Benefits of Air Transport

Impacts of Aviation in the Brazilian States


1st edition – Originally published in Portuguese in October 2016 MASTHEAD

RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Mauricio Emboaba ABEAR Technical Consultant GO Associados

EDITING Adrian Alexandri ABEAR Director of Communications David Maziteli ABEAR Press Officer

PRODUCTION Daniela Sarmento ABEAR Project Coordinator Ana Dragonetti ABEAR Communications Assistant Alberto Komatsu, Fernanda Sobreira and Helena Capraro Máquina Cohn & Wolfe


Founded in August 2012 with the mission to encourage the habit of flying in , ABEAR supports actions and programs in the country that promote the growth of civil aviation in a consistent and sustainable way, in the transport of both passengers and cargo. Over 99% of the Brazilian domestic aviation market is represented by the founding airlines ( Brasil, AZUL, GOL and LATAM). The organization also has BOEING, BOMBARDIER, LATAM Cargo and TAP as members.



Building Brazilian Aviation in the 21st Century _Eduardo Sanovicz - President of ABEAR


Beyond Aviation: the Socio-Economic Importance of the Airline Industry in Each Federated Unit _Gesner Oliveira and Andréa Zaitune Curi - GO Associados

10. Understanding the Numbers on the Impact of Air _Mauricio Emboaba - ABEAR


A tutorial for consulting the contents of this publication


16. Brazil

18. Federated units

72. Comparison charts

76. Notes

78. REFERENCES Introduction

Building Brazilian Aviation in the 21st Century

n 2002 Brazil moved to deregulate The studies and research we pro- airfares, which allowed for an in- duced have multiplied since then. In Icrease in air transport’s contribution communicating with the public through- to national development. In the following out the country, however, we still needed 10 years, air travel became commonplace to go more in depth, moving from the for many people: the number of passengers large numbers to the reality of each Bra- each year in Brazil went from 30 million to zilian state. 100 million, and the average cost of do- At the end of 2015 we gave to GO Asso- mestic tickets fell by half. ciados consultants the responsibility to ac- It was precisely in 2012 that ABEAR curately obtain such data. Once this data was founded to strengthen the industry was identified, our technical team worked and present this immense amount of con- extensively to explain the circumstances tributions to Brazil – a pioneering that led to the results found. country in world aviation and founding This knowledge is gathered here, member of the International Civil Avia- showing the country we have been building tion Organization (1944). through aviation. We have considered not Seeking the best references for the only what airlines produce directly, but also task, we found in previous works of Oxford the activities of suppliers, , service Economics for IATA and ATAG a method- providers and employees of each of the ological model for investigation and data many organizations that make up the indus- analysis. Publications about the benefits try chain. In addition, we have contributed of aviation in the world (and also for many to gauge the impact of the activity in indus- individual countries) identified the tries that benefit from air transport or that numbers of the activity, scaling the size are only made possible through it. and weight of the industry and its supply This original information can help chain, as well as other less direct effects. public and private managers better un- EDUARDO SANOVICZ In crossing this with other sources, we derstand the aviation business and its President of ABEAR developed the publication Agenda 2020 enormous impact on other businesses. (published in 2013). It brought to light the For us, this is an important step in our economic importance of the industry in journey. Our goal is to show society and Brazil and showed the path to democratize its representatives that when the basis of national aviation, pointing out barriers to Brazilian aviation is aligned with the in- its development and indicating the actions ternational context, the country benefits, required to overcome them. This was the because Brazilian consumers benefit. pillar on which ABEAR consolidated. We want to see Brazil fly more and more.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 7 Benefits of Air Transport

Beyond Aviation: the Socio-Economic Importance of the Airline Industry in each Federated Unit

The research and In order to measure the socio-economic importance of the Brazilian airline indus- try at national and state levels, ABEAR commissioned GO Associados to replicate analysis methodology the work carried out by the British institution Oxford Economics1. For this purpose, helps show the scale 2015 industry data made available by the Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil – ANAC (the Brazilian civil aviation authority) was used. Other sources consulted and used of the activity’s impact are also public, which makes the final results fully transparent and verifiable. – from the most This unprecedented and comprehensive study of GO Associados used the in- evident to the put-output tables (or IOTs) of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) to measure the impact of the less obvious. aviation industry on the economy in terms of product, employment, wages and taxes The results portrayed for each of the 27 Brazilian federated units. The figures were estimated considering up to four different impacts (or economic spending effects): direct, indirect, induced a country with (income effect) and catalytic effects on other industries. significant differences IOTs regard the economy as an integrated system of several interdependent indus- tries. The impacts suffered by an industry influence other industries to a greater or lesser and support strategic degree, depending on the relative importance of their relations in the economy. Different planning by companies industries buy and sell to each other, and generally a given industry interacts with some and authorities others. Thus, IOTs show how the different activities are interconnected, directly or indi- rectly, characterizing the balance between supply and demand in the economy. GESNER OLIVEIRA To regionalize IOTs, a locational coefficient was used. It compares the relative and ANDRÉA ZAITUNE CURI importance of an industry to the economy of a region – in this case, of the air travel GO Associados and tourism industries.

• The direct impact corresponds to the initial effort applied, i.e., the impact on the final demand for one or more industries.

• Indirect impacts include the chain reaction in industries that provide inputs to the industries directly affected, representing the impact on intermediate consumption.

• The induced impact (or income effect), in turn, stems from impacts of the initial shock on labor income and, therefore, on families’ spending.

• The catalyzed impacts consider the effects favored by air travel in the tourism industry and, consequently, in other industries related to it.

8 The Brazilian Airlines Association Methodology

Aviation is a global industry that brings together various activities: design engineer- ing; manufacturing; sales; airline operations; customer service; maintenance; finance; OUTPUT, GDP AND IOTS leasing; insurance; publicity, advertising and media; among others. The results from the The economic output of a company is 2015 data, considering more than one million takeoffs, show the industry’s size. the monetary value resulting from the sup- ply of goods or services to society. According to estimates, air travel plus the catalyzed industry account for 3.1% of Brazil’s Domes- tic output is the sum of the output of all Economic Output (more than R$ 310 billion in production value), with the potential to companies in a country in a given period. generate more than 6.4 million jobs, almost R$ 60 billion in wages and more than R$ 25 To sell goods or services, each compa- billion in taxes. ny needs to acquire third-party inputs (raw materials, services and intermediate goods). To reach these figures, revenues from air transport of passengers and cargo were That is, for the functioning of the economy, calculated. companies from various branches of activi- Revenues from air transport of passengers on domestic flights were shared between ty interact, either as suppliers or as buyers. the states of origin and destination; for international flights, only the revenue at the na- The net amount of wealth that a com- pany adds to the economy corresponds, tional level (50% of total) was considered. then, to the proceeds, minus all it spent The air cargo revenue, however, was attributed in full to the place of departure of the flight. on inputs. This measure is called the gross Finally, to calculate the state’s tourism revenue from air travel, the number of passen- value added (GVA). The sum of gross value gers who deplaned in each place was multiplied by the average spending per passenger added of all companies is one way to calcu- late the gross domestic product (GDP) of a during the land portion of the trip2. country for a given period. Based on the values obtained, and considering the multiplier effects of the industries Comparatively, the numerical value of analyzed, the final impact on economic indicators was calculated. the domestic output is always greater than GDP, since it does not consider the “dis- Comparing the federated units, it was found, on the one hand, that the impact of air counts” of the intermediate consumption. transportation on Economic Output of the Southern Region states is less than 2%, which The input-output tables (IOTs) make it is lower than the national average. On the other, the impact is considerably higher than possible to identify the interdependence of the national average in some Northeastern states, like , and , the productive activities of a country or re- gion in a given period. In practice, based on and in the Southeast, such as in and . provided data (values) of the output or input The Distrito Federal* stands out for being the area with the largest air transport of an economic segment, the IOTs provide impact on the local output, at about 11%. This is explained by two factors. On the one a breakdown of resulting impacts (economic hand, the Brazilian capital receives a large influx of business passengers – the Brasília output, jobs created, wages paid, tax reve- nues) in the related segments. That is, from is the third busiest in the country, after and Congonhas airports, both the value of the economic production of in the state of São Paulo. In contrast, Brasília’s production has a low value, which con- commercial air transport, it becomes possi- tributes to increasing the estimated relative impact. ble to calculate, for example, the impact on various industry suppliers. In addition to the information contained in this publication, the study allows ABEAR to For the type of analysis that this study have several other approaches; thus, it favors the strategic planning process of its members. carries out, the necessary basis for imple- It is also a valuable tool to assist in decision-making and the establishment of public policies mentation of IOTs is the economic output, specific to each federated state in order to boost the industry. This contribution is of utmost rather than GDP. importance for the formulation of national economic policy and the development of Brazil.

Gesner Oliveira, a GO Associados partner, is Professor of Economics at FGV-SP and former Chairman of the Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE (Administrative Council for Economic Defense) Andréa Zaitune Curi, GO Associados Project Coordinator, holds a PhD in Economics from FGV-SP

* The Distrito Federal (‘Federal District’) encompasses the territory of the Brazilian capital, Brasília. It has the same self-ruling rights as the Brazilian states. 1 With Brazilian data from 2009, Oxford Economics quantified the national impact of air transport on GDP, job creation, wages and tax revenues. Oxford Economics,Economic Benefits from Air Transport in Brazil, 2011, available at: 2 Ministério do Turismo, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011, available at:; Banco Central, Receita e despesa cambial turística, e superávit ou déficit, segundo os meses – janeiro 1990-janeiro 2016, available at:

The Brazilian Airlines Association 9 Benefits of Air Transport

Understanding the Numbers on the Impact of Air Transport in Brazil

Some general concepts and the combination of social and economic indicators support the interpretation of the impacts of aviation in the country. Taking the results in context, one can understand them and seek ways to optimize the benefits of the activity in each federated unit


Air transport is one of those industries in which the demand social heterogeneity in the country. Thus, GO Associados’ ob- has greater correlation with the behavior of the economy as a servation allowed us to move forward in identifying the specif- whole. However, it is also itself an inducer of economic activity ic impacts of air transport. For the first time we can quantify, in a city, state or country. This interdependence arouses curiosi- with consistency and accuracy, the effects of the industry in its ty and requires consulting different sources of information to be various dimensions in each federated unit. thoroughly understood. Also, it was good to see that the magnitude of aviation’s eco- Although previous reports of international entities already nomic impact on the rest of the economy is very similar to that considered Brazilian aviation, integrating global and regional in many other countries with analogous studies, which reinforces perspectives, we were very pleased to receive at ABEAR the re- the idea of an industry with global characteristics. sults of the specially commissioned econometric study on the im- However, to share the study with a wide audience, it was neces- pacts of aviation in our country. sary to delve more into its rationale and explain the assumptions, This is because those studies were limited to the national in order to allow full understanding of the phenomenon. For this level and, therefore, did not reflect the differences in territo- reason, we decided to add interpretation and contextualization to rial and population size as well as the profound economic and the identified facts. This publication resulted from it.

1. Population 4. Existence 6. Existence and 8. Participation in Dimensions density or not of leisure quality of supply international trade of analysis tourist attractions of competing chain (the sum of 2. Total economic output modes of transport imports and exports) Aspects studied to 5. Average distances explain the impact of 3. Composition traveled by tourists 7. Income air transport in each of output by between places of distribution federated unit’s economy: economic sector residence and destination (only in some cases)

10 The Brazilian Airlines Association Methodology

Population density, which is the initial part of the analysis, is posi- The composition of output by economic sector (accord- tively related to the demand for air transport, because it indicates in- ing to the official denomination: agriculture and livestock directly how close the population is to the place where air services are production, industry, non-government services and gov- offered (accessibility to the airport). Thus, the greater the population ernment services) also indicates the propensity to use air density, the greater tends to be the number of passengers boarding. transport. This is because the population density of a region The total output of the federated state indicates the level of is also related to the nature of the population’s economic economic activity and, thus, the propensity of the population to activity. The predominance of agriculture, for example, is travel for business or pleasure. usually associated with a low population density. On the other hand, places with strong industrial activity or intense service provision often have high population densities. Be- FLYING FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE? sides, cargo services are predominantly used by the indus- Learning how the public of if an economic upturn in the lo- trial sector. That is, the greater the manufacturing partici- the aviation industry behaves is cation in which services are of- pation in the output composition, the greater the use of air vital to understanding what de- fered occurs. From the airlines’ cargo transportation services. termines the supply volume of a point of view, marketing incen- company in different locations. tives to gain corporate passen- The tourist flows influence the intensity of air transporta- Greater or lesser regularity in gers tend to be ineffective. tion use, as does the trip distance (air transport tends to be travel and greater or lesser sen- Other passengers, under less competitive at distances below 400 kilometers). In ad- sitivity to ticket prices are two a general denomination of dition, there are attractive regions for leisure trips in which of the aspects to be considered. non-business, travel for reasons In Brazil, about half of do- such as leisure tourism, visits to the total output per capita is relatively low. In these cases, the mestic passengers and just friends and relatives, religious use of air transportation tends to be greater than the local over a quarter of international motives or for medical treat- economy size would suggest. passengers travel on business. ment. Except for the last group, Therefore, during periods of the trips only occur when fam- The quality of infrastructure and supply of transport sustained economic develop- ilies have disposable income, modes that compete with air transport also influence the ment, they represent a very sig- which also relates to the level of choice of transport mode. In some cases, income distribution nificant share of total demand economic activity. impacts air transport. and travel very frequently. The fundamental difference Because of opportunities or between the growing segment Finally, the availability of air transport has an impact on needs related to their profes- of non-business and the others the value chain of an economy. Air transport is preferred for sional activities – meetings, is that the former is considerably high-value or perishable goods. It is important to stress that events, customer service, etc. sensitive to price. This element is air transportation’s share in the transport of imported or ex- – these passengers need to capable of stimulating competi- travel at very specific dates and tion in the air transport industry. ported goods does not depend on the availability of interna- times. In these cases, the trip is Cargo transport, for its part, tional air services in the region. The criterion to consider that not optional and the transpor- is clearly connected to the ac- a certain good is imported (or exported) relates to the place tation costs are inevitable. tivity level of the industry – the As it is clear, the amount of sector of the economy that is its where it was produced (or consumed). So it is not surprising travel of this nature increases main customer. that Brazilian states without international air services have exports and imports via air transport.

Mauricio Emboaba, ABEAR Technical Consultant, is a civil engineer at the Escola Politécnica of USP, and holds a Masters and a PhD in Administration from FGV-SP

The Brazilian Airlines Association 11 Benefits of Air Transport

Reading guide

To take better advantage of this publication’s content, see below how the data, analyses and proposals related to the airline are organized and presented


These texts, developed by GO Associados and by ABEAR, explain the data gathering methods and the contextualization and interpretation of these findings.


In this section, graphs and a text present information about each federated unit (and also on the country as a whole), analyzing the impacts of aviation on the regional economy. See on next page how the information was organized.


Data from all of the states and the Distrito Federal, gathered by indicator (output, employment, wages and taxes) and broken down into absolute values for each level of effect REFERENCES studied: direct impact, indirect impact, induced The numerous and varied sources consulted impact (income effect) and the impact on the are listed at the end of the publication. catalyzed industry/tourism.

All figures presented in this publication are based on the year 2015, unless otherwise indicated. Even if the numbers of the economic impacts of aviation in Brazil are somehow related to approaches of other studies done internationally, the differences in the data sources, in the temporal bases referred to and in the methods employed prevent direct comparisons between the results.

