OMB No. 1545-0047 Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung 2007 benefit trust or private foundation) Open to Public Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements. Inspection A For the 2007 calendar year, or tax year beginning1/1/2007 , and ending 12/31/2007 D Employer identification number B Check if applicable: Please C Name of organization use IRS Address change label or 22 1576300 print or Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite E Telephone number Name change type. Initial return See 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane ()972 580-2000 Specific City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 Final return Instruc- F Accounting method: Cash✔ Accrual tions. Amended return Irving, TX 75038-3008 Other (specify) H and I are not applicable to section 527 organizations. Application pending ● Section 501(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ). H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates? Yes✔ No G Website: H(b) If “Yes,” enter number of affiliates H(c) Are all affiliates included? Yes No J Organization type (check only one) ✔ 501(c) (3 ) (insert no.) 4947(a)(1) or 527 (If “No,” attach a list. See instructions.) K Check here if the organization is not a 509(a)(3) supporting organization and its gross H(d) Is this a separate return filed by an ✔ Yes No receipts are normally not more than $25,000. A return is not required, but if the organization chooses organization covered by a group ruling? to file a return, be sure to file a complete return. I Group Exemption Number 1761 M Check if the organization is not required L Gross receipts: Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b to line 12 1,320,090,753 to attach Sch. B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF). Part I Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances (See the instructions.) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: a Contributions to donor advised funds 1a 0 b Direct public support (not included on line 1a) 1b 6,233,323 c Indirect public support (not included on line 1a) 1c 0 d Government contributions (grants) (not included on line 1a) 1d 0 e Total (add lines 1a through 1d) (cash $6,233,323 noncash $0 ) 1e 6,233,323 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) 2 35,750,715 3 Membership dues and assessments 3 72,175,906 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 956,452 5 Dividends and interest from securities 5 24,120,409 6a Gross rents 6a 5,092 b Less: rental expenses 6b 0 c Net rental income or (loss). Subtract line 6b from line 6a 6c 5,092 7 Other investment income (describe See Statement 1) 7 3,590,771 (A) (B) 8a Gross amount from sales of assets other Securities Other than inventory 1,024,305,627 8a 4,711,709 Revenue b Less: cost or other basis and sales expenses 1,010,712,615 8b 5,491,165 c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) Stmt 2 13,593,012 8c -779,456 d Net gain or (loss). Combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B) 8d 12,813,556 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule). If any amount is from gaming, check here a Gross revenue (not including $0 of contributions reported on line 1b) 9a 0 b Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses 9b 0 c Net income or (loss) from special events. Subtract line 9b from line 9a 9c 0 10a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances Stmt 3 10a 147,753,544 b Less: cost of goods sold 10b 120,572,243 c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule). Subtract line 10b from line 10a 10c 27,181,301 11 Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103) 11 487,205 12 Total revenue. Add lines 1e, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, 10c, and 11 12 183,314,730 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) 13 139,253,982 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) 14 15,384,414 15 Fundraising (from line 44, column (D)) 15 428,381

Expenses 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) 16 0 17 Total expenses. Add lines 16 and 44, column (A) 17 155,066,777 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year. Subtract line 17 from line 12 18 28,247,953 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) 19 648,583,823 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) Stmt 4 20 10,248,650

Net Assets 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year. Combine lines 18, 19, and 20 21 687,080,426 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. Cat. No. 11282Y Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 2 Part II Statement of All organizations must complete column (A). Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) and (4) Functional Expenses organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others. (See the instructions.) Do not include amounts reported on line (B) (C) (A) Total Program Management (D) Fundraising 6b, 8b, 9b, 10b, or 16 of Part I. services and general 22a Grants paid from donor advised funds (attach schedule) (cash $ noncash $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here 22a 0 0 22b Other grants and allocations (attach schedule) Stmt 5 (cash $ 1,748,142 noncash $ 0 ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here ✔ 22b 1,748,142 1,748,142

23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) 23 0 0 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) 24 0 0 25a Compensation of current officers, directors, key employees, etc. listed in Part V-A 25a 5,639,635 4,171,878 1,262,073 205,684 b Compensation of former officers, directors, key employees, etc. listed in Part V-B 25b 289,851 0 289,851 0 c Compensation and other distributions, not included above, to disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) 25c 0 0 0 0 26 Salaries and wages of employees not included on lines 25a, b, and c 26 45,414,990 41,137,638 4,162,965 114,387 27 Pension plan contributions not included on lines 25a, b, and c 27 2,270,750 2,056,882 208,767 5,101 28 Employee benefits not included on lines 25a – 27 28 3,600,457 3,456,000 128,752 15,705 29 Payroll taxes 29 2,724,899 2,468,258 250,520 6,121 30 Professional fundraising fees 30 0 0 0 0 31 Accounting fees 31 575,783 83,000 492,783 0 32 Legal fees 32 2,356,375 2,004,639 325,801 25,935 33 Supplies 33 3,734,041 3,231,019 503,022 0 34 Telephone 34 941,476 917,417 24,059 0 35 Postage and shipping 35 969,044 781,078 187,966 0 36 Occupancy 36 8,146,655 3,273,307 4,872,544 804 37 Equipment rental and maintenance 37 992,113 791,522 200,591 0 38 Printing and publications 38 2,632,579 2,522,314 110,265 0 39 Travel 39 5,885,303 5,096,354 775,736 13,213 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 40 3,832,869 3,479,509 353,360 0 41 Interest 41 0 0 0 0 42 Depreciation, depletion, etc. (attach schedule) 42 5,815,043 4,147,426 1,666,690 927 Stmt 6 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize): a See Statement 743a 57,496,772 57,887,599 -431,331 40,504 b 43b c 43c d 43d e 43e f 43f g 43g 44 Total functional expenses. Add lines 22a through 43g. (Organizations completing columns (B)–(D), carry these totals to lines 13–15) 44 155,066,777 139,253,982 15,384,414 428,381 Joint Costs. Check if you are following SOP 98-2. Are any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services? Yes✔ No If “Yes,” enter (i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ ; (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ ; (iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ ; and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundraising $

Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 3 Part III Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See the instructions.) Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization. How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization’s programs and accomplishments. What is the organization’s primary exempt purpose? See Statement 8, for exempt purpose. Program Service Expenses All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner. State the number (Required for 501(c)(3) and of clients served, publications issued, etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) (4) orgs., and 4947(a)(1) trusts; but optional for organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others.) others.) a See Statement 8

(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here


(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here


(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here


(Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here

e Other program services (attach schedule) (Grants and allocations $ ) If this amount includes foreign grants, check here

f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) 139,253,982

Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 4 Part IV Balance Sheets (See the instructions.) Note: Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description (A) (B) column should be for end-of-year amounts only. Beginning of year End of year 45 Cash—non-interest-bearing 12,625,733 45 11,946,552 46 Savings and temporary cash investments 30,729,896 46 31,984,395

47a Accounts receivable 47a 1,871,305 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 47b 121,379 2,283,872 47c 1,749,926

48a Pledges receivable 48a 364,327 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 48b0 354,133 48c 364,327 49 Grants receivable 0 49 0 50a Receivables from current and former officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) 0 50a 0 b Receivables from other disqualified persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(1)) and persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) (attach schedule) 0 50b 0 51a Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) 51a 0 b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 51b0 0 51c 0

Assets 52 Inventories for sale or use 41,905,202 52 51,828,382 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 18,413,725 53 15,246,325 54a Investments—publicly-traded securities Cost ✔ FMV 629,049,014 54a 678,297,476 b Investments—other securities (attach schedule) Cost FMV 0 54b 0 55a Investments—land, buildings, and equipment: basis 55a 48,656 b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) See Statement 9 55b0 48,656 55c 48,656 56 Investments—other (attach schedule) 0 56 0 57a Land, buildings, and equipment: basis 57a 159,304,610 b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) Stmt 10 57b 82,178,759 76,635,144 57c 77,125,851 58 Other assets, including program-related investments (describe ) 0 58 0 59 Total assets (must equal line 74). Add lines 45 through 58 812,045,375 59 868,591,890 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 69,719,595 60 92,241,092 61 Grants payable 0 61 0 62 Deferred revenue 32,798,901 62 27,018,641 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) 0 63 0 64a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) 0 64a 0

Liabilities b Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) 0 64b 0 65 Other liabilities (describe See Statement 11 ) 60,943,056 65 62,251,731

66 Total liabilities. Add lines 60 through 65 163,461,552 66 181,511,464 Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here ✔ and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 67 Unrestricted 593,759,663 67 628,253,080 68 Temporarily restricted 35,085,953 68 38,256,971 69 Permanently restricted 19,738,207 69 20,570,375 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here and complete lines 70 through 74. 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 70 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund 71 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 72 73 Total net assets or fund balances. Add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72. (Column (A) must equal line 19 and column (B) must Net Assets or Fund Balances equal line 21) 648,583,823 73 687,080,426 74 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances. Add lines 66 and 73 812,045,375 74 868,591,890 Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 5 Part IV-A Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return (See the instructions.) a Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements a 181,797,000 b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 12: 1 Net unrealized gains on investments b1 10,248,650 2 Donated services and use of facilities b2 0 3 Recoveries of prior year grants b3 0 4 Other (specify): See Statement 12 b4 9,535,983 Add lines b1 through b4 b 19,784,633 c Subtract line b from line a c 162,012,367 d Amounts included on Part I, line 12, but not on line a: 1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b d1 0 2 Other (specify): See Statement 13 d2 21,302,363 Add lines d1 and d2 d 21,302,363 e Total revenue (Part I, line 12). Add lines c and d e 183,314,730 Part IV-B Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return a Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements a 142,796,000 b Amounts included on line a but not on Part I, line 17: 1 Donated services and use of facilities b1 0 2 Prior year adjustments reported on Part I, line 20 b2 0 3 Losses reported on Part I, line 20 b3 0 4 Other (specify): See Statement 14 b4 9,031,586 Add lines b1 through b4 b 9,031,586 c Subtract line b from line a c 133,764,414 d Amounts included on Part I, line 17, but not on line a: 1 Investment expenses not included on Part I, line 6b d1 0 2 Other (specify): See Statement 15 d2 21,302,363 Add lines d1 and d2 d 21,302,363 e Total expenses (Part I, line 17). Add lines c and d e 155,066,777

Part V-A Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each person who was an officer, director, trustee, or key employee at any time during the year even if they were not compensated.) (See the instructions.) (B) (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to employee (E) Expense account (A) Name and address Title and average hours per (If not paid, enter benefit plans & deferred and other allowances week devoted to position -0-.) compensation plans See Statement 16

Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 6 Part V-A Current Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (continued) Yes No 75a Enter the total number of officers, directors, and trustees permitted to vote on organization business at board meetings 69

b Are any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B, related to each other through family or business ✔ relationships? If “Yes,” attach a statement that identifies the individuals and explains the relationship(s) 75b c Do any officers, directors, trustees, or key employees listed in Form 990, Part V-A, or highest compensated employees listed in Schedule A, Part I, or highest compensated professional and other independent contractors listed in Schedule A, Part II-A or II-B, receive compensation from any other organizations, whether tax exempt or taxable, that are related to the organization? See the instructions for the definition of “related organization.” 75c ✔ If “Yes,” attach a statement that includes the information described in the instructions. d Does the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? 75d ✔ Part V-B Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees That Received Compensation or Other Benefits (If any former officer, director, trustee, or key employee received compensation or other benefits (described below) during the year, list that person below and enter the amount of compensation or other benefits in the appropriate column. See the instructions.) (C) Compensation (D) Contributions to employee (E) Expense (A) Name and address (B) Loans and Advances (if not paid, benefit plans & deferred account and other enter -0-) compensation plans allowances

See Statement 17

Part VI Other Information (See the instructions.) Yes No 76 Did the organization make a change in its activities or methods of conducting activities? If “Yes,” attach a ✔ detailed statement of each change 76 ✔ 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? 77 If “Yes,” attach a conformed copy of the changes. 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by ✔ this return? 78a ✔ b If “Yes,” has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 78b 79 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If “Yes,” attach ✔ a statement 79 80a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt ✔ organization? 80a b If “Yes,” enter the name of the organization See Statement 18 and check whether it is exempt or nonexempt 81a Enter direct and indirect political expenditures. (See line 81 instructions.) 81a 0 b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 81b ✔ Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 7 Part VI Other Information (continued) Yes No 82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge ✔ or at substantially less than fair rental value? 82a b If “Yes,” you may indicate the value of these items here. Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. (See instructions in Part III.) 82b 0 ✔ 83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? 83a ✔ b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? 83b ✔ 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? 84a b If “Yes,” did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? 84b 85 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. a Were substantially all dues nondeductible by members? 85a b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? 85b If “Yes” was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year. c Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members 85c d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures 85d e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices 85e f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e) 85f g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f? 85g h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? 85h 86 501(c)(7) orgs. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12 86a b Gross receipts, included on line 12, for public use of club facilities 86b 87 501(c)(12) orgs. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders 87a b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources against amounts due or received from them.) 87b 88a At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections ✔ 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If “Yes,” complete Part IX 88a b At any time during the year, did the organization, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the ✔ meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If “Yes,” complete Part XI 88b 89a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under: section 4911 0 ; section 4912 0 ; section 4955 0

b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If “Yes,” attach ✔ a statement explaining each transaction 89b c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912, 4955, and 4958 0 d Enter: Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization 0 e All organizations. At any time during the tax year, was the organization a party to a prohibited tax shelter ✔ transaction? 89e ✔ f All organizations. Did the organization acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract? 89f g For supporting organizations and sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did the supporting organization, or a fund maintained by a sponsoring organization, have excess business holdings ✔ at any time during the year? 89g 90a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CT,GA,IL,IN,LA,MD,MA,MI,MN,NH,NJ,NM,NY,N b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 2007 (See instructions.) 90b 1625 91a The books are in care of Richard N Potts Telephone no. 972-580-2300 Located at 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX ZIP + 4 75038-3008 b At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial Yes No ✔ account)? 91b If “Yes,” enter the name of the foreign country See Statement 19 See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts.

