
working with directories

8.8. practice: working with directories

1. Display your current .

2. Change to the ietc directory.

3. Now change to yourhome directorlrui@

4. Change to the /boot/grub directoqy ruing o'lh, eleven key pressos,

5. Go to the parent directory of the current directory.

6. Go to the .

7. List the contents of the root directory.

8. List a long listing of the root directory-

9. Stay where you are, and list the contents of letc.

10. Stay where you a:e, and list the contents of /bin and /sbin.

11. Stay where you are, and list the contents of -.

12. List all the files (including hidden files) in your .

13. List the files in /boot in a human readable .

14. Create a directory testdir in your home directory.

15. Change to the /etc directory, stay here and create a directory newdir in your home directory.

16. Create in one the directories -ldnll&r2/dn3 (dir3 is a subdirectory from dir2, and dir2 is a subdirectory from dirl ).

17. Remove the directory testdir.


80 8.9. solution: working with directories

l. Display your crxrent directory. grd

2. Change to the /etc directory. /etc

3. Now change to your home directory using only three key presses. cd (and the enter key)

4. Change to the /booVgrub directory using only eleven key presses. cd /boot/grub (use the t.ab key)

5. Go to the parent directory of the current directory.

cd - . (with space between cd and . . )

6. Go to the root directory. cd/

7. List the contents of the root directory.


8. List a long listing of the root directory. Is -1

9. Stay where you are, and list the contents of /etc. Is /etc

10. Stay where you are, and list the contents of /bin and /sbin. Is /bin /sbin

11. Stay where you are, and list the contents of -. 1s-

12. List all the files (including hidden files) in your home directory. -aI -

13. List the files in /boot in a human readable format. LE -Ih /boot

14. Create a directory testdir in your home directory. -/testdir

15. Change to the /etc directory, stay here and create a directory newdir in your home directory.

81 working with directories

cd letc ; rnkdir -/newdir

16. Create in one coilrmand the directories-/dnl/dir2ldir3 (dir3 is a subdirectory from dir2, and dir2 is a subdirectory from dirl ). nrkdir -p -/d,irt/ dir2 / dir3

17. Remove the directory testdir. testdir

18. If fime permits (or if you are waiting for otler students to finish this practice), use and understand . Use the of to information about these commands.

man bash * opens the manual /puehd * searehes for pushd n # next (do t,hi.s trro/t.hree times)

The Bash has two built-in commands called pushd and popd. Both commands work with a common stack ofprevious directories. Pushd adds a directory to the stack and changes to a new current directory, popd removes a directory from the stack and sets the current directory. paulodebianl : / et cS cd,/bia paul@debian7: /bi-ng purbd ,/l.J.b /Llb /biyr paul@debian7 : /1ibg l,ucbd /proc /proc /ltb lbtrr paul@debian? : /procg popd /Lib /bLn pauledebi.an? : /libg popd /bLn