12 The Brazilian Airlines Association Reading guide




2 4


1 The subtitle highlights the wealth 4 The second part reveals the dynamics The center of the graph presents and jobs generated by aviation in the of the industry in the federated state only the data on the direct federated unit and how it fits into the general reality impact of aviation. Each ring of the country. from the center outwards adds to the previous values of the level indicated. The publication

The texts analyze the air transport The graphs show absolute and contains no data on other 2 situation in the federated unit, 5 cumulative values of the different catalyzed industries besides crossing social, demographic, effects of air transport, divided into tourism; therefore, it should be geographic and economic indicators two sets: output value/amount paid considered that the impact of with industry statistics. This allows an in taxes and jobs generated/amount aviation is greater than what the understanding of factors that paid in wages graph expresses. influence supply and demand for air services for passengers and cargo in each location.

The first part of this table presents This table shows the relative share 3 socioeconomic and demographic 6 of air transport in local economic information for the federated unit. output, according to the different These elements help explain the levels of impact. propensity to use passenger and cargo air transport.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 13 Benefits of Air Transport

The impact of aviation on the economy Photo: Acervo BH Airport

The Brazilian Airlines Association 16. BRAZIL 34. Goiás 56. 36. Maranhão 58. FEDERATED UNITS 38. 60. Rondônia 18. 40. 62. 20. Alagoas 42. 64. 22. Amapá 44. Pará 66. São Paulo 24. Amazonas 46. 68. 26. 48. Paraná 70. 28. Ceará 50. Pernambuco 30. Distrito Federal 52. Piauí 72. COMPARISON 32. Espírito Santo 54. Rio de Janeiro CHARTS

The Brazilian Airlines Association Benefits of Air Transport Brazil

Air transport generates 6.4 million jobs and R$ 312 billion in economic output in the country GENERAL DATA1

Country capital From the geographical and demo- and international air transportation Brasília graphic perspectives, the country that among the American people. best compares to Brazil is the United In turn, there is significant heteroge- Estimated population States. Analyses from this perspective neity in the output composition of the 204,338,473 are useful to better understand the eco- sector among the various Brazilian feder- Area (km2) nomic and operational statistics of na- ated units. Thus, the participation of agri- 8,516,000 tional air transport. culture and livestock production ranges Population density (pop/km²) Brazil’s size is 8.5 million square kilo- from 0% (RJ) to 23% (MT), while the 23.99 meters, with an estimated population of portion of the industry ranges from 6% Number of municipalities 204.3 million inhabitants and a popula- (DF) to 41% (ES). The contribution of the 5,570 tion density of 24 inhabitants per square output of private services ranges from Output (R$ trillion) kilometer2. The territorial dimensions 35% (PA) to 65% (SP), while the share of 10.006 are comparable to those of the United government services varies from 10% (SP) Output per capita (R$) States – 9.8 million square kilometers. to 48% (RR)6. 48,941 Although smaller, the population of Bra- The average penetration of domestic zil is at the magnitude of the US, esti- air transport in Brazil was 0.47 flights mated at 321 million, resulting in a per capita in 2015. This indicator also INDUSTRY DATA1 population density of 33 inhabitants per varies according to the federated unit, Penetration of domestic air transport (flights 3 square kilometer . reflecting the heterogeneity of the popu- per capita per annum) In 2013, output in Brazil had the lation density, the output composition by 0.47 following composition: agriculture and sector, and total output per capita. Thus, Total passengers livestock production, 5%; industry, the annual rates for domestic passengers 106,697,877

25%; and services, 70% (54% produced transported per inhabitant ranged from Total domestic passengers by the private sector and 16% by the 0.14 (MA) to 3.2 (DF)7. 96,191,412 4 government sector) . In parallel, the In the international air segment, 10.5 Total international passengers estimated participation of sectors of million passengers boarded in Brazil8. Of 10,506,465

the economy in the US GDP for 2015 these, 4.3 million were foreign tourists Total cargo (kg) had the following configuration: agri- who had arrived by plane – or 68% of all 635,428,129 9 culture, 2%; industry, 21%; and ser- foreign visitors who went to Brazil . Total domestic cargo vices, 78%5. The prevalence of the ser- The utilization of aircraft cargo holds 357,129,447

vice sector in the output composition, for cargo transport on domestic flights Total international cargo the larger population density, as well as was only 382 kilograms per takeoff. The 278,298,682 higher per capita income, help to ex- average availability was estimated to be Airports with commercial flights plain the more intense use of domestic ten times greater than what was actually 126

16 The Brazilian Airlines Association Brazil


+ Induced

+ Indirect Revenue specific Aviation to air transport

direct (R$ billion) Production 38.8 70.0 118.7 312.1 (direct impact)

0.4% 9.5

25.4 Air transport output Taxes (R$ billion) (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) 1.2% + Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) + Induced + Indirect 1.9% Aviation direct (million) Jobs 7.4 0.6 0.9 1.8 6.4

Total output related 11.9 to air transport (direct impact

20.1 + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 59.2

Wages (R$ billion) 3.1%

used. On international flights, air cargo Aviation in Brazil has repercussions ing direct impact, indirect impact, performance was much more expres- that go far beyond the effects quantified plus the ones resulting from the con- sive, at about 4 tons per takeoff. in this publication and is now undeniably sumption of the workers and the im- Despite the modest numbers for air a means of mass transport. The situations pact on the catalyzed tourism industry cargo transport in Brazil, its participa- described, more or less favorable to its – R$ 312 billion to national output, tion in the international trade chain development in the Brazilian federated which is 3.1% of the total. The sector (the sum of imports and exports) repre- states, are associated with the dynamics also provided more than 6.4 million sented, in 2015, 12% of the total value of the economy and society over time. jobs, with the payment of R$ 59.2 bil- of goods transported, but only 0.1% of One can safely attest that, in 2015, lion in wages. It also generated the the weight10. air transport contributed – consider- collection of R$ 25.4 billion in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 17 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital AC - Rio Branco

Estimated population 803,513 Area (km2) 164,123 Population density (pop/km²) Acre 4.90 Number of municipalities 22 Output (R$ million) 17,300 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 0.17 7,800 jobs and R$ 412 million Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 21,530 % of Brazilian output per capita 43.99

Acre’s overall picture is typical of a bor- generated in the state, compared to 16% of der region that was integrated later to the the Brazilian national average. INDUSTRY DATA11 country, with modest output and strong The number of tourists entering and Penetration of domestic air transport (flights connections to the national capital city. leaving the state is not very significant in per capita per annum) The statistics of demand and the economic the Brazilian domestic flow16. The propor- 0.28 and operational data in the airline industry tion of transported passengers on domestic Total passengers are in accordance with this scenario. flights in relation to the total of the country 221,806 Incorporated into the Brazilian terri- is 0.23%17, similar to the participation of % of national total of passengers tory only in 1904, the state has a popula- the state in Brazilian production, which is 0.21 tion density of about 5 people per square 0.17%18. There is no regular international % of national total of domestic passengers kilometer12. The output per capita is low, air operation in Acre. The domestic air 0.23 13 at less than half the national average . transport market penetration is 0.28 pas- % of national total of international passengers Agriculture and livestock production sengers transported per capita, as com- 0.00 19 account for 11% of the state’s output (com- pared to the Brazilian average of 0.47 . Total cargo (kg) pared to 5% for the national average). The The use of air transport is in fact high- 365,425 industrial sector, with another 11% (the er than the economic profile of Acre % of the national total of cargo national average is 25%14), is based on the would suggest. The small paved 0.06 extraction of rubber, wood and Brazil nuts, network (1,344 kilometers), with precari- % of the national total of domestic cargo and food and wood furniture production15. ous operating conditions20, is one of the 0.10

The participation of private services is likely reasons. Another possible factor to % of the national total of international cargo 40%. The biggest discrepancy in relation to stimulate the use of the air transport is 0.00 the national average is in government ser- the distance between Rio Branco and Airports with commercial flights vices, which represent 38% of the wealth Brasília (2,266 kilometers). 2

18 The Brazilian Airlines Association Acre

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced OF THE AIRLINE + Indirect


direct (R$ million) Output 62.5 87.5 126.5 411.7 STATE ECONOMY

7.5 Revenue specific 29.5 to air transport Taxes (direct impact) (R$ million) 0.4%

+ Other catalyzed Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Induced + Indirect 0.7% Aviation

direct (thousand) Jobs 6 0.4 0.7 1.4 7.8

10 Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) 17

71 1.6% Wages (R$ million)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced

The largest regional flow occurs be- flights21. Air cargo flows are not rele- impact + catalyzed industry) tween Rio Branco and Cruzeiro do Sul – vant; in 2015, 1,094 tons were unloaded in order, Acre’s largest cities, separated and 365 tons shipped in the state. 2.4% by 592 kilometers. Much of the air travel The participation of the airline in- between the state and the rest of the dustry (direct impact, indirect impact, country involved precisely Rio Branco, induced impact and on catalyzed indus- Cruzeiro do Sul and Brasília. There are try) in total output of Acre was 2.4% secondary flows to and Porto (R$ 412 million) and accounted for the Velho. The average load factor of flights generation of 7,800 jobs, the payment of in the state is only 68%, while the na- R$ 71 million in salaries and R$ 29.5 tional average is 74% for domestic million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 19 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital AL - Maceió

Estimated population 3,340,932 Area (km2) 27,774 Population density (pop/km²) 120.29 Number of municipalities 102 Output (R$ million) 61,200 Alagoas % of Brazilian output 0.61

Output per capita (R$) 18,318

% of Brazilian output per capita Air transport generates 37.43 42,700 jobs and R$ 2.2 billion in output in the state INDUSTRY DATA22 Penetration of domestic air transport (flights per capita per annum) 0.29 Alagoas has a population density of 120 Alagoas economic characteristics would Total passengers 23 inhabitants per square kilometer , which lead one to expect. 961,062 is considered high for the national average. The state is predominantly a tourism % of national total of passengers In comparing the participation of every destination, accounting for 2.3% of the 0.90 sector of the Alagoas economy with the movement among states (in all modes of % of national total of domestic passengers national profile, agriculture and livestock transport). The outbound tourism flow 1.00 26 production (10%) and government services (1.4% of the country’s total ) is relatively % of national total of international passengers (28%) stand out. In contrast, industrial high, since the state represents only 0.61% 0.01 27 production (18%) and private services of Brazilian output . Total cargo (kg) (44%) are proportionally lower. Total state The size of aircraft used on flights 457,114 output per capita is well below the national operated in Alagoas, as well as the corre- % of the national total of cargo average (one of the lowest among the sponding passenger load factors, indi- 0.07 24 states) . These indicators are typical of a cate the predominance of leisure tourism % of the national total of domestic cargo quite modest economy. as motivation for the travel. On average, 0.13

The market penetration of the do- the aircraft that took off from Alagoas in % of the national total of international cargo mestic air transport of passengers 2015 had 158 seats, while in Brazil as a 0.00 (0.2925 passengers transported per in- whole the figure was 140 seats28. The Airports with commercial flights habitant), however, is higher than the load factor of flights departing from that 1

20 The Brazilian Airlines Association Alagoas

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect


direct (R$ billion) Output 0.3 0.5 0.9 2.2

Revenue specific 68.0 to air transport

170.6 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.5%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism + Induced 1.4% + Indirect


direct (thousand) Jobs Tourism output by air travel 53 4.0 6.4 13.1 42.7

(catalyzed industry) 85 144 2.2%


Wages Total output related (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 3.7% state was 81%, against the national aver- per departure and 81 kilograms per arriv- age of 74%29. In other words, the airline al30. The participation of the airline indus- industry has offered flights on large air- try (direct impact, indirect impact, induced craft (with a lower unit cost) and prac- impact and on catalyzed industry) in total ticed lower prices to generate demand to output of Alagoas was 3.7% (R$ 2,2 billion) fill them. and generated 42,800 jobs, the payment of Air cargo transport in the state is very R$ 395 million in wages and R$ 170.6 mil- small: the average shipment is 61 kilograms lion in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 21 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital AP - Macapá

Estimated population 766,679 Area (km2) 142,828 Population density (pop/km²) 5.37 Number of municipalities 16 Output (R$ million) Amapá 18,200 % of Brazilian output 0.18

Output per capita (R$) 23,739 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output per capita 48.50 12,700 jobs and R$ 577 million in output in the state INDUSTRY DATA31

Penetration of domestic air transport (flights per capita per annum) Amapá is not very much integrated into 0.2%36 of the national tourist flow, pro- 0.42 the Brazilian economy. This appears in the portional to the participation of the Total passengers population density of just over 5 people per state in Brazilian output (0.18%)37. Of 324,735 square kilometer, which is one of the lowest domestic passengers carried from Ma- % of national total of passengers in the country32. Furthermore, the output capá airport (the only one that operates 0.30 per inhabitant is about half the Brazilian regular flights), 69% went to Belém, % of national total of domestic passengers average33. 20% to Brasília and 5% to Fortaleza38. 0.34

The output composition of the econo- Despite the relatively short distance be- % of national total of international passengers my is similar to other former federal terri- tween Macapá and Belém (329 kilometers), 0.00 tories, with a high proportion of service the option for air transportation is justified Total cargo (kg) sector in relation to the total. Thus, private by the lack of road connection (in addition 396,716 services account for 40% of the total out- to air transport mode, it is only possible to % of the national total of cargo put of Amapá. The government services go from one capital to the other by ferry)39 0.06 sector constitutes 44% of total output (the and by existing connections from Belém % of the national total of domestic cargo average in Brazil is 16%). Agriculture and airport to other . 0.11 livestock production account for another The penetration of domestic air % of the national total of international cargo 2%34 and industry, 13%35. transport in Amapá was 0.42 passengers 0.00 The domestic outbound tourism (all per inhabitant in 2015 (as compared to Airports with commercial flights transportation modes) of Amapá is the Brazilian average of 0.4740). Given 1

22 The Brazilian Airlines Association Amapá

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION + Catalyzed tourism



Aviation direct (R$ million) Output STATE ECONOMY 36.9 56.9 88.9 576.8

6.0 Revenue specific to air transport 45.7 (direct impact) Taxes (R$ million) 0.2%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced 0.5% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 5 0.4 0.6 1.2 12.7 Tourism output by air travel

8 (catalyzed industry) 13 2.7% 111

Wages (R$ million) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) the socioeconomic indicators of the only an insignificant portion of the weight 3.2% state, it is a fairly high rate. transported41. The air cargo shipment in the state is The airline industry (direct impact, indi- small in amount, but of high value added, rect impact, induced impact and on cata- with a large presence of semi-manufac- lyzed industry) accounted for 3.2% of the tured gold. This can be seen in the statis- total output of Amapá (R$ 577 million). Avi- tics of international trade: 59% of the ation in the state generated almost 13,000 total value of Amapá’s exports was trans- jobs, with the payment of R$ 111 million in ported by air, although this represents salaries and R$ 46 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 23 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital AM - Manaus

Estimated population 3,938,336 Area (km2) 1,559,149 Population density (pop/km²) Amazonas 2.53 Number of municipalities 62 Output (R$ million) 186,000 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 1.86

75,300 jobs and R$ 4.6 billion Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 47,228 % of Brazilian output per capita 96.50

Amazonas is the largest Brazilian domestic tourism is small. There is also state: 1.56 million square kilometers, or a striking imbalance between outbound INDUSTRY DATA42 18.3% of the national territory. Howev- and inbound tourism; the former is Penetration of domestic air transport (flights er, its population is small, estimated at 1.4% and the latter, 0.7% of the Brazil- per capita per annum) 3.9 million for 2015. Thus, its popula- ian total45. 0.43 tion density is only 2.5 inhabitants per On the other hand, the penetration Total passengers square kilometer, one of the lowest in of domestic air transport of passengers 1,789,752 the country. is 0.43 trips per year, slightly below the % of national total of passengers 46 The creation of the Manaus Free Brazilian average . The importance of 1.68 Trade Zone in 1967 changed the partic- the industrial sector (which makes ex- % of national total of domestic passengers ipation of economic sectors in a peculiar tensive use of air transport) in this state 1.76 way. The industry accounts for 37% of helps explain this result, as does the % of national total of international passengers the state product (compared to 25% of lack of road and healthcare infrastruc- 0.99 the national average), the second high- ture (which is the reason for 5.2% of air Total cargo (kg) est proportion among the states43. travel in the North Region of Brazil, 43,346,992

