. Telephone, 3380 floor. Telephone, 1200 Worth. 46-50 Court st., Brooklyn. Telephone, 6845 une 16, Elizabeth Dockery $600. Hospital John Korb, Secretary. Main. J Beard meets every Tuesday at p. a. DVAITIMT OF STREET CLEANING. Lewis M. Swasey_, Sheriff. Helpers: James Murphy $240, Katherine Edward V. Barton. Clerk. Municipal Building, 12th floor. Telephone, SURROGATE. McGorty $180; June 20, John Tarlo $240, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 4240 Worth. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Court opens at 10 Mary McAloon $240. Stat. Engineer : W Municipal Building, 5th floor. Telephone, 1200 John T. Fetherston, Commissioner. a. m. Telephone, 3954 Main. orth. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate. June 21, James Conn, $4.50 per day. Hos- William A. Preudergast, Comptroller. ASSESSMENTS. John H. McCooey, Chief Clerk. Municipal Building, 9th floor. 9 a. m. to 4 pital Helper : June 23, Seymour Rosen- Deputy Comptrollers, 7th floor. Alexander p. to.; Saturday, to 12 tn. Telephone, 1800 helm $240. !trough, Edmund D. Fisher, Charles S. Hen'o, BRONX COUNTY. Hubert L Smith. Worth. Receiver of Tates. Lawson PurtniPresident. C. Rockland Secretary. COUNTY CLERK. Manhattan—Municipal Building, 2nd floor. 161st st. and 3d ave. Telephone, 9266 Mellott. Telephone, 1200 Worth. TENEMENT OUSE DEPARTMENT. Manhattan and Richmond office, Municipal James Vincent Ganly. County Clerk. Broux—177th at and Arthur eve. Telephone, COUNTY JUDGE. 140 Tremont %tiling, 19th door. Telephone, 1526 Worth. Brooklyn and Queens office, 503 Fulton at., 161st. st. and 3d ave. Telephone, 7907 Melrose. Brooklyn-236 Duffield st Telephone, 7056 Louis D. Gibbs, County Judge. Main. Brooklyn. Telephone, 3825 Main. Bronx office, 391 East 149th st. Telephone, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Queens--5 Court Square, Long Island City. 161st st. and 3d aye. Telephone, 9200 Melrose. Telephone, 3386 Hunter's Point. 107 Melrose. John J. Murphy, Commissioner. Francis Martin, District Attorney. Richmond--Borough Hall, St. George. Tele- COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. phone, 1000 Tompkinsville. BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. Municipal Building, 22d floor. Telephone, 3150 1932 Arthur ave. Telephone, 3700 Tremont Frederick It E. Ebstein, Receiver of Taxes. John A. Mason, Commissioner. Worth. Collector of Assessments and Arrears. Charles Strauss, President PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. Manhattan—Municipal Building, 3d Floor, 2808 3d ave. Telephone, 9171 Melrose. 9 L m. Telephone, 1200 Worth. W. Bruce Cobb, Secretary. A 5 p. m., Saturday to 12 m. DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAA Brenx-177th St. and Arthur Ave. Telephone, Ernest E. L Hammer, Public Administrator. 47 Tremont. AND ELECTRICITY. Municipal Building, 23d, 24th and 25th floors. REGISTER. Brooklyn--303 Fulton at Telephone, 3084 1932 Arthur ave. Telephone, 6694 Tremont. Main. Telephones: Manhattan, 4320 Worth; Brook- Edward Polak, Register. lyn, 3980 Maini_ Queens, 3441 Hunters Point; Queens—Municipal Building, Court House SHERIFF. Square, Long Island City. Telephone, 1553 Richmond, 840 Tompkuisville; Bronx, 3400 Tre- 1932 Arthur ave. Telephone, 6600 Tremont. Heateoint.r's P m ont James F. O'Brien, Sheriff. Brooklyn Municipal Building, Brooklyn. Richmond—Borough &IL St. George. Tele- SURROGATE. phone, 1000 Tompkinsville. Bronx,Tre T'mont and Arthur aves. Queens, Mu- 161st st. and 3d ave. Daniel Moynahaft, Collector. nicipal. Building, Long Island City. Richmond, George M. S. Schulz, Surrogate. Municipal Building, t George. FIRE DEPARTMENT. William Williams, otter. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Municipal Building, I 1th floor. Telephone, 4100 QUEENS COUNTY. Worth. Unless otherwise stated, the Public Offices Brooklyn, 365 Jay at. Telephone, 2653 Main. BOROUGH OFFICES. COUNTY CLERK. of the City are open for business from Robert Adamson. Commissioner. agl...■■•••■• 364 Fulton st., Jamaica. Telephone, 151 Ja- I a. in. to 5 p. m.; Saturday, a. in. to DEPARTMENT 0? HEALTH. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX maica. 12 noon. Centre and Walker sts., Manhattan. Telephone, President's office, 3d ave. and 177th It. Tel- Leonard Rouff, County Clerk. ephone, 2680 Tremont. CITY OFFICES. 6280 Franklin. COUNTY COURT. Burial Permit and Contagions Disease offices Douglas Mathewson. President. County Court House, Long Island City. Tele- MAYOR'S OFFICE. always open. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. phone, 596 Hunters Point. City Hall. Telephone, SOU Cortlandt. Bronx 3731 Third ave. Br Flathush President's office, Borough Hall. Telephone, Court opens at 10 a. tn. Trial Terms begin first John Purroy Mitchel, Mayor. ave., Willoughby and Fleet sta. 378 3960 Main. Monday of each month, except July, August and Theodore Rousseau, Secretary, Fulton st., Jamaica. Richmond, 5 4 Bay at., Lewis H. Pounds, President September, and on Friday of each week. Bertram de N. Crum, Executive Secretary Stapleton. BOROUGH Or MANHATTAN. Clerk's office opens 9 a. tn. to 5 p. tn.; Satur- Bureau of Wesgists end Measures. S. S. Goldwater, Commissioner. President's office, 17th floor Municipal Bldg. days to 12.30 p. m. Telephone, 551 Jamaica. City Hall. Telephone, 4334 Cortlandt. Eugene W. Schaffer, Secretary. Commissioner of Public W orb, 21et floor, Burt Jay Humphrey. County Judge. Joseph Hartigan, Commissioner. BOARD OF INEBRIETY. Municipal Bnildine, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. 0020EISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. 300 Mulberry at Telephone, 7116 Spring. Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, 20th County Court House, Long Island City, 9 a. in. Municipal Building. Telephone, 4315 Worth. Board meets first Wednesday in each month at floor, Municipal Building. to 5 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 in. Leonard M. Wallstein, Commissioner of Ac- 3 o'clock. Bureau erf Highways, 21st floor, Municipal Count Judge's office always open at 336 Ful- counts. Charles Samson, Secretary. Building. ton st., Jamaica.J Telephone, 3871 Hunters Point. BOARD OF ALDEIKKE Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices, 20th Matthew J. Smith. District Attorney. Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, 2nd floor. LAW DEPARTMENT. floor, Municipal Building. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. 10 a. m. to 4 p. in. Saturday, to 12 m. Tele- Odes of Corporation Counsel. Bureau of Sewers, 21st floor, Municipal Bldg. County Court House Long Island City. Tele- phone, 4430 Worth. Main office, Hall of Records. Telephone, 4600 Bureau of Buildings, 20th floor, Municipal phone, 9631 Hunters Point. P. J. Scully, Clerk. Worth. Building. Thorndyke C. McKennee, Commissioner. President of the Board of Aldermen. Brooklyn office, 153 Pierrepont st. Telephone, Telephone, 4227 Worth. PUBLIC, ADMINISTRATOR. City Hall. Telephone,. 6725 Cortlandt. 2948 Main. Marcus M. Marks, President. 302 Fulton st., Jamaica. George McAneny, President. Frank L Polk, Corporation Counsel. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Randolph White, Public Administrator. BOARD OF AMBULANCE SERVICE. Bureau of Street President's office, Borough Hall, Long Island SHERIFF. 300 Mulberry at Ambulance Calls-3100 Main office, Municipal Bedding, 15th floor. City, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 is County Court House, Long Island City. Tele- Sluing. Administration Offices-7586 Spring. Telephone, 1380 Worth. Telephone, 5400 Hunters Point. phone, 3766 Hunters Point. ARMORY BOARD. Brooklyn office, 166 Montague st. Telephone, Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices__, Town George Emener, Sheriff. Hall of Records. 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.; Satur- 5916 Main. Hall, Flushing, L I. Telephone, 1740 Flushing. SURROGATE. day, to 12 in. Telephone, 3900 Worth. Queens office, Municipal Building, Long Island Maurice E. Connolly. President. 364 Fulton st., Jamaica. Telephone, 397 Ja. C. D. Rhinehart, Secretary. City. Telephone, 3886 Hunters Point. BOROUGH OP RICHMOND. maica. ART COMMISSION. Burgas for the Recovery of Penalties. President's office, New Brighton, Staten Is- Daniel Noble, Surrogate. City Hall. Telephone, 1197 Cortlandt. Municipal Building, 15th door. Telephone, 3460 land, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 m. John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary. Worth. Telephone, 1800 Tompkinsville. BOARD OF ASSESSORS. Buren for the Collection of Arrears of Personal Charles J. McCormack. President RICHMOND COUNTY. Municipal Building, 8th floor. Telephone, 29 Taxa. CORONERS. Worth. Municipal Building, 17th door. Telephone, Manhattan, 70 Lafayette at Open at all hours COUNTY CLERK. Alfred P. W. Seaman, Chairman. 4585 Worth. of the day and night. Telephone, 5057 Franklin. County Office Building, Richmond. Telephone, St. George B. Tucker. Secretary. Tennant House Bursas and Bureau of Buildings. Bronx, Arthur and Tremont ayes. Telephone, 28 New Dorp. BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS. Municipal Building, 15th door. Telephone, 1250 Tremont 8 a. m. to WdMght, every day. C. Livingston Bostwick. County Clerk. 34th st. and let ave. Telephone, 4400 Madi- 1620 Worth. Brooklyn, 236 Duffield st Telephone, 4004 COUNTY JUDGE AND 813IRCGATE. son square. DEPARTMENT OF LICENSES. Main, Open at all hours of the day and night. Trial Terms, with Grand and Trial jury, Sec- Dr. John W. Brannan, President Mein Office, 49 Lafayette st. Telephone, 4490 Queens, Tows Had, Jamaica, L L, 9 a. m. to ond Monday of March, First Monday of October. J. K. Paulding. Secretary. Franklin. 10 p. Sundays and holidays. 9 a. in. to Trial Terms with Trial Jury only, First Mon- DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. George H. Bell, Commissioner. 12 in. day of May, First Monday of December. Municipal Building, 18th floor. Telephone, 380 Centre St. Office-57.59 Centre ot. Telephone, Richmond, 175 Second at., New Brighton. Special Terms, without Jury—Wednesday of Worth. 2030 Worth. Julian Rosenthal, Deputy Commis- Open at all hours of the day and night each week, except the last week of July, the F. J. H. Kracke, Commissioner. sioner. month of August and the first week of Sep- tember. BUREAU OF THE CHAMBERLAIN. Brooklyn—Borough Hal Telephone, 1497 COUNTY OFFICES. Municipal Building, 8th floor. Telephone, 4270 Main. Surrogate's Court. Monday and Tuesday of each week at the Bor. Worth. Queens—Borough Hall, Long Inland City. Tele- Unless otherwise stated, the County offices Henry Bruere, Chamberlain. phone, 5400 Hunters Point. ough Hall, St. George, and on Wednesday at the are open for business from II a. m. to 4 p. m.; Surrogate's Court, at Richmond, except during CITY MARI AND CLERK 0? TEE BOARD Richmond, Borough Hall, New Brighton. Tele- Saturday, 8 a. m. to 13 noon. OF ALDERMEN. phone, 1000 Tompkinsville. the session of the County Court. There will be Municipal Building, 2nd floor. 10 a. m. to 4 Division of Licensed Vehicles-517419 W. 57th no Surrogate's Court during the month of August. Surrogate's Court and Office, Richmond, S. I. p. m.; Saturday, to 12 m. Telephone, 4430 at. Telephone, 6387 Columbus. NEW YORK COUNTY. Municipal Employment Bureau-27 Lafayette Surrogate's Chambers, Borough Hall, St. George. Worth. J. Harry Tiernan, County judge and Surro- P. J. Scully, City Clerk. at. Telephone, 3870 Worth. COUNTY CLEM BOARD OF CITY RECORD. gate. mEnorourAir SEWERAGE onoassioi. County Court House. Telephone, 5388 Cort- DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Supervisor's office, Municipal Building, 8th 17 Battery place. Telephone, 1694 Rector. land. floor. Distributing Division, 96 Reads st. Tele- Borough Hall, St. George. Telephone, 50 George A. Soper, President. William F. Schneider, County Clerk. Tompkinsville, 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturday, to phone,. 3490 Worth. James H. Fuertes, Secretary. 9 a. in. to 2 p. in. during july and August. 12 m. David Ferguson, Supervisor. MUNDXFAL CIVIL BERM COMMISSION. CORRECTION. DISTRICT ATTORNay. Albert C. Fach, District Attorney. DEPA.TMENT OP Municipal Building, 14th floor. Telephone, 1580 COMMISSIONER OP JURORS. Municipal Building, 24th floor. Telephone, Criminal Courts Building, 9 a. m. to 5.15 p. Worth. m.; Saturday, to 12 m. Telephone, 2304 Frank- Village Hall, Stapleton. Telephone, 81 Tomp- 1610 Worth. Henry Moskowitz, President. Katharine B. Davie, Commissioner. lin. kinsville. Robert W. Belcher. Secretary. Charles S. Whitman, Dietrict Attorney. Edward I. Miller, Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. DEPARTMENT OF ?ARKS. COMIISEIONER Or JURORS. PUBLIC) ADMINISTRATOR. Telephone, 300 Rector. Vier "A.,!' N. L Municipal Building, 10th Floor. Telephone, 280 Broadway. Telephone, 241 Worth. Port Richmond. Telephone, 704 West Brighton. R. A. C. Smith. Commissioner. 4850 Worth. Thomas Allison, Commissioner. William T. Holt, Public Administrator. DIPARTKERT OF EDUCATION. Cabot Ward, Commissioner, Manhattan and PUBLIC ADOMISTRATOR. SHERIFF. Board of Education. Richmond. 119 Nassau st. Telephone, 6376 Cortlandt. County Court House, Richmond. Telephone, Park ave. and 59th et. Telephone, 5380 Hut Borough of Brooklys. William 11. Hoes, Public Administrator. 120 New Dorp. Stated meetings of the Board are held at 4 Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brooklyn. 001SIISSIONIR or RECORDS. Joseph F. O'Grady, Sheriff. p. m, on the first Monday in February, the sec- Telephone, 2300 South. Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. ond Wednesday inJuly, and the second and Raymond V. Ingersoll, Commissioner. John F. Cowan, Cominuotioner. THE COURTS. fourth Wednesdays in every month, except July Borough of The Bross. EBOISTIR. and August Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Telephone, Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. (ITT COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Thomas W. Churchill, President 2640 Tremont. 9 a. m. to 2 p. n. during July and August. A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary. City Hall Park. Special Term Chambers held Thomas W. Whittle, Commissioner. John J. Hopper, Mari? from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Clerk's office open from HOARD OP ELECTION. Borough of _Dooms. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 122 Cortland.. and office of the of General office 1,orouik, The Overlook, Forest Park, Richmond Hill, 299 Broadwoy. Telephone, 4984 Worth. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk. Menhattan, Municipal Building, 18th Boor. Tele- L I. Telephone, poo Richmond Bill. New York County jail, 70 Ludlow it CITY MAGISTRATES' COURT. phone, 1307 Worth. John E. Weier, Commissioner. Max S Grifenhagen, Sheriff. First Division. J._ &brie! Britt, President. BOARD or PAROLE OF THE NEW roalt SURROGTES. First District—Criminal Court Building. Meats Mt. McKee. Secretary. QTY 1113FORIELTORY OF IIISDEMELL Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. Third District-2d ave. and 1st st. Other Borough Ma& John P. Cohalan; Robert Ludlow Fowler, Sur- Fourth District-151 E. 57th st. Bronx. ANTS. The W Municipal Bailding, 24th door. Telephoue, 1618 r tea. Fifth District-121st st. and Sylvan place. 368 E. 148th st.Teluielpe, 336 Melrose. Jhn F. Curry, Commissioner of Records. Sixth District-162d at. and Washington ave. leo orth. Thomas R. Minnick. Secretary. Seventh District-314 W. 54th at, 43S-445 Fulton in. T epitome, Main. COUNTY. ELLIMUND BOARD OF TIMBER& KINGS Eighth District-1014 E. 181st st., The Bronx. Queens. Ninth District (Night Court for Females)- 64 Jackson ave., Long Island City. Telephone, Municipal Building, 8th floor. Telephone, IRS Worth. COUNTY CLERK. 125 6th ave. 3375 Hunters Point. Tenth District (Night Court for Males)-151 Rielimend. J. A. Glendiening. Clerk. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Telephone, 4930 Main. E. 57th at Borough Hall, New Leighton, S L Telephone, POW, DEPARTMIINT. Eleventh District (Domestic Relations)-151 1000 Tompkinsville. NO Centre it. Telephone, 1100 Spring. Charles S. Devoy. County Clerk. All offices open from 9 s. m. to 4 p. In. Sate:- Arthur Woods, CotionAteag. COUNTY COURT. E. 57th st. County Court House, Brooklyn. Court *Pens Thirteenth District (Domestic Relations)-1014 deb se 12 to. DEPARTIerver "ParruilLIA,TOtl at 10 a. m. daily Mid sits until business is com- E. st, The Bronx. BOAID or IGISTRIATE AND Principal Bluniei floor. Philip Bloch, Chief Clerk, 300 Mulberry at. APPORTIONS-BT. niltilhone, 4440 orth. pleted. Fart I Room No. 23; Part II, Room No. 10; Part tos/toM No. 14; Part Room Telephone. 6213 Spring. Bolding, 13th door. Telephone, Brooklyn and Queens, 327 Schermerhera M., Second Division. Otrti. 2977 No. 1 Court Clerk's office, Rooms 17, Buren of dent Add* Pier,_ feet of 18, 19 and 22; open daily from 9 a. m. to 5 Borough of Brooklyn. Ns* Hoag Secretary. Of ice of Chief Magistrate, 44 Court at Tele- Fast 26th it phone, 7400 'MON Square. .; Saturday, to 12 a. Telephone, 4154 Stowe 4 Records and Mitinies. phone, 7411 Main. Municipal Banding', bleh bee. TelephOne, The Children's a,. 124 Put 50th M. Tele- T. Rafferty, Chief Clerk. First District-318 Adams at. 4560 Worth. Joseph Hug, Secretary. phone, 7400 Winn Itniere. I I 7Q48 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914.

