WPC/8.7.2019 – 001889

Minutes of the WITHYHAM PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on 8th July 2019 at 7.30pm in Village Hall

PRESENT Cllrs Robin Ashby, Giny Best, Gwen Butcher, Andrew Fane, Diana Kelly (Chair), Keith Obbard (and in his capacity as District Councillor for item 6), Marcus Tarling, Richard Thirkell, Paul Watkins, Linsey Winter

In attendance: District Cllr Chris Hardy – WDC (to end item 7) 2 members of the public

Members of the public are encouraged to come to the meetings and there is a 10-minute opportunity at the start of the meeting for them to address the Council.

A member of the public stated that he was present to support item 10 regarding Climate Change. He asked that the Council considers promoting the retro-fitting of renewable sources across the parish, which could be supported by a District scheme if householders joined together. He also suggested more charging points roadside and at car parks, and inviting climate experts to speak to parishioners and the council.

The other member of the public was also present to support item 10 and felt that it would be good for the Council to identify targets. She was also present for item 12 as, whilst she felt cycling should be encouraged, she endorsed that the races can be dangerous for other road users.


2. APOLOGIES – Cllr Nick Anderson Cllr Jill Pardey Cllr Richard Thirkell


4. MINUTES 4.1. To resolve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 10th June 2019 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 001695 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th June 2019 were approved.

4.2. Matters outstanding from these minutes (not listed as separate agenda items) Matters resolved from previous minutes Minute no. Who Item Pg. 1792 F&A Quotes for tree works to July Finance and Administration Committee Pg. 1833 Councillors No further potential Assets of Community Value communicated to Clerk

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Pg. 1849 Councillors No further targets for the parish council to achieve communicated to Cllr Kelly/Clerks Pg. 1853 Clerks ESCC children’s centre consultation shared on Facebook Pg. 1855 Cllrs Pardey Text for letter to Mardens Hill residents and Tarling regarding vacancy drafted Pg. 1856 Cllr Kelly Groombridge play area tender request to include maintenance requirements Pg. 1858 Clerk Amended bank mandate submitted Pg. 1876 Cllr Obbard Speedwatch dates in the parish booked Pg. 1876 Clerk Confirmed play area plans do not infringe on bridleway Pg. 1876 Clerk Tree policy and cutting of epicormic growth on next F&A agenda Pg. 1877 Clerk Water running off the Forest Fold Baptist chapel car park reported Pg. 1877 Clerk Trees at the entrance to the car park near the Horder Centre encroaching on the pavement reported Pg. 1877 Clerk Resident contacted regarding dog bin at Hoadleys Lane Pg. 1877 Clerk Dog waste sign put at Hoadleys Lane footpath Pg. 1877 Clerk Email and Internet Usage Policy adopted Pg. 1877 Clerk Community Engagement Statement adopted Pg. 1878 Cllr Watkins Site meeting for Men in Sheds held and the Clerk Pg. 1880 Clerk Annual Return submitted Pg. 1882 Clerk Funding for The Victoria telephone box project notified to applicant. Await invoice.

Actions outstanding from previous minutes It was confirmed that the next newsletter is timetabled for September to avoid the summer holidays. Minute no. Who Item Pg. 1662 Clerk Glass at Balls Green telephone box purchased and needs replacing Pg. 1698 Cllrs D Kelly & Guidance on councillor roles in projects to (TBC) be produced Pg. 1711 Cllr Howell Speak with Street Cleaning about debris in channels at A264 Pg. 1712 Clerks Next newsletter to explain that WPC is being asked to pay for more items that were previously done by ESCC Pg. 1786 Councillors A councillor is needed to assist with producing guidance on councillor roles in projects Pg. 1807 Clerks Update Emergency Planning boxes after elections WPC/8.7.2019 – 001891

Pg. 1830 Maintenance Re-fix backing to St John’s noticeboard to Person prevent water ingress Pg. 1833 Clerk Make planning application for Groombridge play area Pg. 1854 Cllr Tarling Speak with Cllr Obbard about WDALC Pg. 1876 Clerk Order more type-1 surfacing for Newton Willows parking area Pg. 1876 Clerk Warning sign for Newton Willows parking area Pg. 1877 Clerk Fix tables at Balls Green community space Pg. 1877 Clerk Investigate the lease and the footpath for Men in Sheds Pg. 1878 Clerk Newsletter to remind people to look at the noticeboards or WPC’s website. Pg. 1878 Clerk Give consideration to bright A5 notices for each noticeboard to attract attention Pg. 1878 Clerk Waterproof holders to be attached to noticeboards to hold newsletters Pg. 1879 Cllr Pardey Receive training on accessing WPC emails from the Assistant Clerk Pg. 1883 Councillors Contribute to and help deliver the next newsletter (September)