Form 990 (2007) Form 990 (2007) Page 8 Part VI Other Information (continued) Yes No ✔ c At any time during the calendar year, did the organization maintain an office outside of the United States? 91c If “Yes,” enter the name of the foreign country 92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041—Check here and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year 92 Part VII Analysis of Income-Producing Activities (See the instructions.) Note: Enter gross amounts unless otherwise Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (E) Related or indicated. (A) (B) (C) (D) exempt function Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount 93 Program service revenue: income a Philmont Ranch & High Adventure Ba 900004 81,839 23,252,175 b All others 5,384,501 c World 2,981,082 d Scout Net 2,464,800 e Reg & Conference 1,586,318 f Medicare/Medicaid payments g Fees and contracts from government agencies 94 Membership dues and assessments 72,175,906 95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 14 956,452 96 Dividends and interest from securities 14 24,120,409 97 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate: a debt-financed property b not debt-financed property 16 5,092 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 99 Other investment income 15 3,590,771 100 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 12,813,556 101 Net income or (loss) from special events 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 511120 -2,789,195 03 29,970,496 103 Other revenue: a High Adventure Bases - Oth 03 169,827 b Miscellaneous Receipts 03 126,801 c National Eagle Scout Association 03 92,137 d Other Regional Activities 03 85,450 e Drug Awareness Program 12,990 104 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (E)) -2,707,356 71,930,991 107,857,772 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B), (D), and (E)) 177,081,407 Note: Line 105 plus line 1e, Part I, should equal the amount on line 12, Part I. Part VIII Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See the instructions.) Line No. Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment ᮢ of the organization’s exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes). See Statement 20

Part IX Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (See the instructions.) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Name, address, and EIN of corporation, Percentage of End-of-year partnership, or disregarded entity ownership interest Nature of activities Total income assets % % % % Part X Information Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (See the instructions.) (a) Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? Yes ✔ No (b) Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? Yes ✔ No Note: If “Yes” to (b), file Form 8870 and Form 4720 (see instructions).

Form 990 (2007)

SCHEDULE A Organization Exempt Under Section 501(c)(3) OMB No. 1545-0047 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (Except Private Foundation) and Section 501(e), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n), or 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Supplementary Information—(See separate instructions.) 2007 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service MUST be completed by the above organizations and attached to their Form 990 or 990-EZ Name of the organization Employer identification number BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 22 1576300 Part I Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees Other Than Officers, Directors, and Trustees (See page 2 of the instructions. List each one. If there are none, enter “None.”) (d) Contributions to (e) (a) Name and address of each employee paid more (b) Title and average hours Expense (c) Compensation employee benefit plans & account and other than $50,000 per week devoted to position deferred compensation allowances David K Park Natnl Legal Counsel 40 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038-30 304,174 25,982 19,564 Glenn E Stone Jr Regional Director 40 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038-30 280,499 92,047 8,681 Thomas H Fitzgibbon Regional Director 40 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038-30 280,213 59,526 9,731 Bradley Farmer Regional Director 40 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038-30 242,346 34,739 5,457 Willie Iles Jr Group Director 40 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, TX 75038-30 238,512 35,326 9,733 Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 528 See Statement 22

Part II-A Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Professional Services (See page 2 of the instructions. List each one (whether individuals or firms). If there are none, enter “None.”) (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation Hughes Hubbard and Reed LLP Attorney One Battery Park Plaza, New York, NY 10004-1482, US 1,834,184 Lane Reese Aulick Summers Ennis PA Attorney 2600 Douglas Rd Ste 304, Coral Gables, FL 33134, US 429,621 RREEF Investment Manager 875 North Michigan Avenue, Chicage, IL 60611, US 422,996 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Accounting and Audit P O Box 676384, Dallas, TX 75267-6384, US 409,000 Sterling Johnson Investment Manager 50 California Street Suite 3325, San Francisco, CA 94111, US 401,264 Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services 10

Part II-B Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Independent Contractors for Other Services (List each contractor who performed services other than professional services, whether individuals or firms. If there are none, enter “None.” See page 2 of the instructions.) (a) Name and address of each independent contractor paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation Headstrong Services LLC Global Consultant Dept Ch 17475, Palatine, IL 60055, US 316,543 Sungard Availability Services Computer Recovery P O Box 91233, Chicago, IL 60693, US 229,546 IMPRIMISArt Squad Talent Solutions 4835 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75244, US 225,175 Sanjay Desai Computer Consultant 2604 Owl Creek, Plano, TX 75025, US 216,407 Bravo Technical Resources Contract Labor 4835 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75244, US 151,909 Total number of other contractors receiving over $50,000 for other services 16

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 and Form 990-EZ. Cat. No. 11285F Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 2

Part III Statements About Activities (See page 2 of the instructions.) Yes No

1 During the year, has the organization attempted to influence national, state, or local legislation, including any attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum? If “Yes,” enter the total expenses paid or incurred in connection with the lobbying activities $203,765 (Must equal amounts on line 38, Part VI-A, or line i of Part VI-B.) 1 ✔

Organizations that made an election under section 501(h) by filing Form 5768 must complete Part VI-A. Other organizations checking “Yes” must complete Part VI-B AND attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities.

2 During the year, has the organization, either directly or indirectly, engaged in any of the following acts with any substantial contributors, trustees, directors, officers, creators, key employees, or members of their families, or with any taxable organization with which any such person is affiliated as an officer, director, trustee, majority owner, or principal beneficiary? (If the answer to any question is “Yes,” attach a detailed statement explaining the transactions.) See Statement 23 ✔ a Sale, exchange, or leasing of property? 2a

✔ b Lending of money or other extension of credit? 2b

✔ c Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities? 2c

✔ d Payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses if more than $1,000)? 2d See Form 990, Pt. V ✔ e Transfer of any part of its income or assets? 2e

3a Did the organization make grants for scholarships, fellowships, student loans, etc.? (If “Yes,” attach an explanation ✔ of how the organization determines that recipients qualify to receive payments.) Stmt 24 3a

✔ b Did the organization have a section 403(b) annuity plan for its employees? 3b

c Did the organization receive or hold an easement for conservation purposes, including easements to preserve open space, the environment, historic land areas or historic structures? If “Yes,” attach a detailed statement 3c ✔

✔ d Did the organization provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negotiation services? 3d

4a Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds? If “Yes,” complete lines 4b through 4g. If “No,” complete lines 4f and 4g 4a ✔ ✔ b Did the organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966? 4b

✔ c Did the organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? 4c

d Enter the total number of donor advised funds owned at the end of the tax year

e Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all donor advised funds owned at the end of the tax year

f Enter the total number of separate funds or accounts owned at the end of the tax year (excluding donor advised funds included on line 4d) where donors have the right to provide advice on the distribution or investment of amounts in such funds or accounts 0

g Enter the aggregate value of assets held in all funds or accounts included on line 4f at the end of the tax year 0

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 3 Part IV Reason for Non-Private Foundation Status (See pages 4 through 7 of the instructions.)

I certify that the organization is not a private foundation because it is: (Please check only ONE applicable box.) 5 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i).

6 A school. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Also complete Part V.)

7 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii).

8 A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v).

9 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii). Enter the hospital’s name, city, and state

10 An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

11a ✔ An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

11b A community trust. Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.)

1 12 An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33 ⁄3% of its support from contributions, membership fees, and gross receipts 1 from activities related to its charitable, etc., functions—subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 ⁄3% of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975. See section 509(a)(2). (Also complete the Support Schedule in Part IV-A.) 13 An organization that is not controlled by any disqualified persons (other than foundation managers) and otherwise meets the requirements of section 509(a)(3). Check the box that describes the type of supporting organization: Type I Type II Type III-Functionally Integrated Type III-Other

Provide the following information about the supported organizations. (See page 7 of the instructions.) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Name(s) of supported organization(s) Employer Type of Is the supported Amount of identification organization organization listed in support number (EIN) (described in lines the supporting 5 through 12 organization’s above or IRC governing documents? section)

Yes No

Total 0

14 An organization organized and operated to test for public safety. Section 509(a)(4). (See page 7 of the instructions.)

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 4 Part IV-A Support Schedule (Complete only if you checked a box on line 10, 11, or 12.) Use cash method of accounting. Note: You may use the worksheet in the instructions for converting from the accrual to the cash method of accounting. Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) (a) 2006 (b) 2005 (c) 2004 (d) 2003 (e) Total 15 Gifts, grants, and contributions received. (Do not include unusual grants. See line 28.) 3,575,938 6,559,826 4,328,755 957,000 15,421,519 16 Membership fees received 69,475,391 65,612,607 66,609,129 114,434,506 316,131,633 17 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise sold or services performed, or furnishing of facilities in any activity that is related to the organization’s charitable, etc., purpose 183,454,052 193,269,569 193,212,623 148,483,323 718,419,567 18 Gross income from interest, dividends, amounts received from payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), rents, royalties, and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 taxes) from businesses acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975 36,279,173 18,179,336 16,220,160 18,557,706 89,236,375 19 Net income from unrelated business activities not included in line 18 0 0 0 0 0 20 Tax revenues levied for the organization’s benefit and either paid to it or expended on its behalf 0 0 0 0 0 21 The value of services or facilities furnished to the organization by a governmental unit without charge. Do not include the value of services or facilities generally furnished to the public without charge 0 0 0 0 0 22 Other income. Attach a schedule. Do not include gain or (loss) from sale of capital assets 400,191 450,526 340,597 660,689 1,852,003 Stmt 25 23 Total of lines 15 through 22 293,184,745 284,071,864 280,711,264 283,093,224 1,141,061,097 24 Line 23 minus line 17 109,730,693 90,802,295 87,498,641 134,609,901 422,641,530 25 Enter 1% of line 23 2,931,847 2,840,719 2,807,113 2,830,932 26 Organizations described on lines 10 or 11: a Enter 2% of amount in column (e), line 24 26a 8,452,831 b Prepare a list for your records to show the name of and amount contributed by each person (other than a governmental unit or publicly supported organization) whose total gifts for 2003 through 2006 exceeded the amount shown in line 26a. Do not file this list with your return. Enter the total of all these excess amounts 26b 0 c Total support for section 509(a)(1) test: Enter line 24, column (e) 26c 422,641,530 d Add: Amounts from column (e) for lines: 1889,236,375 19 0 221,852,003 26b 0 26d 91,088,378 e Public support (line 26c minus line 26d total) 26e 331,553,152 f Public support percentage (line 26e (numerator) divided by line 26c (denominator)) 26f 78 % 27 Organizations described on line 12: a For amounts included in lines 15, 16, and 17 that were received from a “disqualified person,” prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and total amounts received in each year from, each “disqualified person.” Do not file this list with your return. Enter the sum of such amounts for each year:

(2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) b For any amount included in line 17 that was received from each person (other than “disqualified persons”), prepare a list for your records to show the name of, and amount received for each year, that was more than the larger of (1) the amount on line 25 for the year or (2) $5,000. (Include in the list organizations described in lines 5 through 11b, as well as individuals.) Do not file this list with your return. After computing the difference between the amount received and the larger amount described in (1) or (2), enter the sum of these differences (the excess amounts) for each year: (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003)

c Add: Amounts from column (e) for lines: 15 16 17 20 21 27c d Add: Line 27a total and line 27b total 27d e Public support (line 27c total minus line 27d total) 27e f Total support for section 509(a)(2) test: Enter amount from line 23, column (e) 27f g Public support percentage (line 27e (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) 27g % h Investment income percentage (line 18, column (e) (numerator) divided by line 27f (denominator)) 27h % 28 Unusual Grants: For an organization described in line 10, 11, or 12 that received any unusual grants during 2003 through 2006, prepare a list for your records to show, for each year, the name of the contributor, the date and amount of the grant, and a brief description of the nature of the grant. Do not file this list with your return. Do not include these grants in line 15.

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 5 Part V Private School Questionnaire (See page 9 of the instructions.) (To be completed ONLY by schools that checked the box on line 6 in Part IV) 29 Does the organization have a racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students by statement in its charter, bylaws, Yes No other governing instrument, or in a resolution of its governing body? 29 30 Does the organization include a statement of its racially nondiscriminatory policy toward students in all its brochures, catalogues, and other written communications with the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 30 31 Has the organization publicized its racially nondiscriminatory policy through newspaper or broadcast media during the period of solicitation for students, or during the registration period if it has no solicitation program, in a way that makes the policy known to all parts of the general community it serves? 31 If “Yes,” please describe; if “No,” please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.)

32 Does the organization maintain the following: a Records indicating the racial composition of the student body, faculty, and administrative staff? 32a b Records documenting that scholarships and other financial assistance are awarded on a racially nondiscriminatory basis? 32b c Copies of all catalogues, brochures, announcements, and other written communications to the public dealing with student admissions, programs, and scholarships? 32c d Copies of all material used by the organization or on its behalf to solicit contributions? 32d

If you answered “No” to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.)