Second District—Court and Butler sta. Thomas B. Seaman, Special Deputy Clerk in notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court parallel to and 100 feet southwesterly from the Fifth District-249 Manhattan ave. charge. and the entering in the Bureau for the Collec- southwesterly line of Webster avenue; thence Sixth District-495 Gates ave. Richmond County, tion of Assessments and Arrears, of the assess- northwesterly along said last mentioned parallel Seventh District-31 Snider ave., Flatbush. Trial Term held at County Court House, Rich- ment for OPENING AND ACQUIRING line to its intersection with a line parallel to Eighth District—W, 8th at., Coney Island. mond. Special Terms for trials held at Court TITLE to the following named street in the and 100 feet northwesterly from the northwest- Ninth District-5th ave. and 29th at. room, Borough Hall, St. George. Special Term BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN: erly line of Radde street; thence southwesterly • Tenth District-133 New Jersey ave. for motions held at Court House, Borough Hall, TWELFTH WARD, SECTION EIGHT, along said last mentioned parallel line and its Domestic Relations—Myrtle and Vanderbilt St. George. WEST TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH- prolongation to the point or place of beginning. aves. C. Livingston Bostwick, Clerk. TEENTH STREET—OPENING, FROM SEA- The above entitled assessment was entered on William F. Delaney, Chief Clerk. MAN AVENUE TO NINTH AVENUE. Con- the date hereinbefore given in the Record of Borough of Queens. firmed January 27th, 1911, and July 10th, 1914. Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the First District—St. Mary's Lyceum,, L. I. City, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION . Entered August 21st, 1914. Area of assessment Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes Second District—Town Hall, Flushing, L I. Propossul, includes all those lands, tenements and heredita- and Assessments and of Water Rents. Unless Third District—Central ave., Far Rockaway. ments and premises situate, lying and being in the amount assessed for benefit on any person Fourth District—Town Hall, Jamaica, L. I. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, MUNICIPAL BUILD- the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New or property shall be paid within sixty days Borough of Richmond. ING, CENTRE AND CHAMBERS STS., BOROUGH OF York, which, taken together, are bounded and after the date of said entry of the assessment, First District—Lafayette ave., New Brighton. MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW YORK. described as follows, viz.: interest will be collected thereon, as prbvided Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Beginning at the point of intersection of the by section 1006 of the Greater New York Char- All courts open daily from 9 a. m, to 4 p. m., received by the Commissioner of Correction at bulkhead line of the Harlem River with a line ter. except on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, the above office until 11 o'clock a. m., on drawn parallel to and distant 100 feet northeast- Said section provides, in part, "If any such when only morning sessions are held. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1914, erly from the northeasterly line of West Two assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. FURNISHING AND DELIVERING AN- Hundred and Sixteenth street, running thence sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the Criminal Court Building. Court opens at 10.30 THRACITE COAL AND SEMI-BITUMINOUS northwesterly along said parallel line and its said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and a. m. Cerk's office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., COAL. northwesterly prolongation to its intersection with and on Saturdays until 12 rn. The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- a line drawn parallel to and distant 100 feet receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, Edward R. Carroll, Clerk. terials and supplies and the performance of the northwesterly from the northwesterly line of collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven MUNICIPAL COURTS. contract is as stated in the schedules. Broadway, thence southwesterly along said par- per centum per annum, to be calculated The amount of security required is thirty (30) allel line to its intersection with a line drawn to the date of payment, from the date when The Clerk's offices are open from 9 a. m. such assessment became a lien, per cent. of the amount of the bid or estimate. parallel to and distant 100 feet southwesterly as provided by to 4 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 noon. section 159 of this act." The bidder will state the price of each item from the southwesterly line of West Two Hun- Borough of Manhattan. dred and Fifteenth street, thence northwesterly Section 159 of this act provides • • • "An or article contained in the specifications or sched- assessment shall become a lien upon the real First District-54-60 Lafayette st. Additional ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per along said parallel line and its northwesterly Part is held at southwest corner of 6th ave. and prolongation to its intersection with the bulkhead estate affected thereby ten days after its entry pound, ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit in the said record." • • • 10th st. Telephone, 6030 Franklin. of measure, by which the bids will be tested. line of the Harlem River, thence northeasterly The above assessment is payable to the Col- Second District-264-266 Madison st. Tele- The extensions must be made and footed up, as along said bulkhead line to its intersection with lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bu- phone, 4300 Orchard. the bids will be read from the totals and awards the northwesterly prolongation of the middle line Third District-314 W. 54th st. Telephone, of the blocks between West Two Hundred and reau for the Collection of Assessments and At- made to the lowest bidder on each item. rears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water 5450 Columbus. Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a Nineteenth street and West Two Hundred and II, 207 E. 32d Rents, in the Municipal Building, Court Fourth District—Parts I and separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless Twentieth street, thence southeasterly along said House st. Telephone, 4358 Murray Hill. prolongation and middle line and its southeasterly Square, Long Island City, Borough of this provision is complied with. Queens, between the hours of Fifth District—Broadway and 96th st. Tele- the prolongation to its intersection with the bulkhead 9 a. tn. Delivery will be required to be made at and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays, from 9 a. m. to phone. 4006 Riverside. time and in the manner and in such quantities line of the Harlem River, thence southerly along Sixth District-155 E. 88th st. said bulkhead line to the point or place of be- 12 m., and all payments made thereon on or be- as may be directed. fore October 20, 1914, will be exempt Seventh District-70 Manhattan st. Blank forms and further information may be ginning. from interest Eight District-121st st, and Sylvan place. as above provided, and after that date will be obtained at the office of the Department of Cor- The above entitled assessment was entered subject to a charge of interest at the rate of Telephone, 3950 Harlem. rection, the Borough of Manhattan, Municipal on the date hereinhefore given in the Record of 59th st. seven per centum per annum from the date when Ninth District—Madison ave. and Building. New York City. Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Parts I and II. Telephone, 3873 Plaza. Collection of Assessments and Arrears such assessment became a lien to the date of KATIIARINE BEMENT DAVIS, Commis. of Taxes payment. Borough of The Bronx, and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless sioner. WM. A. PRENDERGAST, First District—Town Hall, 1400 Williamsbridge a24,s3 the amount assessed for benefit on any person Comptroller. Aug. 22, 1914. City of New York, Department of Finance, road, Westchester. Trial of causes, Tuesday and General Instructions to Bidders on or property shall be paid within sixty days Friday of each week. Telephone, 4S7 West- tarBee Comptroller's Office, August 21, 1914. a25,s4 last page, last column, of the "City Record." after the date of said entry of the assessment, chester. interest will be collected thereon, as provided Second District—Washington ave. and 162d in section 1006 of the Greater New York NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPENING st. Telephone, 3043 Melrose. BOARD MEETINGS. Charter. STREETS AND PARKS. Borough of Brooklyn. Said section provides, in part, "If any such First District—State and Court sts. Parts I Board of Aldermen. assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of and II. Telephone, 7091 Main. IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THE The Board of Aldermen meets in the Alder- sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of Second District-495 Gates ave. Telephone. manic Chamber, City Hall, every Tuesday, at said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be The City of. New York hereby gives public notice 504 Redford. the duty of the officer authorized to collect and of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and Third District-6 Lee 1.30 o'clock P. m. ave. Telephone, 955 P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk and Clerk to the ieceive the amount of such assessment, to charge, Williamsburg. the entering in the Bureau for the Collection of Board of Aldermen. collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of Assessments and Arrears of the assessment for Fourth District-14 Howard ave. seven per centum per annum, to be calculated OPENING AND ACQUIRING TITLE to the Fifth District-5220 Third ave. Telephone, Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 3907 Sunset. to the date of payment, from the date when following named road in the BOROUGH OF The Board of Estimate and Apportionment Sixth District-236 Duffield st. Telephone, such assessment became a lien, as provided by RICHMOND: Old Council Chamber (Room 16), section 159 of this act." 6166 Main. meets in the FIFTH WARD. every Friday, at 10.30 o'clock a. m. Section 159 of this act provides • • • "An AMBOY ROAD—OPENING FROM FOS- Seventh District-31 City Hall, Pennsylvania ave. 8.45 JOSEPH HA AG, Secretary. assessment shall become a lien upon the real TERS ROAD TO HUGUENOT AVENUE. a. rn. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 904 East New York. estate affected thereby ten days after its entry Cont:rmed July 17th, 1914. Entered August Commissioners of Sinking Fund. in the said record." • • 21st, 1914. Area of assessment includes all Borough of Queens. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet First District-115 5th St., Long The The above assessment is payable to the Col- those lands, tenements and hereditaments and Island City. in the Meeting Room (Room 16), City Hall, on lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau premises situate and being in the Borough of Telephone, 1420 Hunters Point. m., at call of the Mayor. Second Wednesday, at It a. for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears Richmond, in The City of New York, which, District—Broadway and Court at., JOHN KORB, JR., Secretary. Elmhurst. Telephone, 87 Newtown. of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, taken together, are bounded and described as Municipal Building, north side, 3d floor, follows, viz.: Third District-1908 Myrtle ave,, Glendale. Board of Revision of Assessments. Telephone, 2352 Bushwick. Borough of Manhattan, between the hours Beginning at a point on the centre line of The Board of Revision of Assessments meets of 9 a. m. and 2 p. in., and on Satur- Amboy road distant 2,323 feet southwesterly from Fourth District—Town Hall, Jamaica. Tele- in the Meeting Room (Room 16), City Hall, phone, 1654 Jamaica. days from 9 a. m. to 12 m,, and all pay- the intersection of the centre line of Amboy Borough of Richmond. every Thursday, at 10.30 a. m., upon notice of the merits made thereon on or before October 20, road with the centre line of the right of way of Chief Clerk. JOHN KORB, JR., Chief Clerk. 1914, will he exempt from interest, as above the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Com- First District—Lafayette ave. and 2d at., New provided, and after that date will be subject to pany, the said distance being measured along Brighton. Clerk's office open from 8.45 a. m. to Board of City Record. 4 p. m. Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville. a charge of interest at the rate of seven per the cemre line of Amboy road and running The Board of City Record meets in the City centum per annum from the date when above as- thence northwardly along a line always parallel Second District—Former Edgewater Village Hall at call of the Mayor. Hall, Stapleton. Clerk's sessment became a lien to the date of payment. with Fosters road to the intersection with a office open from 8.45 DAVID FERGUSON, Supervisor, Secretary, a. m. to 4 p. tn. Telephone. 313 Tompkinsville. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. line always distant 1,000 feet northwesterly from and parallel with the northwesterly line of Am- COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. City of New York, Department of Finance, Court opens at 10 a. m. Comptroller's Office, August 21, 1914. a25,s4 boy road, the said distance being measured at DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND right angles to Amboy road; thence northeast- Part I, Criminal Court Building, Manhattan. Telephone, 3983 Franklin, FERRIES. wardly along the said line parallel with Amboy NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPENING road to the intersection with a line at right Part II, 171 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn. Tele- Proposals. phone, Main 4280. STREETS AND PARKS. angles to Amboy road and passing through a point on its centre line ditsant 1,100 feet north- Part III, Town Hall, Jamaica. Held on Tues- DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES, PIER day of each week. Telephone, 2620 Jamaica. IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THE easterly from its intersection with the north- "A," FOOT OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER, easterly line of Huguenot avenue, the said dis- Part IV, Borough Hall, St. George. Held on BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF New Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller Wednesday of lie City of New York hereby gives public tance being measured along the centre line of of each week. Telephone, 324 YOR K. Amboy road; thence southeastwardly along the Tompkinsville, SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau for the Collec- said line at right angles to Amboy road to the Part V, 161st st. and 3d ave. Bronx. Held received by the Commissioner of Docks at the tion of Assessments and Arrears of the assess- intersection with a line always distant 1,000 feet on Thursday of each week. Telephone. 9088 above office until 12 o'clock Noon on Melrose. ment for OPENING AND ACQUIRING TITLE southeasterly from and parallel with the south- FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1914, easterly line of Amboy road, the said distance Frank W. Smith. Chief Clerk. to the following named street in the BOROUGH CONTRACT NO. 1436. being measured at right angles to Amboy road; Children's Court. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR OF QUEENS: New York County-66 3d FIRST WARD. thence southwestwardly along the said line par- ave. Telephone, AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FUR- allel with Amboy road to the intersection with a 1832 Stuyvesant. NISHING AND DELIVERING COAL. CRESCENT STREET—OPENING, EXTEND- Dennis A. Lambert, Clerk. ING FROM HUNTER AVENUE to WIN- line always parallel with Seguine avenue and The time for the completion of the work and passing through the point of beginning; thence Bronx County-355 E. 137th st. Court held the full performance of the contract is on or THROP AVENUE. Confirmed June 17th, 1914. on Wednesday and Friday Entered August 21st, 1914. Area of assessment northwestwardly along said line parallel with of each week. Tele- before the expiration of 30 calendar slays. Seguine avenue to the point or place of begin- phone, 9092 Melrose. The amount of security required for the Per- includes all those lands, tenements and heredita- Michael Murray, Clerk. ments and premises situate. lying and being in ning. formance of the contract shall be thirty (30) (The lines of streets herein referred to which Kings County-102 Court st. Telephone, 627 per cent. of the total amount for which the the Borough of Queens, in The City of New Main. York. which, taken together, are bounded and are not incorporated upon the City map are in- contract is awarded. tended to be those as in use and as commonly Joseph W. Duffy, Clerk. The security deposit to accompany bid shall described as follows, viz.: Queens County-19 Beginning at a point formed by the intersec- recognized.) Flushing ave., Jamaica. be in an amount not less than one and one-half The above entitled assessment was entered on Court held on Mondaandy tion of the southwesterly prolongation of a line l Thursday of each (PA) per cent. of the total amount of the bid. the day hereinbefore given in the Record of week.Telephone, 2624 amaica. Awards, if made, will be made by item, and parallel to and 100 feet northwesterly from the Sydney 011endorf, Jerk. northwesterly line of Radde street with a line Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the any award made in any item will be to the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes Richmond County—Corn Exchange Bank lowest bidder in the item. Parallel to and 100 feet southeasterly from the Building, St. George. Court held on Tuesday of southeasterly line of Hunter avenue; running and Assessments and of Water Rents. and unless Delivery will be required to be made at the the amount assessed for benefit on any person or each week. Telephone, 324 Tompkinsville. time and in the manner and in such quantities thence southwesterly along said last mentioned William J. Browne. Clerk . Parallel line and its prolongation to its inter- Property shall be paid within sixty days after as may be directed. the date of said entry of the assessment, interest SUPREME COURT—APPELLATE DIVISION. Blank forms and further information may be section with a line parallel to and 100 feet First Judicial Department. southerly from the southerly line of Nott ave- will be collected thereon, as provided by section obtained at the office of the said Department. 1006 of the Greater New York Charter. Madison ave., corner 25th st. Court open RICHARD C. HARRISON, 1st Deputy and nue: thence westerly along said last mentioned from 2 p. m. until 6 p. m. Friday, Motion Day, Parallel line to its intersection with the south- Said section provides, in part, "If any such Acting Commissioner of Docks, assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of Court opens at 10.30 a. in. Motions called at Dated August 21st, 1914. a24,s4 westerly prolongation of the middle line of 10 a. m. Orders called at 10.30 a. m. Tele- William street; thence northeasterly along said sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the VirSee General Instructions to Bidders on said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be phone, 3340 Madison Square. last page, last column, of the "City Record," prolongation to its intersection with a line par- Alfred Wagstaff. Clerk. allel to and 100 feet southerly from the south- the duty of the officer authorized to collect and Second Judicial Department. erly line of Thirteenth street; thence westerly receive the amount of such assessment, to charge. Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Court meets from DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. along said parallel line to its intersection with collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of 2 p. m. to 5 p. rn., excepting that on Fridays the southwesterly prolongation of a line parallel seven per centum per annum, to be calculated Court opens at 10 o'clock a. m. Clerk's office Sureties on Contracts. to and 100 feet southeasterly from the south- to the date of payment, from the date when opens 9 a. m. Telephone, 1392 Main. easterly line of Ely avenue; thence northeast- such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act." John B. Berne, Clerk. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM- erly along said last mentioned prolongation and Section 139 of this act provides • • • "An SUPREME COURT—APPELLATE TERM. panies will be accepted as sufficient upon the narallel line and its prolongation across Astoria 503 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Court meets 10 a. m. following contracts to the amounts named: Park and along a line parallel to and 100 feet assessment shall become a lien upon the real Clerk's office opens 9 a. m. Telephone, 7452 Supplies of Any Description, Including Gas and southeasterly from the southeasterly line of Hal- estate affected thereby ten days after its entry Main. Electricity, lett street to its intersection with a line parallel in the said record." • * • The above assessment is payable to the Col- Joseph H. DeBragga. Clerk. One company on a bond up to $50,000. to and 100 feet northeasterly from the north- Arrears at the Bu- SUPREME COURT—CRIMINAL DIVISION. When such company is authorized to write that easterly line of Riker avenue; thence southeast- lector of Assessments and Criminal Court Building. Court opens at 10.30 of Comptroller to the surety erly along said last mentioned narallel line to reau for the Collection of Assessments and Ar- amount as per letter of Water a. m. Clerk's office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,; companies, dated January 1, 1914. its intersection with a line parallel to and 100 rears of Taxes and Assessments and Saturday, to 12 m. Telephone, 6064 Franklin. Construction. feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line Rents, Borough Hall, St. George, Borough William Schneider, Clerk. One company on a bond up to $25,000. of C, odrich street; thence southwesterly along of Richmond, between the hours of 9 SUPREME COURT—FIRST DEPARTMENT . Including regulating, grading, paving. sewers, said last mentioned parallel line to its intersec- a. tn. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays County Court House. Court open from 10.15 maintenance, dredging, construction of parks, tion with a line parallel to and 100 feet north- from g a. m. to 12 m., and all payments a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 4580 Cortlandt. Parkways, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aque- erly from the northerly line of Flushing avenue: made thereon on or before October 20, 1914, SUPREME COURT—SECOND DEPARTMENT ducts, repairs, heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc., thence easterly alone said last mentioned parallel will be exempt from interest as above provided. Kings County. etc. line to its intersection with the northeasterly and after that date will be subject to a charge of Joralemon and Fulton sts., Brooklyn. Clerk's When such company is authorized to write that Prolongation of a line parallel to and 100 feet interest at the rate of seven per centum per office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Seven jury trial amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety southeasterly from the southeasterly line of annum from the date when such assessment be- parts. Special Term for trials. Special Term companies, dated January 1, 1914, North Henry street; thence southwesterly along came a lien to the date of payment. for motions. Special Term (ex-parte business). Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Block Pave- said last mentioned nrolongation and parallel line WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Court opens at 10 a. m. Naturalization Bureau, ments. to its intersection with a line parallel to and 100 City of New York. Department of Finance, Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Telephone, 5460 Two companies will be required on any and feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of Comptroller's Office, August 21, 1914. a25,s4 Main, every bond up to amount authorized by letter of Newtown avenue; thence southeasterly along James F. McGee, General Clerk. Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Janu- said last mentioned parallel line to its intersec- NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR OPENING Queens County, ary 1, 1914. tion with the northeasterly prolongation of a line STREETS AND PARKS. County Court House, L I. City. Court opens Tanuary 1. 1914. parallel to and 100 feet southeasterly from the at 10 a. m. Trial and Special Term for motions WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST. Comptroller. southeasterly line of Buchanan place; thence and ex-parte business each month exceptJuly, southwesterly along said last mentioned nrolonga• IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THE August and September, in Part I. Trial 'Term, Confirmation of Amessiaests. tion and parallel line and its prolongation to Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller Part II, January, February, March, April, May its intersection with the middle line of the block of The City of New York hereby gives public and December. Special Term for trials, January, NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR OPENING between Grand avenue and Whitney street: notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court April, June and November. Naturalization, first STREETS AND PARKS. thence northwesterly along said middle line to and the entering in the Bureau for the Collec- Friday in each Term. its intersection with a line parallel to and 100 tion of Assessments and Arrears of the assess- Clerk's office open 9 a. in. to S p. in.; Satur- IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THZ feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line ment for OPENING AND ACQUIRING TITLE day, to 12.30 p. m. Telephone, 3896 Hunters Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of Academy street; thence southwesterly along to the following named avenue in the BOR- Point. of The City of New York hereby gives public said parallel line to its intersection with a line OUGH OF THE BRONX:


TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, ANNEXED TER- where it is intersected by the prolongation of Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be New York, acquired by it for bridge purposes, RITORY. a line distant 100 feet westerly from and parallel obtained upon application) will be received by in the PLEASANT AVENUE (now OLIN AVE- with the westerly line of Virginia avenue, the the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of Borough of Brooklyn. NUE) —OPENING, from Gun Hi4 Road to East said distance being measured at right angles to City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, BEING the one-story frame building at the Two Hundred and Nineteenth Street. Con- Virginia avenue and running thence northerly Borough of Manhattan, until 11.00 a. m. on the foot of Adams Street, in the Borough of Brook- firmed June 23, 1913, and July 25, 1914; entered along the said line parallel with Virginia ave- 3rd day of Sept., 1914, and then publicly opened lyn, which is more particularly described on a August 19, 1914. Area of assessment includes nue and along the prolongations of the said line for the sale for removal of the above-described certain map on file in the office of the Collector all of those lands, tenements and hereditaments to the intersection with a line distant 100 feet buildings and appurtenances thereto, and the of City Revenue, Department of Finance, Room and premises situate and being in the Borough of northerly from and parallel with the northerly award will be made to the highest bidder within 368, Municipal Building, Borough Manhattan. The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, line of Westchester avenue as this street is twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible there- PURSUANT to a resolution cr. the Commis• taken, together, are bounded and described as laid out between White Plains road and East after. sioners of the Sinking Fund adopted at a meet- follows, viz.: One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, the Each parcel must be bid for separately and ing held July 29, 1914, the sale by sealed bids Bounded on the northwest by a line 97.5 feet said distance being measured at right angles to will be sold in its entirety, as described in above of the above buildings and appurtenances thereto northwesterly from and parallel with the north- Westchester avenue; thence eastwardly along the advertisement. will be held by direction of the Comptroller on westerly line of Olin avenue, the said distance said line parallel with Westchester avenue and Each and every bid must be accompanied by MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1914, being measured at right angles to the line of Olin along the prolongation of the said line to the a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum at II A. M., in lots and parcels, and in manner avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line; intersection with a line midway between Gray equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid and form as follows: on the northeast by a line distant 100 feet north- street and Storrow street as these streets are except that a minimum deposit of $50 will la PARCEL NO. 1. One-story frame building easterly from the northeasterly line of East Two laid out adjoining the public place at West- required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 under the Manhattan Bridge at the foot of Hundred and Nineteenth street, the said distance chester avenue; thence southwardly along the will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on Adams Street, formerly used by the Bridge De- being measured at right angles to the line of said line midway between Gray street and Stor- any or all of the buildings. partment. East Two Hundred and Nineteenth street; on the row street and along the prolongation of the Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be southeast by a line distant 95 feet southeasterly said line to the intersection with a line bisect- turned within twenty-four hours after successful obtained upon application) will be received by from and parallel with the southeasterly line of ing the angle formed by the intersection of the bidders have paid purchase price in full and the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of Olin avenue, the said distance being measured at prolongations of the easterly line of Virginia given security, and those of successful bidders City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, right angles to the line of Olin avenue, and by avenue and the southwesterly line of East One may be declared forfeited to The City of New Borough 'of Manhattan, until 11.00 a. m. on the the prolongation of the said line; and on the Hundred and Seventy-seventh street, as these York by the Comptroller upon the failure of :he 31st day of August, 1914, and then publicly southwest by a line distant 100 feet southwesterly streets are laid out where they adjoin the public successful bidder to further comply with the re- opened for the sale for removal of the above- from and parallel with the southwesterly line of place at Westchester avenue; thence southeast- quirements of the terms and conditions of the described buildings and appurtenances thereto, Gun Hill road, the said distance being measured wardly along the said bisecting line to the inter- sale as set forth hereinafter, and the award will be made to the highest bidder at right angles to the line of Gun Hill road. section with a line bisecting the angle formed Successful bidders will be required to pay the within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible The above entitled assessment was en- by the intersection of the prolongations of the purchase money and deposit the required security thereafter, tered on the date hereinbefore given in the easterly line of Virginia avenue and the west- within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notifi- Each parcel must be bid for separately and Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the erly line of Pugsley avenue as these streets are cation of the acceptance of their bids. will be sold in its entirety, as described in above Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and laid out between Watson avenue and Haviland The Comptroller reserves the right to reject advertisement. Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water avenue; thence southwardly along the said bi- any and all bids and to waive any defects or Each and every bid must be accompanied by a Rents. Unless the amount assessed for benefit secting line to the intersection with a line mid- informalities in any bid should it be deemed in deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal on any person or property shall be paid within way between Ludlow avenue and Houghton ave- the interest of The City of New York to do so. to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except sixty days after the date of said entry of the nue; thence westwardly along the said line mid- All bids must state clearly (1) the number or that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required assessment, interest will be collected thereon, way between Ludlow avenue and Houghton ave- description of the building or buildings bid for, with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be as provided by section 1006 of the Greater New nue to the point or place of beginning. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all York Charter. BRONX RIVER AVENUE—OPENING, from and address of the bidder. of the buildings. Said section provides, in part, If any such Walker Avenue and Rosedale Avenue to East All bids must he inclosed in properly sealed Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Street. Con- envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Sep- turned within twenty-four hours after successful sixty days after the date of entry thereof hi the firmed July 23, 1914; entered August 18, 1914. tember 3 1914," and must be delivered or mailed bidders have paid purchase price in full and given said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be Area of assessment includes all those lands, in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a, in. of security, and those of successful bidders may be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and tenements and hereditaments and premises situ- that date to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room declared forfeited to The City of New York by 368, Municipal Building, New York City," from receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, ate and being in the Borough of The Bronx, in the Comptroller upon the failure of the success- collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of The City of New York, which, taken together, whom any further particulars regarding the ful bidder to further comply with the require. buildings to be disposed of may he obtained. seven per centum per annum, to be calculated are bounded and described as f ollows, viz.: ments of the terms and conditions of the sale as THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR to the date of payment, from the date when Beginning at a point on the southeasterly right- set forth hereinafter. such assessment became a lien, as provided by IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT Successful bidders will he required to pay the of-way line of the New York, New Haven and TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS section 159 of this act." Hartford Railroad where it is intersected by the purchase money and deposit the required security Section 159 of this act provides • • • "An PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notifi- prolongation of a line midway between St. Law- ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." assessment shall become a lien upon the real rence avenue and Commonwealth avenue, and cation of the acceptance of their bids. thereby ten days after its entry WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. The Comptroller reserves the right to reject estate affected running thence southwardly along the said line City of New York. Department of Finance, in the said record." • • • any and all bids and to waive any defects or in- midway between St. Lawrence avenue and Com- Comptroller's Office, July 29, 1914. a18,s3 The above assessment is payable to the Col- monwealth avenue, and along the prolongation of formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau interest of The City of New York to do so. the said line to the intersection with a line mid- CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND for the Collection of Assessments ana Arrears way between Mansion street and Merrill street; All bids must state clearly (1) the number or APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY description of the building or buildings bid for, of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, thence westwardly along the said line midway in the Bergen Building, fourth floor, southeast REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name between Mansion street and Merrill street to the and address of the bidder. corner of Arthur and Tremont ayes., Borough intersection with a line midway between Com- AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed of —he Bronx, between the hours of 9 a. m. and monwealth avenue and Rosedale avenue; thence of the Borough of The Bronx., public notice is 2 ,. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 between envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened southwardly along the said line midway hereby given that the Commissioners of the August 31, 1914," and must be delivered, or m., and all payments made thereon on or before Commonwealth avenue and Rosedale avenue to Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in October 19, 1914, will be exempt from interest mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 the intersection with the prolongation of a line offer for sale by sealed bids a. m, of that as above provided, and after that date will be them by law, will date to the "Collector of City distant 1,000 feet southerly from and parallel certain encroachments standing upon property Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New subject to a charge of interest at the rate of with the southerly line of Bronx River avenue, seven per centum per annum from the date owned by The City of New York, acquired by it York City," from whom any further particulars as this street is laid out between Noble avenue for street opening purposes in the when above assessment became a lien to the regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be and Croes avenue, the distance being measured Borough of The Bronx. obtained. date of payment. at right angles to Bronx River avenue; thence BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR westwardly along the said line parallel with standing within the lines of Olmstead Avenue, IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT City of New York, Department of Finance, Bronx River avenue and along the prolongations Comptroller's Office, August 19, 1914. a22,s2 from Westchester Avenue to Unionport Road, TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the said line to the intersection with a line in the Borough of The Bronx, which are more PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with particularly described on a certain map on file ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. the southerly line of Beacon avenue, the said in the office of the Collector of City Revenue, WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. distance being measured at right angles to Bea- Department of Finance, Room 368, Municipal City of New York, Department of Finance, IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE con avenue; thence westwardly along the said Building, Borough of Manhattan. Comptroller's Office, July 30, 1914. a14,31 Greater New York Charter the Comptroller of line parallel with Beacon avenue to the intersec- PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis The City of New York hereby gives public notice tion with the southeasterly line of Bronx River sioners of the Sinking Fund adopted at a meet- CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND to all persons, owners of property, affected by avenue; thence northwestwardly, at right angles ing held July 29, 1914, the sale by sealed bids APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY the following assessments for LOCAL IM- to Bronx River avenue to the intersection with at the upset or minimum prices named in the REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF the southeasterly right-of-way line of the New description of each parcel of the above described QUEENS. York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad; thence buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT FIRST WARD. northeasterly along the said right-of-way line by direction of the Comptroller on of the Borough of Queens, public notice is MARION STREET—REGULATING, GRAD- to the point or place of beginning. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. hereby given that the Commissioners of the ING, CURBING, LAYING SIDEWALKS and The above entitled assessments were en- at 11 A, M., in lots and parcels, and in manner Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested CROSSWALKS from Payntar Avenue to Wash- tered on the date hereinbefore given in the and form, and at upset prices as follows: in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed ington Avenue. Area of assessment: Both sides Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the PARCEL NO. 11. Two and one-half story bids certain encroachments standing upon prop- of Marion Street from Payntar Avenue to Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and frame house No. 1421 Unionport Road. Part erty owned by The City of New York, acquired Washington Avenue and to the extent of half Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water of one and one-half story frame barn. Cut 14 by it for street opening purposes in the the block at the intersecting and terminating Rents. Unless the amount assessed for benefit feet on east side by 5.5 feet on south side. Borough of Queens, Weds. on any person or property shall be paid within Upset price, $100.00. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc. FIFTH WARD. sixty days after the date of said entry of the PARCEL NO. 12. Two and one-half story standing within the lines of Newtown Road from BAY VIEW AVENUE—SIDEWALKS, north assessments, interest will be collected thereon, frame barn 1419 Unionport Road. Also green- 13th Avenue to Jackson Avenue, in the Bor- side, between Forrest Avenue and the Strand. as provided by section 1019 of the Greater New house and shed in rear of house. Upset price, ough of Queens, which are more particularly Area of assessment: North side of Bay View York Charter. $25.00. described on a certain map on file in the office Avenue between Forrest Avenue and the Strand. Said section provides, in part, "If any such Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be of the Collector of City Revenue, Department of —that the same were confirmed by the Board of assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of obtained upon application) will be received by Finance, Room .368, Municipal Building, Bor- Assessors on August 18, 1914, and entered August sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of ough of Manhattan. 19, 1914, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, said Record of Titles of Assessments, it shall be City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis- kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assess- the duty of the officer authorized to collect and Borough of Manhattan, until 11.00 a. m. on the sioners of the Sinking Fund adopted at a meet- ments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, 1st day of Sept., 1914, and then publicly ing held July 29, 1914, the sale by sealed bids and of Water Rents, and unless the amount as- collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of opened for the sale for removal of the above- at the upset or minimum prices named in the sessed for benefit on any person or property seven per centum per annum, to be calculated described buildings and appurtenances thereto, description of each parcel of the above described shall he paid within sixty days after the date to the date of payment, from the date when and the award will be made to the highest bidder buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held of said entry of the assessments, interest will be such assessment became a lien, as provided by within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible by direction of the Comptroller on collected thereon, as provided by section 1019 of section 159 of this act." thereafter, FRIDAY, AUGUsT 28, 1914, the Greater New York Charter. Section 159 of this act provides • • " "An Each parcel must be bid for separately and at II A. M., in lots and parcels, and in manner Said sectionprovides, in part, "If any such assessment shall become a lien upon the real will be sold in its entirety, as described in above and form, and at upset prices as follows: assessment shall remain unpaid for the period estate affected thereby ten days after its entry advertisement. PARCEL NO. I. Part of one-story frame of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in in the said record.', • • • Each and every bid must be accompanied by a church and dwelling No. 128 Newtown Road, the said Record of Titles of Assessments, it The above assessments are payable to the Col- deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal Cut 3.94 feet on north side of church by 9.26 shall be the duty of the Aker authorized to lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except feet on south side of house. Upset price, $5.00. collect and receive the amount of such assess- for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required PARCEL NO. 5. Part of porch of two-story ment, to charge, collect and receive interesti of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, with all bids, and that a deposit. of $500 will be frame building on east side of Newtown Road thereon at the rate of seven per centum per in the Bergen Building, Arthur and Tremont sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all 30 feet south of 14th Avenue. Upset price, annum, to be calculated to the date of pay- ayes., Borough of The Bronx, between the hours of the buildings. $3.00. ment, from the date when such assessment be- of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- PARCEL NO. 17. Part of two-story frame came a lien, as provided by section 159 of this a. m. to 12 m., and all payments made thereon on turned within twenty-four hours after successful building No. 156 Newtown Road. Cut 4.1 feet act." or before October 17, 1914, will be exempt from bidders have paid purchase price in full and given on north side by 4.73 feet on south side. Upset Section 159 of this act provides * * * "An interest as above provided, and after that date security, and those of successful bidders may be price, $5.00. assessment shall become a lien upon the real will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate declared forfeited to The City of New York by PARCEL NO. 22. Part of two-story frame estate affected thereby ten days after its entry of seven per centum per annum from the date the Comptroller upon the failure of the success- house No. 161 Newtown Road. Cut 3.28 feet in the said record." • • • when above assessments became liens to the date ful bidder to further comply ,with the require- on north side of bay window by 3.16 feet on The above assessments are payable to the Col- of payment. ments of the terms and conditunis of the sale as south side of bay window. Upset price, $10.00. lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller, set forth hereinafter. PARCEL NO. 23. Part of two-story frame for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears City of New York, Department of Finance, Successful bidders will be required to pay the building No. 163 Newtown Road. Cut 4.21 feet of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, Comptroller's Office, August 18, 1914. a22,s2 purchase money and deposit the required security on north side by 3.75 feet on south side. Upset in the Municipal Building, Court House Square, within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notifi- price, $10.00. Long Island City, Borough of Queens, between cation of the acceptance of their bids. PARCEL NO. 31. Part of one-story frame the hours of 9 a. in. and 2 p. m., and on Satur- Corporation Sales of BMWS. The Comptroller reserves the right to reject building No. 166 Newtown Road. Cut 5.28 feet days from 9 a. in. to 12 en., and all payments on north side by 5.67 feet on south side. Upset CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND any and all bids and to waive any defects or in- made thereon on or before October 19, 1914, will formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the price, $5.00. be exempt from interest, as above provided, and APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY PARCEL NO. 32. Part of one story frame REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. interest of The City of New York to do so. after that date will be subject to a charge of in- All bids must state clearly (1) the number or building No. 168 Newtown Road. Cut 2.14 feet on north side by 2.47 feet on south side. Upset terest at the rate of seven per centum per an- AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT description of the building or buildings bid for, num from the date when such assessments be- (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name price, $5.00. of the Borough of The Bronx, public notice PARCEL NO. 38-39. Part of one frame came liens to the date of payment. is hereby given that the Commissioners of the and address of the bidder, WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed front of building No. 183 Newtown Road. Cut Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in side by 4.70 feet on south City of New York, Department of Finance, them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened 1.31 feet on north Comptroller's Office, August 19, 1914. a22,s2 certain encroachments standing upon property September 1, 1914," and must be delivered, or side. Upset price, $10.00. owned by The City of New York, acquired by mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 PARCEL NO. 45. Part of two-story frame NOTICE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR OPENING a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City building No. 199 Newtown Road. Cut 7.08 feet it for street purposes. in the on north side by 8.06 feet on south side. Upset STREETS AND PARKS. Borough of The Bronx. Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., York City," from whom any further particulars price, $10.00, IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1005 OF THE standing within the lines of Allerton Avenue, regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be PARCEL NO. 47. Part of two-story frame Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller from Bronx Park East to White Plains Road, obtained. building No. 184 Newtown Road. Cut 7.68 feet on north side by 4.95 feet on south side. Upset of The City of New York hereby gives public in the Borough of The Bronx, which are more THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court ma p on file IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT price, $5.00. particularly described on a certain Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be and the entering in the Bureau for the Collec- in the office of the Collector of City Revenue, TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS tion of Assessments and Arrears of the assess- Department of Finance, Room 368, Municipal PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of ment for OPENING AND ACQUIRING TITLE Building, Borough of Manhattan. ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." to the following named avenue in the BOR- PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis- WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, City of New York, Department of Finance, Borough of Manhattan, until 11.00 a. m. on the OUGH OF THE BRONX: sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet- TWENTY-FOURTH WARD, SECTION 14. ing held July 29, 1914, the sale by sealed bids Comptroller's Office, July 30, 1914. a15,s1 28th day of August, 1914, and then publicly at the upset or minimum prices named in the owned for the sale for removal of the above- VIRGINIA AVENUE—OPENING, from the described buildings and appurtenances thereto, Public Place at Westchester Avenue to Ludlow description of each parcel of the above buildings CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND Avenue. Confirmed July 9th, 1914; entered and appurtenances thereto will be held by di- APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible August 18, 1914, Area of assessment includes rection of the Comptroller on REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S. 1914, thereafter. all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and Each parcel must be bid for separately and premises situate and being in the Borough of at 11 A, M., in lots and parcels, and in manner AT THE REQUEST OF THE COMMIS- and form, and at upset prices as follows: sioner of Bridges, public notice is hereby given will be sold in its entirety, as described in above The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, advertisement. taken together, are bounded and described as PARCEL NO. 5. Part of two-story frame that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by house at Allerton Avenue and Bronx Park East. virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will Each and every bid must be accompanied by a follows, viz.: deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal Beginning at a point on a line midway be- Cut house 38.8 feet on front by 40.4 feet on offer for sale by sealed bids certain buildings City of to, 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except tween Ludlow avenue and Houghton avenue rear. Upset price, $250.00. standing upon property owned by The 7‘250 • THE • CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914.

