Campbell Systematic Reviews 2011:6 First published: 29 August, 2011 Last updated: 27 March, 2011 Motivational interviewing for substance abuse Geir Smedslund, Rigmor C. Berg, Karianne T. Hammerstrøm, Asbjørn Steiro, Kari A. Leiknes, Helene M. Dahl, Kjetil Karlsen Please note: Pending reformatting. Colophon Title Motivational interviewing for substance abuse Institution The Campbell Collaboration Authors Geir Smedslund Rigmor C. Berg Karianne T. Hammerstrøm Asbjørn Steiro Kari A. Leiknes Helene M. Dahl Kjetil Karlsen DOI 10.4073/csr.2011.6 No. of pages 128 Last updated 27 March, 2011 Citation Smedslund G, Berg RC, Hammerstrøm KT, Steiro A, Leiknes KA, Dahl HM, Karlsen K. Motivational interviewing for substance abuse. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2011:6 DOI: 10.4073/csr.2011.6 Co-registration This review is co-registered within both the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations. A version of this review can also be found in the Cochrane Library. Keywords Contributions Karlsen conceived of the idea and commissioned the review. All reviewers were involved in planning the review. Smedslund wrote the methods section of the protocol. Karlsen and Smedslund wrote the background. Hammerstrøm developed the search strategy, performed the original searches and the final search in November 2010. All authors were involved with screening of studies. Smedslund and Berg did the risk of bias and data extraction. Berg and Smedslund graded the results. Smedslund did the analyses and wrote the results and discussion. Support/Funding Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services, Norway Potential Conflicts None. of Interest Corresponding Geir Smedslund author Norwegian Knowledge Centre for Health Services PB 7004 St. Olavs plass Oslo N-0130 Norway Telephone: +47 2325 5155 / +47 9138 7076 E-mail:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Campbell Systematic Reviews Editors-in-Chief Mark W.