Highlights include the manufacture of against 2.4% for the country as a % of the national total of cargo mobile phones, audio and video equip- whole47). 6.82 ment, motorcycles and concentrates for Still, the state accounted for less % of the national total of domestic cargo soft drinks. The output of the state per than 2% of domestic enplanements48. 11.30 inhabitant is only slightly below the Although 84% of the state’s interna- % of the national total of international cargo Brazilian average44. tional tourists arrive by air transport49, 1.08 Although Amazonas has a rich and this movement is not significant in ab- Airports with commercial flights diverse patrimony, its participation in solute numbers. 17

24 The Brazilian Airlines Association Amazonas

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced OF THE AIRLINE + Indirect

Aviation INDUSTRY IN THE direct (R$ billion) Output 0.9 1.5 2.5 4.6 STATE ECONOMY

184.0 Revenue specific 322.1 to air transport Taxes (direct impact) (R$ million) 0.5%

+ Other catalyzed Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Induced + Indirect 1.3% Aviation

direct (thousand) Jobs 143 10.8 17.3 35.1 75.3

Tourism output by air travel 230 (catalyzed industry) 389

728 1.1% Wages (R$ million)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced

In addition to stimulating the flow of Even though its relative importance impact + catalyzed industry) passengers, the Free Zone is mainly re- is below the national average, aviation sponsible for the large movement of do- has a significant impact on the Amazo- 2.5% mestic air cargo in the state. In 2015, it nian reality. The participation of the was 40,000 tons, or 11.3% of total air airline industry (direct impact, indirect shipments in Brazil50. In the trade chain impact, induced impact and on cata- (sum of exports and imports) of Amazo- lyzed industry) in state total output nas, air transportation represented 1.8% was 2.5% (R$ 4.6 billion), which gener- by weight and 32% in value of the total ated 75,000 jobs, the payment of shipped51, which shows the high aggre- R$ 728 million in wages and R$ 322 gate value of transported items. million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 25 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital BA - Salvador

Estimated population 15,203,934 Area (km2) 564,733 Population density (pop/km²) Bahia 26.92 Number of municipalities 417 Output (R$ million) 432,300 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 4.32

286,700 jobs and R$ 14.1 billion Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 28,433 % of Brazilian output per capita 58.10

Bahia is the sixth largest state econo- In Salvador and Porto Seguro occur,

56 my in Brazil, with an output correspond- respectively, 77% and 13% of domestic INDUSTRY DATA52 ing to 4.3% of the Brazilian total. It has a boardings in this state. Of the 11 Bahia Penetration of domestic air transport (flights population density of almost 27 inhabi- airports with regular operations, only the per capita per annum) tants per square kilometer53 and output Aeroporto Deputado Luís Eduardo 0.37 per capita of a little over half the value for Magalhães in Salvador transported pas- Total passengers Brazil as a whole. sengers on scheduled international flights. 5,781,403 Large economic contrasts are present in The demand for domestic passenger air % of national total of passengers the state. Of its 32 micro-regions, only two transport is largely supported by the tour- 5.42 (Metropolitana de Salvador – greater Sal- ism potential of the state. Bahia receives % of national total of domestic passengers vador – e Barreiras) have income standards 8.6% of the Brazilian interstate tourist 5.81

similar to the national average. The others flow (all modes of transport), but sends to % of national total of international passengers have per capita incomes well below this54. other locations only 3.6% of the total57. In 1.80

Because of the small output in rela- 2015, 3.3% of all foreign visitors to Brazil Total cargo (kg) tion to the total population and the entered through the state58, which is a 16,008,250

unbalanced geographical concentra- relatively small portion. % of the national total of cargo tion of Bahia, demand for passenger air The participation of domestic and in- 2.52

transport is also small and very con- ternational air cargo shipments in the % of the national total of domestic cargo centrated in a few cities. Thus, the state, in relation to the total for Brazil, was 2.86

market penetration corresponds to only 2.9% and 2.1%, respectively59. These % of the national total of international cargo only 0.37 domestic boardings per in- amounts are small compared with the 2.09 habitant per year55 (below the Brazilian participation of the state in the Brazilian Airports with commercial flights national average). economy, and this is explained by the 11

26 The Brazilian Airlines Association Bahia

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced OF THE AIRLINE + Indirect

Aviation INDUSTRY IN THE direct (R$ billion) Output 1.6 2.8 4.7 14.1 STATE ECONOMY

0.4 Revenue specific 1.1 to air transport Taxes (direct impact) (R$ billion) 0.4%

+ Other catalyzed Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Induced + Indirect 1.1% Aviation

direct (thousand) Jobs 0.3 21.8 35.0 71.1 286.7

0.5 Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) 0.8

2.6 2.2% Wages (R$ billion)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) modest performance of its manufacturing Despite these modest numbers, the air- 3.3% industry in recent years60. line industry was responsible in 2015 for Thus, the share of air transport in 3.3% of the state output (R$ 14.1 billion), Bahia’s international trade (exports plus which is higher than the Brazilian national imports) is small, corresponding, in average share. Between direct impact, indi- 2015, to 23,000 tons and US$ 453 mil- rect impact, induced impact and on cata- lion. This is equivalent to 0.1% by weight lyzed industry, aviation generated nearly and 2.8% of the value of cargo handled 287,000 jobs in the state, contributing R$ 1.1 by Bahian foreign trade61. billion in taxes and R$ 2.6 billion in wages.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 27 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital CE -

Estimated population 8,904,459 Ceará Area (km2) 148,886 Population density (pop/km²) 59.81 Number of municipalities Air transport generates 184 Output (R$ million) 217,000 jobs and R$ 10.2 billion 181,300 in output in the state % of Brazilian output 1.81

Output per capita (R$) 20,361 Ceará has a population density of al- whose capitals are about 500 kilometers % of Brazilian output per capita most 60 inhabitants per square kilome- away: Maranhão, Pernambuco, Piauí, 41.60 ter, which is high if compared to the fig- Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba66. At ure for all of Brazil (24 inhabitants per these distances, air travel suffers compe- square kilometer) and average for the tition from road transport. INDUSTRY DATA62 63 Northeast Region states . Its output ac- Domestic passenger boarding in the Penetration of domestic air transport (flights counts for 1.8% of Brazil’s total. state in 2015 represented 3.3% of the na- per capita per annum) The participation of industrial sector tional total67 – that is, it is a rate higher 0.36 in the output (20%) of Ceará is lower than Ceará’s participation in the Brazil- Total passengers than the national average (25%). The ian economy. 3,315,142 public service sector, which participates The setting of social and economic in- % of national total of passengers with 16% in the output of the country, in dicators and the proximity of most major 3.11 Ceará represents 23%. The total output sources of visitors make the penetration % of national total of domestic passengers 3.33 of the state per capita is less than half of of the domestic air transport low: 0.36 % of national total of international passengers the Brazilian64. trips per inhabitant (below the national 1.11 Ceará is an important domestic tour- average of 0.47). Total cargo (kg) ism destination, capturing 5.6% of the Domestic air cargo transport is more 24,116,488 national inbound flow (all modes of expressive than that of domestic passen- % of the national total of cargo transport). But the domestic outbound gers and represented, in 2015, 5.9% of 3.80 flow is only 2% of the total, which is pro- the total weight shipped in Brazil: on % of the national total of domestic cargo portional to the state’s participation in average 789 kilograms per takeoff 5.88 65 the Brazilian economy . (against 382 kilograms of the national % of the national total of international cargo São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are the average)68 were loaded. 1.12 largest sources of tourists to Ceará. How- Two reasons may explain the apparent Airports with commercial flights ever, 44% of tourists leave from states paradox between, on the one hand, low 2

28 The Brazilian Airlines Association Ceará

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism

+ Induced PARTICIPATION + Indirect

Aviation OF THE AIRLINE direct (R$ billion) Output 1.3 2.3 3.8 10.2 INDUSTRY IN THE


848.8 Revenue specific Taxes (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact) 0.7% + Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism Air transport output + Induced (direct impact + indirect

+ Indirect impact + induced impact)

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 0.2 17.4 27.8 56.6 217.1



0.6 Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) 2.0

Wages (R$ billion) 3.5%

Total output related total output and industry participation in The main export products of Ceará, to air transport (direct impact the economy, and, on the other, the high however, are not usually transported by + indirect impact + induced share of domestic air cargo transporta- plane because of the low value added. impact + catalyzed industry) tion. First, Ceará has important factories Thus, the share of air transport in Ceará from industries that use air transport: in- exports was only 4.1% in value and 3.6% in 5.6% dustrial fabrics, leather goods and foot- weight69 of goods handled. wear. Second, because of the importance The participation of the airline industry of leisure passenger flow, the airfares are (direct impact, indirect impact, induced low if we consider the flight distances. impact and on catalyzed industry) in the Thus, as low frequency flights with high total output of Ceará was 5.6% (R$ 10.2 capacity aircraft predominate (lower cost billion) and generated more than 217,000 per seat-kilometer), the cargo shipment jobs, the payment of almost R$ 2 billion in per takeoff is high. wages and R$ 849 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 29 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital DF - Brasília

Estimated population 2,914,830 Distrito Area (km2) 5,780 Population density (pop/km²) Federal 504.30 Number of municipalities 1 Output (R$ million) 280,400 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 2.80

736,900 jobs and R$ 30.8 billion Output per capita (R$) in output in the district 96,198 % of Brazilian output per capita 196.56

The Distrito Federal is the Brazilian ported at the Brasília airport, account- federal unit with the highest output per ing for 9% of the total movement at INDUSTRY DATA70 capita, almost double the Brazilian na- Brazilian airports73. Penetration of domestic air transport (flights tional average. The share of services The proportion of passengers board- per capita per annum) (public and private) stands out, reaching ed in the Brasília airport is high because 3.19 93%, against the national average of it is an important center for flight con- Total passengers 70%. Its population density is 504 in- nections (due to its central location in 9,663,274 habitants per square kilometer, the the country) and Brazil’s political capi- % of national total of passengers highest in the country. tal. One also cannot ignore the impact 9.06 Regarding domestic tourism, arrivals of high local income on the demand for % of national total of domestic passengers and departures of visitors to the Distrito air transport. 9.68

Federal are balanced. Together, these In 2015, the domestic air - % of national total of international passengers flows account for about 4% of the total ment in Brasília was 36,400 tons, equiv- 3.39 number of tourists traveling within the alent to 10% of total air shipments in Total cargo (kg) country (all modes)71. Brazil74. As noted, this movement is pro- 36,356,504

The market penetration of domestic portional to the passengers transported, % of the national total of cargo air passenger transport in Brazil was a fact explained by the large volume of 5.72

3.2 passengers boarded per inhabitant domestic connections made at the air- % of the national total of domestic cargo in 2015, which is almost seven times the port. The amount of international cargo 10.13

Brazilian national average72. In the shipment is minor. % of the national total of international cargo same year, 9.3 million domestic passen- When examining trade chain (sum of 0.07 gers (9.7% of Brazil’s total) and 360,000 exports and imports) of the Distrito Fed- Airports with commercial flights international passengers (3.4%) trans- eral, it is noteworthy that 5.9% of the total 1

30 The Brazilian Airlines Association Distrito Federal

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE

+ Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect DISTRICT ECONOMY Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output 2.8 4.4 6.9 30.8

Revenue specific

0.5 to air transport (direct impact) 2.7

Taxes (R$ billion) 1.0%

Air transport output (direct impact + indirect + Other catalyzed impact + induced impact)

+ Catalyzed tourism

+ Induced 2.4%

+ Indirect

Aviation direct Tourism output by air travel (thousand) Jobs 0.4 28.5 45.6 92.7 736.9 (catalyzed industry)


1.0 8.6%

6.5 Total output related Wages (R$ billion) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 11.0% weight and 70% of the value of goods han- output value (direct impact, indirect im- dled were transported by air. Concerning pact, induced impact and on catalyzed in- specifically imports, the goods moved by dustry) equivalent to 11% of total output in the air sector accounted for 0.6% of the the Distrito Federal (R$ 30.8 billion). This weight and 84% of the value75. resulted in the generation of 737,000 jobs The expressive figures reported above and the payment of R$ 6.5 billion in wages corresponded to an air transport industry and R$ 2.7 billion in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 31 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital ES - Vitória

Estimated population 3,929,911 Area (km2) Espírito 46,089 Population density (pop/km²) 85.25 Santo Number of municipalities 78 Output (R$ million) 198,900

% of Brazilian output Air transport generates 1.99 Output per capita (R$) 76,800 jobs and R$ 3.6 billion 50,612 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 103.41

The state of Espírito Santo has a trips, only a small proportion of visitors is INDUSTRY DATA76 population density of 85 inhabitants captured by air transport. In turn, these Penetration of domestic air transport (flights per square kilometer77, which is higher same states receive 63% of tourists from per capita per annum) than the Brazilian national average, but Espírito Santo83. 0.43 lower than that of the Southeast Re- Among the poles which generate and Total passengers gion. The state accounts for about 2% of receive trips for the state, only São 1,698,251 total Brazilian output78. Paulo has its capital at a distance for % of national total of passengers Industry and private services are which air transport is the most compet- 1.59 equivalent and each correspond to 41% itive mode (around 730 kilometers). In % of national total of domestic passengers of state output, compared to 25% and conclusion, the Espírito Santo tourist 1.77 79 53%, respectively, of Brazil as a whole . flows are relatively high considering the % of national total of international passengers The total output per capita of the state size of the economy of the state, but 0.00 is slightly higher than the Brazilian only a small portion of them is captured Total cargo (kg) average80. by air transport. 7,947,172

The inbound and outbound tourist However, the participation of passen- % of the national total of cargo flows (all modes) are unbalanced: respec- ger transport and cargo shipping on do- 1.25 tively, 1.8% and 2.7% of Brazilian domes- mestic flights in Espírito Santo is propor- % of the national total of domestic cargo tic circulation81. About 80% of tourists tional to the participation of the state 2.23 received come from Rio de Janeiro and economy in the national total. In the same % of the national total of international cargo Minas Gerais82, whose capitals are about way, the rate of 0.43 domestic passenger 0.00 400 kilometers from Vitória. As road boardings per capita per year is very close Airports with commercial flights transport is more competitive for short to the Brazilian average84. 1

32 The Brazilian Airlines Association Espírito Santo

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced OF THE AIRLINE + Indirect


direct (R$ billion) Output 0.2 0.5 0.9 3.6 STATE ECONOMY

76.0 Revenue specific 290.6 to air transport Taxes (direct impact) (R$ million) 0.1%

+ Other catalyzed Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Induced + Indirect 0.4% Aviation

direct (thousand) Jobs 59 4.5 7.1 14.6 76.8

95 Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) 161

686 1.4% Wages (R$ million)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry)

The presence of international air trans- for the airlines is relatively small. Thus, the 1.8% port operations in exports was almost zero airline industry (direct impact, indirect im- in 2015. In imports, air transport partici- pact, induced impact and on catalyzed in- pated with 13% in the value of goods han- dustry) contributed only 1.8% (R$ 3.6 bil- dled and 0.03% in weight85. lion) of Espírito Santo’s total output in 2015. Due to the short average distance in That same year, the industry generated in flights departing from the state (581 kilo- the state almost 77,000 jobs, with the meters) as compared to the Brazilian pa- payment of R$ 686 million in wages and rameters (847 kilometers)86, the revenue R$ 291 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 33 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital GO - Goiânia

Estimated population 6,610,681 Area (km2) Goiás 340,111 Population density (pop/km²) 19.44 Number of municipalities 246 Air transport generates Output (R$ million) 289,200