33 Does the organization discriminate by race in any way with respect to:

a Students’ rights or privileges? 33a

b Admissions policies? 33b

c Employment of faculty or administrative staff? 33c

d Scholarships or other financial assistance? 33d

e Educational policies? 33e

f Use of facilities? 33f

g Athletic programs? 33g

h Other extracurricular activities? 33h

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, please explain. (If you need more space, attach a separate statement.)

34a Does the organization receive any financial aid or assistance from a governmental agency? 34a

b Has the organization’s right to such aid ever been revoked or suspended? 34b If you answered “Yes” to either 34a or b, please explain using an attached statement.

35 Does the organization certify that it has complied with the applicable requirements of sections 4.01 through 4.05 of Rev. Proc. 75-50, 1975-2 C.B. 587, covering racial nondiscrimination? If “No,” attach an explanation 35 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 6 Part VI-A Lobbying Expenditures by Electing Public Charities (See page 10 of the instructions.) (To be completed ONLY by an eligible organization that filed Form 5768) Check a if the organization belongs to an affiliated group. Check b if you checked “a” and “limited control” provisions apply. (b) (a) Limits on Lobbying Expenditures To be completed Affiliated group for all electing totals (The term “expenditures” means amounts paid or incurred.) organizations 36 Total lobbying expenditures to influence public opinion (grassroots lobbying) 36 0 37 Total lobbying expenditures to influence a legislative body (direct lobbying) 37 203,765 38 Total lobbying expenditures (add lines 36 and 37) 38 0 203,765 39 Other exempt purpose expenditures 39 269,222,507 40 Total exempt purpose expenditures (add lines 38 and 39) 40 0 269,426,272 41 Lobbying nontaxable amount. Enter the amount from the following table— If the amount on line 40 is— The lobbying nontaxable amount is— Not over $500,000 20% of the amount on line 40 Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 ͖ 41 0 1,000,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 Over $17,000,000 $1,000,000 42 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 25% of line 41) 42 0 250,000 43 Subtract line 42 from line 36. Enter -0- if line 42 is more than line 36 43 0 0 44 Subtract line 41 from line 38. Enter -0- if line 41 is more than line 38 44 0 0

Caution: If there is an amount on either line 43 or line 44, you must file Form 4720. 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) (Some organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 45 through 50 on page 13 of the instructions.)

Lobbying Expenditures During 4-Year Averaging Period

Calendar year (or (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) fiscal year beginning in) 2007 2006 2005 2004 Total

45 Lobbying nontaxable amount 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 13,000,000

46 Lobbying ceiling amount (150% of line 45(e)) 19,500,000

47 Total lobbying expenditures 203,765 188,898 241,663 128,732 763,058

48 Grassroots nontaxable amount 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,000,000

49 Grassroots ceiling amount (150% of line 48(e)) 1,500,000

50 Grassroots lobbying expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Part VI-B Lobbying Activity by Nonelecting Public Charities (For reporting only by organizations that did not complete Part VI-A) (See page 13 of the instructions.)

During the year, did the organization attempt to influence national, state or local legislation, including any Yes No Amount attempt to influence public opinion on a legislative matter or referendum, through the use of: a Volunteers b Paid staff or management (Include compensation in expenses reported on lines c through h.) c Media advertisements d Mailings to members, legislators, or the public e Publications, or published or broadcast statements f Grants to other organizations for lobbying purposes g Direct contact with legislators, their staffs, government officials, or a legislative body h Rallies, demonstrations, seminars, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any other means i Total lobbying expenditures (Add lines c through h.) If “Yes” to any of the above, also attach a statement giving a detailed description of the lobbying activities.

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Page 7 Part VII Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exempt Organizations (See page 13 of the instructions.) 51 Did the reporting organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of: Yes No ✔ (i) Cash 51a(i) ✔ (ii) Other assets a(ii) b Other transactions: ✔ (i) Sales or exchanges of assets with a noncharitable exempt organization b(i) ✔ (ii) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization b(ii) ✔ (iii) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets b(iii) ✔ (iv) Reimbursement arrangements b(iv) ✔ (v) Loans or loan guarantees b(v) ✔ (vi) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations b(vi) ✔ c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees c d If the answer to any of the above is “Yes,” complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization. If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received:

(a) (b) (c) (d) Line no. Amount involved Name of noncharitable exempt organization Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements See Statement 26

52a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? ✔ Yes No b If “Yes,” complete the following schedule: (a) (b) (c) Name of organization Type of organization Description of relationship See Statement 27

Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2007 Statement 1 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 1 Part: I Question: 7 Other Investment Income

Description Amount

Mineral Royalties $3,590,771.00

Total: $3,590,771.00 Statement 2 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 1 Part: I Question: 8 Sales of Assets Other than Inventory

Noninventory Asset Description: Miscellaneous Computers Printer and parts Sold To: Various Individuals

Sales Price: $2,156.00 Date Sold: 12/31/2007 Expense of Sale: $0.00 Date acquired: 01/31/2000 Cost or value when acquired: $167,855.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $167,230.00 Purchased Net Sale: $1,531.00

Noninventory Asset Description: Miscellaneous Furniture and Equipment Sold To: Various Individuals

Sales Price: $12,177.00 Date Sold: 12/31/2007 Expense of Sale: $0.00 Date acquired: 10/01/2002 Cost or value when acquired: $159,619.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $138,242.00 Purchased Net Sale: -$9,200.00

Noninventory Asset Description: 4 Chevy pickups Sold To: Carndenas Whitten Venzor Villa

Sales Price: $4,265.00 Date Sold: 09/30/2007 Expense of Sale: $0.00 Date acquired: 02/01/2000 Cost or value when acquired: $79,965.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $79,965.00 Purchased Net Sale: $4,265.00

Noninventory Asset Description: Relocated employees homes Sold To: Various Individuals

Sales Price: $4,682,400.00 Date Sold: 12/31/2007 Expense of Sale: $0.00 Date acquired: 01/31/2007 Cost or value when acquired: $5,426,596.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $0.00 Purchased Net Sale: -$744,196.00

Noninventory Asset Description: 2000 Chevy Tahoe wrecked Sold To: Liberty Mutual Insurance

Sales Price: $10,711.00 Date Sold: 07/01/2007 Expense of Sale: $0.00 Date acquired: 06/01/2000 Cost or value when acquired: $25,755.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $25,755.00 purchase Net Sale: $10,711.00

Noninventory Asset Description: Asset Abandonments Sold To: NA

Sales Price: $0.00 Date Sold: 12/31/2007 Expense of Sale: $0.00 Date acquired: 01/01/2000 Cost or value when acquired: $808,025.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $765,458.00 Purchased Net Sale: -$42,567.00

Publicly Traded Securities Description: Sold To:

Sales Price: $1,024,305,627.00 Date Sold: Expense of Sale: $1,010,712,615.00 Date acquired: Cost or value when acquired: $0.00 How acquired: Depreciation since acquistion: $0.00 Net Sale: $13,593,012.00 Statement 3 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 1 Part: I Question: 10 Sales of Inventory

Description Gross Sales COGS Gross Profit

Jewelry Sales $128,762.00 $107,992.00 $20,770.00 Magazine - Readership $15,237,897.00 $9,178,820.00 $6,059,077.00 Magazine - Advertising $3,040,374.00 $5,884,405.00 -$2,844,031.00 Trading Posts $4,934,156.00 $2,638,989.00 $2,295,167.00 Local Council Systems $814,405.00 $681,945.00 $132,460.00 Supply Operations $123,597,950.00 $102,080,092.00 $21,517,858.00

Total: $147,753,544.00 $120,572,243.00 $27,181,301.00 Statement 4 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 1 Part: I Question: 20 Other changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

Explanation Amount

Unrealized change in the fair market value of investments $10,248,650.00

Total: $10,248,650.00 Statement 5 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 2 Part: II Question: 22b Grants and Allocations

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A G Dowling Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Plourde Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $125.00 Bangor, ME 04402 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship B R Andreola Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Flemington, NJ 08822 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B R Dunnahoo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Regner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Superior, WI 54880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Sandridge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Sinking Spring, PA 19608 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Shamblin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Charleston, WV 25302 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Snyder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property: Classification Indian Scholarships B Stash Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Sterling Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Manchester, MA 01944 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Swanson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Belvidere, IL 61008 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B T Bales Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B T Foster Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B Tabb Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Thompson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,825.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B Tuckfield Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Tutewohl Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Washam Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Webster Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Wellsboro, PA 16901 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Holmes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Nashwauk, MN 55769 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A Hua Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,175.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund A Islas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Pasadena, CA 91107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund A Islas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Pasadena, CA 91107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Chrisopherson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A J Dobbs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Kailinec Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Kurzawski Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A J Salas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Spradlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Jones Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A K Robertson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Kleinmeier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kansas City, MO 64117 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Kraeutie Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Grabill, IN 46741 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A L Klock Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $750.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A L Schultz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Lewis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Light Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Doylestown, PA 18901 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A M Holder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship A M Pfortmiller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Lawrence, KS 66045 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A M Schwartz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Malleck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Topeka, KS 66606 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Manchester, PA 17345 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Moran Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Neal Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification AFL-CIO Scholarship A Nelson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Chicago, IL 60619 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base A Novak Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Prior Lake, MN 55372 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A P Holder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Perry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Carlson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A R Deen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Raulston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Reed Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Rotolo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Columbia, MD 21044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A S atherton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship A S Birchenough Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Midland Park, NJ 07432 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A S Fix Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A S Zendejas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Santos Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Palmer, MA 01069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Sapp Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Portales, NM 88130 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Chester M Vernon Scholarship A L Smerling Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Horsham, PA 19044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B R Sanborn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification AFL-CIO Scholarship B Simays Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Waterbury, VT 05676 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Stites Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B T Nadeau Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Picworth, GA 30101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Thrasher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Ubani Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Wilson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Springfield, IL 62791 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Huberty Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund A Islas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Pasadena, CA 91107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A J Flack Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Long Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A J Trees Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Kennesaw, GA 30152 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Kanai Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Kropp Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Seminole, FL 33772 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship A Lange Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 East Dubuque, IL 61025 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A Livingston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship A M Pfortmiller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Lawrence, KS 66045 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Malopolski Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A N Mikeska Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Neary Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Nelson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Smithville, MO 64089 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Ogawa Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Oka Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $192.00 Palo Alto, CA 94306 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Piechota Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Three Rivers, MA 01080 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Porth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Acton, MA 01720 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship A R Shannon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Houston, TX 77036 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship A R Zaplitny Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Linwood, NJ 08221 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B T Rowe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund B Trieka Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Redlands, CA 92375 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B W Lackey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Henneke Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Eureka, KS 67045 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Hunt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Black Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship A J Higginbotham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Seymour, IN 47274 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A J Rodriguez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Frank L Weil Scholarship A J Trenk Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Chicago, IL 60660 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Kardos Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Littleton, CO 80123 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A Kuznetsov Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $750.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Lanu Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A M Burt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A M Rooke Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Meyers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Hampstead, MD 21074 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Naeger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bentonville, AR 72712 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Reyes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $105.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Rimkus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Rockford, IL 61103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Vasquez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A W Lindsey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A Wilding Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A Williams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Willoughby Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification CSE Special Fund Aloha Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 42 Puiwa Road

Grant Amt $100,000.00 Honolulu, HI 96817 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Human Resources AMERICAN HUMANICS Date: Type: Cash Address: 1100 Walnut St Ste 1900

Grant Amt $60,000.00 Kansas City, MO 64106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 St Paul, MN 55107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Brenny Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B C Farrell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B C Jennings Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Caldwell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Choat Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Schalla Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Cantril, IA 52542 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A Sclafani Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund A Spagnoli Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Los Angeles, CA 90071 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Staton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Lawrenceville, GA 30044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Stead Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Stransky Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship A T Arnesen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Provo, UT 84602 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A T McClain III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $800.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Tharappel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Irving, TX 75038 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Trummel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A W Kalttenhoff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A Wongchotigul Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B A Arceneaux Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B A Wright Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Billy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B C Stone Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base B Cook Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Stewartsville, NJ 08886 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Cooper Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Reistertown, MD 21136 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Cunningham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Damberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Dickerson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Ashland, VA 23005 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B E Clement Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B E Olvera Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Evans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Superior, WI 54880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Fanning Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Filitaua Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Fisher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Middlebury, PA 17842 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Frey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B Fuller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Gardner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Slater Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Charleston, WV 25302 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Stoneberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A T Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Vermette Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Portland, ME 04102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Wilcox Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B A Bronaugh III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Auman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Delmont, PA 15626 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Baughman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Harper Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B J Finkel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship B J Haley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Oshkosh, WI 54904 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B J Moore Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B Kenyon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B M Lewellen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Mommsen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base B Morrison Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 Muscatine, IA 52761 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Oxendine Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B P Tucker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G R Hughes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship G S Amarasiriwardena Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Amherst, MA 01002 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Steel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Westminster, MD 21158 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Zimny Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Hartsburg, MO 65039 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund H A Mangrum Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund H C Mikota Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Hook Endowment Fund Buffalo Trace Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 3501 E Lloyd Expressway