Actions from these Minutes Minute no. Who Item Pg. 1890 Councillors Assist with delivery of newsletter in September Pg. 1893 Clerk Consult the next F&A Committee about future cuts of the lime trees’ epicormic growth with relation to the tree policy Pg. 1893 Clerk Take results of bus shelter consultation to next F&A Pg. 1893 Cllrs Kelly and Complete the High AONB consultation Tarling and circulate to Council via the Clerks for agreement Pg. 1894 Clerk Submit letter to Railway Line Parishes Committee Pg. 1894 Clerk Draft environmental policy and research into other parish councils’ activities to be on the September agenda Pg. 1895 Clerk Concerns about road safety and cycle races to be registered with the police Pg. 1895 Clerk Men in Sheds proposal to be on September agenda Pg. 1895 Cllrs Tarling To attend councillor training in September and Butcher Pg. 1897 Clerk Pay invoices in August in agreement with the Chair and Vice Chair; report to September Council WPC/8.7.2019 – 001892

Pg. 1898 Councillors Notify the Clerks of any changes of passwords for their WPC email addresses Pg. 1898 Bring any WPC paperwork for shredding to the parish office for bulk shredding. Pg. 1898 Councillors Return Members Allowance and Agreement to Receive Summons by Email forms

5. COMMITTEE MINUTES To receive the following minutes of committees and to approve and confirm recommendations contained therein and as far as requisite, the action taken by them. 5.1 Planning – 10th June 2019 001696 RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee – 10th June 2019 5.2 Planning – 25th June 2019 001697 RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of the Planning Committee – 25th June 2019 To receive the following draft minutes of committees and to note recommendations contained therein and as far as requisite, the action taken by them. 5.3 Rights of Way – 7th May 2019 Noted 5.4 – Finance & Administration – 28th May 2019 Noted

6. REPORTS FROM DISTRICT and COUNTY COUNCILLORS District Cllr Chris Hardy updated the meeting that the Conservators charitable foundation has been set up so they can now raise funds. An inaugural fundraising event will be held at the Ashdown Park Hotel on 15th November.

The Local Plan inspectorate has raised a number of issues but they are yet to receive a formal summary.

The Keir waste contract terminated on 1 July and the transition to Biffa has been smooth so far. Councillors agreed that it is helpful that all recycling goes in together but noted that the single bin takes less than previously.

District Cllrs Hardy and Obbard were asked about the current Biffa court case involving recycling being sent to China. It was confirmed that in Wealden non-recyclable waste is processed at Newhaven.

District Councillor Obbard has continued to attend WDC training including a visit to a SANGS site at Horsted Green. The object is to provide an alternative space to the .

WDC is promoting family activities through the summer holidays, a collaboration with Healthy Wealden and Active Wealden.

7. WARD REPORTS WPC/8.7.2019 – 001893 a) Groombridge Ward (Groombridge) Cllr Winter attended the Legacy Games with Cllr Fane and Cllr Kelly was a marshal on the Fun Run. It was very well organised and Groombridge Sports Ground Association were commended on this community event.

Cllr Watkins visited St Thomas’ School to meet with pupils involved in the school council and told them about the parish council.

Cllr Butcher attended Alan and Joan Willett’s memorial service on behalf of WPC, which was a joyful and moving celebration of their lives.

The Clerk was asked about the epicormic growth. It was confirmed that it was last cut 7 months ago and that the Clerk would consult the next F&A Committee about future cuts as the tree policy states that only health and safety related tree works will be undertaken. b) Groombridge Ward (Withyham/Blackham) Blackham residents are being consulted via Facebook and posters on whether the current bus shelter should be replaced with another bus shelter or a community notice board. The results will be taken to F&A Committee to agree next steps.

Cllr Tarling will fix the tables at Balls Green Community Area into position when he is able to. c) Marden’s Hill Ward A car parked on Road has been notified to the police and EDC street scene officer as it is felt to be in a position that is unsafe to other drivers.

Planning Committee had discussed Go Wild at the Warren. The Assistant Clerk had asked the police and WDC planning whether the activities shown on the website confirm with gun and planning requirements, and awaits a response.

District Cllr Hardy left the meeting.

8. HIGH WEALD CONSULTATION The public consultation by the High Weald AONB Partnership relates to housing development in the AONB and runs from 19th June to 14th August.

Planning Committee had agreed that Cllrs Kelly and Tarling would complete the questionnaire and circulate to Council for agreement. Should councillors have any comments prior to them doing this, please contact Cllrs Kelly and Tarling. Cllr Watkins queried how it would relate to the WDC Design Guide, and its legal status.