81,200 jobs and R$ 3.6 billion % of Brazilian output in output in the state 2.89 Output per capita (R$) 43,747

% of Brazilian output per capita Goiás has the eighth largest state the national average is 49.2% for both). 89.39 economy in Brazil. However, its output Moreover, the passengers boarded in per capita is slightly below the Brazilian the Midwest are those who buy their tick- national average. Agriculture and live- ets less far in advance (77.2% with under INDUSTRY DATA87 stock production account for about 12% thirty days, versus 74.3% for the Brazil- Penetration of domestic air transport (flights of the state’s output, as compared to the ian national average). Finally, purchases per capita per annum) Brazilian national average of 5%88. made by the work institution correspond 0.25 The association between low popula- to 39.3% of air travel originating in the Total passengers tion density, low per capita output and region (compared to 36.9% for the Brazil- 1,656,898 small share of the industrial and service ian national average)91. % of national total of passengers sectors explains in part the low penetra- On the other hand, while the state 1.55 tion of domestic air passenger transport accounts for 2.9% of the Brazilian econ- % of national total of domestic passengers among the people of Goiás: in 2015 there omy, its share in domestic passengers 1.72 92 were only 0.25 passenger boardings per transported is only 1.7% . This is sig- % of national total of international passengers inhabitant, which is little more than half nificantly lower than would be expected, 0.00 89 the Brazilian average . given the high correlation between a lo- Total cargo (kg) The inbound and outbound domestic cation’s economic activity and the de- 3,589,590 tourist flows of the state are balanced mand for air transport. % of the national total of cargo and correspond to 5.4% of the national It could be that these statistics are 0.56 movement. This behavior is typical of being affected by the proximity (a dis- % of the national total of domestic cargo markets in which business is the prima- tance of only 163 kilometers) between 1.01 ry reason for air travel90. In Brazil’s Goiânia and Brasília, whose airport is % of the national total of international cargo Midwest and North regions, domestic one of the most important hubs in Brazil. 0.00 travel for work and study prevails In other words, it is reasonable to assume Airports with commercial flights (52.3% and 52.4%, respectively, while that part of the demand for air transport 3

34 The Brazilian Airlines Association Goiás

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism

+ Induced PARTICIPATION + Indirect

Aviation OF THE AIRLINE direct (R$ billion) Output 0.2 0.4 0.6 3.6 INDUSTRY IN THE


296.3 Revenue specific Taxes (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact) 0.1% + Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism Air transport output + Induced (direct impact + indirect

+ Indirect impact + induced impact)

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 37 2.8 4.5 9.2 81.2 0.2%


102 Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) 710

Wages (R$ million) 1.0%

in Goiás is being captured by the Aero- This shows the high aggregate value of Total output related porto Juscelino Kubitschek. the assets. The Goiás airports were in- to air transport (direct impact Air cargo shipment is also limited in volved in the transport of 17% of the + indirect impact + induced Goiás and corresponds to about 1% of the total94 foreign trade chain (that is, con- impact + catalyzed industry) Brazilian national domestic total. Anoth- sidering imports and exports) of the state. er indicator of the modest movement of The combination of the factors dis- 1.2% air cargo in this state is the average cussed above resulted in a 1.2% airline weight of the cargo loaded for takeoff industry share (direct impact, indirect (202 kilograms), about half the average impact, induced impact and on cata- recorded on domestic flights in Brazil93. lyzed industry) in relation to the total The air mode transported only 0.1% output of Goiás, which is R$ 3.62 bil- of the total weight of the goods imported lion. Thus, 81,000 jobs were generated by the state in 2015, but its value corre- and R$ 710 million in wages and R$ sponded to 38% of the total declared. 296 million in taxes were paid.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 35 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital MA - São Luís

Estimated population 6,904,241 Area (km2) 331,936 Population density (pop/km²) 20.80 Maranhão Number of municipalities 217 Output (R$ million) 111,900

% of Brazilian output Air transport generates 1.12 Output per capita (R$) 52,000 jobs and R$ 2.6 billion 16,207 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 33.12

Maranhão has a population density of and accounts for 3.8% of national domes- INDUSTRY DATA95 almost 21 inhabitants per square kilome- tic outbound flow (all modes of transport). Penetration of domestic air transport (flights ter, which is below Brazil’s average96. The The state’s inbound tourism corresponds per capita per annum) per capita output of the state is one of the to 1.8% of the national total98. 0.14 lowest among all Brazilian states, at about It is remarkable that a state with a lower Total passengers one third of the national average output. per capita output and only a medium-size 996,490 The breakdown by sector is quite dis- population has such a significant amount of % of national total of passengers tinct from the typical national picture. outbound tourism, comparable to the Dis- 0.93 Especially, the gross value added of agri- trito Federal, whose population is the rich- % of national total of domestic passengers cultural production corresponds to 11% est in the country. 1.04

of the total (compared to 5% of the Bra- On the other hand, the penetration of % of national total of international passengers zilian national average). The industrial domestic passenger air transport in Mara- 0.00

output amounts to 19% (lower than the nhão is 0.14 domestic passenger boardings Total cargo (kg) average of 25%); private services, 45%, per inhabitant per year, well below the 2,830,790 99 and government services, 24% (against national average (0.47) . There are no % of the national total of cargo 16% in the national average)97. That is, in regular international flights to this state. 0.45

addition to the total output per capita The biggest flows of tourists by air % of the national total of domestic cargo being very small, the agricultural sec- mode from and to Maranhão are, in order 0.79

tor’s participation is more significant, of volume, with the Distrito Federal, São % of the national total of international cargo and it makes little use of air transport. Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The participa- 0.00 Maranhão is preferentially a starting tion of air transport100, however, is rela- Airports with commercial flights point for tourists going to other locations, tively low in these connections, although 3

36 The Brazilian Airlines Association Maranhão

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION

+ Induced OF THE AIRLINE + Indirect INDUSTRY IN THE Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output 0.3 0.6 1.2 2.6 STATE ECONOMY

103.0 Revenue specific

215.3 to air transport (direct impact) Taxes (R$ million) 0.3%

+ Other catalyzed Air transport output (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced + Indirect 1.1% Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 81 6.1 9.7 19.8 52.3

Tourism output by air travel 130 (catalyzed industry)


494 1.3%

Wages (R$ million) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) the distances from São Luís to Brasília of exports and imports) is also not very (1,520 kilometers), São Paulo (2,332 ki- significant102. 2.3% lometers) and Rio de Janeiro (2,250 kilo- The airline industry (direct impact, meters) are large. indirect impact, induced impact and on The domestic cargo air transport catalyzed industry) contributed only (0.79% of the total national weight) is 2.3% (R$ 2.6 billion) of the total output slightly less significant than that of of Maranhão in 2015. That same year, it passengers (0.93% of Brazil’s total)101. generated almost 52,000 jobs, with the The share of air transportation in the payment of R$ 494 million in wages and state’s international trade chain (sum R$ 215 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 37 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital MT - Cuiabá

Estimated population 3,265,486 Area (km2) 903,378 Population density (pop/km²) 3.61 Mato Number of municipalities 141 Output (R$ million) Grosso 190,700 % of Brazilian output 1.91

Output per capita (R$) 58,399 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output per capita 119.32 61,600 jobs and R$ 3.4 billion in output in the state INDUSTRY DATA103

Penetration of domestic air transport (flights per capita per annum) Mato Grosso is the third largest Bra- total output per capita is high: about 0.55 zilian state in size, after Amazonas and 20% above the Brazilian average107. In Total passengers Pará. However, as the estimated popula- this sense, the Mato Grosso per capita 1,808,359 tion for 2015 is 3.3 million inhabitants, income is similar to that of the South % of national total of passengers its population density is only 3.61 inhab- Region states. 1.69 itants per square kilometer104. The large territorial size and the high % of national total of domestic passengers Agriculture and livestock production participation of healthcare as a reason for 1.88 stand out in this state and represent 23% domestic air travel (3.1% in the state, % of national total of international passengers of its total output. Compared to the Bra- compared to 2.4% on average for Bra- 0.00 108 zilian national average, there is limited zil) contribute to extensive use of air Total cargo (kg) participation by industry (18% in Mato transport. Thus, the penetration of do- 5,378,023

Grosso and 25% in Brazil) and non-gov- mestic passenger air transport in Mato % of the national total of cargo ernment services (42% and 53%, respec- Grosso in 2015 was 0.55 trips per inhabi- 0.85 105 tively) . tant, which is higher than the Brazilian % of the national total of domestic cargo The share of passenger boardings on national average (0.47)109. 1.51 domestic flights in Mato Grosso in com- The participation of domestic air cargo % of the national total of international cargo parison to all of Brazil is nearly equal to shipments in this state (1.5%) in relation to 0.00 the participation of the state in domestic Brazil’s total is close to that of domestic Airports with commercial flights output (1.9%)106. However, the state’s passenger boardings110. However, in 2015, 4

38 The Brazilian Airlines Association Mato Grosso

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect

Aviation STATE ECONOMY direct (R$ billion) Output 0.4 0.8 1.4 3.4

Revenue specific 121.0 to air transport

253.2 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.2%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism + Induced 0.7% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs Tourism output by air travel 94 7.1 11.4 23.1 61.6

(catalyzed industry) 151 256 1.1%


Wages Total output related (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 1.8% air cargo loaded per takeoff on domestic The combination of all these elements flights was 264 kilograms in Mato Grosso, led the airline industry (direct impact, against the Brazilian average of 382 kilo- indirect impact, induced impact and on grams111. This modest performance is due to catalyzed industry) to have a share of the nature of most of Mato Grosso’s produc- 1.8% (R$ 3.4 billion) in the total output tion – meat and grains – for which the pre- of Mato Grosso. 61,000 jobs were gener- ferred mode for export is maritime (94% of ated, and R$ 581 million in wages and production exported in value and weight112). R$ 296 million in taxes were paid.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 39 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital MS - Campo Grande

Estimated population 2,651,235 Area (km2) 357,145 Mato Grosso Population density (pop/km²) 7.42 Number of municipalities do Sul 79 Output (R$ million) 134,100

% of Brazilian output 1.34 Air transport generates Output per capita (R$) 50,580 48,800 jobs and R$ 2.1 billion % of Brazilian output per capita in output in the state 103.35

INDUSTRY DATA113 The population density of Mato itant per year, compared to 0.47117), al- Penetration of domestic air transport (flights Grosso do Sul is 7.4 inhabitants per though the total output per capita of the per capita per annum) square kilometer, which is below the state is almost equal to the national figure. 0.34 national average (24 inhabitants per Both the average distance traveled by Total passengers 114 square kilometer) . In addition, agri- domestic flights which originate there 890,290 cultural production accounts for a high (773 kilometers118) and the load factor of % of national total of passengers share of gross value added in the state’s flights that took off from the state in 0.83 total output: 18%. On the other hand, 2015 (72%119) are close to the national % of national total of domestic passengers the participation of private services is average. This shows that there was not a 0.93 115 only 41% . This sectoral composition repressed demand. Thus, the difference % of national total of international passengers significantly affects the use of air trans- in the per capita use of the state in rela- 0.00

port in the state. tion to Brazil as a whole is explained by Total cargo (kg) Although low, Mato Grosso do Sul’s the nature of the output composition 1,617,436

inbound and outbound tourism flows and by the low population density of % of the national total of cargo are balanced, corresponding, respec- Mato Grosso do Sul, which reduces ac- 0.25

tively, to 1.8% and 1.6% of the Brazilian cessibility to airports. % of the national total of domestic cargo national domestic total (all modes of Air cargo shipment on domestic 0.45

transport)116. flights is not very significant in the state, % of the national total of international cargo Penetration of domestic air passenger corresponding to 0.45% of Brazil’s do- 0.00 transport in the state is much lower than mestic total120. The share of air transpor- Airports with commercial flights the national average (0.34 trips per inhab- tation in the international trade chain 5

40 The Brazilian Airlines Association Mato Grosso do Sul

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION + Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced



direct (R$ billion) Output STATE ECONOMY 0.2 0.3 0.5 2.1

37.0 Revenue specific to air transport 180.6 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.1%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced 0.4% + Indirect


direct (thousand) Jobs 29 2.2 3.5 7.0 48.8 Tourism output by air travel

46 (catalyzed industry) 78 1.3% 431

Wages (R$ million) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry)

(sum of exports and imports) of the state regular international aviation in Mato 1.6% is not very significant120. The water mode Grosso do Sul, the participation of the is preferred for the movement of local airline industry (direct impact, indirect agricultural and livestock production. In effect, income effect and on catalyzed imports, the participation of pipeline industry) in the total 2015 output was transportation (Brazil-Bolivia gas pipe- only 1.6% (R$ 2.1 billion). Aviation gen- line)121 stands out. erated almost 49,000 jobs, the payment With low use of domestic passenger of R$ 431 million in wages and R$ 180.6 and cargo air transport and the lack of million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 41 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital MG -

Estimated population 20,869,101 Area (km2) Minas 586,519 Population density (pop/km²) 35.58 Gerais Number of municipalities 853 Output (R$ million) 929,800

% of Brazilian output Air transport generates 9.29 329,300 jobs and R$ 15.3 billion Output per capita (R$) 44,554 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 91.04

Minas Gerais has the third largest Preto and Itabira are about 100 kilometers INDUSTRY DATA122 economy in the country, with an output from Belo Horizonte. That is, the socio-eco- Penetration of domestic air transport (flights corresponding to about 9% of Brazil’s nomic contrast inside the state, the geo- per capita per annum) total, and an estimated population of just graphical concentration of production and 0.31 under 21 million inhabitants123. the large territorial size of economically Total passengers The state has enormous contrasts in underdeveloped areas limit the competi- 6,648,335 population and income distribution. tiveness of air transportation. % of national total of passengers There are areas of great economic impor- Thus, the market penetration of do- 6.23 tance and relatively high per capita in- mestic air passenger transport in this % of national total of domestic passengers come, such as Região Metropolitana de state is 0.31 trips per inhabitant per 6.72 126 Belo Horizonte (the greater Belo Horizon- year – which is about 40% below the % of national total of international passengers te area) and the micro-regions of Itabira, national average, while the per capita in- 1.78

Ouro Preto and Uberlândia. They contrast come is about 10% lower than the average Total cargo (kg) with those that make up the Jequitin- for the country127. 11,084,870 honha mesoregion, in which the per capita Cargo transport by air in Minas Gerais % of the national total of cargo income is equivalent to about a third of the is even less significant than that of pas- 1.74 124 value of the former micro-regions . sengers. While the share of domestic air % of the national total of domestic cargo Interestingly, 93% of the approximately passengers transported in this state is 2.59

6.5 million domestic boardings in Minas close to 7% of the national total, the air % of the national total of international cargo Gerais happened in only two micro-regions: cargo is less than 3%128. 0.66 the Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizon- Not without reason, the state’s share of Airports with commercial flights te and Uberlândia125. In addition, both Ouro foreign trade (sum of exports and imports) 12

42 The Brazilian Airlines Association Minas Gerais

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION + Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced



direct (R$ billion) Output STATE ECONOMY 1.2 2.2 3.8 15.3

0.3 Revenue specific to air transport 1.2 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ billion) 0.1%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced 0.4% + Indirect


direct (thousand) Jobs 0.2 18.0 28.9 58.7 329.3 Tourism output by air travel

0.4 (catalyzed industry) 0.7 1.2% 2.9

Wages (R$ billion) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) shipped via the air mode in 2015 was This unfavorable geo-economic pic- 1.6% small, at only 19,000 tons, with a value of ture results in an air transport participa- US$ 3 billion – 0.01% of the total national tion – between direct impact, indirect weight and 10.02% of the value129. impact, induced impact and on the cata- Finally, participation in international lyzed industry – of 1.6% (R$ 15.3 billion) air passenger and cargo boarding in rela- of total state output. Despite this small tion to the Brazilian total was 1.8% and impact, the sector generated 329,000 0.7%, respectively130, possibly explained by jobs with payment of R$ 2.9 billion in the same factors mentioned above. wages and R$ 1.2 billion in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 43 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital PA - Belém