Grant Amt $16,000.00 Evansville, IN 47731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C A Rowald Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C B Brown Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Bily Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Caskey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Clouse Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Clark Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Coyle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund B Duran Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Kearney, MO 64068 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B F Fox Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B Franz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Gonzales Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $77.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Hway Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B J Lee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Maynor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Munson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bella Vista, AR 72714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Nick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship B P Calder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Colts Neck, NJ 07722 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B P Hensel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership B Pfeiffer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Honey Brook, PA 19344 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships G Lance Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G R Illes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship G R Sundeman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Ramsey, NJ 07446 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G S Prinz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Sandidge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Sturdevant Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $350.00 Humble, TX 75396 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund G T Hassenmayer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Zimny Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Hartsburg, MO 65039 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification CSE Special Fund Greater New York Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 350 5th Ave Ste 430

Grant Amt $72,000.00 New York, NY 10118 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund H B Goodall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership H Brandon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Chester M Vernon Scholarship H E Krohn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Houston, TX 77043 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship B Wilson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Union, NJ 07083 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C A Abernathy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C A Cason Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B Green Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships B Hollabaugh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B J Hamaker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund B L Thayer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship B M Schaeffer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Racine, WI 53403 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base B Noblett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Rowlett, TX 75089 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund B P Oldmixon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership G Myers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship G Robison Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Provo, UT 84602 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Oak Ridge, NJ 07438 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G W Milks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Florence & Marvin Arkans Eagle H A Kornblum Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Louisville, KY 40222 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund H Burke Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Edmonds, WA 98026 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Blue Grass Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 415 North Broadway

Grant Amt $4,000.00 Lexington, KY 40508 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C A Knippa Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C ArrellSherrill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Asencio Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,250.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Barton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Batt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $800.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Beaver Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Bender Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Memphis, TN 38112 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Bowersox Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Middlebury, PA 17842 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C C Evans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Desetti Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Lawrence, KS 66049 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Dietrich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Reading, PA 19605 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Durovich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship C E Behrends Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Chesapeake, VA 23320 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C E Rivas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division G Armstrong Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $216.00 Canada Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Curtis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Louisville, KY 40233 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Cushing Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Geoghegan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $216.00 Switzerland Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division G Wheatley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $550.00 Canada Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Knippenbern Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Switzerland Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification World Friendship Fund Scout Association of Guatemala Date: Type: Cash Address: Boulevard Rafael Landivar 2-01 Grant Amt $64,000.00 Guatemala Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund Organisation Nationale des Scouts de Moldova Date: Type: Cash Address: Bucuresti Street 68 Of 500 Grant Amt $1,500.00 Moldova Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division T Hiong Boon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,583.00 Philippines Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division T Suzuki Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Japan Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division & Noble Fund World Scout Bureau Date: Type: Cash Address: P O Box 4050 MCPO 1280 Grant Amt $89,000.00 Philippines Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division World Scout Foundation Date: Type: Cash Address: 1 rue de la Navigation Grant Amt $5,000.00 Switzerland Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division E Newton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,699.00 Sacramento, CA 94102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Adere Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Adere Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Aldrich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Indianapolis, IN 46206 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Ashley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A B Horoff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Bamford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Reistertown, MD 21136 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Blum Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Louisville, KY 40233 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A C Spinelli Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Campbell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund A CoronaGarza Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Redlands, CA 92375 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Cortes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Cotton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 , GA 30339 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A D Sherman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Dahle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Nashwauk, MN 55769 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Divisions A Del Brutto Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Chile Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification World Friendship Fund Arab Region Office Date: WOSM Type: Cash Address: Cairo International Scout Center Grant Amt $49,759.00 Egypt Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Strid Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $3,298.00 Sweden Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K Kobayashi Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Japan Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Dane Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Dietze Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Dubasak Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Monmouth Jct, NJ 08852 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Elving Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $309.00 Sweden Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Phillpot Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $174.00 Bahamas Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification World Friendship Fund Kandersteg International Scout Center Foundation Date: Type: Cash Address: CH-3718 Grant Amt $76,000.00 Switzerland Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Neysmith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Canada Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship A Ardakanian Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Ocean, NJ 07712 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A B Robicheaux Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Bernhard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Columbia City, IN 46725 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A C Whisenhunt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Carmona Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $90.00 Fargo, ND 58103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A D Jenkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Ravenhall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Australia Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K Yoshida Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Japan Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division L Kolind Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Denmark Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division L Peinado Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Switzerland Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Daniel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Wausau, WI 54405 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Ensley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Gales Ferry, CT 06335 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Foster Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Fritz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Tujunga, CA 91042 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Grijalva Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Houston, TX 77029 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects A Heaps Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 New Holland, PA 17557 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Erdmann Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C F Dominguez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Fiedler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Fittell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Lawrence, KS 66049 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Frederick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Portland, ME 04102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C G Maughan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $925.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base C Hatcher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Gulf Breeze, FL 32563 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base C Hogg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Mason City, IA 50401 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division Y Danjo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 Japan Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Bell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Kennesaw, GA 30152 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Dane Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Hernandez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $110.00 Mexico Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division O Springer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $550.00 Barbados Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division P Wilkinson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $296.00 United Kingdom (England, N. Ireland, Scotland, and Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Esposito Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Doylestown, PA 18901 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership A Faircloth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A Frank Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Southfield, MI 48076 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Gianotti Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Gambrel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Weston, OH 43569 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Griffin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Hall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Goshen, CT 06756 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Hekele Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Hogge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Howell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Dafter, MI 49724 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C I Taylor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship C J Clarkson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Princeton, NJ 08544 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C J Cox Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kenmore, WA 98028 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C J MacNicoll Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C J Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C J Toth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Jim Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Johnson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C L Albury Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C L Carroll Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Lindsay Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Lipka Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Lackwauna, NY 14218 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Loring Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $105.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C M Kelley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division E Soderstrom Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,595.00 Charlotte, NC 28202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund A A Lerma Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship A Arnesen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,500.00 Provo, UT 84602 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships A Bull Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $90.00 Fargo, ND 58103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund A D Hooser Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund A D'Angelo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Derry, NH 03038 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Heimmersson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $309.00 Sweden Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Ejiorfor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 Shoreview, MN 55126 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Ellis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Elmendorf Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship C G Pattillo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Fayetteville, NC 28311 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C H Perkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C H Tucker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base C Hicks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Boulder, CO 80303 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Holliday Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C L Rogers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Maddy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Marshall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Mos Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Mena, AR 71953 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Murray Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C O Lusk Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C P Goonan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C P Roberts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Parkey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Pierson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Pullen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $725.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C R Heywood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C R Kennedy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C R McTee IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship C R Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Glen Rock, NJ 07452 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K Tauscher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $142.00 Germany Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division O Hirose Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $216.00 Japan Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base C Hogg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Mason City, IA 50401 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Horde Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Oklahoma City, OK 73142 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Houston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C J Rompel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Ribeiro Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $400.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Riehm Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Central Point, OR 97502 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Rose Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $150.00 Brice, WA 98036 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C S DaCruz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Santos Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Palmer, MA 01069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Shaffer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Fairport, NY 14450 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Silva Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $490.00 Minneapolis, MN 55411 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Sipes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Jackson, TN 38305 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 St Louis, MI 48880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Snyder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Falconer, NY 14733 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Stimler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Akron, OH 44301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Sweeney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C T Dorrian Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C T Nail Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Teets Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base C Turregano Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 Oak Ridge, NC 27310 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C W Arledge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C W Pope Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C W Potratz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship C W Quakenbus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Howell, NJ 07731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Wallace Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $97.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Watson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Oklahoma City, OK 73109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Widner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Nappange, IN 46550 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C J Huckle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Jacobs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C McDonnell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Moosic, PA 18507 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Morris Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Dallas, TX 75056 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Pach Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership C Pettit Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Pottsboro, PA 19465 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Powers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Seminole, FL 33772 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C W Wenske Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Wicker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Woods Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Yang Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $490.00 St Paul, MN 55106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Younce Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Hook Endowment Fund Calumet Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 8751 Calumet Ave

Grant Amt $8,000.00 Munster, IN 46321 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Colonial Virginia Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 11721 Jefferson Ave

Grant Amt $4,000.00 Newport News, VA 23606 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Connecticut Yankee Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 60 Wellington Rd

Grant Amt $4,000.00 Milford, CT 06460 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Cornhusker Council Date: Type: Cash Address: PO Box 269

Grant Amt $5,000.00 Walton, NE 68461 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Hook Endowment Fund Crossroads of America Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 1900 N Meridian St

Grant Amt $8,000.00 Indianapolis, IN 46206 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D A Allara Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D A Cox Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D A Deans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D A Salvidor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Ft Worth, TX 76109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Atkinson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Indianapolis, IN 46206 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D B Powell IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D B Tolman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Bailey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Doylestown, PA 18901 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund D Bell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Los Angeles, CA 90071 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Bellenfant Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $170.00 Murfreesboro, TN 37129 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Boese Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,250.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Borden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Claremore, OK 74018 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D Bradley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Burchardt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Rockford, IL 61107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C M Kloesel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Mills Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Lake Ann, MI 49650 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Overguard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C R Fairbourn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Richardson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Roth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Doylestown, PA 18901 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Schwettman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Arlington, TX 76016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D A Ballard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $122.00 Fairbanks, AK 99701 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Bacon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Gross Pointe Farms, MI 48236 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D C Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects D Counts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Charlotte, NC 28269 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification AFL-CIO Scholarship D Daiker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $165.00 Seminole, FL 33772 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Dufford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $192.00 Pickering, OH 43147 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D E Saylor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D Edgerton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Grobner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Turlock, CA 95380 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Higby Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Mena, AR 71953 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Israel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D J Dwyer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D J Hatcher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D K Peterson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Kersey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,100.00 Coppell, TX 75019 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Kilberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Arden Hills, MN 55112 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Leck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bellevue, OH 44811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Locher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Victoria, TX 77904 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Lucas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Swathmore, PA 19081 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Maloney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Framingham, MA 01702 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D McLaughlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,400.00 Raytown, MO 64133 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Monroe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Moore Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Little Rock, AR 72202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C R Snyder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Robinson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C S Knippa Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Shannon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Sunten Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Taylor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Farmington, IL 61531 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships C Vance Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund C Wright Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund C Xiong Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 St Paul, MN 55106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund C Z Pena Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Cradle of Liberty Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 22nd and Winter St

Grant Amt $5,000.00 Philadelphia, PA 19103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship D B Feldman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Middletown, NJ 07748 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Covington Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $87.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Emery Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D G Hicks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Minority Scholarship- Central Region D Harris Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,285.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Hooper Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Chisholm, MN 55719 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D Kodeih Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Moran Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Oka Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $192.00 Palo Alto, CA 94306 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D P Shephard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund D Petrov Date: Type: Cash Address: 5259 Camp Lane

Grant Amt $430.00 Hettick, IL 62649 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship D Portnyagin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund D Postica Date: Type: Cash Address: 17 Deer Run Rd

Grant Amt $430.00 Cimarron, NM 87714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D R Garcia Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Regner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Superior, WI 54880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Rolwes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Ruiz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Ware, MA 01082 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D Schlamp Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Seitz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Dallas, TX 75248 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Snyder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D B Gwanyalla Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Cannon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $290.00 Menomonie, WI 54751 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Dubois Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $90.00 Fargo, ND 58103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Foster Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Three Rivers, MA 01080 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Lowe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bella Vista, AR 72714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D M Lackey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship D M Pollock Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Slippery Rock, PA 16057 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Mastriana Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 San Jose, CA 95120 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund D McDaniel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Melander Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Meza Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Gross Pointe Farms, MI 48236 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Montano Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D O Pinto Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Staton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Lawrenceville, GA 30044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship D T Betancourt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Harrington Park, NJ 07640 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D T Place Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Tamayo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D V Seitz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D W Denton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Welkener Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E B Sinnes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Boyd Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Mena, AR 71953 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Charette Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Toms River, NJ 08755 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E D Crawford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Ft Worth, TX 76109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E E Sepulveda Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Evans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Superior, WI 54880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship E F Gullans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Ewing, NJ 08628 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E G Dighton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base E Guy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Foxboro, MA 02035 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E H Bender Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D Burns Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D C Garner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Dreyer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Goodspeed Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Gove Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Cheek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 San Angelo, TX 76903 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D J Eckert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Kersey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Coppell, TX 75019 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund D Kwong Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Redlands, CA 92375 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Lasseter III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Lowry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $700.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Maki Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D McKee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $87.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Milligan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund D P Dawson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund D Petrov Date: Type: Cash Address: 5259 Camp Lane

Grant Amt $81.00 Hettick, IL 62649 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund D Petrov Date: Type: Cash Address: 5259 Camp Lane

Grant Amt $744.00 Hettick, IL 62649 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund D Postica Date: Type: Cash Address: 17 Deer Run Rd

Grant Amt $81.00 Cimarron, NM 87714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund D Postica Date: Type: Cash Address: 17 Deer Run Rd

Grant Amt $744.00 Cimarron, NM 87714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Radka Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Reading, PA 19605 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Rhode Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Virginia, MN 55792 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Rosemore Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Pengilly, MN 55775 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Samsa Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Pengilly, MN 55775 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Searle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Utica, NY 13501 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Senter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Redwood Falls, MN 56283 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Spaulding Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Turley Park, IL 60477 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Stevenson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,816.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D T Henderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Ocala, FL 34471 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship D T Tao II Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $6,000.00 Bardstown, KY 40004 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Tensen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 New Canaan, CT 06840 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base D Vowell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Alexandria, VA 22311 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D Mull Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership D Munson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bella Vista, AR 72714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division D Nguyen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Coppell, TX 75019 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships D Nightengale Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund D W Thompson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund D Welvaert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Bettendorf, IA 52722 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Denver Area Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 2901 West 19th Ave

