1 IMAGINING AND ENACTING NONCAPITALIST FUTURES The Community Economies Collective 1 Socialist Review, Vol 28, Nos. 3 + 4 (2001): 93-135. Contact: Julie Graham at
[email protected] or www.communityeconomies.org. 2 Feminists…want to leave their husbands, abandon their children, become lesbians, practice witchcraft, and overthrow capitalism. Pat Buchanan2 Inspiring, isn’t it? Imagine if rather than having to "overthrow" capitalism (now a virtually unimaginable project) leftists could pursue the other revolutionary options available to Buchanan's feminists— what if we could leave capitalism, abandon capitalism, become socialists, practice socialism? What follows is the unfinished story of such an imagining. It’s the story of a search—for a new way of thinking socialism and a new way of performing it. It’s also the story of a group of people who began a research project together and became a desiring collectivity. We started out, embarrassingly, with no real desire for “socialism.” Yet maybe that’s not so surprising. Over the last hundred years, the word has been drained of utopian content and no longer serves, as it once did, to convene and catalyze the left. This makes it difficult even to speak of “the left” or to use the pronoun “we” with any confidence or commitment. As self-identified leftists at the end of the 20th century, we found ourselves tongue-tied, not knowing who or what we might speak for. But what if the current dispersed and disidentified state of the left could be seen as an opportune reversal, and the absence of a mobilizing vision could be read as a new kind of presence? If formerly there was certainty (if not unanimity) among leftists about the lineaments of a desirable society, now there is silence, tentativeness, and openness to possibility.