Estimated population 8,175,113 Area (km2) 1,247,954 Population density (pop/km²) 6.55 Pará Number of municipalities 144 Output (R$ million) 195,900

% of Brazilian output Air transport generates 1.96 Output per capita (R$) 97,000 jobs and R$ 5.3 billion 23,963 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 48.96

Pará is one of the largest states in Bra- The international flow of tourists in the INDUSTRY DATA131 zil (14% of the territory), second only to state is not very significant. Penetration of domestic air transport (flights the state of Amazonas. Because of the The great distances and the precari- per capita per annum) medium-size population, however, it has ousness of surface transportation often 0.31 one of the lowest population densities in make air transport the only option avail- Total passengers Brazil (6.55 inhabitants per square kilo- able, especially for trips motivated by ac- 2,615,970 meter)132. Output per capita is about half cess to healthcare resources. Overall, this % of national total of passengers the national average. This situation indi- was the motivation for 5.2% of domestic 2.45 cates a low propensity to use air transport. travel by air transportation in Brazil’s % of national total of domestic passengers The total output of the state, in turn, is North Region, compared to the Brazilian 2.65 133 136 less than 2% of Brazil’s total . Pará’s average of 3% . % of national total of international passengers economy is based on mining (iron, baux- In this context, despite the very low 0.60

ite, manganese, limestone, gold and tin) income per capita, the market penetra- Total cargo (kg) and the lumber industry. For this reason, tion of domestic air transport of passen- 15,478,270

the share of gross value added of the sec- gers in Pará was above what one might % of the national total of cargo ondary sector (manufacturing industry) expect. In 2015 the figure was 0.31 trips 2.44

in total production is 33%, compared to per capita in the state (compared to the % of the national total of domestic cargo the Brazilian national average of 25%134. Brazilian national average of 0.47137). 4.25

The inbound and outbound domestic The domestic air cargo shipment figure % of the national total of international cargo tourist flows of Pará are balanced, but is high: it reached 452 kilograms per take- 0.11 modest: equivalent to 1.7% of total trans- off, while the Brazilian national average is Airports with commercial flights actions in Brazil by the various modes135. 382 kilograms138. The deficiencies in road 12

44 The Brazilian Airlines Association Pará

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect

Aviation STATE ECONOMY direct (R$ billion) Output 0.8 1.3 2.1 5.3

Revenue specific 161.0 to air transport

389.5 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.4%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism + Induced 1.1% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs Tourism output by air travel 126 9.5 15.1 30.8 97.2

(catalyzed industry) 202 342 1.7%


Wages Total output related (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 2.7% infrastructure are the likely explanation for makes air transport (direct impact, in- a favorable performance of air mode in direct impact, induced impact and on freight transportation. Still, most of the catalyzed industry) account for only flow of imports and exports of Pará circu- 2.7% (R$ 5.3 billion) of the state’s total lates by water mode, with air transport output. Nevertheless, in 2015 the indus- having an inexpressive participation. try in Pará generated 97,000 jobs, the The composition of geographic, so- payment of R$ 903 million in wages and cial and economic factors of the state nearly R$ 390 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 45 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital PB - João Pessoa

Estimated population 3,972,202 Area (km2) 56,469 Population density (pop/km²) 70.34 Paraíba Number of municipalities 223 Output (R$ million) 71,500

% of Brazilian output Air transport generated 0.71 Output per capita (R$) 417,000 jobs and R$ 2 billion 18,000 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 36.78

The population density of Paraíba ex- tourist interaction centers in the state are INDUSTRY DATA139 ceeds 70 inhabitants per square kilome- Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and Penetration of domestic air transport (flights ter – nearly triple the Brazilian national São Paulo144. The share of shipments on per capita per annum) average140. The state’s output is 0.71% of domestic flights as compared to the Bra- 0.19 the total output141 of Brazil. Per capita zilian national total was 0.8%, that is, it is Total passengers output is slightly over a third of the na- similar to the share of the state in Brazil’s 768,292 tional figure142. total output. % of national total of passengers In the composition of the local economy, The penetration of the domestic air 0.72 the gross value added of private services passenger transport is 0.19 annual ship- % of national total of domestic passengers contributes 43% of total state output; for ments per inhabitant145, which is compat- 0.80

services provided by the government, 35%; ible with per capita income. More than % of national total of international passengers and for agriculture and livestock produc- 90% of passengers transported on out- 0.00

tion, 5%. The participation of industrial bound flights from this state went to Rio Total cargo (kg) sector (18%) is significantly lower than that de Janeiro, São Paulo and the Distrito 857,399 143 146 of the neighboring states . Federal . Regular international flights % of the national total of cargo Inbound and outbound domestic tour- do not operate in Paraíba. 0.13

ist flows (for all modes) are balanced and The difference between the preferred % of the national total of domestic cargo correspond to 2% of the national domes- centers of tourist movement by all modes 0.24

tic visitation. This percentage is almost and by air mode is due to the proximity of % of the national total of international cargo three times greater than the contribution João Pessoa in relation to the capitals of 0.00 of the economy of Paraíba to the total Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Airports with commercial flights output of Brazil. The most important (108 kilometers) and Natal (159 2

46 The Brazilian Airlines Association Paraíba

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION + Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced



direct (R$ billion) Output STATE ECONOMY 0.3 0.4 0.7 2.0

43.0 Revenue specific to air transport 158.3 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.4%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced 0.9% + Indirect


direct (thousand) Jobs 34 2.5 4.1 8.3 41.7 Tourism output by air travel

55 (catalyzed industry) 93 1.9% 375

Wages (R$ million) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced kilometers). For these distances, air tions in value and weight in air cargo are impact + catalyzed industry) transport is almost unfeasible because of unusually close, because of being goods road availability. with low value added148. 2.8% The average domestic cargo loaded per In 2015, the share of the air transport takeoff in 2015 in Paraíba was 119 kilo- industry (direct impact, indirect impact, grams, and the preferred destinations induced impact and on catalyzed indus- were São Paulo (40% of total), Distrito try) in the output of Paraíba was 2.8% Federal (25%) and Rio de Janeiro (23%). (R$ 2 billion). Aviation in the state gen- As for exports, air transport accounted erated almost 42,000 jobs, with the for 4% of the value and 3% of the weight payment of R$ 375 million in wages and of the goods transported147. The propor- R$ 158 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 47 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital PR -

Estimated population 11,163,018 Area (km2) Paraná 199,307 Population density (pop/km²) 56.01 Number of municipalities 399 Air transport generates Output (R$ million) 675,700

234,000 jobs and R$ 11.2 billion % of Brazilian output in output in the state 6.75 Output per capita (R$) 60,530

% of Brazilian output per capita Paraná is the fifth largest Brazilian The penetration of domestic air pas- 123.68 state economy, with its output corre- senger transport among Paraná resi- sponding to 6.75% of the total. The per dents is 0.49154 trips per inhabitant per capita output is higher than the national year, which is close to the Brazilian INDUSTRY DATA149 figure and the agricultural and livestock national average. Penetration of domestic air transport (flights production share of the economy is twice About half of air travel initiated or per capita per annum) the national average (the state is a leader completed in Curitiba involve the state 0.49 in the sector150). of São Paulo155. However, the short dis- Total passengers Paraná has a balanced interstate tances between Curitiba and other im- 5,598,169 tourist flow (all modes of transport), portant capitals in the South and South- % of national total of passengers accounting for 6.6% of domestic out- east regions limit the direct output of 5.25 bound tourism and 6.8% of domestic the air transport industry in the state % of national total of domestic passengers inbound tourism151. About 70% of these (calculated by multiplying the number of 5.72

trips originate or have as destination the trips by the respective average airfare). % of national total of international passengers states of São Paulo and Santa Catarina, Air cargo transport in Paraná is not 0.92 152 in similar proportions . very significant, corresponding to 1.9% of Total cargo (kg) As the distance between Curitiba and total shipments from Brazil on domestic 11,887,562 156 the capital of Santa Catarina, Florianópo- and international flights . For domestic % of the national total of cargo lis, is only 250 kilometers, the air trans- flights, departures from the state account 1.87

portation between the two cities gets little for 6% of Brazil’s total, while cargo % of the national total of domestic cargo use. The distance between São Paulo and shipped from there represents 3% of the 2.71

Curitiba is small, about 330 kilometers, national total157. On average, in 2015, % of the national total of international cargo but the predominance of business travel each domestic departure in Paraná regis- 0.79 between the two cities makes the demand tered 174 kilograms158 of cargo shipped, Airports with commercial flights for air transportation intense153. which is a relatively small number. 6

48 The Brazilian Airlines Association Paraná

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced


Aviation direct INDUSTRY IN THE (R$ billion) Output 0.8 1.5 2.5 11.2 STATE ECONOMY

210.0 Revenue specific 878.1 to air transport Taxes (R$ million) (direct impact) 0.1%

+ Other catalyzed Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect

+ Induced impact + induced impact)

+ Indirect

Aviation 0.4% direct (thousand) Jobs 0.2 12.3 19.8 40.2 234.1

0.3 Tourism output by air travel

0.4 (catalyzed industry) 2.1 1.3% Wages (R$ billion)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced

By observing the intensity of the use of worth US$ 1.2 billion. This is 0.1% of the impact + catalyzed industry) different modes, the amount of cargo total weight handled by Paraná foreign shipped from Paraná airports represented trade and 4.2% of the total in value160. 1.7% 0.04%159 of that shipped through the port With the combination of these elements, of Paranaguá – a ratio ten times smaller the airline industry (direct impact, indirect than that of cargo loaded at the airports of impact, induced impact and on catalyzed São Paulo and the main port of that state, industry) participated with 1.7% (R$ 11.2 the . billion) of the total output of Paraná in 2015. In 2015, the air mode transported This corresponded to the generation of 32,000 tons of goods from all foreign trade 234,000 jobs and the payment of R$ 2.1 bil- (sum of exports and imports) of Paraná, lion in wages and R$ 878 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 49 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital PE - Recife

Estimated population 9,345,173 Area (km2) 98,149 Population density (pop/km²) Pernambuco 95.21 Number of municipalities 185 Output (R$ million) 235,100 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 2.35

216,000 jobs and R$ 10.6 billion Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 25,157 % of Brazilian output per capita 51.40

The population density of Pernambu- senger transport in Pernambuco is al-

166 co is above 95 inhabitants per square most 4% . The small per capita income INDUSTRY DATA161 kilometer – high for Brazilian standards probably is unfavorable to international Penetration of domestic air transport (flights (24 inhabitants per square kilometer)162. outbound tourism. per capita per annum) This could suggest a high use of domes- Pernambuco has more outbound 0.39 tic air passenger transport, as well as the than inbound tourists circulating with- Total passengers outstanding share of the service sector in Brazil (all modes), and its share in 3,765,398 contributes in the output of the state domestic flows are 4.3% and 3.6%167, % of national total of passengers 163 (75% ), one of the highest in Brazil. respectively. 3.53 The per capita output, however, is Domestic air cargo shipment in the % of national total of domestic passengers half the Brazilian average164, which usu- state is relatively high, and the propor- 3.76

ally is not a favorable factor for aviation tion in relation to the Brazilian national % of national total of international passengers penetration. In fact, the use of air trans- total (5%) exceeds that of passengers168. 1.40

port by the people of Pernambuco is In 2015, 18,000 tons of air cargo were Total cargo (kg) 0.39 annual trips per inhabitant (com- boarded, equal to 574 kilograms per 24,063,022

pared to the Brazilian national average takeoff – about 50% above the Brazilian % of the national total of cargo of 0.47 trips per year)165, which can be national average169. 3.79

considered relatively high, given the International trade (sum of exports % of the national total of domestic cargo factors mentioned. and imports) transported by the air 5.04

The penetration of international air mode is also important to this state, % of the national total of international cargo passenger transport is not very signifi- corresponding to 7% in value of total 2.17 cant and corresponds to only 1.4% of the goods moved in 2015 and 0.6% by Airports with commercial flights Brazilian total, while domestic air pas- weight. The larger share, however, was 3

50 The Brazilian Airlines Association Pernambuco

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect

Aviation STATE ECONOMY direct (R$ billion) Output 1.4 2.4 4.0 10.6

Revenue specific 313 to air transport

851 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.6%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism + Induced 1.7% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs Tourism output by air travel 0.2 18.4 29.4 59.8 216.2

(catalyzed industry) 0.4 0.7 2.8%


Wages Total output related (R$ billion) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 4.5% imports, which accounted for 8% in catalyzed industry) in total state output value and 0.1% by weight of the total in 2015, which was 4.5% (R$ 10.6 bil- which entered the state170. lion) – approximately 50% above the The high significance of air transport Brazilian national average. Aviation in the Pernambuco economy is con- also contributed to the generation of firmed by the significant participation 216,000 jobs, with the payment of almost of the airline industry (direct impact, R$ 2 billion in wages and R$ 851 million indirect impact, induced impact and on in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 51 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital PI -

Estimated population 3,204,028 Area (km2) 251,611 Population density (pop/km²) Piauí 12.73 Number of municipalities 224 Output (R$ million) 49,700 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 0.50

25,000 jobs and R$ 1.3 billion Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 15,512 % of Brazilian output per capita 31.69

Piauí has a population density of 12.73 whose capitals are separated from Teresi- inhabitants per square kilometer, which is na by only 497 kilometers and 315 kilome- INDUSTRY DATA171 just over half of the national figure172. The ters, respectively – distances for which air Penetration of domestic air transport (flights per capita output in the state is one of the transport is not especially competitive. per capita per annum) lowest in Brazil, at less than one third of Passengers boarded on domestic flights 0.18 the Brazilian average173. in Piauí represent 0.61% of the Brazilian Total passengers 177 The share of agriculture and livestock national total , which is higher than the 586,178 production in total output is 6%, thus ap- participation of Piauí in the Brazilian econ- % of national total of passengers proaching the Brazilian national average omy. However, the penetration of air trans- 0.55 of 5%. The industry level is low, at 12% port in the state is very low, at 0.18 annual % of national total of domestic passengers (against 25% total for Brazil). The output passenger transport per capita (the Brazil- 0.61 178 of the private service sector, at 47%, is ian national rate is 0.47 ). The low income % of national total of international passengers within the average scenario. However, the of the local population and the small dis- 0.00

share of government services, at 34%, is tance between Teresina and regional capi- Total cargo (kg) significantly higher than the Brazilian tals with which there are the most import- 797,855

national average (16%). ant tourist flows are the factors that proba- % of the national total of cargo Inbound and outbound domestic tour- bly best explain the low use of air transport. 0.13

ist flows are balanced and correspond to The main domestic passenger flows from % of the national total of domestic cargo 1.8% of the Brazilian national move- Teresina are to Fortaleza, Guarulhos and 0.22

ment174. This value is quite high consider- Brasília, destinations representing respec- % of the national total of international cargo ing the participation of the state in total tively 33%, 26% and 25% of the total179. 0.00 Brazilian output, at 0.5%175. Over 60% of The domestic air cargo shipments in Airports with commercial flights the trips are to Ceará and Maranhão176, Piauí are not very significant, at 118 ki- 2

52 The Brazilian Airlines Association Piauí

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE

+ Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect STATE ECONOMY Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.3

Revenue specific

29.0 to air transport (direct impact) 96.1

Taxes (R$ million) 0.3%

Air transport output (direct impact + indirect + Other catalyzed impact + induced impact)

+ Catalyzed tourism

+ Induced 0.8%

+ Indirect

Aviation direct Tourism output by air travel (thousand) Jobs 23 1.7 2.7 5.6 25.0 (catalyzed industry)