Grant Amt $5,000.00 Denver, CO 80204 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base E Bedford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Chappel Hill, NC 27517 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Bender Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Blair Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Denair, CA 95316 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Boiles Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification AFL-CIO Scholarship E Brennan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Reading, PA 19605 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Cabada Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Carlson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Carlson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Chavis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Corkill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Roeland Park, KS 66205 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Coughlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hibbing, MN 55746 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E D Dornak Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E D Lacey IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Elijay, GA 30540 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Evans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Portales, NM 88130 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship E F Gullans Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,341.00 Ewing, NJ 08628 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E G Fahrenkrug Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Goins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Hansen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Hayden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Eurka, WI 54934 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Hill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Chisholm, MN 55719 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Hoff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Montgomery, TX 77356 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Hoffrogge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Cincinnati, OH 45248 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Hogge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Huffman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Sumner, MI 48889 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E I Thurston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Krager Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Claremore, OK 74017 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Long Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Poirier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E S Nemeth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Skidmore Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Calabasas, CA 91302 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Sweeney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Woods Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership F Chase Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership F Lesar Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund F Yang Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 St Paul, MN 55106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G A Adams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Balena Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Rancocas, NJ 08073 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership G Borndal Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G C Ulrich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Castello Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Laytonsville, MD 20882 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G F Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Ferrante Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Baltimore, MD 21237 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Koester III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Baltimore, MD 21224 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G L Hickenbottom Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G L Short Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Scituate, MA 02066 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Lamka Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Chruchville, MD 21028 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership H Kenneth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund H Key Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund G Fortner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Van Nuys, CA 91406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G H Beard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Abilene, TX 79605 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division H Pham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,000.00 Coppell, TX 75019 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships H Pineo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Central Point, OR 97502 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund H Swanson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership H Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base E Jernigan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Hammond, LA 70403 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Jones Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Kennetz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Harris, MN 55032 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E L Umana Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Larson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tacoma, WA 98405 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E M Ewen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E M O'Dell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Meir Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Liberty, MO 64068 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Nielson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Northard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Nye Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E R Gardner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E R Robinson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Ries Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship E S Sokol Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Claremont, CA 91711 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship E S Sokol Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Claremont, CA 91711 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund E Sader Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Waterbury, VT 05676 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Bemidji, MN 56601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships E Steen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Susag Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund E T Schleicher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund E Umano Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership E Watkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Breckinridge, MI 48615 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund F A Croft Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund F Ball Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships F Bratcher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Central Point, OR 97502 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund F Damghani Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Dallas, TX 75248 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund F Huddleston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund F Klinker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund F M Briggs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund F Moncerate Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Orlando, FL 32806 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G A Beathard III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Braum Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Evansville, IN 47731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Cleveland Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Knoxville, PA 16928 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G J Weaver Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G L Lankford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Chester M Vernon Scholarship H E Krohn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Houston, TX 78230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund H Magoanz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Berlin, WI 54923 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund G Hotaling Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $63.00 Fishkill, NY 12524 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships H Pippin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund H Thompson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund I Aycock Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Columbus, GA 31906 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships I Ghahate Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund I J Cox Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kenmore, WA 98028 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership I Koosman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund I M Wagman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund I Martinez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $540.00 St Paul, MN 55130 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund I Parlee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Essex, MA 01929 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund I S Littman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships I Stites Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund I Wood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $62.00 Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund I Zatica Date: Type: Cash Address: 231 Ashford Center Rd

Grant Amt $430.00 Ashford, CT 06278 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund I Zatica Date: Type: Cash Address: 231 Ashford Center Rd

Grant Amt $744.00 Ashford, CT 06278 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J A Bily Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J A Hickey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J A Hook Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J A Juett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Marion, IA 52302 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J A McEntire V Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J A O'Brien III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Manasquan, NJ 08736 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J A Tucker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Allred Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base F Prockop Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Tampa, FL 33614 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund G Archie Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division G Butler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,000.00 McKinney, TX 75070 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base G Critchfield Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Osawatomie, KS 66064 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund G K Thurston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund G L Price Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification AFL-CIO Scholarship H Heffernan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Waterbury, VT 05676 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund H Moore Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership H Norris Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund H R Bloom Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund I A Bryce Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Amodei Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Austin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Brooks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J C Matisi Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Carroll Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Gross Point Park, MI 48230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Castellaw Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Jackson, TN 38305 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Cole Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $900.00 Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Colgan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Cradduck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Alma, MI 48801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Curto Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Ware, MA 01082 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J D Bargsley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J D Culver Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J D Epstein Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Los Altos Hills, CA 94024 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J D Hall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J D Recobs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Montclair, NJ 07042 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J D Wallace Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Conroe, TX 77304 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Davis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Turlock, CA 95380 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J De Leon Blanco Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Dillingham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund I G Pollard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship I M Myers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Arlington, TX 76016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund I R Khan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund I Zatica Date: Type: Cash Address: 231 Ashford Center Rd

Grant Amt $81.00 Ashford, CT 06278 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J A Copeland Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J A Juett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,500.00 Marion, IA 52302 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J A Williams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bentonville, AR 72712 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Chester M Vernon Scholarship J Bailin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Washington, DC 20057 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Belden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Bouchard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $125.00 Bangor, ME 04402 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Brobin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J C Connor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tappahannock, VA 22560 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J C Kirsch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Chavez III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Windsor, CA 95492 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Crowson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J D Becker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J D Epstein Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Los Altos Hills, CA 94024 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J D Finley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J D Savage Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J D Skelton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J DeWitt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Harrison, AR 72601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J E Carter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J E Hudson Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J E Pope Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J E Williams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Egly Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Little Rock, AR 72202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Emert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Mascot, TN 37806 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Even Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J F Beck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship J Arnold Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Gallatin, MO 64640 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Baile Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Indianapolis, IN 46206 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Blackmon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J C Allegro Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Lakeport, CA 95453 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J C Prescott Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $563.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J C Seelaus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Caudill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J DeWitt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Harrison, AR 72601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J E Seidenberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J F Massa Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Eatontown, NJ 07724 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Fisher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Columbia, SC 29202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Fix Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Fry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Furchess Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Manchester, CT 06040 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Garcia Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Houston, TX 77022 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Goodwin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Frank L. Weil Eagle Scout Schlr J H Knotts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 West Long Branch, NJ 07764 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J H Rutenberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Helmick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Joseph, MO 64506 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Heyer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Cedarburg, WI 53012 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Hogge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Holmes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Hway Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J J Bradshaw Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J J DiGennaro Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J J Mosko Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Toms River, NJ 08755 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Janezich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship J K Price Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jackson, TN 38305 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J K Sheppard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Kahlon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J E Plummer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Fields Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J J Trueblood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Kojmack Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Kosmach Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Kuehn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Stillwater, OK 74075 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J L Ford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J L Hogan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J L Phillips Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J L Riggins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J L Savage Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J L Spring Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J L Wright Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Lakhicharron Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Florham Park, NJ 07932 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Lanu Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Lewis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Pengilly, MN 55775 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Lewis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Loney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Lorenzo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Blue Bell, PA 19422 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Lowry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Lynch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 State College, PA 16803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J M Canales Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J M Gonzalez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J M Hall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Columbia, SC 29202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J M Jones Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J M Lugar Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship J M Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 West Columbia, SC 29172 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J M Zeller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Mallios Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Fetzik Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Pengilly, MN 55775 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Floyd Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Jessup, GA 31545 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Frisby Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $122.00 Fairbanks, AK 99701 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Gonzales Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $78.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Heim Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Pottsboro, PA 19465 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Hobbs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Kyle, TX 78640 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Houdek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Lake Dallas, TX 75065 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J J Covell II Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J J Rodino Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 South Orange, NJ 07079 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Jishie Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Long Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Lynch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J M Darcy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J M Hill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J M Penney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Maggio Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $6,450.00 Coconut Grove, FL 33133 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Marhsun Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Marshall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Martel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Candia, NH 03034 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Mauller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J McIntosh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 DaHon, GA 30720 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Mercado Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Mull Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Muller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hibbing, MN 55746 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Naeger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bentonville, AR 72712 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Nangle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $63.00 West Nyack, NY 10994 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Newman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Monmouth Jct, NJ 08852 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Nyhus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hibbing, MN 55746 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Oxendine Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J P Barrett III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Manalapan, NJ 07726 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Fields Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Fisher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Blumfield Hills, MI 48204 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund J Groff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J H Knotts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 West Long Branch, NJ 07764 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J H Knotts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 West Long Branch, NJ 07764 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Henderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Ocala, FL 34471 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Hollenbach Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Flourtown, PA 19031 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Hway Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J J Emma Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Rumson, NJ 07760 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Jacobs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J K Feldmeyer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Lowry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund J M Bear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Pasadena, CA 91107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J M Gulko Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J M Kirsch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Glen Rock, NJ 07452 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J M Williams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Maltby Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Mauller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Meiron Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Morgan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J N Giangiulio Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Nehrings Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Florham Park, NJ 07932 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Ornelas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Turlock, CA 95382 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J P Haskell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Pfeiffer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Honey Brook, PA 19344 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Pochop Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Popham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Post Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Prestidge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Columbus, GA 31906 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Q Tucker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Medders Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Simpsonville, SC 29681 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Millett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Mumma Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Clear Spring, MD 21722 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Neal Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Orbach Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Rochester, NY 14607 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J P Cardwell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Poirier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Pritzker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $63.00 Nanuet, NY 10994 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J R Quick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,326.00 Northfield, MN 55057 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J R Raveney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J R Slade Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship J R Spice Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Oconto Falls, WI 54154 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J R Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Eugene, OR 97401 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J R Tousek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Radcliff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Knoxville, TN 37918 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Raulston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Rauwolf Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Regner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Superior, WI 54880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Rocuskie Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Russell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Tyler, TX 75701 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J S Herron Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship J S Rihacek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Freehold, NJ 07728 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J S Sabrsula Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J S Wallace Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Sampson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Santos Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Palmer, MA 01069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Sayegn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $97.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Schneider Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Schonberger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,200.00 Clovis, NM 88101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Schwindt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Beeville, TX 78102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Shuart Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J R Hearen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J R Hodges Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship J R Quick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $5,660.00 Northfield, MN 55057 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J R Vogt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Ralster Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Reed Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Rizo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Duncanville, TX 75137 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J S Langner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund J Sandoval Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Seale Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $88.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Shanahan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Tyler, TX 75703 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Shine Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,550.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Sims Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Singletary Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Stone Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J T Edwards Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $575.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship J T Nagata Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kahului, HI 96732 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J T Oldham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J T Prather Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J T Townsend Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Tavernier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Palmer, MA 01069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Taylor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Tedrowel V Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 San Antonio, TX 78240 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Tverberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J VanOstenbridge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Florham Park, NJ 07932 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J W Goodhue Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund N R Potts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships N Simeona Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P A Christie Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J W Timaeus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J R Reed Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J Schaefer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Steen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Stewart Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N N Watkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund O W Moorhead Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J W Krause II Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Webb Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Garland, TX 75044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Whalon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Knoxville, PA 16928 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Andrasko Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Blue Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K D Metscher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K G Dyches Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Goettler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship K H Jude Peterson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Wayne, NJ 07470 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Hilderbran Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Little Rock, AR 72202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Hunt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K J Carter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K J Gardner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K J Grandin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K J Hooks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K K Foster Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Lithgow Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Massapequa, NY 11758 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Mascall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Mission, KS 66205 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Mike Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K Nunnally Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K P Frankenfeld Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K R Burnette Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $825.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K R Hallowell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $900.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K S Bloomfield Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J T Frear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J VanWyck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J W Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund J W Brownlee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships N Nodalo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Central Point, OR 97502 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base J Wahl Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Huntingtown, MD 20639 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships J Wallace Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $97.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Waskowiak Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Omaha, NE 68134 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Weber Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund J Weeden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,175.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K A Ramsey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Andrasko Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Behnke Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Indianapolis, IN 46206 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Blanton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Ocala, FL 34470 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Bratcher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Central Point, OR 97502 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Broberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K C Meyer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,000.00 Dallas, TX 75230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership K Chida Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K Choi Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K D Callaway Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $750.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K D Matheson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Dailey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $170.00 Gallatin, TN 37066 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Frederick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Guimond Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $125.00 Bangor, ME 04402 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K J Ghedi Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K Johnson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base K Johnson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Underhill, VT 05489 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K Karkosh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Kirkpatrick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Scott Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $150.00 Bellingham, WA 98220 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K Shock Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $672.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership J Weis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Bemidji, MN 56601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund J Young Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Bartbelton, OH 44203 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund K Chi Tran Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 San Diego, CA 92103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K D Marmillion Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K French Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Dallas, TX 75230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Hammonds Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K J Choi Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Jacobs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Lee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K M Blake Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K M Hemer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Milani Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K P Kinney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship K P McNichols Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Toms River, NJ 08757 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K R Jensen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Riley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Simeona Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership K Stafford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K T McNair Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership K Tavernier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Palmer, MA 01069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects K Thompson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Tempe, AZ 85283 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K W Granger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K Womochil Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L Abott Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership L Dakota Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership L Felton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Superior, WI 54880 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Gault Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $77.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership L Israel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L LaPaz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base L Owen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Hendersonville, NC 28791 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship K S Bongers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Hanover, NH 03755 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership K Stafford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship K Suyo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Yardley, PA 19067 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K T Whelihan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership K Teng Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership K Tomlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund K W Quick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Ware Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Woodmansee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund K Wright Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Harvard, IL 60033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund L C Aiken Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $975.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Carter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund L Easley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund L F Pittman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base L Fjalstad Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Beloit, WI 53511 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership L Gaertner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund L Hatfield Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Hulse Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L J Jeffrey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Orlando, FL 32814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund L L Watts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base L Long Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Baton Rouge, LA 70810 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base L Nosalik Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $550.00 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Pesis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $105.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund L S Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division L Stearns Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Irving, TX 75062 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund L T Vo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund L W Daigle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,800.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L Zeller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M A Dickson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M A Macaluso Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Abevedo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Houston, TX 77087 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships K Wallace Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $97.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund K Woods Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Carter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L Elam Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Bloomington, IL 61704 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L Fraher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Goshen, CT 06756 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership L Hoffrogge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Cincinnati, OH 45248 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership L Kojmack Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship L R Spinelli Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Midland Park, NJ 07432 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L Sturgis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 York, PA 17404 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships L Weight Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M A Hoffman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Aguirre Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Rancocas, NJ 08073 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Arnold Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Asch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $62.00 Suffern, NY 10901 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Chester M Vernon Scholarship M B Garb Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 San Antonio, TX 78230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M B Roush Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Turlock, CA 95380 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund M Bobeica Date: Type: Cash Address: 47 Caballo Rd