that a minimum deposit of $50 will be reigired FAKE', NO. 54. Put of two-story said base- Lwow Buildiag, M and Centre The bids will be compared and the contract with all bids, and t*e deposit of $500 will be ent frame house on the northwesterly stdc of Simms, fet the Bon* of awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. wif,scent to amide bidders to bid on say et all meroy Street, near the southwesterly side of coupons that see payable1s New York. CABOT WARD, President; RAYMOND V. the bonding., tooicott Avenue. Cut 13.09 feet on north side London or Peri* for the boterest due Sap ember INGERSOLL THOMAS W. WHITTLE, JOHN Deposits of unsocceseful bidders will be re- tr bee On south aids. Upset price, g10 11914, on. Corpoeste Stock of The City of New WEIER, Commissioners of Parks. a22,s3 tweed within twenty-four Lours, after successful Sailed bids (blank terms of wince nay .woe loork wet he paid ea that day, at the option Wilco General Instrnetiens to Bidders en bidders. have Dud Purchase price nbtfillerrsild Oen obtained upon application) will be by of the holders thereof, at the slice rf the Inge page, lad adman. of the "City Record.° security and those of successfni • may he the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of True Noe 146 Bread y, New deeltred% forfeited to The Qty of New ork by City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, rerrnati, or at the ft of Mean. OFFICE' OF rag DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, the omotroller Woo the fakire of the income- Borough of Manhattan, -until 11.00 a. m. on the Bros, t Austin Friers. Guides, E. C., MUNICIPAL BUILDING. Boeotian or MANHATTAN, fel bidder to further comply with the requiter 26th du of August, 1914, and then publicly lead. i CITY OF NEW YORK. mate *I the Moos and conditMns of the sale of for tit sale for removal of the above- The coupons that are payable on September SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE sot forth hereinafter- reified bur r.•. • and appurtenances thereto. 1, 1944, for interest on ends of termer cor- received by the Park Bohm] at the above office Successful bidders will be requited to pay the =and the award . 1 be made to the highest bidder perations mew isteluded in The City of New of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock p. m., Richt" money and deposit the required securiy within twenty-four hours, or as won' as possible York 'will be paid on dun day it the office of on within twenty-four hours of the receipt of nod& thereafter. the said Guaranty Trust Centrum THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 3, 1914, ca4on of the acceptance of their bids. Each parcel must be hid for parately and The books for the Wander of bonds and Borough of The Bronx. The Comptroller reserves the right to reject will be sold in its entirety, as described in above stock on which interest is payable on September FOR FURN/SHING AND DELIVERING 11111, and l bids and to waive any defects or in- advertisement. I, 1914, will be closed from Avg,* 15 to Sep- PEA COAL (NO. 2, 1914)-BOTANICAL formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the Each and every bid must be accompanied by tember I, 1934, GARDEN-FOR PARKS, BOROUGH OF interest of The City of New York to do so. a deposit of cask or certified check in s sus Wig. A. PRENDERGAST, Comp*aller. THE BRONX. AU bids must state clearly (1) the number or equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid. City of New York, Department of Flame, The time allowed for the completion of the except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be description of the building or buildings bid for, Comptroller's Office. July M, 104. iy10,11 contract is One hundred and twenty (120) cal- (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the fail name required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 endar days. and address of the bidder. will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on Wes et Tax liens. The amount of security required is thirty (30) ■■■ ■■ ■■ All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed any or all of the buildings. ••• • ••• per cent. of the total amount for which the con- envelopes, marked "Proposal; to be opened Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF THE tract is awarded. August 28, 1914," and must be delivered, or turned within twenty-four hours after successful BRONX TAX SALE. The bids will be compared and the contract mailed iu time for their delivery, prior to 11 bidders have paid purchase price in full and ■■■•••■••••• awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City given security, and those of successful bidders THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID Blank forms and other information may be Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New may be declared forfeited to The City of New taxes, assessments and water rents for the Bor- obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, York City," from whom any further particulars York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the ough of The Bronx, as to liens remaining unsold Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, Borough of regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be successful bidder te further comply with the re- at the termination of the sale of September 15, The Bronx. obtained. quirements of the terms and conditions of the 1913, and subsequent continuations. ha been CABOT WARD, President; THOS. W. THE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR sale as set forth hereinafter. continued to WHITTLE, RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, Successful bidders will be required to pay the- IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1914, JOHN E. WEIER, Park Commissioners. TO THE TEEMS AND CONDITIONS purchase money and deposit the required securittyy at 2 o'clock p. in, pursuant to section 1028 of PRINTED ON THE LAST PAGE OF THIS within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notifi- the Greater New York Charter, and will be con- a22,s3 cation of the acceptance of their bids. &Flee General Instruetions to Bidders on ISSUE OF THE "CITY RECORD." tinued at that time on the fourth floor of the last page, last column. of the "City Record." WM. A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. The Comptroller reserves the right to reject Bergen Building, corner of Arthur and Tremont City of New York Department of Finance, any and all bids and to waive any defects or Avenues, Borough of The Bronx, City of New informalities in any bid should it be deemed in OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OP Pans, Comptroller's Office, JulyJ 30, 1914. 412,28 York. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, the interest of The Cite of New York to do so. Dated, August 10, 1914. CITY OF NEW YORK. All bids mast Mate clearly (1) the number or CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND DANIEL MOYNAHAN, Collector of Asses- SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY description of the building or buildings bid for, meats and Arrears. a13.114 (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full same received by the Park Board at the above office REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock p. m., and address of the bidder. NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF MANHAT- All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed on AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT TAN TAX SALE. envelopekmarked "Proposals to be opened August THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914, of the Borough of Queens, public notice is Borough of The Bronx. hereby given that the Commissioners of the 26, 1914," and must be delivered, or mailed in THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID delivery, prior to 11 a. in. of th;t FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING Sinking Fund by virtue of the powers vested time for thew taxes, assessments and water rests for the Bor- FORAGE (NO. 2, 1914) FOR PARKS, BOR- date to the "Collector of City Revenue„ Room ough of Manhattan, as to liens remaining unsold in them by law, will over for sale by sealed ei from OUGH OF THE BRONX. bids certain encroachments standing upon prop- 368, Municipal Building, New York Cl at the termination of the sale of September 4, The time allowed for the completion of the whom any further titulars. rep the October 9, November 13, December 18,1913, erty owned by The City of New York, acquired of may be contract is One hundred and twenty (120) cal- by it for street opening purposes in the buildings to be obtain *lag Februari 26, April 2, 1914, Hay 7, endar days. Oil WILL DI SOLD FOB Borough of Queens. THE sump 191 June 11 andJuly 16, 1914, his been con- IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT The amount of security required is thirty (30) BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc., tinued to per cent, of the total amount for which the con- TO TILE TERMS AND COMMIES= THURSDAY, OPTIMUM 8. 1914, standing within the lines of Hallett Street, from OF THIS tract is awarded. Flushing Avenue to Winthrop Avenue, in the PRINTED ON THE LAST nos at 2 o'clock p. m. pusuant to section 1028 of W OF TIM "CITY RECORD." The bids will be compared and the contract Borough of Queens, which are more partial:July the Greater New fork Charter, end will he cos- awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. of New York, Department of Finance, tinned at that time m the Alderassie Chamber, described on a certain pap on file in the office WM. A. PRENDERGAST. Comptroller. Blank forms and other information may be of the Collector of City Revenue, Department Cityrk. Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New Comptroller's Office, July 29, 1914. 410,24 obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, of Finance, Room 368, Municipal Building, Yo Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, Borough of Borough of Manhattan. Dated Judy 16, 1914. The Bronx. PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis- CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS AND DANIEL ?&OYNAHAN, Collector of Assess- CABOT WARD, President; THOS. W. sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted it a APPURTENANCES THERETO ON CITY ments and Arrears. iy22.s3 WHITTLE, RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, meeting held July 29, 1914, the sale by sealed REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS. NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE OF BROOK- JOHN E. iVEIER, Park Commissioners. bids, at the upset or minimum prices named in ww.11.01,1111■ LYN TAX SALE-SECTIONS 1 TO 13, IN- a22,s3 the description of each parcel of the above de- AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT CLUSIVE. SSFSee General Instructions to Bidders on scribed buildings and appurtenances thereto of the Borough of Queens, public notice is tut pogo, last column, of the "City Record." will be held by direction of the Comptroller a hereby even_ that the Commissioners of the THE SALE OF THE LIENS FOR UNPAID THURSDAY, AUGUST t7, 1114, Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested lanes, assessments and water rents for the at 11 A. M. in lots and parcels, and in Mina in them by 1111E, will offer for ale by &wiled Borough of Brooklyn, u to lima remaining un- BOARD OF ELECTIONS. and forin, and at upset prices as follows: bide certain encroachments upon property owned sold at the termination of the sole of October PARCEL NO. 221. Part of two and one-half by The City of New York, acquired by it for 15th. November 5th, December 3rd, 1913, and Pupoials. story frame house on Hallett Street near Wol- street veiling purposes, in the Ninon 7th, February I), March 1111b• fflira °FMCS OF THE BOARD cott Avenue. Cut 13.40 feet on east side by Dumb of Guns. 22nd, May 27th, June 24tI and July 15th, 1914, OF ELECTIONS OF Tae 14,68 feet on west side. Upset price, $10. BEING the buildings, pans of buildings etc., has been continued to CITY OF Nsw YORK, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BOR- Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be standing within the lines of Olmstead Place, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1014. OUGH OF MANHATTAN. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE obtained upon application) will be received by from EdmR Avenue to Indiana Place, in the at 2:39 p. m., pursuant to Salmon 1021 of the the Comptroller at the office of the Collector Borough of Quotas, which are more particularly Goatee New York Charter, and wth be continued received by the Board of Elections of The City of New York, until 12 M., on of City Revenue, Room 368 Municipal Building, described on a certain map on file in the office at that time in R00111 2 in basement of the Bor- Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m. on the of the Collector of City Revenue, Department outh Brooklyn, N. Y. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1914. 27th day of August, 1914, and then publicly of Finance, Room 368, Municipal Building, ated my FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING opened for the sale for removal of the above- Borough of Manhattan. DAN /41PICIAN, Collector of As- OFFICIAL AND SAMPLE BALLOTS FOR PRIMARY ELECTION, SEPTEMBER 28TH, described building and appurtenances thereto, PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis- sessments and Arrears. /7184 and the award will be made to the highest bid- sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a 1914. der within twenty-four hours, or u on as meeting held July 29, 1914, die sale by scaled NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE OF BROOK- The time for the delivery of the ballots and the possible thereafter. bids at the upset or minimum prices named in LYN TAX SALE, performance of the contract is ten (10) calen- Each parcel must be bid for separately and the description of each parcel of the above dar days. will be sold in its entirety, as described in buildings and appurtenance& thereto will be held TEE SALE OF THE LIENS POE UNPAID The amount of security required is thirty (30) above advertisement. by direction of the Comptroller on per cent. of the total amount for which the con- taxes, assessments and water rents for the tract is awarded. Each and every bid must be accompanied by TUESDAY, AUGUST 95, 1914. Barnet of Brooklyn, as to liens remaining as a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum at 11 A. M., in lots and parcelh and in manner sold at the termination of the tale of July 1St? The bids will be compared and the contract equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, and form, and at upset prices, as follows: 1914, has been continued to. awarded "in aggregate for all items." except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be PARCEL N.O. 98. Part of two baker's ovens WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1114. The Board of Elections reserves the right to required with all bids, and that a deposit of on the west side of Olmstead Place near the at 2:30 pursuant to Seedu 1029 of the make any changes or corrections in the copy $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid south side of Myrtle Avenue. Also past of Greater New York Charter, and will be condoned that it may deem advisable, or that shall be on any or all of the building. two-story frame building. Cut 0.46 feet on front tie that time in Room 2 in basement of the Bor. made necessary by the orders of courts of com- Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- by 0.45 feet on rear. Also part of one and ough Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y. petent jurisdiction up to within forty-eight (48) turned within twenty-four hours after successful one-half story barn. 'Cut 0.37 feet on north Dated jmy 15th. 1914. hours of the time for delivery of the ballots. bidders have paid purchase price in full and side by 0.42 feet on south side. Upset price, $5. DANIEL MOYNAHAN, Collector of As- As delivery of all of the ballots on time is given security, and those of successful bidders Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be sessments and Arrears. iy111.89 absolutely essential, all night and Sunday work may be declared forfeited to The City of New obtained upon application) will be received by that shall be necessary to insure such prompt de- York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the Comptroller at the office of the Collector liveries shall be performed, the cost of same to the successful bidder to further comply with of City Revenue, Room 368 Municipal Building, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. he included in theprice bid, as no allowance the requirements of the terms and conditions Borough of Manhattan. until 11 4. in. on the can or will be made for such extra work. of the sale as set forth hereinafter. 26th day of August, 1914, and then publicly Proposals. Pursuant to the designation of the Secre- Successful bidders will be required to pay the opened for the sale for removal of the above- tary of State, the color of the paper to be used purchase money and deposit the required se- described building and appurtenances thereto, OFFICE 01? THE DEPARTMENT 01! PARKS, MUNICI- for ballots for the Democratic Party shall be curity within twenty-four hours of the resin and the award will be made to the highest bid- PAL BUILDING, BOROUGH. OF 1104/1/1ATTAN, CITY light green; for the Republican Party, cherry; of notification of the acceptance of their bids. der within twenty-four hours, or as soon as OF NEW YORE. for the National Progressive Party, light blue; The Comptroller reserves the right to reject possi thereafter. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE for the Socialist Party, buff; for the Prohibition any and all bids and to waive any defects cc Eaclebh parcel must be bid for separately and received by the Park Board at the above office Party, mandarin, and for the Independence informalities in any bid should it be deemed- in will be sold is its entirety, u described in of the Department of Parks until 3 P. M. on League Party, canary. the interest of The City of New York to do so. above advertisement. THURSDAY, SEPTHIISED. 5, 1914, Blank forms and other information may be All bids must state clearly (1) the number Bach and every bid must be accompanied by Borough of obtained at the office of the Board of Elections, or description of the building or building bid a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum FOR FURNISHING ALL, THE LABOR Municipal Building. for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, AND MATERIALS NECESSARY TO CON- J. GABRIEL BRITT, M. McREE, name and address of the bidder. except that a minimum deposit of Sso will be STRUCT AND COMPLETE TIMBER JET- JAMES KANE, JACOB A. LIVINGSTON, All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed required with all bids, and that a deposit of TIES ON THE BEACH AT SEASIDE PARK, Commissioners of Elections. envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened 8500 will be sufficient to entitle bidden, to bid ROCKAWAY, BOROUGH OF QUEENS. THOMAS J. KENNY, Deputy Chief Clerk. August 27, 1914," and must be delivered, or on any or all of the Wilding. The time allowed for the completion of the Dated New York, August 20, 1914. a20,51 mailed in time for their delivery, prior to Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- contract will be Sixty (60) congestive working &glee General Instructions to Bidders on 11 a. in, of that date to the "Collector of City turned mithin twenty-four hours OW successful last page, last column, of the "City Ruud." Revenue, Room 368 Municipal Wading) New bidders hue paid purchases price in full and &ec'he . amount of security remiired is Three thou York City," from whom any farther particulars 'Pun security, and those of successful bidders sand dollars ($3,000). regarding the building to be disposed of may may be declared forfeited to The City of New Certified check or cash in the sum of One FIRE DEPARTMENT. be obtained. York by the Comptroller upon the Warn of limited and Twenty-five Dollars (125) must TIE BUILDINGS WILL BE SOLD FOR the successful btdier to farther comply with acumen, bid. Proposals. IMMEDIATE REMOVAL ONLY, SUBJECT the requirements of the terms end cemitions Blank forms and other information may be TO TILE TEEMS AND OONDITIONS of the sale se, set faith hereinafter. obtained at the office of the Department of HIAINUANTRIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTED ON TEE LAST PAGE 01 MIS Successful hicklere will be mislaid to pay the. Parks, Borough of Queens, "The Overlook," TIM CITY OF New YORK, ELEVENTH FLOOR, ISSUE OP THE "CITY RECORD." pnrchaee money sod deposit the required se- Forest Park, Richmond Hill, Long Island, upon- MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, WM. A. PRENDERGAST, ComPtrollitr. curity within twenty-four hours of the receipt pessenal application or by mail only when. re- 'THE CITY OF NSW YORK. City of New York, Department of Fisasce, of notifiestion of the acceptance of their bids, quest is, accompanied by ten. cents ($0.10), in SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL. BE Comptroller's Office, July 29, 1914. 411,2J The Comprolim• reserves- the right te reject stamps to pay postage. received by the Fire Commissioner at the may and Mr bide art4, to waive any defect. m CABOT WARD, President; THOS. W. above office until 10.30 o'slock A. M., on CORPORATION SALE OF BUILDINGS inkrmalithe in spy bid should it be deemed in WHITTLE, RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. APPURTENANCES THERETO ON Y the interest of The Cite,ok New York to da JOHN E. WEIER, Park Commissioners. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BIDS Ali hide =Mk Hata clearly (t) the number a24,s3 FORAGE (HAY, STRAW, OATS, BRAN, dim description: of, the building!. or building' IV like Gement Lutruetions, to Bidden on ETC.) TO DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS, AS FOLLOWS: AT THE REQUEST OP fore (z) ibe amount of they bid, (3) the, 1 led page, last column, of ths "City Beeord." THE PESSUANT biddeL 1. For Department Buildings south of 110th of the Borough of Queens, public 41111 name and: adds* of the All bidet aunt be itelred properly sealed DEPARTMENT OF POKE, MUNICIPAL BVILIIING Street Borough of Manhattan. hereby given that the Commissioner of * ' 2. ing Fund, by virtue of the powers mod, in them enaelogeh rearbei " peels to be quad BOROUGH OF,Irkr4IN,PTY_ 0)! ?PEW YORK. For Department Buildings. north of 110th by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids gam Augnet an enlist be delivered, or sEALA,D. B MMATES WILL Street, Borough of Manhattan and the Borough *slid to limo fer dnkieecy, prig to received by, the Park Hoard. at the above office of The. Bronx. encroachments standing upon property espied 3: by The City of New 'fork, acquired by it for 11 a. m. of that date to the "Collector, of crty of. the. tfinest 4f tasks% omit 3s o'clock: For Department Buildings in the. Borough lemenue. *gin. 3.4 /dullish* w o. in... an of Brooklyn-District No. 2. street opening purposes in the 4: Borough of Queens, Task City," tialq !bow %tether TXUBSDAX. malk 3., 19141 For Department Buildings in Long Island City, Borough of Queens. BEING the buildings, repots, the bulldogs tit dimmer e may of parts of littildinigireeli: An4 standing_ within the lines of PomeraY be obtained'. F,11Q rtri N mAlitg 5. Per Department Buildings is.. painaica. THE DBILDINHS 0, BOSH pox MATERIALS` Richmond Mill, Flushing and Collage Point, Bor- from Wolcott Avenue to Ditraars Avenue, le ough of, Queens. the Borough of Queens, which us more piuticth itgeNDIATI ItglateVidt RELY SELSJECT AND4LTERA _To _ STA lady described on a certain map on file tn the TO WWI IMMO AND cieemzuotre tiMPECT PAD t. BOED K- The time for the delivery of the forage and office of the Collector of City Revenue, De- PRINTED ON TES I4S Paillif ON TAUS TO HER wrrn ORX INC EN- the full performance of the contracts is lur or before Nara 31, 1915. mrezt of Finance, Room 368, Municipal MU* OP THE "CITY RECORD." Building, Borough of Manhattan. WIL A. PRENDIDGAST, Corm ss: Au amount of security required is Two The amount of security is thirty per cent. PURSUANT to a res.allition of the Commis- by of. Now Yolk Depastineut of Flamm. thotiondi //oiler* ( (39%) of the amount of the bid or estimate. sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting Comptrolleet Office, NY 29. 1914. aih25 The time allowed ti complete the work vill - The bidder yell state the price of ea* item or article contained in the specifications or sched- held guly 29, 1914, the sale by sealed bids at the be f five (04; oottoorothe walking, 41A upset or minimum prices named in the descrip- Interest on CI Bads and Stu& Corti check or cash in the awe One ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per tion of each parcel of the above described hundred. au (oil) woman 114, pound, or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested. The extension must be made building& and appurtenances thereto will he held TI IN011211ST RionAl HA soul other Inforwatiort may, be by directioo of the Comptroller on itt ip at the oftin of. the Deo t of and footed- up, as the bids will be read. from the Citm9tb an?414111f , ofrt eoslonliegn r uough of Bteekbrt, Lileltfi total. The bids will be compared and the- con- inplqpIDAY, AIJGUST 91, 1514, for at 11 A. M., in lots and perceb, and in manner now imhded therm. ha of theit tmon, rospect Park West ant3tb Streit, Pros- tract awarded at a lump or aggreagee rem and form, and at upset prices u follows: by the Comptroller at him (Room 653), pect Park, Brooklyn. each contract,