62 1.8%

226 Total output related Wages (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 2.6% lograms per takeoff in 2015, which is Despite the low absolute values, the out- about 30% of the Brazilian national put of the airline industry (direct impact, average in the same year180. The exports indirect impact, induced impact and on of the state are also not very significant, catalyzed industry) accounted for 2.6% (R$ at less than 1% of the output, and they 1.3 billion) of Piauí’s total in 2015, generat- are done almost entirely via water ing 25,000 jobs, with the payment of R$ 226 transport181. million in wages and R$ 96 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 53 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital RJ - Rio de Janeiro

Estimated population Rio de 16,550,024 Area (km2) 43,778 Janeiro Population density (pop/km²) 378.04 Number of municipalities 92 Output (R$ million) Air transport generates 1,095,100 % of Brazilian output 989,000 jobs and R$ 45.8 billion 10.94 in output in the state Output per capita (R$) 66,169

% of Brazilian output per capita 135.20 Rio de Janeiro has the second largest state domestic movement of tourists. This economy in Brazil, with an output corre- possibly stems from the combination of sponding to 11% of the Brazilian national good per capita income with high popu- INDUSTRY DATA182 total183. On a per capita basis, that is more lation density, which implies easy access Penetration of domestic air transport (flights than 30% above the Brazilian average184. of the population to airports. per capita per annum) The population density of the state is At the same time, of the 4.3 million 0.67 378 inhabitants per square kilometer185, international tourists that arrived in Total passengers 189 which is the second largest in Brazil, Brazil by air in 2015 , 1.3 million (about 13,016,057 behind only the Distrito Federal. For 31%) entered through Rio de Janeiro. % of national total of passengers comparison, this density is superior This proportion is much higher than the 12.20 even to that of Japan186. Consistent with state’s participation in the Brazilian % of national total of domestic passengers these data are the high degree of urban- economy. As part of these tourists also 11.46 ization and the low level of agricultural visit other cities, this generates a contin- % of national total of international passengers and livestock production activity187. As a gent of domestic passengers from there, 18.95 result, industry and services have much increasing the penetration of air trans- Total cargo (kg) greater relative importance than the av- portation in the state. 50,787,710 erage in Brazil. The share of air cargo shipment in Rio % of the national total of cargo Such indicators suggest a proportion- de Janeiro in relation to Brazil’s total is 7.99 ately high penetration of domestic air only 5.7% in domestic transport and % of the national total of domestic cargo passenger transport. In fact, the rate is 10.9%190 internationally. These shares are 5.72

0.67 annual domestic trips per capita about half those of air passenger trans- % of the national total of international cargo (higher than that of São Paulo). port in the state, which represent 11.5% 10.91 The state has more outbound (10.1% and 19%191 of the domestic and interna- Airports with commercial flights of interstate flow) than inbound (9.5%)188 tional contingents, respectively. 5

54 The Brazilian Airlines Association Rio de Janeiro

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced


Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output INDUSTRY IN THE 5.4 10.2 17.7 45.8



3.9 Revenue specific to air transport Taxes (R$ billion) (direct impact) 0.5%

+ Other catalyzed

Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect + Induced impact + induced impact)

+ Indirect Aviation 1.6% direct (thousand) Jobs 1.1 85.4 136.7 277.9 988.7

1.8 Tourism output by air travel

3.1 (catalyzed industry) 9.1 2.6% Wages (R$ billion)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact

In all of international trade (sum of share of tourism catalyzed by it propor- + indirect impact + induced exports and imports) of the state, the air tionately greater than the figures of the impact + catalyzed industry) mode transported 55,000 tons of goods, local economy would lead one to assume. with a declared value of US$ 34 billion. Thus, the total output of the airline in- 4.2% This is equivalent to 0.1% of the state’s dustry (direct impact, indirect impact, total in weight and 14.7% of the total in induced impact and on catalyzed indus- value. Statistics show that the value try) was R$ 45.8 billion, representing added of air cargo was 284 times higher 4.2% of the output of the state. Aviation than the value carried by other modes192. also contributed to the generation of The appeal of the state capital to 989,000 jobs, with the payment of al- tourists helps to make the direct impact most R$ 9.1 billion in wages and R$ 3.9 of air transport and the consequent billion in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 55 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital RN - Natal Rio Grande Estimated population 3,442,175 Area (km2) do Norte 52,811 Population density (pop/km²) 65.18 Number of municipalities 167 Air transport generates Output (R$ million) 87,300

67,800 jobs and R$ 3.4 billion % of Brazilian output in output in the state 0.87 Output per capita (R$) 25,362

% of Brazilian output per capita The population density of Rio Grande main flows (in both directions) between 51.82 do Norte is 65 inhabitants per square kilo- Rio Grande do Norte and other states are, meter; this is high, when compared to the in order, with São Paulo, Distrito Federal,

194 Brazilian average . However, total per Rio de Janeiro and Ceará. INDUSTRY DATA193 capita output in the state is low, reaching The share of passengers boarded on Penetration of domestic air transport (flights only around half of the national average. domestic flights in Rio Grande do Norte per capita per annum) In terms of economic sectors, the in relation to all of Brazil is 1.19%. The 0.36 economy of the state is distributed as corresponding market penetration was Total passengers follows: agriculture and livestock pro- 0.36 trips per inhabitant per year (com- 1,270,337 duction account for 3% of the total; the pared to an average of 0.47 for Brazil as a % of national total of passengers 197 share of private services is below the whole) . Considering the low level of per 1.19 Brazilian average (46% compared to capita output, this is a high rate, and re- % of national total of domestic passengers 53%), while the share of government ser- sults from strong inbound tourism. The 1.28 vices is well above the average (28% as share of passenger boardings on interna- % of national total of international passengers compared to 16%)195. This distribution of tional flights is not large, and corresponds 0.38 economic activity among the different to approximately 3% of the total passen- Total cargo (kg) sectors is favorable to air transport of ger boardings in this state and to 0.4% of 6,895,779 198 domestic passengers. all travel in Brazil . % of the national total of cargo The inbound domestic tourist flow (all Cargo boarded on domestic and in- 1.09 modes of transport) of the state is 2.5%. It ternational flights in Rio Grande do % of the national total of domestic cargo exceeds the outbound flow, which ac- Norte accounts for 1.5% and 0.6%, re- 1.49 counts for 1.8% of the total Brazilian spectively199, of all Brazilian air cargo. % of the national total of international cargo flow196. Considering the geographical and The products shipped are mostly from 0.57 economic characteristics of this state, the fruit industry. In fact, the average Airports with commercial flights these volumes are quite significant. The weight of cargo loaded in 2015 per flight 1

56 The Brazilian Airlines Association Rio Grande do Norte

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism PARTICIPATION + Induced


Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output INDUSTRY IN THE 0.5 0.8 1.3 3.4



264.8 Revenue specific to air transport Taxes (R$ million) (direct impact) 0.6%

+ Other catalyzed

Air transport output + Catalyzed tourism (direct impact + indirect + Induced impact + induced impact)

+ Indirect Aviation 1.5% direct (thousand) Jobs 72 5.4 8.7 17.6 67.8

116 Tourism output by air travel

196 (catalyzed industry) 619 2.4% Wages (R$ million)

Total output related to air transport (direct impact was 532 kilograms for domestic flights, As a result of the low total output, the + indirect impact + induced and 6,331 kilograms for international importance of the state as an inbound impact + catalyzed industry) flights200. These amounts are both high- domestic tourism market, and the rela- er than average for Brazilian states. tively high amount of air cargo shipped, 3.9% Rio Grande do Norte accounted for a the share held by aviation (direct impact, relatively high share of international trade indirect impact, induced impact and on (sum of exports and imports) by air in catalyzed industry) in Rio Grande do 2015. The state’s share in this mode of ex- Norte was 3.9% (R$ 3.4 billion). Air ports was 10% in terms of value and 1.4% transport was also responsible for the in terms of weight. In imports, the share of creation of almost 68,000 jobs and for cargo transported by air was 7% in terms approximate payment of R$ 619 million of value and 0.04% in terms of weight201. in wages and R$ 265 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 57 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital RS - Rio Grande Estimated population 11,247,972 Area (km2) 281,731 do Sul Population density (pop/km²) 39.92 Number of municipalities 497 Output (R$ million) Air transport generates 686,600 191,500 jobs and R$ 9.6 billion % of Brazilian output in output in the state 6.86 Output per capita (R$) 61,042

% of Brazilian output per capita With a population density of approxi- of domestic passenger transportation by 124.72 mately 40 inhabitants per square kilome- air is just 0.36 annual trips per inhabitant ter, Rio Grande do Sul is the fourth largest (considerably below the Brazilian average,

205 state economy in Brazil and accounts for which is 0.47) . Given the size of the INDUSTRY DATA202 6.9% of the overall output of the country. economy of the state, both outbound and Penetration of domestic air transport (flights Per capita output in the state is much inbound tourism are small, corresponding per capita per annum) higher than the Brazilian average203. to 5.4% and 3.4%, respectively, of the total 0.36 Noteworthy is the share held by agricul- domestic interstate flows206. Total passengers ture and livestock production, which ac- Although movement at the port of Rio 4,251,433 counts for 10% of the total output of the Grande city is proportional to the share % of national total of passengers state (compared to 2% for the state of São Rio Grande do Sul holds in the national 3.98 Paulo and the Brazilian average of 5%)204. economy (about 7% of the total movement % of national total of domestic passengers In qualitative terms, different from at Brazilian ports207), the volume of air 4.16 most of Brazil, social indicators show that cargo (domestic and international) % of national total of international passengers Rio Grande do Sul has a fairly homogenous shipped in this state is small, and accounts 2.39 income distribution. Likewise, the distri- for less than 2% of the Brazilian total. Total cargo (kg) bution of inhabitants throughout the state Domestic air cargo shipped in the state 12,668,623 is quite evenly balanced, without extreme corresponds to 2.7% of the national total. % of the national total of cargo population concentrations or empty areas. Average weight shipped per flight is mod- 1.99

The population of the Região Metropoli- est: while the average cargo shipped on % of the national total of domestic cargo tana de Porto Alegre (greater Porto Alegre each domestic Brazilian flight in 2015 was 2.68 area) accounts for 35% of the state’s total, 382 kilograms (which is low, when com- % of the national total of international cargo which is low by Brazilian standards. pared to the average 1,400 kilograms per 1.11 In spite of the fact that per capita out- flight in the United States208), in Rio Grande Airports with commercial flights put is above the Brazilian average, the rate do Sul this number was 264 kilograms209. 6

58 The Brazilian Airlines Association Rio Grande do Sul

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism

+ Induced PARTICIPATION + Indirect OF THE AIRLINE Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output 1.0 1.8 3.0 9.6 INDUSTRY IN THE



739.0 Revenue specific Taxes (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact) 0.1% + Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism Air transport output

+ Induced (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 0.4% 0.2 13.7 21.9 44.6 191.5

0.3 Tourism output by air travel 0.5 (catalyzed industry)


Wages (R$ billion) 1.0%

Total output related

As a result, this state accounts for a combination of the following factors: to air transport (direct impact small share of international trade trans- average demographic density for Brazil- + indirect impact + induced ported by air (sum of exports and im- ian standards, relatively high participa- impact + catalyzed industry) ports). In 2015, 37,000 tons of merchan- tion of the agricultural and livestock dise were sent by air from Rio Grande do sector in the economy, and inexpressive 1.4% Sul, with a value of US$ 1.1 billion. Of the inbound tourism. international goods shipped by the state, As a result, in 2015 the total impact of it accounted for 0.02% of the weight and the airline industry (direct impact, indi- 1.5% of the value210. rect impact, induced impact and on cata- Everything would indicate that the lyzed industry) was 1.4% of the state’s low level of air transportation in Rio output (R$ 9.6 billion), 191,500 jobs were Grande do Sul is not related to per cap- generated, and R$ 1.7 billion in wages ita output in this state, but rather, to a and R$ 739 million in taxes were paid.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 59 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital RO -

Estimated population 1,768,204 Area (km2) 237,590 Population density (pop/km²) Rondônia 7.44 Number of municipalities 52 Output (R$ million) 54,200 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 0.54

20,900 jobs and R$ 1.1 billion Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 30,653 % of Brazilian output per capita 62.63

The population density of Rondônia is states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso. just over 7 inhabitants per square kilome- Inbound tourism is much smaller; it is INDUSTRY DATA211 ter, which is relatively high for the North the equivalent of 0.2% of the total Bra- Penetration of domestic air transport (flights Region of Brazil212. The economy of the zilian amount, and tourists are almost per capita per annum) state accounts for 0.54% of total Brazilian exclusively from Amazonas215. 0.30 output; in per capita terms, it is a little Domestic passenger transport is 0.30 Total passengers higher than half of the Brazilian average. annual trips per inhabitant, which is 535,351 Agriculture and livestock account for lower than the national average (0.47). % of national total of passengers 12% of the total state output, which is Unlike other states with an economy of 0.50 above the regional average. The propor- similar size, Rondônia has several air- % of national total of domestic passengers tion of gross value added by the industrial ports with regular domestic operations 0.56

sector is average in relation to neighboring and a significant volume of passengers for % of national total of international passengers states. Private services are slightly higher local standards: Porto Velho, Cacoal, 0.00

than the regional average, and the oppo- Vilhena and Ji-Paraná. The main desti- Total cargo (kg) site is true of government services (40% nations of passengers who traveled in 1,825,284 213 and 29%, respectively ). 2015 were Mato Grosso (29%), Distrito % of the national total of cargo There is a predominance of domestic Federal (28%) and Amazonas (22%)216. 0.29

outbound tourism, who account for There is no international air transporta- % of the national total of domestic cargo 0.5% of the total national flow214, which tion service in this state. 0.51

is compatible with the share of the state Shipment of cargo by air on domestic % of the national total of international cargo in Brazilian output. The principal desti- flights in 2015 was significant and corre- 0.00 nations of tourists from Rondônia, ac- sponded to 0.5% of total air cargo in Bra- Airports with commercial flights counting for 80% of movement, are the zil, which is similar to its passenger num- 4

60 The Brazilian Airlines Association Rondônia

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION + Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced


Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output STATE ECONOMY 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.1

33.0 Revenue specific to air transport 83.3 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.3%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced 0.8% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 26 1.9 3.1 6.4 20.9 Tourism output by air travel

42 (catalyzed industry) 71 1.2% 194

Wages (R$ million) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) bers. The average amount of cargo per Together, these factors caused air trans- 2.0% flight in the state was 289 kilograms, port to account for a share of the total output which is close to the Brazilian average of of Rondônia (direct impact, indirect impact, 382 kilograms217. induced impact and on catalyzed industry) Foreign trade accounts for a significant of 2% (R$ 1.1 billion), which is well below the 17% of the state GDP218, but exports are Brazilian average. In Rondônia, aviation primarily composed of products from the was responsible for the generation of almost agriculture and livestock sector, which are 21,000 jobs, with payment of R$ 194 million normally transported by water219. in wages and R$ 83 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 61 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital RR - Boa Vista

Estimated population 505,665 Area (km2) 224,303 Population density (pop/km²) Roraima 2.25 Number of municipalities 15 Output (R$ million) 13,100 Air transport generates % of Brazilian output 0.13

3,600 jobs and R$ 219 million Output per capita (R$) in output in the state 25,906 % of Brazilian output per capita 52.93