Grant Amt $744.00 Cimarron, NM 87714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Boles Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Brown Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Bull Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $90.00 Fargo, ND 58103 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Cecilo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Cernohoas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Crocker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Cummings Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship M D Stefanelli Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $750.00 Fairlawn, NJ 07410 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Dailey Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M Dawson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund L Sellers Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund L Trinh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 Lexington, MN 55122 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Hook Endowment Fund LaSalle Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 1340 South Bend Ave

Grant Amt $16,000.00 South Bend, IN 46617 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M A Mika Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Forest Hill, MD 21050 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund M Bobeica Date: Type: Cash Address: 47 Caballo Rd

Grant Amt $430.00 Cimarron, NM 87714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Brown Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Carter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bentonville, AR 72712 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Comancho Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M D Hansson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Davis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Defeice Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M E Fredin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M E Hurst Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M E Peterson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Erickson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M F Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M G Holmes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Garvey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Philadelphia, PA 19124 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Goodspeed Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Heath Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Mobile, AL 36606 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Hickey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Wilmington, DE 19808 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Holbert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M J Custard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship M J Palmquist Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship M J Takach Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Westwood, NJ 07675 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Joshua Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Kistler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Walkersville, MD 21793 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M L Benbow Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M L Pritt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Ball Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Barker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $192.00 Jonesboro, IL 62952 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Labbe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Topsham, ME 04086 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Lewis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Lutenbacher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kingsville, TX 78363 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M M Baker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M M Chapman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M M McHugh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Markman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Amarillo, TX 79124 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Mattice Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $122.00 Fairbanks, AK 99701 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M McFarland Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $88.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Meskill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Morris Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Wilmington, DE 19801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M N Reeves Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Abilene, TX 79602 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Olander Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Prairie Village, KS 66208 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M R Delamar Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Rapatz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Retzlaff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $750.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Richards Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Dallas, TX 75287 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M S Chastain Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship M S Lutz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Oakhurst, NJ 07755 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M S McMahon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Shuart Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $123.00 Fairbanks, AK 99701 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Stoner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Stroh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Springfield, IL 62791 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Tate Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Underwood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Hewitt, TX 76643 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Valle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Miami, FL 33186 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M W Kelm Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund M Bear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Pasadena, CA 91107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund M Bobeica Date: Type: Cash Address: 47 Caballo Rd Grant Amt $81.00 Cimarron, NM 87714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Brammeier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Holt, MO 64048 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M C Morriss Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Colburn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Greensboro, AL 35555 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M D Flatau Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Dane Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Demkowicz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $63.00 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M E Melendez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Essien Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Chester M Vernon Scholarship M G Shichtman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Reisterstown, MD 21136 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Grosedose Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Oxford, PA 19363 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M Holbert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M J Hall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Johnson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M Kraft Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M L Vaclavik Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Louis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Wichita, KS 67226 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M M Bright Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship M M Moeller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 North Tonawanda, NY 14120 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M McCollum Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Orangeville, PA 17859 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Ohlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Akron, OH 44320 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M R Hickey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Richards Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Dallas, TX 75287 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M S Ernst Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M S Reid Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Songer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Sugars Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Elgin, TX 78621 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship M Thurman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Belleville, IL 62221 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Villarreal Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Houston, TX 77022 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M E Garza Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M E Reynolds Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M G Holden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Gilley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $170.00 Watertown, TN 37184 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M Heintschel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Houdek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Lake Dallas, TX 75065 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M J Rivieccio Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Kistler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $150.00 Walkersville, MD 21793 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M L Morgan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Lee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 St Paul, MN 55106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M Lutz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M M Howell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Matejek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Mena, AR 71953 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Mendoza Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Palo Alto, CA 94303 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Myers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M P McDaniel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Resnick Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Framingham, MA 01702 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Rizo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Duncanville, TX 75137 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund M S Maughan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $925.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Simmons Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Gainesville, GA 30507 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Stoner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Tedder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Chatsworth, GA 30705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships M Valandra Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M Wescott Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Wilhaus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $440.00 St Paul, MN 55116 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund M Willard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Hegwood Scholarship Fund M Williams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Wynkoop Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Gainesville, FL 32608 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base M Wynkoop Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,100.00 Gainesville, FL 32608 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N A Carpenter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship N A Kulkarni Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Plainsboro, NJ 08536 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund M Widman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Evans City, PA 16038 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership M Willoughby Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N A Cestari Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N A Trierweiler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Amodei Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Chapel Hill, NC 27516 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Callahan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Traverse City, MI 49684 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships N Chamberlain Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Cushing Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Deutsch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Dexter, NM 88230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship N F Mueller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Griggs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Ft Wayne, IN 46807 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Higginbotham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Fort Drum, NY 13603 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Human Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Kuhn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 WinstonSalem, NC 27106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Lee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 St Paul, MN 55106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund N M Johnson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Maddy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Roush Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Belvidere, IL 61008 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship N S Haftek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Ringwood, NJ 07456 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Swede Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Mills, PA 16937 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Tyburski Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Bella Vista, AR 72714 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Operating Fund Ntl Boy Scouts of America Fndtn Date: Type: Cash Address: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

Grant Amt $250,000.00 Irving, TX 75038 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Golden & O'Connell Funds Ntl Catholic Committee on Sctg Date: Type: Cash Address: PO BOX 152079

Grant Amt $115,350.00 Irving, TX 75038 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund O Adetutu Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund O Ayala Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,150.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R A Cook Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R A Hove Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Gross Point, MI 48230 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R A Ramirez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship R A Van Kampen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Ramsey, NJ 07446 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship R B Reeder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Moses Lake, WA 98837 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Bakik Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N A Modawar Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N C Dolphin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Toms River, NJ 08755 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships N Cook Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $112.00 Traverse City, MI 49686 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund N F Lackner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,700.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Hellrung Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Austin, TX 78669 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Jipson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Lorenzo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Blue Bell, PA 19422 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Rosenberry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Fort Loudon, PA 17224 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N Searcy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Nashua Valley Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 1980 Lunenburg Road

Grant Amt $1,810.00 Lancaster, MA 01523 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund O A Ayala Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,000.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund O T Byland Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R A Pope Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R B Garcia Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Borunda Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership R Brown Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base R Constable Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Cottage Grove, MN 55016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R D Oliason Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship R Demaria Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Sussex, NJ 07461 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Ahberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship P C Taff Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Jackson, MS 39202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P D Stilovich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships P Elston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Central Point, OR 97502 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Helwig Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Lees Summit, MO 64086 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Holmes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Nashwauk, MN 55769 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Hway Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 West Bend, WI 53095 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship P K Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $6,000.00 Stillwater, OK 74078 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Konefat Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Turlock, CA 95380 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P L Howard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund N Burks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Chomoa Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Cleveland, OH 44111 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N E Cowan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships N Hakala Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N J Powers Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Lentz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund N Matt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership N Schroeder Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Cloquet, MN 55779 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund N Z Ruhl Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Northeast Georgia Council Date: Type: Cash Address: PO Box 399

Grant Amt $4,345.00 Jefferson, GA 30549 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership O Donald Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R A Martin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R B Bills Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R Belden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund R Boxleitner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 San Diego, CA 92163 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership R Croanhart Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P A Trujillo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Carinci Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Utica, NY 13501 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Gleason Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Westminster, CO 80020 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Howly Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship P K Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $6,000.00 Stillwater, OK 74078 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Lucas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Goshen, CT 06756 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P M Jaska Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Russell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $198.00 Tyler, TX 75701 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P S Dillon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P S Simmons Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Thao Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Tone Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Lubbock, TX 79415 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Tucker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Amarillo, TX 79124 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund P Velez Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Redlands, CA 92375 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P W Schattenberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership R Borndal Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Calvo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Houston, TX 77029 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R De Leon Blanco Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships P Brooks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Damberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Eveleth, MN 55734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base P Hicks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $700.00 Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Jones Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund P L Detwiler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Murray Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund P Schleicher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base P Unger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Lansdale, PA 19446 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund P Whitnell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Exton, PA 19341 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership P Witzig Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Frank L. Weil Eagle Scout Schlr R A Arnold Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Canyon Country, CA 91387 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Bigford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $98.00 Auburn, MI 48611 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Demkowicz Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $62.00 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R E Bryant Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,150.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R E Mata Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Ensley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Gales Ferry, CT 06335 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R G Prybyla Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Greer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $100.00 Dahlonega, GA 30533 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R H Banks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship R J Barrett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Manalapan, NJ 07726 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R J Fuell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $660.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund R Piliere Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Los Angeles, CA 90071 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R Plant Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base R Shank Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Mifflinburg, PA 17844 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship R T Dziemian Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Bergenfield, NJ 07621 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Tanner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Akron, OH 44314 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Trevino Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Houston, TX 77029 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R W Cooper Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Q Mitchell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Lubbock, TX 79416 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund R Diaz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 San Diego, CA 92163 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Feller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Hutchings Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Cary, IL 60013 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R J Galmiche Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R J Trejo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Jordan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $87.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Kernosky Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Wausau, WI 54405 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership R Klien Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Koerner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R Krebs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Lake Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $98.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Lloyd Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Fayette, AL 36744 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R M Watkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division R Mathews Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Southlake, TX 76092 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R McNeill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Messman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Dallas, TX 75205 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership R Michaels Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Chisholm, MN 55719 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Mitchell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Anchorage, AK 99515 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Muller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R N Higgins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base R Nagel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Fairfax Station, VA 22039 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Nary Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base R Owen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Shelbyville, KY 40065 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R P Burnett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R P Murphy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R Peck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Posluszny Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Moosic, PA 18507 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R R Durkee IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Slack Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Herbert, IL 60145 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R T Galmiche III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R Thompson Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R W Morgan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R W Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R Walls Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $700.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base R Walter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Neptune Beach, FL 32266 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Yazzie Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund Ralph Bruns III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $600.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Rocky Mountain Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 411 S Pueblo Ave

Grant Amt $3,150.00 Pueblo, CO 81005 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S A Allen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S B Hill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S B Schorr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S B Wiewel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Belden Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Hershey, PA 17033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Minority Scholarship- Central Region S Boyd Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,285.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Brayboy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Buehner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Lakewood, OH 44107 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S C Aarvig Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship S D Hoyle Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,012.00 Chapel Hill, NC 27517 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S D Nelson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S D Pulvirent Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Davidson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Dayton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 San Antonio, TX 78249 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Detwiler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Gross Pointe Farms, MI 48236 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S E Eldridge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S F McGee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Fisher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Fuller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Gillson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $250.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Haller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund R Toth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Massapequa, NY 11758 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R V Velasquez Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $750.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships R Vincent Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund R W Freidberg Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership R Woodke Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Bemidji, MN 56601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S A Reed Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Bakik Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Brayboy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Campbell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Dane Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Biwabik, MN 55708 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Dreyer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $700.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Foote Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Halvorson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $440.00 St Paul, MN 55108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Hebsch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Candia, NH 03034 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division S Hopkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Irving, TX 75061 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Houts Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Centre Hall, PA 16828 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Hrbacek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S J Listrom Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship S J Shanahan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Willits, CA 95490 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Cooke Scholarship S J Shanahan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,500.00 Willits, CA 95490 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Jackson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division S Jasper Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Dallas, TX 75287 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Kennetz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $70.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Landy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Florham Park, NJ 07932 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Leath Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Burleson, TX 76028 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S Leatherwood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Lewis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Houston, TX 77095 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Locklear Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Logan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Wichita, KS 67212 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S M Lucas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S M Wenger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund R Zimmerman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $750.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Makinson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Greensboro, NC 27406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Martin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $135.00 Wilmington, DE 19801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Murray Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Narsi Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Oswalt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 West Des Moines, IA 50265 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Peterbaugh Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S R Allen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Rayburn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $900.00 Willis, TX 77378 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Reineck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Clyde, OH 43410 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Roddy Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Maple Grove, MN 55369 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Rojas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Hartsburg, MO 65039 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Ryan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Roanoke, VA 24012 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Sexton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $50.00 Turlock, CA 95382 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Simons Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Stupkor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship S T Pizzo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Toms River, NJ 08753 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Tomlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Kinston, NC 28503 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S V Lijo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $440.00 St Paul, MN 55104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S VonNieda Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Ephrata, PA 17522 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S Wilhite Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Woodke Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Bemidji, MN 56601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 15255 NW 82nd Ave