9. UCKFIELD RAILWAY LINE LETTER The representative for Uckfield Railway Line Parishes Committee had attended June Council and explained that following the timetable disruptions in 2018, Southern Railway was fined £20M and the intention was to share this money amongst all stations. WPC/8.7.2019 – 001894

Council had agreed that as Eridge station is well used and has a particular issue with disabled access, a letter should be sent to the Uckfield Railway Line Parishes committee to suggest that those stations with lesser need could contribute their money to Eridge station in order to install better access. A letter had been circulated prior to the meeting and it was AGREED that this should be sent.

10. CLIMATE CHANGE EMERGENCY Cllr Obbard had provided a paper prior to the meeting which had been circulated to all councillors and made available on WPCs website with the agenda. This outlined climate change issues and requested resolutions on declaring a climate emergency, making WPC carbon neutral, calling on other local government agencies to do the same and to set up a working group to identify actions.

Councillors thanked Cllr Obbard for his paper which helped stimulate discussion, including:  Clarifying timescales for irreversible climate change  WDC had been asked to consider the effects of Gatwick on the Ashdown Forest in its Local Plan  Finding out what practical steps other parish councils are taking  Whether requests to WDC for all new properties to have charging points would be effective or sustainable  Possibility of WPC meetings by Skype and car sharing where feasible  Potential cost implications that may feed into future budgets  How suppliers’ environmental credentials can be best identified  Impact of putting environmental targets into practise on the work of the Clerks  Need for achievable targets

Council noted that WPC has made environmental improvements such as its LED streetlight replacements and actions relating to the parish office. It was felt that many of the paper’s requests were outside of WPCs control and influence, and that focus should be given to what WPC could continue to do to improve its environmental impact, and to lead by example.

A working group was discussed. Council felt it would be more appropriate to write a policy stating WPCs intention in all its endeavours to seek to reduce its carbon footprint. This could be a starting point and WPC could use it to learn what works and what further changes may be needed. Cllr Watkins would supply a draft to the Clerks for comment, and then it would be circulated to councillors.

Cllr Winter would research what other parish councils are doing in this area.

Cllr Obbard withdrew his resolutions and it was AGREED that the draft policy and research into other parish councils’ activities would be on the September agenda.


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Cllr Kelly had spoken with St Thomas’ School PTA about the May Fair 2020. This would be on the same weekend as the VE DAY celebrations, and The May Fair Committee had responded positively to the suggestion that the May Fair has a VE Day theme. Cllr Thirkell has a contact for a military vehicles display, which he would share.

12. CYCLE ROAD RACES UPDATE The previous meeting had raised concerns about the safety of cycle road races. Cllr Watkins confirmed that his dash cam had not recorded the incident mentioned.

The Clerk had circulated a letter to MP Nus Ghani from September 2018 outlining the Road Safety Committee’s concerns on this topic, along with guidance relating to the police and marshalls.

WPC noted what had already been done and asked that their concerns about road safety and cycle races should be recorded. The Clerk was asked to register the concerns with the police.

13. MEN IN SHEDS UPDATE The Clerk and Cllr Watkins had met with the architect and a member of Men in Sheds for a site visit. From this there had been some light clearance of undergrowth to allow access to the site, and a topographical and arboricultural survey would be undertaken. Architectural drawings would be provided to the September Council meeting for consideration prior to a planning application being made.

One of the members of the public left the meeting.

14. COUNCILLOR TRAINING FEEDBACK Councillors who had attended the SALC training commented on the usefulness of the content for both new and more experience councillors alike. Cllrs Tarling and Butcher agreed to attend in September.

15. HIGHWAYS REPORTING TEMPLATE (to note) The Highways Coordinator had provided a useful step by step guide on how to report a highways defect to East Highways. This had been shared in the village magazines, and councillors were also asked to use and share it as required.

Cllr Watkins reported that he uses the ‘Fill that Hole’ app on his mobile telephone.

16. FINANCE 16.1 To note the report showing payments made to date against budgets Noted.

16.2 To authorise the payment of invoices and note regular payments CASHBOOK 1 (GENERAL ACCOUNT) Chq/BACS Payee Detail Net Budget no amount code WPC/8.7.2019 – 001896