The northernmost state of Brazil, Ror- 0.2% of all domestic national travel224. The aima, which was created by the Federal use of domestic passenger air travel is com- INDUSTRY DATA220 Constitution of 1988, has a population patible with the total per capita output of Penetration of domestic air transport (flights density of just over 2 inhabitants per Roraima and corresponds to 0.33 annual per capita per annum) square kilometer, which is similar to the trips per inhabitant. There is no international 0.33 population density of Amazonas221. air transportation service in this state. Total passengers Roraima is responsible for 0.13% of all Brasília and Manaus are the only air- 167,312 Brazilian output222. Its composition is ports with relevant connectivity to Boa % of national total of passengers 225 quite different from the national average; Vista . Both cities are sufficiently far 0.16 as in the other states that had previously away from the capital of Roraima to justify % of national total of domestic passengers been federal territories, the share of gov- the use of air transport. 0.17

ernment services is expressive. The shares The passenger load factor of domestic % of national total of international passengers of gross value added in the state’s output flights serving Boa Vista was 82%226, which is 0.00

are as follows: agriculture and livestock, within global standards. This shows that the Total cargo (kg) 5%; industry, 13%; private services, 35%; region has a supply that is consistent with its 121,255

and government services, 48%. Per capita demand. However, the merely average high- % of the national total of cargo output is slightly higher than half the Bra- way infrastructure in the state and the level of 0.02 223 zilian average , which is explained in availability of railway and waterway trans- % of the national total of domestic cargo part by the highest relative share of the portation do not indicate a channeling of de- 0.03

government in output among all Brazilian mand towards air transportation. % of the national total of international cargo federated units. Exports from Roraima account for only 0.00 Outbound tourism is predominantly 3% of the product of agricultural and live- Airports with commercial flights geared towards Amazonas and accounts for stock and industrial sectors combined227. 1

62 The Brazilian Airlines Association Roraima

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE + Induced INDUSTRY IN THE + Indirect

Aviation STATE ECONOMY direct (R$ million) Output 37.0 50.0 70.0 219.0

Revenue specific 4.0 to air transport

13.8 (direct impact)

Taxes (R$ million) 0.3%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism + Induced 0.5% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs Tourism output by air travel 3 0.2 0.4 0.8 3.6

(catalyzed industry) 5 8 1.1%


Wages Total output related (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 1.7% Even so, 7% in terms of value and 1.2% in low output in the air transport sector. terms of weight of the state’s total exports Between the direct impact, indirect im- are transported by air228. pact, induced impact and on catalyzed The small numbers of passengers (re- industry, the air transport industry ac- sulting from low economic interaction counted for 1.7% (R$ 219 million) of total with other federated units), the incipient output in Roraima in 2015, generating nature of cargo transport, and the ab- 3,600 jobs, payment of R$ 32 million in sence of long-distance travelers lead to wages and almost R$ 14 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 63 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital SC - Florianópolis

Estimated population 6,819,190 Area (km2) Santa 95,734 Population density (pop/km²) 71.23 Catarina Number of municipalities 295 Output (R$ million) 393,500

% of Brazilian output Air transport generates 3.93 Output per capita (R$) 140,800 jobs and R$ 6.4 billion 57,705 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 117.91

The population density of Santa Ca- distances between Florianópolis and INDUSTRY DATA229 tarina is a little more than 71 inhabitants Curitiba, Porto Alegre and São Paulo are Penetration of domestic air transport (flights per square kilometer, the highest in the 363 kilometers, 245 kilometers and 498 per capita per annum) South Region. The per capita output of kilometers, respectively. 0.43 Santa Catarina is quite high when com- International inbound tourism is small: Total passengers pared to the Brazilian average (around the state receives some 150,000 tourists a 3,002,236 20% higher). The share of the industrial year, 46% of whom come by air. Of the total % of national total of passengers sector in the total output of the state, arriving by this mode, 47,000 come from 2.81 31%, is among the largest in Brazil230. Argentina and 17,000 from Chile232. % of national total of domestic passengers Santa Catarina is an important tour- The penetration of domestic passenger 3.05 ist destination and accounts for 7.9% of air transport is 0.43 annual trips per in- % of national total of international passengers Brazilian inter-state inbound tourism habitant233, which is below the Brazilian 0.61

(all modes of transport), occupying the average, even though per capita output in Total cargo (kg) fifth position, slightly behind Minas this state is relatively high. This is likely 4,320,934

Gerais and Bahia (each of which re- due to the large share of travel for vaca- % of the national total of cargo ceives 8.6% of the total). The main in- tion/leisure and to the proximity to the 0.68 terstate flows come from Paraná (31% major Brazilian outbound tourist centers, % of the national total of domestic cargo of total), Rio Grande do Sul (34%) and which make air mode not as competitive 1.21

São Paulo (20%)231. as the highway mode of transport. % of the national total of international cargo This travel is predominantly done by In spite of the relative importance of 0.00 highway mode, since the distances in- industrial production, air cargo ship- Airports with commercial flights volved are not great – the straight-line ment in the state is small, only reaching 6

64 The Brazilian Airlines Association Santa Catarina

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION

+ Catalyzed tourism OF THE AIRLINE


+ Indirect STATE ECONOMY Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output 0.4 0.7 1.2 6.4

Revenue specific to air transport 94.0 (direct impact)

517.0 Taxes 0.1% (R$ million)

Air transport output (direct impact + indirect + Other catalyzed impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism 0.3% + Induced

+ Indirect

Aviation Tourism output by air travel direct (thousand) Jobs (catalyzed industry) 73 5.5 8.8 18.0 140.8

118 1.3% 199

1.235 Total output related Wages (R$ million) to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 1.6% an average of 45 kilograms per flight234. air transport industry (direct impact, indi- This weak performance is probably due rect impact, induced impact and on cata- to the small distances from the main lyzed industry) contributed with just 1.6% economic hubs in the region. (R$ 6.4 billion) of the output of Santa Cata- It is reasonable to believe that the eco- rina. This sector generated slightly fewer nomic, demographic and geographic condi- than 141,000 jobs, R$ 1.2 billion in wages tions commented on above explain why the and R$ 517 million in taxes in the state.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 65 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital SP - São Paulo

Estimated population 44,396,484 Area (km2) 248,222 Population density (pop/km²) 178.86 São Paulo Number of municipalities 645 Output (R$ million) 3,320,200

% of Brazilian output Air transport generates 33.18 Output per capita (R$) 2,400,000 jobs and R$ 120 billion 74,785 in output in the state % of Brazilian output per capita 152.81

With a high population density of al- this places São Paulo on a similar level INDUSTRY DATA235 most 179 inhabitants per square kilometer, with Spain (0.63, in 2014)240. Penetration of domestic air transport (flights and output equivalent to a third of all Bra- Air cargo transport in São Paulo is no per capita per annum) zilian output236, the state of São Paulo has less important than passenger trans- 0.62 the largest economy in the country. If it port. In 2015, of the state’s international Total passengers were a separate country, São Paulo would trade (sum of exports and imports), the 34,384,293 be the 24th largest economy in the world. As air transport mode moved 769,000 tons % of national total of passengers a result, it meets the essential requirements of goods, with a value of US$ 21 billion. 32.23 for the heavy presence and use of the air This is equal to 1.1% of the total trans- % of national total of domestic passengers transport industry. ported by all modes in terms of weight, 28.57 241 The 34 million passenger boardings and 19.4% of the total value . The % of national total of international passengers on domestic and international flights in added value of the air cargo was about 65.67

2015 through the airports of São Paulo 22 times higher than that transported by Total cargo (kg) correspond to 32% of all Brazilian air other modes. 350,878,631 237 travelers . That same year, cargo trans- Due to its very nature, air transport % of the national total of cargo ported on domestic and international offers valuable benefits for economic 55.22 238 flights (351 million tons ) represented growth, whether in terms of conducting % of the national total of domestic cargo 55% of the total transported in Brazil. business, increasing productivity or con- 36.43

As would be expected, the population nectivity with other states and countries. % of the national total of international cargo of São Paulo uses a high rate of air trans- As a result, more than 50% of the domes- 79.33 portation: there are 0.62 annual domestic tic flights in Brazil are for business, the Airports with commercial flights trips per inhabitant239. In global terms, largest share among all modes of trans- 12

66 The Brazilian Airlines Association São Paulo

+ Other catalyzed

+ Catalyzed tourism

+ Induced PARTICIPATION + Indirect

Aviation OF THE AIRLINE direct (R$ billion) Output 18.1 33.4 57.3 119.7 INDUSTRY IN THE



Taxes Revenue specific (R$ billion) to air transport (direct impact)

+ Other catalyzed 0.5%

+ Catalyzed tourism Air transport output + Induced (direct impact + indirect + Indirect impact + induced impact)

Aviation direct (million) Jobs 3.6 0.3 0.4 0.9 2.4



9.9 Tourism output by air travel (catalyzed industry) 22.2

Wages (R$ billion) 1.9%

port242. In the state of São Paulo, this is billion (3.6% of the total output of the Total output related equal to 14 million work-related domestic state). Considering all the impacts (direct to air transport (direct impact air trips in 2015. Business-related travel impact, indirect impact, induced impact + indirect impact + induced accounts for about 27% of travel in the and on catalyzed industry), aviation gen- impact + catalyzed industry) international inbound mode243, resulting erated almost 2.4 million jobs, payment in an estimated additional 2 million an- of R$ 22.2 billion in wages and R$ 9.7 3.6% nual business trips in the state. billion in taxes (of which R$ 3.7 billion In 2015, the value of the exclusive out- was ICMS, the Brazilian consumption put (direct impact, indirect impact, and value added tax244). the induced impact) of the air transport Therefore, it is clear that air transpor- industry in São Paulo was R$ 57.3 billion, tation, whether in the passenger or cargo or 1.73% of the state’s total output. Add- mode, is essential for the economy of the ing the tourism revenue catalyzed by avi- state of São Paulo, and goes beyond its ation to this amount, it climbs to R$ 119.7 already significant impacts.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 67 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital SE -

Estimated population 2,242,937 Area (km2) 21,918 Population density (pop/km²) 102.33 Number of municipalities Sergipe 75 Output (R$ million) 57,700

% of Brazilian output 0.58 Air transport generates Output per capita (R$) 24,500 jobs and R$ 1.3 billion 25,725 % of Brazilian output per capita in output in the state 52.56

INDUSTRY DATA245 Sergipe has a population density of bound tourism is much less expressive and Penetration of domestic air transport (flights 102 inhabitants per square kilometer, corresponds to 0.7% of the national per capita per annum) much higher than the national average total249. Almost 90% of the inbound tour- 0.28 (24 inhabitants per square kilometer)246. ists come from Alagoas, Bahia and Per- Total passengers Total per capita output is slightly higher nambuco, whose capital cities are located 616,878 than half the Brazilian average, and it less than 400 kilometers from Aracaju. As % of national total of passengers has the highest per capita output among a result, air transport is not the most com- 0.58 states in the Northeast Region247. petitive mode from the standpoint of in- % of national total of domestic passengers The breakdown of state output by eco- bound tourism. 0.64 nomic sector is close to the national aver- Domestic boardings in Sergipe account % of national total of international passengers age in agriculture and livestock, as well as for 0.64% of the Brazilian total, a higher 0.00 in industry, with shares of 6% and 26%. percentage than the share of the state in Total cargo (kg) However, the share of government ser- the total output in Brazil, which is 0.58%. 517,720 vices alone accounts for 26% (compared to The preferred destinations of air travelers % of the national total of cargo 16% for Brazil as a whole) and private who leave the state were São Paulo (34% of 0.08 services accounts for 43% of the total the total), Bahia (20%), Rio de Janeiro % of the national total of domestic cargo (compared to 53%)248. (18%) and Distrito Federal (15%)250. There 0.14

The tourism in the state is predomi- was no regular international air transport % of the national total of international cargo nantly inbound and accounts for 1.6% of of passengers in Sergipe in 2015. 0.00 the total amount of the tourist flow be- Domestic air cargo shipment in the Airports with commercial flights tween Brazilian federated units. Out- state is not very significant and corre- 1

68 The Brazilian Airlines Association Sergipe

+ Other catalyzed PARTICIPATION + Catalyzed tourism



Aviation direct (R$ billion) Output STATE ECONOMY 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.3

34.6 Revenue specific to air transport 96.1 (direct impact) Taxes (R$ million) 0.3%

Air transport output + Other catalyzed (direct impact + indirect + Catalyzed tourism impact + induced impact) + Induced 0.8% + Indirect

Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs 27 2.0 3.3 6.6 24.5 Tourism output by air travel

43 (catalyzed industry) 73 1.4% 224

Wages (R$ million) Total output related to air transport (direct impact + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) sponds to 518 tons, which is equivalent Even without any international flights 2.2% to an average of 93 kilograms per and the incipient nature of cargo transport, flight, around one-fourth of the Brazil- in 2015, air transport aviation (direct im- ian average251. pact, indirect impact, induced impact and Import and export movements account on catalyzed industry) accounted for 2.2% for around 3% of the GDP252 of the state. (R$ 1.3 billion) of the total output of the However, the share of air transport in the state. This industry generated 24,500 jobs international trade (sum of exports and and payment of R$ 224 million in wages imports) was only 5% in terms of value253. and R$ 96 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 69 Benefits of Air Transport


State abbreviation and capital TO - Palmas

Estimated population 1,515,126 Area (km2) 277,720 Population density (pop/km²) 5.46 Number of municipalities 139 Tocantins Output (R$ million) 39,200

% of Brazilian output 0.39

Output per capita (R$) Air transport generates 25,872 % of Brazilian output per capita 13,900 jobs and R$ 647 million 52.86 in output in the state


Penetration of domestic air transport (flights Created by the 1988 Constitution, Tocan- Outbound tourism accounts for 0.7% of the per capita per annum) tins has a population density of 5.5 inhabi- national domestic flows and inbound tour- 0.23 tants per square kilometer, approximately ism, for 1.1%259. However, only about 7% of Total passengers 260 one-fourth of the average density in Bra- these tourists traveled by air . 355,176 zil255. Total per capita output is low, around The share of the state in passenger % of national total of passengers 256 half of the average output in Brazil . boardings on domestic flights was 0.37% 0.33 As is the case for all recently created of the national total261, which corresponds % of national total of domestic passengers states, the gross value added of govern- to the share of the state in total Brazilian 0.37 262 ment services as a share of the state’s out- output (0.39%) . However, the domestic % of national total of international passengers put is high: 32%, compared to the Brazil- passenger travel rate is 0.23 annual trips 0.00 ian average of 16%. Agriculture and live- per inhabitant (compared to the Brazilian Total cargo (kg) stock accounts for 13% of output, which is average of 0.47263). This low rate results 832,715 257 a high rate (the Brazilian average is 5% ). essentially from the low per capita income % of the national total of cargo Industrial output (principally mineral and low population density in this state. 0.13 products, rubber and plastic, agroindus- Domestic air cargo movement is also % of the national total of domestic cargo try and food processing258) accounts for small: it averages only 144 kilograms per 0.23

17%, and private services, for 38%. flight (40% of the Brazilian average264). % of the national total of international cargo Tourism-related movement in Tocan- Water mode is preferred by agribusiness, 0.00 tins is expressive, considering the econom- an industry with major local relevance, to Airports with commercial flights ic and population dimensions of the state. transport its production. 2

70 The Brazilian Airlines Association Tocantins

PARTICIPATION + Other catalyzed OF THE AIRLINE + Catalyzed tourism INDUSTRY IN THE + Induced


Aviation direct (R$ million) Output 53.0 84.0 132.0 647.0 Revenue specific

to air transport 9.3 (direct impact)


Taxes 0.1% (R$ million)

Air transport output (direct impact + indirect + Other catalyzed impact + induced impact) + Catalyzed tourism 0.3% + Induced

+ Indirect Tourism output by air travel Aviation direct (thousand) Jobs (catalyzed industry) 7 0.5 0.8 1.8 13.9

11 1.3% 19

122 Total output related Wages to air transport (direct impact (R$ million) + indirect impact + induced impact + catalyzed industry) 1.7%

As a result of the low levels of domestic output of the state was below the Brazilian passenger and cargo transport and the average. Nonetheless, in 2015, it reached absence of international air services, the 1.7% of the output of the state (R$ 647 share of the air transport industry (direct million), generating almost 14,000 jobs impact, indirect impact, induced impact and payment of R$ 122 million in wages and on catalyzed industry) in the total and R$ 51 million in taxes.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 71 Benefits of Air Transport

Brazil – Output


Air transport Catalyzed industry Total


Acre 63 25 39 285 412 Alagoas 299 226 351 1,372 2,248 Amapá 37 20 32 488 577 Amazonas 925 605 943 2,120 4,593 Bahia 1,612 1,225 1,908 9,361 14,106 Ceará 1,332 974 1,518 6,401 10,225 Distrito Federal 2,777 1,597 2,489 23,981 30,844 Espírito Santo 218 251 390 2,703 3,562 Goiás 244 158 246 2,965 3,613 Maranhão 307 340 531 1,438 2,615 Mato Grosso 385 398 620 2,018 3,421 Mato Grosso do Sul 160 121 189 1,678 2,148 Minas Gerais 1,209 1,012 1,577 11,461 15,259 Pará 763 530 826 3,235 5,354 Paraíba 296 143 223 1,375 2,037 Paraná 771 692 1,079 8,620 11,162 Pernambuco 1,406 1,031 1,606 6,516 10,559 Piauí 165 96 150 871 1,282 Rio de Janeiro 5,448 4,789 7,463 28,057 45,757 Rio Grande do Norte 510 303 472 2,133 3,418 Rio Grande do Sul 1,014 768 1,197 6,575 9,554 Rondônia 153 110 171 677 1,110 Roraima 37 13 20 149 219 Santa Catarina 360 309 482 5,207 6,358 São Paulo 18,074 15,345 23,912 62,408 119,739 Sergipe 150 114 178 833 1,275 Tocantins 53 31 48 515 647

BRAZIL TOTAL 38,765 31,226 48,660 193,441 312,092

The individual data from the federated units, as well as some totals, may be subject to small variations in relation to those cited elsewhere in this publica- tion. This is due to the need to round off numbers when creating the tables and analyses.

