The Haverfordian, Vols. 18-19, 1896-98

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The Haverfordian, Vols. 18-19, 1896-98 STACK.SIACK. CLASS "i fN'i. BOOK THE LIBRA RY v.\V\t\ OF HAVERFORO COLLEGE (Haverford, Pa.) THE GIFT OF \ N mo. 0\ 190 "^ Accession No. ANSA'S NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE LIBRARY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation The Have-rfctrdia/n Volume XVIII Fifth Month, J 896, to Fourth Month, J 897 .^CONTENTS^ Alumni Dinner 144 Editorials—Continued. Alumni Meeting, The . 30 Cricket Scores, 29 Alumni Personals, E. Field, Exchange Case, The 13 36, 61, 96, 113, 126, 9, 19, 75, 143 Fire, The 1 College Improvement Committee, 84 Football, 30 College Notes, Field, Wilson, Football Officials, 67 6, 20, 37, 59, 76, 94, no, 129, 143 Gymnasium Exhibition, The 115 Commencement Day, 32 Haverfordian Constitution, 115 Cricket 22,3s, 63 Haverfordian Prizes, 13, 83 Cricket Averages 65 Interclass debates, 83 Fire, The 5 • Jones Legacy, The . 53 Football 61, 77 Letter from U. of P. A. A 29 Football Statistics So Literary Societies, The 54 Gymnasium Exhibition, The 120 Murray Rush Prizes, 54 Hall and Campus, Field and Janney, II, Si New Captains, 84 .Harvard Letter, 15, 140 New Board, The 1 Haverford Library Lectures, 97, 145 Oratorical Contest, The 1 Haverford's Colonial Room, 1 16 Our Winter Exercise 68 Haverford Skating Pond 6S Parting Shot, A 131 Intercollegiate Cricket 128 Political, 54 In the English Schools, Loiury, 96 Present Gymnasium Work, 116 Junior Exercises, The S Result of the Competition 131 funior-Freshman Debate, The 95 Song Prizes, 99 New Mechanical Building, The 38 Sophomore Freshman dispute, 67 Ninety-six Class Day 32 Verse, 14 Ninety-six Class Dinner 75 Y. M. C. A 84 Ninety-three Reunion, 14 Our New England Alumni, G. S. Crossman, ... 31 Literary Articles— Prof. Seth K. Gilford, 60 Aetas Aurea, R. C. Brown, 107 Senior Sophomore Debate 12S Divided House, The, /. Sterner, 11S Senior-Freshman Debate 146 Dr. Henry Hartshorne, Prof.R. M.Jones, . .116 Sophomore Entertainment, 8 Eighteenth, The, C H. Howson 69 Spring Sports, 10 Heinrich Heine and the Harzreise, IV. V. Hol- Y. M. C. A. Notes 60 loway, 55 Y. M. C. A. President's Report. J. H. Scattergood, . 15 Ian Maclaren, G. M. Palmer 92 Keystone of Our Civilization, The, F. Else, . 121 Editorials— Lesson from History, A, E. Field 137 Athletic Interests, 13 Louis Kossuth, F. Else 132 Athletics, gg Mission of Genius, The, F. Else, 100 Class of '96 Prizes 131 Of a Christmas Eve Long Past, Competition for Vacancies, 99 G. M. P. Murphy, 87 Cricket Cup, The 2 Of Old France, G. M. P. Murphy, . 125 HAVERFORDIAN^CONTENTS Literary Articles—Continued. Haverford Lihrary Lectures —Continued. Part of a Ride, G. M. P. Murphy, IOI (Winter of '97.) Reminiscences of the English Trip, Shrewsbury, C. H Hcnuson, 105 The History of the New Testament Canon, Science and the Classics, M. Clauser, 3 Edward C. Moore. Sketches, Gilpin, Brown, Field, 66, 81 First Lecture, 112 Some Thoughts on the Development of Our Second " 112 Country, F. Else 123 Third " 127 Some Thoughts on the Future Novel, The Prophet Amos, Dr. George A. Barton, . .127 W. O. Beal, 85 The Nippur Expedition and its Bearing on the Bible, Dr. John P. Peters (two lectures), . 