BACS72 Parish Community Warden Services in June 112.00 4063 Council BACS73 CSS Ltd New Key Fob for Alarm System 65.00 4015 BACS74 SSALC 5 x Councillor Briefing, 1 x GDPR 420.00 4007 Training BACS75 Appointment Business Counter Charge, Counter Reading, 20.07 4017 Machines Copies/Prints BACS76 ROSPA Play Safety Groombridge Inspection 100.00 4222 Blackham and Balls Green Inspections 105.5 4270 BACS77 Rialtas Business Software Maintenance 121.00 4016 Solutions Ltd BACS78 Weld Done Digging Out Stump of Broken 65.00 4220 Playground Equipment BACS79 Travel Expenses LANTRA Course Dorking 28.80 4007 Wealden Clerks Meeting Heathfield 12.15 4009 BACS80 Parish Maintenance Mileage, Ironmongery 29.49 4003 BACS81 WIT0012 WPC Salary Total 4000 BACS82 WIT0008 WPC Salary £3326.21 4000 BACS83 WIT0006 WPC Salary 4000 BACS84 WIT0007 WPC Salary 4000 BACS85 WIT0013 WPC Salary 4003 BACS86 WIT0016 WPC Salary 4005 DDNEST0719 NEST Pension NEST Pension Contributions 225.76 4001 BACS87 Viking Stationery & recycling bin 105.65 4015 BACS88 Biffa Parish office bins June 41.28 4506

Payments made Outside the Meeting Chq/BACS Payee Detail Net Budget no amount code BACS68 SLCC SLCC Membership 136.00 4008 BACS69 Demonskinz Banner Artwork 145.00 4421 BACS70 Ray Bailey Window Cleaning 30.00 4503 BACS71 SME Group Technical Support, Antivirus, Office 136.30 4021 7 x Months Business Broadband 192.43 4013

Cashbook 3 Prepaid Card Payment no Payee Detail Amount Budget PP9 Milk& More Milk 6.48 4510 PP10 Land Registry Land Registry 24 4040

Receipts Date Name Detail Amount Jul-19 SVR Rent 375.00 Jun-19 Appointment Business Payment to cover termination charge 624.00 Machines on previous machine

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Monthly payments by DD/Standing Order Payment Payee Detail Amount Budget type DDUW0719 Utility Warehouse Phone & broadband 3.1 4013 DDBE0719 Bristol Energy Gas & electricity 111.19 4502 SOTN0719 T Newman Rent 625 4012 SONH0719 N Houghton Rent 625 4012 HSBC0719 HSBC Bank charges 5.5 4600 DDBG0719 British Gas Boiler contract 31.6 4503 DDBS0719 Business Stream Waste water 5 4502

001698 RESOLVED to pay the invoices listed above, to pay by BACS/sign the cheques accordingly.

16.3 To consider quotes There were no quotes.

16.4 To delegate authority to the Clerk to pay invoices in August in discussion with the Chair and Vice Chair, and to report to September Council As there will be no August Council meeting this was agreed, and the list should be reported to September Council. 001699 RESOLVED that the Clerk should pay invoices in August in agreement with the Chair and Vice Chair.

17. REPORTS ON MEETINGS and CONFERENCES ATTENDED BY COUNCILLORS Cllrs Tarling and Obbard had attended the High Weald AONB meeting for parishes and gave the following feedback:  The High Weald is regarded the best asset of its type in Northern Europe  The High Weald Joint Advisory Committee hold information and statistics that can be of use to other agencies  The High Weald Partnership offers advice to developers and individuals on design and siting of development as well as advice to small holders on items like hedging and tree planting  There is a dark skies policy and people can borrow meters for three weeks to measure the skies where they live  There has been approval at Pease Pottage for 600 units in the AONB  There is an education officer, ‘welly walks’ guidance and an award for 9-11 year olds for discovering places in the AONB  The Sussex Lund Trust gives grants of £250,000 per year  Events are arranged such as the High Weald Walking Festival 12- 22 September 2019 Cllrs Tarling and Obbard agreed that it is disappointing that the consultation document does not reference public transport.

Cllr Obbard had attended the Ashdown Forest Parish Liaison Panel and minutes had been circulated. In summary:

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 The legal challenge regarding whether ESCC is legally responsible for funding the Ashdown Forest is ongoing  A trial is being undertaken to measure the effect of grazing deer  Deer culling continues as there is a need to keep the population stable  The Director left the Ashdown Forest Conservators in the spring and has not yet been replaced.

18. CLERK’S REPORT The new Administrative Assistant, Stephanie Chapman, is now in post and doing well.

Councillors were asked to notify the Clerks of any changes of passwords for their WPC email addresses in order to assist with any bulk updates. Should Councillors have any WPC paperwork for shredding this should be brought to the parish office to be included in the annual spring clean bulk shredding. Councillors were asked to complete and return the Members Allowance and the Agreement to Receive Summons by Email forms.

19. MATTERS OF URGENT IMPORTANCE FOR NOTING OR INCLUSION ON A FUTURE AGENDA  Climate Change – Policy and research on the position of other Sussex town and parish councils.  Men in Sheds proposal  August invoices paid

20. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the date of the next Council meeting is Monday 9th September 2019 at 7.30 pm at The Old Station, Groombridge preceded by a Planning committee meeting at 7 pm

The meeting closed at 9.50 pm