72 The Brazilian Airlines Association Comparison charts

Brazil – Jobs


Air transport Catalyzed industry Total


Acre 442 266 731 6,384 7,823 Alagoas 4,022 2,416 6,652 29,665 42,755 Amapá 361 217 597 11,511 12,686 Amazonas 10,794 6,485 17,852 40,215 75,346 Bahia 21,836 13,119 36,115 215,667 286,737 Ceará 17,375 10,439 28,737 160,589 217,140 Distrito Federal 28,482 17,112 47,107 644,183 736,884 Espírito Santo 4,467 2,683 7,387 62,298 76,835 Goiás 2,818 1,693 4,661 72,073 81,245 Maranhão 6,071 3,647 10,040 32,507 52,265 Mato Grosso 7,091 4,260 11,728 38,492 61,571 Mato Grosso do Sul 2,162 1,299 3,575 41,755 48,791 Minas Gerais 18,040 10,838 29,837 270,627 329,342 Pará 9,456 5,681 15,639 66,378 97,154 Paraíba 2,550 1,532 4,217 33,359 41,658 Paraná 12,345 7,417 20,417 193,963 234,142 Pernambuco 18,381 11,043 30,401 156,347 216,172 Piauí 1,714 1,030 2,835 19,410 24,989 Rio de Janeiro 85,396 51,305 141,237 710,788 988,726 Rio Grande do Norte 5,405 3,247 8,940 50,173 67,765 Rio Grande do Sul 13,694 8,227 22,648 146,904 191,473 Rondônia 1,954 1,174 3,232 14,548 20,908 Roraima 234 141 388 2,848 3,611 Santa Catarina 5,516 3,314 9,124 122,801 140,755 São Paulo 273,615 164,384 452,532 1,465,329 2,355,860 Sergipe 2,035 1,223 3,366 17,857 24,481 Tocantins 544 327 900 12,153 13,924

BRAZIL TOTAL 556,800 334,519 920,895 4,638,824 6,451,038

The individual data from the federated units, as well as some totals, may be subject to small variations in relation to those cited elsewhere in this publica- tion. This is due to the need to round off numbers when creating the tables and analyses.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 73 Benefits of Air Transport

Brazil – Wages


Air transport Catalyzed industry Total


Acre 6 4 7 54 71 Alagoas 53 32 59 251 395 Amapá 5 3 5 98 111 Amazonas 143 87 159 339 728 Bahia 290 176 322 1,820 2,608 Ceará 231 140 256 1,354 1,981 Distrito Federal 378 230 420 5,434 6,462 Espírito Santo 59 36 66 525 686 Goiás 37 23 42 608 710 Maranhão 81 49 90 274 494 Mato Grosso 94 57 105 325 581 Mato Grosso do Sul 29 17 32 353 431 Minas Gerais 240 146 266 2,283 2,935 Pará 126 76 140 561 903 Paraíba 34 21 38 282 375 Paraná 164 100 182 1,636 2,082 Pernambuco 244 148 271 1,319 1,982 Piauí 23 14 25 164 226 Rio de Janeiro 1,134 690 1,261 5,997 9,082 Rio Grande do Norte 72 44 80 423 619 Rio Grande do Sul 182 111 202 1,239 1,734 Rondônia 26 16 29 123 194 Roraima 3 2 3 24 32 Santa Catarina 73 45 81 1,036 1,235 São Paulo 3,633 2,209 4,039 12,363 22,244 Sergipe 27 16 30 151 224 Tocantins 7 4 8 103 122

BRAZIL TOTAL 7,394 4,496 8,218 39,139 59,247

The individual data from the federated units, as well as some totals, may be subject to small variations in relation to those cited elsewhere in this publica- tion. This is due to the need to round off numbers when creating the tables and analyses.

74 The Brazilian Airlines Association Comparison charts

Brazil – Taxes


Air transport Catalyzed industry Total


Acre 8 22 30 Alagoas 68 102 171 Amapá 6 40 46 Amazonas 184 139 322 Bahia 372 743 1,114 Ceará 296 553 849 Distrito Federal 485 2,219 2,704 Espírito Santo 76 215 291 Goiás 48 248 296 Maranhão 103 112 215 Mato Grosso 121 133 253 Mato Grosso do Sul 37 144 181 Minas Gerais 307 932 1,239 Pará 161 229 390 Paraíba 43 115 158 Paraná 210 668 878 Pernambuco 313 539 851 Piauí 29 67 96 Rio de Janeiro 1,453 2,448 3,901 Rio Grande do Norte 92 173 265 Rio Grande do Sul 233 506 739 Rondônia 33 50 83 Roraima 4 10 14 Santa Catarina 94 423 517 São Paulo 4,655 5,047 9,703 Sergipe 35 62 96 Tocantins 9 42 51

BRAZIL TOTAL 9,473 15,979 25,452

The individual data from the federated units, as well as some totals, may be subject to small variations in relation to those cited elsewhere in this publica- tion. This is due to the need to round off numbers when creating the tables and analyses.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 75 Benefits of Air Transport



1 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 48 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. (inbound and outbound) were 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 49 MTur, Anuário estatístico de turismo – 2016, v. 43, base year extracted from the Ministério 2 IBGE, Estados@. 2015. 3 United States Census Bureau, American Fact Finder. 50 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. do Turismo (MTur – Ministry of 4 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 51 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. Tourism) and refer to all modes. 5 CIA, The World Fact Book. 52 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Data on air transportation 6 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. passengers are from the Agência 7-8 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 53-54 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. 55-56 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC – 9 MTur, Anuário estatístico de turismo – 2016, v. 43, Elaborated by ABEAR. base year 2015. 57 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo National Civil Aviation Agency). 10 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 11 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios by ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 58 MTur, Anuário estatístico de turismo – 2016, v. 43, base year Data on international trade chain aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 2015. 12 IBGE, Estados@. 59 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. (exports and imports) for each 13-14 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Elaborated by ABEAR. 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. 60 FIEB, Sistema FIEB – Notícias, “Indústria de transformação da federated unit are from the 15 Governo do Estado do Acre, Portal do Governo do Acre. Bahia registrou retração de 6,4% em abril. Ministério da Indústria, Comércio 16 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 61 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated by 62 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Exterior e Serviços (MDIC – ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 17 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade 18 IBGE, Estados@. 63 IBGE, Estados@. 19 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 64 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. and Services) and consider the 20 CNT, Pesquisa CNT de rodovias 2015. Elaborated by ABEAR. 21 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 65-66 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo federated unit as the origin or 22 IBGE, Estados@, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte by ABEAR. destination of the goods, regardless aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 67-68 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 23 IBGE, Estados@. Elaborated by ABEAR. of transportation mode or route. 24 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 69 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 70 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Specific data on international air 25 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. freight are from ANAC. 26 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 71 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). by ABEAR. 72-74 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 27 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 75 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR 95 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 28-30 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 76 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte Elaborated by ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 31 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 96 IBGE, Estados@. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 77 IBGE, Estados@. 97 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 78-80 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. 32 IBGE, Estados@. Elaborated by ABEAR. 98 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 33-35 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 81-83 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated by ABEAR. 36 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo by ABEAR. 99-101 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 84 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 102 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 37 IBGE, Estados@. 85 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 103 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 38 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 86 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 39 CNT, Pesquisa CNT de Rodovias 2015. 87 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 104 IBGE, Estados@. 40 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 105 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 41 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 88 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 106 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013; ANAC, 42 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Elaborated by ABEAR. Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 89 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 107 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 43-44 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 90 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 108 SAC, O Brasil que voa (executive report). Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). 109-111 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 45 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 91 SAC, O Brasil que voa (executive report). Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 92 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 112 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 113 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 46 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 93 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 47 SAC, O Brasil que voa (executive report). 94 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 114 IBGE, Estados@.

76 The Brazilian Airlines Association Notes

115 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 170 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 219 Governo do Estado de Rondônia, Portal do Governo do Estado Elaborated by ABEAR. 171 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios de Rondônia. 116 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 220 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte by ABEAR. 172 IBGE, Estados@. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 117-120 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 173 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 221-222 IBGE, Estados@. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 223 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 121 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 174 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. 122 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 224 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 175 IBGE, Estados@. by ABEAR. 123-124 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 176 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 225-226 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 125 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated Elaborated by ABEAR. 126 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo; by ABEAR. 227 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013; IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 177-180 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 228 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 127 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 181 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 229 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 128 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 182 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 129 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 130 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 230 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 131 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 183-184 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 231 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 185 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 232 MTur, Anuário estatístico de turismo – 2016, v. 43, base 132 IBGE, Estados@. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. year 2015. 133-134 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 186 CIA, The World Fact Book. 233-234 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 187 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. 135 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 188 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 235 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte by ABEAR. by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 136 SAC, O Brasil que voa (executive report). 189 MTur, Anuário estatístico de turismo – 2016, v. 43, base year 236 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 137-138 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 2015. 237-238 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 190-191 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 239 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 139 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 192 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 240 ABEAR, Panorama 2015. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 193 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 241 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. 140-141 IBGE, Estados@. 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 242 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 142-143 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated by ABEAR. 194 IBGE, Estados@. 243 MTur, Estudo da demanda turística internacional 2011-2015. 144 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 195 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 244 Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. 245 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios by ABEAR. 196 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo; 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 145-146 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 147 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 246 IBGE, Estados@. 148 FIEP, Sistema Indústria, “Exportações na Paraíba crescem em by ABEAR. 247-248 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 27%”. 197-200 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 149 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios Elaborated by ABEAR. 249 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 201 MDIC, Alice Web. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 202 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios by ABEAR. 150 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 250-251 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 2010-2013. Elaborated by ABEAR. aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 151-152 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 203-204 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 252-253 MDIC, Alice Web; IBGE, Estados@. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 205 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 254 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios by ABEAR. 206 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 153 ABEAR, Panorama 2015. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 154 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. by ABEAR. 255 IBGE, Estados@. Elaborated by ABEAR. 207 ANTAQ, Boletim portuário – terceiro trimestre de 2014. 256-257 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 155 ABEAR, Panorama 2015. 208 DOT - Bureau of Transportation Statistics, TranStats. Elaborated by ABEAR. 156-158 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 209 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 258 Governo do Estado do Tocantins, Portal Tocantins - Indústria. 159 ANTAQ, Anuário estatístico aquaviário 2015. Elaborated by Elaborated by ABEAR. 259 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo ABEAR. 210 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 160 MDIC, Alice Web. 211 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios by ABEAR. 161 IBGE, Estados@; Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte 260 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo 2010-2013; ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report); ANAC, aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. 212 IBGE, Estados@. Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated 162-164 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 213 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 261 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 165-166 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 214-215 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). Elaborated 262 IBGE, Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013. 167 MTur, Caracterização e dimensionamento by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. do turismo doméstico no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report). 216-217 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 263-264 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. 168-169 ANAC, Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. Elaborated by ABEAR. 218 MDIC, Alice Web. Elaborated by ABEAR.

The Brazilian Airlines Association 77 Benefits of Air Transport


AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO ACRE (ANAC – NATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION AGENCY) (GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF ACRE) Base de dados estatísticos do transporte aéreo, available at: Portal do Governo do Acre, available at: [accessed 21 September 2016].

AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DOS TRANSPORTES AQUAVIÁRIOS GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO TOCANTINS (ANTAQ – NATIONAL AGENCY FOR WATERWAY TRANSPORTATION) (GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF TOCANTINS) Anuário estatístico aquaviário 2015, available at: Portal Tocantins - Indústria, available at: Boletim Portuário – 3º trimestre/2014, available at: [accessed 27 September 2016]. INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE GEOGRAFIA E ESTATÍSTICA (IBGE – BRAZILIAN INSTITUTE OF GEOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS) ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS EMPRESAS AÉREAS Estados@, available at: (ABEAR – THE BRAZILIAN AIRLINES ASSOCIATION) Produto Interno Bruto dos municípios 2010-2013, available at: Panorama 2015, available at:

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) MINISTÉRIO DA INDÚSTRIA, COMÉRCIO EXTERIOR The World Fact Book, available at: E SERVIÇOS (MDIC – MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, FOREIGN TRADE [accessed 03 October 2016]. AND SERVICES) Alice Web, available at: CONFEDERAÇÃO NACIONAL DOS TRANSPORTES (CNT – NATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF TRANSPORT) MINISTÉRIO DO TURISMO (MTUR – MINISTRY OF TOURISM) Pesquisa CNT de rodovias 2015, available at: Anuário estatístico de turismo – 2016, v. 43, base year 2015, available at: Caracterização e dimensionamento do turismo doméstico FEDERAÇÃO DAS INDÚSTRIAS DA PARAÍBA no Brasil – 2010/2011 (executive report), available at: (FIEP – FEDERATION OF THE INDUSTRIES OF PARAÍBA) Sistema Indústria – Notícias, “Exportações na Paraíba Estudo da demanda turística internacional 2011-2015, available at: crescem em 27%”, available at: [accessed 23 September 2016]. SECRETARIA DE AVIAÇÃO CIVIL FEDERAÇÃO DAS INDÚSTRIAS DO ESTADO DA BAHIA (SAC – SECRETARY OF CIVIL AVIATION) (FIEB – FEDERATION OF THE INDUSTRIES OF THE STATE OF BAHIA) O Brasil que voa (executive report), available at: Sistema FIEB – Notícias, “Indústria de transformação da Bahia registrou retração de 6,4% em abril”, available at: UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU [accessed 24 August 2016]. American Fact Finder, available at: [accessed 03 October 2016]. GOVERNO DO ESTADO DE RONDÔNIA (GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF RONDÔNIA) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DOT) - Portal do Governo do Estado de Rondônia, available at: BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS (BTS) [accessed 30 September 2016]. TranStats, available at:

78 The Brazilian Airlines Association ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This publication was prepared by ABEAR, in collaboration with GO Associados and the support of the following organizations and businesses:


BH Airport