145 Theirs, the Kingdom, G. M. P. Murphy . .134 Verse— After Reading " Dream Life," W. V. Ho/loway, 94 Faculty Lectures— Byron Corrected, W. V. Holloway, 58 The Deep Sea and Life There, Henry S. Pratt, 145 Songs, J. A. Lester, 113,114 Early Settlers of Haverford and Vicinity, Sonnet, II'. J. Taylor, 12 President Sharpless, 46 The Gypsy Boy in the North (from the Ger- 1 Jingoism versus Patriotism, man,) W. V. Hollo-May, 22 Chauncey M. Depnv, 18 The Scarlet and the Black 142 " With a Sweet and Glad Surprise," ..... 81 Communications— Haverford Library Lectures— (Winter of '96.) "Visam Britannos Hospitibus Feros," Hebrew Poetry W, P. Mustard, 6 Early National Poetry of Israel,,;} J. A. Lester, 6 George A. Smith, 18, 19 C. H. Howson 117 HojfC THE HAVERFORDIAN HAVERFORD COLLEGE. VOLUME XVIII. No. i. FIFTH MONTH, 1896. CONTENTS. PAGK PAGE EDITORIALS— College Notes . 6 The New Board ... 1 Sophomore Entertainment . 8 8 The Fire ... 1 Alumni Personals • • The Cricket Cup ... 2 The Spring Sports . 10 The Oratorical Contest . ... 2 II • • • 3 ... 5 AVH. PKMTHM OO.. PHILAOA 1 The Provident Life and Trust Company OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, 409 Chestnut Street. \QU/ Incorporated Third Month 22, 1865. Charter Perpetual. c CAPITAL, 01,000,000.00 ASSETS, 3S.C08.719.04 Insures Lives, Grants Annuities, Receives Money oif Deposit, returnable on demand, for which interest is allowed, and is empowered by law to act as Executor, Administrator, RENNET. Trustee, Guardian, Assignee, Committee, Receiver. Agent, etc., for the faithful performance of which its Capital and Surplus Fund furnish ample security. This article coagulates Milk without * All Trust Funds and Investments aee Kept Separate and Apart from the Assets of the Company. pre v tons preparation, being* most Owners op Real Estate are invited to look into that branch for convenient making of the Trust Department which has the care of this description of property. It is presided over by an officer learned in the law JUNKET, OR CURLS AND WHEY of Real Estate, seconded by capable and trustworthy assistants. » » Some of them give their undivided attention to its care and management. DIRECTIONS. The income of parties residing abroad carefully collected and To every quart of milk, slightly warmed, add duly remitted. a tablespoonful of Liquid Rennet, stirring only SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, President. enough to mix it thoroughly. To be eaten when cold, with cream sweetened and flavored. T. WISTAR BROWN, Vice-President. MADE BY ASA S. WING, Vice-President and Actuary. JOSEPH ASHBROOK, Manager of Insurance Deft. SHIO & BAER, J. ROBERTS FOULKE, Trust Officer. Apothecaries, DAVID G. ALSOP, Assistant Actuary. BARTON TOWNSEND, Assistant Trust x Broad & Spruce Sts. J. Officer. The new Safe Deposit Vaults of the Company, with the latest devices for security and convenience, have been completed and are Open for inspection. Boxes rented at $$ and upwards. DIRECTORS a samuel R. Shipley, William Hacker, Philip C. Garrett, T. Wistar Brown, William Longs treth, Justus C. Strawbridge, Richard Cadbury, Israel Morris, James V. Watson, Henry Haines, Chas. Hartshorne, Edward H. Ogden, Richard Wood, William Gum mere. Asa S. Wing. Lumber and Coal. COAL 2240 lbs. TO TON. Prompt Delivery. Smedley & Mehl, ARDMORE, PA. Telephone 2 33' st. purs mow, BOOK PAMPHLET NEWSPAPER ARDMORE, PA. COMMERCIAL LECAL Printing, Under the personal supervision of NOVELTY the Ladies of St. Mary's Church, is now ready to do all kinds of Times Printing Hods?, laundry work. Your patronage is earnestly solicited. 