Bids must be submitted in duplicate. tities of the various classes of the work and 460 square yards of Sleet Asphalt Pavement The bidder must deposit with the Borough Delivery will be required to be made at the of the nature and extent as near se practicable 450 squase yards of Old Shine Paving Blocks President, on or before the time of making his time and in the manner and in such quantities of the work is to be found in the schedule in the purchased by contractor. bid, samples, as required by the specifications. as may be directed. form of contractor's proposal The quantities The time allowed for doing and completing the 'he bidder will state the price of each item or Blank forms and further information may be given in such schedule are approximate only, above work will be ten (19) working days. article contained in the specifications or sched- obtained at the office of the Fire Department, being given as a basis for the uniforms com- The amount of security required will be $30 eleventh finer Municipal Building, Manhattan. 01 ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per parison of bids and no claim is be made and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid foot, yard or other unit of measure or articles, W. HOLDEN WEEKS, Deputy and Acting against the City on account of any excess or shall be five (5) per cent. of the amount of by which the bids will he tested. The extensions Fire Commissioner. a20,s1 deficiency, absolute or relative, in the same, ex- security. must be made and froted up. Ines general 'Detractions to Bidden ea cept as provided in the specifications and form' The kidder tenet deposit with the Borough Iasi Rage, bet ealaasa, of the "City Resort* Blank forms and specifications may be had at of contract. President, on or befeee- the time of making his the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Every proposal must whey submitted he en- bid, samples, as requited by the specifications. Bureau of Highways, Room 2124, Municipal closed in a sealed envelope endorsed "PeePend 3. FOR REGULATING AND REPAVING Building, Borough of Manhattan. ARMORY BOARD. for Constructing Part of daft WITH Rapid Nisi* WOOD LOCK PAVEMENT ON A MARCUS M. MARES, President rood—Route No. 48, Section No 2„" and must CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY Au& 22d, 1914, a22,s2 impesalas be delivered to the Commission or its Secre- OF 27TH STREET FROM WEST SIDE firtlee General Instructions to Bidders on tary; and in the presence of the person sub- EIGHTH AVENUE TO EAST SIDE TENTH last yoga last column, of the "City Beeerd." mitting the proposal, it will be deposited in a OFTICE OF THI ARMORY Slum, Room 6, AVENUE. BASE- sealed box in which all proposals will be de- MENT, HALL OP Runes, Monesma. Engineer's Estimate of the Amount of Work to OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF posited. No proposal will be received unless SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Be Done. MANHATTAN, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, THE CITY accompanied by a separate certified check for OF received at the above office until 3 o'clock 10. cubic yseds of excavation. New YORK. fifty thousand dollars (00,000)payable to the P. M. 10' cubic yank of Fining to be furnished. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE order of the Comptroller of the City and drawn 2,160 linear feet FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1914, of New 5-inch Bluestone received by the President of the Borough of upon a national or state bank er trust company Curbstone; furnished and set. Manhattan, at the offices of the Commissioner NO. 1—PLUMBING AND GASFITTING, satisfactory to the Commission and having de NEW 8T11 ARTILLERY DISTRICT ARM- 1,164 hnear feet of Old Bluestone Curbstone, of Public Works, Municipal Building, Room York Snob check principal office in New aq. redressed, rejointed and reset. 2032, New York City, until 2 o'clock P. M. on ORY JEROME AVENUE AND KINGS- must not be enclosed in the envelope containing BRIISGE ROAD, THE BRONX. 90 linear feet of Granite Headers, furnished WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1914, the proposal and set. The time allowed for the completion of the FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR The Unit Prices must not be itetroterly bal- 1,070 cubic yards of Concrete. AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR THE werk and full performance of the contract is anced, and any bid which the Commission con- 100 consecutive working days. 5,400 square yards of Weed Block Pavement RECONSTRUCTION OF SEWER IN SOUTH siders detrimental to the City's interests may be The security remaired will be $10,000. 20 square yards of Sheet Asphalt Pavement STREET FROM OLIVER STREET TO PIER The deposit required will be $500. rejected. in Approaches. NO. 26, EAST RIVER, NEAR CATHARINE No proposal, after it shallhave been de- 9 Sewer Manhole Heads and Covers. STREET. NO. 2—FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVER. posited with the Commission, will be allowed to 2 Covers with rings for Sewer Manholes. The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and ING 4,790 GROSS TONS BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 be withdrawn for any reason whatever. 3 cubic yards of Brick Masonry in Manholes. COAL, AS FOLLOWS: quality of the material, and the nature and ex- The award of the contract will be made by 2 Receiving Basins to be built. tent, as near as possible, of the work required Manhattan and The Bronx, 2,600 gross tons. the Commission as soon as practicable after the 40 linear feet of 12-inch Vitrified Pipe. is as follows: Brooklyn and Queens, 2,190 gross tons. opening of the proposals. 1 Sewer Manhole built with head and cover. The amount of security will be 30 per cent. of 120 linear feet of double 4' 6" x 6' 0" brick Deposits made by bidders whose proposals are The time allowed for doing and completing the sewer with reinforced concrete roof. the total amount for which the contract is not accepted will be returned within three (3) above work will be thirty-eve working days. awarded. 83 linear feet of single 4' 6" x 6' 0" brick days after the contract is executed and delivered The amount of security required will be sewer with reinforced concrete roof. The deposit required will be 154 per cent. of and its provisions in respect of the bond or de- $5,000, and the amount of deposit accompanying the total amount of the bid. 10,000 feet B. M. of timber and planking for posit are complied with, unless all proposals the bid shall be five (5) per cent. of the amount sheeting and bracing. A separate proposal shall be submitted for each shall be rejected, in which event such deposits of security. item. 18,000 feet B. M. of foundation timber and will be returned within three (3) days after The bidder must deposit with the Borough planking. Blank forms and further information may be such rejection. The deposit of the successful President, on or before the time of making his 3,000 linear feet of piles. obtained at the office of The Armory Board, bidder will be returned when the contract is bid, samples, as required by the specifications. Hall of Records Manhattan. The time allowed for constructing and com- executed and its provisions in respect of the 4. FOR REGULATING AND REPAVING pleting the sewer and appurtenances will be THE ARMORY BOARD—JOHN PURROY bond or deposit are complied with. MITCHEL, Mayor; WILLIAM A PRENDER- WITH GRANITE BLOCK PAVEMENT ON sixty (60) consecutive working days. The right to reject any and all bids is re- A CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROAD- The amount of security required will be three GAST, Comptroller; GEORGE McANENY, served. Pres't Beard of Aldermen; GEORGE R. WAY OF THIRD AVENUE FROM NORTH thousand 43,000.00), and the amount of deposit New York, August 21, 1914. SIDE 6TH STREET TO SOUTH SIDE 34TH accompanying the bid shall be five per cent. DYER, Brig. Gen. 1st Brig.; JOHN C. EDDY, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR Brig. Gen. 2nd Brig.; IL P. FORSEIEW, Com. STREET. (5%) of the amount of security. THE FIRST DISTRICT By EDWARD E. Mc- Engineer's Estimate of the Amount of Work to The bidder will state the price for each item !widen, Navel Militia, N. Y.; LAWSON CALL, Chairman. PURDY, Pres't Dept. of Taxes and Assess- Be Dont. or article contained in the specifications or TRAVIS H. WHITNEY, Secretary. a22,s15 schedules herein contained or hereto annexed, ments. a19,s4 140 cubic yards of Excavation. 120 cubic yards of Filling. per foot, yard or other unit of measure or Millen gemmed Initraetioae to Bidders on Hewing on Form of Contrail. 11,610 linear feet of New 6-inch Granite Curb- article, by which the bids will be tested. The bat page, last mime& of the "City Baird." stone, furnished and set. extensions must be made and footed up, as the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUB. 2,000 linear feet of New 6-inch Granite Corner bids will be read from the total, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. lie hearing will be held at the office of the Curbstone, furnished and set. Blank forms may be had and the plans and Public Service Commission for the First Dis- 50 linear feet of Old Bluestone Curb, redressed, drawings may be seen at the offices of the Com- trict, at 154 Nassau Street, Borough of Man- rejointed and reset. missioner of Public Works, Municipal Building, Proposals. hattan, New York City, on the 11th day of Sep. 200 square feet of Concrete Sidewalk, Class A. Bureau of Sewers, Room 2103, Borough of tember, 1914, at twelve-fifteen o'clock P. M., 1,958 linear feet of Granite Headers, fur- Manhattan. INVITATION TO CONTRACTORS. upon the proposed terms and conditions of the nished and set. MARCUS M. MARKS, President, Borough of contract for the construction of Route Na 0,460 cubic yards of Concrete outside of rail- Manhattan. Parr OF SEVENTH AVENUE-LEXINGTON AVENUE being a part of the Eastern Parkwaj Rapid road area Aug. 22, 1914. a22,s2 RAPID TRANSIT RAILROAD. Transit Railroad, in the Borough of Brooklyn, 34,560 square yards of Granite Block Pave Sallee General Instrurtione to Bidders on which route may be briefly described as follows: ment outside of railroad area. last page, last column, of the "City Record." THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR Route No. 29. Beginning at a point under 240 square yards of Sheet Asphalt Pavement the First District (hereinafter called the private property in the Borough of Brooklyn, in approaches. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF "Commission") invites proposals to construct on the west side of Nostraad Avenue between 35 Sewer Manhole Heads and Covers. MANHATTAN, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, THE CITY Section No. 2 of Route 48, a part of the Eastern Parkway and Union Street, where a 6 Covers with Rings for Sewer Manholes. OF NEW YOUL Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Rapid Tran- connection can conveniently be made with a 10 cubic yards of Brick Masonry in Manholes. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE sit Railroad. proposed rapid transit railroad under Easters 34 Receiving Basins built. received by the President of the Borough of The points within the City of New York be- Parkway and curving thence southerly under 2,400 linear feet of 12-inch Vitrified Sewer Manhattan, at the offices of the Commissioner of town which the said part is to run and the private property into Nostrand Avenue and ex- Pipe. Public Works, Room 2032, Municipal Building, route or routes to be followed are briefly as tending theme southerly under Nostrand Ave- 40 linear feet of Granite Platform Flag cut to New York City, until 2 o'clock P. M. on follows: mie to Flatbush Avenue. line. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1914, SECTION No. 2. Beginning at a point under Copies of the draft of the said contract may 35,480 square yards of Old Stone Paving NO. 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE Beekman Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, be obtained at the said office of the said Public Blocks purchased by Contractor. LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR about sixty-two (62) feet west of the westerly Service Commission fur one dollar each. 13,340 linear feet of Old Bluestone Curb put.. ALTERATION AND IMPROVEMENT TO building line of William Street, curving thence Dated, New York, July 21, 1914. chased by Contractor. SEWER IN 76TH STREET BETWEEN southerly under private property into William PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR 37 Receiving Basins remodeled, Type A. LEXINGTON AND PARK AVENUES. Street, extending thence southerly under William THE FIRST DISTRICT, 9 Receiving Basins remodeled, Type B. The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and Street and easterly under Hanover Square to a By Entrain) E. McCeu., Chairman. 71 Sluice Basins built, Type A. quality of the material, and the nature and ex- point about opposite the easterly building line of Teams H. WHITNEY, Secretary. a7,s11 10 Sluice Basins built, Type B. tent, as near as possible, of the work required Pearl Street. 1_ Standard Sewer Manha.e built, with head is as follows: The general plan of construction calls for a BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN. and cover complete. 147 linear feet, 18-inch pipe sewer complete. subsurface railroad having two tracks. Work in Railroad Area. 275 linear feet, 15-inch pipe sewer, complete. The Contractor will not be required to provide Proposals. 590 cubic yards of Concrete. 5 manholes, complete. or lay tracks, ties or ballast, nor to do station 3,650 square yards of Granite Block Pavement 67 spurs for house connections. The time allowed for doing and completing the 31,500 feet B. M. timber and planking for finish work. THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OFFICE OF or above work will be eighty (80) working days, bracing and sheeting. The work under the contract will include the OF MANHATTAN, MUNICIPAL BIJILDLNG, THE CITY The amount of security required will be The time allowed for constructing and com- care and support of buildings, vaults, sewers, NEW YORK. $50,000, and the amount of deposit accompanying pleting the sewer and appurtenances will be pipes, railroads and other surface, subsurface SEALED BIDS. OR ESTIMATES WILL BE the bid shall be five (5) per cent. of the amount Sixty (60) consecutive working days. and overhead structures, the maintenance of received by the President of the Borough of of security. The amount. of security required will be Two traffic and the restoration of pavements and Manhattan, at the offices, Commissioner of Pub- The bidder must deposit with the Borough Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500), and other surfaces. lic Works, Roam 2032, Municipal Building, until The method of construction, unless otherwise President, on or before the time of making his the amount of deposit accompanying the bid 2 o'clock p. m.. on bid, samples, as required by the specifications. shall be five per cent. (5%) of the amount of permitted by the Commission, will be by trench WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER t, 5. FOR REGULATING AND REPAVING security. excavation under cover. 1. FOR REGULATING. AND REPAVING WITH GRANITE. BLOCK PAVEMENT ON A No. 2. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE Bidders must examine the form of contract WITH SHEET ASPHALT ON A CONCRETE CONCRETE FOUNDATION THE ROADWAY LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR and the specifications and contract drawings; FOUNDATION. THE ROADWAY 0.E GROVE OF CLARKSON STREET FROM WEST SIDE ALTERATION AND IMPROVEMENT TO must visit the location of the work and inform STREET FROM SOUTH SIDE WAVERLY HUDSON STREET TO EAST SIDE GREEN- SEWER IN 24TH STREET BETWEEN 6TH themselves of the conditions along the line of PLACE TO EAST SIDE WEST 4TH WICH. STREET, TOGETHER WITH ALL AND 7TH AVENUES. the work and make their own estimates of the STREET, AND WASHINGTON PLACE WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO. The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and facilities and difficulties attending the execution FROM WEST SIDE WASHINGTON SQUARE Engineer's Estimate of the Amount of Work to quality of the material, and the nature and ex- of the work. WEST TO SOUTH SIDE GROVE STREET; tent, as near as possible, of the work required A fuller description of the work and other re- Be Dann. INCLUDING SHERIDAN SQUARE, TO- is as follows: quirements, provisions, details and specifications GETHER WITH ALL WORK II=ENTAL 10 cubic yards of Excavation. /0 cubic yards of Filling. 395 linear feet of 24" pipe sewer, complete. are given in the form of contract and in the THERETO. contract drawings therein referred to. Copies 660 linear feet of New 3-inch Bluestone Curb. 446 linear feet of 3' 6" x 2' 4- brick spandrel Engineer's Estimate of the Amount of Work to sewer, complete. of the form of contract, bond' and contractor's atone, furnished and set. Be Done. 134 spurs for house connections. the contract drawings may be in- It linear feet of Old Bluestone Curbstone, re- proposal and of 10 cubic yards of Excavation. 9. manholes, complete. spected and purchased at the office of the Com- 10 cubic yards of Filling to be furnished. dresaed, rejointed and reset IA square feet of 50,500 feet B. M. timber and planking for nusaion. No. 154 Nassau Street, Borough of 1,930 linear feet of New 5-inch. Bluestone Concrete Sidewalk, Clan A. 250. cubic yards of Concrete. bracing and sheeting. Manhattan, New York City. The forms of con- Curbstone, furnished and set. The time allowed for constructing and com- tract, bond and contractor's proposal and the 130 linear feet of New 6-inch Granite Corner 1,270 square yards of Granite Block Pavement 2 Sewer Manhole Heads and Covers. pleting the sewer and appurtenances will be One contract drawings are to be deemed a part of Curbstone, furnished and set. Hundred (100) consecutive working days. this Invitation. 480 linear feet of Old Bluestone Curb, re- I Cover with Ring fear Sewer Manhole. Brick Masonry in Manholes. The amount of security required will be Six The City of New York (hereinafter called the dressed, rejointed and reset. 3 cubic yards of 1 Receiving Basin built. Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500), and "City") and the Interborough Rapid Transit 20 square feet of Concrete Sidewalk,. Clan A. ware yard.s. of Old Stone Paving the amount of deposit accompanying the bid Company will both be parties to the contract; 950 cubic yards of Concrete outside. of rail- 14274 shall be five per cent. (5%) of the amount of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company being a Blocks purchased by Contractor. road area. 30 linear feet of 12-inch Vitrified Pipe. security. party for the purpose of disbursing part of its 4,9* square yards of Sheet Asphalt Pavement 1 Sluice Basin built, Type B. NO. • 3. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE centrihuticra toward the cost of construction as outside of railroad area. LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR The time allowed for doing and completing provided in the contract dated March 19, 1913, 90 square yards of Sheet Asphalt Pavement in ALTERATION AND IMPROVEMENT TO above work will be twenty-Eve (ZS) working between the City and said Company for addi- approaches. SEW-ER IN 93RD STREET FROM A POINT tional rapid transit railroads. The liability of Covers. 4 Sewes Manhole Heads and The amount of security required will be ABOUT 6D FEET EAST OF THIRD AVE- Interborough Rapid Transit Company will be Coves with Ring far sewer manhole. dili 1 of deposit accompanying NUE TO LEXINGTON AVENUE. limited to an amount equal to fifty per centum Masonry, in Manholes, $1,500, and the am aunt The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and 3 cubic yards ofBrick the bid shall be five (5.) per cent. of the amount (50%) of the total estimated amount to be paid 1 Receiving Basin. quality of the material, and the nature and ex- to the Contractor under the Contract. of security. tent, as near as possible, of the work required 3 Receiving .Basins remodeled, Type. A. The bidder mast deposit with. the Borough Partial payments to the Contractor will be feet of Granite Platform Flag, cut is as follows: 20. linear President, on or before the time of malting his made as the work proceeds as provided in the to line. 266 linear feet of 20" pips sewer, complete. Contract. 710 squareyards of Old Stone rating Blocks bid, samples as required be the specifications. 336 linear feet of 18" pipe sewer, complete. The Contractor must complete the work within purchased by Contractor. 6: FOR REGULATINGAND REPAVING 6 manholes, complete. twenty-eight (28) months fro' the delivery of 2 Sluice Basins built" TM A. WITH GRAN/TE. MACE. PAVEMENT ON A 80 spurs- for house connections. the contract. 3 Sluice Basins. built, Type H. CONCRETE FO(INDATION THE ROADWAY 391000 feet B. M. timber and planking for At the time of the delivery of the contract 90 linear feet of 12-inch Vitrified Pipe. OF 27TH STREET FROM TENTH AVENUE bracing and sheeting. the Contractor must furnish security to the City Work in Railroad Area. TO THIRTEENTH AVENUE. 35 cubic yards rock excavation. by depositing a bend, cash or securities in the 40 cubic yards of Concrete. Regime's Estimate of the Amaral of Work to (Note: 20-inch cast-iron pipe shall be used in sum of five hundred thousand dollars 220 square yards aE Sheet Asphalt Pave/nese Be Dena place of 20-inch vitrified pipe, through openings ($509,000). As further security fifteen per The time allowed for doing and completing 110 cubic yards of Locaration.. in elevated railroad columns, if the Engineer centum (15%) of the amounts certified from the above work will be thirty (30) working days. 30 ouhie yards at Sillier furnished. so elects.) time to time to be due to the Contractor will be The amount of security required will be 2,480 hams feet of New 5-ineh Bluestone The time allowed for constructing and com- deducted until the amounts so deducted and re- $4,000, and the amount of deposit accompanying Curbstone, furnished and set. pleting the sewer and appurtenances will be tained shall equal ten per centum (10%) of the the bid shall be five (5) per cent. of the amount 480 lineal feet of Ofd Bluestone Curb, re- Seventy-five (75) consecutive working days. total estimated ,mount to be paid to the Con. of security. dressed, rejointeri and reset The amount of security required will be Two tractor under the contract Thereafter there The bidder must deposit with the Borough 70 lineu fact of Granite Header, furnished Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (2,500), and shall be so deducted and retained for such pur- President, on or before the time of making his and set. the amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall peee ten per centum (10%) of the amounts bid, samples, as rev ied by_ the. epee-ilea/iota 1,040 cubic javde of Concrete be five per cent. (5%) of the amount of se- certified from time to time to be due to the 2. FOR REGULATING AND PAVING 4,930 square yards of Granite Bieck Faveraitot. curity. Contractor. WITH SHEET ASPHALT ON A CONCRETE • 70 square yards of Shot Asphalt. Pavement NO. 4. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE Sealed bids or propesabt wIB be received at FOUNDATION TBB ROAD/AWf OF WEST in- Approaches. LABOR AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR SEWER IN 161ST STREET BETWEEN Oa 10~at the Cmundadea at N. 154 Nassau 4TH STREET FROM WEST SIDE. EIGHTH . 9 Sewer Mandate, Heade and Carers Must, b of liardiatiaa New York AVENUE TO SOUTH SIDE 13T1'I STREET. 2 Covets with. sings. for Mier manholes RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND PORT WASHING- mber, 914, at Engineer's Estimate of the Ansonia of Work to. 3 cubic yards of Brick Mammy in. Mania*" TON AVENUE. CM tide lab day of Septe The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and twelve titan It o'clock p. m., at which Be Done. 4,850 wane yards of Old Slone Raving Meeks or at a later date be be lied by_ tbe 280, linear feet of New 5-inch Bluestone Curb- purchased by. Contuetsr. quality of the material; and the nature andex- dad" the proposals be pull* stone, furnished and set. The time allowed for doing and completing the tent, as near as possible, at the work required 70 linear feet of Old Bluestone Curb, re- .above work wilt be thixtrfive- (35) working 4igs. is ae, fellows: wed. Of linear feet, 15-ineit pipe sewer, complete. = dressed, rejointed and reset. The amount oft sequired will he six Proposal* must be in the form prescribed by 30 linear feet of Granite Headers, furnished! -flooesaup. Balers (1); and the amount of 86 linear feet, 18-inch pipe sewer, complete 30 liner feet 12.inMe pipe culvert, complete. the Coannision. and set deposit accompanying the bid shell be fire 03 A statement, based upon the estimate of the 100 cubic yards of Concrete. per cash of the menet of sererity. 70 spurs for house connectiese Chief Engineer of the Commission, of the quan- 7252 , THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914.