Grant Amt $3,600.00 Miami Lakes, FL 33016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T A Carter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T A Hill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T Ahrens Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Asbery Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $77.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Austin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Independence, KS 67301 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T B Boydston II Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Benally Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Benally Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Helms Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Ely, MN 55731 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Hopkins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Aurora, MN 55705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship S J Lastauskas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Myrtle Beach, SC 29588 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S J Sullivan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund S Koscienly Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Rochester, NY 14617 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Lewis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Houston, TX 77095 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Love Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $3,775.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships S Marshall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects S Murray Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Norwich, NY 13815 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S O Neil Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Berry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Mena, AR 71953 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Brown Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base T Burrell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Atlanta, GA 30345 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T C Banks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship T C Torres Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Middletown, NJ 07748 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T Caldwell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T D Kruse Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T D Lawrence Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Doratt Jr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Stevens, PA 17578 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Fix Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T Grimshaw Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T H Wells Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Hunt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Jackman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Waterbury, VT 05676 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification McElwain Eagle Scholarship T K McInnis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Decatur, AL 35603 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T K Miller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Kelton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Memphis, TN 38112 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T L Chrastecky Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T M Zuberbueler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 San Angelo, TX 76932 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Matejek Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $168.00 Mena, AR 71953 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base T Minnich Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Mohnton, PA 19540 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Marty Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57106 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Popham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S R Hoes Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base S Rojas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Hartsburg, MO 65039 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund S Simeon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership S Tomlin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hermantown, MN 55811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund S W Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Order of the Arrow Special Projects Southeast Louisiana Council Date: Type: Cash Address: 4200 I-10 S Service Rd West

Grant Amt $3,245.00 Metairie, LA 70004 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T Beck Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,550.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T Burk Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T C Lowrey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship T D Bogart Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Lincroft, NJ 07738 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Delgado Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Griffin Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Hunt Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $132.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Juan Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $104.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Keinert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Allentown, PA 18104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T M Ketelsleger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Michard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Abilene, TX 79606 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Jones Fund T Norton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Oliver Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T Q Puffe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T R Belaire Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,750.00 Kennesaw, GA 30144 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T Raco Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Robinson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship T Schulz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Cockeysville, MD 21030 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Bemidji, MN 56601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T T Spring Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Tavernier Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $144.00 Palmer, MA 01069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Bennett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Bullard III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T C Dawson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Colombe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Davis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $95.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T G Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Hall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $170.00 Watertown, TN 37184 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Jacobs Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T K Mohr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Lowe Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $87.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T Matlock Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $975.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Muller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hibbing, MN 55746 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T N Kirkham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship T P Roman Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Beaver Falls, PA 15010 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division T Pham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,000.00 Coppell, TX 75019 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T R Blackwell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T R Genz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T S Woody Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Salo Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Smith Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $93.00 Albuquerque, NM 87109 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T T Benton Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,500.00 Tempe, AZ 85282 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Taylor Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $80.00 Bartlesville, OK 74003 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Truppner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T U Lockwood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership T Underwood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Hewitt, TX 76643 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T VanHorn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 St Louis, MO 63108 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T W Hudler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification CSE Special Fund UNITED WAY OF AMERICA Date: Type: Cash Address: PO Box 630568

Grant Amt $10,000.00 Baltimore, MD 21263 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund V Iacubitchii Date: Type: Cash Address: FS Road 60

Grant Amt $430.00 Crescent Lake, OR 97425 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund V Iacubitchii Date: Type: Cash Address: FS Road 60

Grant Amt $744.00 Crescent Lake, OR 97425 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership V Joseph Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Mohr Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund T Yang Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $700.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund V Luon Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund V Railean Date: Type: Cash Address: 3296 Boy Scout Camp Rd

Grant Amt $744.00 Yanceyville, NC 27379 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W A Glenn Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership W Burch Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $192.00 Duncan Falls, OH 43734 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base W Duckworth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Connelly Springs, NC 28612 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W H Thielen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W Hailey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund W Jones Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Bulington, IA 52601 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund W Lee IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $675.00 Naperville, IL 60566 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund W Maxwell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Kennesaw, GA 31044 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships W Oxendine Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund W Sheaffer Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $400.00 Rancocas, NJ 08073 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W T Cozzens Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Z Anderson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Arlington, TX 76014 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund Z B Gardner Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships Z Chavis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $75.00 Wilmington, NC 28406 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Z Chretieu Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Cipcopee, MA 01013 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship Z H Goldstein Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Holmdel, NJ 07733 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership Z Hall Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Hibbing, MN 55746 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund Z J Beal Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships Z Little Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $133.00 Wilmington, DE 19801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Z Shfcak Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Richfield, OH 44286 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships Z Stewart Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $85.00 Sioux Falls, SD 57104 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Z Zeller Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $300.00 Bethesda, MD 20814 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division 14 guests from 11 countries Date: Type: Cash Address: minor children - addresses on file Grant Amt $32,053.00 Ireland Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: none Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Reynolds Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,131.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Schulz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,450.00 Minneapolis, MN 55401 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Dean Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,450.00 Minneapolis, MN 55401 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base T Thomas Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Webster, TX 77598 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund T Vang Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $540.00 Minneapolis, MN 55408 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Kiefer Scholarship T W Simms Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Freehold, NJ 07728 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund V Iacubitchii Date: Type: Cash Address: FS Road 60

Grant Amt $81.00 Crescent Lake, OR 97425 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund V Railean Date: Type: Cash Address: 3296 Boy Scout Camp Rd

Grant Amt $430.00 Yanceyville, NC 27379 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships V Wood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $104.00 Phoenix, AZ 85016 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships W Bodfish Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund W Dawson Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Stillwater, OK 74075 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W H MaGill Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Barker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Coco Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,131.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division B Briegel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,587.00 Lansing, MI 48906 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Hovis Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $1,595.00 Charlotte, NC 28202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Munro Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,737.00 Lansing, MI 48906 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division D Keeler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division E Sutter Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,322.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division I McGuane Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Shelburne Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Perry Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,595.00 Charlotte, NC 28202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K Field Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division L Richards Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,131.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Field Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Kasper Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Sams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division N Howell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,598.00 San Francisco, CA 94102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division N Olheiser Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division R Boykins Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division S Allard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund T W Ory Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships T Yeisley Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W J Toohey Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships W Maus Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership W Robert Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Duluth, MN 55803 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership X Kopp Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships Z Bensel Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $110.00 Anchorage, AK 99504 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Z Edgett Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Orefield, PA 18069 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership Z Hoffrogge Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $220.00 Cincinnati, OH 45248 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership Z Rosemore Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $50.00 Pengilly, MN 55775 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division B Fisher IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Penney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,731.00 Tupelo, MS 38801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C LaMarche Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,563.00 Marquette, MI 49855 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division D Johnston Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,131.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Penney Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,731.00 Tupelo, MS 38801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Mazur Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,131.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division K Kyker Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,193.00 Dallas, TX 75201 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division L Larsen Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,450.00 Minneapolis, MN 55401 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Samdahl Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $2,221.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division W Maxwell Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,793.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification NESA Scholarship V P English Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Cincinnati, OH 45208 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Camp Staff Fund V Railean Date: Type: Cash Address: 3296 Boy Scout Camp Rd

Grant Amt $81.00 Yanceyville, NC 27379 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base V SutkusKiela Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $200.00 Lemont, IL 60439 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base V SutkusKiela Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $600.00 Lemont, IL 60439 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W A Gruger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base W Beard Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $350.00 Montpelier, VT 05602 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W C Johnson III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund W Chamlee Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Easley, SC 29640 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W G Waldo IV Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund W Gatewood Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $500.00 Kinston, NC 28503 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sonia Maguire Campership W Hicks Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $120.00 Hastings, MN 55033 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sea Base W MacBride Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,650.00 Cheltenham, PA 19012 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund W Pafford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $63.00 Nanuet, NY 10954 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund W T Miles Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Indian Scholarships Z Battist Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $97.00 Texarkana, TX 75505 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund Z E Semmelrock Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file Grant Amt $500.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Youth Scholarship Fund Z Hanly Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,000.00 Jamesburg, NJ 08831 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Waite Phillips Fund Z Ohler Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $300.00 Bellevue, OH 44811 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification Sailor NESA Endowment Fund Z T Page Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $10.00 Austin, TX 78723 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Cloninger Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,595.00 Charlotte, NC 28202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division J Manz Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $2,131.00 Missoula, MT 59801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division M Williams Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division A Wortham Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,699.00 Sacramento, CA 94102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division B Fisher III Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division B Fisher Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19102 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division B Dunlap Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,792.00 Houston, TX 77001 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Forsyth Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,595.00 Charlotte, NC 28202 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division C Hoagland Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division D Field Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,639.00 Philadelphia, PA 19101 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division D Ford Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,731.00 Tupelo, MS 38801 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Classification International Division E Gaugush Date: Type: Cash Address: minor child - address on file

Grant Amt $1,587.00 Lansing, MI 48906 United States Purp of payment to affiliate Relationship: None Description of Property: How Determined Book Value of Property: FMV of Property:

Total Grants: $1,748,142.00 Statement 6 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 2 Part: II Question: 42 Depreciation and Depletion

Current Asset Deprec.

Furniture and Equipment $3,643,768.00 Buildings and Improvements $2,171,275.00

Total $5,815,043.00 Statement 7 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 2 Part: II Question: 43 Attachment listing other expenses for Part II

Description Total: Pgm Services Mgt and General Fundrasing

Insurances $43,941,590.00 $43,941,590.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other Expenses $4,005,826.00 $3,882,779.00 $82,543.00 $40,504.00 Independent Contractors $3,686,536.00 $2,154,265.00 $1,532,271.00 $0.00 Program Support $2,385,704.00 $2,342,362.00 $43,342.00 $0.00 Leasing Fees $2,188,183.00 $2,188,183.00 $0.00 $0.00 Membership Dues $1,391,663.00 $1,359,398.00 $32,265.00 $0.00 Public Relations/Relationships $1,123,399.00 $883,399.00 $240,000.00 $0.00 Investment Manager Expenses $1,108,554.00 $0.00 $1,108,554.00 $0.00 Bank Charges and Fees $626,933.00 $489,498.00 $137,435.00 $0.00 Permits and Licenses $293,398.00 $269,190.00 $24,208.00 $0.00 Disaster Recovery $254,245.00 $253,928.00 $317.00 $0.00 Recruitment and background checks $128,526.00 $123,007.00 $5,519.00 $0.00 Supply and Magazine Allocated -$3,637,785.00 $0.00 -$3,637,785.00 $0.00

Total: $57,496,772.00 $57,887,599.00 -$431,331.00 $40,504.00 Statement 8 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 3 Part: III Question: Program Services

Achievement Pgm. Svc. Exp.

Scouting Programs: The primary exempt purpose of the Boy Scouts of America is to promote through $0.00 community organizations, and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in Scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the methods which are now in common use by Boy Scouts. Youth registered in 2,855,833 individual programs. (2855833 See description above.) Grants and Allocations: $0.00 This amount includes foreign grants: N/A Scouting Programs: Marketing - The Marketing Group includes Public Relations. The division provides news $6,229,760.00 releases, features for print and broadcasting media. It handles advertising and provides guidance to 304 local councils. Internal news for the nationwide Scouting family is provided in the form of newsletters, fact sheets, and the annual report. (304 Local Councils) Grants and Allocations: $306,982.00 This amount includes foreign grants: Yes Scouting Programs: Field Operations - Responsible for Operations management, operation of the four $36,516,640.00 regional offices (and 30 areas), and those functions associated with field support to local councils. Through Operations, councils are helped and strengthened, standards of performance are administered, council camp inspections made, and extension of district and council effectiveness is achieved. Operations includes the Relationships/Membership function, Urban Rural Services to low-income groups, and councils long-range planning. Also conducts regional training conferences for professionals and volunteers. Also, administers an extensive program of local council finance support and administration and funding of the defense of our private membership rights. (304 Local Councils supported) Grants and Allocations: $156,965.00 This amount includes foreign grants: No Scouting Programs: Human Resources and Training - Administers all aspects of human resources policies $11,123,052.00 for the National Council. Recruits and trains professional employees, wherever employed. Operates the Professional Development Center (Texas training center). Manages the compensation and benefit programs and monitors employee relations. (304 Local Cncl employee recruiting &training) Grants and Allocations: $72,600.00 This amount includes foreign grants: No Scouting Programs: Program Development and Delivery - Administers the development of the basic $40,115,551.00 programs - Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, , and ; provides the camping and outdoor literature, materials, and techniques, as well as engineering service to local councils; manages the growing volunteer training programs of the Boy Scouts of America and handles all national program support in the areas of health and safety, activities, program evaluation, and low-income program; develops uniform and insignia and other program functions. Also operates three High Adventure Bases and National Jamboree. As of December 31, 2007, there were youth registered in 2,855,833 individual programs served by adult leaders registered in 1,138,804 individual programs for a grand total of 3,994,637. (3994637 Individual programs served) Grants and Allocations: $1,211,595.00 This amount includes foreign grants: Yes Scouting Programs: Insurance Costs Borne for National and Local Councils - The National Council $43,941,590.00 subsidized the group medical, dental, and life insurance programs for its employees but does so also for retirees. In addition, the National Council subsidized a general liability insurance program primarily for the benefit of local councils. (304 Local Councils) Grants and Allocations: $0.00 This amount includes foreign grants: N/A Scouting Programs: World Bureau Fees - The registration fee that Boy Scouts of America annually pays $1,327,389.00 the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM) is based on an established fee of registered uniformed adult and youth members. This registration fee supports international enrichment programs for the youth and adult membership. These programs include World , National Association encampments, international training programs and conferences, program related magazines, brochures and pamphlets. (1327389 World Bureau Fees) Grants and Allocations: $0.00 This amount includes foreign grants: N/A Total: $139,253,982.00 Statement 9 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 4 Part: IV Question: 55 Schedule of Investment Land, Buildings and Equipment

Description Cost Depreciation Book Value

Land $48,656.00 $0.00 $48,656.00

Total: $48,656.00 $0.00 $48,656.00 Statement 10 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 4 Part: IV Question: 57 Schedule of Land, Buildings and Equipment

Description Cost Depreciation Book Value

Buildings and Improvements $80,995,822.00 $31,935,956.00 $49,059,866.00 Land $11,485,752.00 $0.00 $11,485,752.00 Furniture and Equipment $66,823,036.00 $50,242,803.00 $16,580,233.00