725 Chestnut, - Philadelphia. I s- SO > n > i , THE HAVERFORDIAN. in .INCORPORATED 1836. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL, $1,000,000. SURPLUS, $2,000,000, President. EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS. Vice-President, HENRY TATNALL Treasurer, WILLIAM N. ELY. Assistant Treasurer, J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Jr. Real Estate Officer, NA THANIEL B. CRENSHA W The Girard Solicitor, QEORGE TUCKER BISPHAM feife Insurance, Annuity and EXECUTES TRUSTS, RECEIVES ^ DEPOSITS, AND ALLOWS IN- TEREST ON DAILY BALANCES, RENTS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES, CARES lrust Co., FOR REAL ESTATE. N. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Effingham B. Morris, George Tucker Bispham, Henry' Tatnall John A. Brown, Jr,, William H. Gaw, Isaac H. Clothier, Benjamin W. Richards, Francis I. Gowen, •John C. Sims, John B. Garrett, George H. McFadden, J*emberton S. Hutchinson, William U. Jenks, Josiah M, Bacon. The Largest DKEKA Old Book Store in flmeriea. Fine Stationery and Engraving House, 1121 Chestnut Street, Phlla. BOOKS BOUGHT. COLLEGE INVITATIONS WEDDING INVITATIONS STATIONERY RECEPTION CARDS '£ PROGRAMMES MONOGRAMS ;! «H*C at all times prepared to pur- chase books of every descrip BANQUET MENUS COATS OF ARMS tion in large or small quantities. Our ex- FRATERNITY ENGRAVING ADDRESS DIES tensive connection with all classes of book- SPECIALTY. buyers throughout America enables us to give HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY A the best possible prices for books in all de- COATS OF ARMS PAINTED FOR FRAMING. partments of literature. Gentlemen, execu- tors and others having libraries to dispose of will be liberally dealt with. Every com- The munication relating to such will command Philadelphia our immediate attention. We pay cash down at time of valuation (whether the amount be five or five thousand dollars), and remove all Heliographic Co. purchases without trouble to the disposer. You are perfectly welcome to visit our store and examine our immense stock, without Ma feeling under the slightest obligation to .}f,?j.P...?f Copper purchase. Half- Tone Plates, LEARY'S OLD BOOK STORE, 917 Arch Street, No. 9 South Ninth Street, ® Philadelphia. Firs* Store below Market St PHILADELPHIA, PA IV THE HAVERFORDIAN. C. R. GRAHAM, President. H. S. SMITH, Vice-President. F. S. HOLBY, Treasurer. C. H. CLARKE, Secretary and General Manager. arrriNQ Q CLCCTiOTYP 3i* /==> ^-^^ FklffET §T. FlnlDL^^ELFInSD^I Wen. P. Walter's Sons, PINE BR05. 1233 Market St., Philada., 1018 CHESTNUT STREET v^——^> • • • •TOOLS Chocolates Bonbons For Wood and fletal Work Caramels IN SHOP OR HOME. Marshmallows, etc. HARDWARE ™* CUTLERY. AT REASONABLE PRICES ESTABLISHED IBB7. E. K. WILSON & SON, j^ne .Shoes. Bonbons, (/ Chocolates. Purity of material and del^ciousness if flavor UNEXCELLED I Custom Work and Repairing a Specialty. Novelties in Fancy Baskets & Bonbonnieres SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS Agents for the Coatesvllle Laundry. Wagon 1320 Chestnut St., Phila. will call and deliver Monday and Friday. CANDIES carefully packed and sh pped t~ all parts of the country, by mail or exprr- « BRYN MAWR, PA. THE HAVERFORDIAN. Geo. H. Reitenbaugh, m I Ardmore Bakery, Ice Cream and Confectionery, ARDHORE.

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