manholes, complete. 15 Manholes, Complete. 4 or article contained in the specification or sched- Applicants must be citizens of the United 1 dropwell manhole, complete. 1 Single Receiving Basin, Complete. ule herein contained or hereafter annexed, per States and residents of the State of New York. 1 dropwell connection with existing manhole, 50 Linear Feet of 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed square yard, linear foot or other unit of measure, The subjects and weights of the examination including vertical and curve pipe and surround- pipe for basin connections. by which the bids will be tested. Bids will be are: Experience, 4; Duties, 4; Oral, 2. 70% ing concrete. 20 Linear Feet of 10-inch Vitrified salt-glazed compared and the contract awarded at a lump or is required on experience; 70% is required on 2 receiving basins, complete, with bluestone pipe for basin connections. aggregate sum. Blank forms may be obtained duties; 70% general average is required. head. 100 Spurs on 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed pipe and the plans or drawings may be seen at the Applications for this examination must be filed 836 cubic yards rock. sewer. office of the President of the Borough of Queens. on a special blank, Form C. Experience blanks 1,000 feet B. M. timber and planking for 1,200 Linear Feet of 6-inch Vitrified salt- Dated New York, August 20th, 1914. will be issued with the applications and must be bracing and sheeting. glued pipe for house connection drains. MAURICE E. CONNOLLY, President. filed with the Commission at the time of filing The time allowed for constructing and com• 5,000 Feet B. M. Timber for bracing and al9,31 pleting the sewer and appurtenances will be One applications. The experience will then be rated. sheeting. t7See General Instructions to Bidden on Candidates failing to receive 70% on the ex- Hundred (100) consecutive working days. 1 Double Receiving Basin, Complete. last page, last column, of the "City Record." perience paper will not be summoned for the The amount of security required will be Three The time allowed for completing the above physical examination. Candidates failing to pass Thousand Dollars ($3,000), and the amount of work will be forty-five (45) working days. the physical examination will not be summoned deposit accompanying the bid shall be five per MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM- The amount of security required will be for the written examination. cent. (5%) of the amount of security. Thirty-three Hundred ($3,300.00) Dollars. MISSION. A qualifying physical examination will be held. The bidder will state the price for each item or The bidder must state the price of each item, The age limits are 25 to 40 years. article contained in the specifications or schedules or article contained in the specifications herein Notices of Eliminations. Candidates must present evidence of gradu- herein contained or hereto annexed, per foot, contained, or hereinafter annexed, per square ation from an agricultural school or its equiva- yard or other unit of measure or article, by yard, per linear foot, or other unit of measure MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, New lent, and must have practical experience in the which the bids will be tested. The extensions by which the bids will be tested. Bids will be YORK, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, August 6th, 1914. handling of men or boys. Experience in some must be made and footed up. compared and the contract awarded at a lump PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT branch of agriculture or forestry will be given Blank forms may be had and the plans and or aggregate sum. Blank forms may be obtained applications will be received from weight. drawings may be seen at the offices of the Com- and the drawings may be seen at the Office of The requirement that every application shall missioner of Public Works, Municipal Building, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 014, TO 4 P. M. the President of the Borough of Queens. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1114, bear the certificates of four reputable citizens Bureau of Sewers, Borough of Manhattan. Dated August 22, 1914. whose residences or places of business are with- for the position of Aug. 15th, 1914. MAURICE E. CONNOLLY, President. in The City of New York is waived for a'pli- al5,26 MARCUS M. MARKS, President. a22,s3 PATHOLOGICAL CHEMIST. cants for this examination whose previous occu- tl'See General Instructions to Bidders on CrSee General Instructions to Bidders on pation or employment has been wholly or in last page, last column, of the "City Record." No application delivered at the office of the last page, last column, of the "City Record," Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. m. part outside The City of New York, and the THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1914, will be accepted. said certificates will be accepted from persons BOROUGH OF QUEENS. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF Application blanks will be mailed upon request, resident or engaged in business elsewhere. QUEENS, THIRD FLOOR OF THE BOROUGH HALL, provided a self-addressed, stamped envelope is There is one vacancy at the present time at New Hampton Farms of the New York City eroposais. FIFTH STREET AND JACKSON AVENUE, LONG enclosed or sufficient postage to cover the mail- ISLAND CITY, BOROUGH OF QUEENS, CITY OF ing, but the Commission will not guarantee the Reformatory of Misdemeanants at New Hampton, Orange County, N. Y. The salary is $1,800 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOROUGH OF NEW YORK. delivery of the same. Applications, forwarded per annum. FLOOR OF THE BOROUGH HALL, SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE by mail, upon which postage u not fully pre- QUEENS, THIRD The dates of the examinations will be an- 5TH STREET AND JACKSON AVENUE, LONG ISLAND received by the President of the Borough of paid, will not be accepted, nounced later. CITY, BOROUGH OF QUEENS, CITY OF NEW YORK, Queens at the above office until 11 o'clock a. in. Applicants must be citizens of the United on States. Persons who accept appointment must ROBERT W. BELCHER, Secretary. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE a12,26 received by the President of the Borough of MONDAY, AUGUST 81, 1914, thereafter reside in the State of New York. Queens at the above office until 11:00 A. M. on NO. I. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, The subjects and weights of the examinations THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914, CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS are as follows: Technical, 5; Experience, 5. NO. 1: FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A (WHERE NOT ALREADY LAID TO GRADE 75% is required on the technical and 70% on BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND TEMPORARY DRAIN AND APPURTE- AND IN GOOD CONDITION), TOGETHER experience. APPORTIONMENT. NANCES FROM A POINT NEAR THE IN- WITH ALL WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO, Applications for this examination must be files TERSECTION OF BATAVIA STREET AND IN SILVER STREET FROM BUCHMAN oil a special blank, Form C. Experience blanks LEAVITT STREET, THROUGH LEAVITT AVENUE TO ANTHON AVENUE, SECOND wil: be issued with the applications and must be Notice of Public Hearin& PARK, THENCE TO A POINT ON BAYSIDE WARD. filed with the Commission at the time of filing AVENUE ABOUT 100 FEET EAST OF BA- The time allowed for the completion of the applications. The experience paper will then be PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT MATTERS. TAVIA STREET, THIRD WARD OF THE work and the full performance of the contract rated. Candidates receiving less than 70% on BOROUGH OF QUEENS. is Fifteen (15) Working Days. the experience paper will not be summoned for The The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is amount of security or surety bond re- the remainder of the examination. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE as follows: quired will be Three Hundred ($300) Dollars. Candidates must have the degree of M. D. or meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor- 813 Linear Feet of 3' 0" x 2' 6" Wooden box The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as Ph. D. or their equivalent from a college of tionment held on July 30, 1914, the Board con- drain. follows: recognized standing and in addition at least tinued until August 27, 1914, the hearing on the 573 Linear Feet of 3' 6" x 2' 6" Wooden box 350 cu. yds. of Earth Excavation. three years' experience in original research advisability of amending the proceeding author- drain, including fill. 10 cu. yds. of Rock Excavation. work. They must submit reprints of original ized by said Board on Octoher 5, 1911, for ac- 430 Linear Feet of lr Vitrified salt glazed 50 lin. ft. of Old Concrete Curb, reset. articles or precise reference to the publications. uiring title to Yellowstone Avenue between pipe drain. 400 lin. ft. of Cement Curb, and one (1) Due consideration will be given to satisfactory Q ueens (Hoffman) Boulevard and Woodhaven 6 Manholes, complete. year's maintenance. evidence of successful management of a scien- Avenue (Trotting Course Lane), Borough of 1 Shallow manhole, complete. 1,800 sq. ft. of Cement Sidewalk, and one (1) tific laboratory or any branch thereof. Bellevue Queens, so as to conform to a map adopted by 1 Culvert, complete, including shallow man• year's maintenance. Hospital offers opportunity for original research. the Board on March 27, 1914, on which the hole, together with up stream and down stream NO. 2. FOR REGULATING AND GRADING A physical examination will be held. Mini- street lines are changed in such a way as to chamber. THE SIDEWALK AND GUTTER SPACES mum age, 21 years; salary $2,500 per annum. make them include where practicable the Old 25 Linear Feet of 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed AND LAYING SIDEWALKS (WHERE NOT There is one vacancy in Bellevue and Allied White Pot Road; also to conform to a map pipe drain. ALREADY LAID TO GRADE AND IN GOOD Hospitals. adopted by the Board on May 28, 1914, on 1,000 Feet B. M. Timber for foundation, fur- CONDITION), TOGETHER WITH ALL ROBERT W. BELCHER, Secretary. which the street alignment was changed so as to nished and laid. WORK INCIDENTAL THERETO, IN NA- a22,s3 include within the lines of Queens Boulevard 1,000 Lbs. of steel reinforcement in place, ex• PIER (GRANT) AVENUE FROM CHICHES- old Hoffman Boulevard at its intersection with elusive of reinforcement shown on plan. TER AVENUE (UNIVERSITY PLACE) TO MUNICIPAL CIVIL SEAVICI COMMISSION, Nsw Yellowstone Avenue; the proposed amended pro- 10 Cu. Yds. of Concrete (Class A) in place, TEROME AVENUE (BROADWAY), FOURTH YORK MUNICIPAL BUILDING July 31st, 1914. ceeding providing for the acquisition of title to exclusive of concrete shown on plan. WARD. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Yellowstone Avenue from Queens Boulevard to 100 Cu. Yds. of extra earth fill in place. The time allowed for the completion of the applications will be received from Woodhaven Avenue as said streets are now laid work and the full performance of the contract is The time allowed for completing the above FRIDAY. JULY $1, 1114, TO 4 P. M. FRI- out upon the map or plan of the City of New Thirty (30) Working Days. work will be thirty (30) working days. DAY, AUGUST 2S, 1114, York. The amount of Security or surety bond re- The hearing will be held in Room 16, City The amount of security required will be Two for the position of Thousand ($2,000) Dollars. quired will be One Thousand (t1,000) Dollars. Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, NO. 2. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as DIRECTOR, PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION. on Thursday, August 27, 1914, at 10:30 o'clock follows: SIX-INCH HOUSE CONNECTION DRAINS No applications delivered at the office of the a. in. (WHERE NOT ALREADY LAID) IN SUNS- 1,500 cu. yds. of Earth Excavation. Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. m. The following is the proposed area of assess- 10 cu. yds. of Rock Excavation. WICK STREET FROM WILBUR AVENUE FRIDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 1914, will be ac- ment in the proceeding: 10,500 sq. ft. of Cement Sidewalk, and one TO PAYNTER AVENUE, FIRST WARD OF cepted. Applications will be mailed upon re- Beginning st a point on a line midway be- (1) year's maintenance. THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS. quest provided a self-addressed stamped envelope tween Nome Street and Meteor Street distant 1 New Seepage Basin. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as or proper postage accompanies the request. but 100 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly NO. 3. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, follows: the Commission will not guarantee the delivery line of Queens Boulevard, the said distance be- CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS AND 128 Linear Feet of six-inch Vitrified salt-glazed of the blanks. Applications, forwarded by mail, ing measured at right angles to Queens Boule- CROSSWALKS, AND ALL WORK INC'. pipe for House Connection Drains. upon which the postage is not fully prepaid will vard and running thence southeastwardly along 20 Cu. Yds. of rock, excavated and removed. DENTAL THERETO, IN CLINTON AVE- not be accepted. The examination is open to all a line always distant 100 feet northeasterly from The time allowed for completing the above NUE, FROM CLERMONT AVENUE TO citizens of the United States. The requirement and parallel with the northeasterly line of BROAD STREET, SECOND WARD. work will be fifteen (15) working days. that every application shall bear the certificates Queens Boulevard to the intersection with a line The time allowed for the completion of the The amount of security required will be One of four reputable citizens whose residences or midway between Ibis Street and Harvest Street; work and the full performance of the contract Hundred Fifty (150.00) Dollars. places of business are within the city of New thence southwestwardly along the said line mid- NO. 3. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A is One Hundred (100) Working Days. York is waived for this examination, way between Ibis Street and Harvest Street and The amount of Security or surety bond re- SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN FOS- Subjects and Weights: Experience, Form C, along the prolongation of the said line to the quired will be Five Thousand ($5,000). Dollars. DICK AVENUE FROM CENTRAL AVENUE with insert, weight 3; Report, weight 4; Oral intersection with the prolongation of a line mid- The Engineer's estimate TO MYRTLE AVENUE, SECOND WARD OF of the quantities is examination, weight 3; 70% required on experi- way between Herrick Avenue and Shelbourne as follows: Place; thence southwardly along the said line THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS. ence; 70% on oral; 75% on report 1,500 cu. yds. of Earth Excavation. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is The report will be on a subject to be an- midway between Herrick Avenue and Shelbourne 100 cu. Ids. of Rock Excavation. Place and along the prolongations of the said as follows: nounced by the Commission connected with the 12,000 cu. yds. of Embankment (in excess of line to the intersection with the southerly right- 736 Linear Feet of 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed duties of the position. Time allowed-ten days. excavation). of-way line of the Main Line Division of the Pipe Sewer. A qualifying physical examination will be held. 2,500 lin. ft. of New Bluestone Curb. Long Island Railroad; thence westwardly along 6 Manholes, Complete. Candidates must have evidence of a degree 12,000 sq. ft. of New Flagstone Sidewalk. the said right-of-way line to the intersection with 53 Spurs on 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed Pipe from a medical school of recognized standing, 400 sq ft. of New Crosswalks. a line midway between Stafford Avenue and Sewer. such as will entitle the holder thereof to examina- 10 cu, yds. of Concrete. Herrick Avenue; thence southwardly along the 848 Linear Feet of six-inch Vitrified salt-glazed tion for a license to practice by the Board of 50 sq. yds. of Stone Block Pavement relaid, said line midway between Stafford Avenue and Pipe for House Connection Drains. Regent., of the State of New York, and in ad- 600 sq. yds. of Stone Gutters, furnished and Herrick Avenue to the intersection with a line The time allowed for completing the above dition should have been engaged in public health laid. midway between Clyde Street and Dartmouth work will be twenty-five (25) working days. activities. 700 lin. ft. of 12-inch Vitrified Pipe, in place. Street; thence westwardly along the said line The amount of security required will be Eleven Credit will be given for a public health course NO. 4. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, midway between Clyde Street and Dartmouth Hundred ($1,100.00) Dollars. in an institution of recognized standing, but CURBING AND LAYING CROSSWALKS Street to the intersection with a line midway NO. 4. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A such course will not be accepted in lieu of ex- AND SIDEWALKS (WHERE NOT ALREADY between Baldwin Avenue and Stafford Avenue; SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN FOS- perience. LAID TO GRADE AND IN GOOD CONDI- thence southwardly along the said line midway FORBES (18TH) STREET FROM QUEENS The candidates will be required to present TION), TOGETHER WITH ALL WORK IN- between Baldwin Avenue and Stafford Avenue AVENUE TO FRANCONIA AVENUE; IN with their experience papers a list of their pub- CIDENTAL THERETO, IN FORTY-EIGHTH to the intersection with a line bisecting the GEROLD . (19) STREET FROM QUEENS lications. Experience in editorial work will re- (GRANT) STREET, FROM JACKSON AVE- angle formed by the intersection of the pro- AVENUE TO F'RANCONIA AVENUE, AND ceive additional recognition. NUE TO ASTORIA AVENUE, 2ND WARD. Minimum age, 21 years. longations of the center lines of Selfridge IN FRANCONIA AVENUE FROM FORBES The time allowed for the completion of the Street and Stafford Avenue as these streets are STREET TO GEROLD STREET, THIRD DUTIES. work and the full performance of the contract To organize and administer a bureau dealing laid out between Nansen Street and Olcott WARD OF THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS. is Forty (40) Working Days. Street; thence southwardly along the said bi- The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is with all phases of public health education. The amount of Security or Surety Bond re- To prepare and edit both popular and scientific secting line to the intersection with the pro- as follows: quired will be Twenty-Two Hundred ($2,200) longation of a line distant 100 feet southerly 2,153 Linear Feet of 12-inch Vitrified salt- bulletins and reports dealing with public health Dollars. matters, including the regular health publications from and parallel with the southerly line of glazed pipe sewer. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is Metropolitan Avenue, as this street is laid out 17 Manholes, Complete. of the Department of Health. as follows: To organize and supervise exhibits dealing between Herrick Avenue and Continental Ave- 171 Spurs on 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed pipe 4,000 cu. yds. of Earth Excavation. nue; thence westwardly along the prolongation sewer. with various features of public health work. 50 cu. yds. of Rock Excavation. To organize courses of lectures, to the general of the said line parallel with Metropolitan Ave- 1 Receiving basin, Complete. 2,500 lin. ft, of Cement Curb with Steel Nosing nue, to a point where it is intersected by the 20 Linear Feet of 12-inch Vitrified salt-glazed public, to members of the Department of Health and one (1) year's maintenance. and to students of public health, prolongation of the easterly line of Yellowstone pipe for basin connections. 12 000 sq. ft. of Cement Sidewalk, and one (1) • To co-operate with existing teaching institutions Avenue; thence northwardly in a straight line to 490 Linear Feet of 6-inch Vitrified salt-glazed year s maintenance. a point on the prolongation of the northerly pipe for house connection drains. in organizing a school of sanitary science, in 200 sq. ft. of New Crosswalks. which the practical work would be done in the line of Nansen Street, as this street is laid out 10,000 Feet of B. M. Timber for bracing and 10 cu. yds. of Concrete. adjoining Yellowstone Avenue on the east, dis- sheet piling. Department of Health. 400 sq. yds. of Stone Gutters. To secure the dissemination of public health tant 100 feet westerly from the westerly line of The time allowed for completing the above NO. 5. FOR REGULATING, GRADING, Woodhaven Avenue, the said distance being work will be sixty (60) working days. information through moving picture theatres, CURBING AND LAYING SIDEWALKS, TO- leaflets, conferences, press bulletins, etc., etc. measured at right angles to Woodhaven Avenue; The amount of security required will be Thirty- GETHER WITH ALL WORK INCIDENTAL thence northwestwardly along a line always dis- two Hundred ($3,200.00) Dollars. To organize and administer a library of pub- THERETO, IN NORTH MORRIS (MORRIS) lic health literature. tant 100 feet southwesterly from and parallel NO. 5. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A AVENUE, FROM FULTON PLACE (FULTON with the southwesterly line of Woodhaven Ave- SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN LAWN To organize and supervise tours of inspec- AVENUE) TO JAMAICA AVENUE, FOURTH tions to hospitals, water works, sewage disposal nue to the intersection with the prolongation of AVENUE FROM JEROME AVENUE TO WARD. a line midway between Vassar Street and Cor- BEAUFORT AVENUE, FOURTH WARD OF plants, crematories, dispensaries, day camps, The time allowed for the completion of the sanatoria, etc. nell Street; thence northwardly along the said THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS. work and the full performance of the contract line midway between Vassar Street and Cornell The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is There is one vacancy in the Department of is Ninety (90) Working Days. Health. Salary, $5,000 per annum. Street and along the prolongations of the said as follows: The amount of Security or surety bond re- line to the intersection with the southerly right- 647 Linear Feet of 12" Vitrified salt-glazed ROBERT W. BELCHER, Secretary. quired will be Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars. *15,28 of-way line of the Main Line Division of the pipe sewer. The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as Long Island Railroad; thence eastwardly along 4 Manholes, Complete. follows: the said right-of-way line to the intersection with 36 Spurs on 12" Vitrified salt-glazed pipe MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, Now 12,000 cu. yds. of Earth Excavation. YORK, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, ply 27, 1914. the prolongation of a line midway between Ros- sewer, 300 cu. yds. of Rock Excavation. ton Street and Quality Street; thence north- SOO Linear Feet of 6" Vitrified Salt-Glazed PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE Y GIVEN THAT 2,650 lin. ft. of Cement Curb with Steel Nosing application will be received from wardly along the said line midway between Roe- Pipe, for House Connection Drains. and one (1) year's maintenance. ton Street and Quality Street and along the The time allowed for completing the above 131000 sq. ft. of Cement Sidewalk and one (1) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1114, TO 4 P. M. prolongation of the said line to the intersection work will be twenty-five (25) working days. year s maintenance. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1114, with a line midway between Booth Street and The amount of security required will be Eight 10 cu. yds. of Concrete. for the position of Austin Street; thence eastwardly along the said Hundred ($800.00) Dollars. 60 lin. ft. of 12-inch Cast Iron Pipe, in place. FARM SUPERINTENDENT. line midway between Booth Street and Austin NO. 6. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2 New Catch Basins (Highway Standard). Street to the intersection with a line midway SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES IN HILL- NO, 6. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIV- No applications delivered at the office of the between Pilgrim Street and Occident Street; SIDE AVENUE FROM BREVOORT STREET ERING, AS DIRECTED, 400 TONS OF AS- Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. tn. thence northwardly along the said line midway TO NORTH CURTIS AVENUE AND IN PHALTIC CEMENT TO THE BUREAU OF WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1914, will be ac- between Pilgrim Street and Occident Street to NORTH VINE STREET FROM JAMAICA HIGHWAYS. BOROUGH OF QUEENS. cepted. Applications will be mailed upon request, a point distant 100 feet northerly from the AVENUE TO ASHLAND STREET, FOURTH The time allowed for doing and completing the provided a self-addressed, stamped envelope or northerly line of Booth Street; thence east- WARD OF THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS. above work will be Ninety Calendar Days. proper, postage accompanies the request, but the wardly and parallel with Booth Street to the The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is The amount of security required will be 30 Commission will not guarantee the delivery of intersection with the prolongation of a line as follows: per cent. of the total aomunt for which the con- the same. Applications, forwarded by mail, midway between Nome Street and Meteor Street; 1,921 Linear Feet of 12-inch Vitrified salt- tract is awarded. upon which postage is not fully prepaid, will not thence northeastwardly along the said line mid- glazed pipe sewer. The bidder must state the price of each item be accepted. way between Nome -Street and Meteor Street TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914. THE CITY RECORD. 7R58