Total: $159,304,610.00 $82,178,759.00 $77,125,851.00 Statement 11 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 4 Part: IV Question: 65 Other Liabilities

Liability Description BOY Amount EOY Amount

Insurance Reserves $60,943,056.00 $62,251,731.00

Total: $60,943,056.00 $62,251,731.00 Statement 12 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 5 Part: IV-A Question: b(4) Revenue Audit Line b(4)

Description Amount

Learning of Life, Natl BSA Fdn, regional trusts, consolidated audit $9,535,983.00

Total: $9,535,983.00 Statement 13 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 5 Part: IV-A Question: d(2) Revenue Audit Line d(2)

Description Amount

Reclass expenses netted to revenues on audit report $21,302,363.00

Total: $21,302,363.00 Statement 14 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 5 Part: IV-B Question: b(4) Expense Audit Line b(4)

Description Amount

Learning of Life, Natl BSA Fdn, regional trusts, consolidated audit $9,031,586.00

Total: $9,031,586.00 Statement 15 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 5 Part: IV-B Question: d(2) Expense Audit Line d(2)

Description Amount

Expenses netted to income on audit report $21,302,363.00

Total: $21,302,363.00 Statement 16 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 5 Part: V Question: Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees

Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses

Alberto A Munoz II 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Anderson W Chandler 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Aubrey B Harwell Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Treasurer/Board Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

C Travis Traylor Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Charles H Smith 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Charles W Dahlquist II 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses

Christian Poindexter 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

D Kent Clayburn 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Roger M Schrimp 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Dennis H Chookaszian 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Donald D Belcher 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Commr & Bd Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Douglas H Dittrick 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Drayton McLane Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP - Dev/Bd Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Country: United States

Earl G Graves 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP/Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Francis H Olmstead Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Francis R McAllister 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Evan Chaffee 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Gary E Wendlandt 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Ralph de la Vega 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

George F Francis III 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Gerald J Voros 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Glen McLaughlin 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Tico A Perez 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member/Regional President Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Henry A Rosenberg Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP / Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

J C Watts Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Jack D Furst 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP - Supply/Bd Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

James J Terry Jr 40 $323,917.00 $269,618.00 $20,243.00

Title: Assistant Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: 38 years of tenure; Contributions to Employee Benefit Plans $14,763, Other Allowances; Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan $254,855. The BSA's National Executive Board approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconcilliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Part II, Line 25 does not include payment reported in Part V-A or V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. James M Reddinger 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

James S Turley 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP-HR / Bd Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Joe W Walkoviak 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

John C Cushman III 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

John F Smith 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

John Gottschalk 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Executive VP/Bd Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Country: United States

John R Donnell Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Jose F Nino 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

J Brett Harvey 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Keith A Clark 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member/Regional President Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

L B Eckelkamp Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Lawrence W Kellner 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Lyle R Knight 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Mark P Mays 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Marshall M Sloane 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Matthew K Rose 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Michael D Harris 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Aubrey B Patterson 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

O Temple Sloan Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Philip M Condit 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

R Ray Wood 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

R Thomas Buffenbarger 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Asst Treasr/Bd Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Randall L Stephenson 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Rex W Tillerson 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP Administration/Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Benjamin J Pope 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Richard H Leet 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Richard L Burdick 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Vice President Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Robert H Reynolds 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Robert J LaFortune 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Robert J Mazzuca 40 $377,617.00 $322,237.00 $22,810.00

Title: Chief Scout Executive/Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: 36 years of tenure; Contributions to Employee Benefit Plans $21,865, Other Allowances; Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan $300,372. The BSA's National Executive Board approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconcilliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Part II, Line 25 does not include payment reported in Part V-A or V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Ronald K Migita 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Roy S Roberts 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Roy Williams 40 $1,531,248.00 $2,396,513.00 $46,352.00

Title: Chief Scout Executiv Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Country: United States Compensation Explanation: 35 years of tenure; retired in 2007. Compensation includes $912,479 of vested deferred compensation, which includes market appreciation from 2002 through 2006 as well as $505,902 contributed in prior years. Contributions to Employee Benefit Plans $24,100, Other Allowances; Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan $2,372,414. The BSA's National Executive Board approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconcilliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Part II, Line 25 does not include payment reported in Part V-A or V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Scott D Oki 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Stephen G Hanks 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member/Regional President Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Steve Fossett 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Steven E Weekes 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member/Regional President Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States

Steven R Rogel 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

T Michael Goodrich 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses Country: United States

Terrence P Dunn 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: VP - Prog/Bd Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Thomas S Monson 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Togo D West Jr 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Wayne M Perry 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: International Commissioner/Ntl Exec Board Member Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

William F Cronk 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Title: President/Board Mbr Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038 Country: United States

Wayne Brock 40 $323,010.00 $133,424.00 $8,509.00

Title: Assistant Chief Scout Executive Addr 1: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: 35 years of tenure; Contributions to Employee Benefit Plans $25,593, Other Allowances; Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan $107,831. The BSA's National Executive Board approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconcilliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Part II, Line 25 does not include payment reported in Part V-A or V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Name and Address Ave. Hrs/week Comp. Benefits Expenses

TOTALS $2,555,792.00 $3,121,792.00 $97,914.00 Statement 17 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 6 Part: V-B Question: Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees

Name and Address Loans and Advances Comp. Benefits Expenses

Joseph L Anglim $0.00 $110,105.00 $2,412.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. C Michael Hoover Jr $0.00 $188,540.00 $4,824.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Ben H Love $0.00 $126,781.00 $4,824.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Ronald E Moranville $0.00 $112,219.00 $4,824.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Roger Ohmstede $0.00 $161,937.00 $5,384.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Jere B Ratcliffe $0.00 $234,991.00 $4,824.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Name and Address Loans and Advances Comp. Benefits Expenses James Tarr $0.00 $87,213.00 $0.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Kenneth L Connelly $0.00 $212,784.00 $5,784.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. David J Ross II $0.00 $487,594.00 $11,969.00 $0.00

Addr: 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane Addr 2: CSZ: Irving, TX 75038-3008 Country: United States Compensation Explanation: Form 990 Part II Line 25b - Does not include payments reported in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities.

TOTALS $0.00 $1,722,164.00 $44,845.00 $0.00 Statement 18 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 6 Part: VI Question: 80 b Related Organizations

Description Exempt

National Boy Scouts of America Foundation Yes Yes Northeast Region Trust Yes Southern Region Trust Yes Central Region Trust Yes Statement 19 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 7 Part: VI Question: 91b Foreign Accounts

Foreign Account List

Bahamas Statement 20 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: 8 Part: VIII Question: Relationship of Activities

Line No Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes

93 a Fees from and two High Adventure Bases are from camp operations. Camp operations include survival techniques and teach the youth about nature and ecology. These programs help to train the youth in Scoutcraft and teach the boys courage and how to do things for themselves. Also, included are $81,839 of cattle and buffalo sales at Philmont. During 2007, over 53,000 Scouts visited these camps. 93 d ScoutNet is a system designed to be the backbone of Scouting information systems for the 21st century. ScoutNet is used by all 304 local councils and has proved to be an excellent resource. These revenues are from local councils using the system. 93 c Fees from the World Jamboree are composed of registration fee income from 2,295 youth and 1,083 adult participants. The World Jamboree occurs every four years when Scouts from around the world meet to participate in Scouting activities. Boys learn independence, self-reliance, and develop friendships with fellow scouts. 103 e Fees derived from the Drug Awareness Program are from the sales of brochures, teaching guides, and related program materials. This program is designed to teach youth the dangers of drugs and the consequences of using drugs. 93 b Regional Camps, Meetings & Seminars: $491,181- The BSA regional offices conduct seminars for local council adult leaders throughout the year to train them in teaching Scoutcraft, patriotism, courage, self reliance, and kindred virtues using the methods which are now in common use by Boy Scouts. National Eagle Scout Association: $681,983-Income is derived from registration fees. The Association gives an opportunity for all former as well as future Eagle Scouts to maintain a registration status. From this group the BSA develops the manpower needed to provide adult leadership to youth membership. National Camp School: $1,150,986-Held for training and establishing standards to ensure the health, safety, & well-being of every camper, leader, visitor, & staff member while on camp property. Center for Professional Development: $1,205,259-Training registration fees from local council Scouting professionals. Annual Meeting: 1,166,592-Registration income from annual meeting. Other Progs:$688,500 93 e Order of the Arrow fees are for the camping honor society within the BSA. Income is derived from nominal annual membership fees and a national conference. 94 Members comprise local councils, troops, packs, crews, etc. Members receive programmatic information, training, and advice from our staff as part of our Boy Scout, Venturing, and programs. Also includes payments received from the National council, local councils, and chartered units which is part of the General Liability Insurance Program that operates primarily for the benefit of local councils. Statement 21 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: 990 22-1576300 Page: None Part: None Question: None Additional Explanations

Additional Explanations

Identifier: Former Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees Reference: Form 990 Part II Line 25b Explanation: Does not include payments reporting in Part V-B that were made by separate related organizations or entities. Identifier: Part Vii Line 96 Reference: Part Vii Line 96 Explanation: Line 96 includes $24,121,286 of excluded income and $(877) of unrelated business income. Statement 22 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: Schedule A 22-1576300 Page: 1 Part: I Question: Compensation Explanation - Highest Paid Employee

Name Expanation

Willie Iles Jr Other Allowances: Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan and Unearned compensation $9,745. The BSA's National Executive Board Approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Glenn E Stone Jr Other Allowances: Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan and Unearned compensation $66,456. The BSA's National Executive Board Approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Thomas H Fitzgibbon Other Allowances: Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan and Unearned compensation $40,685. The BSA's National Executive Board Approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Bradley Farmer Other Allowances: Deferred Under Non-Qualified Retirement Plan and Unearned compensation $9,157. The BSA's National Executive Board Approved a non-qualified, Retirement Benefits Restoration Plan for the benefit of all employees whose benefits would otherwise be limited by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. Benefits attributed under the Restoration Plan supplement those accrued under the qualified Retirement Plan and payments do not commence until an employee's retirement. Statement 23 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: Schedule A 22-1576300 Page: 2 Part: III Question: 2 Transaction Explanations

Line Expanation

2e Some member of the BSA Board of Directors are also on the boards of other organizations with which the BSA does business. Transactions are in the normal course of business and subject to the normal purchasing policies and procedures of the National Council, which include but are not limited to, solicitation of competitive bids for certain expenditures. These are as follows: R. de la Vega, C. Smith, R. Stephenson - AT&T $741,455. A. Harwell - American Bar Association $2,592. D. Dittrick - American Red Cross $3,948. R. de la Vega - Bell South $8,394. E. Graves - Black Enterprise Magazine $18. T. Monson - Brigham Young University $17,500. J. Donnell - Colonial Williamsburg Foundation $1,967. R. Tillerson - Exxon Mobil $4,045. C. Smith - Federal Reserve Bank $5,750. D. Chookaszian - Financial Accounting Standards $205. R. Roberts - Grand Valley State University $50. G. Francis - Harvard University $6,000. J. Gottschalk - Joslyn Art Museum $928. G. McLaughlin - Library of Congress $1,500. O. Sloan - Lowe's $6,422. L. Kellner - Marriott $1,166,381. J. Reddinger - Pepsi Cola Company $45,580. R. LaFortune - Philbrook Museum of Art - $1,557. A. Harwell - Piedmont Natural Gas $18,278. T. Dunn - Rockhurst University $1,950. L. Eckelkamp - St Louis University $1,500. D. McLane - Texas A&M University $35. R. Wood - United Way $37,148. R. Migita - University of Hawaii $1,000. R. Tillerson, J. Furst - University of Texas at Austin $475. C. Dahlquist - Utah State Bar $395. D. McLane - Walmart $16,765. F. Olmstead - Purdue University $2,000. Statement 24 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: Schedule A 22-1576300 Page: 2 Part: III Question: 3a Explanation of Grant Determination

Explanation of grant qualifications

Qualifications for National Eagle Scholarships are as follows: 1) Be registered in the Boy Scouts of America. 2) Have achieved the Eagle Scout rank. 3) Be a graduating high school senior in the year he is applying for the scholarship. 4) Have an SAT score of at least 900 and/or equivalent ACT score of 20. 5) Have demonstrated leadership ability in Scouting and a strong record of participation in activities outside of Scouting. 6) Have a financial need. Other Scholarships and grants are made from board designated, and restricted funds based on the requirements / restrictions of the funds. Generally, scholarships and grants are made based on financial need at the request of local councils for individuals in their area. Statement 25 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: Schedule A 22-1576300 Page: 4 Part: IV-A Question: 22 Other Income

Description 2006 2005 2004 2003

Other Revenue $400,191.00 $450,526.00 $340,597.00 $660,689.00

Total: $400,191.00 $450,526.00 $340,597.00 $660,689.00 Statement 26 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: Schedule A 22-1576300 Page: 7 Part: VII Question: 51 d Transfers to and Transactions with Noncharitable Exempt Organizations

Line No Amount Name of Organization

51b(iv) $12,000.00 Scout Executives Alliance

Reimbursement for clerical and office expenses

51c $0.00 Scout Executives Alliance

Shares facilities and equipment.

Total: $12,000.00 Statement 27 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Form: Schedule A 22-1576300 Page: 7 Part: VII Question: 52 b Relationships with Noncharitable Exempt Organizations

Name of Organization Type

Scout Executives Alliance 501(c)(9)

Scouting Insurance