and along the prolongation of the said line to of the Bureau of Repairs and Supplies, Head- 809, Municipal Building, New York, on or before . Lot 11-1 Broken Cylinder, about 6,000 lbs. the point or place of beginning, quarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre September 22, 1914, at 10 a. ca., at which time Lot 12-2 Centrifugal Pumps and Engines, Dated August 14, 1914. st., Borough of Manhattan. and place the said objections will be heard and about 7,000 lbs. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build- A. WOODS, Police Commissioner. testimony received in reference thereto. Lot 13-1 Nozzle Flange, about 2,000 lbs. 122,83 ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. a14,25 New York, August 19th, 1914. ALFRED P. W. SEAMAN, WM. C. OR. Ridgewood S. S. Sta., Atlantic Ave. and Foun- &flee General instructions to Bidders on MOND,_ JACOB J. LESSER, Board of Assessors. tain St. last page, last column, of the "City Record." ST. GEORGE B. Tticitaa, Secretary, Room 809, Notices of Public Hearings. Lot 14-Lot of old tubes, about 10 tons, Municipal Building, City of New York, Borough Lot 15-Lot of Miscellaneous Scrap Iron, Auction Sale of Unclaimed Property. of Manhattan. Cast and Wrought, about 50 tons. FP...Magni MATTO& August 22, 1914. a22,s2 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Western Dist, Rep. Yd., 6th St. bet. 3rd and the One Hundred and Sixty-sixth Public Auc- 4th Ayes. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO at the meeting of the Board of latimate asti tion Sale, consisting of UNCLAIMED PROP- the owner or . owners of all houses and lots, Lot 16-Lot of scrap iron, about 50 tons. Apportionment held this day, the public hearing ERTY (as follows: Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, Lot 17-Lot of old brass, about 150 lbs. on the form of contract for the grant of a fran- Satchels, Clothing, Shoes, Furs, Hats, House- that the following proposed assessments have Eastern Dist. Rep. Yard, 337 Berry Street. chise to The Yonkers Electric Light and Power hold Goods, Furniture, Sporting Goods, Watches, been completed and are lodged in the office of Lot 18-Lot of old iron, about 15 tons. Company; the Westchester Lighting Comwy; Chains, Clocks, Bracelets, Rings, Scarf Pins and the Board of Assessors for examination by all Lot 19-Lot of old brass, about 2,800 lbs. The New York Edison Company and The United Miscellaneous Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Sil- persons interested, viz.: Lot 20-Lot of old rubber, about 2,500 lbs. ver Plate Ware, Junk Iron, etc., Bicycles, Baby East New York Electric Light and Power Company, to con• Borough of Brooklyn. Repair Yd., 137 Jamaica Ave. struct, maintain and operate conductors, con- Carriages and Miscellaneous Articles) will be held Lot 21-Lot of old rubber boots, coats and 4218. Regulating, grading, curbing, flagging hose, about 1,500 lbs. duits, poles and towers for the operation of one at the Property Clerk's Office, No. 240 Centre and paving Newton Avenue from Manhattan line of poles and towers, and to install and Street, Borough of Manhattan, on Thursday, Lot 22-Lot of scrap brass and borings, about Avenue to a point 80 feet more or less west of 10,000 lbs. maintain wires, cables and other conductors September 3rd, 1914, at 10,00 a. m. Graham Avenue. upon the route described in the contract, over ARTHUR WOODS, Police Commissioner. 4219. Preliminary pavement on East 13th Lot 23-Lot of scrap iron, about 200 tons. a22,s3 Coney Island Rep. Yd., E. the Catskill Aqueduct Lands and other lands H to Avenue J, excluding 14th St. and Ave. V. Street from Avenue Lot 24-Lot acquired for water supply purposes, between the land occupied by the Long Island Railroad. of iron, about 50 tons. the northerly boundary line of the City Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property. 4221. Preliminary pavement on 68th Street Lot 25-Lot of old brass, about 3,000 lbs. and the boundary line between the Coun- between 3rd and 4th Avenues. Lot 26-Lot of old rubber, about 1,500 lbs. ties of Westchester and Putnam, acquired POLICE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK. 4224. Preliminary pavement on 59th Street Gowanus Pipe Yard, Butler and Nevins St:, or purchased by the City, pursuant to Lot 27-Lot of scrap iron, about 175 tons. OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY from 12th Avenue to Fort Hamilton Avenue. No. 98 law, subject to the limitation set forth in the Clerk of the Police Department of The City 4225. Paving 6th Avenue from 75th to 79th North Portland Ave., Storehouse, contract, which was, by resolution duly adopted, for the fol- Lot 28-Miscellaneous plumbers' supplies. of New York, No. 240 Centre st., Streets. Lot 29-Brass fixed for July 2, 1914, was continued until lowing property now in custody, without claim- 4207. Regulating,grading, curbing and laying curb cocks, about 3,191. Thursday, July 30, 1914, was continued until ants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female cement sidewalks on Crown Street from Bedford Jameco-3-Mile Mill Rd. and Rockaway Rd. August 27, 1914, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., in clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, to Rogers Avenues. Lot 30-4 old horizontal tubular boilers with fronts, piping, etc., about 55,000 lbs. Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, canned goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of 4211. Regulating,- grading, curbing and lay- Lot 31-1 when and where all citizens interested will have money taken from prisoners and found by Pa- ing cement sidewalks on President Street from Laidlaw Dunn Gordon Air Corn- pressor, about 20,000 lbs. an opportunity to appear and be heard. trolmen of this Department. Rogers to Nostrand Avenues. No. 32-1 JAMES D. McGANN, Assistant Secretary, ARTHUR WOODS, Police Commissioner. 4217. Regulating, grading. curbing and lay- Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor, about 6.000 lbs. • Room 801, 277 Broadway. Telephone, 4560 ing cement sidewalks on West 36th Street from Neptune Avenue to Canal Avenue, Lot 33-1 Combination Vacuum and Circulat- Worth. POLICE DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF NEW YORK, ing Pump with Condenser, about 4,000 lbs. Dated, New York, July 30, 1914. jy31,a27 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. The area of assessment in the above men- tioned improvements extends to within one-half No. 34-1 Feed Water Heater and Condenser, OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY about 3.000 lbs. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Clerk of the Police Department of The City the block at the intersecting and terminating the pubic hearing on the form of contract Lot 35-1 Relief Tank on Air Line, about of New York-Office, No. 72 Poplar st., Borough streets and avenues. 1,000 lbs. modifying contract dated July 10, 1912, granting 4100. Sewer and appurtenances in Slocum of Brooklyn-for the following property, now Lot 36-3 Small Jacket Pumps, about 900 lbs. a franchise to the Manhattan Bridge Three Cent in custody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, Place from Coney Island Avenue to East 11th Line, by substituting a new route on Fulton Street (now Stratford Road) ; in Matthews Place Lot 37-Lot Miscellaneous Scrap, about 2 lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, tons. Street, Ashland Place and Lafayette Avenue, from Coney Island Avenue to Stratford Road; blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; Mil/burn Borough of Brooklyn. for a portion of its ex- also small amount of money taken from prisoners and in Lewis Place from Coney Island Avenue Pumping Station, Baldwin, L. L isting route on Rockwell Place, Flatbush Ave. and found by Patrolmen of this Department. to Stratford Road. Affecting block numbers 5141 Lot 38-Lot Miscellaneous wrought and c. i. nue, 4th Avenue and Atlantic Avenue, which ARTHUR WOODS, Police Commissioner. and 5142. scrap boiler tubes, about 10 tons. hearing was by resolution adopted oa November 4172. Sewer and appurtenances in Eldert Lane Millburn Machine Shop, Baldwin, L. I. 20, 1913, fixed for December 24, 1913, and was from Glenmore Avenue to Pitkin Avenue. Af- Lot 39-Lot Scrap Brass, about 2,500 lbs. continued from time to time until June 12, 1914, BOARD OF ASSESSORS. fecting block numbers 4223 and 4224. Lot 40-Lot old rubber, about 600 lbs. was continued on the latter date until June 19, 4175. Constructing sewer basin at the north- Clear Stream P. S., Clear Stream Rd. and L. I. 1914, and on that date was continued until July erly corner of 15th Avenue and 58th Street. R. R. Notice to Present Claim' for Damages. 30, 1914, was continued until August 27, 1914, at Affecting block number 5699. T of 41-Scrap iron, about 40 tons. 10:30 o'clock A. M. in Room 16, City Hall, 4178. Sewer and appurtenances in Greene Lot 42-1 Portable locomotive boiler, approx. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO h. p. 20, Borough of ,Manhattan, at which time and place all persons claiming to have been injured by a Street from Provost Street to the end of exist- condition very poor, about 8,000 lbs. .persons interested will be afforded an oppor• ing sewer about 211 feet east of Oakland Street. Lot 43-Lot of old rubber hose, about 600 all change of grade in the regulating and grading lbs. tuna), to appear and be heard thereon. of the following named streets to present their Affecting block numbers 2514 and 2524. Lot 44-Lot of Manilla rope, about 500 lbs. JAMES D, McGANN, Assistant Secretary, claims, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board 4179. Sewer and appurtenances in New Lots Motown P, S., New Bridge Road and Room 801, 277 Broadway. Telephone, 4560 of Assessors, Room 809, Municipal Building, on Road from Pennsylvania Avenue to New Jer- L. I. R. R. Lot 45-Scrap iron, about 10 tons. Worth. or before September 3, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. in. sey Avenue. Affecting block numbers 3840 and Dated, New York, July 30, 1914. jy31,127 4299. Hempstead Storage Res., Village Ave. bet. Rock- Claimants are requested to make their claims for ville Centre prepared by the All persons whose interests are affected by the and Hempstead. damages upon the blank form Lot 46-Scrap iron, about 7 tons. of Assessors, copies of which may be ob- above named proposed assessments, and who are DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Board opposed to the same or either of them, are re- Rockville Centre Yd., So, of L. I. Road bet. tined upon application at the above office. quested to present their objections, in writing, Morris and Forest Ares, Borough of Queens. Lot 47-Scrap iron, about 15 tons. Proposals. Fillmore Avenue (Prometcha Avenue) to the Secretary of the Board. of Assessors, Room 4269 809, Municipal Building, New York, on or before Lot 48-Lot of old rubber, about 500 lbs. --- from Junction Avenue to 48th (Grant) Street, DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES, MUNICIPAL BUILD- September 15th, 1914, at 10 a. m., at which time Lot 49-Lot of miscellaneous junk as follows: Second Ward. and place the said objections will be heard and 1 old bath tub, enamel and iron; 1 old kitchen ING, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW 4270 Willow Street from Main Street to testimony received in reference thereto. sink, iron; 1 old wash bowl, iron. YORK. Hoyt Avenue, First Ward. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE 4271 Madison Street from Woodward Avenue ALFRED P. W. SEAMAN, WM. C. OR- Borough of Queens. received by the Commissioner of Bridges at the MOND). JACOB J. LESSER, Board of Assessors, First Ward Store Yd.. Laurel Hill and Dreyer to Forest Avenue, Second Ward. Room 809, above office until 2 o'clock p. m., on 4272 Cypress Avenue from Myrtle Avenue ST. GEORGE B. TUCKER, Secretary, Ayes., Long Island City. Municipal Building, City of New York, Borough THURSDAY, REPTEMRER 3. 1914, to Cooper Street, Second Ward. Lot 50-iron, about 15 tons. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING Borough of Brooklyn. of Manhattan. Lot 51-Brass, about 150 lbs. AUTOMOBILE NAPHTHA. August 15th, 1914. a15,26 Flushing Store Hse., Fresh Meadow Rd. sir. 4273 Hopkinson Avenue from Riverdale Ave- MINIMMEN■V The naphtha shall be delivered from time to nue to East 98th Street. Cemetery Lane. time as required, and the whole amount shall be 4275 West 37th Street from Neptune Avenue DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUP- Lot 52-Scrap iron, about 25 tons. delivered within 180 calendar days after the date to a line about 260 feet south of Surf Avenue. Borough of Richmond, of certification of the contract by the Comp- 4276 17th Avenue from 79th Street to 84th PLY, GAS AND ELECTRICITY. West New Brighton P. S., Castleton Ave. and troller of the City. Street. Columbia St., W, N. B. The amount of security to guarantee the faith- 4277 59th Street from 15th Avenue to 16th Proposals. Lot 53-Scrap iron (2 piles), about 100 tons. ful performance of the contract will be thirty Avenue. Lot 54-Wrought iron and open hearth steel (30) per cent. of the total amount for which the 4278 Crown Street from Schenectady Ave- DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND scrap, about 5 tons. contract is awarded. nue to Utica Avenue. ELECTRICITY, ROOM 2351, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Lot 55-Mixed iron scrap, about 1 ton. The right is reserved by the Commissioner to 4279 East 40th Street from Avenue I to BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY OF NEW YORK. Lot 56-Rubber boots, etc., about 200 lbs. reject all the bids should he deem it to the Avenue K. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Lot 57-Brass scrap, about 600 lbs. interest of the City so to do. 4280 Shepherd Avenue from Arlington Ave- received by the Commissioner of Water Sup- Lot 58-1 steel boiler (steam), about 3 tons. Blank forms and specifications may be obtained nue to Atlantic Avenue. ply, Gas and Electricity, at the above office, until Lot 59-Cover of exhaust heater, 1, about at the office of the Department of Bridges. ALFRED P. W. SEAMAN, WM, C. OR- 2 p. m., on 1,800 lbs, Dated August 17. 1914. MOND, JACOB J. LESSER, Board of Assessors. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. Lot 60-1 small Worthington Pump, about 2 a22,s3 F. J. H. KRACKE, Commissioner. GEORGE B. TUCKER, secretary, Room 809, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. tons. ffSee General instructions to Bidders on Municipal Building, City of New York, Borough FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING Lot 61-1 hoisting engine, double drum, about last page, last column, of the "City Record." of Manhattan. 50,000 POUNDS PIG LEAD. 4 tons, August 22, 1914. a22,s2 Borough of Richmond. Lot 62-1 old Buick runabout. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING Lot 63-1 reach wagon. POLICE DEPARTMENT. 15,000 POUNDS PIG LEAD. Lot 64-1 dump cart. Completion of Assessments. The time allowed for the delivery of the ma- Lot 65-2 light wagons. Proposals. terials and supplies and the performance of the Lot 66-1 heavy wagon. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO contract will be thirty (30) calendar days. Lot 67-1 carriage. POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW the owner or owners of all houses and lots, The security required will be thirty (30) per improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, Clove Pumping Station, Richmond Turnpike. YORK, CENTRAL DEPARTMENT, BOROUGH OF MAN• cent. of the total amount for which the contract Lot 68-Mixed scrap (mostly cast RATTAN. that the following proposed assessments have iron), about is awarded. 25 tons. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE been completed and are lodged in the office of The bidder will state the price per unit of Lot 69-Rope, about 100 lbs. received by the Police Commissioner of the the Board of Assessors for examination by all each item of work or supplies contained in the persons interested, viz.: Lot 70-Colton hose (rubber lined), about 300 Police Department of The City of New York, specifications or schedules by which the bids lbs. at the Bookkeeper's Office, Headquarters of the Borough of Manhattan. will be tested. The bids will be compared and 4228 Receiving Basins at the southeast cor- Grant City P. S., Washington Ave., Grant City. Police Department, 240 Centre st., Borough of award made to the lowest formal bidder in the Lot 71-Mixed iron scrap, about 2 tons. Manhattan, in The City of New York, until 10 ners of 43rd and 44th Streets and Third Ave- Aggregate or Lump Sum. Tottenville P. S., Central Avenue, S. I. o'clock a. tn., on nue and at the northeast and northwest corners Bidders are requested to make their bids or Lot 72-Cast iron scrap, about 15 tons. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1914, of 46th Street and Third Avenue. Affecting estimates upon the blank form prepared by the Block Nos. 1301, 1316, 1317 and 1320. Lot 73-Wrought iron scrap, about 2 tons. FOR FURNISHING ALL THE LABOR AND Department, a copy of which, with the proper New Springville P. S., Union Avenue, S. I. MATERIALS REQUIRED IN MAKING AND Borough of The Bronx. envelope in which to enclose the bid, together Lot 74-Mixed iron scrap, about 5 tons. 4190 Regulating and re-regulating, grading COMPLETING REPAIRS TO THE STEAM with a copy of the contract including the speci- Lot 75-01d air pumps, 3, about 4,500 lbs. and re-grading, curbing, flagging, etc., East 174th HEATING SYSTEM AT THE 1ST. 2D, 5TH, fications, in the form approved by the Corpora- Bulls Head P. S., Old Signs Road, S. I. Street from Southern Boulevard to the easterly 6TH, 10TH, 12TH. 13TH, 14TH, 16TH, 17TH, tion Counsel, can be obtained upon application Lot 76-Cast iron scrap, about 5 tons. 21ST, 22D, 23D, 25TH, 26TH, 28TH, 29TH, side of Boone Avenue. therefor at the office of the Department, Room Lot 77-Mixed iron scrap, about 1 ton. 31ST. 32D, 35TH. 36TH, 39TH AND 43D Borough of Brooklyn. 2351, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhat- Lot 78-1 old hoisting engine, double drum, PRECINCTS. IN THE BOROUGH OF MAN. 4117 Regulating, grading, curbing and flag- tan, where any further information desired may without boiler, about 2 tons. ging HATTAN: 61ST, 63D. 66TH, 68TH, 74TH Tapscott Street from East New York Ave- be obtained. Lot 79-1 wooden pile driver frame. AND 77TH PRECINCTS IN THE BOROUGH nue to East 98th Street. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Commissioner, Lot 80-1 old air pump, about 1,500 lbs. OF THE BRONX; 80TH AND 81ST PRE- 4121 Paving Avenue F from Gravesend Ave- Aug. 18, 1914. a20,s1 Lot 81-1 old hoisting engine, single drum, CINCTS IN THE BOROUGH OF RICH- nue to West Street, 2211-See General Instructions to Bidders on less cylinders, about 1 ton. MOND; 143D, 144TH. 145TH, 146TH, 147TH, 4124 Paving McKinley Avenue between Rail- last page, last column. of the "City Record." Lot 82-1 old vertical boiler on wheels. 148TH, 149TH, 151ST, 152D, 153D. 154TH, road Avenue and Eldert's Lane. Every opportunity will be givenprospective 155TH, 156TH, 157TH, 158TH, 159TH, 160TH, 4159 Paving F'orbell Avenue from Liberty DEPARTMENT OP WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND bidders to examine the articles and materials 161ST, 1621). 163D, 164TH, 165TH, 166TH, Avenue to Magenta Street. ELECTRICITY, Room 2356, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, at the places where they are stored, and the 167TH, 168TH, 169TH. 170TH, 171ST, 172D 4163 Paving Slocum Place between Coney BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, THE CITY OF NEW public are invited to fully inform themselves. AND 174TH PRECINCTS IN THE BOROUGH Island Avenue and East 12th Street, Yoax. The sale of all lots will be as above stated at OF BROOKLYN, AND THE 274TH AND 4165 Paving 17th Avenue from West Street the 24th St. Pipe Yard, and in their numerical 275TH PRECINCTS IN THE BOROUGH OF to 45th Street. Notice of Sale at Public Auction order. QUEENS. 4193 Regulating, grading, curbing and flag- on TERMS OF SALE. The time allowed for the performance of the ging Midwood Street from New York Avenue THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914, The materials will be sold to the highest bidder contract is forty-five (45) working days. westerly about 100 feet to former Canarsie Ave- on each lot number per ton or per pound when The amount of security for the performance nue, COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK A. H. AT weight is given. No bid will be considered or of the contract shall be thirty (30) per cent. 4201 Regulating, grading, curbing and flag- the Pipe Yard, 24th Street and Avenue A, ging Borough of Manhattan, The Department of Water accepted for less than the entire quantity in each of the total amount for which the contract is 81st Street between 21st Avenue and Still- lot. awarded. well Avenue. Supply, Gas and Electricity will sell at public The quantities shown in the schedule are only The bidder will state the price for which he 4208 Regulating, grading, curbing and flag- auction to the highest bidder, by Joseph P. Day, ging Crown Street between Kingston and Al- Auctioneer, the material described below, situated approximate and the net payment will be based will do all the work and provide, furnish and on the actual weight determined by the City's bany Avenues. at various places in and adjoining the City-as deliver all the labor and materials mentioned representative on the City's scales on the prem- and described in The area of assessment in the above men- follows: said contract and specifica- ises where sold or, at the expense of tions. tioned lists extends to within half the block at Borough of Manhattan, the pur- chaser, on the nearest public scale. No scrap The bids will be compared and award made the intersecting and terminating streets and 24th Street Yard, 24th Street and Avenue "A." to avenues. Lot 1-Scrap iron, about 200 tons. shall be removed except in the presence of the the lowest bidder for each precinct. City's designated representative. No bid will be considered unless it is accom- 4177 Sewer Basins on Grafton Street at the lot 2-Scrap brass, about 2,000 lbs. southeast and southwest corners of Blake Ave- 'Exit 3-Scrap copper, about 150 lbs. Successful bidders must make cash payment in panied by a deposit which shall be in an amount bankable funds at the time and place of sale. not less than one and one-half (11/2 ) per cent. of nue; at the southeast and southwest corners of Lot 4-Scrap rubber, about 750 lbs. the total amount of the bid. Dumont Avenue; at the southeast and south- Lot 5-2 6" Deacon water meters. The purchaser or purchasers must remove all the materials within thirty days For particulars as to the nature and extent west corners of Livonia Avenue and on Blake 140th Street Yard, 140th Street and Sth Avenue. after the sale; otherwise he or they will forfeit the money paid of the work required or of the materials to be Avenue at the northeast and northwest corners Lot 6-Scrap iron, abobut 200 tons. at the time of sale and the ownership of the furnished. bidders are referred to of west roadway of Howard Avenue. Affecting Borough of The Bronx, the specifi- material, which will thereafter be resold cations and to Block Nos. 3533, 3551, 3552, 3566, 3567, 3580 Jerome Ave. Pipe Yard, Jerome Ave. and 206th for the the plans on file in the office benefit of the City. The purchaser or pur- of the Bureau of Repairs and Supplies, and 3581. St. Head- chasers must remove the quarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre 4180 Sewer Basins on 7th Avenue at the Lot 7-Scrap iron, about 150 tons. material under the supervision of an employee of the Department st., Borough of Manhattan. north and west corners of 62nd Street and on 7th Borough of Brooklyn. designated by the Commissioner, and will Bidders are Avenue, east side, opposite 62nd Street. Af- not be requested to make their bids or Ridgewood N. S. Sta., Atlantic Ave. and Logan allowed to select material for removal at will. estimates upon the blank form prepared by the fecting Block Nos. 5793, 5794, 5802, 5803, 5811 St, In the removal of boilers at Jameco all brick Commissioner, a and 5812. copy of which, with the proper Lot 8-1 Worthington Duplex Pumping En- work, setting, etc., shall be removed from the envelope in which to inclose the bid, together All persons whose interests are affected by the gine, about 10,000 lbs. City premises and the boiler room left shovel above named proposed assessments, and who with a copy of the contract, including the speci- are Lot 9-2 Worthington Duplex Air Pumps, clean. fications, can be obtained upon application there- opposed to the same or either of them, are re- about 1,000 lbs. The right to reject all bids is reserved. for at the office of the Commissioner, and any quested to present their objections, in writing, Lot 10-1 Worthington Duplex Feed Pump, further information can be obtained at to the Setretiry of the Board of Assessors, Room WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Commissioner. the office about 200 lbs, a17,27 I 7944 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914.

PUBLIC RECREATION COMMISSION. of Manitoba', in the tier of New Ythir, en the Is laid oat where it adjoins Bear Swamp road on in street shall be properly closed in compliance aRk dap of Avast, 1014, at the opening of the the nest, the said distance being measured at with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers in Court on that day or as seas thereafter as right angles to Van Nest avenue; thence west- the Borough in which the buildings are situated, Preposais. counsel can be heard thereon for the purpose of wardly and always distant 100 feet southerly and furnish the Department of Finance with a being examined ander lath by the Corporation from and parallel •with- the southerly line of certificate from the Bureau of Sewers that the temisel of The City of New York, or by any Van Nest avenue and the prolongation thereof OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC Rectum! COMM- work has been properly performed. ether person her* interest in the said pro- to the intersection with a line bisecting the The permit for all opening in the street to be SION OF THE CITY OF New YOE; MUNICIPAL ceeding as to their qualifications to act os inch angle formed by the intersection of the pro- obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser BUILDING, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Commissioners. longations of the southerly line of Van Nest of the building. SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE Da_ edL New York, August leth. 1914. avenue and the northerly line of Baker avenue Failure to remove said buildings, appurte- received at the office of the Public Recreation FRANK L POLK, Corporation Counsel, Hall as these streets are laid out between Holland Commission, Municipal Building, Borough of nances, or any part thereof, within thirty days of Records, Demuth of lianhattia, City of New avenue and Wallace avenue; thence westwardly from the dill of possession will work forfeiture Manhattan, in The City of New York, until York a14,25 along the said bisecting line to the intersection of ownership of such buildings, appurtenances, 10:30 o'clock A. IL on with the easterly line of White Plains road; or portion as shall then be left FRIDAY. AUGUST II, 191.4. standing, together thence southwestwardly in a straight line to a with all moneys paid by said purchaser on 1. FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR AND sr- FIRST DEPARTMENT. point on the southwesterly line of Unionport count thereof at the time of the sale, and the MATERIALS NECESSARY OR REQUIRED road where it is intersected by the prolongation bidder's assent to the above conditions being FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND .COMPLE- In the Matter of the Application of The City of of a line midway between Mead street and Baker understood to be TION OF THE PROPOSED BETSY HEAD implied by the act of bidding, New York, relative to aclairiag title wherever avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said and The City of New York will, without notice MEMORIAL PLAYGROUND AND RECRE- the same has not been heretofore acquired for line midway between Mead street and Baker ave- to the purchaser, cause the same to be removed, ATION CENTRE LOCATED IN BROWNS- the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- nue and along the prolongation of the said line and the cost and expense thereof charged against VILLE, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, CITY ments and kereditaments regoired for the to the intersection with the northeasterly line of the security above mentioned. OF NEW YORK. opening and extending of VICTOR STREET, Van Buren street; thence southwestwardly and The work of removal must be carried on in 2. FOR FURNISHING OF ALL LABOR from Van Nest A,venue to Rhinelander Ave- parallel with Van Nest avenue as this street is every respect in a thorough and workmanlike AND MATERIALS NECESSARY OR RE- nue; RHINELANDER AVENUE, from laid out between Adams street and Van Buren manner, and must be completed within thirty QUIRED TO INSTALL AND COMPLETE Unionport Road to White Plains Road, and street to the intersection with the northerly days from the day of possession, and the suc- THE STEAM HEATING AND ALL WORK CURG'ER AVENUE, from White Plains Road right of way line of the New York, New Haven cessful bidder will provide and furnish all ma- INCIDENTAL THERETO REQUIRED IN to Rhinelander Avenue, in the 24th Ward, and Hartford Railroad; thence westwardly along terials of labor and machinery necessary thereto, CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION Borough of The Bronx, City of New York. the said right of way line to the intersection and will place proper and sufficient guards and AND COMPLETION OF THE PROPOSED with a line distant 100 feet southerly from and fences and warning signs by day and night for BETSY HEAD MEMORIAL PLAYGROUND parallel with the southerly line of West Farms NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN the prevention of accidents, and will indemnify AND RECREATION CENTER, LOCATED IN road as this street is laid out where it adjoins and save harmless The City of New York, its BROWNSVILLE, BOROUGH OF BROOK- order of the Su roue Court of the State of artment, bearing date the Van Nest avenue, the said distance being meas- officers, agents and servants, and each of them, LYN, CITY OF NEW YORK. New York, First ured at right angles to West Farms road; thence 6th day of August, 914, and duly entered and against any and all suits and actions, claims and 3. FOR FURNISHING OF ALL LABOR westwardly along the said line parallel with demands filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of of every name and description brought AND MATERIALS NECESSARY OR RE- West Farms road to the intersection with a Bronx on the 11th day of August, 1914, against it, them or any of them, and against QUIRED TO INSTALL AND COMPLETE line at right angles to West Farms road and George B. Holbert, Esq., was appointed and from all damage and costs to which it, they THE PLUMBING, WATER SUPPLY AND a passing through the point of beginning; thence Commissioner of Estimate in the above entitled or any of them be put by reason of injury to DRAINAGE AND ALL W0/111 INCIDENTAL northwardly along tht said line at right angles to proceeding, in the place and stead of Timothy the person or property of another, resulting from THERETO REQUIRED IN CONNECTION West Farms road to the point or place of be- negligence or carelessness in the performance WITH THE CONSTRUCTION AND COM- M. Hartnett, resigned, ginning. Notice is further given that, pursuant to said of the work, or in guarding the same, or from PLETION OF THE PROPOSED BETSY order bearing date the 6th day of August, 1914, Fourth.—That the abstracts of said estimate any improper or defective materials or machinery, HEAD MEMORIAL PLAYGROUND AND of deluge and of said assessment for benefit, implements or appliances used in the reanoval RECREATION CENTER. LOCATED IN and duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Bronx on the 11th day of together with the damage and benefit maps, and of said buildings. BROWNSVILLE, BOROUGH OF BROOK- August, 1914, the said George B. Holbert, Esq., also ail the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other Where party walls are found to exist between LYN, CITY OF NEW YORK, AS will attend at a Special Term, Part II, of the documents used by the Commissioners of Esti- buildings purchased by different bidders, the ma- FOLLOWS: STARTING AT THE INTER- Supreme Court of the State of New York, First mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in terials of said party walls shall be understood SECTION OF DOUGLASS AND LIVONIA Department, to be held at the County Court making the same, have been deposited in the to be equally divided between the separate pur- AVENUES, EXTENDING THENCE EAST- chasers. House in the Borough of Manhattan, in the City Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Depart- ERLY TO HOPKINSON AVENUE, THENCE of New York, on the 29th day of August, 1914, ment of The City. of New York, Room 1529, Party walls and fences, when existing against NORTHERLY TO DUMONT AVENUE, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as 15th flew, Municipal Building, Chambers and adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken THENCE EASTERLY TO BRISTOL STREET, soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, Centre Streets, in the Borough of Manhattan, down. All furrings, plaster, chimneys, project. THENCE NORTHERLY TO BLAKE AVE- for the purpose of being examined by the Cor- in said City there to remain until the 31st day ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls NUE, THENCE WESTERLY AGAIN TO poration Counsel of The City of New York, or of August. 1914. are to be taken down and removed. The walls HOPKINSON AVENUE, THENCE SOUTH- by any other person having any interest in said Fifth.—That,provided there be no objections shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam. ERLY TO DUMONT AVENUE, THENCE proceeding, as to his qualifications to act as such filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to holes, etc., bricked up, and the wall pointed and WESTERLY TO DOUGLASS AVENUE, Commissioner. awards and as to assessments for benefit herein made to exclude wind and rain and present a THENCE SOUTHERLY TO THE POINT OR will be presented for confirmation to the Su- clean exterior. The roofs and adjacent build- Dated, New York, August 15th, 1914. ings shall PLACE OF BEGINNING. FRANK L POLK, Corporation Comm!, Ball me Court of the State of New York, First be properly flashed and painted and The time allowed to complete the whole work of Records, Boreugh of Manhattan, City of New Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part made watertight where they have been disturbed by the operations of the Contractor. will be one hundred (100) consecutive working York. all,26 III, to be held in the County Court House - in days, and the damages to be paid by the Con- the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New The Comptroller of The City of New York re- tractor for each day that the contract, or any York, en the 19th day of November, 1914, at the serves the right on the day of sale to withdraw part thereof, may be unfulfilled after the time Filing Preilatisery Aboasete. opening of the Court on that day. from sale any of the buildings, parts of buildings fixed for the completion thereof has expired, are, Sixtb.—In case,. however, objections are filed and machinery included therein, or to reject any by a clause in the contract, fixed and liquidated FIRST DEPARTMENT. to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and as- and all bids; and it is further at one hundred (x100) dollars per day. See sessment, or to either of them, the motion to Resolved, That, while the said sale is held contract. In the Matter of the Appficatthe of The City of confirm the reports as to awards and as to as- under the supervision of the Commissioners of The amount of the bond required shall be fifty New York. relative to acquiring title, wherever sessments shall stand adjourned to the date to the Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized per cent. (50%) of the amount of the contract. the same has not been heretofore acquired for be hereafter specified in the notice provided in to cause the sale to be advertised and to direct Blank forms of proposals and further informa- the same purpose in foe, to the lands, tene- inch cases to be given in relation to filing the the sale thereof as financial officer of the City. tion can be obtained on application to the office ments and liereditamend required for the final reports, pursuant to Sections 981 and 984 of the Public Recreation Commission. opening and extending of KINSELLA of the Greater New York Charter, as amended JAMES E. SULLIVAN, President of Public STREET, between Matthews (Rose) Avenue by Chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS AND ESTIMATES Recreation Commission. and Beer Swamp Rood, and of VAN NEST Dated, New York, August 7th, 1914. FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Dated, New York, August 17th, 1914. a17,28 (CLUMUBUS) AVENUE, between West MAX BENDIT, Chairman; JOHNJ . dirSee General Instructions to Bidders on Farms Road and Bear Swamp Road, is the MACKIN, JOHN L. GOLDWATER, Commis- last page, last column, of the "City Beard." P4th Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of sioners a Estimate. MAX BENDIT, Commis- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. New York, sioner of Assessment. JOEL J. Soma, Clerk. a11,27 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER- ASSESSMENTS. sons interested in the above entitled proceed- ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or NOTICE TO BIDDERS AT SALES OF OLD The person or persons making a bid or estimate occupants of all houses and lots and improved BUILDINGS, ETC. for any services, work, materials or supplies for Proposals. and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to The City of New York, or for any of its depart- all others whom it may concern, to wit: TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ments, bureaus or offices, shall furnish the same First—That the undersigned, Commissioners BUILDINGS ETC., WILL BE SOLD FOR in a sealed envelope, indorsed with the title of DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS OF of Estimate, have completed their estimate of REMOVAL FROM CITY PROPERTY. the supplies, materials, work or services for which THE CITY OF NEW YORK, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, damage,. and that all persons interested in this the bid or estimate is made, with his or their BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements THE BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES name or names and the date of presentation to the SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, thereto will be sold to the highest bidder, who President or Board or to the head of the received by the Board of Taxes and Assess- having any objection thereto, do file their said must pay cash or certified check, drawn to the Department at his or its office, on or before the ments of The City of New York, at the office of objections in writing, duly verified, with them order of the Comptroller of The City of New date and hour named in the advertisement for the Secretary, Municipal Building, Manhattan at their office, Room 1557, 15th Floor, Munici- York, and must also give a certified check or the same, at which time and place the estimates Borough, until 11 o'clock A. M. on pal Building, Chambers and Centre Streets, in cash in half the amount of the purchase price received will be publicly opened by the President AUGUST 25. 1914, TUESDAY. the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New as security for the faithful performance of the or Board or head of said Department and read, FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING: York, on or before the 31st day of August, 1914, terms and conditions of the sale. Where the and the award of the contract made according 1. TWENTY-EIGHT (28) DOUBLE and that the said Commissioners will hear par- amount of the purchase price does not equal or to law as soon thereafter as eracticable. STANDING DESKS. .ies so objecting, and for that purpose will be exceed the sum of $50, the sum of $50 shall be Each bid or estimate shah contain the name 2. FIFTY-SIX (56) HIGH STOOLS. in attendance at their said office on the 15th day the amount of the security to be deposited. This and place of residence of the person making the The time allowed for the performance of con- of September, 1914, at 10.39 o'clock A. M. security may at any time after the expiration of same, and names of all persons interested with tract No. 1 is forty-five (45) calendar days after Second.—That the undersigned, Commissioner the contract period be applied by the City to the him therein, and, if no other person he so inter- the endorsement of the certificate of the Comp- of Assessment, has • completed his estimate of cost of completing any of the work required ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that troller upon the executed contract, and for No. benefit and that all persons interested in this under the contract, but unfinished at the expira- it is made without any connection with any other 2, thirty (30) calendar days after the endorse- proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements tion of the contract period. person making an estimate for the same purpose, ment of the certificate of the Comptroller upon and hereditament' and premises affected thereby, The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause and is in all respects fair and without collusion the executed contract. having any obieetion thereto, do file their said or permit the building or buildings, etc., pur- or fraud, and that no member of the Board of The amount of security shall be: 1—One objections in writing, duly verified, with him chased by him to be used or occupied for any Aldermen, head of a department, chief of a thousand dollars ($1,000). 2—Three hundred at his office, Room 1557, 15th Floor, Municipal purpose other than that of their speedy removal, bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other dollars ($300). Building, Chambers and Centre Streets, in the nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue officer of 'The City of New York is, shall be or No bid will be considered unless it is accom- Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New for the use of either the land or the buildings, become interested, directly or indirectly, as con- panied by a deposit of not less than one and York, on or before the 31st day of Angast, 1914, etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or tracting party, partner, stockholder, surety or one-half per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of and that the said Comsniasioner will hear parties any of these conditions shall forthwith void the otherwise in or in the performance of the con- the bid. so objecting, and for that purpose will be in sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur- tract, or in the supplies, work or business to The contract will be awarded according to law attendance at his said office on the 16th day of chase money and the security deposited for the which it relates, or in any portion of theprofits as soon as practicable after the opening of bids. September, 1914, at 10.30 o'clock A. M. faithful performance of the conditions of the thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by Blank forms, plans and specifications may be Third.---That the Commissioner of Assessment sale. The placing therein or permitting the occu• the oath, in writing, of the party or parties mak- obtained or seen at the office of the Secretary of has assessed say or all such lands, tenements panty of any such building by any tenant free, ing the estimate that the several matters stated the Board of Taxes and Assessments, Ninth and hereditament' and preemies as are within for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary herein are in all respects true. Floor, Municipal Building, Borough of Man- the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as watchmen or the workmen engaged in the actual No bid or estimate will be considered unless, hattan. the area of assessment for benefit by the Board demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of as a condition precedent to the reception or con- LAWSON PURDY, President; JOHN J. of Estimate and Apportionment on the 20th day the above conditions of sale. sideration of any proposal, it be accompanied by HALLERAN, CHARLES T. WHITE, COL- of April, 1911, and that the said area of The sale will be as of the condition of the a certified check upon one of the State or Na- LIN H. WOODWARD, ARDOLPH L. KLINE, assessment includes all those lands, tenements property on date of delivery thereof to the pur- tional banks of The City of New York, drawn to GEORGE V. MULLAN, FREDERIC B. SHIP- and hereditaments and premises situate and be- chaser. The City of New York will not be re- the order of the Comptroller, or money or cor- LEY, Commissioners. a14,25 ing in the Borough of The Bros:, in The City sponsible for any change or loss which may porate stock or certificates of indebtedness of tiFfiee General Instroetions to Bidders on of New York, which, taken together, are occur in the condition of the buildings, or their any nature issued by The City of New York, loot nom last column. of tbe "City Record!' bounded and described as follows, vm.: appurtenances between the time of the sale there- which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal Beaming at a paint oa the northerly line of of and the time of delivering possession to the value with the security required in the adver- West Farms rend where it is intersected by a purchaser, after being properly vacated of all tisement to the amount of not less than three SUPREME COURT FIRST DE- line bisecting the angle formed by the inter- tenants, The sale and delivery to purchaser will net more than five per centum of the amount of PARTMENT. section of the prolongations of the southeasterly be made as nearly together as the circumstances the bond required, as provided in section 420 line of Morris Park avenue and northwesterly of vacating the structures of their tenants will of the Greater New York Charter. line of Van Nest avenue, as these streets are permit. The amount shall be as sified in the pro- Hemings en qualifiestions. laid out between East One Hundred and Eigh- All the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, posals or instructions to bidders and shall not tieth street and Adams street, and ranging thence structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with be in excess of 5 per cent. their exterior and interior fixtures, appurte- The certified check or money should not bt in- FIRST DEPARTMENT. northeastward'y along the said bisecting line to the intersection with the profanation of a line nances and foundations of all kinds, except the closed in the envelope containing the bid or esti- In the Matter of the Application of The City of midway between Morris Park avenue and Van exterior walls of the buildings and their foun- mate, but should be either inclosed in a separate dations and the sidewalks and curb in front of New York, relative to acquiring title wherever Nest avenue as these streets are laid out between envelope addressed to the head of the Depart- said buildings, extending within the described ment, President or Board, or submitted personally the same has not been heretofore acquired for Melville street and Taylor street; thence north. shall be torn down and removed from the the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- eastwardly along the said line midway between area upon the presentation of the bid or estimate. premises. None of the dirt, debris or waste re- ments and hereditaments required for the Morris Park avenue 'id Van Neat avenue and For particulars as to the quantity and quality suiting from demolition shall be allowed to re- widening of RIVERSIDE DRIVE, on its east. along the prolonation of the said line to the is- of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the main on the premises, except old mortar or plas- northerly line of West 181st terseetion with tkt proiongation of a line midway work, reference must be made to the specifica- erly side from the ter only, which may be left, but not higher at tions, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the Street to a point about 550 feet northerly between Morris Park avenue and Van Nest said any point than two feet below the curb opposite of the President, Board or Department. therefrom, in the 12th Ward, Borough of him- avenue as these streets are laid out between Vic- office that point The exterior walls and their founda- No bid shall be accepted from or contract batten, City of New York. tor street and White Plains road; thence east- wardly along the said lime midway between tions shall be taken down only to a plane whose awarded to any person who is in arrears to The Morris Park avenue and Van Nest avenue and elevation shall be the level of the curb in front City of New York upon debt or contract, or who NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN along the prolongation of the said line to the of the building. Where there is no curb the ele- is a defaulter, ail surety or otherwise, upon any order of the Supreme Court of the State of intersection with a line midway between Barnes vation of the surrounding ground shall be con- obligation to the City. New York, First Department, hearing date the avenue and Mathews avenge; thence north- sidered curb level. All wells, cesspools, sinks, The contract must be bid for separately. 10th day of August, 1914, and duly entered wardly along the said line midway between etc., existing on the property must be filled to The right is reserved in each case to reject and filed in the of of the Clerk of the County Barnes avenue and Motthessa avenue to the inter- the level d the surrounding ground with clean all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for the of New York on the 10th day of August 1914, section with the prolongation of a lime midway earth. interest of the City so to do. John Z. Lowe, Jr., Albert B. Kerr and Winternter between Morris Park name and tinsella street; The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw Bidders will write out the amount of their bids Russell, Esquires, were appointed Commissioners thence eostwardly along the said line midway and remove all abandoned water taps and old or estimates in addition to inserting the same in of Estimate in the above entitled proceeding and between Morris Park avenue and Kinsella street service mains, and in place thereof cause to be figures. that in and by the said order John L Lowe, Jr., and along the prolongation of the said line to inserted a brass piag is the main water pipe in Bidders are requested to make their bids or Esq., was appointed the Commissioner of As- a point distant 100 feet easterly from the east- the street, in compliance with the rules and mu- estimates upon the blank forms prepared and sessment. erly line of Bear Sotarup road, the said distance tations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas furnished by the City, a copy of which, with the Notice is further given that, pursuant to the being measured at right angles to Bear Swamp and Electricity, and furnish the Department of proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, to- statutes in such cases made and provided, the road; thence southwardly and always distant Finance with a certificate from the Department gether with a copy of the contract, including the said John Z. Lowe, Jr., Albert B. Kerr and 106 feet easterly from and parallel with the of Water Su,pply, Gas and Electricity that this specifications, in the form approved by the Cor- Winter Russell, Esquires, will attend at a Special easterly lint of Bear Swamp road to the inter- has been performed. poration Counsel, can be obtained upon applica- Term, Part II, of the Supreme Court of the section with the prolongation of s line distant The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all tion therefor at the office of the Department for State of New York, First Department, to be 100 feet southerly_ from and paridiel with the house sewer connections to the main sewer in which the work is to be done. Plans and draw- held at the County Court House, in the Borough southerly fine of Van Nest mune at this street the street and the openings of the main sewer ings of construction work may also be seen there.